HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-10-9, Page 44 THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, OCT. 9, 1 NEWSABOUT I,IOM.! Hatay T. B. Descaa, who fear Me pest The first snow .4 the season fell r..I NEWS ABOUT +� four years has rsas.led is (iederioh, Mit Tuesday .worsting. It did seat cover the A chiefs amass ye, nkts •r 110n Thursday fur Es,tlend, where he will ground, however. Aa' faits w1l;rest .t. • *re" p'utably reside w the fut are. Lw'n au ter ars Nolan R'rrr. -Rev. Flu' as Co,. ass: The children of H. F. Wii*oa, of eke Indian Hume, Sault TOWN TOI W$. j tans chwcb gond" aebeul win Mee s flee Mans, was uascuneed to lecture in -- "firmer cosoerin the church on lrriday Bt. (ieurgei school house, w Th.:edsy , be greatest e.aughter ever leo •c Ai /seal. evening ti ening neat. t" A collection will be taken I evening td seat week, os his reoect tour t I neer now sees by G. C. ti arena, isl r ; among the tedium .4 the Northwest, • for the school t;:nu, ft* argilrias* n fee piktmspbe at tete G. N. McDonald was io Toronto Lw' ,.renews reews with Bag Ili"' Poutadsor ak I •ederlcb ani Co:burue "bo" etre woe 1g work attending, the wedding of to tan, !and others, sad his plays for ...ii i..g Dr.:oiclh,Dald, of Nvu York, •ad bites , these chddrea of the planes st Adsaisun fetererrlht, both ei abu .•, t"n,lerly rend I bass been fixed •Peon s& 15c, pausM to he devoted to the ladies work at Sault S ed herr. C H. W. Hrethuut t Co,tet Rnntford, `mss. There should he a crowded house, as the Indian geosttos is one of the ruccesstul dry if 3,s11 wen. say :- gar Sacral and Rational problems. ON find nd the Srosat a really 1;•• ad- amount of the band benefitnw concert vertaing medium. Nos .d.srtisen, effort n burns mad. w has. the lector. i.re. Stewart. of Ooder.cr. Head your ettlldres to Mrs. C.oYes fee .eta, paler. stats* and school aspyres eram- nt: rail sod waiter stock tow are rens• 11 J patronage 'elicited. "A thief of beauty :s a joy forever." Oat '144f pkebe ra/be at bellows, who makes re- ...00long and dn..btae • specialty, Call std t• a Weer specimens, of were. The first *now of the season 1e•T this week. be wire ts•a win net deny ordenad hr mals & sots of 11, changed to some other night. Mr. overcoat. and he w:allot F. lk A. s foe seed quality and m a bskionable ake. James Gordon, of British C ,l ashes, N'ilaot► was also to have addressed as fo Tis Femme& Call at the Ouder;.b i• rwt.ng his parents in town Hie informal withering in the who.' house at •..usdry sed leave your order* for home brother ••alareh was married • taw 4.30 p.m. un the work .4 hie Indian wen. 5:155• cutter*. gra"' cr..eher• tans ee.ks esu to a niece of the pie:I:ter of homes in the Diocese of Memo... The reliefs. stove.. t,.rnacre, tt - Rc,.:xar 'sae 2 the Pantie prosittee. - public will await further annuuu:emeut. rAIIA,HIX(i." Gr r:si/tN.- (luta ]fn. :Herres, \Gulf. street, left this Ostr. Asr. • -An old and respected res- -PINE.•ock is now cusup4He fur tall hod stater week for Wis:anon, t o riot her father, idmu tet li.derich passed trout summon rade. our pr..e..rsuot possibly br,.:rpaes• of. eua:.•y and aty,rconsidered Take &rob e.1 StadJart, who a at the p .::it of us by the hand of death or. liatntday furorpaarkeour lauod dense ream new or* end be ceeioU.4 de:.th trr,ni paralysis. She to sit her laic. After • brief but painful Illness. h ya.I r• uare. sr A. 1'. MI:Loui'e. h:t.0 nephew, Ham. Martin, with h.:. riamuel Platt died at his resideuoe on Baas fishing has been good .4 late. A Goofs Yu: ^ - Win. Chisholm, of tint day in his sixty-fourth year. De. .lamer Melntwh has returned to Peet 1lsltfurd, has nosed this seas -i, twenty eelwas • native ..f Devonshire. and f resiled fur sumo ume in Plat 11 A nom.. Mase Precious hes ;yo-r:e to ..t's is la edam. H. Cloaks las go:�e to finial :.is work k1 Brussels. Mrs. E. Dow: in; ;. r,•: ng rr;.role at f�uwmaut iLe. ha evening discourse, whim was a so.k- .slurry t•muna In September, 1117d b• Mies Fornh•." ra.. r. r;ted : • her Inc nue. contested Centre or Huron with MARCO eine 1 ne to Cbienro. Little Nellie Garrow, eldest daughter Horton, at the general election, but wen bushels early r. se potatoes nim • s Out., of which place, we believe, he wassaris peek suwutg. \ • would Lae to hear Item seem .;ng, hat can Mat this the founder. He cause to (iederich in Roc. Mr Cunningham, of Mitchell, 1810, ant went largely into the flouring ched two excellent.erir. ore int North •ted sawmill" busts°. is 18115 he fxse • head the b r of discovering salt in the street chotch uo `unday. We regret Huron tract, and tete result of his ds that we bare nu runts f •r our r.