The Huron Signal, 1885-9-18, Page 71 r • el rills HURON SIGN AL FRIDAY, SEPT. 18, 180. 1 Fun arta Fancy. Mine bar a Allis--"ILn's mum at the top. The question of the halt►--' Whal time r the earsmustardd the wises -L uouveria' I fl. botcher should always b. placed as joint culamttteea. It is the ,.as who hes the must property tbat has the greatest test will power. A mwsioal expert say* that only one man in • th.oys.ttd asst •hulk a mug. Aad set there are poop* who thunk there r nothing to be tn•uktul fur. Fashion's Fancies. Wtuleu grenedtme pasesols are triers .d with yak Zees Velvet or satin ribbwS ars wore with satwta p stures& Chartreuse tied absinthe green bsr monies well with bleak. There are 18.001 female Mtedents in the Amerman oullm. A trod strew bonnet trimmed with boueysuekles is • novelty. A B•.t.n woman who has invented a corset has mode 00,000 iu three years. Send -finished figured cashmere is • very stketive material and 1..s dutabdity. leviers and ran and the beer and the bares sertilimebee and the tram on beard ..n her that u.ak.s her • yacht I"et s en.e4 .wt ...mrd .4 her that am get nett sod play Hilly au all af..rw Ibey gut .out of Her harper, and she'll be mash • yeckt M au NM weakened' e1..•r. wed he ashas.e.1 • •M.'-Rieh•a„la. 'Why are those things on your dress The "west diatinyuithed beads of the coned bock trimmings r Genre wanted saiss"u ant thy... p.uueti ig of gtauul•ted to know. 'U,' Emily replied lightly, ! lead. 'because pa blows ever the tell.' Arlsin.retie Roe'tab ems play in pub - '1, seat afford mare titan one flower w he cricket het watch.., weenie( fanciful stint• by mat,' eke .. d te the tubus. 'Weil form. whets will you here it r As I sit neat t.. Chuddah, the wall iu church, you cam pet it on the "'be* baro aide seat to tit 11111116 tioa,' was the ming. soh reply. Woaten are paid forty cents a day and A New York dentist says that women their hoard as term labuiers in 13a.eath ribs auesip • great deal lose their their (nuun► teeth awned. We doubt it. The women Qantas cloths are very f.alliao•ote, whores their teeth someset ars the ours and are toy cowlurtable on a mol sum - who late them lying around iu wash mer day. brim, or +Indo', sills, etc. • A woman rue asked the Belgian J .ck- A tittle four-year-old girl remarked to ey club to ht her tela keit own horses in her mamma on goring to bed, •I m nut their races. afraid of the dark.' 'No, of course youAto•me time in their fires Miss Cleve - are t,' replied leer mo, 'for it osn't) wamlaud, Mea (iarbeld and Mrs. Hays were hart you.' But, mamma, I 0 • a little a1I solo..' sootier.. afraid once when I went Into the pantry iThe heels of evening dresses an often is the dark to Ret • eestarl.' 'What i covered with neem, the edge of lace just were you afraid of r .eked the mamma.. bowilyr hen.sth them '1 was ahold I ..unit ithe es.eard.'a Mies flatus A. Pad is manager, eat - serge and nun's seilimlf wren bur Ism fur t Our Strom if as lo 611 the lover u stow la Williw him lady press- ed to her Idpe with a bloat and then Md. ed in a letter to him. That depends. In all probability he will wonder why she 4 sanitised that docs in vegetable, rid never a dress d ' begaisb of love it hes redetv.d will sinus his obtuse mind. Selmer says there is in man an nriginai obtonenees of fibre as regard* sentiment, conspired with the delicacy of woman's. And this is true. When lure dawns is s woman's heart it brines • train of hey thoughts, .1 doubts and fears and Ju)$ and omndence, that e.Iw1m a menet Mi- ters cannot comprehend Eo