HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-10-2, Page 4ME HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, OCT. 2, 1885.
30.8111.11110 mar and a 8uo-
an wereMs Newaar of enema ease .11110.
111P41•• sa •urwetrre gleuee InaR.
It would have been impossible to hate
hit upon finer weather than that whsch
airmailed on Tuesday and I%.doesday,
the (Lye of the West !Udine tan show.
The clear sky and the warm eeishin.
Beads the days teal like mad.nmmee.
There sea. • good attendance, and of tate
whole the of sir wee a esteems. We make
stn special mention of eibibts in regular
Not hating time for a full general de-
scription of the oxtaiMta, we will not at-
tempt any. The prise bet is supposed
to tell the true story, although, rs a
tnetmily the tam at exhibitions, the
judges' verdict was i11 malty 01116.11 1101
flat of the genteel public. It would
tette too much space to giro *11 the in-
let once.
Horses and cattle were shown in large
n umbers. The home ring never appear-
ed to be mors attrattive, a..; are sur
rounded all afterii ou by an admin. g
throng of both say egg.
Shoop were a large eahihit, and of
good quality, and there were wee prime
The slow of poultry was • good one.
lx.th as regards ,reality and unwber. We
have many bird fermiers in thea neighbor-
A!I the grain /haven was good, except
sprang wheat, which, of sours*, was uu
his year up tr. the standard.
By an error is copying from the
udge11' book the list of prizes f..r apples
was incompletely tabu. It will appear
text week in full.
The display of feet was very tine.
Apples were particularly g.'nd. The
special onllectiou of thirty varieties by
.1. C LeTo.zel, of t'herrydel. Farm,
Colborne, attracted mach admiration.
The other varieties of fruit shown were
well up to the mark. end in this depart-
ment the tudgmng was 10 skilled hands.
There was a profusion of flowers. and
much taste was e• uaced in the amuse.
Issas WW1. Pair amid elms hay-
ing raised kaon. in 1818--- 1, H
J 0 /Stewart ; 3, Juno Klee: Pal
alaarliag torah -1 and 2, H Snell ; 3, J
O Stewart Air ewe laulb.-1, H Saga
Ated rain -1, Julie Commie, ; 2,
6hwrlkott ram -1 aid I, Joan
Cumming. Kam lamb -1 and 2, John
Cumming. Pau aged ewes. having
awed lambs in 1815-1 and 2, Juin
Cumming. Pair ahearhng ewes- 1 and
2. Jea enmins. Petr tat ewes of
weaken, any broad -1,.1 a Stewart , 2,
It 2141Aea 1 8, $ ♦adr.wa
anuarwOSL--o7pOaD now t.v ,•k .Huar-
mMUta DOWN',
Aged ipso 1, H befell. tabuthaa
ram -1, H Bona ; 2. J.ybm Andrews.
Pur aged ewes- 1 mud 2, H WWI. Ram
luab -1, H Snell
eiroarWWL -11,11 TO COWMEN
Aged raw -1, J O Stewart Shearliag
rain -1, J l► Stewart. P.m sbearluig
owes -1, John thou , 2 and 3, J 0 Stew-
art. Petr ewe huts - 1. Isaac lialkeld ;
3, Jobe filen ; 3, Isaac Salkeld Pur
aged ewes -1, John Wien ; 2, J 0 Stew -
tit. Ram laab-1, J O Stewart . 2, J
LAR... $$5$L eat, rullrru .,ills a.
Sow, haying littered in 1886--1 said 3,
S Andrews , 2, W Potter. Boer pig,
under nom year- 1, 2 and 3, 8 Andrews.
Sow pen under nue year .,1d--1, '1 arid 3,
S Andrews.
Boar, aged -I, Wm Jackman. Sow
pug, under one year old - 1, Ve Potter ;
Y and 3, '!Trus hallows.
Boar, aged -1, 8 Andrews , 2, S Grey
Sow pig, !tattoo littered in
Liffey ; '4, 8 Andrews ; 3, R McLaiL
Boar pig, under one year uld-i aid 3,
Slimy ; 2, 8 Andrews. Sow pig, under
mire year old -I, 8 Audrewe , 2, b (fray;
3, James BAAL
Pair buudans I, M Creasman , 2, J
H Richards. Pair brahu.a, Itaht-1 stud
1, Frank Beattie. Pair bral'na, dark-
] and 2 0 C %Yukon. Pair black spaui1h
-1, Tomsk Bettie; '2, R L Walton
taunt ,,1 many of the bouquets and fair dnrklug-- 1 sod 3, Ftaus Beane ;
eullectioo . The cut flowers garde • 2, W J Hayisn. Par yu.auda--1 and
magnificent display. 2, O C Wdls..n. Pair game -1, Job
The garden vegendrIss would be hard Authors ; Y, Thomas Morrow. Pat
to beat anywhere. There wasckse come Hambur .-1, RL Walton ; 2, V C Will
pennon in almost every iteral, the pole- amu. Pair bantauss--1, 1► C Wiliam; 2
tress and carrots especially being splendid James Munroe. Pair plymuth ruck --1
specitnena. Frauk Bottle ; 2, A Dickson. Psi
The home matiatrsturo and dairy bighorn, ututa--1. V C Willson ; 2
produce were well up to the mark. Mn Fra,rk Beattie. Pairlesthorns, brown -1
J W. Pearon, who took the find prize V lh Wtllwu ; 2, M Creasman. Pat
for bread, generously p1400d a leaf at teals, wry other unproved breed -1
the disposal of the editor. It deserved O C leak,.
