HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-10-9, Page 6the Poet s simmer.
&radio. taw *ammo' tens(..
N.. worst terrapin an the *Apennines
01 Illucr.ut W:11101f ,..•1 greater ur users
tootle, u.t*rot than looting the annual
lr.dlu* of app..nstmrnt.. Tho following
tendering ..f the scree by Rey Alfred J.
,lough, in Zion • Hrr•Id, sal lir read
with 'Moot ut interval by many, and fully
prole • bloom.* to all.
I was sort:a,t h. a *,n -dip. e'uoe b eside til*
altar rail.
hem else b.hup same In suit.y. with • fore
,. rear. but twit..
Awl a storms iuec.cr.latly pathetic ie Its
pow rr.
. •...-a as m.gat have reigned on heaves. through
tot - spine w hitt( an Is our...
i:ysled un the shut asrraib:) or the bishop
pee 0:14 raid
All the bus.nts0 h..414 this.. I, the appoint-
ments will be toad."
n ul ea oar who hand Mt ligbt;y Ise• rclwod i ar of
lathe worth.
but *s 0ual.•g u,lh the ri:best, ,no..t import
art [Maga et earth.
In the f:.wwatup of J. -..u, with t..e to:lingo of
. even,
n no *..ud boohoo asked Iureeira*wr he had
none hos best to plan
!'urlttc4.ury of htsaiastcr, trusting him to
gu.dr ho pen.
WIWuut tart utiM. m' t*our. oust the preach
ors coned "Amen.'
• lieo:ah )fountain.. lieu:) `,.Iger Asap)
µmops, OMR priest.
Ua the daihllw of the mope' tlrut:gh the
• chemise year to foie.
Act asaurtls trirl ever .std th••1,4.*4 th..r
preachers/star three your..
And depart amidst • t.•lupeA o: time purest
Wad of !•-ars.
• i'ruubled Waters Nothan Peaceful" bow.
that small"' M... strew regi.
boo the trap, streann J t•rwt[b h.. 110444 1 s"
he twat his sw,roaclo r h.ar1.
but hie wile •'...ped down and whispered
what motet suessaFe did rise boar !
tour beturnrd w 1a.•• t.ah.ligu rot •o upon
...me mount 01 pr.:. er•
yarn' whom .per.!. *..cath wa.shtpl.•. won
11u ^rtumi.-nos lsa Imo*.
1►W►1nm mist a doer twrmoa. our I..4014040
tteho*g ran.
U0:dty wet. wood to Use churches. wun:,•d
burdensome by •11.
Went up so the royal nau..001 *u.: wen•
neighbor, to *Oat Paul.
Senn the 1111001.1. vatted • woman. only known
here la the write
Hy her yulrl. geode mature. though • famous
preacher • wife
Premed ant biomed her for the haricots elm
had garnered in the sky.
Hut she meekly turned and sarwered rot
40) htrlrud. Lord. mil?
-Vets. the Master said. 'Vs labats wen• as
stars that glow sad sales.
But thy faith tare tags tadr virtue, sad dor
glory. chow. is testae r
Then • tante girl 1 and known her hoard her
name robed with surprise.
Then- was trenbllne Iu her bosom there nae
wonder in tier eyes.
' I ars nothing but • cripple. gleaned in *o
wide arid.,. toy King.
(trot) eat a.ilent sufferer'ntath the so/Wow of
'1'L) w mg :"
"Thou bast been a mighty preacher. and the
hearts of many stirred
Tusic rutws. by illy µBurma. without uttering
a wont.'
i. d she :.taster. and the eitaiden to his silt:
w,t!. *meter I. r..si,1
l'br1.t ow. .'s400140g Ile, preacher,. In tilt
1'i1) of the Blest. -
And the harp.trintia of the angel: linked
;heir *:*1140. to .wr*te.t praise
11. town the nee t had pa.ard uuuuto ed. in 1 Le
4.440,401* or 441 way".
1 was still intently &1.o( on that wens be
)and the stars.
When l saw tb,• Conference lea, i,.A. and I
started for the ,.,►r►
Fashion's Fancies.
From the New Work World.
