HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-10-2, Page 8•iF R a• 111 !'Hl HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, OCT. 2, 13+5. FARBWELL 81=11OW. Parr[•. Nse.ssee .f J. A. MOM S. 1 , to ►%ea 1 boson, tedurert. I d•dre same I gold. ask you M leap t realities .4 these premiss,' tow, se tb I present life, when. w• au much u stray• them because of the tests without s fighting, within. It is true that t full (Felts., et thump promise will set be had in that day •heli we shall h the ))taster say •• N'ell dale, good u fasthtul servaut, eater thou on, the Joy guar Loyd." Bet I would ask sou te reteembrr Shalt thus is erica sow ha the midst el )'lei, sed i.aaai.Ws to share in your lavar sad have eta *here ti Hist mud to joys over yea with sawing. Fear riot the stories of life. Litt mut thinm hands be slack, but be strung in the Lord and in the pewee of His might. Let ice touch uptai ons Other point. i 1f God is wear his owe people, th.y +should be brought into currwpondt.,t nearness to Haw aid eipartruee it the enjoyment til the huKher life. An if you meditate up.•u this, you, t, shall have c.,rreet.,udinit jay, and she shout aloud for joy. end eap.rieuce th bol aurae* •..... Auctionatring. red All parries ire legtheir sale bi11s trfnte4 al V wIS a free nadir I. lied In Thera w e ) _Y eyaU nn at Knox church Liu timidity vveninw last t.. listen to the farewell bet [lathered by the aesi.taat pastor, preea..la to hie return to KDOs ).)lige. lfr Met?illt- vray towk for his text the words in Ld- plsai.reb to 11., 17. 1n [hal day it shall ler said to Jerul a,. Pear thou toot; sad t. )tile. tri mut t►tnr toads tri• .la -k. 114. Lure tb! that to the ids( of tree ie mightJ • he wilier...; hr will rrlo:cc utt•r Ike* with jej- ; be la ill rest in his love; W will Joy titer thee with sawing." Thema word. were spoken W the church of (;rid Lieu, and are stiubeu t.. the church of (Awl now, for the church is one, ---thea, mow, and for all tune. We should appropriate terse worts as aur own. Observe, In the first plate, the senile truth, hew neu(kd u to Elia own people : ••1 am the Lord thy God in the [midst u( thee." It a mut 'pomade de t.. pet any Hearer than that. God was with lila filagrch from the bejiouioe. He spoke with Abraham, Isaac and Jecob. He isiasif.ate1 Himself unto the holy prophets ; and til the tutees. of time the \fare was made tle.h and dwelt among us. And tonight His Voice aye 10 ria ms it amid to firs disciples user eighteen /11111.(11,1 feats a u : ••11'hura two ..r thrr , err _.. ho r t t. _tther In my lame, t11•rt am 1 to the u.u:st ..l yuu. tie lsruwa*ed ALSO 1.. sale the 1'o•tufurter, and the Coteforter is with us now. TJ - day t¢ud is with itis church, and is in the heart et His people, snaking all glorious within ;-thereture, fear not. The ud pant tit. aur Sit»mar is 'eighty. •• He will •ave." He t that is In us is mightier than airy that can be net•us. Yee can under. stand why I say let not your hands rid ' this lig w a.lrte a er „r..t.. f N'. BALL, AUCTIONEER F01: he Ett.mi.is* .ale .J pees ' 11 the ce r ear largtui, lot Y.5, •IMI, township •d id ern ) q law .e"y u uorow. . aerated e tart e,f OA CJWIy, Adient oriel, to d J rsb Gwlerkb Y. u, 1) cattle, or the stock farm . Use id Wiswasuah, oeuuty . Hume, nu, the cruishi1l out of .an and rising into u 11 e y .•t the Lord, x Lich is the at reudth ot His people. My towns must reach the ears ..( some who know nut the joy w• speak of -the eternal j..y, J•.wers tli.t rill lieu for ever. I come .1 say to such, Fur mat, but I can say that the uotnitu lore I speak .t chsugea wet. Yet I coin.: hide the awful fact that every time yea reject the truth your heart gel. harder mud hander. 