HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-10-2, Page 7r Fan anb Fancy. 'eI don't karst ea I moa make you alieseed jest Whet I Mesa, Olen'," mill Margaret. "beef I ■ by to make it pude." 'Yum kited creature !' ailed Clara, eLeeirely ; "just like yore." A ge.tlemaa not 100 miles hetet Glas- gow la.-Row was kookiest through the pates of he policies down the turnpike reed, sad, swift au lriehmi a pink up • ham, waited until he came sip, aad said, "Pat, dues that hare belong to you r Pat looked around and mid, "la it me you're talking to, sir i" "Yee. I alk, dsiee that hare Wheel t.o you r' "What deem the fellow menu r' 1 mean dos that hare below/ to yiie r Maid Pat, "Dy n.y soul, sir, do you think 1 weer • wig t' At the stetson ..esti in kill•.e the lake Shure Cmupany empkfts a lady ticket afoul. She is . god amend, and attends closely to her liminess, but she is a 4401111111 solid. The other day • lady traveller stepped uu W the ticket; window sod inquired alta►& a trate that was a little at.. -Will the trate M long f' she &shed, meauiag if it would be Tong in arriving. "Oh, yes," was the reply of the tair ticket semot, "lwger thea Mm seems, but withinit e., massy rules aroual the edge The Bari al L••nsdwle was se eztemive a propetet..r said petrol' 01 burghs that he retenmd eine nao.nbers iia mere Parliament, who were laewdetmly called Lord Les.dale's ninepins One of ilia members thee demential Miele:: made a very .atr.taeant speech to the Homo id (:emeseaa, was answered by Mr. Burke io s rein of the happiest otercaatu, which elicited from the House Long mid con- tinued cheers. Mr. Poi wntening the Hume just as Mr. Burke was sitting down, iuqudred of lihervdeu what the House was cheering. "tib, nothing of cone ode ee," replied Sheridan ; only Burk. Ams knocked doom moo of Lord &medals's ninepins." A writer io Harper', Mayazusr arks the question : "Whet shall our artists paint From the isepecuaiuua con- dition of mime of them, and the kind of wort tattled out by others, the condo - sem tis irresistible time many of them shoal& paint signs, houses, waggon - bodies and such things. They w..akl moil niers murrey if they wen to devAls their nimbus to meek useful art. test ewre •-tv -•st.-- od► THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. OCT 2 1885. Frush Recipes. Fashions Fancies. I Dol P Osk T A ""r . ro owaaas or *Felt.1/4 Elmira Sawa Pick and washOg taw and reJ u vitamin popular atu dark popes. my Goaooed use laabeNs, 1110111 for o.ouitry sear. • early 11111 tat water smog cock le pinion. Bathing wits are still usa.le .•1 sent.I Optioning perbaps twenty or Wing otic- «Ntlled fiauuel, tnuaw•d cub name Mos. Koh thrums► colander, return the weulleu braid. juiss to the Gra, thicken to the lace with A pllotdty fasbiusi whoeb has ammo! °is rile Munro use matt starch. atrium satrerwal u u• mak'. the er.atwre Swmteu t. lam taste, stud smwa warm mar to two shades, the bonne and hat In the laoddinga, apple -dumpling+, buil.ni rue, darker, the s►,rt and even triesntiug fur the Ism to th.. light* Herb erowued Meekivaie or tmttills jun* (prepared as *Wm. •' my nut thick- braid hate are worn by young ladies u mead car;tel they are •quite mterated. the country, moll are suitable for amain/dr Theca us pile them up its a taw, spriukhu nmol yaehtinc, mmol sh": d be siwyly is sweated euouaawthroughout, t thughout, as tnnt(1.nt. med wnh paursa tau :dor velvet nb- pour • plain custard utter the whole. Place came walnut meat on the top and Hats are hither than ever, with tower finish by laying • whip made with cream, • ung bulaches of Rowers. Moat of them sugar and toe sono of eggs, and riot hate the straight cerwn and narrow this with currant jelly. Several aeon' Anus. None models of the picture quo ample dishes COn be prepared by stop- ftewbrsndt and (h n.butpugh stapes are plug at di/forgot points in the above pro- cowing lute fashion spits. Noss Open-work +shun tissues ere w. nn A Coerors or Pestling -Take et.me otter &bite silk to match or .1 a aootraat- titw, tree-.taoae lnmobea, cut th.tu iutu I iag tint ; hue gazed sateen may, how ever, be used if silk is considered tis.