Jrtsoye neem to have takou a mea
leasehold, as they are in unusual de
n'.i.d. The fall style calls fur waistcoat
ur *.mutated vest front. kioutaehe braid
in nobler). *'laps or Emirs is a tics:re'1
.swift *s a•UD41.: ,.. 1,..;:.. ,4 act Wo. .orruw Shon:der c*,es have 1,3 n•, means seen
44. 44.4 ase gladness. amt. tilt it day, as all the unloosen*n p.,tnt to a
1Layella nonagons strain 4.1 n:u5:o:. lreakia;c
forth from Jesus manor. rr+nrwtPt4&twrtt/Fis -them. Thee* natty
Bel) Raiff tire' -said lo• o: -nor. "I ha"- iytt and dewy .utio wraps are yet now 41:
to he respI"'A.,' nl the only gap between the lace waist
•►lel 144 fan, "ler &,-*.snot.
And though. ;o* oi4 1e't Al it. '.l r, !lab.µ
1( you tr..... Ti.e old-etyI. aruiud tape ' as entirely.
Vut no ling• -t dos ttunsierrcd t.; the 4 onle•-. ilium eared *red the sharply detineet
enct Lrre below Medics Affair, with acdentuated arae
.4041.001 know one.bnlf the worb re that epaulettes, Is area even'wheie. The new
thorn 1e4s.e.1 peup?r kLop . cape triers a hi,th-.h..nlder, narrow -!•hest
fur) sou.J Low . n,e.traa.utd,rurd 111)411,1 ed effect eery touch s, t ;(h' t y *tout
he sang as 1.ea, •,m 44044111. lakes. I::ack rl.d*aies is a styliah rape
Aad uure4er .shite suer:4u4ui•4'* in the temb material.
ut ht, singe. Every fall f.•r mese years there has
' &swat l;.w.aavor Jonas 14464412bh... d
1»•eft .:❑ *torn.. p: b. poen est:: Iiia very
est- lbs Lord. thought 1.
.rot hei..e it that llrolhrr 1.alnranl when ISn_li.h .trztr:rt w.ktn_ Ant a head -
h. has to +s'ork .•r 4tr. piece extremely lodyltde on sortie people.
while a b•it• a'•greesrve-Itukir." hat on
th ora. Tine walking hat in Amt colors
is to he fashionable this fall. All trim
ming massed high and tall in front. 4,rt
women shrub mark this.
',%bile tight element will not be au uni•
versa, as they have been for a long while.
Many pretty shapely areas will refuse h
hide themselves beneath • tense, baggy
or clumsily tueipd sleeve. The wide -
tucked sleeve is for thin w .men, who
need it, and the tight model sleeve re-
mains in for plump women. whr. know
what art and nature requires. Nuetrlingr
full -Unlit sleeve has asked fa::r.
These who foretold the ,midden and
early death of Male h..nne•% are still
wearing their pretty cockle -shells, won-
dering how they could g„ so wide of the
mark. The truth is that many women
cling to the close -fitting carte,. e, as they
do to the curse Jersey sleeve . hence the
difficulty of cluing away with them,
Might makes right, in this important
agate of the toilet at least.
Little bon.etfyr',however, Rare altered
vow ontably one respect. So tar from
Aetage'eit pews nal ter tat asses, has: u WINN.
1'ta the cf.m .•h at &:rood Kndt*ver with its
energy and prayer
a ul 1. **Mean too Deco of rust drive
nuete •
hu trumpet cur lacks the gospel a chs mins
i hey will 11..r1 • big revised. wad feiget Om,
ads anus,-
awee Faraace - Agee Tristimer whet •
bishop that mutt bel
cue) t.•1 a lost In° kind .1 preacher wMsiw4A
suit test0 to•T:
oho t'unguiiaptrl-t'n, in one nature
Mame and hand,
ee water. hell 01h.•,1.0e,,810a,s w.onlyon
' t usettr•tion locob Faithfui' -- hag& 111
Load toe IMO Mill oo
01.ru.gw the year. before then. Lr.uging
mreleIOy lite tow below.'.
..rre*.Wtd Careers Peter Wlwtesoul' but
at suet hu, Arlt-ruotrol,
Inattatued up hie teat lis' it u.• tai: a cold oind'
strike his soul,
.-*w toe dreary path before Alm. drew a deet.°
breath. and Ma brows.
