HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-10-9, Page 22 _ _ - ,,,..,.rnia,,,appainwpmrszer,AmantrgnillliSMVPRONKIPTIT417#0- • .7146 ‘,,r • ,:.:7+4"1:N.--17,1111,Niii4L, • -'41114'4%tifW•. --d 1 't,Itailtat • • . ';i".401%./61%•41;4140t▪ ,•ffitc::•1,,14,10".cMtiltMIN.-;..11 -414•0264litittftediffitreniibletiorittrenefaillittiatonettiT.- laiffigir sOtett6r.r., t THE IIIIR017GNAL FRIDAY OCT• P 1885 SI " • HON. OLIVIB NLOWAT, I OODIIIRICH W. C. T. U. Deed Weed rat raw asitosalea roarr. gesall am.' A• P' t"t• IsaiwatIvii Army is The euest.ou .4 bow the Napa Ate 14."111111* "dares ie. say a good word buth inside and estsele tbe county Fur Teatime (lu arttlittici If the, hether „e teeee the ete,e,eie end the nfnninlia I 8011006-OPII1DG C1K3. sides .alit eeck. Trim theft...at Lorime. telly •itii • 4/....taing our. shwa . to lie ark add,. end awe uottijag Ivo se 11, 4 .ixfvfd te agitating bee Tau siert drepery bogie tate 1 rteese es Er Vesspgraaco It ales. whore the ealds. Mealy 110111,1111 10 Trier era tense arerIlleilettess a beilice diminish ate appirese aim said apatela as •Imetaito T$e ..i..ais letedere• Aisasal Reran agile Womra's 01110110011 sot $ moor .. 61.1,4111be_,7,„"_11' 11111 ja alliholoa• There is much to lemma...a, we thuili tou earl h I th totes. b Were plaits, the better. C T ft that illtetech cf the Oman., meaner st Al- The aunual eseemsa at sow W C. T. sweet el the early CIttnaiss, • seermatiailly upon the subject. The Ad, • Juhuny, &Sid your kill. stator should . y 1.. speak t eire votes tense pease lee on • . t 01110.• •.S0 41011111111-ta, •101 11/111111' trnlb• TY* folluning is a synopsis of thee .4Alt• last week. It will b• seen that 1 U nee held at alt Meg aio° sea hs&le akisi to primitive Cho it). , has mot Man ie levee teeig enouith, or eat one et them, how inenY •"eld b" %%Merv., it is Geoible. Feld. and petite Oftieerstmereat, prerdiist, runt/ Met- s"' I Aft sti &like to the miriade of the !under the necessary conditiens, to Mve lett t ey :AIN it up, but the the minds• f • !Aram nutuner el people. fie• wet/able oil skirts, and tee lees trim. / lie pays a high eulogy to the WM. it.vlercresmiest Tuitd newton, id ose * Ilfieeser, who 0051 into the bleb- it • fair trial. lu this, as In so many Jehnny-- How Imlay little state! welsh! . nese al, it the face 111 bunions foe herd Make, the Leader of the Liberal party members present 10. The itiestien I" els mil byways, and milled &inners to ;owe, the truth arms to lie between two be left I • pliespeenetwes the Letter• Bast du itot ei the Ceatioulie : 't11 aildar ruler be aira r 4p41/00gwart. It als to point the en- extreume Friend Morrow, for instance Teacher -New listen, Johnny. If there i fel wit, th. IAA urns li,ouroug Wu sui is t Etre, scriptoria r ne Pferge, OR 4 rens and elevate the lip of eon.. a Irefully wide of the mart if he sop. were three peaches en die mole. ma little undercluthiug. gg .erAt yr TV, A. Gibson. The election a Pion at de earuest, whole ruled ways of pore drankiroz nas bra retired to owe- your little sear should eat eine lio• , 1 f sere eseseessee. CPC d be t The chairmen 10 introducing premier owe wee thee proceeded with. *ow lkosible array. The 11011/ who scoffs, twentieth of wha. 1. was. t • ot u y bluest as the next speaker said that thee Moved by kis Camebelle woo 4ne, he parses by, at the lowly our who band, the artiste quoted front the Wee Johnny - W• snit hail • peach le the rentleran had readered mealuable nor- by MIL Stokes, sed carried roam' ems. grow seathiNialdic neer their work of lir.isteine some misstatement and Th» hems this year, let a one three. ,ctie to the people of this eastern iy, that Mts. Capt. teatime be re- Amiga rsegeeseleg the fallen, softening the ancuraciee ohvious to all our readers. Teacher We ate only supposing the tract ef °whiny. The pry trial premier I president (or the ensuing yew an^. hard„.4. toocking i. eemweseee1 Speakers at the Prehibition lean ventien , practice to be en the ethic, Jehntiv. n the famous Muisissip ei fww ePPe"P'e As words the seared, and hemming to • realititrz agreed that to trey eJ-is oeutiee the Act ohnnieThen they ouldia t he reel • f When tilers are festering sores,bluteh es. pimples and are appetring, it Indy -tee an extre.nely bad cumin t of the Mood which iiheuld be speedily cleansed by that beat of all iiiedictues Burduck Ithied Bitters. 