HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-10-16, Page 44 THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, O(,T. 16, 1885. NEWS ABOUT HOME.' Mrs' A' G Hodge., tit T seat•,, what' OWTI "I' -"is' Clarke. well kuown and owe splendidly reeeaed. Mums ....Jot?. led wee- p , v..it l.er father IN i.e. !Ales 116114 ►.y raspy of our older Wynn '• "Lk 1, 1 Marry • Men if be hie hetilbxees, at,.: whsle in teen was ' the guest of Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Hodge. D. C. Cameron, *he.* Dow at beret ie Lucknwo roadie: up far his cum., will probably Ru to T .r.nto to complete his legal studies. We wish him success. Mrs. Alex McAllister, of Colborne. ' and her sister, alias Jessie Robinson, of 1;.xierich township, hare returned frim 'a visit to frietde in Saginaw, Micaigan. We regret to learn of the seri»us Ill- oees of S. R. McDougall, the old and Yaithiul caretaker of tb. oel.ttal "ghoul. We hops to Lear of his early said hill re - curer•. Will Jessop. who left lest year for ' Denver, • n ot:ceunt of ill health, Is vieit- , ing his mother, and .s ,;uite restaged to his usual good health by the *hinge a' climate. (lase* •tts'art showed 1 is colkcti.0 of phepees oil at Leeknnw fall sh•vw, and got firstl.u,.e, hie competitor being • B,uckensbire, of Ws,i hash. Riirtid enough. Capt. and Mrs. Jamieson left he. their home :n l'l.11a.ir'.i:h.s. the` week, having peep aped their elepsrture on account sof 1 Also 11......4 )lea. Jecker s for spun . , day. last week. \\ Lop. .. !iv::u1i A.. -.\'t !lave la stock sumo neat stationery sl.rciall• mad e np f.•r wedding iuvitat.otra If residues, died at bra Come near Lesru- metus on Temiday, Lks..ber tick. Y•,r several yens be s;.tlered trim that dread disease, cantor. t)ue whu knew bins well writes that he uever heard Mr. Clarke speak or do anything cot hornet or true, ..r which would be condemned. A large aid very heavy plank tell from the made of the cuurthuuse tower on Monday, and crashed through the ceiling of the court rnoew. It fell just neer when the deputy -sheriff sits during ouurt, and would have killed that gentle- ssiau or any passing limb of the law had it struck him. Those who looked at the hole in the ceiling and the dent in the door .{ the rourt hoes., ire better astir• tied that the ae:tdent uaevered ,.0 Mon - shy , than ou any other dry this *eel. Let-runt-Tott►crr.,w(t3rtuniav et 511- a a lecture will be given in Victoria street church hy J. R Clark the •'1S•.,t hlacl• Pat or. Mr. Clark 'metered in \ ictori* 11.11 a short time oiler and took the a.tdienes by storm, as he prov. w. 1.. he the most interesting and able lecturer that has appeared in G•derich for a long term ..f toots. On Sunday •ftrrn....o at 4 o'clock Mr. Clark will love an ad.lreaa to boys and zirts, which wi 1 ala. prove interesting to those of more mature growth. For particulars see advt. The North Sydney, R. C. H,,'ui! ••f Sept. lard hu the following item of interest to main of our readers : "Mr. Hyndman, C. E , who is second engineer in change of Government Survey, arrived in town from the Grand Narrows on Monday Isat. Mr. Hyndman te explor- ing the Central note with a view t•. an A vttlellaramig ye. eakln t Ars Au faith hen erect :t. TCW TCPIC$. a triage(P'aarf 1. • Jar ier.tr- .u1eMAr'Uarlr•.d',watutiful idoet isgal' .,na,,:ar' aid lobe .esdiagcoal and weed Pursers. *..U - .a at sower urine then any iter dealer. The , ••caper Mow under the sue. I;ae, ettewart. the pt otoErtpl.rr tee even • c In his r lb/11mi work a' torr I ow this year. Far basks period' a's sad nicker. kr of all ads tris . h.•ape.t and b.At opo• Ir. tat! at Mia teekeLeas r:.:pu-:cu.and )hiwt.'.sok ,'e5.ot. A we!I taken photegrapa emirs giver •:.• Wart ion totter original. and originals .ata pend upon hails? photogrii hs well taken lit nutows at hal studio. Uootie.. let, and :.t .are. 171N11 TAILORING.'- Guars Yet -v. -our mak, is now t.uii .115 for tel: •. r'! son,•• r ,Ada (our pt woo cameo, I.esstb!p tc • :rpa+. • 1. q.laaty and It rlsoew.iierrd. rake a I.,00 trough our imotetaae Farm Faam of n et. geed.. Ipp•refKdA•art .letsAe. aMaa cLebnnrin.et. me 'ante and :o,treuwn.r trade sof F.& A. hast, the fail ..e•atds ta.lure, h.. compel'. . 1 rhes to rrsio a tut Ir pies -late '•, the I.:66611., 1/604.0111 eture on the *••,•t •i.k of ties .gea-e- 'uta:erlr oo up.e. ov t , H. (:iron. adri n.et earµ R. w. McKer.si's baMeam eters. I'rot,,t.