The Huron Signal, 1885-10-16, Page 1A
1W1101.11;SIItt VICAR.
OT1o C
..h, •aartl•.,ro,
011- GENERAL �NTE�L1"+�1�U�
t1.I.KC1'litis Baur.Pttatteem
..,u A tl..ti, ti: A:ire:SC .
Is published every feria) !toreros. by $e
Dituceoor Mom.. at their (Ake. North 8
Ana is despatched to all parts of the earrobsd
lag country 'i*leads and t
81gemnIserniesida a largenyL
urn than any dater eier'seeatrer to hits jrte�
t L.. country, e u one o. t L.• racteat. oswt•w.
red an',r reliable Ja•trtmis to Wtertte
possessing. as it does. the ferentolnrtvenetian
514 being in &.inion %tithe above. e fiesse4u.
lamlly an4 aresiec Fajen- is is th.rotors a
m• e* d.sineM. edetreiatee,r„Jirri.
Taerr.--tt..i• in advance. posrape pre.te:4
pubh.h•r.: el.Tb, l'Ds..1'•ttmr •,: month..
tyl.e. it net w pall- This r:.k: will be tric'.y
Herne or Aevsatt*tsn.--? 1t'• tenet lir
Lae for erns isaertton i three sent* per line for
each subeemientinsert i,m. Yearly, :Ail yearly
sari aaur terlr eontreets ►t r• aura A ratty.
SIM mate t1a4.-Re have aro a!first -close
, Jbbini department In event. t int. ieni l,0ese°r-
lag erturninhe ni ge•i`�wr rre kisGode h e-.stettititiee
toeebaiuree in that bee et price. that cannot
ley neater Terris Cosh that cannot be
TUN. t alio; b ,t steel ca -c cattle up
trial to Wedtesdsy, when it wee foutit
that one of the wttnesae-, James Far
gchmreon, had got out ut the way, and
the else was consequently traversed to
the gnat evert. -It would have lees
better had the trial come off at this se
Ars, and been diapoeed of one way or
the other. If James Bailey is innocent
of the crime, tt is fait tune that the
odium was lilted tram bum ; it be is
guilty, he steuidd be made to suffer a..
soon :,a portable. Farquharson will
come Lick when be comes to his sober
aprer V• of ter ■eieebers GOO MIA Werra
Tt.e following is a brief arm** of
aha *leeches delieerei at the Meta. Hu.
run Liberal contention. Our space will
net a:1mN of • more extended retort,
but • w&cieut indtatioo of what was
said is given, to sit Reformers of 11.e
riding thiok,ng molt the peewit pt tibial
the determined eppuaiti•rn in t.earty THE
WOW" inetaua.
ea. llhwx; The Itet..nt.- ,
we is the Hoene aid their duty ; it no*
detvotted ut.•n the 1te(utmers in t1..: A- t
enietry to L. theirs. ;Hear. Ler_
The inners' h•t*..c•.ptieled by tIn revue
het -barristers wou .1 hare t • lie watchei.t,• .daget .#
vote or h. rive a vote i. a Tory who was any MLitt to a lt..f<.rwer of ten Tee tat.p...,,:,_r Ow Co-.. -N ...error.«wtrr ears.. ii,-tsiaely tet -tit out Fn:
v4se Tee year.' lasprle,minrar ata. 1. Murtca tot pie ; (•arrow *ad Dickenaoi.
not Iy::Mlly enraged t.. tt,id►uuW to .spar- Martin t•.•1• e►e. fur deft. :••e► tory case. Verdict fre
Off for $:a) Jangles, with fit:ennui el
ed and a remedy "emelt : an effort sl:uuld , - ^'
1* urate iu every couuttueucy to a The fail onsite. op,en:•i :tett .on Teethguil.3• : . aY
the people t. the gtaritl of this rime. day, Uctrnvt 11Sth, JYdjs Armour, pre S1M. Hunter was sentereed to a tern+.