••:es of ( covering have since wade hie adopted A. M. Pulley 'hipped a car4•ad of r . nes oil Monday. l,ew.s F:'.liott has rrt.rued aga.n from lie businees trip east. Rev. T. 31. 1'unpbell preached in Mitchell on Sunday last. Mrs. Payne has been in poor health 'luring the past few weeks. Jams* Reid has taken • ccntract to Lucid • house in the country. Mrs. E. S. Marr, of Purt Huron, is ...atom Mrs knack, Weedeirset. Miss McMahon has had quite a severe attack of neurali'a, but is better. Donald McGillivray left hat week to ;o begin his studies Knox college. Mw Angie Dummy returned from her visit to \V,nnipet• on Saturday teat Government wrveynts were "taking abesryations" here during the week. Miss Hyslop, of Forest. and neice and nephew are the guests of Mrs. Hyslop. Mrs. Ben. Armstrongacted as cg, an fever an infs:uruatian all favorably 1..sae known to Huron audiences, g will else meat. Prof. de Pendry and at of 8'. George s church on Suuday Auction mile of farm atom:, in p le- Miss Co.,ke will preside at the plait.. last. 1 menta, !opueehold furniture, etc., ka, on An additional feature ..f the concert will Mrs Lew* Elliott. wbo was taken the premises, let 102, Maitland Con. be the appuar.ut.e of Mas* Knox, the suddenly i;:, a frw days ago, as much' Bur ••i road, Hoderich township. .one talented lady reader, previous to her better.mile from (.oderich, by John Knox, departure for Philadelphia. The onn- Jane (' ,wan. ..1 Keston, hes heart ' auett',neer. Commencing .t 1 o'clock cert will be for the benefit of the Goole - granted • _ted class B oeftitate on I D. m. • a Wdne.day' • lctobrr 28th, rich bend The t�.ltowinq is the program aFP • lent, ?lost be sold. as the tarns has r. , th,ociee „,, :-- been leased for a term of years. See PItOGRAMMK: Jas. Barna, boiler maker, acsompsoied PART 'wasp e Ly ha wife, left for 111,c'tioau uu Tars. poster, f r list. I. 1 1-twormeet•l Duet, •'Christens Aids' day last. I (+ono ldroat A)1D $20.-Mee•rs. Jn . 1 Sobiss('UO lanL Church 6 tLodry. M K and J M I)t ld, God kh ;oar:res ('barrow, barrister, al;ppw aDd ! defeated, and when in the following fell while walking upon the street etc' Nuvetuler Mr Horton resigned for the day last week and fracturel her sato. constituency in favor of Sir Richard The little sufferer was very ;•.taco: ander 'Cartwright,. ke again unsuccessfully car - surgical treatment. rigid the Conservative standard. Per - Among those who gut a eerut cats ( eunally Mr Platt was a genial, whole - from the "Buy's Own Paper" in the soiled roan and a good atiaen Like prize competition "A' Story Needing Word.," was clow. A. J. Fraser, sun of our Deputy Registrar. The •.ertutoate u a was • haude'ome Doe. Atone the successful contestant* at the Seatorth bicycle club apo rts last week was lames Addison. Jr., sono .4 war well-known contractor. The young men inn the three first prises is the fest teres He a a Wel are pleased to tarn that Kra Robert Peno1.rw,n has now almost fully recited from the effects ••t the runaway accident, which occurred too her home seven weeks ago For so::ie time after the aoclde"t her case was cuwiderea crit.cal, It, rhe also suffered fruits bilious magy other ambitious men he had ups and downs. but he p.o•*eesed • kindly nature which enabled him to bear ad- versity with egnanin.ity, and prosperity without arrogance. Peace to his ashes The meniben of his bereaved family have the • mpathy .1 the esti» oom- munity in their great affliction. G•ANO Comoter.