• expensive. The prettiest of the.. rpm' - wurk cotton fabrics ton entwine lied can tea. Light summer mantles are made of silk gaustm, embroidered with anion ',mud lir. Gars Tetra. -Seek pieces of bis- cuit or sake in pun sweetened grape halves, remove the Mimes mod dip ibe halves tutu boding water. nen, after taking uti the skins, ocuk them in but eying., alluwiag these w boil up twice. whets they will be duce enough. Then dealt Shean up, strain the .)rep through a metreoaad pour it over the tw e:hes. The beads, steel -Wee, gannet red, Ixt fe, sumps*, way ba wiped other het cat bronze or Iced colored. Thi. he.ided • ' gauze is employed for visite sli'evea. P is -u Waft* L & Take six go"d- middle hack -pieces slid the lower part .d easel rend m"1, ripe pe.ehes. fell lapel., all the rest is bros:riled.111. gauntremoveremovethem, remove te .tames, ma d cut them without any beads. 'taw quarters. Then saske a syrup as fub.ws :-Put into a stew -p.0 • pint of ewer, • pound of the best loaf sugar, the white .of an egit brat beaten to s stiff froth, and a peach keroid. Place the pan on the fire and buil fool five minute& Theo rentu.te the pan to owe side of the its, put in the quartered paschal, and Isi then simmer until they become tlb..ro ughly soft. 'filen wen .11 through • 6" hair neve, adding two tsbl.p•"•o• A convenient travelling suit it made cat ed fele of 'enc lesson juice, sad ids a 11lgfat summer beige ret mohair, in • plain, puk tinge is desired) two drops of anal- straight, tucked skirt with hem. a vest *deal. The mixture is then to be Pet end moque, which may bs worn closed into • freezer and frt.sen in the urdunary I or opened. The beck of the vest is +ray. i formed of s luting, otherwise there is uu a Speedy (1100', lining in aey port of the oosounte, sasept -- Aa As • speedy care r Ryscstery, Chat- the silk its the meadow cutler .as biter - era Morbus, Diarrhoea, Collo, Crsinps, 1 iur trent of the saoque. Long fiewinr sashes are mor) fa,hi..u- able than ever ; their lapels are often ornamented with patterns of Sowers eal- bniideted in natural shades of color over either s dark ur light colored ground, acaordin;t to the style of the toilet. Sen e are etubroidered with jet or colonel bead*, :then are .amply of striped or emcee ed siik. P `l and Bowels, sod all forms oil !summer I Jackets are 1. great favor and mild a Demons Gilpin, as he est down on '&loin + number of parsed shapes and steles. "E Ake the mit/ • nng air," maid Beek Stotnace, Lasker of the St•nnaeh Gsm urea, then a sew remedy more et Oaf M'Elille pureh lief, the ether II'.radog Plc of the most tay..twd N the Cruizetta tea a tri«,illy chit ; "bow filch it scab.. nldabl• thea Dr. 1#coder'. Kstract of jacket, which opens with revers upon the of Wild 131aw Dealers who mil it cheat and is fastened down to the waist ander bows of velvet or ribbon. 1t Is buiebed by • very wide mai, tied at the beck or • little sew .one side. This jacket is frequently 'nide of fancy ribbed silk or velvet of some dark cul. r and may oe worn with soy dress. everything seem. De you know of cry thing trochee than the gentle apnea zephyr r "No, 1 don't know es I does," replied the 'Squire, "unless it i• that ere paint you're actin in. 'Tate!