* Macedon./ to be i uthtdte hiserdla•tiaa
MP driven /mow
As the bishop read r1p0.n.:ment4 they had
Med lass years .it..
. rodrr memento rushed upon thru.. f il. r.
v.vtml mu heart and twain
..4 .t seemed slut Ow), roues travel their OW
catcalls Err agora.
..appy haven-J4a.rph i:estfnt'
.moms in hu facer
04 toy tn011ght01 Ora( pastor for t
.u.tiel. 0 p.s.'r 1
riard-as-t;ru:tlr 1':pbrauu ZI.111 - til
the etewaras sot t* row.
And they didn't 'mot that .eta 44.r. and tit
didn't want to an.
• .*ruin) ilntlow -Israel Waklm --0w t* west
Www mad reap •t't
N Ater.teacorgr*gati10gath• .iiI ihlernatw
of .ben ))
As they.., on •tabbath ta/falttrsIle tlieu- soft-
ly t usutused pews
Ther begin t. *M, esefr*amsease doe -saris
rvSuler vette' �tne.
1 brbu(h the ammo • dis.ess gntnwe sat.'
.-leer aortal eye:
lurvugb toe reading of tag l4crlptore they
beide to droop *54 old :
lathe thyme Were th•eerr•eh. tblla lo. ttshgIs
grand sad sweet,
.:ser put forth Dee sughly Alert to be seem
upon their feet,
rhos amidst t\* piss•. tarvhbt*g walK,ltht
gespel • seats,
I hey slab down .n deepest sa0aber kat are
• eddhla •Ilsrou•1,
but i awes that Brother V. akar. on the also
bright nebbish day,
weds he preach?* to that emote. mid loafer!
amens away,
Witt sets both saint and Mme'(eb• k
lay • elide '
rid be striae* tile- strain .1 list* i' MIS taw
w.rrw0t him to win,
.est by an who ever beard b.s k hi eewedl.t
11 . rer•• µwoof.. to mortal. he wend wjnt
Mowery Mod.
'rhe• s.s4.1 "ante Wee my rower.** the lushop
still read On.
Aid Lao veil tial Aske the (sabre ler • mo
s et sea w•thdrawa,
rear (sow too works • Redeemer tar alums the
Wk. stand.
O. bo hoods. ram n .f gkey, sad* leas sell
u his hand.
1:...std Hie throne • e.wntlees •sober of the
rammas-m-1 &totes&*/. preened
tle toile d•saoelug the etimiehwrs .n * (It,
•t the Moot.
limos sans* tames wars Hemet IaOHim4 lbw n
eieleermreace/ b an.
it sot dawn to ter .ma1Mr laaasiemo tart
mast Oho oilsy .omit.
Las elms leek Its pewee •heresies (afro
.way frees crowds mei cars.
taus we to • urea.* of ssiesihow wNh souse
• 0..e* wit 4 atom.
Ewe tea ample rase f. inset (Lim, bewails
Master cried 'W ts• 4e.e.'
M hi. the presAer Numbed eel weedesd
wear\ M had seen %riff wove'
hiding ita.f, and getting down out of
the pui,ilc eye, as encs it did, the capons
rears itself, and wears a crest not to be.
.vert.»•ked to o c}t,wd. Snail bonnets
ate nu lunger than the pattern .•f last
year. but all the trimming, as on hats, is
maned up in front --after the Itoric
style - and every tall woman adds sat
inches to her Motu* in her 'little caput*.
every boos ..r n.se-bud sticks Weight np,
as stiff ea a picket on • country fence
The demand fur strings is renewed.
The 'tyke' in making up street suits
mite no :tore &'tried than the styles in
street hats for fashionable people, who
wtarabont one Wag winter and sum-
mer when shopping. Skirts are rather
sbmt;r than of tine lege instaed of long-
er. as many feared. !Straight petticoats,
with numerous paueldevices,Lrmid strap
µrd in frolic of the skirt and baz.iue,wlth
a retinnstiiwously toupet hack drapery,
lactation tails W the c.,at and simulated
cent is • preferred fashion fcr fall out
door Willett.
iinwa*de velvets grid damasied satins
are the fabrics still bought up the moat
for diaper anti visiting artisans. There
is an inclination towards lighter greens
than for sometime, light vtnaigre oe
absinthe green flannels brimmed with a
stilli paler shade beisg used is bridal out-
fits for trowel. Braze or myrtle green
velvet is • handsomely comhiard ter fall
dream, with *prwot matin braced*. Side
panels and revers. waiatonat sod beck
petillion plaits of the brocade when tfrle
toilet M of she darker .tet.