*n1 ere the b.,,e .dandledN.,:••. Mn. It. Ling lies retuned to OMtt • .r , 'urs. E. M.:.n left tor Detroit last week. in. H stn (:.tuwell is in t iwn this went good work in the way of wedding 't t esti t THE Stout.' • et Ce. • Cook. y Mn Wolrtrt. n has r:turetd from tit enol y. Miss hells Murrey is riaitinn friends g.t t'••boarg. Rill Hammet tiers! afew tai• i;i toot. airing the wok. Mies Clara Montgomery a risiting 'riends iu the 1'. S. seph Herr. on« of ear oldest :it ria, • e at ;,resent very ill. 'antes Renwick, a wen knew :.;;urs, WWI is town di eine-the wase.---- -` -- :). IL Ha of Rutralc, is the latest diti te - H. I'.inr'a staff ::d t►D Mrs. Tanner, ..1 Toronto, wav the guest of her mother this week. ltlarrow.s general store. Nile, was ole. strayed by fin un the &tit inst. diarlie flier heFare •+ ,r.. s .jyt too* his return front the Weer. Toe W. C. 1'. U. will hold its next meeting -.a Thursday aftesnaon. 'A's are sorry • had that Mr. Card has ta*ess again 1:, hal family circle. "Mrs. Knee. 1 !I s:^essiile, w•P in teen skis week, the .ue•t of Mn. Klock. Judge Doyle has rem .red from his residence on South stir -t t the Macara relate P.. Elliott. of Porten Hill, ter •f the pioneers of (;.rlerieh towtshtp, died ole. :luatltty. Capt. Montgomery has }„tilt a beauti- ful uew residence esu au farm, Huger. township. 'Irs. Elate, and 'timely kit f••r With lacebt.rg this week, to shalt r«tat:nes •' :bat place. Mn. Bower, of ' ,ice:anti, • taring her Lather, l;. Rurciman, the pest week Mins Kay, of Enacts/aline. t:a. been visiting friends 1D t .nth during the past week or two. 1..scho.oner Ariel lrf• last week with • euppliea for `Williams 4 Murray's :null at blind River. Tne c dlection at St.: eorge a church, text Sunday will be fur the A:gone uieainu found. Miss Kate Nckinot.n, aster of Mrs. 'tube Sallow., left for her burse a: De - :riot this week. A "Flower Concert,- by the children .f Knox church, will be one of the at- tracU ms this evening. A. M. Polley s'.: peel scent thirty horses on the Saginaw V allej last week fur points 1:s Lie•higan. E. Downing is hotly manofactaring wcr.: far transit to ,V. llegsw, Kew,. loops, British t'olu:nbia. Mies Walden, r'f Detroit. and Mies 1(•ate:. Herrew, t ant., were the guests tel Iw31cMabou this week. The Meters. Kidd are moking new gra- proternents tit their snit works. Trey ant enlist, a rushing trade. W. B. Bricks**. barrister of thistle. formerly .4 Glwleric'e, was in town at• tending court during the week. Mrs. R Reynolds and little .daughter have leen enp,yi• g a visit •n the re- latives of Mn. Iteyn ills; at 1 oar .n• ,, Very Per Dun Harris, •1 St '':the &frees,and Father Colvin. of Wawanosh, are the guests of item. it. J. Watt.ni. ails lel-V fie MIs. hires, dau,hter .4 the l'r'viu,.al Tree ,fret, about again, water a severe chases. The fract crop has been greater the Tat akrog the lake than has leen known fig , dealers being perfectly yurely- A son .4 W n,. 3Ii•chell fell oft a farce on Friday, a,.d t•r•ke ba, ern.. Tbs ya un;gster is euw progrewuig ft. •r ably. The Church .1 Eoyla'ed Temperance Satiety will t.teet •t. M o:u:wy eren:glg. An in•ereahnI pre.graar..r u tieing, pee- lured. Satin-den. ,bcf .lee. aMegi,r.Mort••n. Th.*. Beatty was noel ..tie .1 .'liar loud rands 1.4 aetselutiW •lases A•ldis.•:, on dere day. Rev Fr. t' lain orea:led a vire aeeepwble sernt••• .•. ' al•.'.wY iest at tat Nefere on the ,*uta ••:y .4 the I::esso.! Virgin Mary. The fancy dere. CAM 1•161 at tlie'1'..la,:r Rink tonight • nlht too draw. A wearer erlessibes in voltam will likely be •on bast from C iat .u. Z Campion. we arra •try t.. learr.ha• haven very ill lately. .rod has not been erica the pest season 'iVe 'suet to Lan, iso kis rapid recovery. The "Man•tal 0.1 Pi,on••eraih, • the i e t pnpwler .1 •whaled lee A. .,•.;y 40 *AMA at 7.. "'IONS/ off'•'. T. .:it ,tjwrs for the little hook te Ono Rev Mr. Sefton is ; orhinl t'o w c N testi the del.t .•f t..w 4,y taligermalhat t,eferee ;.tans site t.. it, ler emery •I r■iMd hy Mt. elelte.n. Mrs Kirkhrt le, who has loon towel-. =plat rode •4 weeks the resect a 1 her I e *re owly& Loren. . t Mins- 1 1 te.iragld t, Iter home last este.:. 1DY7 a I'01I 5 v A- • ger. Mr. Macadam, of Steal:e y. hie heen elected President of the Executive t:u..:t:tittee if the Middlesex S.wtt Act Alliance in place of Rev. Mr. Johnnie. of Atlas Crew, tomored t C •chetah- lStrathroy A.te. I. Margaret Linfield, an elderly woman committed to gaol:. 