& been us the furor over two hour." }touseholb Bake stackers tali crisp to he eaten with .oysters. Gorged beef rad ham should be put in boiling water. tine teaspuue •t taking powder and N egg improv dressing. The luster of morocco. is restored y until the jelly i•toemee Mit enough to Appyvanishingi it with the white at cat eg(, tern cut. The peeehes themselves tiny A ppiy with • ttputtgo. Kid shoes can be kept soft us and flbe utilised as a compute. from cracks by rubbing them once a week ANN Stedaeats.. and thew wh..y it are un mutual grounds le &.si im ise of its merits. 2 Pilsen J.ur.--)t ke a thin syrup with tee uuliou• at sager and half s pint oaf water. Thee take ten or twelve ripe peaches, pan them, cut them in halves and take eat the anuses, bruising the kernel* of half of thein. Now pet the halved petiches,together with the bruised kernels, moo• the syrup aid allow them to simmer fur fifteen miietes, adding, for haver, the asst of two lessens and the juice of three. Ties strain the jelly thptsRb a jtllig-hog, add tee ounces .d dipsolsed gelatins, and ;,'our it iutu • could, whisk should bef•kaaid on the ace with pure glycerine or cemtor nil. Ioflamm•tiene are more safely and far more agreeably suhdtied by the applies - time et wenn water than of cold. The foundation of three fiwiths of all mesa of coseumptiuo is laid before the age of 46 years ; is women, during their teen& It is related that many years ago • Intense thirst is witi,ted by wading in Mr Morgan, who reprwentod West. water or by keep'rag the c'r.thing saturat- ed with water, even it it is taken from them. Soaking calico lust previous to the lint „Sir, 1'd Fiber give it to the devil. wi ng so a sms .ln+nun off other "But," said the sardidate, "1. the sweet salt ter alum, is excellent to preserve the of your friend not coming forward fur color. the c.•unty, what then T' He got the o. Somebody mays that the .lor of fresh vote. Faint alley he retrieved from a room by irlsaipi/ miler of ground u4be to the spa t. When there ireIsst•ri.g •urea.bh,tch- es. pimpils dad boas appearing, it indi Dates an extremely bad condition of the Mood which ab.wld he speedily cleansed by that bent of all seedieieee Burdock Blued Bitter. 2 ..cath in the Howe of Commons, when on his first canvass celled cm rather Mooney, an influential priest, and asked aim f..r bis vote. The latter replied : Gold jewelry eboul.l be washed with a brush and Castile soapsuds ; rinse and lay foie Joe.' deep into Nue, dry more duet ; 1st means until quite dry. Te sz.rcisa its weariness. increased by every step, is nut only nit heneticial, 1t No useless and worse than useless ; it is positively destruetN.• The lmtadliaey element is n.4 uf spa- cial ae000nt as a cause of consumption, as lar than 26 per oast of cases are clearly of eorsuptir parentage. Vey ezeemive effort is • shout epees of tdsae,as its running,or jumping a nope, Valid Artrais Alsong the moat prevalent fatal and sudden attacks of diserss, are those is• indent to the Summer and Fail, each as' Cholera Morbus, Bilious Colic, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, etc.. that often prove fatal in • few hours. That ever rrliabke remedy Dr. Fowler's Zairese of Wild Strawber- ry. should be at hand, for use in emer- y. 2 Oilste' Liniment Iodide Ammonia Ileum% ea a:1 ( neightly Moshe.. Cares lura -news in t'attk. tlpfs,al Men.n/1t.a Founds r, Weals I-ianbs. tipruug It:uoe.. Spat in. Riagbnne. Quitter. W indigene. NO .tab:u .hoed toe without 11. Ra'inied mining sod staprrni wmpaniee all use Giles Liniment. and Gt the great racing atahtusof Belmont sad Lorillard it bee as: Meted sea- ms. lane trial will ow.. anus. Write 11. H el11.101. Der 3103. N. Y. P. O. who