HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-9-18, Page 81 rF 8 Slatatl. T. J. Dales took • trip East thio wadi, 00ash/ease( ba.tne.s with pleasure. Mears. Whitely, C..wan and Mo- Away were among the vss♦tors u. tAa '411` fall .Ars 11.4- f ,.(I! I j: .p-.. ^•^Vert -mow ►tr. t 1 : .!t .411. 4 j' t 4 • V 'HE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. SEPT. 18, 1885. and they pocketed hest moody by rue - mini °see W du,waa la the eftesv..ew it we. decided le hold the priest, t 6a11- ier and dress outeleeWoo to the oo hall, raid there was a fossae t.ralnsi of intve - estutg .os:later% Ale t W Forint City last week. They sepott + e••dtuwte *Iwo POWs. 1 good show, slid a "fly' time. J u Massie, dowers, Fetheriagheaa, AI - «.n dusk Palereeg, H, I ....*srV, C. 'I Atmal{ua4 fon "gyred t F • r." ttmdain Robl.11s .Jen Bal til n• SIti.iO R tioderiet. Nara. 5th, 10M. 11(01 Loans ant, insurance. ( Auctioneering. 1)RIVATB F1'NDr4 To LEND AT 0 -ad wi M .rat. ee Maclw Carps son hr. AYW7 to L C. H.1 tett, tstrN.l* t.oda- rtch ytll4tf Avg ARK LENDING MONEY AT 8 Mit per deet. f'rIent. reads. Porters gill. 1 7. F a LEWIS. The slaw Ifetbauy church will be po. opened a ash special *drawn* oat Southey. kept. J; iii, and a te.uo.rtu.t( asci the Jay follows*K The wneWitl.e ate pettiest forth esrry effort to wipe off the debt causal by the bu g td the old church and the huildu,g of the atm. Vuelt apt [tithe to expressed for the esteemed relicts ..1 the tt. C. church, ND.. P. 11 Connor, upon the rleatii of hu wife, who sitter a lingering *Simms died last week. Mr,. 1 Connor leave* seven cbildreu behind her. Her compl.u.t ass au attack of pulmonary c°u.uuspuen, resulting from a met err cold c..otracted last year. D Jdw l.uke'Ellard ann, -4 Gotland., Lain liven nodding thea brushes .•0t b.-: e oat some of our residences. Chas. Yuuug Itaa returned fru., i'on- tuc, !Itch. Thiel Allen is away summit fr.eo.la at t.reeu Buy, 1Ciseoauui. It -pert ('lark, of 11 ingLAut, event several ds)s with frt.•nds Ler.• J. Rattrsl, Freak Whale, Belle Mo- 1'arrs-.n, Lizzie Sinclair, .1. Steuart stud where. The cowpnuLion was keen, r pectally between the young folk, and the judges, McGregor, I)ithrty and Itallaotyue hid s clues job M their shoulders. In the among a s:••1edrt was held iso t►e hall, et wi►ch Chitties Kelly, of Colhogwo od, the celebrated !basso, k. Kerr, of 1.ucknow, a ruing yodot base soloist, stud Maggie Bair !and Ella Cole the popular lieotteh atat(- lera, appeared to groat e.1*aniaiye. The i •lnoSrt was the threat ever Killen Nn the town, and s;,ctet7 is be twtritat I for having secured r. high ass order musical talent oei the .Kvaiou. Lt ad• i.Ghwi to the musical charac'er of the runtertatinsient an exhibiu.,u of sword- utatlalup was given by !'rots Rr:d, 1 Philsdelphia, anti Me:r. r, .4 Heard - ton, which caw of a high order. I't°f. lfesd also performed a nuniuer of teats with the sword to the }great .144111411 d4f the Au.lten e. ibis Outlast .•t t�iaintsaa ttK.W,WO TO LOAN. APPLY TV CA]1k.RON IIULTal'A3IJLIWN Nude tet,. IL3p. U ON EY To LZND. - A L A R G E 1a amoust of Private Funds fur In reel west it Moat niter OU lee c i awsa. A001 to(JARROW a PROUD 0.000 PRI V ATE FUNDS TO LIiND on i'arm wad Topa Property at lowest in- tcrr.t. Mortimer.. marchered, no Commission ctssrged, Conveyancing Yee, reasonable. N. 11. - -Burrowers can obtsla muse, la emedY OHM is lN0N Bar .Udrdh. & JIOTH erieS11 11W. BALL, AUCTIONEER P011 . Cuaay of store.. stales atto.dea Is w1 pest of the Comae. e. Aldose, orders to Guderkh I'. 