HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-10-2, Page 3rHk HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. OCT. 2, 18b5.
HURON r► ■. s., . e .. r ries n Maas.. eawevs. Farm axdBearden, I also, lenge, bot the hens .d the Osssdes
aro ley far the largest (seeps, i• this
say e.o.t cuwuiouly luno n ■ud rime to a eateries& Aerwulturlat Gtr Uotober. fled.. aud ale trade iasreesue every
110�'it�d7 fbrthe Next Cern-
Meveieg4liervelleese Pveeee4/asa se be la-
seaseseetly Levied .ser be she erpal-
Rf'•sets, Sept 24. -Aa eurheasstic
Osnveftiuu of the Itetursers .31 Nem
Huron was Meld ben today for the pur-
pose of electing uSo►boarers for the
Meninx year, and fur taking steps to.
wards checkmating the efforts of the
RevIsiug'bsrristsrs st the ural eleetttw.
The emir was tattoo by Mr Thos.
Stenches, Reeve of trey t..wn.6ip, and
net the platform were Thorn (idiom, M.
PP. ; Dr. Macdonald, of Wareham ; W.
T. It. Preston, Secretary of the Proem -
mat Itdurm Amens.' . seal W. H.
Kerr, becrutary of East Huron Reform
Asr,cietion. The Chairman ut remising
the meeting dwelt up..n the netwsity for
►mmedwte and earnest work in the
matter of the voterslists, and stated
that it was by close attention to the re -
visite; of the lists that the twat electrum
on East Huron heel to be weir N„t smite for your genie and °home, if piss- lyou are eiUefg to buy feed.
only the candidates, but every inteliigent tilde, a natural flower ; &mot that num- This year at the East, and along rail -
and right-noind.d voter should mite a ber ..f petals, and form the flower of hair way lines, hay is going to be high. It is
'entreat interest in the perfecting of the es hest like the natural dower as poem- so now. ha.a there will be a good deal
ble, using for stamens white, go d or of stuck for sale cheap.
silvered beads. The smoothbore and It sill be a gond tune to huv sh.t•p--
regularity of hair work is its greatest thin ewes. which will raise March and
beauty. Theie is no brooch •,f fancy April Iambs, if served at ouce, aid well
which requires so few rules, ..r which,cared tor.
may be et, ready aotuired by practice. Bull relies, thoruuYnbreds, will be
I have a nee c•ntaiuiva th7.40 leave*,almost giveu away. and many of thew
buds, sprays, and flowers, in hair, and I will be ready for service in April, though
aur continually addtug to it, and it is I mere calves now. So the two ..d three-
pre,'eel W fetal flowers of boor is this : -_ year. Zags ply no ditty, sad When we
b .utile • piece of wire and twist an inch esseswr west. ro6sot, that this product oo.s fees
or two, .. a sort of handle , their,
heli—in= this bdweeo the thumb and lager of October work MIL for all winter. The yards ut small tams --std toss o is
1.11 band, tastes to it a thin strand of final harvesta ul the year are often abs Dalt the earplug that Roes to nasi M we
hair, uuliag it smooth and flat by paw most important, and *mere so lenge • may well wonder, when sail how the
ing u between the Kasen ; bend the tr with of grain is .owed as is the Gass billions of eggs oon.sseed in the United
sods of the wire to the right and left, in some sections, the farmers hate • busy States me produced. It te est mere.,
arid holding the knitting needle over time. The hotheaded ones, win, how- that may be rated es many teas of ten.
the twat of the wire, pain the strand of ever, take tune for • play spell, for all Rua dollar& Yet it is slue ameag the
hair around the needle and fasten it, hy hands t.. go to the fairs, for which the enumerations of the National Ceased
comm../ the wires below to the right and Ione list in our ts.ptember. number, Int ns hope, that the nen census, the
left, offers the opportunity within easy reach eleventh, wilt Dover this important Geld.