; '2, Frank Beattie Pat
rho prize. turkeys -1, E Strtlehen ; 'l, J 'f Salkeld
Theomrgan showed :y Mr. Oke, of j Pear Keele -1, Frank Beattie: 2, E
Clinton, deserver' special mention fur its Strachan. Pair decks -1, Frauk Beat
uowpleienw ..f arrangement as a mei- tie, 2, A Dickson. Pair Mtwtovy duck
cal instrument. 1-1, Frank Beattie ; 2,— Bost cul
The nu.nber of entries was largely in ' 10C11 411 e f fancy pigeons --1, Frank Beat
e xcess of IAA year. I tie ; 2, W J Hayden. Pair pea f.lwls-
l'he receipts, notwithstanding the 1, Frank Ileatt, ; 2— Pair guinea
;pricer .4 adtni-eon having been lowered, fowl* 1, Frank Beattie ; 2, E Strachan.
,prem considerably ahead of last year.
PRIZR LIST. Pair Brahma, white -1, (1 C Wilson
H(►RSE>;. 2, Frank Beattie. Pair Submit, dark -
11 and 2, (► C W ilaoiil. Pair Black Span-
wtAvv I.RAI-GIFT. j ask -I, Frank Beattie ; 2, Jaa Monroe.
i ro...1 care, must have foal by her Pair L)orkiug- 1, Frank Beattie ; 2. 0
mile 1st and second prize by 14 C Cam- C Wi]euu. Par Poland• -1, t► C Wil-
*ron. M P. -1, E H tike ; 2 and 3. W son ; 2, Frank Beattie. Pair Gains -1
Barden. Foal-- 1, A M Polley • 2, E H land 2, Tho. Morrow. Pair Hamourgs
Wove. Two year old filiy-4, D Fisher ; 1. R L Wakon ; 2. Frank Beattie.
2, W Potter. Two year old gelding -1, i Pair Hoiden -1. 0 C Wilson ; 2, J 11
(ie,. Mal. One year old tilly-1, E H Richards. lair liantalr.s --1. F Beattie:
Woo ; 2, J .1 Fisher. One year old , 2, 0 C Wilson. Pair Plymouth R..cla-
rakilns - 1, Gordon Young. Heavy , 1, F Beattie ; 2. A Dickson. Pair Leg-
-O. -aught team --let and 2d hey• Hon A horn. -1. F Beattie ; 2, R Walker.
M Rom, M P P -1. J J Feiner ; 2, J Par fowls, may other improved breed-
McLean ; 3, J (► Stewart 1 and 2, 0 C Wilwo.
11r0 -Id mare, :oust have foal by her Phaeton or open buggy -1, P W Han•
aerie -1 atgt 2. D McNee ; 3. John Glen. , and ; 2, A Murton ; 3, 8 A Cantelun.
Fuel --1 John Glen ; 2, D MeaNse ; 3, i Tw.: horse buggy -1, 1' W Haiard ; 2,
John Lavey Two Year old filly- 1.! A Morton. One horse boggy, covered
Robert Mitch ; 2, James Roca. Two I -1. A Mom., ; 2, P w Retard, pow.
year old gelding- -1, Thos Kelly ; 2, mug mill ---1, Antitumor Bros Gang
Thoinas Hamilton. Ono year old 511y- plow --1, Pattennn Bats ;Thus Morrow,
1, E H Wise ; 2. Win. Elliott ;'..Tames ascent . Pair Iron harrows -1, R Thom.
Aloe. tete year old gelding --Diu lint w,n, 2. l: Yrennan. Field roller -1,
prize ; 2, W Potter. Span general our- Jul Rose. agent ; 2, Armstrong Bros
Oros horses, marls or welding. --lit by Horse hay rake, sulk -1, /loam Bros
$.0 Cameron. M P-1 4 M Polley ; 2,
John McLean ; 3, J (1 Stewart.
r.UAU Leo caeIUAnt.
Brood mss sad foal -1, Ja.. Whitely;
2, -lame* 1t 3 lbdit McLean. Opting
fel, cult or filly --1, Jos Whitely ; 2
single flower, .T+'hn Stewart, 2d M C
r Cameron ; collection trues geraniums,
double flower, John Stewart, lid M C
Cameron ; collection perennial phloxes,
. net Ito than 4 varieties, 1 spike .4 each,
a C A Humber, 2d u Elliott ; collection
. phloxes, anodal, R Bonnaeny, 2d A
. Dickson ; 12 varieties gladiolus, R Bon.
nemT ; 4 varieties gladioloe,R Bonnamy,
2d E Bingham ; collection asters, (3
Elliott, 2d A Dickson : collection pan-
sies, 0 Elliott, 2d A Watson ; collection
balsam spikes, in bloom, M C Cameron ;
onlleetior. stocks spikes, G Elliott, 21 Z
Bingham ; collection petunias, single, M
C Camercn, 2d Jno Stewart ; collection
petunias, double, J09 Stewart, 21 A
Watson : collection annuals, G Elliott
12 coleus, A Watson ; 6 coxcombs, R
f3.mnorny, 2d G Elliott ; 4 •chimene., A
Watson ; betonias rex. 1111 Watson ; 8
geranium*. angle, A Wataon, 21 John
Stewart . 4 geraniums.single, A Watson,
2d J Stewart : 8 geraniums, double, J
Stewart, 21 E Bingham ; 5 geraniums,
double, A Watson, 2d J Stewart ; 9
greenhouse plants, M C Cameron, 2d A
W11111on ; 9 foliage plants, different varie-
ties, A Watson ; 2 hanging flower bas-
kets, E Bingham, 2d A Watson ; 1 hang.