1LLle t::tie ago as a lunatic, died in that insttuti..n last week. It u • theme that such mifortu- . rites she uld ase forced t,, live and die in the common gaol. Mrs. John Nolan, and little daughter . Drinks- was especially popular The choir of Koos church, led by Mr. Bruen, sang • couple of anilieuus lis good style during the evening. Ties meeting *ea • pigment and pi -tenable one to these else attoudes4. !Gaaau Orate Hov*x. - Mrs. T. Charles Watson gave her r feed re- I ' cirri last eight before a highly diacerniig 'and fashionable audience, and eertaudr 'the pufurmance loss as hrill.ant and Ifa.otruttug as they bad beau led to sntlaspete. It loss her first appearance in public here, and it may be hoped it will not be her last, tor itis rarely that a lady reads! pus.esiwue au many attr•sc- tie.n■ of portion and au.ib gra.rful aco.•rn- Ipliahments - versatility and dramatic ducutiouary power cures to entertain us. Whether in the pathetic "Settler's 1 Story," by Will Carleton, the humorous 'ballad .1 the trials and temptations of 1 Si Anthony, the characterintion „f ex pentium Weenie u• I;st ins, f ,r It _._ "Money Musk," descriptive of acorn- blames both the donor and the recipient, URA U TK4R>t hooking party, ur in the trayse dehisce- and beware loin • u .uorr I. std kAp. - Linn o1 I..17 Macbeth, Mn. \Vataun K k JIap ss.. 12 I) , ?listed. proven horsed( in each most clever, W. are All para et (dud, made is Has est, tf rd Lv.1 SOn.rr I t3 J11 p.t.. 1 lel par l !mage. tYhnu ars first npeued opt eyes wtratoM'Ar.I 11+eaeeer. 31Np.t. I Is.• artistic sod engsgiu¢. If she• does n.ot on this earth, s.1 was Hie freely given light lit:rid: Mlsed. actually wear the mantle of Mrs. Stott we sow, and ilia gen: coos air we breath- toreros: ' I.e. ' gIIJa rt' Ln p.m Jdon■, it is safe to say that no ,,then As we lute tied, s.. we will ape Oederleb I Ar. + It$ia.nt 1 1:It Pill s !lie ns comes uearet to that quern of dramatic I r.,ach Hun i . rtsenobtance i he rat. t A NEW M1N1:7: : LE.. 1 star Adeertereuere This Ree♦. ewe,* eel-aewtden. sere et Tat \ea a..waaa , t mouth Haad tugie Mn. Wuwl4stt. ►a.are .1 Nees tassel. Dross deeds-- J. tL Richards. liter• est. char••i--the 210141111111101111101111W. Uesenal Wu.. act Warted--Ibis.IgaMle . Rev. J E. Call ort. ..f Annie, Scot• laud, who bas succerd.d J. Mteislltvrwy, it A , as assistant pastor .d Kett* e►urth, t;4Jerieh, preached his that eanuou •'u Sunday incising, ou the teat "Aid to remember the words „f the Lord Jesus how be said, it se pore hires - ed to give than to rees.e. ' Tae preach .r dealt upon the wuasfts .f a good life and the practice of ch.nty He did not intend to soo d the people, for so far he had received nothing but h..spnsltty and kindness from the people of Godoricb, but be would speak of the blessings of giv nig as unto. the L of t lur tawnier did nut *titan to imply that there was Di. bleasime .n remit, mg. T. matt of buss nese may have . l lot aae.sla::n a :u Cnida tewplating bis gears. l:ut there ,s an v •Al•itRlh 4 Wsoluct st ey eri•uM Menet, T - 1 a r e+i.:e ir,e1N11 twrtlkar. T. R. t'k„q(arr..be i.smbssM of the M i k t.. tura, eldest flau tbter er the ki. Mr. john Adams. asen:ha•t ranine, fwtaerty of &lode. it b. Is Uodcrit h. a r:,• residences,' the bride's father. on the 1Iit "k_e bIsd, by the Iter. Dr. Cm ,.,,,test MrwrinoIlehabetive e rdlaunt t'.uat tabor. I ser of U.e a ewessee• aro At the r:rlaase Style bride's another, on I net. :keit, b7 1tsv..kb.. Turner. Mr. J•ows I i•"nelan•lr of lathin.re. to At Ji num Pully. tit Addle 1. Neu 1,: trun.lanno-., .ber te(te. Annie 1. sr.l sited ts)... (travelling !Iuide. • readers, '1'h.oe present last night were pleasurably iwprtsaoel with all that she love whet' will be turned tutu chaurelo am.watof Pr.i.,:r Petadsfor 'avedtee t of .tiring reercets a noose ■ ring of MONEY TO LEAD. -A L.A RG td, aid the only revert was that the „f bieea,„ The oto proverb that •'A totot ufOW t 1!Rul'11V.N)T. N tewsat wean Are .