en when a women em•ka, lsitjgR langm.ga (Daher express' here' rel, masa wester intellect se but half eompreheoding. Fine indeed r that organisation that can understand before she speaks at all. .a women some - tram comprehend moose. '.Yu ms* being urolead Arae► we • eteders$ood"" s women La rive tniast oatra thee, ie • toss's sweeping assertion in regard to hie sitz And he also puts theme weeds iota hie here's mouth 'h is the htgh.et pleasure in life, that constant. loving r study of the one permit a�nf.f� lefties. There is no pleasure like thrpl..drre .d trying to understand whet .er assn wants :'*here s rte s.rr.'0 like the surn.w of failing to &' Jo that : and there is no 'dory like the glory d success- It tea diem* mirk for any men, and the greatest have thought It worthy epi tib' Metro* few mem do etmd*i t �� wgt�pt rlltilt or atat eater ber.art of hearts'. et certaiuly if s man bas any noble- m'prymss, any hidda►Lptbia in hair morn they wdl de- velop mode lovers 'influence. This tee been beautifully expr.•.ed in the follow- ing words: •Wliatrver dowers .f good - sees las fed n.srishment in the evil of a man's nature, choose the opening of love se the bey Awe bat iliouitrnt. $ Iva wield er1&;taird .. "Lorde rare cup a: orerfbw, yet ever to be flied. the man must be moo to exit«► into the hneneea•a.d^�ilis.,1 M•31 of the natant mi woman s natant tn.iota. o The fad- ed ruse must on.tey to him same faint apprehresion ..f the tespul.e. :hat thrill- ed boon ee a Amain end mei ober lewe- ht faee flesh like the rose that in the garden at Datna.c'i. %we1' Two L. tor. b...k•keepegt and business manager !t the Memphis 1An4e Scream • Malta are net ween with dressy coe Comes this summer. They are relegated to hustle and negligee toilets. D.uhle folds of canvas examine, in- stead of !nen Dollars. are worn as mock lingerie with travelling suits. Itia said that Toe forms in Iowa ars nwped by winsome, sad that twenty dairy farms are managed by women. Slippery and stockings match the toi- let. Undressed kid slippers of the mime that are worn wlLk beset, costumes. Biedl are, pointed as the beak moll front, or have early a point.in front mad tilocTS of wide ribbon at the ♦ „oma Mtic7lektie Dandridge a daughter of .k1 Zarb. Taylor, mice Pseeident of the tt,united States, is living at Winchester, Virginia. dorms of Wisdom. win.- • o A 'leers pita haat a pedal • •••r* V -An idle brain is Satan's it -. Years know mors than books. The best mirror u an old friend. Oppr'rtunity is the cream of time. Nesse Iyrkt your candle at both ends. A mail of won* mad not of deeds, is like a garden full of weeds. Virtue is a bower which blooms only in the garde* of neirei lienee. Regret re the otter with whisk .we •f 'ukle s plants euttulle . Puhli is the haw Amor lfltlin w11ch I kit* kasp/.I' Asa ibeir Deme& Revelation is the.usshi.e teat dispels the shadows of emitter? tad doubt. lumnr is the clear, sparkling water that bobbles from the spring of goad net xre. ..t Lebec to keep alive im your 1..es.1 Moe Ikea spark ret asta.tist tiro Galled txmt- eeA w�man may he true as steel,but them you know ache steel is tow high tempered. a�era•a1sa. The rapiai•s ugh which maell-res is spreading iia M. Metal, sass the 11 gens, is reaserkalle, as is .leu the ewsoousmt - Allis manner 10 ',bleb the eentigoi develops. 