mq flower basket, A M Ross, 2d A Wat-
Hnnz MA'iITA.7I•11101. - Ten yards
cloth, .1 0 Stewart ; pair blanket., Isaac
Salkeld, 2d Gordon Young, 3d Thomas
Bra:tie ; pound of yarn, home made,Mrs
T Hamilton, 2d Mier M. Stokes ; coun-
terpane, wove, Gurdon Young : doable
set farm hardness, Geo Sharman ; set
single buggy harness, Gen Sharman ; c.l•
lection cooper's work, M Karl; collection
of photographs, Geo Stewart, 2d R Sal -
laws ; 2 bottles wine, home made, from
the grape, John Mutely,2d Jo. Whitely,
3d John Pouter ; 2 bottles wine, home
{ mad.. from any other fruit or Sorry J
bluely, 2d Theo Beattie, 3d Mrs Thea
hneyd ; organ, Doherty organ, G Thom-
son, agent,2d G H Oke; sewing machine.
"Singer," C F Girvin, 2.1 "Wermer," 0
Thomson ; knitting machine, (iso Thom-
' on.
Posionea-Early Crawford, J Bestow,
9d .1 It Miller ; tato Overlord, C A
Neater ; wdliawr, W 11 Kerrey, 2d J
Pima-4varieties niim.d, A. M.
Rue., Id A Mal) Alla. ; 3 varieties
•acrd, A M Rom, 9d A IUD Alts•, 9d
W Mambsn ; 5 Bartlett, Thus Weather -
aid, 2d J. Andrews ; 5 Flosaink bsatlty,
W kssWl, 2d D Cordon • Visor ea
Wiobeld, A MoD AIM., 3d A Wat.un
Dulness D'Ataeek.me, J deafer,
Juhu Maaquis ; Bolla Lsc.stiys, A MeD
AUsa, 2d Bingham ; Loggia Boone d.
Jersey, J.140 Boater, 34 A Dioksoa ,
White Duyeana, J Mellat rs, 241 J
Hamar ; Bonne Hardy, 1 Watson ;
Beans Dui, A MoD Allen, 2d J.
Hueter ; Bourns ho, E Bingham, 2.1
Funs 8 Fus ; Beaune clae8.sa, A M Bars,
21 J H Willimus ; Howell,
, James Dick -
0, 2d A Watson, 0ioodagYo, JohnHunter, 2d m A M Ra ; Seckel, A M
Russ, 2d J Porter ; Clapp's (morals8
Furze ; Laurence, A McD Allan, 3.1 A
Wateun ; Bodoni, A Watauga, '2d A MaDmes
Allan ; any other variety, JaDick
s, Sot J Hester.
Giaroo. -- 4 vari.ties named, one
Ouster of each, grown under glass, M C
Cameron, 2d A 51 Roes ; '2 clusters
white, under glees, M C Cameron, Jot
A M Ross ; 2 clusters, block, under
gimes, M C Cameron, 2d A M Rom ;
12 varieties grown to open
air, 2 clusters of sub, named, E Bing-
ham, 2d J R Miller, 3d A M Ross ;
varieties namd, '2 eclusters of ..ch,
D.eksou , 4 varieties named, 2 eluste
of each. A Diekaui.: 3 bunches Dela
ware, 11 Walker, 21 E Bingham ; Con-
cord, (Jordon Young, 2d W Stewart ;
Hufford, J R Miller, 2d W Stewart
Eum.lao, J R Miller ; Rogers' No. 3
E Bingham, 3d J Dickson ; Iona,
Gibson, 2d J H Williams ; Salem, G
Elliott, 3d R Walker; Rogers' No. 4, G
Elliott, :d E Bingham ; Seedlings, J H
Williams ; Crsa•v1ing Jam Dickson, 2 J
K Miller.
Voiotia -Special' Pelee by Hon. A
Roos M. Rubest collection cut flowers, G
Elliott ; 8 varieties dahlias, 1 bloom o
each, G Elliott, 2.1 C A Humber, 3d
Bingham ; 4 varieties dahlias, 1 bloom
each, C A Humber, 2d E Bingham ; 1
verbenas, 1 bloom of each, E Bingham
2d John Stewart ; it varieties verbenas
1 bloom of each, E Bingham, 2d A M
Roes ; 4 varieties verbena, 1 bloom o
each, E Bingham, 2d John Stewart ;
different roam .4 each, John Stewart,
E Bingham ; hand buugttet, G Elliott
2n A Wataun ; table bouquet, 0 Elliott
'41 A Watson ; collection, A Watson
collection dianthus, double, E Bingham
21 G Elliott ; e'nlleotion dianthus, single
A Watson, 24 G Elliott ; floral design
E Bingham ; collection zinnias, double
O Elliott ; collection truss geraniums
E Biewaam ; prewip, A Gibbose, la
W Ransball ; red onions James COx,2d
W Rembsll ; yellow onions, Jas Cox, 2d
W gwefeW ; silver skin onion
a, James
Cox, 2d W RamWl ; eollseis , sweet
urn, W .ball, 3d IL Bingham ; 9 ear.
d ur
ewe, an, varix Jr, E Roughen., 241 W
R.mban ; watsasalea., 0 Elliott, Id
Tam Ham m
ition , task elons, (1 Elliott,
Thu Haraile". ; aleili$ower, W Rees-
• l, 94 (3.s m
red toatu.t,
3d W 8wadeld, 24 Orr ; oolls.tioa ut
4#/deo prod' 0w. distiict from other gas -
1 Bingham, 3d W Romblon, 3rd (1
• Elliott.
new Vasram amas aHomo -Man-
gold wurt.eis, W Clarke, 9d T Sa/lnws :
Swede turnips, C Blake, 2d T Beattie ;
held carrots, long red, H Corwin : white
Belgian eaTuts
r, H Curw.a, 2d W
Ellitatt ; unions, Junes Cui, 2d W Swat -
bold ; field corn, John Porter, 2d H
Corwin ; puoupk►n, W Elliott, 21 W
-Kwsfb.ld ; *quash, W Swametg.
