The Huron Signal, 1885-10-9, Page 88
SCOTT ACT CAMBS. • sed a attwmies•al. Milt Trask, •./ Butte (sty, M. a:*na.
New Res,
and Mr Devine, Alpena, Viola., .gate:
Vises I .Ulats.. arta feller 4 3re. A. C HcDuua:.i are
The Scutt Act :errs aeferred to tut si:s:, Lrr, is■ .i J/=_ OR'I" 1T
weep am« up for trial on Fndr, At Ars `al. Anis fr.,w 6,8.444H.,y, 11 ;a, 7
thus tone., [wt rc Meseta. Al. 1 •uuq and , a the guest of bet coMona, llag4e .tail • lk; •.♦ I. .a11V R O}'
H. steel•. J. t''•, end t11'cupsrd the I ansa, sod will aloud the wooer ,. ith
Argot, t hart , 1 tl•e due . .las tic.•;t w,.,
the cutler.. tar tl,.• 04404ttar,•ava u, wit, .tail
Mr. Campo•u and ( .4. Clara, fire the
detente. The halt caw war that of Mr
Reynolds, tat Huttral'. Our teac!ur, R. A. Soai.•,rle, ,i _ :ea , A CANOE STUCK OF
1 ,ho Iiuyt, ..t ('hnt..n, sworn, 11.11- r . aril tut ueat )0+u.
fied to follows 1 rewonil,nr being in Nicholas Austin, who has beer •pa•,..- 1
defetnlant a hotel to Huuaa;i, .,n tie lisle III* summer in Ikota, 1 a..a „ • i.ut
Sifrd SvOL, iu t'owpeny with N' ►1ursi- to this part of the motel vineyard last
nen I hod hutuzicst►ng luln.rr then to, week. Mr. Austin appears to he plmied i uN THE WA Y
dni.k, and I esus a paid tor. I arrived with the Wed, but we uudrrrt.r.d thio tA/ ( u Iroll-
'forks-Opposite Colborne Hotel. EOSI llotCut Nalis l ]e1afo;p. for $2.66 por loo lbs
the drink'. 1 asked for laxer. 1 tat i -ea I
,ntuaiauux leiteor. [In answer to A -- -- --
i'smpiuu a,lu4rtiuna to whet he q.4, •- - Lannizn.
; AUCtlOneering, .•i8H-
_oans and insurance.
the witness *.,tall „tale L,cr' the auMwef. 1 lilt:. - A destructive 8» .., tarra•h at ` „ -.- --- -- -3 _ 7._. I
'•1 Yat uuuatoatu'g liquor. until the 'thsi Nilu fart Monday afterootin r.heni ;erIVATI /FUNDS Tu LEND AT S 1Y. BALL, Al t'Tlt►NEIER Ft►I• Best R , e 6 -k -c ! b
uugtslrsdviled th4t husuuldthe (o i.uRows.
:Hisser the question tut,
fin' E1' HHt'rd SIGNAL FRIDAY, OCT. 9, 1885.
p u cpdicitly, eapwnl by NV. Morrow were Ile dr ' $. 4 U i Yat s tor. De/e 7 wet tat the Coen t, tddser i ra to, C1ESH.
ninth he did. l The berteudtr told we JIi17 a torch }'• u.
ttuye'1 by tier. i Th
.t was laser osier that ha trays rise The
party who was with ere got drunk. -lid I Rwww'.u,t • -- lt.+v, J. Turtt.• M oho- e» '1111 LOAir. APPLY 10
not flet this liouor for the puri.o re .,(.dist aunister, Danomaua c.,tuit, tis t-.ty.KR011 11tOL't' S I AMRlltpyl, Oar
otae ort'a iu oro to England to ...magi lel tTN
14yu2 ►nfurnan.,n, but Mr. 1 a.nley ya %' Lon stat and 1 t".•i titan the
etr_uni- tate his health, W b•ryw to see Lon $20.000 PRIVATE rumps TO LEND
s oome back much improved. Kr on }',.rm n
lance.. I know t,. defendant , he sad fawn Property at lowest i. -
limps the Wigan where 1 ' tl Il our. R'"'Tt•--1e trot crap io tots mein: ty
)yornsus *eked fur whwiev, aud'1 he. twill be above an average crop !u .• •tun
teteat -t t
N aan eh
TtUN EEIt and Laud taiugtur, Oodrrkh, l
1 t (raL li4.ln.t h►.1 . unaideraWr experlerwe to
the aaotiuneertng teed.- be u to a puwtion to
4iso bailers .vela Ururu ugt '-(is(act ion 111 , um- ,
mfas.oy ea:rust.d to l.. u,. Order
Martin's Mote!. or *est t -.,l- orad to m•- allot_. 1
thnierlch P. IL. earrful,} Attend.d tn. J.i11N
,s Wire *toed a tell' last spring 121 1414 lbs ,rale. In the Nnrt1.•r., k. It. t'arShope, i ,:u..t•e
I hate arnporlsd a :AT N.ipment of nI.iot$ from normally rrrr trate quality. and 1. rnt
ported d.nrt, lean sell 1
import o pee ceal.cheaper t Mn a•, r: sold 64•r: L.•turr.