'I'h..se h., -e l.at!'s oracle :across the ,[rasa .•u the m.luare are made moons: tuauy protests; they std made often against the inward pretests ..1 wen th....0 wh•, are walling aver thein. The cola MUM walking Lille the tender blades of grass, and prevents the dew and the raise from giving life jirid streasgth and heath to the roots. Lad so, he ten ler pessibdities of the heart are being trampled upon sad crushed out, su that the dews of heavenly ignite can scarcely reach them. Vet there is • ..use in which ere can own say "Fear not, because "the Coil thy this God aa in the midst of thee." The we preacher then told the story of the ship es, wrecked sailors who were famishing f.,r are water even after their Vessel had drifted uth unto the mouth of the freh water Aura - test lois, Datil a pisasin1 ship in response to no. *heir entreaties f•.r water, signalled, 1 u( "Drop down your h.ckets, there is water late all around you." Dip down even now lla- and .:rink. I say to run all, because the water o1 life t• flowing freely neforeyou, oro and (noel is waiting to shout user His hty own children with joy. Good keen( that each ate may be specially uvcr.hadowel ego with that love, and at last peso into His the presence where there is fullness .d joy, ria- end at His ri.ht hand, where there are u!1 plvYure forevermore. • \ Porter's Milo `.r I Cutin x Ola' ivo. - The handsome of little brick c!.urch, koowo as Bethany church, reared t.. replace the one de - °g stroyeJ by fire a0 March last, was for- t[ malty opened un Sunday last. Special He sermass were was preached by Rev. R. i're, • IID., of Ooderich, *n the morning ; by =Rev. Mr. Birks, of Holmeasille, in the was afternoon, and by Rev. John Grey, of he Clintun, in the evening evening. All the services were largely attended, and rr. the sermons wore apprupriato and pro- fitable. On Monday evening a tea -meet - wb ing leu held. hiring to the rentarkahly line weather which prevailed, the tables m. were pitched in the open air, ata about of three hundred of persons Partook of the excellent stock of refresbmeets provided u° bythe ladies of Bethany congregation col y too and their. friends The attendance t be faint, hecauw (hid is with yeti tot work in you Ilia will, and to du of )glia gaud pleasure. In' the darkness .4 vale of team it 1. good t.. know that are not alone, bot that line is with and that He is Almighty. if you children ..1 God, this Jr a rock tr upuu which your tsntuortml spirit tan without fear. .:id will not be more willing to exercise his power un behal 11w own children, than he is to rc>•u the m./veus.•uts ..f the stars or cauate titins that sl.augle the heavens. (;, children have been creates( 'n fits image. The test shows Ile to a m one ---able to tire. But before could sire sinners his holy Lir taro by men had t.. be hugord. Not least difficult part of time 'Lin of sal tion was that it had io toe such a f inauifestatiou of love as to melt hes hardened in sin tate tender love. Gal emit His owu Son to bear the pens ty ; to suffer, the aun••gent, .n tsehalf the guilty. That God ono save same points t., the solution of a problem lo •rap,lvable except by infinite power : is by His Almighty gnawer alone that saves- Thu great work of salrattoti in laying the Inundation ; in placing t corner stone- lieu* Christ After t great work was p,mpleted, the net lighter. Jute as in building, once t foundation is successfully laid the ma order of the work of erection It east t:•..1 