0. 1013. OHN KNO GENERAL Alva 0 TI4►NJ I H sad Load Valuate.. lioderieb. stat. Matti, had cOndlderabk, eapeneaq la the •w-ttuaeerlut,tt trade. he is la • pusltloa to die home with thorough Yti.factlun all errs- s se.•. .s. entrusted to bias. Order's lab at Martin's IPcl, w cool by mull to toy ad�� O. -Wen . O.. carefully attended to JOfYIi KNOX Comae A.Alu.e r. shalt Legal. QEAGICB d LEWIS, BARRISTERS, k uoderiuk. l'. t+awaa Jr J. A. Mosros. E. N. Lewis. IN7- 1) C. HAYE•S, SOLICITOR t O.au» corner of the s.yygars and Nest Meet, .tole•lob, over Batter's beokMore. ,*0051 to end et lowest rates of laterest. RADCLIFF1, !`tAKRl►W & PROE?DFOOT, BAR G • ERAL INSURANCE, Itb.J.I' Aherne s. Boliolto t. err MEAL ESTATE Alit. ice, J.?.tiaeeuw. �ir, Prodbol, ITS MONEY L(IANING AGENT. Only F%rs,.-las. C'.n eost•s Rrprrsrrted CAILERON, HJLT & CAMERON, Barristers. Solicitors iu Choaoery. &c. t•Aders*h and Winlfhm. aM. C. Cameron, u sir Moony to Lend .to Hfafglit hrna..t the ^(2 p. Moa. u .. 0.amerva, Uodertab W. Y loamy rat. of lilies -tat atit: +K w uuv car to .. 1 Maims, N"taghm a. 1:S1. tint for ta.rruw.r. fmrornCE -- Memond door from (square. - - Neat Strict. Uudencb. Jlxitf w ere ably scut titled by Chief Shaw. $200,000 PRIVATE FUNDS To lend on (arm and town property. at low. e.t iaterca. Menamor. pur.la.sed. No eum- uomston charted agents fur toss Trust and Loan 1 Company of Canada. the Canada Landed reedit CowWnl. the London Loo. Uupsal . 4(':toad+. lm otrrea. 6. o, .::d : per omit. N. H - Irbrruwrn. ran .L1..:u Moue) in owe day. if title aati.fsetore DAVISON & JOHNSTON. Tits Q ssxa -Thu tint crass hotel I'u now under the manageuseut ..f the Meagan. Strettou and has b:. n refitted (nail garret to collar. The host of visit- ors who attended on Caledonian day ere loud 111 their praise of the treatment they rtoeited at the "Queen. '' e 3032Li.110T• 1p70- Bar:.stars. t.., Goderich. BEAR 'WITH US.An LOAN AT 0 PER tine of our of :err residents has dep+r' • JO °VI, s C6rT. rd en the person ..f Mrs. Long, who died on Sunday at the great age of 90 yearn She catur front the ouunty of Tyrone, Ireland, and settled in this county abut :12 years ,µo. She leaves nine children behind Iter, eight sons and s d:wghtei. Mrs. Alex. Roberson, of Colborne, .lames, Willow and John are still mai- dents of this county, the others are Mat - term' through the Ststua and Canada. Nish, we '.eco Some Mose .r rb..e riot. Ierb,g !fess aetks.. The Burnes Sweat. is in its thirty- seventh year, and it is still about as young And frisky as ever.-[Park.iale Times. The G•odrrich SII\AL has entered on its *7th year ..f publication. The Stn- , wit is s well edited and lively local tourtsal, and under the control of the L00t)Qra. McGillicuddy Brother' ham become a , great influence tit Hutts-aboutliy.-[Duni= FRUIT. -Pratt is plent.f•sl Al .u; the des !Ironer. lake.hiipe, eapeoiahy plums and .apples. + Nawt:'Arc.I;14L.-The Goderich Sm - The Rev.D. Morruon.ot 1 IW.•rt 1oun.l, NAL has entered upon its sixth year uu- CIwdha the I'resovtru.lu c:..sr:h i der the unanatement of the Mucus. Mc- &dhp. Gdlicuddy. The Sn;s►t is the pioneer )tits Lizzie Jefferson. of G..derich. a g.•urual of Huron county, being now in former resident visited old friends here i its thirty seventh year, and is today more last week. i enterprising and energetic than ever it Skein:o.