A11 w3 SHELF AND HEAVY 11_AIIr)N'.tt:l:i•sold on the *etc:taiMephas!.seabo.•
tar tP•ac• Yural►4rsd, M ('ommawion 1'A 1 X Ta 4324 t )1111 es:4 nowhere w rbeap :.. t 7".7"....."":"."
, ar.:inx then,.
Jurjod, Cunvurrucit..t Fees na•.naWr. wKOX entente AutUuni. r Ira, f i
. H. NOrrowrM sin money aJOHr - s ,•''t 3u:: inti1.U1VG 1iA CI1N' 1RF: frim ntc gar;,• -, •,.:
Rare he got it. ! place the potatoes have *offered from it (2110 a tufactory,- DAVII}u!Y a JIIW _
W. C. Mtrrison said he wap in defend- the rut, sapscially ,- clayey
t'a hotel. Hemel), on the :"•4rr1 I. U. U. T. _,
U•, nut recollect what I scot titer.. Mayitainsent at their Hall on th., overdo: 4
have taut intoxicating Il;u..r. Am ac- the Ukh ins.' J. 1'. Hells .t t:odrnch
would swear thu truth. Tire mein f.:•'.- ,.c n, the well known rucathat, hm• ltc.div
ture of Morrison'. e* idrtlet. was that he consented to tale part. bund" a hood 1111
had not the 'boldest recollection .1 any- prograus by tke u.embera Adruia o,,u
thing connected with the case --his mind 111 ea for adults, ch►kinn 14 cts.
was a perfect blain in that real.ect.1 :ends .a aid 4 urgaa fund.
W. J. Paisley 'warn, said De retuers-
►.red aeeiu` K►u4 and Morrison dare
into Clinton .at the evening .of 1kiptele-
-" T" ier..1 u:.: «. aa1 town ; ruperty, a: kw -
bur Ird. Morrison ane drunk, very The teeny ftieuds f Mat Ja . Ce wan est a -44..L `L,tYt m, purchased. No tem.
drunk. Ieeaistediu carr Ili }rim iteL• the of er__ • r 3Dir-+,•.:1 .h.rFr.1.;rent, turtletrustand
y t a47r:.erl. will p.wer ar l ;.tat (•omDanY U, t'14ada. the C*r. 4i l Made/
lubb of the town hall, where he slept thew -4W made .•u her behalf to :ltit Cndit compeer. tM London Loam C.ta,eay
(fairly all night. Sale 1MCe'wwnMl- tMe - Tor. ;, tat 4'a,ta,:r. toter t:. 6e 4.ti ' pe: 'LL
-ftp' •ata. ae rr ,,tt,,
M1 d taitoweia to illi.
y. i'fU\ Narr mors. kc. Ooderich. 1751
rn Sept.213. will hold .n E.,•er•
uauit.d with Mr. K1121, eh.. has gives will be pestilent with his Medic Ioz e;u
idence is this case, anti believe he said give views with it. A. ii. [Ju.1rc-
ugly F:, at -.•lap,. (wrap..,:. X<pnrrated
Lel Vomer to Lend on atrt.ytlr loans. sit the
:^+ •. rot. ut tai:crest
',wog, :a 4t.y way te'