2 ead that day see le river so famous in litigation whick Mir temetee the woe tee tee beam. vote 11•0110 of the better, stabler, sett higher , had leen only a parttai %toccata, anilgait, peac lobo Macdonald told the Toronto work- fered and wild she would •ret feitLfal n1 Ways of honest thoughts. Christ -1i&• very sensib'e reasons for this fact. 'These Teacher -No. so small that ths attending the duties A the "arm. ' softest and primitive purity knows neth- • applytste Oxford as well as to other J.ihnily- -Woeld they he preserved I hes • tamale aearoely water their cattle in it Moved by Mrs. itt :Kenai", seconded I ler of the Chriseauity whicb he pro- ' • Up to date we believe the &dim- pre Ingres was a e Mai 'tenni, the summer lIC/0. (Laughter., by lire. Blown, 5,4 earned, that the fere'. or .,l t e lien* c. tttt Y tion to be h. taa f II . Ilr r the Tewielter --Certainly net. Mr. now- who well received with VICO presidents, roe, cesepnwil and Mn.1 which the dieciples were mut IMO all the first week er too after the Act came in 1 J. hnny -Pickled peaches ; hearty cheers, after • passing tribute to catti, be r„.0. „jet world to preach the gospel te every I force there was little ..r no liquor seld in i Teacher -No, mi. There woulon t he , Sir Itichard Cent/fright • 'Meech. %eel he I Moved be ..gra town, •denolltiodl hy creature. He relay !we) a front pOwir, he the bars, but there was a lance amount any peaches At .11, as 1 teld poi, Joloi I tied takeu a deep interest in the welfare Mn. Letter., and catned that )11m , inay centrihute lively ee the supper* of ;of private drinkitig- -unusual supplies ny ; re only euppee the three iw/1.:!ie* of this eastern eection of the prey ince, I Truman les seeeeteee. les church. and he may even pas& amen ' hewing been laid up in by unusual nen- to he there. Immure he had passed t• • ty 1e" Year''' Met' -1 by Mei. Leach. erteenried by hie fellow* as bele. of th ,stnctrat sect here ef people. Then the ear basilicas , Jelinuy --Then there woilidu t be tiny I 1 (1 his life in Eastern Ontarie. He 0441 YiIrs Naftel, and aimed, that Mrs. ' of the Phallism. toe for 1I that he as 'mewed to break out and tleuriah with !peaches, of couns entered int- 111/011•1•1 review of the leg- 1 PoUock be emeesporsoing e,„ secretary. lane • true. a ethy. or n ',tunable I little fear et the law. But the lively i Tepelser- New, Johnny, pet that knife ' folower 44 meek end lo ly Jose* if I pt....meet...op that began in August slop- I in yeur pocket or 1 will tette at away. and pity attention t.. what I sin saying. We imagine three leeches to be ma the table. Johnny Yes. Teacher- And one of them and Jettisny - Yes, moray until she leatedu't kn..w Teacher -But was there and one. J ihnny- -Mother's out of town and won't be back till next week. Teacher (sternly) - New, Johnny. 1 will put the question once more, and if you do not answer it cerrectly I .ha 1 keep you after sch....I. if three peaches were via the utile anti your little sister were to eat one of thetn, how many wueld be loft I Johnny (straighteoine up' --There wouldn't he any peaches left. I d grab the other two. Teacher (touching the bell ) The scholars are now d ism nee, I . J olintiy White will remain where he is. lative lintory of te. Is pre. meson 1.1t ine tete Moved 1,1 Mn. Brown, seconded by .1 the most happy speeches he liter deli'- Mr.. celd,, and carried, that Mrs. ered es his Id.A. The history the Naftel be treasurer. eaudtieid Itlacduneld adiniutel flatten ona The pasetitut mu was then reed and an .ta overthrow try Mr. Blithe vets sketch inxitatioe giten t•. thuac reread to wilt rd and the speaker said Bed all the . the ...er mete for that feat eelungeti to Mr I Moved by Mrs. L.