•taniMertiga es. A murky and inclement weather prevented • larger attoodauen. The stage war ele- gantly set with drawing-ro.oun effects, relieved try a tasteful arrsngemeut .1 numerous and handwnre plants and Rowers. Mn. V ataon's costumes were tit the richest character, and moat appro_ senate, an(ttng muco t„ tie is creat All thatrumeclwl survey. Hr *tee -n tie strength of her impersonations. Her that he Linda n.. drt,iculo (rtwrru the recetti•.n was altogether cornet, and the Strait and the :;rand Narrows, but be- a tease which rewarded each recital tween the latter p•nut and Sydney PP harbor the lune is not quite w practicable genuine and hearty, an enthusiastic re• and aid necessitate the •x 1 nein of call at the close .1 the first part testify - and e t R one mw to the genera ■.tisfaction. { Luodnn or two routes. Ile is roue pleased with F 1' a the barber. Mr. Hyndnnn will remain nee mss. n *tains ear res m Carlota, of Milwaukee, a.yoomps.uu.d by in the section a.f the county for erne t'o Bench on Mond+y evening, Ikt. 19th her Pieter Mies Sharkey. of the same days for the purp..se of fully examining lerespeeta were neat. city, hate been visiting their ':d home the couitry,' at 1'.11x•rne. and white in town were the I:.,eekt. let Groin: C'LtR.-Tire an- Braght /'. glen a review of the grain _nests ••f Mrs. R. Mallows. •.:asty Lahr. rot Trac--GiThurs- ..ay next, the -.'std just, the : awn trees are: a nate t4 rands for taxes w:Il iri3dd. Sone t.•ry !r,ta 0i1! ''.e o!!ered f ,r sale. The vale will take pianist thetown hall. It aryl: 'epi:. at two u cluck p. n. Thr lar,;* building used u a livery t tteaL►e. whi rte has ottstructed the view of the lurr•_'sotne resitlenee .f J. T. narrow patron ; Mrs M. C. Cameron, oetront'ss ; I from the sonar', has nren removed. Mr. Hutchineen A. Dickson, E. Martin. ()arrow has tow a most desirable pro- and P. Adamson, c••nttiith•e of manage- ' pert, for bis residence and grounds. meat ; K. Malwmson, F. R. \V.tn,n, A. 'The their Yates, formerly ,f Gode- MeI) Arlan, 1V, G. Berry and Captain iter. hay. opened a mininery shop in McGregor. rink committee ; Jas. H. M-iltert•,n, its the c.anty of Pei tit. Thew Find. v. W It. Koller, C ft. Onnsfonl ' Young ladies will be good aogt:ieitiuns to 'M't T ,1. Mo..rehouse, hoiorary mein- : the phi„. a:sd we hope the permit of ben : Wm. Ellice, caretaker of rink. ` \Ii! ert.,ch will give thr:n a 1_bet'al pat- Three of our townsfolk assisted at the ronare. Concert given in Clinton nn the evening Lr.kw voiokidoN:•. -Isaac Pitman's ail the day of the band tournament, and Dual meeting of the G,.drrich curling situation. from which it appears that the club was held ou the evening of the 9th exports of wheat, dour and euro Lrus inst. whim the followiaR odious were the principal Atlantic porta have pima" elected fur the ensuing year :-A. c ecressed within the peat few tnsw Allan. president : Peter Adamson, vice- A policy of holding on 0. the grain ate president ; C. A Humber. secy.-trots. ; pure to have been pnctise4 by tint Hon *. M Itoss read Thos. Gipson, M. hands, speculators and middlemen gen- t'. P. representative menhers ; Rev. Dr. ersfy. This means that higher prices Ure, Chaplain : M. C Cameron, M. I'., are expected, and prohanly accounts fir the advance n. the price of wheat which has been n.ded i.. the Hamilton market within the twat few days. But it is .Ioultlul if the price will go much higher than the point now reached. The de- mand from F,ur ope can scarcely be larger than that of last year, and after ail it is by the price at Liverpool that uur mark- ets are ruled- Perhaps the partial fail- ure of the potato crop in many parte .4 the country may cause an abteormal de- mand for flour, but that will prove a mere bagatelle in the absence of good foreytn males ; and as our ryoighbnrs in the United States will have cerea.s enough and to spare in case there u ftir- eigu demand for them, w the Canadian surplus wheat crop will have to take chances In a fairly well supplied market. The New York .gun, which has been collecting information on the state of the markets, which it publishes as reli- able, takes the ground that wheat re- mains as high as it is because the farmer can put it in his store, and burrow mon- ey on it, "or else can sell hay, tete, corn, hogs, or any other produce .4 his acres, and wait for a while for better prices for wheat Rut when Christmas comes around, especially if the seeding of winter wheat looks atiafactory, he will be compelled Lomeli, and will pro- bohly do so at hew 3 to 5 cents below the prices he can get to -day." Here is a possible danger which Canadian farmers who are new storing up their wain may