1'uic i '{ f rote I
FALL Z kY - I7.ES. for dgz'ri:. v tt i.t fir deEte. as to all the
rniclrs u. the issue omeept in the echeNun*
!: .ir aua.til• cvrtit.4 .:.any .,
liver ofCamee on the l.lerlin�•, t u: f,r the ,listcti4- ♦1 4,
- - J.tuititts vs. lit yrs. -Acta, t f r toe
situation : tie•, and ott to
P it i•r,
Cameron. tM n' n
• , sy n ' e .•rt.i e
!1ot. li these p nuts l' a 'peered tux the of two years leas eta clay tit: the Centra
env m ng toe. should be left t m Lomat, (l. .. an
peened attended, o, he had eery teas ,o t Crwn. Prison wash hard talon lc laming am
wed wag to are Sumanyy of the of He believe that. dots ite tie freachtas trill tette., His Lordship acathte_1y con'
was glad t„ are w many the old lie- P The ctyrrJ fury were : -Veit. Barker.
meettel upon the c tom: .4 all the ywt:1:
bis in lean and the gertymnT err, at the nest viae_- foreman John Achest•n e Win hsrket Iw
t w J nivel tune.
son rata thought, use the (Arta! furwura prareot -the wee w
roue by helped tit wan unbolt" in Hie tion a Itnfor i A inwistraaun mend 'e , Thoa caw;
a ;ihic Alex. Udcilaten. W be gigot as bad is Hooter, acrd tbso
what: !tad to !:i• dapattn when un the present run -_hut he helped
t.'til lot close his eyes W ' returned to power under the •Ale leaflet. Hayden. Frac... J:.D.•catph, Mus =Ica the loony; man Cate. r., of tt.e Lute:, heed
winduccamn aro made public, the parties in the fact that among the penile there was ahoy of H tit. Bewared Make. Gout and LauKhdn, Anidtew 9leDuuSa11, ]I'ioan• i
eheuriug. i W. H. Ridls , l: award evidently put ua the .•theta :c do the
whose interest he 1r ft will not hove cruet• not that deep, wriest fee ing that should printings.' ria eerrAttlo atteariune. 1 Bothwrel Ulmer. T (vel deed The result was nae of tkn
obtain when t`ueseen.* of such moment }Ion. A. M. Ross, Prutiucual Tr*•at+• i James ll, Joan na hulas 1 te John enenoween ;foul
tt s! amrfu! 11:4111:•17
!-sed e. me soon* in his
to n i,tae. were Acture the c wintry. A is and it7 ___ the .,....t speaker_ He raid the ti ., :_ n.. u viii.. iohr, t1 uhu._tow I thirty yearee cf lr:.l sal ere1r.Ca.
was Is Tee teen vs. atom G. Martin -1u
rned raid he t .'leveed Soule+
FRIDAY, IWCT. lent. ISM. I ..Itel.eced that Sar John wt.l not
_._ - -.• ---- allow the peanut parliament to run it.
' THA_VK.101:'1113 LA It course of tire years, but will tin the
The Gosernur-General Asa appointed 1 electian of 19.9': as a t'reced-.nt, tin,:
Saturday. N'ovemder 7th, a day of public ; spune an electron at any tome fiat he
thanks:tung. ler tunny years it has ce,usiiers the country ripe for the scheme
been the custom to braid the thanutgty- { in the Tory interest. Straws are said
mg ona Thursday, and we think the j to show which way the wind blows, and
I ublic would rather hate it • n that day I indicetiotu of late point to s speedy die -
than ona Il:•wev er, wh'p elution of the House. The Cabinet
tie day conics arouul, tet w all give j hu been revamped, and the portfolios
thanks. ' Ames been fearfully and wonderfully
chat:eel : Hon. Mr. Chaplet( has re
•eemmltupenuwtethel,udyp"+huc,anu it bra, -_ speaker. ..,u,.,. a.... - - o
was difficult t.. conceive why such a state meeting today was to see the/ active 1 Acarian ])alit,. duimnat fit forgery of a bank Hole
of things should exist. It wastrtt because steps a art taken t.. perfect the enuza- The judge's address was a brief and
the country had been well governed dor- not. of the rides_ and to ei (mita the pa.- uuiwpurtant tyle. He called their rater• !Cameron, Hulury teturtrie.l aoverd pet, unto the prat *even yrnn, ht ria Hent be- affairs.
t.o ►genre of the present Iw drawinun (E Cott to the neeu of faithful att.ed trace to , oast. The )
cause we had the t e n nee tw the Ohttawa
had drawn a ' loped )uta theydid' "net guilty, in the face o! a o!.1rge trot.