+, menteled by Blake, for he .Mr. Molest) 1&d simply I hIrs.Casapbell, that the sum .4 let 00 be held the fert which that statesmen hae i sent to the Pro. unton as ,,ur •fhliation placeci in his hands. Mr. Mackenzie 100 1,14 lArtiety amertumental 111 obtain- ing that lasting Liberal mvory, and this reference gave him the opportunity of payiug a :ugh tribute to the member fur Feat York. He said that when Mr. Slackening trite in ollice, there was no neat ittestamt. • p up. abase tuo vile for the Tory press to hurl The tubiect .4 unfermented gray) pie by going into the slums to carry the !elay. As to general business it does not at hies . but sire hie diner mid retire- eine fur communion services was iti- !glad tidings which He taught to tee taitem to have been affected by the Act. anent from &*ice poleetal leadership, itroduced. A specimen was tliaced epos crowd .. the shores these* of We know that level-headed, unprejudic- - the table. It wee a year o and per. I The truth M. the salvAtionista are doing ; ed\ciitto-whose opinions are usually cor- there was ne fiatuery too hypocritieel. Mr. Mackenzie valued the latter quite , featly geed and fresh, beirg the pure ra, good week this and many lands. re.„4- diger widely upon this perplexing ae much as lie was usidaunted by their Joie, a the gr,pe» expressed and lire- 6 They ant retching nor whim the I quation, even as •o the most obvious • *..Jo ) Sul, the • served in iself sealers. A statement !churches do not reace. They are facts tend many such will not agree with • thing is certain ; ne good can f creatine wring impressiens Seat Act. Like every ether old be enforced by the proper acquimced in by all., Its ods chiefly upon the sinoeri- y .4 those who carried it. a longer trial we will be more accurately of the re - then give the public the opinion and the opin- possible of the promi- ountry.- (W...-distock his sympathies do net those whe are willing to moo the getter in order te teach truths of the limier, which w ed elevate the lowly, exalt t. hum- betels ter • "Deceit clime are never seen ble, and bring all t.. himself. W speak there now. The treating system atuoing 1 not to total unbelievers, if tiny sac there “onotierate drinkers" and young men is I be. It its their right to lettere \these largely done away with. We do not les- 1 fee Carried. %hums. But with professing ell ism !Mee thee .the aggregate of perste drink The work of appointing delegates to .4 all deneminations it is a vert; d et- ing-that is, drinktne nut done in hotels oit toward I cl the boldness a great .1eal mad • down into el !nen very cautious. Bar.rmin he grand drinkieg has since greatly decreased. tiesigo- Very twiny who formerly dropped into the oenvention 0411 ward. elm. Leach suited that she in- blow cold at one and the same tin e. supplies field in April, the reverse is pro tended tc be at the eonvention. After They cannot claim to be followers of t Daily thecae'. Still drunken men are souse talk this wurk was deferred tie the meek and lowly Jesus and yet pour conk not en uncommon sight ou the streets whob• larn•' A score of them could be seen 440 CirCUI d i creased. In spite of the large then brought fcr- ant matter. They cannot blow .4 n -ba.in Trey papers want the Liberals to throw was made contrasting the hense-made i strengthening the 000 one 1,541C point In I us. 4 Mr. Blake over as leader, but they were ; and the purchased wine, as to coat, and 1 the church organization ..f the times. come not going to take advice upon that tatat• ,,,,I,„ettie that the former cemes at &Mut :They are going to those who are without i about t ter lived their political opponents. -he- ' une-teuth the cent .4 the latter. The 1 the pale. They are copying the methods 'law, it Olt plal100 ) union would strongly recommend all the .4 Christ himself, and the work they are lateens ato bLaer was Tillie LE/11.00 churches to adopt the method of snaking ' doing is worthy of all conamendat Rio. •cecess de unfermented wine fur sacramental par- Wealthy meta cannot do better than 1 ty and attar , pee. ; help them along. It is cheaper, as well i When it has not because he thrust himself in his present position but became, the Lthend keeps were then taken to arrange for as better and nobler, to convert a man !able to Judge party iii parhameot thrust the heneri e public temperance meeting a week .1 than to leave him in criminel sinfulness isn't& We wil epon him. (Cheers.) They tuid every , from the the following Tuesday,after which, • t" prev upon society. The highest &rains; Beate: confideuce in IIIID, in his ataility, In "I the doxology being sung. the meeting , church dignities in England have recent- toes id as many statesmanship ; and they were going to el d. : ly paid glowieg tributes to the goad trent :nee of the retain lum in that position despite the wotk the Saltatien ermy is accoteplrle tientutel-Renew. rory advice r.ther or Ise. Long may Mr. COLINTY CLIPPINGS. . mg. S akti be spared to lead the Liberal 4 --- Rev •- Win. P. Co Party '4 Ceinetle (cheer'''. The "Peek'''. Nem. 110..an Parts elf Mere. s.4.. The 1 - - - -. then referred to li.