-On Thursday, let. Ibth there will be presented at Victoria Hall, the finest display of musical West which has ever appeared in Goderieb. Mr.. Caldwell, the queen .d Canadian sopranos, and Charles Kelly, the mag- nificent bens.., have been secured for the occasion, and Mn. Hick, of Winnipeg, Miss Wynn, and Mr. A B. Henderson, COLBORNE, TALL BROW tapb...sa Weaeser bee a named anew as t s$•i sea. It was a cold and rather nninvitine dy ea Tuesday, yet the turn out of eriibits, e.,htbtt.tre and spectators at South's Hill was large. The number of entries a the varauue departments, ex- empt fruit and flowers, exceeded that of the West Riling show. The show of hones was particularly good One of the must interesting fasters et the show was the minting for a .p.ulal prise o($0 offered by Mr. -les Clarke. (yr this year's colt. from the noted •tai- lioo Colin. There were nine handsome young annuals shown, and every one of thew did credit to their sire. The colts were all admired, and the judges took a long time in deciding. The prises were asarded as follows 1st John filen, 2d Andrew Young, 3d Thomas Campbell. Mr. Clarke deserves the thanks of the agricultural community for his eater - plume and hberwlity. The cattle went chiefly nrade,aud were very numerous. There Hero • couple of tine Durham crises sLusni by I. Fisher. The inside departments were steely filled up. The exhibit of fruit was very creditable. (:nut was ahead of our uwn show, especially In barley, end the ladies work on exhibition testified to the taste and cleverness of the Colborne maids end matrons The outter shown was choice, and notwithstanding the verdict ..f the judges the cheese was god. Our townsman, Itobr.Thompson, at will be seen, was a successful eah.bit- r in hes class Geo. Stewari s photo- graphs were much admired. The follow - ng is the prise list :- PRIZE LIST. Capt. J Y. S. Kirk, of Bru.seis, is we :. e ay as e ,rte fir learn suffenug (rots • dropsical affection fishermen, who sassed the lineae the I his limbs Draw ..f the barque Iowa, oft Glrewpeoek Paint two years ago, Lay. been awarded A lad named Itrindlerommiricited a geld medal and $20 ea* for their • steer on Wednesday a 1aet' .eek, and bravery by the P. S. Government. )(c- lad • leg broken. Donald now vides in Goderich town - Mute McEvoy. of Detroit, has been ship, and McKay et kereprr of Lyell for some weeks the guest of her c.,usin, Island light house. Brave brays. Hr.. Judge Doyle A Tito Sao' Bowline.- A. M Polley, Our farmers are now tailing their of the town, hos a brother who is a a;;ples to buyer,. who will only buy partner .n the Ern of Marsh & Polley, apflee picked by hand. • Quebec, makers of brute and shoes. 77u Mrs Emmert,n, the well known Nut• -d. oy Rudycf, of that city, says that ours, has been suffering fru:n in£aiova- the new terra t. Daly four Jean .n exs- t, ry rheumatism of late. • kms, but that it is au popular that iu Mn. Cain, daughter of Elijah )tears, full staff of 300 hands are k.;•t Los; anon! orders •only, and that n. et.ock is left an Saturday loot to reju.b her Lure kept on `..and. Marsh & Polley :urn out 10,800 pairs of boob • week. tend at Bay City, Mach. The rain on Saturday was the heart - wet of the mason. though araccompanimd by thunder or Leonetti. We are glad t•, learn that Mn. Lynn Crawf rd has quite recovered !rem her IMe attack of indts jositioe.. Miss Jesuits Thompson, daughter of (leorg. Thompson. has been awarded • teacher • certificate use appeal. 8. Meese is the proud pnss.esnr of tremendous to,nat•es. Last week he handed us Otte measured 12 x 14. Miss Cameron, eater of Mrs. Cas- , has bee:t suffering from indis- position lately, but has recovered. Mr. Morris, the celebrated npt:cian horn tis establishment of R. Lnumauce, Montreal, will be at the Medicel Hall. F. Jordata a, .•n Tuesday and Wednesday 20th and 21st inst for the ,•orp.se of fitting any .one desiring it with the noted • eotaelas Mr. Morris is to well known to require any r.c.nn,endation, and those whn have any trouble with their eye s irht, should avail thtn.seh,e of his services while he is here. TIMlittuyct ~Mina Mrtn'o. - An open tempegasee meeting, under the auspices nt the W. C. T. t'., will be held is the Temperance Hall on Tuesday miming nest. A viol prprogrammem. s Mn. Hayhurst. of Palmerston, and . hildren attended the 1ui,eral of the late wane ptepa»d' •nd the» will be some Mr. Phis, fatter of Mrs. Hayhurst. practical speeches. Punt miss it. Speak- er • Revs. W. Johnson, T. M. Camp - A young man named i'.stIswhaite, -Delo G. F. Salton , vocalists : Mies fell throurh a trap-door at Shepprdton ! Wynn, Mr. H.nder..i , and Knox the other day, and had his leg broken. church choir. T. McQiUiemddy will - Nr. Miiu* uwery. who recently en Ilir..a.