Lamm se' We/IIK. Bent's shirt, linen
front. hand made, Mrs T Hamilton, 3d
Mw Nott ; gent's 'shin, linen front u1a-
•'hine made, Mrs T Hamiltwo, 2d Mrs
Humber ; gent's fancy Simnel shirt, ma
chine made, Mies L Buchanan, 2d Mrs
W SwaTheld, 3d Mrs Humber ; gent','
fancy flannel shirt, head made, Mies
Buchanan, 21 Mrs Kwadield, 3d Mrs
Humber ; night dream, Mrs. Beattie, 2d
Mrs Swatkeld, 3d Mies Payne ; tatting,
8 Mies Nutt ; crochet work, modern, Mies
Nott, 2d Mies Seegmiller, 3d Mae Skim-
mings ; macrame work. Mies Potter, 2nd
Mur J Breckenridge, 3d Mies Syming
tint ; mi.;umrdise lace, Mus M. Allan, 21
Mies Putter, 3d Mins Skimmings ; nm-
br'idery in linen, Mw Sytuington, 2d
Mies Nott ; point lace, Mrs Alderson ;
8' Honiton lace, Mies 8yisinvt•n, 2d Mies
Putter, 3d Mise Skimmings; fancy leach.
or work, Miss Symington, 2d Mies Nott,3d MissPayne ; silk embroidery, Mina
Seetrm,l er, 23 Mn 8 Gibson, 3d Mw
Symington ; fancy braiding, any mate-
rial, Mr. (Irsha,n, 2d Miss 8e.gailler,
3d Mies Nott ; ribbon work, Mw. Nett,
2d Mies M Allan, 3d Mrs Beattie ; fancy
knitting by hand, Mrs SwaMeld, 2d Maes
Symington, 3d MisNat; fancy knitting
't by machine, Mies Prater ; plain knitting
by machine, Mies Potter ; fancy patched r
• work, Mrs. Anderson, 2d Mrs 10140-
• ean, 3d Mrs. Beattie ; patched quilt, in
cotton, Mw Nutt, Sri Mrs T Hamilton ;
patched quit, in wool, Mrs T Hamilton,
2d Mrs W Toning,
3d MMrsJ T linTibam
?d painting on eilkor satin, oils, Mrs T R
• Perry, 2d Miss 8 Gordon, 3d Miss Sym-
• melon ; Roman embroidery in linen,
Mies Pyne ; ermine work, Mims seep
• miller. 2d Mins Symington, 3d Mn J iY
• Pearin ; darned net, Miss Symington, 2.1
Mrs Gibson, 3.1 Mrs T B Perry ; Berlin
• wool wort, flat, Mies Nett, 2d Mise J
• Breckenridge, 3d Miss L Buchanan ;
Berlin wool work, raised, Mise Nott, 2d
Mims Salkeld, 3d Mies Payne; rig stat,
Mies Buchanan, 2d Mrs W Swatlield,
3d Mrs H Hayden ; oil painting, profes-
sional, Misr A Gordon ; oil paiatiny,
amateur, (ten. Stewart, 2d Miss BOIL
Johnston ; water colors, amateur, Mims
McIntyre ; pencil drawing, Miss Skim-
mings, 2d Mus 11 Stokes ; crayons, Mina
M Allan, 2d Mir Breckenridge, 3d Mime
McIntyre ; pair woolen stockings, T An-
derton, Yd Mrs T Hamilton, 3d Mn
Stokes; pair woolen socks, Mrs G Youog,
2d Mrs Stokes. 3d A Robsrt.oa ; pen
woolen gloves, Mrs A Robertson, 2d Mrs
J T Graham ; pair wooleo mitts, Mn J
T Graham. 21 Mi. Symington, 3d Mrs
Snyder ; patch on an old garment, Miss
L Boohoo/us, 2d Miss Payne ; darn on a
sock or stocking, Miss L Buchanan, 2d
Mies Reegetiller : crazy work, Mn T B
Perry, 21 Mies Flora Cau.ron, 3d Mn
John Aikenheaa ; rick rack, Mrs John
Aikennead, 2d Mies Bosomy, 3d Mies J
Breckenridge ; balr,,in netting, Mus
Putter, 21 Miss Skimmings, 3d Miss
Symington ; fancy netting, Mrs 4 Wil-
liams, 24 Mew 8 Gibson ; mutt. on card-
board, Mrs T Hamilton ; sampler work,
Mies Symington ; doth mat, Miss Sym-
ington, 2d Ming Putter, 3d Mir Payne ;
counterpane, knitted, Ming Symington ;
counterpane, •rocket work, Mrs G
Ycunq ; fancy tidy, Mies N.41, 2d Mrs T
Hamilton, 3d Mrs .1 T Graham ; crewel
work, Mrs T Hamilton, 21 Miss fieeg-
milleF, 3d Miss Nott.
ammit nE3DED :
Cbemi s -Mrs W 8wa*ield.
Gents' **noel shirt -Mw L Buchanan
Collection of thirty varieties of apples,
J C I.etouzel, reenmmeoded tor a diplu-
Rt+' .VMENDRD. - A Catawba speci-
men- (i Elliott;collection sisgledahlias
-E Bingham+.