1t le now au new thing t. Auer of the dirome breaking net ie neigbbo.h.rlds where it Itss riot before shown it.esl, mid wont .ulrwgeertly among ''tore who have to a considerable extent masted themselves and avoided m.ptact with etrarlg.ra 11 the doctors are questl.ned un the mater they invar- iably reply that it hoe been caught from eootaot with poems* s* who either bare it in their families lir ease here themselves been i■ contact with sus....ne whc has Perhaps the following will throw a little light on at least, este very fruitful altbuugk nut generosity considered *..ores of c.utagiun . S.otne time ago an arttc le appeared in i ne of the leading (ternsau papers which caused orn.sdersble excite- ment. and was suh.equeotly tram.tated into Modish and pehl►.hed by ego of the chief Linden periodical*. Tbe article was written by • prominent (seri/sea scientist and physician, acid treated on e toe of the modes by which coatagi.yes dtaesses write spread. It puialed out very clearly that the germ* of such che- eses* a• cholera, smell pox, lc., were diwbnuted to en enormous dargres by the circulation .1 ce n., especially r k•... •f least value. and, theref..re, of greater ex- change, such a. copper. The writer punted out that, after some years of cir- culation, the coin becomes w dirty, with nee thing and another, that minute mic- tu...opic parasites, if we might s' Ball them, were bred, and oould be distin- guished by the alt •.t • powerful microe- oupc. He likewies demonstrated that, in the mute way, the germs of disease be- rmnc.tt.eh.d to a coin, through being in mama with ore who was, perhaps, s fferir.g from it. sad then going (orb as a medium id public excitatory, and being poised iron) ..we individual tis a other, it ovoid not tail to pass into the beads et some one sufficiently sensitive to disease to aitch 11. lie particularly denounced the wide oitrmabtiosof forams twins, (specially the of temper, firm countries where the inhibit*Ms wiresr11 n•,tet' fur their cle.nliness, as for ro- mance, Turkey. Similarly be dem•.w- .trated that postal matter, especially tion aborad, would be a very likes ma- de.* of conveying disease germs. Collie, however, were the chid medium, own* to the wide eirvnlatioo which the bad, more especially old ansa which had br- ooms covered with dirt, *hoes newly issued brine( not by any meats se &me- Dmw Twee few blots may, perhaps,be seer - costive of the cense of some of the start. hag trees which have been distovend, and to which no reeainable source ul contagion amt be attritwted. retab.rsin'srk/adaea. With painful frequency we hear of cruel "pastiest tidies" peepet:•led upon little children. Again and again tomes to ea the old story of a child frightened into convulsions by a playfellow who - only wanted to havea little fu.." One w ould thick that incidents like this had bees masted and told with ghastly nano lotion often enough from generation to generation 4. warn off the most is;urrigible fuss hovers and Aha j, from tit da The progress of the wits �. ally the same op to a •'eI1tbIn point. Then is neither ort timei:ty nor variety in the favorite mode of execution. It sounds trite in telling. A 6gemi wrapp- If there 1•e any trsersa.surwof a man .d in the eonve daunt sheet larking in thtr. toy what he .:ere, it must be by the dank corner; a spring upon the what he give& u..uspsefad victim, selected because be , The rem hes its thorns ; end beauty is ta'fie must timur'tr or deiiost° of :bo mese,. found witloa:t one „g more. They family or school ; dismay. shrieks of ' ti "'o` h snook' bleu wiitwgnbWt kaugbeer 'ken Tb settee Aon�e. asrh of which in wl�tlaltilly falai• sitrusrer who seeks batter, every where else it i. • lilt's s 4 I.i.i..ed, p Asps, brit wee kr Not d •en.yed it..alae. • aural trresW .w lMerra, N. 