LarurFLCr; aeooxd door from Square, ,
West saved. 13.,/,-rteb. 1110-tf
.8.2:1:a:1e9. $2( 2,600 PRIVATE FUNDS
ay. when he wid t . me "I w,a tory
O. reek last night." 1 asked him where
la got the Uglier, and Int said he got
tame at tSchaffer's sod s• tete is kir:- ,miam t
been ac.ecess.ul, s r(coit.l crass ccrt. ate t day. trtitle mon.) ix nue
having beta i.aute.l her. 1714 I: .1 `tt,►peeiN'1'pr,
J. R. ;titter, isepecwr 4t ack00's, art itt., tlodee{eh.
s;atted sch.,.l Nu. 13 Asi,t.t'd. letter nn l TO LOAN AT C PER
known to tSl..xaL :gdsra Ly cap poet;::.! i/ I/O ,
gime , f ' piarerty „Woe" s.hs1l, a few TMS Tu t ONNSR,t L Titt'ST.- t'o'C
w00DeTOCH COLLEGE, ,ora eta. Mrs.
The lounge ba. boon t!,orq I, reorgtn-
trse and plated to the bands of a Uwe* able + _
.calf of Teachers ,tn I.4441e two who have -- ~
hew. i'rinejpala of similar and s.cosssfulpremed...el. Fees
institutional Course most 1Aorwt.A r.d
F uharman= aTHE
N. N'uLVERTON. H.A . Principal.
N oodNeek•Mlisso.
gx rowel tMN WITH
NOW in T14k T1MR TO slifATKZ If- 'it
LARD* ST(X'k. AL1. STY LE.. AT 1'F.it1 LUN' 1•k It
muW'a 11 was M..rrisun who liwww too , t.Ft rT
informati.,u 111 those matters.
The decision .,f the ma;istraiai was are 4re1ieee. .tpainec.y... per cast.,
days ago, and expevpets'I hto'.Nlt highly naU nes
at the charge was au.ta•ntd soli a }fns
J prof. rKin ail aha achnlara u b dhor ADOfr fene Orsi oleo fart, secart'r
paid in 21 days. _seta • Tdu rsitdw has !•
thtxtiaied with the wet of the echoer, "ltTY S(TIT 11,-Ir.Ro\1rRs,
of 9110 and $x'.23 :.eta, im waw;
The next came was that ..f Mr.Sehsffer, these 4e tt.t :.early C. HERO•:. HOt.T R t'AI:EROEc.
years now unfits Wo tuition' tit Har:tigers Godes,
cf Kipl'en, the witnesses Wag theRalph, t , A ccs s Ire tE• Toronto tleae:s1 TruabCo'r.
ilia Ellen 2.a young lady from
tame as to the pnvont* case, and the:r Godeciei, alto by a fa:thtul d:echat8e of Mento•. t ases,rtoi. MOLT Q Caetssott hare
_vtdence aa follows . - her defy y tnl, t. era a t. -y atouut.t yr Dr•a ' load. to !w
u.. buss arm ttea:.:rity.
e J .em an with a Fie
rasa arse r
John flint mid ho wee in defendant'* nee, his suoeeea,r,1 in .Abe what iew uttderten. tct.t. 1203. *011-tt
t a he:s nave' done, secure.. ! 9 Nd[; itA21
first and,paiatained the good will and 1
h' tel, in K ippes, oa the:tied f tfeptca •
her. . M-,rriwn and others were in awn -
i.any with inn. Morrison treated
drinking 1w said it 44.110od old plia. Saw
the liquor paid for ; did not drink my-
self. Saw Morrison pour theliquor form
a bottle. Lid not hear defendant refuse
liquor ; he *night have done a..
esteem, mot olniy cf the *eh. lays, but .4
every ON in the rae:ti:-borhoo d. 1 lift.,/. L,f fi
:..s.11:R. i T 4i»,
The " Mattonal," established r
Mrs. 1'so. sod .iewthter i..! P: jrta.7 tat!: • 111. " i
W. C. Morrison said he wet : 11.1 ' the Eog„ are vuitini tasty many relations omtalen.
ea high ("las* naabo(Cones m na[rr;
retro by tttes.►e. "Paella .1 RIar!, tat •.
di Turunte. 1 am trrepared to .ell cart y•
s t gar a• 12.od .rote 1 icer sod aro!' carr,
sj. terms of payment.