encounter. Just at present, however, there seems to 1,. an impreuaon that the "Mathews] of Phonography.. fro, h which the -Yrlc Eno gree the following mention the system cul be lear eel without a .crowded out last week) of tlteirperAorm- teapater, can be had at tbte.,ff.e tor only 40 rent., cheaper thin Tor eat. prices. Every troy and g1111 should hate a copy rf *his manual. antes: -"Instrumental duets by Prof. De Peudry and Min Cocke, M tloderich, wore loudly applauded. Miss Wynn, of linderich, was the favorite singer of the I A chanty took place yesterday in the immeshes. She might justly be called 1 lespatc•h of trails from this punt. The 'The star of the evening. When she sang her tine regular mail, hereto(. re despatched by Highland l+taidies dwell 1 round afteece, 'Where does r • •ht• noon train. wili be closed the prsv• mired "f applause was given her, and nos ecotone and despstaheid by the early she had to reaped to the encore. Her second appearartos in the programme was the occasion for similar outbursts, and .d at lea. Nigh (Scan •1 Liters buki•t ve there was not one of those present who I dad not admire both the songs and the ;entertainment last Friday evening :- singer," , Readings by Mies E. I)icks•n, !lies Wfll..nu, Mr Straos;, Mises \\'weta ; The Mitchell-4./erh e says :- esRev. 1 recitation, Mia McConee1 ; £chetah T. M. y romp ell..pf Grderich, preached selections, alias Aikemheac. two eery insiructivesermons in Trafalgar ARM Rtt••r.cx.--lin Wedaes4ay of diff Street Methodist church on Sunday •week Mrs Elijah Martin, whileattem last, in rine i.. with the ni Sunday I lK•Ischo_Ianniversary. In the morning he ; ing to rsa::L the stove pipe, shooed fres ; preached a specie, sermon to the child- ' a box on .n chair and fell the floor. ren. The rev. gentleman so completely i breaking one of the mall hones of the eaeptivated the chili ren that th :rain, the neon train taking oat the ••through mail" 1 The fol:owing programme was rreaset• er a"e present low rinses will nut centime, and hand beim the wr:■t. We are pleased him their very beet attention, and seem- farmers, be the wise or foolish, o learn that she :■ now us. the mend. ed io take. the sermon to themselves, It y ' y are prepare) to take the ricks of waiting • During the past war: two .n. re Sash ,was very bell sew to old and room ; fora rue. a Hamilton Times. Act eases were tried at filth. Relents, Mr. Campbell ahewe l eery clearly that .1 Walt n. was hued $ i0 and'- •std, and !the very walk of a man showed what DO>tie10. ...lie ase agaitsst -no Rae was diaa.used. • kind of a roan he was. The sermon in t 1, hl isle had I the evening was o f a different nature, nothing t do with these c'nyietiota the subject was, "W tat Christ has dune IA011141 .sued IS a shining earned. is true In a sense : true perhaps In the case of thew who have nolo to earn anti Horny to keep ; but there are many to whom this does not apply. It dove out do to be s.lfish, `Selfishness : roadies our natures. The spoilt child Is. an RR - happy chid. The nun whore we desig- nate sometimes es a sneak •,r a sponge is not an enviable character, and must be a wretched creature. A miser is one of the most miserable of hien. The preacher thew dwelt upon the beneficent effects of benevolence, both in public and in private life. The blessings of - _- receiving may lee likened •se •4 the • ?:uctioneering. HW. BALL, AUCTIONEER FOR . the Cot.ety .rf Huron. L(.ise attended In ,.-ry pertof the C ueuty. Ad4less ardente iluUtrith l'. 1) tress TORN KN(►r, t;EYERAL ACC- *T10N F.t:C .-.d Lames. V an,.aoe tiodrrkh. (Mt. Saving bad c„asldsrabl,• experience 1n thesiactiuneeri trade.!lee k in • position to dta.harge with thorough satisfartif* all ewae- misrin•s entreated to him. Orders len at tar:tn'a Hotel. or sew ►'y cart 'o my address, G•rierteb P. O.. earefcttp attended to JOHN itSoN tavan'e Auetinneer. 1107.11 greet Canadian rivers. ga•ninz fret_ its lienttstrp. tributaries sweep and depth, and the 1 -------.__ blessing of givingtu those Futetn earn 11' I". i.. WOOLVERTO\, L. D. t?. spun which the wed arra ccs: i 't(4•,. Odd Fellows Hall '.w'h act.. the waters and was ret 'nue.' again After mord. '' liariler +!..