• leaving the bench News warbasege. The HAM 11 •41 Tbrsesil. vabet and chairman and re-entering puliticel life Land read -- - church extension, says . . extract after citrate. fromthe Tory press WHISKY CAAIS.----We understand that 1 Mrand MrsDefoe were at here. the Iodide Ammonia is the during the past twelve or thirteen years, constable Davis, .1 Myth, who has been !other evening. There had been • long put before the public for h h *keit, i period of silence. when suddenly Mr, suffered fur 32 years, and applied this remedy, could tt, the meat reel - the Methodist ilea' Liniment remedy ever ra/gia. He ver, until be obtain re- in which they expressed their !mere at hi. course. Tinsel extracts which were read amidst the cheers and laughter) showed In the light of the past few day's experience, that the objection* taken for ego long a period were _net _quite se weal toweled .n cunviction as they appeared to bete been. The character of the provincial legislation was then explained: Kippen, dismiseed, a* the welters, fail - and the fact that the government had ed to appear. This is rather a dirtier - aided railways, relieved municipal in- aging beginning. whatever the end may ilebtedneee end still retained • Jerre be. It is gratifying, hewever, that nem surplus with gut resorting to direct tax' action us being taken to enforce the law. ation was presented with warranted each one can furnish hie own wardrobe, beet and other compounda. mi. is pride. He then adverting to the slime Krim. A Nunn*. -Another Huron pr- imer, ifl tbe person of Mr. Win• Sc`911. "Nh'hat sort of a play Ay gum 1 we've gut the idea Low :" evidently founded on the idea that beer ean we have :'' is not lunsfuli and cvutains a .large .1 attAirs in Dominion WILK, as ex - ..4 the 7th .' con., of Titcketeniith, has she asked all he marched up and down amount of nutrIreent : also Heat Indere pained ki• Sir Richard Cartwright, con- pared to his long home. Mr. Scott died witl..1 • tragic step. treeted the same with the tal'Orabk elate may Wive some medical ettality which ou Suoday evening last at the good agent of the provincial fivances. The tuts- 96 years ond three months. He had been stopped sh,rt. " I have it -abs !'' Le exclaimt 1 tie he will neutralize 11.0 alcohol which it con - g overnment at Ottawhail created a ....,„ tee., , IN-in't Y..0 remernhcr 1 coals, etc. These theories are olthout feeling in some quarters that a contra- --------------------------------------- lltartitd to Ilrlt• a Ploi• five Years atto contirmatien in the ebseevation of tumor. but had always been able to be lel finish it and well iiring it out Noe h skims. The .i.e of beer se found to appoint pu c p Act Arociation vf this county, had wt._ :Defoe exclaimed : ... oral cases before Mayor Forrester, of 1 "BY gum ' . lief : and takes pleasure in thus publicly "'What tett dear .'' she responded. ann./unclog his cure, he desires to be • Clinton, for vi eations of the Act, uet ' weetteede, him. The first eme e eine 4 -Say, wev. got tired of playing rine, brie/actor to the human famil Seld against Spooner, of Clinton, disiefeeed ; and what do you say to pnvate theatri- by F. Jordan. Godench. sewd, %Via. Kyle, Tuckerernith. Ii• ' eels ? Well .get three or four of the .