'hevrvwl, the eoutewar.aa 'heatid id the Academy .4 t:eiDneu., M mut torn fid u. d...se the eslterestiws .( .eeu.m . 1 ►n.usdsand mtlnoery A black lee..et, he sir., wtte white, pink or red feathers or bower., seta a fur u.mplexiue. A dead white hat es ..sty imitable seri $,.til mnmplwahous, whether blondes or brim. sates. A elute bonnet f..r • bloods should have white ..r punk flowers ; Mw is still better. Brunettes should avoid Woe, and rather choose red pink or proem. Light blue bonnets are especi- ally suitable for fair pensee. For dark p irons woo venture to wear a blue bon- net, yellow n indispensable. A green bonnet tete oft • pa's •.r slightly colored euarpleiio n. A pink boniest should ant be to, neer the face, but should he s.p- *r•ted he the hair or by • white or veer' inside trimming, the letter color especi- ally. A dark -red bonnet ie mile suitable ter persons with • highly colored nem• plosion Avoid yellow or orange bon- n ets. Violet le not to hs rec. tied enless separated from 1110 (ace, leo only by the hair, but by yellow accessories also. M•t a. • rrev.wttve el Meters. A onrr..p•ondent writes : It u primps more than forty years .lace 14 volt up a sewstaaper its which a London vlyairtin . aid ' 1.. the years Val and legit 1 weal through the cholera siege of b don, practicing all the flute in the must dangerously atf-Med partsof the city. 1 4a.k three tioApo..nluls of raw wit daily which 6,ttitiet my stomach against any possible attack .4 choler. This WAS the e ebetanoe .1 the article, which was .mite lengthy, in explanation of the effects tf the salt. I have 1 rod It .ince 1p differ - est parts .e1 the w..rld, and were they nne riving at the rats .1 LOW a day in New York of cholera, I would not fear to go among and watt upon the.. after eating salt a day or two. Open * biscuit and put a teaspoonful of salt between the pieces, and rot one thorn, soon end evening. a a preventive, mad baron.. fears of cholera. After two mr three trials it is nothing to do. Of Bourse this preventive ie not to be steed unless cholera . pears among u. ate r. Liked tsar Ilaesesrr,d Grad. They were entertaining some friends at dinner, and the subject of hammered silver mom up for discussion. "Al the risk of being asnside red dee- e ant in good taste," remarked the bor- on, "I must my that I admire the plain, old-fashioned style of silver mete-" "Pa likes the hammered kind." inter- posed Bobby, who had been .flowed to come to the table on coedit ion that he would keep perfectly quiet. "Rarer mind, Bobby, you dere-" "Oh, yes, pa likes - the hammered Mad,' erns on the boy, unheedingly. "I heard him my that next week he is ;Mee to put all the silver in the house seder the hant mer. "-tit. Paul '1 -indica- tor. x.885_ C�ODER.ICH 'WOO LE N A black •etc eveppdmrse` front covered •.rti ling. emhruid defies PIM not ei► . but cannot tad t the tree. • difference the soldier/eruetffsas no mattered bare. i• dt-na, smites that oneetiill roods mem timid. enrtther ta,.tlssat.. a,. knovisare of ',halt more cruel. Again. the nervous system to drs,amd a piaseilik prates to is unbalanced so for that a swoon, or, as du what he likes. 1m the came before us, crntvonnlnnaioo e. .genet be seen unless one looks quite: Once in o • whits the i' ( elle closely for it. At :h edgy , 1 the skirt ject of the practical juke pays for his '�touslzhoM �iint�, - to • d �eid &�+,��c•e� wheer 04t .vfl r" throw tha!!!