will. without charge. give advice os all diorama sad also .w. 110.101111114119000( of oaiik. geld by all dru,tls•s u Sec, and 1111 bustle mad in quarts a. ✓dols. In whisk there is Irma' raving. Tlw Liniment in white wrappers is for family use ; that in nsnow for cattle. ill. Iodide Amtarseata arse mad tutor Powders. t'.ed by .11 the Poetise horsemen on Jerome Park. 1-.etwowd, Ilrighton Hersh. Sh.rpabewd Toe and Alterative Never dolts ) aro No flj'ofble to Show Goods. Tonle. Alrerat err mad iNvMk. Destroy Wuruar, fares ladig•e)it... Coif.:, busr. More Throat. Cagan h. 1 Deaner. Pinkeye and Kheumati•am The doe 1. "tall and the pow er f.grent. The readier are Guaranteed cad I Pserbenee. 1'.111ag 1 • oblate et are gene y �peMwde.l. Said to F. JORDAN. daug;;st. Goderi.:h. Oat .011.13 A very tasteful toilet for a young lad, is of creamy white laoe tissue over pale red alk. The imams ut tbs toe times laid over the silk N plain and perfectly titling at the haat ; its front it la opo. front the throat ie a long pooiut nearly down to the waist ; the opening is tilled up with creamy white lace, and edged on each side with a wide band of dark red velvet, finished as the point of the waist iiia lung loop ; the sleeves are finished at the elbow with • lace trimming to mated the plastron. The skirt as a 1 ale huff and elect striped milk pekin, ia.de quite plain and without any trlwmiag round the fad. AIRN 7 WWILI:t1ALl: ANU KICTAW CASH STORE! UA$ a1'1.;K1 THING Yue cu Kul the cheapest Liam el YOU WANT Crockery&1ssara ----IN- - AT THS: ('ASH STOKI. A lie a ►da utl Ltae of Canned �oocr 1LOCE 1 sm ala asakttagand a .psoiaBroltl 01etries 1 NEW AND FRESH Ile 1. ahowlss • up1tadtd assortment of China and Glassware. Come in and look. 1f you dome buy. Salt tteeam rseed. Are you tr oubied vita Sal Rheum, Rough Skin, Pimples or Conker Sorsa ;; 11 so, go at ' Drug Store and get postbags to a of McGiregor & Parkes a Carbolic Curate. Prioe 25 cents. rte. ,epeabdly Mimed instant deaths it wen never known S° 1511.. b by apsp ser of the louses, the obelus the ►lond there faster thea it ma be f rwarded to the heart, and faster then it OS11 bs purified by the more fre- quent roquest breathing on such occasions. NO dauaee ever comes without a oaute os w • warning ; benne endeavor hilt for the evens, with a view it in the future, and on the in - say wipleas.nt bodily ammo ton cease Nting absolutely until it h..a en- tirely dieeppared. at lett for timely - Otter boon ; if iNtll rentsiniog e.aasult • physician. pp,,,,ii�ai The maq`lietli a man wear*, the more bite onweisDbt ISee, the Moser he k.•ps his clumsier, Jltether waren or sold, the whore he ecnifiner himself to the house, dos sore nemeroea sad waren hi. night grnaots, the more readily will he take sold, under a1i circum.tail0.i, e. the more a thriftless youth is helped the lies able does he become to help him - aplenty 1i.stee.. Canadian Methodist Masaxine for Octooe•. M. -Pile $3 a year ; $1 for .ix month.: 0 cents per number. For m.e at W hot It - stores. Just Received ! A hole assortment of 1 lee . anon. IBA83 and CL�IYBB1 SEEDS suitable for permanent feature., as wall as pinion AND t.ARDEN rayon Aro TIME Te NATURE. arSIND GRAM 01" ALL KiNik1.' Also ant for the sdebnted II N I ON Ci3TJRNs Iib very best to the market. R S PRICE, not tlrMt Orcin NOM. spessite Town 11+11 )larch tRb. Ism. nes-ion The first article, "Here and There in Europe," eiwea engraved illustrated illus- trations uf London, Paris,Ruuen, Berlin, V Teens, W urzburg, l0% deuarde, 1)&.t, and other places ..f interest. "Throalrb the Virginias" a eery oupioualy and beautifully illustrated ; es la also •'The Cruise of the Challenger " Dr. Dineen onntributes