Having a ttoroi,44 knowledge of the.O
Z maauractste ut Menai. and u, hat kind
of material and felts are required tol
:mate a asst.cies. ,gastrum intend-
ing R purchasers will tied ft to their ad -1
(lit. 8, 1815. The Pecpl.'s Store. Geileric i
enc. ntea,,...FA
LL AND vE CARD. 4 antare W consult sic before Dunbar-) ro
O int. E
sad Manse Irtrsrrair• Agree l ITtteehs tad me>i•tNmia a epirtaltt.
lJlte C,. bor Qa **Au tour: warranted neat colas.. U
Acs%,: n,.borne Note'. ac)on
w•,:sn, s " ,nus pora:rd 1':`i Orders lett at the Huck `lever of Mrs.' /.`"'
tit!! jCuok or Mr. /mole promytly attended' _
s -head." the only <.vinprrir ,
o haaure pia+.• Klass. ,u tau I EDtc'D L BROWN.
ars au first class rr.d o:d stab PIANOS. P
bartat Sebaffers hotel, and eai.ed others in this vicinity. It is about 17 yeas Tis .teet IANOB. PIANOS. GH 13
to drink : I drank what t.. mi like since Mrs You id a visit t th firhed.on res 0•.! rich. Sept. lath. ,flat, flt1. F=AsHZONABLE TAZZsOR_
paid u ere the
tins. taker.
4t Ntla..'
,in, and suppose it top intoxicating of her ilirlh:o.d, a.^.d ',many are tflti God-,r:-b.1'>.c.9ttb. ttM Irit-
Iit r
p u . I hase tutoxttat►ug liquors changes that havetaieo pi aeeeine* than. --- - _ ___ - a ..
utter the lar, and *n► acquainted with but the principal on. to her is the death
the taste of different liquors . 1 paid for of her father, rhumas Jbkna
HURON AND BRUCE Ready -Made Clothing BL
the liquor p Aon. \ . t t O g OVeZ'>`..03.',:S-
F4ll wad Winter stork of Tweeds. etc., now f4lt,, aro/ :ed. LTA CALI.:sOtat-7T::'t `81
Charge sustained, and mum tiny im t- m ns, t ()nwsi., and ,aaka1 ■0Ati AND [NVESTMENT 601ePIN! O A 8plead,d Assortment. ;.heap.
p Johns, of London, sr• the guests of their r
previous case. - aaritomosiber the Place- - ttrst r Bank of Stontree. sg,
brother Nathan .1 •.E^s.
ed y in rev street.
rust deur w
The third case was that against 1 ,%iw Mni114 a Loan: -.1 Money on Mal& Osdesioh, Oet. 1st, lata e
pnw,ner, Clinton, and the evidence as
Win Walter has recently o..dergoce a ..,-,Arity a' L.►w.t Rat., of 1 '__...
follows --
8 1 . H..Imes arid he was in defend-
ant a hotel on the 25th of September,
George Caibeck, J. R. Holme, James
Ford, Wm. Rutledge and John Ford
were with me. I had something to
dnuk 1
; *.ked for inger wtne sed think Who will be mayor S Rumors are
1 got what i asked. for. Gook I Doul, afloat that the present ttaourukent IS
tell the taste of intox,cat ,,; liquor ; do about willing his property hat, ..;,d s
not think this was iotuz.catilag : there no doubt remove to tome t:Mer quarte
might have been intoucating liquor our • His prospective auccemor in buain
oil with what I drank. might fill the bill officially,
but h,
severe surgical operation t:a..n2 hod a '
couple of decaying boots I em. red loom M; IRTGAOES PUBC'fiA EI)-
the roof of hu mouth
Maes AIaut.sTrebiu has returt.ed eau
improved in health, from a foto mouths'
visit to friend. at ILe Sault.
z sad r p.. lt Attow.d
Depent , t'do,te to amount
hole left.
CFFICS:--tkie. er Market :Num sod North
Street. Gude: i.1.
w 1201t.44 : B HORTON,
Nixon sturdy aatd he was ,u t:.e bar or at, thee would nderd :ua unmet.atty 2.:....N aunt •
(7.3•21711(.., .141 Sit:. tad. nisa- A 7f m '• w.
D116 -pyo
of Spooner's hotel on the dain .cues- --the,!ficial chair.
tion ; esus there Ge.,. Ca beck. Ed.
Holmes, and others ; was asked to drink
and kook some liquor ; cannot say what
it was that I drank ; d.. nut kn.,w if it
was intoxicating : drank from a
warbler, which waa not half full. New
Mr. Holms'at the time ; do not know if
.sept. 30, DNA.