iute�rity of then in power at Ottawa : lout h could assure that gen- t 1 etc He brief re
then why was It t A tide tai corruption
and political debauchery was rapidly
rpreseing over this land, and yet men
„i h f peed s and made no
affairs, Mr. C• rneru'a their duties, and o t would',
rather gloomy picture .•f the pulitinl t make a careiui inspection of the prem• ids* jod. r which wsa deft: soatns, ti e
situation, u . a %sea about t .e ,ail, . tefet, is a,
Osman that there was • silver lining to `forted to the cases that would comei The retes.coiet of the •business win I• t •
the cloud. The ppe,>'u ..f this country belure thew, au.a explained the law un! gtT1 est week.
ate,. with
sn:i are tout as • rule deprtrrd and wicked. chow charges
}.viii there are 1- rl.y --its- the-- D•ttatWon
effort to stem the tide. In the HJtrse of {I arra e�Y)83 TUE '•,'1'r':. f The L. a.4etvrnmee: Medals.
Commons there were good men on the many boueet C.ntsersative• who are not' Stever.' vs. Dale -Acting for not en-
Oppttsition lunches, and their Vender was asti�ahtod with ibs examine order of shirring la:n•i4 s notes in pursuance of
a man of ability, inte.rity, and earnest- things Strongevidences of uneasiness an dune- 1 allegedngpa til s no Dismissed with
new Yet they Aad been unable to neon ntJsercabin in e.1 II tf eveor they future 1 oats. t:mrrow & Prondfoot fir plain-
, . , c. .
stet*: the corrupt tide. thoa'�t tt.,y h'td '
Hoar. f°nwaa' WAKE war fifty-two turr:ed f:r,m France, and Brough; back work,.!
years cot ago un Tuesday last, and a dee
a.rn be u fur the age, too.
C.linttta:. M^t.t;axaY, the first Car
diced in America, died last week. A
sketch of his life appears in another
caution, from the yea uf.s valved coctrt'
tenor. `
Soh Reymann Caa: ancone is now dm
\lateensg a Meir of ad,lressw in his con
ditoency. Re is betr.A well received by
• t''e ye•,n.ary of South Huron. The
feeling throughout the country is that
the tunas u drawing vary nijth weer.
Ritdleed (torten -mkt will apatr. grasp the
ar.#nc.a1 ken -tin the new Domineer: Gov
with him s revised edema .,f the story Could
that European cspitaluits are anxious to peat i
oct rf
invest their mil1i.:ns in Caned• were rase w
they satisfied that they wuald be free yp 1
from Gevernntent m ,lestatt..n for a term wa we
of yeah : Sir John will no to England to tell
explain the causes that led to the recent minor.
rebellion in the Northwest. And after
tb• train bas been laid the fuse wi.l be ,of Sir
applied, and it a expected a }without the Ice
enema!, will be the result. An electiun in bre
w11 be sprung and an effort will be made 1874 t
la to that f llf8'1 mens an
tc S a ferdt.t, alai r a s
IA short time ago Litt Dsncey, fit,.
`tames McDonald and .1 'McKay, rector
}ed two gold medals, wit'. tLe fullawiet
testator y letter from His Honor, the
ton, acid it augur e
f the c,untr that this ev• edetate ezuted. ,ted :Camera r, H•_1 t Cameron for 'etc • Lie`k.theorem :
faithfully arid weir to do s.•. T
it be that htst.,ry eat abbot to re- t h Actio
taelf, and that strength c,w,ld come cermet, he bid uu charges of corruption Taylor rvs. n rola,.lung plai A. This
our weakness, as had been the .r muruanavement to bring forward, trespass
hen Toryism collapsed in 1$73 l and even the Oppoiitiou in the pausal 1 cam was on a *nailer Luse to that brought
flame the Reform party went to in
( House parses todbeen the dctrunable it ufttttelAnulate diaiu- Dilor isetnst obe year. only McCullough
one by
ak in numbers, and weaker in io•
eco %baa it u today. At the and of 1 istrwti..u. • Vhaer•.' At the Inst Id,:s was a criminal pre, and the prevent
ears we were only sixteen in the el bon a Hut ! r. Mowy at
majorm ease ity, 7• nmewks for
auges. r all here ar Irk! wine
Gare lutaRI'PT that
elm o:auT .v,1Rrt•Tt.,v FUND but five bps -elections had been held jury brought to •verdict for plswtiff for
since then, and till live had r ttunred sup- $160, to carry full costs of suit. Garrr'w
ffuRh Allan had leen aced against I porters of the Goretiment. ,,Hear, hear.; & Prondf..ot for .pinutif ; Canter..o,
formers. In 18;3 they succeeded tghile the Outano Government was Holt I Camercr„ f r deft.-A^ifna
akiug the Tory Government, and in growing ii. strength the Ottawa Admin. Graham va. Venstoaa,
be country euatained rho Covera- titration was allowing sigma of weakness, for c of a quantity cf wheat.