was seti.fied with the work done Itis Son. For to Him Ile could be j and the justifier .f them that seek Hi But God does nut stop at the work justification. There u the groat work sanctification. Man could not carry th to fl of u work alun., even after the act stifioatiun- The whole spirit bad • changed too love what God loves an hate what Go1 hates. Wicked i uences within and without beset t hristian, but the worst influence is which the apostle tells us : "Fur wrestle not with flesh mud blood, ba against pnacipalities, against power aiaiist the ruler. of the darkness of th world, against spsrita.l wickedness high places." Here s. the evertor fro whence the greatest assaults have made against us How sntapsble w would be If left alone to ceps against such enemies. The helplessness of was allustrmted by the inability of th worn out shipwrecked mariner ttc sae himself when strength had failed and a the avenues of escape seemed closed The angry sea may roar about the be Meier, and family trials and benne treubi s may beset hie' away deep i11 heart where none case see ; but bee erne/ to then have the aa•uranee t the Lord thy (lad is in the midst of thee sod is mighty to save. In the third place, see the sweet joy o God over His own people. "Ile wit rejoice over them with joy ; He will rest w Hu love ; He will joy over them wit singing." It is grandest aid beet t know that the Almighty one who is wit to levee us, and is httpp, tel HN love. He called special attention to the word. jut quoted : "He will rejcles over thee with jay," pointing to the things done eapreseive of that joy, ao in the caw of the father who received his prodigal son with a kiss, and • ring, and testing. We, too, have our joy in salvation, but the joy that filled our heart at oonvenion ss ..nly as a spark from an electric battery compared with the fulness of jay stored up In the breast .1 our heavenly Father. Notes, too : "He will rest in His love." A mother bending over her child gives but a faint picture ot God in his infinite love hendius; over his own child- ren in delight A mother's hive can sen no hateful blemish in her child, though it be deformed or even tdiatie ; although the prophet declares, ' A mother may forget her child." But God wall not forget firs children, nor will He cease to love !hens. The wards of the tett in the original impty that Gol will be silent at tones in His love, resting in tt ; and He sere no blemish in Hie children, aad accepts them as righteous in Ha. sight But mark the .till sleeper and parer pbaa...f his love : ”He will jay over the* with singing." it ie os if a mother looking upon her child an silent rn.di- IMMO, seetag new beauties to him en deepens and enriches her love, that she leaps fear joy in her love. end utters words that before she could not rally forge What • skirted. picture of (lad. love 1 Qat many waters . uench .ae► Inv., nr ibe don& drown it l No. And all thaw promisee and aseorane. are oallrf I need swat say to you 1N not your be slack, if them are your,. I w•.M eek. dear (recd., at the close of 0, .aswaaers. labors aasoss you, in d he • that t s, b in ma • man • e 11 • ass • 4h. that ( h 0 h R; IOHN K (OX. GENERAL AUC - 1 tat TIQhCik and Land Vol oat or, Uoderich. , r ttr had considerable rlIperience to , the aaetiassertntrgt trade. Le is la a aowtion to dtaOiaM' with tiiuruuY► satetK4ea all caw Missions rairue:ed to him,. Order's loft at Mart's'. Hotel, or sent by mall to no add nisa GQvrichj'.O...