------ - - - drawn, and two cases against H. Shaffer. •neighbors to join in, and we II meet at Seer eviler, Whislet. each other's humes and have regular - - Pky•-" For some years a decided inclinat "That will be splendid. she gasped. has been apparent all over the country 'Hanged 14 4? wont ! Twenty dollars to give up the use .4 whiskey and other will get us all the scenery we want, and stems alcohols, using SI s substitute Yoor tette sister cats then goes away but she would.) t go had tioisheil the three nay little sister. suppose p.m mother wuuldn't le her eat but Remo* to *paw. eat raper. Grease apes, *4 01.1, try be remora 1 by applyine a solutien, ..f varying strength, of maw potash upon the back of the !eel. The pruning, which looks soniewhe• faded after the T01101•01 of the spot, aiey he freshened up by ib. *nib - 4.1111.01. f 4 mixture .4 .me part .4 tuureit- ic acid mid twenty hy• parts .4 water. lit the cam el fresis grease spots, cathUr. ate „ft petaesa •ene part to thirty parts of water chloreforin, ether ur beteunis mutters goad meter,. Ws.x dimppesrs if, after saturating with leonine tur- pentine it is covered with folded blot- , ting paper en.1 a hot tlatiren put upon it. I Panatella is 1111110ted by bolding water 11.1 *pints. Ilik 'pets er rust yied to oxalic:acid in entibmatien with hot wa- ter gild or silver sputa, to a weak Aelutton of corrosive suWitaate ur cyanide ei potamiein. Sealing wax is diroved by hot apints, aid then nib- ' bed .41 with oar Dept& Indian ink is ' slightly brushed oter with .nd after twelve hour sapenitied with salinriec ; ; any rartiolea of color still remaining , must ie. teepee." with rubber. Blood i stains disappear after the application for twenty minutes .4 the chloride of lime ; ; the yellewish stain still remaining yielet , to & week acid. iresh spots of p. ste are renieve.1 with a moat avenge, 01110f 01110 with h•.t ereter. -What may tea as • rive* .4 Mere weet, sari illeetard r' Well, there is much to Le matt Iliss luestion bei -g naked of the banqueter to rare roe essatipes. the acuate boarding house, calls up re maniscences of close contervity to the Mrs. Eliza G. Kemble. of Gil Trinity horns. and beefier/A three nuts *Dot It netirrellintlz, $ T.receroinpteo, fworrittzetorrethveentrv.,n, ratinwid oCCUCS to him that he needs a hinge there.4. He, of venni*, will pars, unless euro smalleox. She says tt to harm - Ian when taken by a well pers..n. It will olan cure scarlet fever. Pere is the recipe u I hive use It and cured my children of acAtiet fever and smallpox. When learned physicians sail the eat tent must die, it cured : -eulphate ot zinc, 1 gr.; fog glove (digitalis ). 1 gr : tea- spoonful of sugar. Mix with tiro tattle - spoonfuls of water. When thoroughly mixed add feur ounces of water. Take a teaspoonful every hoer. Either disease will disappear in twelve hours. For a chi141, smaller doses according to age. Fur a preventive take a tesspoinful be- fore each meal. Children less quantity. acwconirdli" physicians to use this there to age. If counties would would he no need pee -hooves. If you value advice and experience me this for that terrible disease. The writer says she has given the shove recipe as a prerentive when smallpox wain prevailing ti.nd fuurd it to correspond with the &here statements ;it is therefore c .n- c.a, not only a earabot a ortvetitive. The leaner left. Theys,are of two kid.. She ef meek . vivacity tanghs at everything, no :natter wittiest change was needed ; but no hew tnyiel, and says "Oh, how fenny he hears. .round until Friday last, when he was let's how the character" run. There produce a species a degeneration, fatty vett are r ' at •T017 rees•r• * is Count Duntdorue, who a in love with rtepusits, diminished circulatiou, cou- She can "in'. and ride, and Way lawn C. D. w el neer II. GEO. W44011- 0*.radical conseitorieual change would he forced to take to bed, aud ..nly survived • the present tune. It waa a change in tive of Dunsfrieshire, tennis -all oh which sieeeincliehmenta, in believed find favor with the people at until Sunday 0•011ine. He was a na- 0 Idiots the fair. IIIIITrwrrv„ MICH. ... Sc°ellinri' er'd eame "I'll be tne Courd, of course, as he is f..r his truuk. Should there he and auf hiring, the 0q0015.4 an indulgence in such sieueus fare, use McGregor's Spee- dy Core, a sore and effectual remedy fur Dyspepsia. Constipation and all affec- tions the steinach and herr. 8.441 by 1; Hnynaa. Trial hottlee free Ins MACKINAC. SUMMER TOUR p.. r --.taw lam Few ?aee Tar Weak am.. DETROIT AND MACKINAC *al Swag 111/eat Doe leasoas DETROIT AND CLEVELAND gar aisa Woes " Picturesque Illeekbee," Wainswe Ihmasaama MOW Pim. DelvOlt & 011110111114 else. Nev. Cit. the personal end, policy of the &rheum- , in to Canada 1832. He then settled in . n_u In the hero. He