a second admirable paper on "Newfoundland, its people, resources," etc.. including a vitld description of the perils of coast navigation. One the most striking papers is that by Dr. Dan'I Clark, Superintendent of • Toronto Asy- lum fur the Insane, on "Insanity o•f the Pest" He m.i.ts with much interest the subject of insanity to Bible tunes and classic laade-the Dace of Socrates etc., and shows the wondertul revolution in the treatment of the incline in recent times. The Rev. J. Cooper Antliff, M. A..B.D., cuitriontes an excellent article on "Preaching." A story of the Leaden City Mission ; A Sketch of CbrIltm*. Bytes, t1. famous Welsh Preseher; A Plea for Prohibition by the Editor. and ether interesting articles, complete the nu.rbsr. SEEDS 1885_ T&rnipesds, Millet, Hungarian Grass eed, Corn and Buckwheat. ONEY TO LOAN Psi t a tunes to invest at reaaonalle rates of interest. Ontario steel Vat', peace Compaq •,M. Ostia ea..ott tat* the Iband which Weeds cholera, d, sentery, diiarrhns, gr• other Isems of dieseesi in fact, IDs song water hares Isiprteaswe the thirst and indite, other direr..ahl• •ere•ti9es1. let ties thirst will Ise per- fectly and plomently subdued by seting • oomapratively small lem.iont ,.f des m e ntll•aif,. j►'la es bow • ptsosersspree. 1is•N., ark 11•• mesa ager wasted. An Esglich end•ty paler in descrihins the 10 a cbatepionship ILI]EIT1�D-1 SAMUEL SLOANE. Hamilton Street, Goderich. Godericb. nay utk• )lte''- 1114-4m C30I3T7R,ICH WOOLEN C. A. NAIRN, Court House equa-r. Goderich Dec. 1t1. 1161. 11QILL.�i To the Wool Growers of - the Surr,•undiog Country: We wise) to m7 that we are to take four Wool in exchange for or work it or you into any of the toilowtiigartieles, v1.: Blankets -White, Grey or Horse. Sitirtings -Grey or Cheek. Clothe -Tweeds weeeeddss or Full Cloths, Light or Heavy. Flannels -White, Grey, Colored, Union, Plain or Twill. Sbeetings-Broad or Narrow. Stocking Tarn - White, Grey, Clouded or in Colors. Carpet Warps made to order. ROLL CARDING. Oar facilities for this work cannot be our- . We will endeavor lit most cares to do ft the day 1t is brought in. if required. Custom Spinning and Reeling. er Spinning on the cap. coarse or floe. hare or soft twist. as requiter! We are in a maiden to do cal kinds of ear tom work. uaally dant' In a fall met custom melt and ter w1l .araniee to de for you fully tonal. if soot • little better than any in our • urroundinge. A can respectfully ta8ctted. • E. McCANN East End Woolen Mills. Gaderlch. 7/ay l*th, 11 t . HARKNESS HAIR BALM Restored g hair to its na tgral color. re- moves Daneriff stops the :mai from failing out. increaser its growth. eon.; •r..1 net soil the de As a ha.: fres Meg. It has ml,etier. Guar pm1I it&ii p • 0 P THE 111 MIA' F l a atteed harmless. Kill' FENCE WIRE Prepared by Harkness la Co. Let don, Out. sad Taal is 10/1/ 1A1� why the "Lockbflrb" is the Best Wire Fencing Manufactured. or working people. Send 10 cast or postage. and we; will mail ye nntica. • royal. valrble sempie s Y cat good" that will pet yea la tae way of staking more money in a few 4syethes you ever thought puerility. at any b-gann lag candid required. You can lire at Mme aAttls Werk in spare time saly. or all the think f both sears, of all grandly .asesestaL Sec. to 3.1 ra.ily earned every (-stales. That all who want work may test the business. we make this unparalleled offer To .11 who are not well.at4Md we will send tl to pay for the trouble of writing us. 1re11 particulars. diree then.. ere.. seat fres. immense pay ab.duteiy sure for all who start at once. Don't delay' Addrase Silicon t Go. Pot 'land. Ye. 1174 or prices satiate trom Vic to one per pound - Se ieas to ! putted lots. 1 ante bound not to M ur.derwuki fur ('ASH. I•ro.ture taken ts, r.chatser. Ti.