%retell and • z.NOX eftsti .tont.uu,rr. I R0: -1 t at 1 uclack µal. , on Time.Jay, YMoter 2Sud, 1885. Adenoma duke 1t-aableglue /tubule P.1)., Ont. teethes sale of (arm st.,ck sed imp(' o cornu th pro .petty ei John W.lirehals ..n the presumes, let 2, eon. 6. E. D A.heehl, (better known :a on Tate Care' farm,) by John Knox, auctioneer, pout Hlrncamg at 1 o'cb.ck pow ,o,u %V.dswsdey [)•[ober loth, 1883. Fo r hat of st eek and erticl.s saw posture 1'e . ONAT31.l= 1 L ANO ocoi. attendee . Jau. - --T GR 1 T) TNLOP e Leas(, FA$I-iIONABLE TAILOR_ Auction sale of eiti.rrt,•r houtekuld effects, the property of Daniel Holies at his residence, corner Etat arid Vic t••'ia streets, (;„derich, by H. 11'. 11.11, .actioneer, beltnoing at 1 o'clock p.aa., on Monday, 1)ct- 12th, 1885 Fur fist .f furniture, etc., see e.eatets. Auction sale of h.,useltull furniture, at the residence of the late Mrs. Si/ev1, trio. i •treat. hoar t1.e.Htgl. School, on Friday, Uet. 'Jett, 1865. G ..,1 bar latus may Le exported, Aucti..0 sale of farm stock anon teethe meute, the property .1 Edward Gad, ..n the pretu ale, lot 11, coon ;;, township of C.ltn,rtte, by John -Kaci, auctioneer, at oc.,C , . day t►ot..Ler eta, 13.25. For list of stock and :articles see poster:. AAltilp. At on the DIA of September by the iter, ere, Niel M. 1. 1::ctianiso- to Adaiuu, •route daughter at James Jeannie AtXBalmut° street. Toru'stu, on the.Oith )text.. by Itev. J. 1'. Smith. 11.t).. of utrstpb, and the faciar of the bride. (% alter Q *asset Macdonald. M. D.. of New York etre. t beginning 1 1 k p ,til.. a Chun - - --- Tall and 55 infer stook of Tweet. t f '2EAGER & LEWIS, BAR$ISTER.J, ► . tkoderich. t'. 4 gaura Ja. J. A. Mostrox, E. N. Lorne. Mg - j) C. leaf -CI, $ )Ltc1toR etc., I It 0a- i artier of tae estuary and West drwt. •iborlra. over BmNri bookstore. ! mossy to .td at layout rates et tst.rt.t- !CT ARROW .t PROU'DPt)0T, BA R RIIdTEIti, .[)aerie a tlolwUere. etc aett.rtu``_J T.Gamow. W. Freudian. I;i A1: :RU'bI . r e , now ally assorted. t%.( 1'.51.1. (lL1('iTKD.`hb Ready -Made Clothing ar Overcoats. .t Splendid Assortment, a•4oap. f/ Iteuususber the Lias Wiwi street. next door ;u hank of Sluctreal4l Oatlwteb. OM. 1•t.11r • REMOVED . , HJLT .t CAMERON, Tu Nerr:sie seetcltor, le Chancery. Re. ►dertrhand Wit/sham. M. l'. ('aluerow, cf ef; n'. Halt, ..1,13, triune: on, tiot:crM. W. F. Macara. Windham. /731. Loans ane insurance. YRIVA'IE FUNDS To LEND AT e ase at tier .:ret, ea first -ethos (arm secur- dT.i.Apply to R. U. 1I 5 s.:iuutitor, Oate- n.. gk:,Oo.00o To U)AN. APPLY To CAMERON HOLT Jc CAMERON. Oodr ' 17*. VONEY To LEND, --A LARGE •moan[ of Prisate Funds for investment Fraises, eidest daukhacro! *1.4. James Mere. et teleost noes oa are -came Mortgages, epee right, to UAHltUlt'R PROL'UrOUT. w1L'r. In Goderieb, on Sendai. .Sept, rth. lett. Harr) re Card, ) a len u. lets Cert, aged 1 Year end 3 a. On Tuedar`rsening. Sept. ISM. at Welker. ton. ('hartea 1:. Gould, ltarri+:er, second sun •4(ieo. Gould Pel a70ui.ty Clobe. aced years awl 9 aro:;51 *. nederseh %Wirers* Memo -led by Telephone trout Hartar 31111.1 auD4Niust.October I. PASS. Wheat. i cal;. ii bush i0 Ns es Wheat. tied winter. 14 btirb - .• 0 a0 s Wheat, )Spring, • bush . .... •. 0 00 re Wheat. Howse 1 Y bush ....Ilio 72 w Flour. dad, 1r cwt . ............. et Flour. lamed, a cwt , y th rtqut ipatrDt. per. cwt y ms ,., rrtf,'j w bnah 0 5o A Yvtatoea. w bush so NNaa .. 0ie r,iws .. .. 00A Butter. tie .. ................... 0 11 a !lgp, ttupacked) B dos o 13 a Shoats. cwt........... oro,g u1* Bras, i cwt 00 t►0 aro iw Hilt. tecwt ... 00 5.S ti5 5S S S. S 50 wool ................... 