At this time .1 the year then is a elm
lent outbreak of packets. Jacket., long
jackets, abort, gentle, do.blebreasted-
in fact, fall garments designed f,:r a mil
lion Individual t.stes. The liveliest in
ter.•st a dieplayrl by the feminine world
alwsy. In the tint tall outergarment,
Tho Battenhurg is intenMly homely,
enough to please the most ultra Anvlor
maniac. The Ewan, is • clams, Nur-
affair, despite its French name,
short and Woes in front. a box -plaited
blouse sr, the heck, under * sup belt.
•rwan'eeted with &wry balls u large se
Englist. walnut.
Strange to soy, the rid name, down -
nal. descriptive of a dotty-cornered,frvgi
richt-to left kind of goodie. returns
tacked cwt the new WI settings, meek to
the wrrirw, tit those who resit downtown
t.. hoe.one familiar with 'otusew'snnmen-
everybody supposed that *tote pasts
ween he rete gatasl to some ether ileo
alw..1 the house. as it woo not likely that
tuition wroth' edit...* to hold herself
t,44slh'r in this way The ride panel
has been forced Ion Mow who are in the
dark .4 the -moon about Ibe cuming
drapery. Ks
As yet thew ie 11 ' ..larked c:,•nved in
the areai4et.ent .1 11•,11
body seems etu'uviitly s*ttelnid sista til•
present system and the "heck hu1che."
The earliest novelty in s.Mlion ;p. d.
tw the hens y honsrepun,* uatar*al enough
like *n army blanket to suit even the
girl from "Yurrup ' and her mar.
Every w..man to the world .1 fashion
or on its outskirts u bold'ns her breath
over the p.latble downfall et jet misee-
Itte,trrie. The suldeet whisper sp. kr..
yet would be there is an end of jet. Jet. it ....'• 11 .4 ..y Cute, town b1) a h.a.le
IL"111111"T T-.__-_ _ -_.__
&arm's atom L144bl..lo.
ra the only ache, 1 oe,wa roust for Note
Dry!' ee ourFeet
onng •low Wali brassily t all that is'
NO takutg tA0*0*14 w tiedMinse
fir week*, bis: one musute's application Arse
removes an p.m and will prows th.desat j Yessnade*feat seeag tldtsttsuet b} b�.).,.g 7rur
vatu.. of Kraut s Fluid I.ightrtone. W'
velta por le•rtle at C)•wrge NLyuae batt BooTs
Seeing a belwrttw. Kama tote Leel
Imprimis to the pamphlet on 1). Vaa
a tr111Uming, 4401m• t•' lays rWtetr*d' and rehevs youistli of all those u:tress-
ua.g took Your Druggest can tell you
ill about It. Sold by J Wilson liouench
Mt hold un the upper 'keno -once con-
siderably rola:sal, w hen headed Ores.
fronts were old for a 0.1144 wt unfit
WOO. universal trimming shall lw found
as highly ornamental and reactive t..
take its place in embellishing • Alae. 'ilk
Ont, there is no fear but jet will be
tr,.ught and lavishly user). Not so much
in separate 4.rnoments as 1n jetted dour,
cell, fringe and magnificent 4411111' four
inches wide. The n.ost valuable charac-
teristic in the gimps is tient they are as
meetly inde.tructil,I.r as utav be This is
the "one thine needful iridescent
brads are fui:y u (ashi.niai,:r .. :out
111.1er Near.