•dente. _t:: nurt many days. Those who help the p.poor. _ relieve the alRseteal,lasee the-prayera of those whom they assist, • priceless Mats' pssea.ion, Bene. *lent desires are blessed, as well as beueveleut acts. In this sense true religion, • charitable heart, has de own reward. And we hare the best authority for saying that just as we deal with uur fellow teen in this world, se 11 will 1.e measured to us in the next. "He that giveth to the poor lendeth to the L,rd." Let this charity extend to home and business affairs. Sweet to the hand maiden is the zuod word of her mistress ; sweet to the ear of the wife is the thoughtful commen- dation of her h:ubaad ; sweet to :he soldier is the warm word of nncoueage- mrut fro.n his commanding onion ; and sweeter and more precious to the Christ- ian wilt he the "Well don'' of the Master : "inasmuch as ye have done It unt, the least of three one farther, , ye have done it unto me." it may be arid. of what use are these precepts t.. :he man who has just enough to du to ma:e both ends meet ' Perhaps a little lea ambit effort to appear as well as hit neithb,r mi, ht leave him s.:uething in hand for a good work. And then, although he tnay .only ^ire but lir!•• it may be valuel by the Master as He valued the poor widow's mite. 'The philtosophy of human happiness is to forget ourselves, end to help thou why are worse off than we. There u a work for all to do. In our s=orrow over de- parted ones, atah.iiaag hy their ;t, tves, the longing has sometimes been that xbe departed tomtit be retailed, to hear son loving words, and experiei.e tier actions. Lock around you. and dao the kindly act and speak the kind %verde to those who are left behind. The apostle has clearly defined what true and uudetiled religion 1s. T.. .;now and practice the art of nit i:•. , :1..1 t , g.re as unto the Lord, .s better than to be crowned with the diadem of 6. bac 'IODEP.It'H MECRANll.'n' .rTI;TE LIBRARY AIIiDRKAI►INO Ritual. parr...( Ems e'reet sad Mourn ins wain. Open from 1 tee p.m.. and from 7 to 10 ►.m. ABOUT 1600 VOL. IN LIBRARY. Lesdit q IAai'V, if a kle •roof ^lur'rated -' Parra, 3/s. fat; res, .f -c.. o.. rite. MEMBEII' HIP TICICRT, ONLY 01.M. nae rf I ibrary and Rcadixt Room. App.:cation for raetubesbip-ecteved by Librarian. to rota, UEO. RiCE. *LEX. MtenTOS, secretary renew. '• 'a:,.h 12'h :•tet. 1» the People's Column. j( 1 ENERAL SERVANT W ANTRD- \X Good referenced required. Mt ,m- aled:ate;y :. pe. -on. to MP.$. Me IRO, tioder.ch. -111. 1t 1LIALE TEACHER WANTED -AN 1 eaperien ed teacher preferred-10Nteeb in *. ba-.; "ream No. 1, Co:M-ae. Duthie to oeennw ee with the Nem Year. Apply la percent.. Wit. B1.AIL sweretary. lot 12,c n. 1. IM',mil:r. P.O. B115 -3t i -'11R SALE -CHEAP F.)y-: CASH, i' Lot Na 1916, a Berth street, O.derkb. tDpp:y 'o MARTIM k k TTBON. Barrister, i !s Ja•-.ra et South. Rare Ikon. Motto H CWPER d DRAT. T he .,:M••r.ber Pates this revere-. 17 if infer -.., d • •,e peer:e cf (ioder.ch bit 1-. new prepared to do with oarefalnw sad ppsooaa..pptucae wJ arryng of Iter, e.a trentts fnrr:itt,r* Mc. Rat.. resort n4ac:.ibie- Or• den len a• rev m..deace pro:-.pt•y attende.t to. KDW,AP:I HOPPIR. d1.i1m i•AME• r iN THE !'F.F?tTSES OF toe ova r e. let 9. La. F.a•+ol was'. ...horn,,- :.: :he asg•nnlng o.' J..,,, a red cow and two red .:••.!len. The (weer !s no• q.,..ted to pre?* u-. epee• y. es r [ pensrs sad sake them eaasy. MAT -11111W MILKY, it .!lop P.O. Alert SHORTHAND. -ISAAC PITMANS T - - rnO'i(.01* t PRY The "nose lyes' -alar eye- LNOIIiA. •int•at.gl.'. I,rtt •loinbona•for 'Meat Tilt !+,o•1•1. office. Every boy and Litt should e uses of r war tea in txtore John Maet .,arri.. of Rat Portage. They are si pointed to .11y ;draw their' for His pse.Ile, and our duty tewaida - - • M• I Him " Many of us come far short of i The Toronto Worlds! Monday said :- , our duty in this respect," • I ctewt t•willu ta 3,derichro to loo Lunt ! FATAL AlrtniwT.-On Fridamorn- down hero with a young horse which R p I ing last David Reid, son .1 Jamieson started rather suddenly when titins in ;chase a boat for use at the stenon on the Itell, builder, of Goderieh, fell from the y g ' !island. Daring the week Mr. Marlton est ,Is. of • chnroh on which he war wiring him a header of some eight feet. shipped three •.f the 11fe-b,,.t., l's. P' Luckily he escapee) unhurt The frac- pIP1I Pt working in Lucknow, and received such tions horse was caught, and ire plu.kly 1 Ward, of Toronto. Betting ease, and the injuries that he died in a few hour, after continued his journey. 1 .•then g.