oI the Hon. Aiezander Stacker/zit and the shift.' to which Bit Ju'.a Lad re M. C acceptance
s for doffs. made
overwhelming Ins -mit and re -
far as aha I',.:t1 l;overueaeut warcoo- ' The case ata tried without a jury.
n for 1'2-SAMMY Dt'tITTIMI f
Toronte. let Oct., tear
1''rt-r': Ifi1.
Date Six, -The humane and baron
conduct of yourself and Capt. McKey
As the rescue of the captain end crew o'
the American harem' tows, shipwrecked
of Greeauck. Yuiut in 1883, having
the uitL the Canthin autbori'iea been
brruitht tender tri notice of the Amen
can ttoveroment, t. -e ['resident of t..e
• sited :states has .mise hie apprecta
tireof your brrtt. couduct by Mar
acce,otarh e sitter ; t0 the Lieutenant O.-vernor
as throuze the secretary of *tree et ()Mame.
application to p'ECp'ae the trial tat:. a gold medal and cheque for $tl* t., ►•i
the nest sittings •'1 the ase:re e€�t•Lt r r presented tit est!: of lou.
this county. 'Oarrow counselled fur i lis ..d y,•r,r aonreaienee snd tine lav
plaionif His Lordship ordered the !mated. the Lieuteaara ti• vertex would
meat of the trial until nest Muses beer, pl*e••d t.• hive trade ti,„
But a a.czed cat dremis the fire, and it turned the moat hunest Adrttntatrsi
will be a winter indeed, if the people that Canaan hat ever had. .Case
cf the Dominion wh', were ,nisled at the Then came 187d. and with it
ty w
nus t
to any
ion 44 'r., * ,L,TE4 P NIS Pkat', t ie
11 showed that he wee aware of his weak
last election will be gulled by the false
erasienu Hisiclear head and his mem
mutts which cape:v,.ted them on that
tem cf &minces make hint the best mond
man r that high positron tcday. _
�- -�-
The Judos Mad Mea Theew
T:t:: election of d. A. V and :n East A panghl<bte paaaave at arae oocorred
Durwtm las beer: protested, and that between Judie Armour and 11x. Canaw
aspire r e politician steads i good chance ea Wednesday.
f r dei ua:tlitxtwe if he does not throw 1 cal the queatior et eats, Mr. the briew tys int some
up the sponge before going to trisL A tett
cumber ,.t nor.-:eaident Tories t o;I the
that", modern practice was to cut them as
et as pusaiblw
oath and voted upon pruper4ss to which "L dealt know about that," said Hie
they were not interested to the remotest Lordship. "1 think it is the practice fur
degree. sad several other groes political lawia mar* f .ers to make them loam w a to get
i :tmorillttiea have beer. arearthw The The law clerks present winked at
. tour. wii. have to come duwr.. eaeh other, sad grinned and cheekier'.
Idr. °arrow. (with dignit)) My -.or'd.
' claims that oro- 1 don't think that it is tair to say thst of
A C• itaTott newspaper the prttfeeaitnt.