- Some of the fe.rmers have' was. -[Gats Itufunner• their fall wheat *owed: *Abets earwort' The Goderich SI:N.AL celebrated a put it in on account of the recent rains. I birthday last week, away up In the thir- Haat Etat MI. --'rhe harvest tug will bei ties, and is evidently growing stronger about completed that week, if the watch. I with ag. ; it is a good newspaper, well er proves favorable The recent rains'sn1 vig°rou.l edited, and wo snot may TI IIpakAV L . The District Lodge °f 7" 1. O. G. T. was Isw he(d at •buru last f Tb Gudorich SIUNAL has enteral up. Friday. The attendance tune was eery good I oat its 6th year under iia present manage - on considering the busy ae of the year. 1 trent Tb* 1610351. is a hrst-ctaaapaper, All the lodges of the diatnct were repro- ' and one that well deserver the liberal seated with the exception of the Seafurth I P.tronrge of the people of Huron. - iodge. Luck now Sentinel. The entertainment of 1. V. G. T., 213 The Goderich SIONAt, under the man - was fairly attended fast Friday evening. *gement of the Men.'. McGillicuddy has .1, good programme was rendered by some tittered upon its rash year. The SIOwiL have hindered the work cwuiurribly. I continue w Sourish and prosper abun- dantly. New lira of the member,. At the close of it Mr. John McGillivray, B. A., of Gdderi=h, gave a pointed and forcibleaddress °u the danger, of intemperance A hearty vote :,f thanks was tendered the speaker at the close by the audiewe. Wm. Murray is spending s fortnight with friends in Linden.Some grain is still in the fields on ac- count of the wet weather. Mian M.rtha Murdoch is taking in the sights of Belfast city this week Walter Dryden, Harrison, paid his uncle, 11 ni. Murdoch, a matt last week. s1essrs..John and Ilan hurray took in the exhibition sights at London last week. N alter TreleatOti c..nuucted service very acceptably iu Hope church last Sunday. our local sportsman, Will Davis, is playing havoc &mune the plover and ,other game. Ben Belcher left on Wednesday to try the mason work in Toronto. He .,:Leets to be sway most of the winter. Mies Mary Doyle, who has been rusti• eating with the old folks at home (sr the laat month, left fur her present home, [Detroit, on Monday last. Mise Mary Davis, formerly of this place, but now of Arthur, is spending a ample ..1 weeks under the parental roof she seems as lolly as of yore. James Murchison, Jos Agnew. Andy Richards and Toni Ginn aro ail visiting the Toronto e>Alsletion this .trek. We expect to get glowing accounts of the sights when they return. - Brunets. is now e.7 years old. is an able and wel- come visitor to our sanctum. -[Strath roy Age. The Huron Sluwat a over 37 yeses tit age and like good twine It improve with age. Under its present management it u a fearless and influential, j,.urnal and s credit t.. the enterprising town wham interests it so ably advocates.