Contione to pea the hair over the of almost everyone. It is peububle that the egg oousumptioe
needle, beading the wires to the right Do not forget the value of charcoal in of our tiff five million inhabitants is
and Left, until the desired length it the ration of fattening animmls--cattle, not less time three billions year, et e,
wuven, then slip form the needle and prim and poultry especially, Even sheep valuation of frees twenty -6n W thirty
woo.. several ouch strips on like manner. and horses an benefitted by it Med mi lune of dollars. Then are' est �j A� and. ve e
Three such strips are required to form a that it ia. properly euaiderad, fattening trains” "n the reflood* .1 the northern Goderich Po.andry &tach a Works,
leaf ..r petal ; the second ono a little food, bet it ads d.goittou, keels the frontier, and the cities red villages of
mutter then the first, the third and last stomach and towels iu prune order, and New Euglr.d draw most of their eggs
longer than the second. Bend the first is not eap.neve. Au trance of proven- front the border, to which they sr*
woven atop together. Shen the second tion is worth a pound of cure, and on brsugbt by the railroads of Canada. The
sine over that, then the third nod lest this principle, ale trema 01 charcoal is import of elms it t)ydenbur; alone, was
• eor all ; fasten ail securely wuth silk often soothe bushel of hard corm valued at one hundred and fifty thouasud
New Goods arrived, and u►illtbe ari'ivinrrl du,.
int the Season.
I can suit all as to .4faterial crud .�t yl e
arRemember the I"ales-West skeet. sect door to Bank ut Montreal. ba
-c== IC
Runciman Bros., Proprietors.
twist, and with the th..mb and huger* of cue
aid layout stock need e=el- duller. for the. last liscsl year. As many Flooring Mills Changed to the Gradual Redaction System
the right baud bend in the form of a case ; refer to an article ou this topic to are encased in several other collection
leaf or petal. if you are iuituiuxaleaf. the September number. It is well to gu districts ; at Buffet., and in two dusteiets
wind the stem evenly with green or neer the harvest,and see just what stuck l in Alaiue. neatly three times this traffic
I.rown silk twist the length desired. 11 it is possible to wester well, and sell the I in imported eggs is done. Three sop
If imitating a pansy or other d•.wer, take tet, no tatter at what ascribes-, utilises aro taken from the original packages,
carefully eaamiuerd by candle ..r lamp
light, and then repacked, the defective
eggs being laid aside, If transportation
is not iinu ediate, the eggs are placed in
ould storage warehouses, when the tem
persture is a few degrees shrive freezing,
and there kept until shipped. The
world roust be fed, and while the impe-
rial West feeds famishing Europe with
grain, and the South sends cotton and
tobacco, the favored people of the Unit-
ed States need not begrudge the hard-
*rking farmers of Canada, the contri-
bution they are able to make to our
needs from their little farm&
lists, and no legitunate effort should be
left undone to counteract the wiuchina-
noes of Sur John Macdonald's R.,vlane-
barnster& At the last Dominion edea
twos the Refnnuen had out been suc-
cessful iia ousting the Tory party, but
mace that time • change had cows over
popular sentiment, and there was every
reason to believe that the corrupt Gov.
ernmeut which had held sway since lel ti more precious to me than tine gold, and I year oW may better De sent to the butch•
would receive its death -blow at the neat is the wonder and admaratioe of •every j er. than wintered.
general poll. The means that had been beholder. Before closing this article I) :icier use • wale of any kind which
resorted to by Sir John and his colt- will give you the description of the pro is out of pure blood. 'thio iujurwtn•n
fissional hair -manufacturer a method of can harm be toe often repeated. The �...sua. Mappeal.p
site. were it the
known, sled it was not y There is uuw being manufactured here
A necessary for the &platter to eater into forming a roes ; have some fine, clear man who does otherwise, takes ten times an article for instantly removing pain of
detail. before • meeting of intelligent mucilage, Bus annealed wire, round gold the disappointment that is nex.•ewry. any acute external nature, and it is cer-
tainly auto ii as this convention was and pearl beads, &fees wire nogg, of dif- — the most perfect cure for Neural -
composed of. The Tury party had re- ferent rises, •u:h as are used for cur- ■er.es_fsM.• via, Headache, Toothache and the like
sorted to the most unscrupulous methods tains. Take one of the rings of desired That les aver been tried. it is called
t,. hold °floe to 1881, and had been au:- size, and • piece of file wire an inch or A Gtt.e ..ill and training on the part Fled Lightning eethe rapid meaner
careful for the tune. But the day of two long ; then take • strand of hair of the drives, will present •nno same in which ►t nine, and is aman er
reckoning was comm when the broken about a fourth of an inch wide, brush and denger from the horse getting his r & Paean .Sold manufactured Goderich
processes. the oorrupt expenditures, and our fiat and smooch, and moisten upon tail
over er the rails ; mid
iden ear hal me M dro r . Parke
the iniquitous legialation would rise up the under side with a little mucilage ; Pes 7
in judgment a-tainst them. Reform faatec the end nearly to the wire with • rein beneath hew tail, and to bear the
principles had been trampled under foot strand t•f .ink, and holding the ring be- pull necessary to remove it, without any wase. Peswnst ♦ppesranee.