gra to the .crest of gi0,000 ur g 0.000 dwsioe &amour -Well. 1 am .p•akird
has been made in building operations, teen r t!a nn•4 r ,fb.rtrnri r
Am., by that town during the put season. Mr. Cameron's rspetre. ITh
p We are glad to hear of the advancement T1
of the rseighburenR town, and Rope it will Item :s. i.onfon AdvM- iaer. `fed
continue to move onward «•e also Mr Cameron, of Huron,made a vitt •r-! hind
commend this boast of the Cilntcn paper owe speech in recently •ddressine the pr
W the sttertioa of the members of the *mown, of that coaety, but Mr. Cater 0,,u
yon does not by any means sstufy our that
county council, and hope the equalize- , local contemporary It is not w be sup- day
Burt committee will nett yearlive the {pored that he would. 11 o Reformer can t•
ambitious town the beneSt •` sr, areas and feFw ase would carrenegade' make thee effort
aunt proportionate to rte progress. Mr Cameron gang to the electors gond
---- adrete. snit it te td be hoped that they
Tits . seitinn' of oihaLiod M sit I wail nut fail to profit by it. The Re -
schools Matt tot yet been taker. up by the form
ors to must
dnot expect wA their
it it
p,,o.1 Los[da. In other G,wn+ we ubwc+e uite impossible for them to socnmplish :
that slope have heel.^. tart.. 7 'he 'vas- 1'tthere u a great deal of work to be doe',
tees t . ward off the disease, arta Code- I and much of it must be done by the
rich should not lag behind. The matter *teeters themselves or it cannot be done
st all. No repr•sentatye, even though
wttould he taken up at the next meeting he � • risident them
the ctrnstituency,
of the board. and perhaps the discussion mould knew sora than s mere section•
` • gvs•t.ort of public importance may Hs gess dee .44 voters' lists, but he can -
attract the attention of the member's in not 'ry which
f the thesersons which re fan-
s useful direction, and hinder them Eaton en. This is only approximately known
continuing to gnaw at each other's vitals, by thaw/ .ho reside within the polling u
u lou been the cath, to t•.- • .treat as ell , derision, and it u for the more active ti
tent, of late. tame in each polling division to prepare h
a put of donee who ars of the one party
• r the other. Unless this is don by the : ,,
$i tenement to the ailreu .. Hon.
Refenuers they will find that many i
A M. !logy, .tueb alleges in another l members of the party will be left of the' 2
:,,Damn. it will be aeon that the hon. j hat, and will 'Les he diefraochised. This it b
tentleman has no /ear for the atter of the eltroubteecton'in corder W tlun.prothe
er !
hbenLrm in West Huron. At the last wa girrn ttresese rt +ratiop.d that tIi
else, :n he was elected by 167 votes, would nM take the trout►le to sae tint j
and an confident is he of the growth of there wen perfectly onmpleted iute. ani
Liberal sentiment to the cotstitemeny thus protect themselves against diafr*n-
chiaSmeet. The indifference of which
that at the recent redistribution M Kr. C►mernn a,trpp%sins, snd which
a ,lungrily allowed a change to he reds s✓iorde p mnofi ctoaifoet to aur enntatm-
which effected his previous majority ad- posey, is nut tndi!feranne a to which
warmly to the ettent tot 50 votes. By Party lura or loses, but dilst.trtnea
in this matter. the pro- 'think Meade them' who really desire
his taadra transmit
ate auce es of R•fnrtn Member taking
.ituial ttwMese baa (ruler ead*ared'the nommen, steps t.. secure perfect
himself to the hearts of his nee titu♦eta, l r,rgaf ination and to pit themselves1
and welter* erten reason to lelims that, l sawing the e°°� r�atan who bare sue -
melded in �7g through Partiamest
en sed fed the Mrs* of facilitating
their owe new piwey.
a . nem. (Hear, hear.; Not withstet ling
as memento' in gaining power, but ante election speeches, the exodus had germs unarm, costs of the postponement ,,,r.-ntatitn petcr,ntlly to yoc and Capt.
becwstaWt 1yr
upou the country. The Tory per -1 the pcomieas ,•f the Tory party in their postl"
has been the result i The pest
years have nut been more prosper -
tun their predeteer.n, the craps
not been more fruitful, prices of
c• hate not advanced. and msss-
ren have not arisen in our midst
great extent. Surely in seven
in 18, 8, now nevem.*r.
d make itself felt ! to ter.
not ceased, and in the countt of Huron to aria c_t n iatbls. and am lot have et
-one of the moat prutrestve in the of the suit. {{ p
n brought iu "n^ bill" I pressed your wish to hare tl.e medal and '
3,000 ince 188. Even had decreased The mend jury pommy. lbee;.e met to you le vara of rapt.
wassotto. 110 1 gun's thed Tory count against Michael Madder., fur er i Dara:r. I now d., so. And 1 sm d:eeeted
wa driven to its wit's end to account The Scald fur brought in a ;true' by the :.uutenai.t (.cveno.r t, convey
fur the existing state of affairs, and the bill" in the cow of James Hamiltod, fur !mu eli g appreciation of your
same journals that Wanted Mackenzie negligent a'M .?e by • a•aatab:e by manacid hemaraty. and the pleasure
veers rata the itself
of the for the that anon of tra
it s1
had iwo uta atwg D^wer. i$ t w ''r • will he
7y yer of the
oq W the public improvements, it jury so that all would go weal with him amend his pleadings : Mr L►dLw asked ar,,red n u1
increased to g'JJ,1A/+,,4Vt): and today when h, wa+ laced upon trial tor his credal mod �hiyse, and headed t. Dalt.