-; Watfow Advocate -Adviser. The Huron Swxai has entered upon its sixth year under the present popular and vigorous management May its sNXoels continue to be timely warnings mount the pitfalls of bad g.,vernment which unhappily exist in flus fair Do- minion. Swing high the red light. - 11 I$ u• • iatuek Sentinel Review. Aurigae gales. All par.ea gett(rg their sale b Us printed at that o�f oe mIU get a free 5011*e inserted i. this list up to the time of sale. Important section sale of tanning im- pleuienta, &c., and a harbor warehouse, b.loniting the estate of the late Richasrd Hawley, the Premises, Maitland Place, Huron Road Gddench township, by 'John Koos, auctioneer, at 1 o'clock p. 1m., on Thursday, Sept. 24th, 1885. Judicial sale of two roughcast houses on St. Patrick's street, at Martin's hotel, in the town of Goderich, by John Knox, suctioneer, at 12 u clock noon, on Satur- day, the 26th day of September, 1885 Auction sal. of buggies and carriages. tIH'pruperty est Meeers. T. & J. :story. who have decide( t.. give up the carriage making business, on the premises. Ham• Ilton street, Goderich. by John Knot, actioneer, at 1 o'clock P.m- , sharp, us Saturday, Sept. 19th, 1886. Nu reserve. Extensive sale of pure -bed Durham cattle, on the stock farm of John Wash- ington, lot 25, con. 3, township of West Wawanosh, county of Huron. beginning Business in Bruaeels w Brussels is at 1 o'clock p. in. , on Thursday, October plucking up. During the season just ! 22nd, 1886. Address John Washington, passel trade has been somewhat dull, ; Auburn P.O., (est. but the gam mill has put ,Suite an *meant oaf money In circulation. .ind thereby 1101111.At l.e.•hura 7th ,eat.. the wile o? John helped the town to • considerable el- L,nklater. of • daughter. tent. At Ridgewest. on Friday +epi. lith. the wife John Leckie, formerly a prominent of a hark.. 1'uung. turn, forcnun. u! •a sue. Sept. Udo 4105. !I( resident o1 Brussels, and now of theNos. In t'olAnrne. on +undo) Sep.. 43.1. ludustrial Bureau. Toronto, was stn b,wn Jane 1►w homes rrh., n! the late Juhu Lone -NEW- HURON NEW- CHOICH FIRMING LLID8 -IN- HURON COUNTY, ■ICNIGNN. The soil is a .lob clay loam. mail cultivated uA wrU ratersdaumerourlicin stresses is especially adapted to the growth of Wheat. (}fading from Ir tots bushels per acres. O.ta Buoy. Pena, Corn. wed cwt croon. and id ua- sur for Hay and Grazing pur T e climate fe temperate. II' below helog the 001dert its the Iasi cold ewer. llenu• fruit l559owit with success_ q lth four Rall Roads and Luka Seamen touching at THE TuitO\TO GENERAL TRU$T13 CON her numeros porta. transportation is the are psi to Iowa money at ti per mid.. pay chemical and Markets the Hest. Schools are able Agit early, of numerous and Church PravUrges within easy TERSI S TO SUIT BORROWERS, nisch. ow Drat -class farm security. a by t App,' to C.t34ERON. 110LT t CAMERON. Ifarr.oere. Uoderieb, Agents for the Toronto Ueoerat Trwsta Co'1• 4...44.. 1.5146)4014. HOLT a CaYaiura have also a ltie amount of pricstr funds to Iu ea Itrettes farm (i.daetcb, Dat. t. !� 191141 fNSVRANCZ CARD. j -. W. F. YOOT. Pao. LIP and Maria, haseowssee d'eat (IUI/RR1('11. fry 001.e. 009p0o5s4te Colborne Rote.. Thr "iTsttLondon Aa,.uesnc+,' incorporatedItt1710 The oenl," establuheal L• The '. Hand iihand," the only compeer itcon«-d to insure plate glass• se the 1',umit°un. The above are all lest -clam stvl old mush. fished ,w,tspaaies. Risks tukcn at lowest rotes. (auuericb. Gee. 'Nth. Ia0/. 1175- HURON AND BRUCE LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY T. is (.ntpun,y is Lua,at J -Whey os. Fusin &curtsy .' Lowest Rates of Interest. MORTGAGES' PURCHASED. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. and 5 per Snot. Interest dl/esawi oto Deposit:, a&ordiny to anwunt and time kit. OFFICE Cur. of Market Square and Ne, Street. Ooderi*S. HORACE HORTON. M Ax AuO. 0easefob. Aag. Sri. URI. RN - 00 TO KNIGHT'S run A SHAVE, HAIRCUT, SHAMPOO, OR DYE. TWU 000R9 EAST Or P.0 1-1=RA.Z3 FOR THE Nei Jeullery Storo Itsisrybady should have a watch hen t� eon purchaser ae. • )I01. I IIILVER " JA('OT LOCLE" yt'ATt'Hfor 00_ Also ask for our 80110 SILVER.. Huntlaagg or Orris -- Face Ameri- a Cage. WALTHAM MOrE- llF.NT (or 18.00 estaeth(ng elegant. amnd the cheapest watch in the market for the on.,. PORTER et SUMNER, One door north Mains. Acheson's 0en.ral chore. during tits week. He looked hale and.a•.+ N iron" month and 13 .la • ys. • hearty, but we regret to learn tint hailed* u in very low health at present. Her many friends in this section will be Messed 1.. hear of her iea.sery at an early date. Tata Csidit4/x151 (i.slesa. -The gasses on Teeeday last,owing to the heavy rain, during the afternoon did come ..tt in the park, as advertised The morning was dull and heavy with a iesden-col..re.l sky. and shortly before noon then rain began too descend, and kept ..n a.ntiou- owly all day and all night, for that mat- i tee. A largo number of median had 1 arise is during the forenoon, and the dsarppointmoot at the unpropitious Weather was imeas1tsently keenly felt. Had et not been for the rain there is meson eson to holier. that the games inner year would have leen the rrr son cadet ywt hold. The horse reel sic. Mss not • oiespetltfor, as only ono NMI. pony (MiteMIl) pet a ea IPIappearances;aappearances;fhbetp+3ul0,,., ..a •• f N .. 1 1n Mbfrld. o4 ria:urdwv. 5th Se( p;Repairing Shop. Mar) Irb.•al wile of Patrick U't on nor. 1 55sd 1041) tree leafs. Roderic& te.e&ess 'Reported by Telephone free" Harbor M.11s.1 0.D0atcH. itetreen.ber 17. ISO. wheat. I rail. p hush .. 0071 •e»7; Wheat. trod trainee. 0s book.... O:2 • 0 73 Wh••t, i1prinnt p huh„ .. . 0 7: M 47A t1 Aral, ( 1 p bu shh .....0 7f .. 0 73 row. 111111 a pert.1 N sp ! ! rloor. nrli.d, p cwt 1 N M 1 1. , Four. l.troog kairst Ot cwt ! 10 ter ! 11 ebur. 1Mtew s Por. cwt 1 m •' ! M Ceara. r Moab .................. 039 t0 031 Peas 1. bush OMR 7): Barley. p hood'....«............ 0 !e W steed. w tura .. 0 as • 0 M Ha). • tow m • e m Hotter. P a h 0 Il (unpacked, p des ....-.. 1! • 00 (1 l rwos. •... (4 p N N Short •amt ...............�.. MM Aran paws MM "Nie (".44 • rwt ........m•r.•wt M 1 N Wood ......... ... 1 N 1 r Halm 0m'' 0M 1 lennld inform 1M p.n$e of Uedsrick and it KPA I R aR kinds t c hat 1 0 p.r�F1( /tRPAIR kinkssf' xt'I a Y to R /l'R\Id PARTsaad ATTACH Via for thele at reesinn.M• pries. All wort dewy on short .WiI4. MAW heart los (4n11raat.r..t. *hap. two deer, moth .f Moos"OireKorth street. All orders Taft st r. • It anranee 0111.• promptly &herded Wt. THOS. ANGUS. 4N•r4eb, t0apt. a* 1111. 1t 11,1 -ba Good Turnpike Roads lead through aU 116ess► Inds to Market Towns. These lands are Easily Cleared, uhe Cost rot exceeding from 03 to 110 per Acre). and can lea Bought at Low Prices mad on Yost, Tema. Address Gannon A. Mxvwoon, Had Axe, Mich. Or 8AIICYL POLLOCK. Uedsr4ci. Ciodericb, Aug.11h 100, 1000- PIANOS. 000 PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. HAVING 1fICUBED THEI 77 or Caaadw's Celebrot. ,td High =Pianoforte's. menetae._Crd I, cured by 10e..r*. Nano. oft Meek, o Toronto. 1 •m prepared to sell�I .taus. at Noderste aad on Pilus 'j. iterma of payment_ s•i Having • thorough knowledge of the' O manufacture of Pianos. and what kid) ,of m•terfal and felt. are required to, ake a Arat-class instrument. iatead., V, !mleg purchasers will Dad n es their ad...! ironies.