• moved t.. tow!). has been .n p....r health 11Tim .'tot re ty2TNt.-Muron raptured on several weaves, bat .1 uoe improving. t both the acholarshipe at the recent sup - R. W. McKenzie is of opinion the!'plemente: examinations (1 T•ironto his hardware stock is hard to hest. se I M*Oleily. The scholarship for classic sow assorted. Read his adrertisenient i woo inn by John D. fSwan.on, son d Gen. lear•*os, sad • gradwate of Godo. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Mo.,rhnuee. of I rich High SeLool. He led hie ekes. He Byfield. were it, • lam:srioh en Haturday u twit seventeen years of sew, and yaws lots, ou :heir retort from 1' tar :rine, tartly fourteen q t • 2nd B at the exas- Mieh. inatiom for teachers. He is nue of the it was .1 Straiten, .it a. T. 1:, who mu -.t premising students Maroon has pro (I rtmo! the peo.p:e of G.•darsh town. duesu. I'endergwt. of Seeforth, took the atop nu the mouth organ at Bethany saholersaatp for mathematics. therch. 'T.. AND FRO IN Lemony "-The lee - Mr M.,r•cre•te, .d Pt. Male's choir, tura deli. ered on Tuesday evening by fiamJton, tang the sal.. Ave Mars very John It. t'larke was one • f the most pop- aeespsably at St. Peter. • n Sunday talar yob;m addressee we have ere, lie - •veneer last toned to Ha eln.loen-m. humor, and We are pleased t.• leant that Viae Mc i pother. te4pml.d in the most finished Machina s sun t.. New Y ,r► boa 14,10, i'manner. held the *mimeo for two homy easiest In rest. ribs ter to moot of her 1 ass. r. mo lreslartTb ranwd rdhe "lhepe» yelwetshwd its old time •.gear, 'terror in the minds .•1 many who listened Mr. 131111 ,11. g,recer. wont a few daysto the Anglo - Amer„Tess- hotline castor on Te - hotline after his 'r.t,rete in the townI day Dunne kis stay in li..derieh, Mr. Mint P. Gilson and M"l'attl* A•rs The acrd march • f the aeries •d the G•oterieh (ton Cleb took place Let Fad Mr. Chas Kelly -Guitar accompaniment. 3 -Duet. "l)oly Thee"C. A. W bite Mrs. Caldwell sad Mr. He.denioe. 4 -Sulo,....... "1111accio' Ardite Mies Wynn. 3 --Solo.... '•Hybrias the Cretan" Elliott Mr. Kelly. IC. AWhite •--qeartetre, "Come. Irene with the Lark'.. Mn. Caldwell. Ma. Hick. Messrs, Ileal and Hendrreos. -Reading. ... -"By the Alma" Mies Knox. O lido •'fleaoatto Polka Mn. (Ltdwell. ewrgarssato.. PART 1I. (Pailth 11 lnetr.s.ental Duet, Coe Nun Ktotlea".. Mir Cooke and Prof. Del eudry. 11-84441 "The Piero Chase" Rowell Mr. Henderson. n Doet The Fisherman" ....Gelman Mir Wynn and Mr. Kelly. L' -Reading "lope Knight and the tate. .. Mies Knox. 13 -Guitar Polo"The Spann& Retreat - Mr. Kelly. 1t -Solo "Cuckoo Pone ... ..-- Mrs. Caldwell. 13 tido...•"The Bugler- . Pineal Mr. Kelly. It- Dirt"Row Gently. Peva".... J. Perry Mre. Caldwell and Mr. Kelly. 17 - Reading. _ ..."Abu Ines" Mir Knott. I$- Trio "Might Be Our Parting" ---- kin- Caldwell. and Messrs hell. and Henderson. Madder OUR TOWN FATHMRB. Wast Trwsapleed at the t'eaaietl ■evatasg Loot reegsy Tort. The regular meeting Of the town coun- cil was held un Friday evening last. HarryMorrish ; sow, H Morrieb ; bear Present -Mayor Horton, deputy reeve Cameroon, and ouuneilbors Colborne, pm, under one year old, R Fulford ; sow Donlon, Cantelon, Humber, McLean, cyto under o.s year odd, W C Potter, 21 Bingham, Butler, Marney and Lee. tt Fulford. 3d Thos Fallows. 13. d whit;, Th n H•sDt s, I JCDure, sesta. ; barley, lid John Venue. 34 Th.* Carroll ; Hoasee John Mar.luie. Wm. Gr•ug Ley, blaek. Julep Venue ; par, .1... M. • or .in I L) M. Mur.o i, Hardy, 3d W C Putter, 3J John Vocor, ciente. R.M. Matadi, Jr . white um., Th.ss Hamilton, 2d H Cur- tuner Ann Phe. H. Snell and Jas. wenn 3d Thee Carroll ; bla.k arts, H i Porter. Colwyn, 3d Jamues Harneou, 3.1 Jams* 1lcHardy. nun. Apple. - Nurtheru Spy, Thus Carr••:1, 2d W Junes ; Stow. H Howell, 2d Thee Carroll; Rhode Weed Greenlee, J (ileo, 24 Thus Carroll ; Baldwin, W .I..nee. '2d A Million ; tit Lawrence, 2d Thos Co. Gouts Rowe Pries. roll ; Gravenstein, TbaeC.rrvll. 