toed at the sonrmuus figure of tj2�3,- P Po
the rare rewaavt leu Lordship said he for trans:e gem to this depart
misleeia. He Eelt oertua that, not- would allow the request. Ju:,ws::t Dtncy
300. In 1867 the expenditure w• ,withstanding the Dominion Franchise mYt,t.
V reserved. I ant. dew
would be the "no bra"
n n fed I redistribution had k lase 1! I• loader
ode $36,000,014• 1 in (lntuno since he had last addressed a owned. Nun !dry cite. Verdict for
mu CONDITION ur ktrrAiw. 1 convention in West Huron, but le plaintiffs. (iarruw and Beane far plea;
neither came bed the Government work yidler n Bitzer f,< deft.
600,000, and ca 18.0 .Y1t..w, - Act, Hun. Edward Bake wou l The grand )dry
:: etre., },i: ;�• be n,atia the n•.ediutsi. o•
Rh % I declared that no government could ons- Bib.. i s ;::mtnrrmrn-Thio ease was
the manner in which the public, prove tiara by At of Parliament. tried Bi withoute .. a jury. Accton for tits transmit, e.c to you this a the t'trtted
had peeped up was t f M t; Johnhad discovered Tp w ani Was° rea'g-ittttn by the American tit etserer
w the electors ^f p
the debt was rt,
Lu fainted in any event S onnni et 'f• rnt t,- As, however, thea
a master ur a • (Hear, hear Sir ass of a saw cu. t,erro Matt• ufas icy beiota conduct
this 000. icy. Io . that the N. P. bW. La dla f deft.
000,000: in 1878, �k tae uigtun f.r p, rho •c.,umpiacyiiiR receipt and be was now an to pre At r. Oarray asked leave, if necessary. .o � on the de•ty
brnaatt to
LO.•navaeantybalieved 1 ! t 1 lot g i Ansi ( grana iso- y urs
extrrraitant, and
tae Meda:. are haw leorne ones. lugs
Md valuable, sad are exactly the
same, save that then ,s • c'taitgs
OW Home it Mia Leet .rata. On mo
A. M. Raw,
Ptos. Tres.
the atter rum i
people's chine, at the Hex generae • against Wm u ut ur
yet at the last' tion. A naw order of franchise and a eaaioninq bodily harm.
f Parliamei.t they were a to . sed' tribution of sats h taken P Tye et a: vs. Rsada - n .rp
re war one other point u;rnn which ed mimed t( the internam of the epee- �cf►saon ve. j)Iitch*il -�
woo roue before c • torn Almost ,vary msa o libel Messrs. a eyes side there are the mo, a ":'resented by
ration it was fondly hoped that the(l ears of e, eve was rut a romp ors for atnti9, the deEwtdaot wM int `;hs PresiJert df the United ?tale%,"
mg tc+gether of the Isorth American I•xfer, euu:d naw, d he i � t s
reprrsente'i by couaat, By tet♦Stam 1 •n to ;ant ct rsduM w
Id h dieing. At Con I 1 wt over
tweaty•o1• At G crow and H
e .g pl
d the reverts nide 1 resented
pro • would make cane of the linen nit444jD, 1x1.11'1.1 T I& FRA`i. Rtt+s i he instructed Cameron, Boit & -tames L.acdoi,ald for gal
ntrics on the face of the earth, and (Hear, hear.) A chanty had bees made Cameron fur 2i r. demages. with foU ree:cif,t the craw of the barque !ewe on
at hope would have been realized te. ; in West Huron by the redistribution, - Inuits of snit. HisMcd•htp directed that i L.&k• If soon itt aha tall of l88 1IR
if the D.miuiun had been prupsrly' hut that chart. had been to reunite u ent be entered in thisti•N cur the Kal. whn is row IigAthauee kae ter at.