by the Government at Ottawa, and the tween the fingers, pass the band of hair exhibition of nervousness. So sensitive
Liberal leaden had been belittled in over the ring, then down to the wire, is the tail. that u a horse hosnot been The prince is always dressed to per -
Tory oriole, but nevertheless their prin. Push it up closely to the tied end, sod accustomed to feeling • rein under it, faction. In the 'riming, even at the the-
c.plea were still held dear by a large fasten with the silk, then turn it up when it occurs for the firstti i may, n41 even � hits gloved,
.and invariably vdress wears
section of the Canadian people, and the agai:r over the ring, next to the former if spatted. prove
leaders of our party still had a high plate pert c.•vered, and down to the wire as unmanageable. As it is an occsrreaoe O. leaving, he puts on a rape a .at
in the besot+ of the Reforeaers o the before; continue this until the entire likely to happen at any time, every horse known as "thee Inverness." In thesum-
Domiuion. (Applause) In Ontario, the is covered. The wire is then fastened should be broken to it ; that is, not only mer, when "the season" is at its full, he
screened of the Provinces, Liberalism to • wire stem. covered with brown tis- to mind it, but nut to turn his head, is fond of wearing a suit of pearl-gray
continued to bold sway, notwithstanding sue paper. Through the opening within, when be feels the pull upon rein, which cloth, toad* with a frocl'coat. He is al-
tJse dead .t nitwit bed been made upon the wire stamens and pistil of beads are is ioteuded to dwetu tags it In general, ways glottal, has •bower in his button -
it by the powers at Ottawa and their passed and secured to the 'demand Ct1TI this is cagily accomplished, and as this hole, and wears a tall gray felt hat. H.
satellites, and Ontario oontineed to pros- of ins paper muslin or stiff silk. of prop- us the only inconvenience to the driver It. H. would be called a bsadsome man
per with a Redoes Provincial Govern- er thole, fastene.! .round with mucilage, arising from long tach, we ars particular of a somewhat over -ripe type. The
1• meet under that able and energetic de- so that all is finished off neatly-. and the in showing how both the anon anoe and premature baldness -although he still
fender of Provincial Rights, Hon. fastening of the parts to the stein hid. trouble from it easy be avoided. The tries to part the well-nigh imperceptible
Oliver Mowat. (Applause. And as den. The conv•,lulus ts made in a Simi- annoyance, which sometimes comes from locks -only makes him the more distin-
A with ()uteric, .o would it eventually be her manner, the wire being small in &•m- mod or grit beteg splashed upon the guished. The carefully trimmed golden -
with the entire Dominion. For the day paruwn tothe ring, anal the hair .hoped tall, and.then being flirted about by its brown beard recti full lip. ; the eyes
was coming when corruption and ex- into the bell ftrtu with the fingers, while switching, is avoided by tying the switch bulge out and are somewhat too prumi-
:eavaganos in high places would be no moist, then dried, when it will retain up iia muddy weather. a iInt-con thetlege t trick
owelch eelid is hasnot ervou• bus
-mon, and when Liberalism would prethe proper form.
vel throughout the land. Loud ap- Tae Mesa Sees ler Meas, a mannerism ; and thenow, while .hape-
mIwse. weireser t Pert.. ly, u perhaps a trifle tau long for regu-
retotmrzsa. of Hamilton, Ont., are the manufactu- An empty barrel makes the best len larity. The expression of the oounte-
Dr. Sloan, of Blyth, moved that tine
roes of the greatest healing and purifying fors sitting ben. It may be set out in Hance is very genial. but conveys an ex -
set of officers be appointed for tSs East known for Sures, Burn., Burn., Cot., raithe n or stard or the orm, and hifr dwsd band be y Ee from s loose p W ton .1 shrewdness.
hen t* prince speaks, • German •e -
Riding .d Huron for the Local House Scas, halt Rhm
eu, Frost Bites, eta
and the gergm•udered East Ridingldfor It is called McGregor S Parke a Carbolic door in front at Dight, there will be no cent brays itself -the result of his *•:-
the l'o,nmuna Carried Cents. Be sure and get the genuine danger from vermin. A flour barrel it ly education. Altogether, although H.