The sound duet pursuant iv adjourn
[sent. all the members present *reel)
councillor McMurchy The minutes n
he drank the same liquor as f did . as p»etotu•meeting wene read and signed
far a. I know the liquor I drank was not The collector's bond was accepted by th
intoxicating, council board. Moved by t1. «twin
Gee.. ('albeok said he was in Spooner a seconded by II. Chambers, th.,• the col
hotel the last day of the fair, with others lector is hereby instructed to have al
named ; I treated ; one party asked for tares collected on tar before the 14th da
,linger wine, and 1 took the wee. The of December, 188o, aecurduyi to statute
liquor w*. in a tin meaean; think it was *oval by H. (iirvin, seconded Ly II
*weer -wine 1 rot to drink ; think I ($lsmbem, that abs tea*: Myatt( of Wfi
anew the taste of into' liquor, be paid to the Hanlon agricultural so
think there was intoxicating liquor in clety. The following p.rtts received
what I drank ; 1 auppoes if a Inas drank pay for work done . James ffryau, f
enough of it, it would intoxicate him ; printing, $2.1; Andrew Hackett, plank
did not dnnk enough of it to tutozicate mg culvert con, 12, $'2, Mrs Ttomae
me, but believe that had I drank enough chanty, Li; Thom&. Hackett, charity,
it would have done so. l d for the 3[0; Marpte1 McGuire, chant , $10;
liquor which 1 drank. James Miller Clio- WebsSer, gravelling tett, 11. W 7.o0;
appnuched me in reference to thug :sae, John Webster, tiepectingIrsvIlitlg !M;
and wanted me to keep out of the way, (i.rtow ! Proadf0. , legal advice, 14 03;
aaying 1 would be remunerated f.'r stay W Malkough, itravel. 316.60. P. Read,
time I ttaigit lose in genet *way. What ditching cos. 9. $4.10; John Graham,
i drank went by the name of ginger -
'titbit, bet have dnuk sieve -wine be-
fore that was not like tht*. Think this
itgeor was Intnhicatin4.
The evidence .of intoxicating liquor
being cold not being u clear as the ntaq-
secretes thought necessary, they die -
mused this chart*.
The soil is a riebclay teat., .vein cu;tarat rd
and well watt nuyerousttyrngsr,••sm4.,
• is a i4Hy t. qe rrewth.r N'beat.
trie,. - frs, to 4,3 bueheL per acrel. pay,
Rorie,. Pty, ftp and root crop., and r 4 ua
sur far Hay end ()raring rpsero
I I Thhe I.mate is temperate. 1*'pbelow ovine
• the ,oldest ,n the law °old winter. Hoare
. Ifruit ..g' -o. r wttb cut, es.. ti oh lout
Rol heads sad Lake titwreeri touching at
her numero.0 porta, transportation u the
'• cheapest and Itterkem the meat. Schools are
numerous and Chure4 Privileges within ea ty-
(rood Tcrap lie Ronda lead t6;O,.rhall these
Lands to Market Towns.
for 'these l.aada are rawly C:sired, Ill• Vast
.0 sot rurM. from t toll(' per Acre). gird
an be 00 t at *.ow Prices and on Easy
Terms. Ad rem
ll4°Ms A. Maeener.. Fred Axe. Mach.
Or ai►MUZL POL .00K Oedertch.
OOde:ioh, Atte. 332, IISI.
Mrs Hsim, of Heepeler, Out . is visit-
ing Erica& an this rictntty.
The many lrionda of Mrs Harry iiabsl
will be pleased to learn ..t her recovery
frons her recant severe tllneea
J. J. Fisher ha. added • commodious
kitchen and wood hoose to hu new rot
donee, which gives the place a mesh UM- ! bination, certainly
peowed ap♦eareaes•
Our old pioneer. Jacob Willson, Intl Samuel Cosner, of Duagatteea, bowies(
with • painful ae°ident lett week. ids ; sold his liquor bmelia.s W Jaha Martie,
woe reversing trona the funeral of hu I of the tam0 villain, the Bemuse M. bees
great-dadmitrr, Mm. Ids Allen, of I transferred to the last named geetle..a,
L 4,,.ne% and in alighting from hill beg who .til carry tae the hem)",
'7 et hie own este, hug horse mowed her
onward throwing him .irrb*ly to the J MOW
tai. Hs anataiaed sews seven le *relived. e0 W fiat tslt the woe M Jus,
as eat wv and was tarried to kis :owes in J.wq,h Levert, O T R et a dos>MMr
* bt o wh04 vista A• toss .obliged1..i' - `ONEY TO LEI;. -A L A R f1 R Tt • he ew•d os the t'7ans.