900 ' • 3 YS Hide, .............. (1 5 a 500 Sheepskins . .. Q20,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND NV on rams and Tun n property at lowest in- termit. ]Iortgeges pun•Itasee, Do communism charged, Con a.y;uIcirig Ferre ria u*at*e. N. H. -Borrowers. -.n obtain money in one day it tine is eitistectorp,- DAV !SON R JOHN 'TON Barristers. ex.. Gudericb. ltSI Il RADCLIFFE, GENERAL INSCP.ANCE, REAL ESTATE also MONEY LOANING AGENT. ge l+e+- ).lata First.d,rat eotapsai_, I,eprrarareel 0 00 lot Money to Lend on straight loans. at the Worst rate of interest gohlg, in hill way to 0 75 suit t11e borrower. : 0 &V OFFICE - Second door from 2 M West Street. 0oderscb. 3X5-tf Square, it 35 065 0 5s 0 3. 850 0 15 0 ►a SraueUinq Guide, • $200,000 PRIVATE FINDS To lend on farm and town property, at low- est interest. Mortgages purchased. No cum- sw•ipoaaacharged egrets for the Trust and Loan [Curtis ay of Canada, the Canada Landed Parry. the London Loan Company of ('•nadI.a. Interest, Rai and 7 per rent. N. R. -Borrowers can obtain money la one day. if title satisfactory I7n DAV leoN tt JOHX*TON, narraters. A . aoderich. ,.)s,,inr , •`;b U)AN AT 8 PER THE TURONTO GENERAL TRt'STS C(YY are prepared to loan money at Sper cent., pay able h'sif earlyon TERMS TO leRAND TRUNK J SUIT BORROWERS, asst. on °t,ttl.ra farm security. DANIEL GORDON , Express. Mixed. xlsed. Apply to Oodaeici 1 Lv. O s -m 11391 p.eel p.m CAYIiP.ON, HOLT & CAMERON. oreGodes Stratford ! .tr. 3:10 CIO . 3:300.0 1 7:30 p.m sten. Oaferfeh, Aarnts for the Tor„. General Trus. (-uyCABI1\ETMAKER3(ii,d, Nixd. Eapreaw Mesas. CausnusMott at Capata t haeIx( Itl p.m fes peatou aount of private Rand* to lees Coderieh , Ar. t0a.m 3.S p.m 1 .:i5 pm .a oct. la .ttrst•class farm sec rlty,1!111tf- ! . AND IiADGIN) OUR NEW STORE IIS HAMILTON STREET, GODERICH, Directly" opposite I lcher's Baiter[-. In thanking my nulnerous customer; for the very liberal patron age th1 y" have bestowed on lee since I commenced busine+. here, I would beg leave to say' all the attention I can devote to the ever in- creasing demands of the Public I will he most willing to bestow : and to such an extent as I feel warranted will give ENTIRE SATISFACTION. Owing to some new arrangements in the town, 1 have foci 1 it necessary' to remove' to our own premises on Hamilton street, v1 -I.• r • I will keep. as former))', ALL THE LEADING ARTICLES MililneryiancXGoods INCLUDING CHOICE LiNES iN DRESS GOODS, And having bought the same on the most liberal terse 1 am deter- mined to give rirEXCELLENT VALUE) to all Who may favor me with their custom. TOUTS very respectfully, FARM PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHADiGE. Ooderlclt, 8594. 317h. I. 1011 MRS. C. H. GIRVIN. AUCTION SALE INSURANCE CARD. or ,t'PEIt1oR W. F. FOOT, ` I Fire, eie. sad Marine rsaarance Agent, I;UDF.RMHont I.wle, o•'pposin deonaeHots!. lie he •-Nationl" established ared lM The "•Hand -i -hand," the only Company licensed to insure plate glass, in the omiainn. Theaboveareal Ar•t-lle and 012 Petah- 1LhdMR DANIEL HU►LMES, To sell by Public Anetioi as his redeace, Icorner Esst and Victoria streets. on a nuS KOLDFf't''fS C the platform meeting was a larva that •r the butld'ri could mut hold all. Several persona took an the proceeding perched upon the sills of the open windows. The s. w, -BALL, Aeaseweer. Conduct of the audience, however, was has received instructions from excellent. Mr. Green occupied the chair in a roost acceptable fashion, and his apt saying. Curing the evening contri- buted not a little to the success of the (fathering. Interesting addressees were trade by Revs. Messrs Gee, Birks, J. McCillit•rsy