* to consult we before parches]O ling. ITWs eon MW ■epasries • iZt1•I As or AU work warranted firmchum. Orders left at the hook stores of Mrs.. Q Cook or Mr. Imrie promptly attended' . EDW'D L BROWN. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. Goderieb. Sort. 40th, IOW 1101.11-tt todench & Kiiicardiiie MARBLE WORMS - JOSEPH VANSTONE, PROPRIETOR, importer of and deafer hi atbkc& tzanite MONUMENTS, HEADSTETC.ONES, £TC.. WithaviDoor Sills and tisane Trimmings of t kinds is OHIO STONE farAll work designed and executed In the Rest Style. N. C. BURWASH, Manager Ooderlch Brsaeh. Ooderick. Sep. fah. ISM. !Ns>Yes RUSINESS COLLEGE no oolrn.rreoa erre Li WOODSTOCK OOLL OZ, WOODSTOOK, ONT. Th. Collage has bon thornwsibl, reorgan- ised, add placed In the hoods ei a meet ebbs ,taD' of Teeth:Ha (Including two who have been Prtneipala of .Is11 z sad atae.amfrd In.tuat(oos, Coors. moan (Ase.. pe ad pv..e(e.J. Peas eery s♦eders10 /or full Infarr.Ue. address - 1f WOLVRSTOIr, ri. Mdge& Weedaas- 1)4.4055. COAL. kgm prepared to all engem lot all Moil et Gal kindle only the seat ('sal, sad14sss N11pg ' M eon deem/ N gtuRty a.d 1.u3 sell Ode No. 1 ('awl at as low • rake ei Mi la the b.ala•es. Tam henna to satisfy pnrrh•.sro Promo Arte. of CbostnMt & Stove Coal, 18.50 Bgg Coal, - Noss• roar orders with 18.25 T. N. DANCEY, er •t JAR. SAI NDERV odi WMTIGS4wrirety Mem awisikR Mgt. K laws .._ awe raw snows r MIL pow i eus�k.tt�rHwow. 1Laetee. dept. tris s. Leesp' tltlt its sloes stet use. V.m Mitchell. dept. 8, to Mullett. Litotes, Sept. IL Wert Hume. Om/erica.*MC 1R 10 (Whom,.C'arbw, OA, r,Zurich, twisl*gtoa. ]elle crogo. slot. t. 'allot». Lletowsl, Oct. K 5. . ITerawllin!• iM�. r �"' faux TRU N4 Liar. Capysinds. Mined. Mlsed1 604.rteb 11.v. I yawns 1 Ira Prat ' 3:b p m star+l turd Ar. '.edam ; 1JI R r I T:31 p. m MINT. Nixed. Mixed. Lapeer I Whitford I Lv. • emu au 1:15 p.m ( 1116111-110h Ar. Modes des a I leml +.tat a 335 p er r:0 p.m LIST OF NEW GOODS ARRIVED AT -r Imrie's Book Store. THIS WEEK, Sept. I7th,1885. Quadruple -Plated Silverware. ANOTHER LOT t)F ALBEN'S CHEAP BOOKS. AN ENTIRELY NEW LOT OF WALL PAPERS & BORDERS 3:31a► =oo1c,.,, 2.+edgers, =ay 3Z3oolcs, Cash =colts. tat 4 Stephen's Blue -Black Writing Inks. 9010.134 QUARTS. PINTS AND HALF PINTS. JAMES IMRIE North Side Market Square, (:olencb. FALL MILLINERY. MISS G-RAH.AM Takes pleasure in announcing that she has returned from her trip east. and has now in stock a targe assortment of FANCY TRIMMINGS, castigating of Wings, Birds, Feathers, Ribbons, &c. 1 have all the latest novelties inHata, Bonnets, Shapes, Shades of Color, etc. INSPECTION INVIVED. O.derich. Sept. 17th. 11O. 201)t SUGAR. For Osie Moxitla. • S -Pods &raua1od Spar -5 - FOR 25 CEtff$,---- WITH EVERY PUCHASE OF 50c. WORTH OF TEA. E7Gire ass a trial and you will get satisfaction. BOB.,MAIULTIALL i&res. Tea Merchants, next door to Porter k Sumner* New Jewellery Stora DODERICH. O•der(cb. *apt. 10th. tri. atm= R_ PROUDPOOT Hoe Ant notion' • lame addition to his Meek of DRY GOODS • 10 tido soave of the yew, (R Ink Air a ehill miese to sell N at the LOW Ql• ttger4dg Fresh G-rooeriies, Canned Goods, Crookery bz Cl-laegwa ., Flour, Feed, dzo., &o. ►TAII ktad•et Parse /Tellies takes In rteb..ms ter Hebb shs paapla of dpiellarteb 1 M. Mlle" k..(l d 1. car .t ., ;Ross.., r. .si QMrrtsh,t� :" AV'