(T Morrow, agent). srnip cutter --1,
J Rose, agent ; 2, R W Ruucivan. Set
horse shoes from the hammer- 1, R
P,reunan ; 2, R Thompson Set horse
ober, polished -1, k Thompson ; 2,
Jones d J.hnstus, Clinton. Pump -1,
Jar.ies luras ; 3. John Porter. On. year
Ann/tome Biro. ; 2, John Rom Wooden
.I.1 filly i. W'' , f' nuundha:.. 2, Jig
Mullaxle. lumber waguo-1, J F Bates ; 2, A
en ; 3, Gordon Young. Two year Kirkhride Iron bean plow, chilled
.11 buy -1, Ilol.t Be - ,n ; 'l, wm mould board -1, W H Verity (Tho.
Cuni,m.yham. Span carriage horses -1, Morrow, agsntl : 2, C .1 Humber. iron
T (' D..hrnv : 2. W Potter ; 3, David bears plow, steel mould board -1, Jas
Mel(rneto. !f Iowes • hat Roo, agent , 2. Tho. Morrow. agent
Joints 14,147,E ` H Horn 2. M H"rte hoe -1. .lame* Rime : 2, Thomas
Crewman •9 J Sae dl. lower Murruw, Ret
---1, A 3 .1',11t1; '2, Jo, Lvilet ; 3, Jno onto• Ago -rut
Ram. I Two bushels of Clawsois fall wkMf-
CATTLE 1, John Porto ; 2, W Rwaffield ; 2, T
Carroll. Two bushels of Scutt or toad
TBORot'uaexrto fah wheat - 1, Henry Curwen . 2, C
Milch cow, hiving raised calf since Crabb;311W Potter. Tennbushels .dany
Sale 1st. IM$4 let ;'r.he i•y Hon A Mother variety fall wheat - 1. John 10.rter;
Row} -1 and 3, Tu.* Beeth« ; 2, Isaac I2. C Crabb ; 3, Robe. Munch. Tin.
Fahey. Bull c:e:r -1, litre Feeber; 2, 1 bushes spring wheat. fife 1, 4 Furze
We. $swdat, Heifer cal -1. TholesTwo bushels lost .atroo or white Raasan ,
Beattie : 2. luso Fiabur. Herd, coa• l I. W Potter ; 2. Thorusa Carroll ; 3, R i
arcing ..f, three females and .m. male I Mitch. Two barbels spring wheat any
(prize hay Win Y 'ono. tali -1, Isaac ; other rar►ety-1, Thomas Curren ; 2, t
Faber. ;James 11..ee. TWO bushels rnI rye -1. ;
earl 1 of .:Riot , A -^L" I lees,' S.ikeld ; 2, Thos. Rrattie TwoI
buaheli iar!ey, white 1, John Vam.e ;
Cow, having rinsed calf since Sant Lt. 2. t' Craob j 3 S Furze. Two bushels
1884 , pr2e by It .ht t: ii i.ns, E«(: -- I Is ley, Mack --1..1 11 , Vara .e : 2, John 1
Liras $&kel•l ; 'l, Wia Bowden ; 3. Thar 1 Porter. Two hushels sn.all peas-- 1,
Realise. Two year old heifer 1. ,lobo !J•,10 V,trv, • , Y Ss Furst : 3, C Blake
Meteor ; 2, Thos err•dl . 3, Wm Hay. Two busa'es bushels obi'e.• -1, iniac Salk -
deo. (►ere y.'er ..;d heifer 1. thy.'" • • eld : 2. W Swafhwld ; 3, C Crabb. Twn
Fisher ; '2. Th•+ 1..41tle 3. Wm tlh•nt hushrls black man- 1. C Crabb ; 2,
(1se year ''id stser-l. 14 Fume. Rand 3. i.m.r Salkeld. ahs. hnab.l Gia awed --1,
Thos Beattie. Ater calf 1..ht. Me 1 $•Ikeld ; 2 Joseph T fislkeld. Frear'
Lean : 2 W.'' Elliott. Heifer ealf 1, the lwst o'lleeti.n .•f grain -1 host.) of
2 and 3. Jolt's IlcLcwn. Puke talo year ,,inch Varity -by J. Dte-kt-i -1. N,
old steers --1, Isaac Salkeld Fat on or 1!Iwafiau.
DAIRY Paowt'rc.-Ten pounds table
putter, salted for no in rills or prints,
by J C Martin It Co., Mrs W Swafkeld,
13d Mrs N Morrish, 3d Mrs J Snyder ;
tnb or crock of salt butter not less than
2.1 lhs. by 3 C Martin A; Co . Mrs 3
Snyder, 21 Mrs N ai.rrish, 3d Mrs T
Hamilton ; cheese, not lees then 50 Ib..,
ifactHamiltonrymade. no first prize, 2 Gordon
steer .1st prize try the de°Tors and
footman of t i...lerwh - I. 2 and 3, R , FRUIT.
meLoio. Fag hitter .or cow lm pnz• , Pit's. -Smith'. Deimos, J. Lo Vein•
by the butchers •.l drover* of lot deneh tyre : yellow magnum b•onun., A W1.041. b
--1 and 2.