amid Forrest, and by Thos. McGillicuddy and 1). McGillivray, all of which were well received by the large and intelligeut ►idiots... Th. Godsrich choir, led by Mr. E. 1. Brown, furnish- ed excellent muse, and were warmly re- . any The solos of Mss Jesse Thom eon, "The Lighthouse Light," sod M Hislop, "The Ship that Never Return .d," were very nicely rendered. "Th Spanish Caralter," a oto and chores was also well received J. Shaitteat , the mouth organ, and E. J. Brown on the pedal organ, captured the andince i their daunt. The pwpl. of the Porter Moeda,, Oct 12, 1885 Beginning at ( o'clock p.m., the following cal. cable furniture, etc 1 Plano.: oct ; 2 Parlor stoves. wood: 1 Cul Stove; 1 Coat -(hl Stove; 1 Coal or Wood A0• erlcan Raeytr ; 1 Parlor Set ; 2 Ottomans ; 1 Hair(loth Rocker; 1 Parlor Centre Table; t Extension Table, six 2 -foot leaves; 2 Lamp P Macchi s [Hat( Packs, Humus. 'Reef[ 1fi'ed Pr. err., Nuhte.u, ?tan a, G r en !Toots lies Mower. ILad RnlI.r. 1 e 5*5 too numcrntu a, mentloe. and .torr ern. TERMS CA$$. ,n TIM* wall be allowed on the Plash n The fiotue anti Gd for Salt h'l Priest, 0 (oNlru,-t. Hill neighborhe in general, and the congregation and pastor of Bethany church in particular, have reason to be delighted with the appearance of their new church, and the samosa 'Roadie its opening exorcises. The iada.. who se feebly alai Ie i Rev. Mr. Forrest in the good work deserve mush commendation. The finances of the church are in a very satisfactory pandits n indeed. The oust .f the building will be about $800. By subscription list alone the sum of $&O wee furnished t., meet this ; the Honda, *inactions amounted to $34.50; by tb• teaeeetii g about eta was realised, and $10.78 by the social on Tuesday. It will thin be seen that there is but Tittle indebtedness on the building. The ws.rk performed on the building reflects credit on the contractor, D. Cumming, of Dunlop. Taken all in all, the open- ing exercises ot Bethany church were meet successful INltmlfllr. Tisa 115... -- A tMmeetang will be held an Bethel church on Wednesday evening next. Several popular *Sneakers wil! deliver...ddresse., and a good tarn• out is expected. 11111$11181. Miss Kate )(cCrostie is viutine frigid. at Mount Forest Thoma. Phillipa. of Grey Co , is the guest of Samuel Phillip., of Ashfield. Mrs. Heyward is visiting her brother, Was. Leathered, of West Wawaaoeb, lbs week. The(armors of this vicinity are busy picking and teaming apple. to Lecknow stabiles. W. A. Holmes, .f bucksaw, Grana as apple king in this ...tion this year. Foe Austgla. IM Tsassd y Inst W. J. Phillips sed family, of Wayne.d, lea (amphell and family, of A.dli.ld, and Hoch Phillips, George Campbell and George Herber, hitt to fettle fit Algoma, CHOICE FARP LARDS HURON COUNTY, MICHIGAN. L • rich claair y Lim. easily cultivated eiseered Ay turner ,,,n :,v trig acerata•• V sewed to for growth of W14,at. BI 15 bushels per acre*. Oats. teas. (bra, sad runt crepe rise la as- s ar,.It•forrye aria. he ve ..tae tseraol t w being the .deeµ in the lap rote winter. Hrooe fruit regrown with Newt sue.ees. N ith tour Hall 'toads and isske A'eansrs touching at heir •onerous porta, transportation is the cheapest and Markets the & SS. S< -heels sue atiproms and Church Privileges within easy reset. Oosed Turnpike Raids lead through all them Lands t. Market Tawas. Ther bond. err Roily ('leared, late rest not eiueeeing from 112 to SW per Acre). and am be kougqht at Low Prices and on List Terms. Addrem O.orts. A. Marwoem. Had Are. Mich. Or SAMUEL POI.LOCK. tinderlcb, Miff Oodsricb, Aso.