The election of officers was (ben Pro- McGregor A Parke'sCarbolic Cerate sold R
sunk in the ground for one-third its . H. has been grossly libeled in that
ceded with, and reselted as follow :- by G. Rh/nes, at ?Se. a bol. Kia dutset*r, sloping it a little forward, to cleverly -written, but wmoahat 's4rsva-
Yeusiident, E.E Wad*, Brussels ; First _ - - prevent rains from besting in. The ex- gent French novel, "Son Altesse, ' his
Geo. McKay,W iogbam; Pests eaten feed a. Meller. awaited earth i. filled back into the bar- portrait, physically,has been well sketch-
Vies -
Vies -President, J. R,.Guvenlock, rel, • nest being made in the center of ed by its accomplished and audacious
ought to MIilc
McKillop ; Secretary-Treer*r, W. H. We were struck t-iel0 by the re• nngemhent�and gives an earth bottom Ike the prince are SirtChargee Di
Kerr. P.rnssspa marks of • doctor friend of ours, who
to the nes• with every facility sol con• and John Clayton, and Mr. Henry
The following chairmen aur munict- said no .ne thing will do r, rout to trolling the ben and the chicks. If these James.-[Lobdoa Cor. Boston Herald.
palettes were also appointed . - Howick, make people indepebder.t of the medical costa are altered above the yard, hens
Chear•ghlia ; try, Geo. profession as the daily free use of Eruct. will take possession of them, and when Mlgbese Praise.
Foresee ; rezeter, G.. Paulin
lin ; Morris, He had noticed that those farmers in trees takes to unite;, she may be for- The well-known drug firm of N. C.
• Geo Iabeater ; Brume* P. Thomson , whose families fruit was regularly and nisbed with etas, and cloned up with • Polson i Co., ct Kingston, writes that
McKillop, Wm.Cash ' $leak M. H. largely consumed seldom needed his slatted door, or a coop est in front of the Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry
Yonne ; Hallett, John Me illan esrrmexa. We think what • pity that barrel and protected from disturbance hes hon; been considered the best rem.-
every farmer in the land could not be byotter hen& The coop will lens for
convinced of these truth* It is a de p dy for Summer complaints in the met-
re'lorable fact that farmers' families do feeding and watering the hen, and allow ket, and adds that their customers speak
not enjoy that robust health that conn- her • Place for exercise. As ore* rarely in the hiihest terns of its merits. Wild
try air and Outdoor life, with plenty of has things ready when they are wanted Stawberry is the beet known remedy for
mrxerciae, should give. It is also a fact for use, it is well to look .Stet such Cholera Mer•bus,Dysentery and all Bowel
that living u'. farms whose rich acres are things as these in nine, especially when pinta 2
to product abundant crops of the
eari7 chicks are hued. Where barrels I.
• fruits, but tiny few have plenty, ars not Go be hadconveniently, coops apeakine of a young gentleman well
any many never have any fruit, except made in the shape of .mall sheds, and known in Huron, the Listowel Banns
it may be an occasional apple. The weather-proof, with lone doors to clone hyo :-"The Rev. Mr. Birks, who has
standard food in a majority of farmers- them at night, can be made through the for some time been aweting the Rev,
houses consist largely of bleat', butter wester, in readiness for the early sitters. Mr. Richardson with the services of the
and mast (mostly pork, fried in grew, Elm* street Methodist church, preaches
and when pastry or cake is used, it has his farewell sermon on Sabbath next.
Lard in large proportion in its coin .- Mr. Birks, though • comparatively young
man, is possessed on considerable pulpit
ability, and has become yery popular
with the members of hu congregation
during kis short residence in town. -
hisses Pbwlms% OIsi. &Bees, Straw ('utters, Agrtcultur•l Furnaces,
fdIMM, eta, etc., at Low Prices.
4 ,I1Ci S. of Castings .lfa d•c to Order.
.7. D. RvsmlNi ee.