•ir►R w C'uW__-- ' and Fort, the accident 'vomit -red. The fall was --a•,h n Pbi 15,11.1t._"1 about 70 feet, and the deceased struck 1 II W int, visited his ester ]Its. D La__ -._, last week. A Tu eats. -One Jay had weep Mr. .l..hn Clark of the Echlin steamer was 10.50157. Rt t Ft -stile. let ] 1 ps the soaffulZi in hie duwiusrd Nunes_ ! i.ti "leech ai 'moi Tarn. iihermrn .. TTI Thr accident was caused by a rope which !sensor- t line day last week he }:ed a big 1 he wee holding un to on the steep roof ' eta. the fuer largest weigh:um 11 lbs. t you., way. His fnneral took place 14 ••z , the big:est one tiltleu4 :rte stele from Lucknew on Kundwy and proceeded at 3 ha P oz, As the seed crown I bo Goderich comate . At (L,derich the Worm". Ire Lewis, t leered the weigh- ' owlet,• was joined by a large procesti'.n ing. the sword may Fo os. ta ,And of sympathinns relatives and friends. n•.w, who se the next T on the arrive! .t the grave the coffin lid Y. 1'. K. C. E. Surat_ -This exc. ;lent was ••petaaI. and a last lo..k taken at the sea Matson of young folks connected with face .1 the dressed. Much sympathy N.,rth street Methodist :'torch All: hold I is expressed for the parent. of the young a "ectal t:ingeht to wbu.-h s.!1 the young man nn their sudden boreetement J.iu. R. Patton returned from 'e.ng- ham last week. The lake shore is receiving sums - needed repairs. Miss Carrie Rye. „f Clinton. gaited friends here last week. The Good Templars' (inteegbasret 1 with the magic lantern w„! M bele! in I •• • 10111 tVDWARD $HARMAN, PRIMILLATntt L asd pleetertr, %hamate the ande tor Mgr owes ;tied patronage. Me to the sew Ti 7i ..l woe* .5 his lire is a remote m11DD6r. Prieto to out the arse.. kst::,ta:ler ire ee fer trot/tutu wham reonlred. ypf wi• Tor Sale or to Let. the church this esening. 1 - W. H. elution left on the le out.• t.. take in his second year • f ,tu•i f as rs medico at Toronto College. e. ALhf1e1Q- Miss Edith Horton returned home on Tuesday, Grit inst., stem a plsiesant v:eii mom Get,. Campbell and (leo. Barber to friends in and about Corton and have returned from Algoma They don t Holmeseilk. praise the country. Alex. Watson, teacher* N. g, Col- I Hugh McPhee has raised • stable on 1 , RENT -Ter PI:EMIN&S Knowe his place on the ihh Con. borne, has been engaged to teach No. 5, aree, Andrew's Margit. rerwr:Uy occupied in the room of R. E, Brown, who has I by Rev, T. Owen•Jenee. Aptly at the Pest 1 WENT-AFRAME HOLTKE ON t etar.:e•r direct. c'nta:nlrg even motet. A4►:7 to Mari. ('ATTLE. lest deer. 9,1l - t j'tj )R RALE --GREAT RAT r AIN- ' ttte•°liteen (teed_ u:e of the neatest place, as town. (had orchard. modes. !c. A1s• r!3.t0E1t t LKW1A. Th. annual Sunday ache,] .`••mention resigned. Mr W. will assume his ''n' BMW I OS ce far pa -tea l of the Methedtat church, Ashfield rrcuit dirties on the tat of .lanuary next. • FARM TO LET -FOR A 'TERM or will ire held in 7.ton church, 12th Con.. Last week north Chisholm rare/lased on Thursday, 22nai coat. for Ms N,D John th 100 t f !CARPI -its &testi". iA•t week oar pop- merit' owned by J.,h•t Hiller, tope the year.. lie tri raw, in the Maitland east- on acre arm or• 17 tester of the t.TI I7 gyy of Gni:• 5 t, a .tf try tetter to J. d. 1.12ARPet-al,rM tfAtt lis Item J.ee Gnlbn, while rat u sting pe•piK ..t the tsuragrettatiou sr. cordu•15 I the staff of the Danko ar.bttect• who, ienpiei. There will 1N no sac. manly I Tevn'xsAvcx Minorco was a ie working for him un a b:ildhtk, fell large attendance at the temperance meet- from a ecafolding, in company with M on tie .•oeasis.n. A pruerawtue of music, rea4Ii R will be offered. T11e society is a credit to the church. i the W. C. T. 1'. Mr. Thos. Mclir'licud- seer held in the Temperance. Hall nn 9 • Tonality evening under the auspices of Fiat.-OD Wednesday, abe•at n•en, a ! dy occupied the chair. and pointed nett it•eter tar 141. Andrew'• ward owned by that while the regnlary appointed racists Ste. done•, •.f Colleen,. end •'c'upied has se fir net effected one conviction, by Wig,. C•onnel!, the wet] knew,. mason's the public preeecutor appointed by the foreman Donaldson and assistant Mc Allister, a distance of about eleven feet. Donaldeine lege were bruised, and MlcAllistrr'a ern was s►tghtly sprained The reevetemper' with tie. shake up Nett dLy all hands were at work as brisk as titer • ietateet, was destroyed by Ore. Mr letup -ranee people bail secured three Connell si.' ed tite greater part of his corrections last week. He held that the resale niece. furniture. nut he lost all his stock if act could ise much better enforced if the pn'ri11ilkee, ptwes►vee, ere . which he had .p• ted gorwrnmeot . Mirish del their ditty. st.