kill& four men, of en, rescues the liver and kidneys are constantly tration at Ottawa which was required ...it, the county of Waterloo, and re- Gereldtm from several danger,. anid preseet. Intellectually aatupor amoent• TM femme telatents of Canada to the maimed there until 1846, when he reinow. tbere will be a good deal of kiting and Mg almnst to paralysis, arrests the Mother Land are such that ,_we, re_ l'ece ed to Tuckersinith and took up the farin 1,,,e,, ete4 one a happy rirrriage.' reasoa, changing all the Meheet faculties that Canada commands ail tne freedom on • hich he continued to reside until ..Amd /in be Genii:edit:. .his death. He was among the first set, into * mere animalism, sensual, selfish, she does today and re nd still tains British coonerion. Despite this, however,1- t tkre os that part of the township, and Tie Obvious tv very person who bed. was noted fur his induatry and Read lhought upon the matte, that Canada s Management and had accumulated A relations with Greet Britain could not forever tontines 111 their present form A scheme ie INTIM it. rge1ibar104 iton idenieto, cnsl aet-infe illvoiti and p esio:Iocal irervrsi. , :;nian0,1 Oli, you couldn't play that slustmsh, varied only with Wintertime of tart. be must be young end vivaci eta. anger that are senseless and boital. In Let's lite ' I thiuk 111 cast you ler Han appearance the beer-driuker may be the nab who keeps a bakery in the park pietsre of health, but in reality he is eetripogeocy. He was a inan a few in fiseis.o most incapable of restate/4g dewiest,. A Wprde 504 retiring duiPmiti°". "1 inhil "I'd lake to see myself playing Han- slight injury, a severs cold, or a shock 10 thoroughly upright and h000rable in nab in a bakery, 1 would,- she defiantly the body or mind, will commonly pro - all his dealings His word was as good enemy& "If you min play Herndon,' woke acute disease, moiling fatallt. had been discuteeti, but no scheme load for his mule:e'er power, and in the early yet been proposed *loch would receive "Olt, no you can't, my lows, you are a different kind of aecohoe he a is '*0 11* popular acceptance en the, „we „1 the daps of los settlement here Le used to little stair the knees. and how you'd Durable and more generally diseased. Atlantic. Vte are proud to form • part , luok throwing yourself it.to my &mi. as The cones...et re of beer every day think nothing of envying • hunetred e r,f tbe realmt nano, the „mad has seer pounds of Door on Mb rtoulder over the the Italians pursue I shall mit that gives the system no recuperation, Meade seen . great Ili brt expanse ni area , great litre widow D. for Geraldine.- ly lowers the vital force". It is our bosh path from itsmondetlle to his ra ion has received such universal 04104 traditions and aspirations, great in her b ilo 41 dirt's/wt, anti on I"•" ion was an n105. II You caul/lay Dumdoroff with country !initiation the very lowest kin a ...f and the pernianeut cure it 'fleets in kid great reader, and inkier years hie books OM phir Cleraldiue with thta little lame- tarty. The moat danoterous class wf Core. Its actin in these dotreseine and par we were his principal corpse- i „aaa so ory k„es .• i ruffian, in Odl" large Valle &re he1tr•dlrink- eeneed,,,,e, is simply ,,,nderfA ewe iota. His wife died about three.yea_.ra ..N..w you listen to reason, Mn. De- I en. bv J. Pius 41. ::rn •40, and * em 1110d daughter Prwenee foe. you anat. built for • Geraldine, 1 Recourse to hoer as • *nictitate for daughter survive him. The funeral took la Nrl roe are too fat, and your feet are Mc other forms of alcAttol merely illc*••••• • you havent got the voice for it" the danger and fatality. - Scientific him to the grave. Two eons and re. as hie bond. In hie prior he was noted kw,,,w eenpy Compared with iLabriatea w or a • the face of het lightly laced waist, till A. STRAITON, Agt., 0. T. R. Stares, one with a real adroirate.n hr her prow- • er, in spite of her (idiom tuannem She • f;r24' Goderich, ()nt. is always trying to Say sornethire witty : - • --- is addicted to the penning hetet : talks GRATErCL-COMFORTTNO. of learning 1.0 box; igen glad "girls 000- p adore have some apiriC- as much as tr. may. "You sr before yes a aimplete specimen of the admirable ereatore I de- scribe ;" and is generall'y 1 old, slangy and innitirical. The *ruin* vivarow Mid aa 'meet MI s rose, and ea restful, after the other wet pars, as a rainbow afters tearing rainstorm. There are indicatidee that her s..rt is trine to he fasiriossalole again. Let as hope ea -[Oriod Clear. Ir. the hisitory ef reditinee no ,s por d.,pulatton. rem in hes home. He err an obliging neighbor and ..This ay... shall ha two Geramines. ,Ihoervatln,n that beer-drioking in title fuendattoii, for the aller.atoon it affirde past achtevementr and in Art' mo4erti In firer, great in war and the sciences and arta of peace, and great 10 all the varied resouresa of her it territories. (Cheers.) We have bet pride that this native wee our nation ; that we haws a right to claim • part %ovation in the glory pee, „wows, Li, wet, place on Tuesday. avid the remains were „And 70041maim a pretty Corot American. serroundiag her interred to Rigniondville cemetery in the as present grandeur. But it was evident LIntedoroff. you w..uld alio tired back. "I'eu want to get that crook nut of yew that our neatielis ceuld net continue in Prwtenre of a knee cro1101,111110s sympatte a wordy cure. undinebing Liberal. He eas always • your lair back an cattarrh I kn..w I inebriety. rarely ailed to criminal in- ney diseases as Dr. Yen Ruren's Kioney their 51151100 forth* : and that c.onstit u mine mourners (Exp./Mbar. back, that bald head shingled over, your 6 As a speedy con. for Dysentery, 0n) .1- tionalhanges iii these reletiens were de- , mouth repaired. and your eyes touc..ei era Morbus, Diarrh ea, Colic. Craraps. c manded , but no .-ur ceuld new say what direct' .n *lws chimer would takeHe In all disturbed seem of the Stomach, 170a kiiling four villains --ha-ha-- ha !" end Itowra, anti all fumes of Summer . then referred to M- Mereviith'• .-/„(la the Hoopla, tit. lo -for Of t hfl K 14114Y. : "Woman, do not anger me .' he said Complaints, there is no remedy more to maim the pubis belie,. thin toe tele, the result .1 taking Iterdoek Blood Ilit• ! in • deep -toned rot ri, as he rose up. reliable than Dr. Fowler's Extract of 1.04.1*' in„r. ikuund mpuluireu ten ill certain t11 afford prompt benefit . -And dont you anger your Geraldine, of Wild Stawberry. Dealers who seil it than the Leberals theuterites , and their hit the warettir. Rordock Blood Hitters - either 1. and those who buy it are on mutual parading as the aide -cat,' of roariliood illire whew !Ayr remedies faiL 2 i "aernIdan• ! Wby re 11001 ill-• • greuras iu confides)°, .1 eta merits. ll enamor* &rained I he. r 4.1r n cone hi lona - -- - • 'Ay border gem a flet. ' email not deceit • anyone as to their iral 111 Trwe Tetwateesmas Dee. i "Droduroff And you dent line, a I he it .lamed the 1 re ye- border front a big Midis in the ur- * Certain iltermath. up with • peon brush ' I think I me iso& tivonaoh. Canker of the Ntemach •1011,11. In cane e Mr. Jehii L MjII,vaui is e, -edited with rem ma for the rover Innen+ pitying that he • por- dvin tion of the coma in the Niel...a-en Cald• 'otr teas ever drunk. He «T. well. We'll have playing well appeal The cam owes a public one Nye ' ''t .4 reer..••-•verf gentle hors," 41 wee therefore for *h. IND &WO th•t -but 1 never WAS deill!k. "Then you needn't. When 1 play to be 'weaned that Metter enllie•n in • oaken t», he you hut! and fight Mr 141.1irells case as it inxoleed the princiole of pro% mewl rights at stake ad 11". 0" • full 4•1 .4*),. "cen""Plisb •kiss tles widow D. or any lather person iseA,10 of • gentleman. nober to he • an „yes the you'll be three .4 104f Oen lIS start • new ass• . and beside' she ateetarit greeted ass Imes than . he rand.'"a", if awaula7 that ‘a , Omni Dualervela UN the, real eerie If the gevernment 0"i° hIseidl"n the " a n'alka'alliant 1 I U bare the play, osa'oue worse." I to t.o m httle rather emir girl 0- (Loenist''' (London Advt. .ii you awe t, 1 wile vain men. Ore meek &woman,* Omen Okaallnikeellahipeahas. ."J Then they sot slid the distub- eellew ent keeak, to her rug and t.. There is n)lreatittaelered h ere bleihrasaar ;b , icleorinan! :o A Park•. artftly ND.Allitf ril, of her misso oeseeisi• ..... 