verned But alert a the result ? � Blyth village, which had been dittded judgment
forthwith. (gel: Island. .41 rev+ve his later. but
ere is a feeling of d:aatufaction in f•.r parliamentary purposes, tttesen • charged
Ma••dnnsld is in fell tsm.esmn^ tiscl,
Maritime � t.,pther Po with rapx f es with It t• r snag 1 la a.•
r „f �-
rata end to N'tn y . Oharlee Herbert_ C. erg
Provinces, Quebec u die- the portions of Turnherry terve- , Cameron, li•.It & Cameron, nodal cirri
u6rd. unrest is the poitiun o[ Onta-�sD wh� f, rttlyrly been divided j for the prisoner #e mown offered in e••nrTran:'toss.
and the Norahweet has been the between and these pinyon. Alt ieridence, rued the pets. nae wardiseharj•
scene of open rebellion, tapirs•, and Blyth was now in West Huron and e11 1 d featwtwe K ttysttpatir.
shier. There were grid reasons for I Turnlber The had•
feelings of unrest andi n ac ho � n,n. Chan
d asst f t n
at existed. and although he did not
been placed in East tin I tjueen vg Pte.lericic lapse-Clbrg At s meeting of the n,nnbrr* of lbs
et mode r he be of i
with rape. Camerae. Holt i Csmerua 'I TWA., Ahmr Aad Association held in coat.
rt Atm, but fie, be ona of , r. The crown offered no vet• , lirtttuoa
, fifty v ,tea agaut r pr:soner ! VI edneed•e. rte following rasa
aver armed rebellion, he believed that the captstus t1 the Untaru., Leg tdsttire, i deuce, and the prisoner was death ed. were ado
he robot, of the Government in the '� hoheved tt was the duty (t the uttiun teen vs. James Hamilt..ei-'Ysligent I . -
ree had been arbitrary and (tar I alien tizhting was to be done to take tow ('4� „f h table Th. j Moved by ata. Enid, ;r , Nu need by
had been prat fhb without ' era. en mad; Another step forward arrow is concise , e 1 -airs i t of the deepest comet of the
dl, and a •haat runnel t a half a Aad been made bythe abolition o circumstance of the care, ata r rte
'' death and degattun of our Mighty
e behind their wuneheat3 300 with the" non-resident cute, and henceforth not •• cisc meta a ..f inn with a puti.w.
result that '200 were filled, crippled, � the property, hut the indicudusl and the { Th• doers ve. william Hunter - esti' rooted tn♦m' h Mr Samuel tr{att,
ndreids of homes desolate, and ail• intelligence would have the deciding (Charged with rap* olein the p,enon of i . late Pr•stdert of aha Canada laic A•rn,
th etat•nn, whet gams! diapentent had
a ceded r T coca .1,t.n �i.tnb•e. "that no the members
leaded tacit and after ;Ito. n � It Assn;sti,n learn
taunt aive in the eetreme Pertditeun
chance.' side by ode wish *herr support- 1 pneoner p , cued h . eta ter tj !the Ltke t1.. ,re Se
h g+
h h 'f braved (cheers t the 1p 1 1 q with Selmer
lions of nitt,ey wasted Then, and not voice in legislation (Hear, hear.) He
ntil then, did the Government take sc- w'.uld have another opportunity shortly
oa A commiarinn ,uf ridrenr war „f addreesusq the electors of this *octets
urriedly sDp,ir.ted, and u fiarnrd.y at some length, an would not further
Rebecca tette*ssit. near Clinton. u' a wen !or Ata the bighe t yea eco snd
spring of prisoner.
V� . hefolIo* nnapt • friend imp of every man rtiia.;e'i an t1 s
ed se the .areJ The a coo un a 1x11 tadust17 in Ctna•ia
• nesse, appeared For the crown + ' Resolved, that u, .,r,emj tic lasrumwi
about settling .prem. Minh with ;
tremens upon their time. The hon. gen- 1 bora B►t•s. Jame. N alker, C hsrlee
.Istity deed they Pt""
thatt +n ant 1nt'i tlemau ,. •,k his lest amidst loud apt i HKbert. Irralenc H 1' plait. w♦ have few tires pbtonsutr ^t the
e bl J McKay, A'et na.. i
k cnida, e a •, •. lndustey. It was owing to try us.