•re,h in his hack shed. Tne tire drew I Ree. Wm. Johnson in an excellent a large er..wd, an 1 'replied the co fro speech lasting hill an 1 •' Ir, paid a glow- h••uee of many a hrarient haterter of Me 1 ing trihete to women's work in the tem• 1 Hinter case. ' perwnee carte, and made • p•wsrful plea Aw...nae our cwaen on Monday was for popular education „n the line .4 total Archie hicei tit:;e. .'ni.ff of Rome . alatinence and ptohihirion. Hamreu•rr rks 1 Rorer District. u, the,ilspnted territory. , were listened too w;th great intereerend !The sheriff has • large regi.et nn•ler hie le"tit. It.,. T. M Caspbell wade char.(', bet he look* as if i11. in Reg stirring speech. He &Mewed the de- 1'• rtsge and the Wont- Riv.r district ,,w••rslero.g efin•te'.1 the liquor tragi •, in was caress .:e. Mr sled erre did g.w.:1 • that it had trn•lriey t.. make .nen lead sett ;n f r''ola•, • distil./ the titer pro trwthfel end delver. He asked ,f the t on.tai err aggie f••r the psseeson .4 the'astlewts wit, ods ens 1..+u..r caw drr uteri se Heron rejoice and bis many Prion depesstlat npne 1•• tell the truth, He ice to hear his ••f a.leswee. tb lit the emissions. should not leave Merit His of the Like of die work •.f prone,ttinw vwkttn•ns the W,eaie end the Deiehb,riwg roes. 1egeame. but .humid do their 'Into wire try i5 that ! s man :a :c re with his',Aktleetl, Mr Howlers .n and Mrs, h• arta ' Wynn sang en'•s during the evening, Winettt(:. Oct. 13. - De.trimove prairie firer Are raving west of this city. Tw.. men. whose names ares unknown, together with a monism of horses and cattle, where hurried to death 'retort day. Th. hearing ./ fliel's petition Cu leave t.. !.peal to the Privy Cosacil has been adjourned t.. the 21st inst. The *parr •w h.• not only hot elate abroad, but Is toeing it at h•••nw. Do- c musty ec'nmtry papers .of England 8111171.1 with • die nasion 1.y far norm se t.. the lett eneth.ela for hie extermination. There ie a breed of tailess rets et Lon- n••Tyi'le, Q•,. One ..1 them had two kitteea I•twir, one w,tb a tail and one with- it, They are tempered to hare come originally fr.,ta the Ise of Mae. i estate of the late Fred Hutton, for $:1.100. Rev. J. F. Calvert. the new pastor •.f the Presbyterian church here, preached his tine sermon hereon Sunday morning. We understand that it is his inte,yti•'n t pen oielly visit the members of the c•n- vrwgation during the nett no nth. Ws bespeak for him • hearty wekoaje. tetras Twaswg. Gonrat. it, 7th Oct.. 1P00. To the Miter of The Iluroe 14115.1. DILA& Si*. -Rewarding, the paragraph . in last week's Stu 'en pian.. tuning, I have much pleasure in saying that we hart in Mr E. 1 )!r awn a omit and repairer mail to any in the c oirory, he having thoroughly repaired and towed my ;, ono, .'it being nukes for three ran, militia; it meal t'• new, after Messrs Ketk, Wsnieens & Rayhn'md gate it up saying they e•,uld mut do any- thing with it. 1 hate very :ouch pleasnre 1 recomn..mlirett Mr lIr .ort t'. ell eh. hate Nen... in town, and heart that every one will give him a tris( being amrineeel that after ha%in1 hem “nee they wt l lee thor.ughiy satisfied with le:r w•,rk. Thanking you for Insertion, 1 re- ms'r, ynare reapectfally, Ii. M. Wires. 13 iebical. T L CASE, ILD., C , M C.P.ap, 1 ■ • Oat. PAvHclas. ly.on. Acreacbewr. lett:. (►tier -tib•t ft m . . coeceyrl b , y Dr• ylu',4.fi, os:. Dsapaaol IgE: lett oe-lar ':L's tu:eL 1M1• oil. M' LEAN. PATRICIAN. SUR- 1.eriV. former kr. ollee mew? ! select* Rr /OP etre.-e. 'wood dour wen i! Victoria •Itr.tt _ hHANNON & HABIL !'.scratches. tl.rgeecs, Aeeeueten. off"' at no resume• readd Nam (iod.r.cb A. C. Ltwarwere, near Teri ('. Letal. EAt ERR A LEWI», PARRIISTERB, +ta,..n. Js. J. A. Monroe. N. Lamle. 1157- T i' I1 IVRR», 4(►LiC'iT(►II •e., o•e'• •,.rner of toe scrum and atii est ar"•• •i,'•- -•a. ore- Ri' is hook n,..ar- •o en.:..t Intro at falai. at intwrr•r. ' 1 %RROW h PRSM'DFa►,IT, BAR (1oderr).. J. t,T..rT.()arro1trrot•wew. W777. ProwsAeltstese, f.s. t ' I MERON , H JLT & CAMERON, Raertstela+ teMrttro» to (`hanearyy.. M. `I. les" 4eLtiiN iaRfa•e. :iw.ter P. Mama