Mew els awg4hed ler srs.eesl tto , M
N u. •(b lrwet
ditob[ag D. L , $2; Jba Cousins, plank,
KU; Richard Jewell, plank ordered by
Whammies, $14.69, work done on D.
L , 360; J. Glynn, gravel, $49.60, John
McKenzie, posting and .toning con 14.
be 02. equal .n'•,ent paid by Huron tp.,
and culvert, 3250, Yates A Acheson,
.pikes for Du*Qnn,0 bridge, Ml OO.
Cnanc' that
*11. matter
rig to the
cnunei! that th. matter •d right of way
on D L., con 10, was settled by payees
A pllJF,s.I
apt e«n*. for aoNaee,
end reeve re tene amyl, Iso,
goods *•b t .b wilt help you
note lamer rlabt away
taaa..751st afar m flu world. Alla of either
set, s*tooaod ism 61st lour. The basad rn*d
t0 tortoise opens Were the w0rkers,alwelnt.
'sore At.soo s *Go. A turoau,
each par'y 314 rhe council will meet
again at cuunu• room on the 12th ore of m' W. SALL. • •r•
November, 1003 W. LAN,, clerk. has received leetntetyes item
The programme for nett Thursday's Ts soli 4, Public Aoctlea at kis r (dese,.
y cern., Kart and %'::toil• wrests. on
seneert and resdmga a the Onset ever
offered ' , a (rndencb audience, Csld
we'I. Belly, knot t powerful coat
outlay, Oct 12 1885
Nsa, al 1 e clock pp..o.. the ferbwlng r 4.
mane rurni(uew. etc
1 Pkat. 1 eel., 2 Parlor Ater,. nets 1 teal
twee.. 1 idea 1111 Moir. t (bat or led Ala-
Priam 1 Parlor 'let 1 Otteaao
Nair(1.*b Rothe.: 1 Parlor ('*mitis Table; 1
katiu.ho. Table, .i. ;foot Nes.% . t Large
Copbe.rM , r 1'..ewmnn Peckers 1 slew
Mae4fr.e. Hat Harks Moreau. Miele
Importer eland dealer is
jarbIc& Granite
Windom : Door Sills
and Nous. Trimmings of all kinds ,n 01110
ani 'AH wort designed as/ *treated fa the
Rest Stria.
nn t• lK-I10, Oodsrlc4 Mese ch.
Hch. Rept IS . We. ll is
1 am now Weltered to all erdors for all kinds
et root 1 beadle e4trthe eset Cel.1s4 these
from me eta dowsed ea Quality amid
iwilleellthisMo.ICslaytew a rote as
aa In the loth...•
i .w, bound to eatery evrebeiera
Pre..•:; Klee nt
Cheatnt t 8toTe Coal, 18.50
aeries tat gu
(leaden Toots vases.
etas r so min.«•ooe r eumi
'a' sheered a g- T. N. DANCEY,
ua+eat er Primes /Mils Nae teseakmswt 1 1k. R,io,w ewA lad fire .'Isl, Air pe ee,
- 18115
. Lad (beast. and other sett less« t+ettr omen with
Molder rA a.aia with u natal s,
w *►e prwssn' ymis►ss M Q~ "rR V tto•adhara App},
Moro 1.e hod .411+4 deur w
• V1.AIL LAUNDEp AOFtSt • Violate
` OessebR NFL NA IA. fM142
Directly opposite Belcher's Bakery.
In thanking my numerous customers for the very libera: per
age they have bestowed on me since 1 commenced business hese',- I
would begleave to say-ia
all the attention I can devote to the ever .
demands emands of the Public I will be most willing to beitoir : and
to such an extent as I feel warranted will give
Owing to some new arrangements in the town, I have found it
necessary to remove to our own premises on Hamilton street, where I
will keep, as formerly,
M illineryiFancy Goods
And having bought the same on the mast liberal terms I am deter-
mined to give
to all who may favor me with their custom. Yours very respectfully,
Oadrrwa. sept tea, last.
MRS. C. H.
AND LZ• onto
ftrtmeat y 1M'e bre
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