OeMrfek. Wse tNL
Rt'Noreen j
titer the work of organisation had
been duly proceeded with,W. T. R
Preston, Secretary of the Provincial As-
sociation, was catod upas to address the
meeting, and in • vigorous speech
plained the working of the FFrsochise
Bill, and pointed out the best means of
successfully 6ghtine the objectionable
featuresd the Act. As be Woad point
after point agai==nst the inigeitotm meas-
ure he was loudly and enthusiastically
applauded. The speaker pointed out
amongst other things that individual
.effort was necessary on the part of the
Reformers if they aimed at success, or tion ; and the food is nice at east
the Revising barristx would take good twice, and in many families, three times
etre too look atter the Tury interestdu s eain sinal net. la it osa
At the eoee.i of his address a vote a y
wonderythrat they anease not mare b('altky,
of thanks was unanimously tendered to
and that [hair prevailing dimness are
such as indiate an over -consumption of
greasy food i If fruits were expensive or
difficult to raise, there would be some
*tense ; but there is no part of the c,un
try without plenty of varieties adapted
to its soil and climate, ar-d just each as
are fitted by nature to both nourish and
cleanse the body, and no more skill is
required to grow theft then to grew
porn or wheat.
Why is it that so few farmers make
the Summer ars very ane; indeed Farmers will has plenty of wort sur their Macbisea
and it will pay them to use
It will not gum nor corode. and wean equal to lad or seal. sad can tee hough: for lee money.
Manufactured only by MoC'OLL BR08. et CO.. Toronto.
June Iltk, 1556,
Sole Agent for Ouudericb.
What N bsws•l
Rennet is an important agent in the
manufacture id cheese, and it is of great
advantage to dairymen, that they should
snderatand something about it. Unfor-
tunately. a great deal that is not true,
and is misleading, is written and said of
it. Recently, • speaker ata Dairy Con-
ference in England, made • hong state
malt about rennet, which has been
widely copied in that country, and uiyour drtlgtpest or address
likely to do mischief unless the error
made are corrected. This gentleman, • wMelows Arse rbsepeees.
Mr. Lloyd, stated, that rennet was the TRE SKILL (W COMBINING A
fourth stomach of • ruminant animal, oomplieaed wtedleinal preparation with
end that its peculiar action in curdling the serious Ingredient. so &d)sated ad her
milk was due to the production of acid monied u to seenre rnientio..ad •ertmila-
tion be irritates. etrma-•hs- and the special
action or form of energy of each separate
agent, and at the same time an effect peculiar
to the chemical manipvlavee of the nom
potted. us acquired only b Tong and patient
e tney of the properties and noes of medicine.
and cannot be imparted from brain to brain
any More than a jsmtl.r cell endew an on
Welter web tio rapacity of keeping • number
of ballets motion in the air by stowing him
hew 'I Vs gone. The et plains why W heeler's
Phosphates ant Callas.. an outoome
of experience, aceomplishee the object
ceetemN•ted. while the frsn.e4nt imitations
..beteated by some druggists disappoint the
r. Preston.
Short speeches were also mads by Dr.
Moan, of Biyytth ; Dr. Maodonaid, of
Wingham ; Thomas Gibson, M.PP.,
Wroxeter, and others.
At the :lose of the meeting resolutions
warmly approving of the Reform leader-
ship of Hon. Edward Blake and Hon.
Oliver Mowat in the Dominion and Loral
House were unanimously adopted.
No LADY who delights in flowers, and
likes to see them do well and bloom &bun
daatly, should be without Hantngton a
F..od for Fl•.wers. Ordinary packages
30c.--..ut6cieat for twenty plate for nos
SonirrniN.; New roe nig Leotw
An American girl has invented • cm.m-
b satires bustle and chair. The beetle
is constructed like the usual article to
bs worn under the dress, but within it
are adjusted the legs and seat of a chair,
•restyled so that when the wearer bends
to tit down they will automatically drop
.1 .to place to support her. The desire is
tsteoded for nee mainly on the ace or
l.le shore, nor on an overcrowded *leer
won train or steamer.
R r•. Santee' Roes, D.D., (3. r;d is n
0-.atdien and Evenspel i.t, Toroskn, had
severe and painful trowble, erysips aeons
.SsMios of limbs, tried the beet medial
AIN without races.& Giles' iisim.at
o zooCTIBMIir.+e,
deC -, &EC-, &a:
Also a Large Line of
Moustache Cups, Ladies Cups, Fancy Mugs, Majolica, Ware
Vases, &c., which will be sold at COST.