♦ •sesame Mrwrs.r
The mai. with rheutuatlsm can feel the
approach .1 bad weather 111 ilia aching i
p.I.t*. tls1yard'. 1'eilew I01 cures
rhe uIuatru.. aches. pries *tut Ilyuri41. 2
Itev. J. G. Fillet, Dutt.w can titles :
"For eoutr yeses n47 wile has loon
trouble., with Dyspep.a, and has tried
A r THE *To1:1': u/
Crabb's X10.^
i hair now on Land t he ;ammo .tock e4 er .L.• . t, :n I:o.'erirh. a 1 . amlw•.►a i rr flee es
unllr foun.t in Ann.•lmes she,.• our.- free. the fir!*' aid. tLre•:/k a:t the tr.'r:m.tdir grade*
10 (ur bra.,e.1 .use hide. I w Al .ell iso
Prices that Will Snit Everyone.
with but littleeor no .Ramco All atl4teed to
ono thing after souther rya 'tinter,. Ladies' Boots, in Button or Laced, from 1!.00 to 15.00.
Mictiregnr •Spia-edy Cr, e n trial.
.111,00 t skim; the first nettle 1 Yate .tet- hisses and Children s Strong School Bogs, from75c. up.
curd ao rets uu n*rmd It to 6o one of, if nod improvement, end can with eon
b.lrscEoys do.. $1.0C, up, all other Lines Proportionately' Cheap.
the (.rot nir.ilciue extant for Dyspepsia.
Wrappings (11is winter will be either 'rho. invaluable medicine for 1 icer Com- I t •.h an.'. 94.'1...tail 41*..'4•''. e.
very long or very short --m. intermediate plaint, I dr4tpsnl.,, K,dury Complaint,
[sparely rettrtaple. 140id at tiro. P.hy-
na* Drug Sloan. Trial bottler/ given
lengths. The former e. ill .41 wont about
on foot, tf.e latter for thou t'cca1lcna.
!tat between n .w and that distant day
when a I,rotectinn atgaii.st tu•:d will be
needed. for the first cool autunn days
ilulnhers t4 smell mantles of various
shapes sill he worn These trade with
plastrons or vests erre 11* well received
that almost all 11*e new small wraps i•
pel*rine ..r short mantle shapes are made
with a plastron at the fno.t Cato u re.
pealed at the (rack, ..mese a Lood is
placed on tine hack instead. Masi short
jackets of all kinds are in ptet•sration
for the winter, among the nnmt.er s ••1,*
richly ombrotacred in geld. rtelow which
s wade gash of soft silk will tw worn.
Nays Dryden
"She knows her man *'d when ynu rant
and swear
Can draw you to her with a single hair.
Itut it tutu. ..e beautiful hair t•• ha'•e
such )sewer : an:: beautiful hair can he
ensured by the use of CIit *Lit1R Hui
Run ewLit Sold at:)Octs. by •i Wi:ann
A B.►'1KR0•a TrsTIvml. -- For s
Cough, Cold or any Brouchical affecio
"Pectori*," in my opinion, a just .e
thin;(. I have used it in my fa
•y . tor
Cough. and l;ul.l* for the pas' r years
with the moat unvariod success, and to-
day my opinion ..f it is that I c ,r.tinne
to think still more e,1 that w'tic:. I bensn
thi:.kine well ..f.
Gan Karr, Manager °wfan o Bank.
Price 25 cents at all drugriate. m
r. fes. 04.dleal Prwiseura. as. all wawa
It may caeca.
Ph•'sphrtine, ur Nerve P -sir a rhea -
pate Element based upon Scientific T"s? =me
)1. D. of Boston, Masa., cures Pulmon-
ary Consumption, Sick Headache, Ner-
vuns Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia
and all wasting diseases of the: human
system. Pku.phatine is not a Medeesne,
but a Nutriment, became it contains no
Vegetable or Mineral Poisons, (b ,i. tea
arc..tice, And no Stimulants, but gimp
lo. the Phosphatic and G•artrtc Elements
found 1n our daily food. A sire bottle
u muttio,unt to convince. All ru.erists
sell it. $1.00 per bott:t. Loons* d
Cc., sole agents for the Dominion,
!.5 Front Street East Toronto.
E D 0 VCT r I IT G-
Etre. 1 m. Crahb's 131st, Center least street ens
ensu** II, 11.0. -To the tr. it ' ion:her arta li., tu*gs ie, ..n} :' mtf ! + :: •u I'_ --•.