2J Joliet LA fix- Wulut. Itln. 1ewn.sabs, Breekenridee; Spitawtburg, Es,pus, A I Mrs Jamas Stewart, Mn. Jas. Yusng. Minton, 2d Thus Cerruti, King .•f Towp bite County, J Glen, 2d H Howell ;1 - - - Itoxbury Rumen, Thor Carroll : :0 oz. Pipyrui, Amos Risher, 2d Th.. Carroll ; Rihwn Pippin, .1 Million, '2d W Jvn.. Hubbanis,n's \.,usucb, 2dTh. •Carroll; American Gulden Rumen. Th..s Carroll - Wagner, A Millon , ftesuty of Kent, N Hurrah ; any other kind tamed, f.11, P Hogan, 'J.1 Thar Carroll ; arty other kind Named, aortae, Amps Fisher : plate .rob, N hurrah, 2d C McYbee , yuiuces, A Milhot, 2d John Varuoe. 1'eo,s Flemish Beauty, H H..well, 2.1 A Million; Vicar of Winfield, J Glen, 24 W Juue.; Keaurre Hardy, Tilos Sallow.. W V 11 W J Cie F nr- lintenesn. -Win. Tbusmpsw, A• Ruse. Pit :Is) -R. L. Waitoo, Wan. Il . bride. Faure A Sends. Jas Stewart Hnttc M•Nu,arTuRras, are Sira..hau, W. R. Rubwtsus, and 1lnuro • D. C D. E. "' f rosea. -4yr;ralterul-Brood mare, .poet have fuel by her aide, tet and 2d D. McNee, 3d 1 Glen ; foal, D McN.s, 3d J Glen, 3d D McNee ; two year old filly, W C Pinter, 2J R Munch, 3d J Rhee; two year cold gelding, Geo May, 2d R Errett, 3J T Hamilton ; naafi year old filly, J J Fisher, 3d R Errett, 3d .1 Buchanan ; one year old geldiog, A Robertson, 3d W C Potter, 3d W Lindell ; span horses, mares or geldings -diploma, J J Fisher, 2d •1 ohn McLean, 3d J 0 Stewart. Road and l:uridge-Brood and foal, diploma, H Howell, 2d A MCDunahl, 3d A Young ; spring hal, colt or filly, di- ploma, A McDonald, 2 A Young ; one Myear old blly, Wm Cunniugbem, 3d R edd ; one year old gelding, A Young, 2e. J P Fisher ;' two year old filly, W Cunningham, 3d .1 Tewsley ; span car- riage hearses, diploma, D Mennen : bug- gy horse, diploma, H Howell, 2 J A Reid, 3d John Smith ; middle horse, J McLean, 2d A Young. C ATTt.L TAonuughbred-Milch oow, haven'rais- ed calf since Sept., 1884, Isaac Fisher, 24 Thos Beattie, 3d Issas Fisher ; bull calf, Isaac Fisher, 2d R Medd ; heifer calf, Thos Beattie, 3d Isaac Fisher. Natio or Grade ('•elle-Cow, having raised calf since Sept. 1st, 1884, R Medd, 2d John McLean, 3d R Medd ; two year old heifer, J McLean, 3d R Medd, 3d H Girvin ; cwe year old heifer, H Girvin, 3d J Glen, 3d Alex Glen ; one year old steer, R Medd. 2d and 3d Thos Beattie; steer calf, J McLean, 2d it Medd, 3d A Glee ; heifer calf, J McLean, 2d R Medd, 3d J McLean ; yoke two year old steers, 1st and 2d H Girvin, 3d 3 Mc - Hardy ; fat ox or steer, 1st and 2d H Gircin ; fat cow or heifer, W Jones, 24 J Glen ; yoke of working oxen, J 0 Stewart, 2d D McNee, 3d J McPhee. Long Woof Sheep -Aged ram, J 0 Stewart, 3d Alex Young, 3d Thee Bel- lows ; sbsrling ram, J 0 Stewart, 2d 12d Nies M Nott ; gent's fancy flannel and 3d, James Rose ; rem lamb, J 0 shirt, hand made Mrs John Buchanan, inter . e u, utter ; pp a ay ire, Thu@ Hawiltun ; any other variety, Th.* Swllows. Peadhw-Late Crawford, grh•r Sal- low, ; seedlings, J Glen. (/napes -Delaware, J Glen ; Concord, C McPhee, 2d Gordon Young. (harden Vegrtublu--Rote potatoes, A K irkbride, 'lel Tb.s Precious, 3J W Junes ; elephant potatoes, C McPhee, 24 Alex Davison ; heauty of Hilton pota- toes, Alex Robertson, 2d A Davison, 3d Thw'Hunilton ; potatoes. any variety, Alex Kirkbride, 2'J Th.,e Sallows ; suer liner squash, for table, John Venue ; winter squash, for table, ''4 .1 Glen • winter crbbsafr, Alt's Young, 21 Alex Roberts,te ; fall cabbage, Alex Young. 2d Thus Hamilton ; citrons, Alex Rob- ertson, 2d J Glen , Lyng blood beets for table, W C Potter, 2d C 31cPhee ; turnip blood beets fur table, W C P over, 24 J Glen ; table turnips, Ales Young : early born srnrte, H Careen, 3d Thus Ham- ilton ; scarlet earruu, Thus Hamultou parsnips for table, H Curwrn, 2.1 Chas McPhee ; red °atone, 14 Morris , vellus union, Ther Hamilton, 2d Thee Prest- os ; cern, fur table, any vanety,na,oed, 14 Curwen, '3d A Yount ; red tomatoes, W C Potter, 2.1 Jams* McHardy. Dome M•.nufu.tures Pair blankets, Thos. Beata, 21 Gurdon Young ; pound of yens, home made, Toon Hamilton, id Gordon Young ; counterpane, wove, P Hunan, ?d Outdoes Young : ten