S amnions. Yoke .4 nook. 21 .1 Hamel! ; Lmtta,d, A Drck.rn, 21
blot utters --1, J 0 14tewarr ; 2, D Steatite. • 1' F• x ; Reitse Claude de Bary, A War.
loHEEP son : General Hand, t1 Elliott ; Cow'.
g .:Jaen drop, T Weethersld, 3d (ie.ivge
w I. eel e. boomed ; any other entitling., W Sorts
A►• 1 ram - 1, H Snell : 2..T O Stew- att. 2.1 nos 11sat'rrrald ; Bradshaw, A a
ggtt - 3, W E W h,tely. ►Marling ram--- %%1••n. 2.1 C A Humber ; Pond's Ileed- •
homen. cam t n
h•e made, no tint prize, 3d Samuel
Bleset ; 1 quart npl• 'neap,A Rohett-
son. 2.1 ThomSalk.w., 3d Gordon Young;
IJ Ilea, .gde auger, A Robertson ; 15
IM. honey in comb, no tint prig.. 2d A
Dickson ; jar 4 .1 honey, Gordon Young,
2d C A Humber, 31 1: Mut^h : ;.oaf hem*
made bread, Mrs .1 W Promo, 21 Mn W
Clerk«, 3d Mn J Siydee.
liar PEN V to tr.*sire. --Rosepoulterers.
Ge.. Sheppard, 21 Wm Itumball ; E.rllr
1*i. palatal*, Geo Sheppard. 2d MIM
Blake ; %'hite elephant p.tat•.es, 8
Farre, 2d W J -Hayden ; beauty .1
Hebron potatoes, Gen Sheppard, '2d Win
Rumball : potatoes. ane variety unwed,
W'vn Hnmholl ; reggwtahle marrow, tarn
Rumhall . summer s•; -rah, Wm Beaver,
2d C Blake ; winter squash. C Humber,
2d W Rnmball: roots white celery, 0
Elliott, 2d M (' Cameron ; roots redoaab
celery. M C Cameron ; heads winter(-
ht,cr, E Bingham. 2d W Rntabell ; hill
eiblent •, It Gibbons. 24 W llnmhwll
Maws cabroge. E Bingham. 2 W tem -
ill ; citron', W Elliott, 2J W Rwmhall ;
red eshh.ge, F. Bingham. 21 W (tem.
ball : 1,1. •l 1..et., W 4 irne •. 2.1
.e R
lihh.; terntp bl.o'•d heel*. ill 1'
Cametcn, 2.1 F. Buntline' : rs.itah.., Wo.
Ren,hrll, 2.1 John N.'se'r : fields tur-
ipe R (iibta'.ts, 2.1 W Rion) all : long
orange carrots, W kumt..•1 . iter:y horn
ternota, R (iibb'n., 2d Al e e.imrnln ;
scarlet canons, Nemo, W 8w.l2eld, 2'1
H Stell ; 2. J (t Stewart ; 3. 4r g hog• R %eater, 24 G Elliott . Vectors•,
Vihanti, Ram lamb-- I r; 2, H Snell; A Doke, :, ; W*shington, W Ruraball
horse,- Wm Clark. G aleneit t p
ficrrgw Currell. Ashfield , Chace Girvin,
West Wawan•'sh.
(Settle -John Washington. West Ws-
wanosh ; Alex. Glen. Colborne ; Joseph
Teasley, Colborne.
SA«ep and Pge -Stewart McD ou_ra!l,
Goderich ; Wm. Anderson, Lucknow ;
Ttnellard Write. ADhurn.
lb -cue -M. Hutchison and 8 Sloan,
Imll'w.•nts-.1. P. Po -own, Auburn ;
Thos Jarvis, Colborne ; Jno. Brunedeu,
{'mor t/Moa--Jorepf Goldthorpe, C..I-
torne ; tVrn. Watt, Goderich.
Prean. - A. Sands, Saltf. rd : John
Be'hanan, Stratford ; John Walker,
Beafort h.
F'.•.t. r, -Wir. Mnnl'ch, Exeter ; R
Imre. G•elerich township.
Lobes Wore --Mn. James Graham.
Mrs. Newcn.h Rod Mies FOL, G.•deriet).
Fine A rd -- Mims Muuntcsst l., Clinton;
M. Clivi•.', tnwu.
N".urisk TOwas11D.
floor.. Edward., of Goderich town-
ship, fell from a fruit tree on Wednes-
day, and was insensible for several
boure. He is reo•.vering torn the effects
of the fall.
A Nosier Frt. a Henry Toting, of
G,edench township. rejoices In rine of the
prettiest fences between here and Moro
treat it is 125 rods in length, and is
composed .1 painted poste. Well sunken,
sltt.en feet apart, and fire wines and a
scantling running between. A bottle of
whiskey lies at the 1,.,tt,,o of the main
;..,t of the gate. The work of ," ,strue-
t1'•n was (Inn* in twelve days by We'. '
81.lrris .1 Colh.'rne, and Mr. 4' one.
The i.srce is anh,tan•ial, durable and
handsome, and is aa MC* • wiretf; nce as
any man c,uld desire.
VICTORIA HALL Act Paused ;1 d..
I ties .bat /led .4 ho.etle I dusk oat.
Tuoday, Oc 6111,1
if you want a good, hearty
laugh, go and hear the side-
splittin` description JOHN R.
CLARKE gives of varions Lon-
don characters in his celebrat-
ed Lecture, entitled :
"T and Fero io Loiido,"
EL(QU EN &' E,
W I T.
We wan: SOD people to hear the great
oI-BlacI Orator!
AllhoiiiiiMts7ta0II. - 20c.
'lit ought to b • 51.00.
Reserved seats may he secured at James
Ioariv's tlw.kaw,e, at a, mote each.
Francis Murphy. the great Irish orator.
says: "Near Aim, 1 t.eeterA yea_ -
'•Mr. clorke is our of tt'e thirst wotvl-I'aint-
en it has ever been our privilege to lictr".-
lCbarlotte Loader.