'••y:3gn. Marc. Feb. 1. two. (ien'Irtweo-
1.itlbrrd *,inane.., a roc: headache.' -
Neuraigla, feurale trouble, for years in
ttieitsr. 5044. 1eseaule and tact uctatl*i4 t::aft- Efit.SE AND SECURITY
n.etlicoe or doctor could Aire me
relief ur core until I used Hop Cotters.
'The tint bottle
Nearly cured me ,'
The second sande tete as well and str•'rg
as when a child.
! ':tonal 1 hat** been s.• to this day.'
' My hustraad -Pas an Invalid f.,r twenty
years with aasrloen
Kidney, liver and urinary Complaint,
t'rorounet foo Boston's Lest pI:ysi-
Seven b••tries of your bitters co-ed&
:.im, and I 'an -•w •-1 the
'Lives of eight perweus'
In my neighborhood that have been
saved by your bitten.
And (many c.rre are using :arc with
great benefit.
'They almost
Do miracles !'
les Mn. E. C. Suck.
goods of L&+'g� valve. that will start you is
work that boll at Once bring you .n moor'
taster than as bang ere ,n America. Al:
abate the =kW In p+ to with *soh b,»
Agent* waisted ttsyh+M , of either . or
entre. for sat the tilt or spare time o 1..
auric for ria at their own 1101.4-,. Fo^tcce. ter
all workers absobees waur04. Don't delay.
I4 Bart451.1 a Oo. Prat/sat . Paine 1e14 -
acts, Formulated by Prof.asor Austin, w
B&T S' TANN3rBT, 3altford.
The highest cash prim paidfor 44&•10* calf
•ad o14+µ *:itis u the .3AL?I•`OW) Ten ern
Saittord Dec. 4 1114. till
7_ IcI _t _ =`,
who has bought M.1)ooagb out. and b now *•fryer,* en a Neural Mwr.e.• for htmw' .c the
.wow: stand, },Mend* :e U 114.16.11:101/41/t:•'
prr., .0 be .s in • posit ion to huy at 44.'
Jar._.__ __..
CI1OS'ES X' Issit1 'i' FIC.TSREs,
sod ISM give the tdg4.st7IMe les µsnare produce. He intends to wee 4. per tent. d..ronnt
for cash nabs stuountli.g tali -Nand upa arta, e:cepting soPrs. Ciao a present redncnoa of
from IO to 'S'• pet rent. on &Strom 14,4.-4 of goads of 'be present a'a'1 toil a &ting the patron
age and coalldena•e of the people tad tri .nda. 1 tat )cern truly.
a rlow. .4611 tr. 11 5tOta
- MtT1\TRO,
Draper, Haberdasher, and General Dry Gi@d2 Mercer.
i would take tttyepeorrenity of returning mrtaogt anima thanks tea Chios, who haus 1.i
target, patronised We sidfalrginismarancing blouses*.
The planks in gel bus:r •e. a^I•'(I^ni Ors' Io be. 44 fore
No Cutting of Prices on Leading Lines, alta
No Second Price.
1 am 1017 *.este.. e few Neige liw.e.
Dress Goods and Fine Woolens,
Suitable for Amuse soar. sad white 1 wi11 ba haps to show my 100.1% n* re won wilt Mite-
purtuaed to mochas*.
I .lo not wish toe.tlmelm, ny needs •. ray Ings tspeH+nte in ter tree, but a formerly, were
it to a dieeermng ►,able. and ..til wain patiently tee '.a11t
.* t MT.TNRO_
ttod.rieh. Ants. fah. las. 1111111•Zon
now Ea.0Yae the L. Ifs at the LOM- Mtn'1R
No freebie M Rees/ Them navy mat woo Raw
T_ H_ RI:DT e�Y�
hep. 1.' 110S1. The Piteple's glove, Goderich.
1, w
7::l4r -.1 repr,.err4 the double truss wl') out •tor !telt. Note t4.. ra..a of le �..tat,went
..11r,eg ■d dated to the 1'ad. he which a l'uc • T .t N i 'est re,: i` W.4104 .:.. i'ti Aid'
1.7,-....ite se, os the Irmo. when the truss 1..-4 wir.i.
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