yards of cloth, J 0 Stewart ; collection of photo- graphs, Geo Stewart : raspberry tame, 3d Chas McPhee, 3d Thus Beattie bushel ..f unalacked little, Thor tectal. R,eroonnsemded - - Pair of socks, Mrs Gordon Young. Field I'egrtablrs a.n•t Riots -Ma Imola wurtsels, Thee Morrish, 2d W C Potter; Swede turnips,Ther Beattie, 3d A Million ; field arrow, lour red, H Cur- ees, 2d A Million ; white Belgian carrots, H Corwen, 2d Th... Sallow* : onions, 11 Morrie ; pumpkin, The. Morri.h, 2d H Howell Laity Produce - Tea posed' table butter, milted for eta In tells at H Howell, 2d W Junes, -3119 - tub or crock of salt butter, Thee Hamil- ton, 2d Alex Robertsuu ; chew. factory made, 2d Gordon Young ; theme, hose trade, 2d 8 Bissett ; 1 quart maple syrup, H unwelh 2d Thu* renews , jar of honey, Gordon Young, 2d C McPhee; loaf home made breed, Th.* Sallow*, 2d George Tindall Ladies' Work - Gent's shirt, linen front, hind made, Mrs 'rho* Ha.niltc•n, yew Aiieetl.,wt•es This Wept. Ila. Gout* llreehour. t Ib., Kwuaturd. Ita;Jwsr•• R. W. M:l:eu•.e. Ia,rl•res Alrs. 310000. tIeereuaIa W. H. 'tidies. a Dentistry. V/L WOOLYBRTON, L D. S, • um,* 044 gleliews Han. North Pt. Godrri. S. i'barges tsederate. All work war- ranted Amustitn/uts. �ODERic: H MECHANICS' IImrI- t' TI''1: LI11I. ART AXD RS.A DINO Roost. ...sr. et r+a street • id Square lap sumo. Open from 1 to p.m.. and from 7 to 10 p.m. ABOCT 2000 VOLS IN LIBRARY. Leuu.,.J J'iJ�y,, W.rkl; and litenanted Papers. Yeg r:ria, S'e. , ea File. MF-VHl-It'HIP TI('11T, ONLY awes. granite( fres nes R 4abrary acd Headlr.g Application for membership received by Librarian. in rooms. GEO. RICE. A'.FX. %feRTON, President. afscr*tar> fiederich. March lift. IMS. 1elw She People's tolumn. �iALZ TIiIACBIR WANTED --AN i experienced teacher preferred to teach is schen] seetbn No. t, Colborne. Patios to commence with the New Year. Apply in per.On to WM. KANE. secretary, lot Il, eta. 1. 114 wea r P.O. 1215 Stewart, 2d and :b J... Tewsley - pair 2d ;Kr. Geo Tindall, 3.1 Mira M Nutt ; aged ewes, J 0 Stewart, 2d and 3d Jas fancy flannel shirt, machine trade, Mrs. Rae ; pair ahearling ewes, J 0 Stewart; , Joh, Beehanan, 24 Mn Thus Hamilton; Asir •we lambs, J O Stewart, 2d Al" fires. or cotton chemise, hand made, Mrs young. John Buchanan, 2d Mrs Thos Beattie, :Dirt iVool i' .eep-Aged ram, AI" 3d Mrs James Symington , sight dress. Glen, 3d J 0 Stewart ; ahearline raw, J Thou Morrish, 2d Mrs John Buchanan, 0 Stewart; pair ewe lambs, J Olen, 24 J 3d Mrs Thus Hamiltuu , tatting, O Stewart ; per shearling ewes, 1st and Mrs J Varooe, ^A Mies Y Ndt ; td J G1m1, 3d J O btewan ; per aged amoeaet w.xk, M . J Varene, 2d Mem ewes, J Olen, 2d J ()Stewart; ram Iamb, M Nutt ; 3d Mrs Julies Symington ; J wins, 24 3 0 Stewart, 3d Alex embroidery in linen, Mrs Jae Sysing- O�- ton, 3d Mrs M Nutt ; embroidery is PIM. muslin, Mn •1.. Symington ; embroidery Laryr B,-eed awe Pdam.1 I Aian-Sow, in silk, Mies Ni Nott, 2d Mrs Jae Sym - W C Putter mown, 3d Mrs John Breckenridge ' Rnfofk -Boar, aged, W Jackman, 9d Moniker 1•ee, Mn Jas Symington, 2i Mrs W C Patter ; fancy leather work, Mrs Jae Symington, 2d Mies M Mutt; bead work, Mrs John Vueee ; fancy braiding, Mrs Jas Symington, 2d Mn J Buchanan, 3d Mir id Nott ; faacy knit- ting by hand, Mees M Nott, 2d Mrs J Varas, 3.1 W C Potter ; fancy patched work, Miss 14 Nutt, 2d Mrs W C Put- ter ; patched quilt, in entinn, W C Pot- ter, 3d eves J Yasru, 31 Mw M Nott pmehae 9oi11, in wool, ?less M Nott, 2d biro W 1 wag, sr., 3.1 Mrs T Hamilton; feather flowers, Mw M Nott, 24 Mrs J J Fisher ; hair flowers, Mrs J Beeha- nan ; ladies devotion char, Mrs J Var- pair. Bantams. P Hogan ; pair Plymouth on. ; Roman embroidery in linea, Mr" J Rock, Jas Harrison, 2d H Morris ; pair Varc,e . wax towers, Mr. P H•'van ; Lerhorns, white, W Jackman, 2d P I paper Owers, }in \Y Jomes, 2d Thomas The minutes of last meeting were read Bra:Jure 'ass, aged, John Clarke ; and approved. sow, Thee Hamilton ; sow pig, under one agroar.. year old, Taw Hamilton. Fr.wn the street inspector, asking that reviser. drain and srat.ng he ;land across Parc Hoodan., 1st and 2d J H Rich - North Bt.. nem the Central School. lads ; pair Brahma, BRht. P Hagen . For um the treasurer, showing that on pair Black Spanish, Jones Harrison, 2d 11cMe6 there was a balance in the town )4 ][oras ; pair Dorking, J.. Hsrriecs treasury of 2774.50. pair Poked*, 1st and 2d P Homan ; pair emitter swarms*. Game, P Hogan, 2d Jas Harrison ; pair From the Secretary •.f Public Works, Homburgs, James Harrison, 24 R Medd, Ottawa, with reference to harbor d reducing. - From Thos Sneyd re sidewalk ria Colborne SR Referred 0' public works committees. P1T ITTO'(M From G. C. Seoord.,askiag for remiss- ion of d..g tax. Filed. From Mrs E. Hawley asking for remission of taxes en propertp which hes depreciated In value and is entirely un. productive. Referred to court of revis- ion. Prim Mrs. Mary McCaig, sired 66 years, asking that certain repairs be made to her residence to render it hab- itable, ea she was unable to lay f. r the work, on account of indigene*. The atrsu4 inspector was instructed to fit up Hogan; pair Leghorn., brown, P Hogan, am Bon 3J Mrs A Million ; Berlin 2d John Breckenridge ; pair fowl, any wool flowers, lir, w Jonas. noes 2d Mn :a other improved breed. P Hagan, 2d Jae Morrish ; Berlin wool wont, fiat, Ma 3 Varooe, 2d Mn W Joules, 3d Mn J Harrison ; pair turkeys, Jas Harrison, 2d E $traoghan ; pair geese, James Har- Bm:hear•dg. ;Berlin wool work, raised, riaon, 3d E Stnugnan .. patr docks, E T Hamilton, 3d Mia M Nott, 3d INn J ntr.ughen, 3d James Haarnson ; pair Rreckearidge ; rag, saat,M,J Buchanan, :tunes fowl, James Harrison, 24 E 34 Mn H Munch, 3d Mn W C Potter : Strsughen. pair woolen onto. Mrs T Hamilton, 3d r►L•NRNT't -• eves W C Potter ; oil painting on panel P ' ' harrows R bt The mpsnn Mia Nntt ; edea colors Gsoree Stew field roller, K .tell A Son , horse lay cry.ne AOnrgt titewart : pair woolen 1)� SHAAIIsiON A RAMILTO N rake sulk W H Viacom ; turnip seed cZERVKNT GIRL WANTED. -Cen- t`, r • mac" Coed,. reacee required *;ply 1.1104. SHAW seer the LM. 1 L"OR SALE -CHEAP FOR CASH, I lire No. 41te on Petah sant. Goderick. Apply to NIA RT1 Y 1 K 1TT$O N, Harri.ters. rS louse' 8I. tbetk, Hamihw. fi1612i. HOPPER'S, DRAY. The tabscr.ber take, this otmortnn:tyl of iefe-m.nc for people of Gede icb that be ;a sow prepared to do with carelulaae* sad prompnr« all carrying of parcel& trunks ferniture. rte. Rare meet reseenatile. Or .e . 4.11 at residence p•ss*ptly attended EDWARD HOPPER. 10161.n GAME ON THE PREMISES OF the subscriber. lot A Lake Read west. C.tbera., sera the .granger of Jay. a red oow and two red h„fent The owner a re- qu•wted to press. property. py rspaeees •ad take them away. NAT ALW POLICY. Dunlop P.O. 1114-41 1 OST -ON TH GRSDA Y MORNING. • red camel'sheir shawl. The Sadler will' please :au at this .Mew iii L Ot'N D -ABROAD- HEADED IYEY. 11' with the wise F. F. ba.,• sun, Tk•failtalt ger °weer gasari:sliemsesci at roams TOTICII TO DEBTORS -AB WE have dseYsd et re eat et the arrest. hunter, all aeeoaate sow dor co st--M ie settled befere the 1st of October 1512. or the win to pet .r51e mart fee collection. T. IP J. mak Godet4TORYrick. 8. 7 I*111 GAME ON THE PREMISES OF rte <.b...riber, ..x A. tea. II. township of West Wawueab, about the let of July, • ys•r os* eteer. red. on)/ acme white spot.. Tteowner is ieeneibd le prove pnxettt �a7 expess.s and take it away THOilA1t TbDD let 14.... P. O. 1145.4t SHORTHAND. -ISAAC PITMAN'S PHONOGRAPHY The west pepatarsyP tem taught terrain :on book* far .Me.(•�Tla•r' rkoust Mize. Every boy and girl iw lean sbaretbea4, L`DWARD SHARMAN, s1ue1r.AYIt sad firer. tbaaks the k yea their oestie recess Nil reedy to M all work is es* Ib se 1.. superior maser. Prices to snit eke times• EMraesM saves fur �dWR'rhea requite*. minty For Bale or to tet. TO Reiff -A FRAMs HOUR ON tltalMsfyr 55,00 reams Aflgty M CA LR east deer. la0e• Flitt SALE--ORIAT BAR(JATN- Ono IIF S and ttwwm Nes es the Hums Road. orchard. garden. ie. is totes. gee IOW s$AOER t LEWIIt. 1 RENT -Ter PREMISES Epicure M Bt. Andrew's Manse recently oecwpfp.L by Rev. P. Owen -Jones Apply a the Pan Oda ter particulars. 