* IM*. f -NEW Repairing Shop. 1 woe* llewar* ar* ttbe maple et Coderieh and ,Ma ItRal,tPARTllaad IiA2f0 A(,RJIESTO rr tb•l(l1n 0t TAT tubae, temS0* ia":11rPts.4. street emigre len at r. Mauro la. sense* Asgedy at* o4.4 se. 1575 - HURON AND BRUCE LOAN AND INVESTMENT €OMPANY TTw tbmpouy w Lateens! Money on Fenn Security at Loner! Rates of interest, MORTGAGES PURCHASED. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. J, 1 end 3 per Cent. Interest Allowed o% Ilepieitr, neo.art(i,uj to oreo.awt ,rid tune lift. OFF1C6:-Cor. of Market Square and North Street, aeldench. HO AUK HORTON aoder.cb. Aug. Sth, 1505. ler- • )(somas_ UNDERTAKER. It will pap FOUR/ 6ay your furniture tray, the nwderslgned, as I have sow as complete an aaaortmest as there is in the meaty. I do not adopt any awruk warner of •,Ivertistit s cheap epochally, but wen sell you a gee era) out3t at prices that cannot be surpassed tonaiity considered». la the Undertaking I hare stock sus(ed for the poor es wall is rich. i have also added the promos of Embalming. w tial parties having to send bodies of friends to a distance cam do so at reasonable cost. DANIEL C+ORD0/NT,. West street, Ooderieh, betweva the Piot OM.* and Hank of Montreal. Sept. filth. 120s. Wham R_ PRO-Q"DPOOT Ras just received a large addition to his stock of GOODS! Suitable to this mason of :he year. which he is determined es sell at the LOWEST possible P1ig U ego. Also a tall supply of Fresh Grooeries, • Canned Goods, Crockery 8z C 1aa8ware, Flour, Feed, &,o., &o. f All kinds of Farm Produce taken la sac for [foods The o[ Coderieh sed vidait an Imwf to c - _-------- ppee o sla 77 all at my store. o =tit! ..sept- sot uaS. !Dili p"mss Fri times USINESS COLLEGE i„ .sots er!6 t visa WOODSTOCK OOLLZGZ, WOOOSTOOK. ONT. Th. College has been tboromdily memo - teed, and Mooed is the brads of a most *Ws staff of Teachers (imitating two who bane barn Prinrlpal, of similar *ad saoeseet,l inatstutdoos, Coutes most Ms•rosyA sad pr..•ti,. u1. Fees eery moderate. Fur full information •ddreos- N NOLvESTON, B A . Prio0pel. Woodstock Collas, PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. HAVING ry MSECU'RED THZ High (lies Meatuses,,s OsN M .4 t r d by 3Raw'.M a,tmr we some. ad d .alae u Modena.rFehr. and sit the Z terms of parses[ 1 - Hiving a *honinrh knowledge or 141 0 r irsaseicttire of llama aid wfat lied file lof material and forts aro reontrd make a first -cam tsslrwm.st, Intendd- H lag purclas rs will And It to theirad- - venage* to „ose.lt .s. karate partJae. kJ s.s. ,TeaS.g sad lepalvles . epeeNNy dr AU work'retreated Ar.tetaea. kOnSere aft thisBea, Meree of Mr.,st or Ilio untie ptowptty mrM.iM• EDW'D I. BROWN. THOS. A N G U S. PIANOS, PIANO& PILNO . Ooderlcb. Rept. aide IItS 1011.10 oeleri•b. *set. 134)5. Itbe. Miff OO TO KNIGHT'S FOR A SHAVE, HAIRCiTT, SHAMPOO. 1)R DYE. Two DOORS Lan OF P.O 111111471 COAL. 1 sat sow ~)Harder, ter all kstsds of raal. 1 bind the Oast Coat, std chase Iaa f M from tee ami. gmid ea quality sad 1 wills will this No. 1 OW at so sow a rate WS any In the Beate ale. [ sprim homed to gse tries «sstrb tar.hss.rs Godonch & Kijicardijia MARBLE WORKS_ JOSEPH VANSTONE, PROPR i PMOR. Importer of ase dealer in arbIC & Q t lite MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, Choduta Store Coal, =8150' .1 • W Coal[ ' 8'oW funs- 18,45 •nd N.aee hlmmlya m ,lade 1. onto loam yen- order* with >rR fro A" wart d/wit.ed hod ewer** la rho Bap Stals. N. C. Bt'RWABH, 'foami•redmic>, Peseta, Otrderlrb sent i0a, tilt 11111 -Sem T. N. DANCEY, eco at lAa RACHDERI ♦ ITa ii taelet, Owlell h, /Nt "it. MML. MGM J 4