•sktr.e the public for 'hr,r I*aroeagt-. I re- train, your obedient "errant. G. H. OLD, The Grocer. Telephone CommualoaIion. (.odtrtrk. Aryl. ilk. ISM. H A2Y A R p'S • � ¥ELLOW air P r hEUMATISM FREEMAN'S WORM POWDERS. w plsasaat to take. Contain their own Purgative. Is a rte, sum rod elk e, . Ieerwyrr of werme ib CLtldrea er aft REASONABLE PAGES i NEASMASLE PRICES A. B. CORNELL UNDERTAKER Opposite Martin's lintel. Hamilton Street. Ler A!1 Funerals attended personally. /1 first -(;lass Stock ! TO CHOOSE F11011. Guderieh. J sly 2111.. 1551. Mae Note Papers Albums B o o'xcs Cards I] oils 'Toys Eto. -GET YOtit-- Newspapers and Periodicals AT MHS. COOKF'S. MRS. H. COOKE, Suceeaa.or to Geo. iibrppard. Goderich. Dee. 1t h 1!114. IY71- New Grocery Store The subscriber bog. to +++cane that 4. 4.a olwwed out • urw Urneery Store IN C;}CIDffiRICS, mid 1. prepared to do boohoos with elep_eopla of the town and .nrrouudiee noetics. is Goods are all New and Fresh, and hare been purchased for ('ask. mad es the prices are low la the city markets. He Intends to Make Hie Price Touch Rock Bottom. Fainters produce taken In exchange ter Oooda and highest prices will be elven. I.Tlkin't forget the spot. the New Cash Ston pert door to !thymus* drug 5)107., Goderich 0. L. McINTOSH. Goderich. Dec. 31. lib I. 1l4- 1, ••- //t\� diode 1 MON .►• '•15711. 7 alp'% >rg • 4 TENTS OF ALL KINDS FOR SALE OR FOR HIRE. 169 YONGE STREET, TORONTO. as -Send for Catalogue. Reasons We ase cagy the bet Sarlhb K.M'mrr Steel Wire, and we els:m that 1n ifs or+n,•rnet:on SP low to all dM kaebad hence wires. The wins /cousins the four paints h. -twee., 18. wt er each ni her and Mm around the mbar. winchttomk.-• ,i. the ___ of tin the I rtoak MywyA herb in the www. h 1aaathe A��sawissw N always prwwewUef the garb Iwteral:y I wW Ise twspdated barbed bee* eg tba of Os "lesekberh." erode at the Maritime Regius, Shope. I yvowh' Oaatatin Intel garb Pewee Go'y. 1411 ibe. as against i to � � ►w Meatless: ~ lbs. and Ml lbw.. t wire film besting the ors: Wire. and was •warded the esnaraet. t 1 gfriner.d floe Alumnae whit 1141 partlrt u. se resent urse .a twits Z I E ,�th,a.i...t male that She awls ta.•t K E N ever tenets. 1 Mt ..f /hem. ►cower.: i were a tight white Jersey and thin 'limboR w, *it. Taste were er.mpdainia the skirts bgsper tbrmt,Dem0nfs 4.4 flirt prospect Is that .ceps will be taken to provide same acceptable wit 1.•r emit yea. Sole Agent, G oderioh. nay int IMb rbeienrmesofsravee are annually robbed of their Aictime.livrs ralonetdhappiness •t1 health restored 6he ueeotthr at GfMAN /NVORATONeyoM.I ��ee�aleatnd :clap. of ant 40'4.1 imemsaal We -.tin's.. and .Il dleeves that 4or low am a seq mance of Plelf-AImo , as lows of en- , lam Of memory universal larelede. ppIllaa la the bark. eMehees N Ogles. permr- iare red age. aced na57 Fiber dlarmaas ombs{l Mad to Insn.lty et eewsamptlNttf- os sad a pr tare grave. need for dr, •elan with teat brownie la fug t roan. The rvslisa.ATN Is .Fid al M .: • lies, sr see been ter M. by all dradyluN, reeehe ming er1 awn rIrteee me.yyg�mN�mr15.. rely mated. e • d -r. J. f"frENWT. Ihwgfln. lig .mut.lt,1.. To' ode. Db YM. WWII AS Delo Aces ter Ooderteb STAC1 COVERS I ALL SIZES_ A. -Send Send for Price Lists, dire. 'nil lad. ISIS. MACNAIR'S, 169 Yoage-st., Z'oroato. MID 8! onD Bin Owns Dizziness, Lose o/ Appetite, Js.ii ate., J:ilio.fmsl5. J)yypwpsia, Jainsdirvi, Afs'i.oato/'the Liver and As.b111pIi Pimple*, Rl telse.i R.wla //imam ,Salt RAA►oa, r5..'•rrf*M, Eryapielaa, and all rltaraiea arising from /ewe Pisa, Darlings(' Siosioneh, or irrt'p, it action n/ the BIsre!&