recti y short time they
'sloe.. .' use W. J. Pausky, ane. ' defatt,r•ble energy
snd enteron* ^(
000 ogres W the s•tiatr:tiara of tae half ' Plajsuras i..jwiag e, N. 1'. for peat I Taylor, M.D. For the prisoner- ergy
reeds in the tteubled swchon Had the T kers, event that tho'ioduwtry os carried till e.,
been appointed when the Bynoe'
on Miog called *pan, maws a Turnbull, Wm. Hd,kirrk. The penicu• ! ettens!+ely t..dav
PP` f h d d s hyth tribute to E h s well known w our P
( heard the' f b member for Wert *well kno 4 repeat an i! in their
Nunhwost, bloodshed sn spree an Huron, *horn h° spoke a one u ♦ th endence true p,s•w,ae
Aeon ac• ^g • " gave some piaetf *titger ' pbnnly atter t * .rani. .
rt i th Government. was, th d public sentiment barged t fitT syr sii t1 •
d 1 tw
was to (rained that if it had ttom,m• its speech amidst hearty applause. rerMd to next roarer. prisoner 1a
If. tett'
brief speech, •n pet WS a this Caw aro
nutte::rqs r, unrest were ea in Knotty that we „. i,•wra r almM'
the abilities n the
mem ^ readers that. tit te un The ' t thin• otth ii t Pix, and f
of f to
he waste of public trwssun would have 1 leaders
„f p f
that s corm
pe tan•. • . -
that, at uta nett trtae at the polls, the
honest sentiment
of the "swim.
w^old 1e
against it, a4)CslTed the ides . hnngtny e.l timtxr Im its and other penpetm i "Guilty of an sttMnpit tat commit tape
down an infamowa frau these bill rhtch from the Government, and cloned * tell , Th. Viten vs. Jsnt*s Bailey.--Tes-`
L$1 000
to its woelal form. the rendered
Dominion r land W. Hawkshaw and t m in;
Canada .ow1d have been rendered Tory
by act of parltanaeet no monstrous were; Paa,RTaTrnr AT Ci.txrnx. - Our old . reel each sureties.
llueen es. F.dwatd Hall The greed Mr. V-rer1'i.l.i toneerto his tnmvl,
is pthe Ho that the handful 'it Liberals' Mond, E. aseima, of Clinton, recently ; men'• '.. Mrs T ('t,arlee *Mann, Md i.,
is the House determined it sAotld, appointed aseimtanty♦{ubnnan of the II jury came iota, mart with ••'Tea Hell digested h them g;toelln:caws the Qsfer-
M ftoistht elates h .1.... a% all hag•eda I Legislative Ass bl hi
M M headed 1 against
to trustee he /Mr. Imant,nt fere b Ithe' n'.rtteeeltet seal Pt* Y.tethi••neue of
La..,rh.wna f., of
that l• writ mte then
t y f h•
J poring
an th leer sesei n of
owned trmu e n tM h was e.•nimrttgd ,,, Nn Platt r,lscrt epos
ape n • LerNrtrlreet
the Lnyal t►pporitiew. He has been lying in gaol sine* his arrest I reents. Resolved.
time los sea
n'.twitbetsndiwe bis self -.genie., West
Huron wiles* the nett eleetitta.rt+U oto s
lamer mai wily than ever before for its
talented reptrawtative in the Ler'
Howe. reek and probity wilt atwsyt
blit pAta,4 Cartwright miser s couple
of dare is town Aortae the weakaed
• was the pew et 111. C. Csimwwa, 111.?.
way to changes rens pis t • The Jude* c e nn
'noir tt'ti*Ut* b. • A *tt.l h . b. d:. e'1 iC err
th slot ex the ve manner in which ' .Cal
pnestl rummer. and after an ahaeoee of severs
the creatures of the Government tibial*• ! h„ora the jury returned a verdict of
Ik, oma* 1-s+ •r rt1''.
C1•,vRYoga:41. H'b++
May 1I'h. I,i1ti.
(Caps • And they did light it. srd so eetAtalt prv.een wi a to `
well deg they light that the Government cane by the Lwbarale of Cleaton. The I half of the t nies, moved
for a beech
wrest pioneers M sewed their r+tewttsgt
tear M.rgbt to eve tau felly of etteaata , eld gewtleesse has hews sn indintnotes wryer nit to the erne tJ tyv gttfen hl Mea W$I
al -
w tis Pisa th. bull ea las *mete broth' sod honest journalist, a sound Reform- I issued.
In aka etighal term, bred were finery K, and • frond ciente, and long may ie Metnib ler tch lett '•r Benny, 4 1 1n & i s W tl' appear Fere or K 44tH •1r$.
• eetepelled to adept rho tatetn3Mtrata vE kVA t. spurt hie leabey cage P