11 ... tt. utuuutue011. MIT stmt, external nature. anti .1 o NW - MN fitt the greet«, hosloog sod peril Inv mealy the no.sid perfe 4 care for Neural- ee --' hat0.11 W./ 91. mot. Film.. Ituro„. ,sts. ,fla, e, in - fisollle. Ptah I:hroixii: Frost Rites, me that has ewe Wen trie4 It b• called .I It le 0044 kllefieem.o • l'arke s Carivoirr Fled Leghtniscir (no,. the reteJ manner Oisseets He acre see art the (*IMMO in whet& it acts. good es manufactured hy 111.6111111ton, . 4 • Illuangoor lk Parke seasit Create sold ' Metier? & Parka Sold Oodench tic be. 1 I 11 h ties dre est. lou ley 0 Ithynae, at a it. ie 44 44.0.10i4..4o3t edgitity a 110. • The &JOT riefloo of Chitnis Daspersie apparent/it walltra all the ilia ad life,;iving in continually**. Itteesdate the Lien. and the floor* rid tone the Ilkoweeb with limo& ek 111(1101i ditties mei the dyspeptic's treble 11 eisongene. 2 • ettreallasa Mite. --- A etootlewan '1.44.0 family c-nsate ..1 a write and twin girl babitaceire in 55 -,late one night an.' weno t t Hie $leep was heilitionoi , nd 10101101 and t arable& and :metered el:nothing &Irmo "two of a kind,- sen a -small Peat .1.»h‚' murmured his sof*, "he is tired and is dreaming of the chil- dren. • - Rae ieter. Arm, the meet prevalent fetal end sorbion Al taeS• .4 diseases. •re them 10 - *lent t the Hemmer and Fall. aitch as flialers M! rime Riles,. Ciro, Duirrhte•. Taireen'ery. ,to . that often priors fatal 10 f• ee hewn. That eye. remedy I1r Feeler • Filtrate of Wild Ktrawher. re shout! he et hand, 1.4 re in e10e- 2 Kesel. See to tee& Weedier. Stcek lel of stout women, we have foetid in rase 4Fe •'.i MiSfxr:.int following paragraph that may still forth er interest them : ' 'The feahliina for today would *Hymen t.. 11. arranged for elite people, and those who .re broader built arad fatter are touch troohled how best t•• keep erith the tone.. Rut there are certain principles and hints worth censidenrig nn pot. A symmetrical figure Is a gond • o•te: whether stout or thin. and that it tIN.' I on eariorote (rattly diminish the bile., and • hould at adopted by those we.. me trouble'', with enitimment. and the fad- ; seas of the pettseliata should be brought ' 4.iwn hetes. the hips fastened to a band at least 12 inches deep •rpil shaped to the fee e. The Mild 44h,,1441 Aar* battens all round, aul ail skirts h.. hie tottibil to the one hand Cheep eta). mum he atmadamed, and a geed cone - 101P0 00110111ted Who knows bet blilDrps• well. As lesatith se what yen are ear need agaills*, everything *amid he done !to add To the appereut height. Abl.,. shock . `lave nu straight draperies, but gather dotgosiai 'm,• . dark colors ate hett-or than logkt. Ilrisht c don intrt - 1ducood as wammentots and femme of dtweres ditairith the apparent balk. but take Ors that the arleitien te 11004- ulutrudiu, puttrOSSIr 114 the war. NEMSee bate • al mend bare, to • proof 14 14r are unduly large, bet nu 1.p S'S COCOA. BRE t K FAST 'Fir a thorough keewleder of Me nate:. which govern the Et:efsties. of LII actation and nutrition, and • ambeetion et the Inc prime earefel *coined otos. Mr. kept has provided 050 breakfast table with a dclicatety devoured doctors' bill. It e ithe judicious was of be% crag° which nia1/4:re wear helly7 each &recipe/0 ODD t • 090151.1ttitlii• may tizedually built up until stroug enamel to very tendea., to disease. illiedredal of rubtle maladies are stetted stetted VW ready to attack wherever Owe is • Weak mint. We May 0•4 -ape many • fetal *hart by hereinourerl•re wrii fortified with firears.'-= blood and • properly an ri^t rlazettf. Made atm with bogies v•0114 • M101. Malt tm17 ph by Owl - *era. latelledthlt•:--Jamir• liege St 1.0.,litonowirethir beesiste. Lowden gm._gel agent for (lead& C. 0.13.5*... Niestreal. 011.43reilleRICTJa PL .NING MILL RATA nticHID Buchanani Lawson i Robinaou • 01.' • 14( rultelagter Sash, Doors & Blinds :MALVIN' 10 •`14,L1111.130 05 Lumber, Lath, Shingles aad eieterial of every oteser1vtla5- SVIX1. HMINITIME WSPIECIALM 11111A1 Unbar preinetelsoteneed 5. 1 omens& Abb.1.1111L 1119117 .GODERICH BOILIR VORIS 11,., •.-r•-ei red altarge stook of BRASS & IRON STEIN FITTINfot BOILERS ENGINES New Balt Pais and Boilers 1. 44Din• Dbortfili X4r4k^^0- Moil orders ter •••••, wort aad repairs 0 D4w441,1,1, 11-4 mill btnrellien CHRYSTAL k BLACK, Wo-kitoar 41. T. R. metier, letteeereb. reb....