1111-11 4RM FOR SALE IN IEERGRN-- • A aplead14 farm of 1s* acres, sheet M acne cleared. beteg est 7 lake road eastwo stop e7olao►s.. Doig free.. hoose a re and Orchard on the premiss Very .omegas eat to echos' and church, and about 4 nt)ee f�rau}tsOedwrieh. Will be sell se reasonable team. Aptly to Wed V. HORTON, Denier ier FARM TO LET -FOR A TERM OF yeiafw. lea ISI Set. 1a the Maitland con- te*stoo. of the Township M Gedert _watt, by Maier to .1 N I.1ZARP. Ptrstferd NOW - 3fieaical. E. CASH,, M.D. , C. M . M.C. P.R., l • Ont Pbl.ktan.'urgwe Acneeckesr, Av. Olin - (That torserfv ocearied try Ilr- laescapiten . nos Pieta ogee Mar TAR MCLEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR- LY own, coroner tea Mee and -erases* Bruce etremt, eeosad dent west of Vittoria wit reef . 1701. ng, iron t , ; art ; pet►eil drawnte George Stewart ; - drill, It ell & Son ; turnip cutter, K stockings Mea James llymtnst.wi pair sakeat1 SaP Reil & S..r. ; set horse shoes from the woolen socks Mn Thos Hamilton. 2d gaol Oodench 6. C. Mnex.1. J - hammer, 1st and 24 R Thompson; nod- Mis W C Potter ; pair wnll,n mitts 1st Tom Jahn It mid sad tad-----.1ri Mn John Boeh- _.. *lip of (ire' He Is putting up a ries Clarke was the guest of C A Humber. taw h" en atle lamflpr waeroa how on by farm beentppninted delegate* to .treed :Ise se on Ott Tallied In the rater. aeeh n1m• 1 her sho.'.tsne at 13 glass nulla fired from 1 • rer.-l..•us trap M• Neftel acted s. Vegh Dunlop, 'Ph' with h* family melon. 11r App. Bleck as trapper and i arm the summer .t these .•',oh M.und- M, l;e., Shepherd se scorer Messes. i flay .Nsid,nce, • ill return not to their (;rant and Neshtt acted M captains of the , Mese on West *fleet. match.. which wits won 1•y the last named We. Mel.ean ret nn,ed t., town n rentternan. Fe. ,♦ Midas, after heroic enp-nntended the Brant 2 he.h,t apteeet of a ism. Womb.. of cattle for ilei ...,, 1 Watsnn... theeld eountry inark,t Elland. r, Welsh . W ant Mm. `aftrl and ch,l,l. of Naito:. 3 tai; Welherviile. who i.are been riming in - teers the mot tee dao• are the afloat. .d 17 i peeled r.'e father. J..hn T Matta... Extra Welsh, 2 aasoal emiront.••. •,f floe N. t T t at landaus next week Pram A. H Paestum forbidding the12dA Kirltlxide :anon beam plow, chilled sate of lot :•e.2, N'wt Kt. Prayer of „nuuld hoard, B Bell A Sm ; iron beam reitm.•n reamed - ,low, steel mould board, let and 2d 14 A timelier .1 aecinnes were pr.eented Ii & S.fli h•ase H 1-areo.e seed dell, W H Varene. and ordered t. Foe pend The sexton's report showed that there had been b interments during the month marline Sept. 301h, 4 *delta and 1 child. Mnred Ay Butler, seconded by Cod - 1...., that • poll be taken at the muni- "..) election 1, r .lerdnc haht•. caste, works, envie* park mod semoltons l grmnds and that a erss,s,ttse he ap- pointed to snqui» Into the Tarim. schswees, mid roommates to he the mirror mid Memos Crsernn, Colborne, Hnmh.r *and Better Carried. (►e sea pia the everted edjoereed. • Highly commended Set of spring - heeled she R,bt Thnmtr.nn. amen ; patch on an ••1d mamma Mrs John Buchanan. 2nd Mrs T. Hamilton, 3,d Mrs W C Potter . dean on a .•.cg, or stnekunp Mrs John Kochanan, Ynd Mrs ' 1' Hamilton ; Jane (mate sore MIRROR. Clawson fall wheat, Thom Hamilton, 2.1 Th..s Carrell, 3.i 1'h.r hallow* : �te.•tt or red f■11 wheat, H Citroen, 2.1 W C Potter : any other variety fall wheat. A Yount, 24 R Mesteh, 3d Thea Carroll ; Let Nataes, Thns Carroll, 1.1 Jas Me- ' Hardy, 3d W C Potter , spnsg sheat, any ...her eariet , Thee Hamilton, ed 1 Th.. Carroll, 3d James Raw ; rye, Tiros 7 netting Mn R Muteh, 2nd Mrs W C Potter . a..tto ass 1 ` t. r. hewn J. A. lin . orbnsrd Mre J Buchanan. 2.d Mrs Ti e� Hammlten : 3.d Mrs M Nott , sampler ! I `o• *Atm, SOLICITOR ♦e., !Mrs Janata Symington, 2nd Mrs R I pay*. kn-i .d firs John Verne, 2nd (3A1SR0W t PIiIOCJDVOOT, NAR ley J llymsngton . eoanterpsne, err•eht VMluitere. es* wart Mee (1.mdns Vnesq, 2nd Mrs k ' • MNfeet. 171 ( ,hare, he e, sear the 4=' C. Horn. 1711. Legal. ASR A LEWIR, BARIRISIr1 1S, work hire Janes Sym.ngt.0 : cloth mat N Mutch, 3rd Mrs H Morrish , e'•unter- st ts� e� fits» and Weiss min M1 •Nitre and Wee. eet•Nw N rawest Insat►wts. MmteA ; w• .•I N tidy Mn Vance, 2nd (J\/ & CAMZRON� , 1711.YkisNott. 1 \in 3 Symington , /Few Mn. Juhn Recitation read Mem 11. Reshape* M above department •\t 1