-Old and roust flocked to hear rbcs ran of
slgeen.,.. He compared strongly with Joba
H. Ooagb.'-4d1alaauce 114 Y. Republican.
-lar audle.e was perfect:), delighted with
Mr. Clarke, and uaaalmously vote hint u -lir of
11s greatest samisen ev er brought to Pietas.
Hie Abet was a magnineent one. It ever he
comes to Plena again he will be sure of a
crowded bons.'--lu. b. Platt i1 A., Iagoe-
tar or loamis.
The digfwaw Carter tsar.:- "111 used se
Gough at a marry. But the best of all r the
pun and lofty moral tune of all abs speaker
says. 1t is just such an effort that triads to
kindle high hopes sad true.. U.1sese to the
hearts of our young men toad waren."
John K. Clarke, on his return to Kingston,
was greeted by ..tree aadieaeea His hit
aeon two weeks age was enjoyed bytes people,
bat when be returned w Rive bis 1t-sisilinitille
.pecialtr. 'To std Fro in London. he au
introduced tea perfect sen of fates. Tt.e en.
terrtotinusent was full of iutere-ting episodes
given with this peculiar sty le of mimicry and
eloquence with which l
Clarke is pe-etwed.
H gin former hr. as an peter has gives 11e .nm
req in dialect which but few men are tapable
asd were keep 1. • perfect eroaev
oar eotilaugh-
ter." -Madly Delilah Whig.
•'Our advice toall--andparticularly wall
dyspeptics --is to go and hear him. but it any
one has a suspicion that he might "d.c s1
laughter,' it would be prudent before 5o.eg to
have Ilia life insured.- -(Keir. It W. Todd.
Mr. l'larkes standard is huff., hos bloom s
ire and his sallies are witty. Yet a. one
him who does not go away feeling that
he or she wants to be better. HL remarkable
specialty. 'To and Fro is London,' was deliv-
ered to good people in toe Chautauqua amphi-
theatre. As a speaker and entertainer he
enjoys perfect freedom from notes. and tickle
hu tudlerme to the close. Hs dialects. atones
and songs are richly eajoyea.
See other pee- notices L today's Serer and
en big bills.
Only a limited number of Tickets.
Secure a Seat EARLY.
A Yeses Case.
The adjourned ass of Inspector Ball
against George Smith, of the'Intenw-
tional hotel, same up before Mayor Hor-
ton on Saturday afteruwu at three
Thr defendant pleaded net guilty
Dr. Cassidy was the first witness. He
swore as follows :- Was nut at the Inter-
national hotel on evening of Friday,
18th Sept , was there on Saturds and
Monday ; on Saturday evening 1 went
Unto the back room and two fellows were
fighting ; then they went into the street
, and I followed them ; none .1 us took
intoxicating liquor ou that day : i saw
the tight inside and outside: I found they
were getting too noisy and can -.e up
town ; had nu liquor and me noboly
else tale any.
John Burley, swum -I was present at
th. Intertatioal hotel, after dinner ; 1
took no intoxicating liquor after dimmer
11 asked Geutge Smith If he had anything
strong, and he said he never kept it, tat
I had two .r three drwks of "blue rib -
boo ;'' I don't know what the blue rib-
bon was ; I never drank it before) this
spring because there Wu none then ; I
plaid tire cents for it ; I don't ktiow what
the rest drub ; there esu a big crowd
in ; don't ezp:ct to get whisky when I
ask for "blue ribbon ;' I don't in.w if
it is intoxicating, it did not into=toate
me ; I didn't drink enough of it to
To His Worship -I mw money passing
over the bar for drink. ; i dont know
what they drank, though.
Wm. Roes, sworn -11'4a at the Inter-
national hotel on Saturday evening ;
there was a mw going un, and quite a
ifew were present : it was about sea
o'clock ; there was a "skirmish" on the
tform ; I mw no one take any drink
me 1 Came mai'; 1 had something to
drink --some "tank" -during the day ;
I did net feel it intoxicate me ; I took no
nothing hqi or on that day after the
Sight Was over ; one of the Henders.ms
paid for what three ..f us drank.
To the Mayor -i saw money pail for
what we drank . I don't know what the
others drank.
in order 10 reach absentee witnesses,
the eater was further adjourned until
Mon lay afternoon.
Moxnar, Sept. 28th.
Charles Garrick, sworn -4 w:,a at the
International hotel ..n Saferday, Sept.
Inth ; i was there in the afternoon, and
had some ginger s;e ; John hurley drank
with me ; he is my brother-in-law ; 1 wan
at the door about six or seven n clock,
tlet.sele ;I dont remember when 1 drag'«
away ; I remeaher drinking w ith Pete
Swink ; Barley went with me to liquor
.tote for whisky ; 1 did not go hack to
the International hotel : I heard Jolla
hurley call for Clue Ribbon, 1 don't
know what the others called h'r ; I &a't
know .hat Blue Ribbon es ; Pete Smk1
paid for drink i had with Hurley; I dow't
know if Burley is telling the truth about '
r4her people
prttern t •
To the Mayor trunk there wert!
other people prevent : 1 don't know
whether they were dunking tar sat ; Ii
tool ginger ale in the morning ; it Was
poured our, .1 a black M 111. ; 1 isn't oy
who poured it out ; had it out .4 a
medium sized glass `
Ti Mr. 111.11 -Burly had his 111u.►
Rihh.n, mit ..f a large glee. u tar as 1
inn recollect ; i hive to drink ginger ale
g •..ally , u wait patted .wt a
Mettle ; 1 don't know who poured it net ;
Mr. Smith ,eser•lly s.rr.d the drink,
'1'o Mr. Campion -I have had .g.r
aka bot Too, the man said behead twhleg
,r rumor ; 1 did nut pay any ttentioe t..