A RtwARD-O f one doteu "Ttastt
t Y" to any she sending the best fuer lin-
rhyme on ' r.atnsev, the remarkable
little gem for the Teeth and Batt.. Ask
hy it. Now it is well known to experts,
any attempt to provide an •de. nate sup- and even to experienced practical dairy -
ply of ',what would add much to their men, that the stomach of a young sumo
pleasure, and save many times its cost in
'victors' hills. 'o say nothing of the suf-
ferings and 1•.w of their dear onus- We
entreat you, decide just now not to let
the spring pass without planting • fruit
yard. Surely it is better to grow fruit
than to he continually dowag with medi-
cine {Rural New Yorker.
••what ser fee So • Mese of Mem Meer
sad is...ed r
Well, there is moth to be said. The
question heiag asked of the b•ageeter at
the overawe bearding house, alb up re-
ing pig, makes as good resect .a does
that of a calf. in fact, the stomach of
any piens animal whish subsist upon
milk, has the same effect in curdling
milk, as rennet from • calf 'r stomach.
This fact bean very forcibly upon the
question : "What is rennet, and to what
it its peculiar action due 1" There are
souse things known about rennet, and
some that are not yet well understood.
Rennet is not acid, and its action is net
soused by an arid. 11. peculiar property
is not dee to any condition of the
stomach, hot too the tissue itself, bmo•ese
miniscences of close contiguity to the t
may hoe exhausted by steeping it
borne, and beefsteak three cuts.r.uth in water for •time, and after Jaimethere f. He, of course, will pass, unlesswewks' drying and teat, it regain.
A nicer. to him that he needs • hinge
n al
u�n.r ti..in, and this may recur thaw
for his trunk. Should thebe and s- _.- -
feting, the effects 01 .n indulgent* in I s.tereses.;...es abs.. gses-
each sinuoss fere, use 'McGrew), 'McGte'a Spa.
ddyy Cure, • sure sad effectual remedy for Fin million dozen .1 eggs are enamel -
rime -read the itching, burning setwation _pas, Constipation and all offer Iy imported from the Dttwininn, the
effected'1 ti
s mire. Trial bottles, 2k. fitnes of the stomach sod fiver. Sold by' greeter portion from geckoes sad On -
by IT. Jordan, 3trdaisk. 0 Rhytaa. Trial bottlsefree. ys 1 tarso. The elk import from L►trope is
Hamilton Street, Goderich
December lath. tt./. 1974
Ata Greatly Reduced Price for Cash.
Goderiob. Nov. lath, latl. min,
Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock.
Hamilton Street, Goderich
A good assortment of Kitchen. Bed -room, Dining Room and Parlor rernItnre, aitch as to
blew, Chairs their, cane and wood .rated*, Cupboards. Bed -steads, ail reset,. N nab -eta d
Loonies. Sofas, Wbat-Nota. Looking Glasses.
N. B. -A completeseem 'meat of Collins and Shrouds always on hand &boo Ilene., for b!r
at reasonable rate .
Picture reaming a specialty. --A call solicited
1 ThI
2�o�rming d Wededup
Beg t. anaoence to the Public that they have opened bummer in the above Stor•
in the store lately occupied by Horne Newton Having purchis.d a large and
well assorted stock of Spring and bummer Goods at close figures, we are determitee
to give the Public the benees.
Sew L1t. ser P..etse.. W.sa.WN by Isle
.se.. IlleM11l s.i tgs..ip.S es.
'lite Greet German invigorator is the
oat, specific for impotency, nervous de-
bility, universal lassitude, forgetfulness,
pain in the back nr sides, no matter he.
shattered the system may be from ex-
omss of any kind, the Great Gammen
Remedy will restore the lest function
and secure health and happiness. 11.00
per box, ax bnxce for 16.00. Sold by
all drtmtggist& Sent nn receipt of price,
postage pawl. by F J. Cheney, Toledo,
Ohio, .ole ,'gent t..r United 41st.& Cir-
ce4rs and testimonials sent free. bold
by Geo. R•tynas; .ole agent foe Gude-
ei.h 3.:
)t '-Please call and examine oar goods before purchasing elaewbere
per -Remember the place, next door to J. Wilson's Drug Store.
11111 -Custom work will receive our special attention.
.a1" Nnne het the best of material used and first-class workmen ewnpinyed.
,e1'Itepatring neatly done nn the shortest notice
Goderich. March A 1882, DOWNING & W ED D U P
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Now is the time. it you wish one or two nit. resells •t home. to see But ler
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seethe beet value in tows. ad Inc.. t.. sold
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