.tae •1 bottle ; the pw.ple la ll.e fight
war. sober ; ala kid Wes the rusk of
aa old grudge.
His sorstup in giving his deeisl.'n,
said that while ,t was evident that the
house kept by the defendant was rot
just what it should be, yet so tar Y this
charge was concerned no come had boa
trade out, and be most dimming it.
W. regret that His Worship did not
speak out a little mum plainly as So the
disgraceful tights which at ditaroot times
un Saturday took pla.o toads and out-
side of the Intentional Suitt.
The ciao as prssented by the Invpee-
tor, for the material that was at /and,
w as• veru, very weak now A now pros-
ecutor is deeded
Tis erotism Stow. -- J. H. Richard.,
the post ..friar story keeper, extends a
spacial invuation to all who con give him
• all uo Monday and Tuesday. His
stock 116 cm,plete, and hu prices low.
Mw adveriMe•mre 1. TbI. Week,
Dray- Edward Hopper.
f or Male - Martin it Kinston.
Servant Wanted Mrs. ih.w.
Teacher Wanted Wu.. Blake.
Hoot -clerk cantor J. R.
Fall and Winter Goods - H. honlnp.
Bale of Huuamhold Furniture -1►. Holme`
, tMos-Odd Mews Han. North
Goderich. Char's§ mdmate. All work
11e11M, tor. of !Last street and Name lip
Open from t to 6 p.m., and from 7 to 10 p.m.
Leading Unify, Weekly and IUe.trut.d
I'uprrs, Murlrt.iae', d- ., on Fitt,
graatiag free use of Library wad Read/.
Application for ntembersbip received by
Librarian, in rooms.
President. Secretary
Goderich, Marek I1tb. 1a& OIL
She People's Iolumn.
experienced teacher pe.ferv'ed--to teaeb
is trhonl seetba Na ( Colbme. Settee to
romtoeaoe with the Nx
ew Year. Apply fm
parson to WM. BLAKL eretary, lot 11 oleo
1, Beamtllar P.O. Ikabtt
1 cra1T-Oned esterase** required. Apply
MRS. SHAW. near the lake. Ooderleb.
1' Lot No. Ind ea Bomb mreet, Oeamleh.
Apply to MAKTiX k KITTOO.K. AstmtM.m.
16 Jame. tk. Month, Hamilto.. 113
The subscriber takes this eea.rtnatt se
Informing the people of Godvrich that he b
sew prepared to do with aseveal.sss and
pompteras all carrying of pagoda franks.
furniture. etc. hates most reasonable. Or-
ders ten at my residence promptly attended
to. 111.t1',4I:1) He►1'1'Kk. Mat.
the subscriber. lot 4 lake Road wsN,
Colborne, about the beanpoles of July.. rad
wow and two red heifers. The owner is re-
quested to prove property, mai expwasns "fttake them away. '11* IgW IrOLEC
i►unlop P.O. lrlt•at
arm camel• hair shawl. The ander win
please ca11 at this Dake. 1 53
wick the .ale r. r. Iberia on It The
owner can have I1 by proving proper. and
paying for ad ren imemen t. yg
have decided to go out of tie earrf.se
businees. e11 accounts ,sow date es mow. be
Settled before the 1st oar Oexober. KW se they
wilJ ear put into court for colleothem T. ! J.
STORY. Carriage
Goderich. Sept. t. 111113-31
the "ubmeriber. 1M 111. ren. 11. to was hip of
M est Wawaaoab, abut the let of July, a
Tear old steer, red, with tome white eplea.
Iheowner le tequetted to property keV
expenses sad take Itawey. 01A3 TODD
Helo's P. O. Inas
t PHON(MlRAPHY. The atom poi res►
tem taught. Interuetirn hooks for seism Ten
B,m'AL o3.Ice. Bv.ry hop wad gfet •tacos
lean shot t band. 1011
oo4riand p nsg'rt lea Me public fewtbefr
aU still ready
work in hi. line int aessttprrlor monMer.
Prices to snit the titres. fanuates gIsgn
buildinms when required. 11117
For Sale or to tet.
>wesj16y stmesas.
reet, containing seven oms,
111114L ---A PRAM! EML111 GIN
Apply to ICRS. CATTLE. nen door. 1014 -
Moose and two lotnt on the Homo Reed.
one of the neat. at pieces la town. Geed
orchard gard,'n. !;.
il(- SR.tmia k L*W,
the motion. Apply to R. C. HA YM. SOU It
as tet. Andrew's Manse, rvwntl
try Rev. P. Owea-Joa. Apple at ue114, Pae
011ie for particular*. 1011-tf
A splendM farm of NM sere., about IIS
acre. cleared. Meleeq le't lake sad east, towr-
ablp of Colbonrl horn
,1100.. rtrwoo, 1100.. and ban
.lc•inomt n toorOr«dlaheM.r.i,eonbafnodWr 'i-reh, and ahnut 4 mks
tomimes. Very ernveni-
term*. 1pp!1toYtCl.bYe. soNldORonTON> 11nbk;
Yore. lot al flue, Ir the Maitland eon -
Mise Mo. oft . Townshipr rA (lyd.Heb, • 1
by *nee to J. O. I.iy.Afel. $uratlerd. I.m►ify
r_ -
• Orr. Plonk—Ian. 3eTw'ro n. Aeoeaehedr,
onto- tTbsr tormerli occupied by Ile.
tNc•hin,ons Dungannon. Night secs Mar -
1.'s hotel.
481011 primer Re. OSk. Sod readenes
wear accord dour west of victoria
Mfr the
1v7.. NwAnIL