$irf'w�11 out, bot by o � teat makes the feet look small. Thee, RSALDDtD Marx, WITS of coarse, is made '•f doublers mein. The I into • porcelain Beed pan hack is very fully draped with black net. ; !iodine water ; add half a t spggled *11 over wit tormentor s prank with his reason or his life. In • less flagrant manner mealosl- Csito -Pet able mischief is dune in many nurseries two quarts of by tales ofghosts bogie*, tYe 1phick Oen erup.onful of wbooMs.1 wi for ohimnalbef call► .ix ogee of eme it.: et The bodice I eat : • rato it, grad.ally, nand'lab ane t.bteddr "w. b"il'l+rwfry . ba�et �+itiM w�dt tniRt .t o a tent ds Bfctlk+JK glad ice exteaT °attlmfl"' ►lth rani jet et then d- whet ' *fluf0 it is, f; ri ( r Parr no 'Not -'j 'n one gal- sc. made short, Mocking', wit exquisite bum( swallow pedal -Pr 'in gr .he woe acll ; i, go w: silt ' on 4 iv take mo hdti end. ads bra ,if t e 1f rani A to inti► . half curt „t/ g%ep orte �ollykese htetner until the scum ceases t'. rise. Skint es it. the sediment rises to the surface i then A vision Anise is nave, jImei wL tan P Off altaret�t &Pel to mmol. R'kpa comma "gntl�% long thkEldr„ kattst . colo tont rower Pass meet. The melt' over it. These give it the effect -1 bone, will be suasivelycorned W use in shot with the to.. saw Tili%it Tns:ort �ht (iv, trent iamey bet, kept for is gracefully duped ♦v nary -S rte tits- ` isooe. prate; from the waist. The to."t the to Po. r Pr:.t.tz't --One half capful rioe, match is met coquettish. There is a , one and one half pinto milk, one half pleating of n*vy-blue velvet all road :netts' serer. large pinch not salt. one the mdse. one tete rest is a Ilny •ry • f , .ablespoenlul leinon tied chopped fine. the chenille spotted material .d the Pot rice. washed and picked, sugar, salt dress. A blue plush jacket, tnm•ne,l a„.1 mil.: An luart pudding dish ; hike in with (sellers. Ne eons down toiler ',tors ib0lMl15s1..vsp tent hours : stirring fie with this 4,040 ort iscar' tJ u all'et iroiy *tent `ntil0ssnd a quarter hour.. -(London Trutr. I• hen permit it to Moth cooking, with 'fight e. l'red crust, disturbing 11 no more. • �,-,� Eat cold with cream. • leWf'.wtn4w1.w. in the inn yard i saw two women rn11ch10ns llanl,.ot all n,►.. tha_ m. suits offices, women who assist in the d Tont :4 '!M Orr is Over . you bag •ten •tracts t aiaya'- likareialt.w cs 11 P ......b..•.d with t r (lute of he pine to keep the I 'Yes. air ; there '.. lige. Beauty, relies, and who, HATS * right to taterlere.jaia • she" in the cau.e • f ;melee. treater•' lands 'h.*a(T ' '10o ion t eel that sen- hier, thnpll f n 1* w wieldly ,k ins tiff) " •-` might RII t v t eta '• sn' 'Ceti wotaan 4e r)n. i. h. re en- i� ovallyin tl sr; n fe, to i. visor n 'r4 1 elle the * yacht t'wla if she neatly •'(a toil awl nn'ng l n;',1, sn�r 7 7 1 very teed thfeitl. • When they .site "kw 1 •tr n..t $ raeht ye•seer(nt'! • en use yard they .alms the landlord ori 'Weil. y '11ee 1 had bet wombed out, the einl.teera They are women of tool and I es Idled rip her esido_twt *goer* rid clg+tti�ss,. vt.eeteq (4. and i 1 '.l Sherrill th/ l4►'it1, *n.1 if that ' vet mak ht then I don't know ...yacht 1. aia't the hnild of 1 fist mallet DoT a yacht, its the chiMren whn will not go to sleepgairee, etc. The mother is cuitble who, whew she findw"1t* ehUd .sd.aly timet, dos not watch narrowly for indicetwns that rlahe nervous orgasienl of her offspring sa been tampered with, and who, should her suspicions be c ntirmed, does not fetksw the clyps a• Its solace lsaisk tltdaielis0M`um her -[Etchatge. __iota get • r.neJi set aiLasha.. -.--.1. MILLS. To the Wool (Jrosorrs of the SwrrontedoNJ (5ninfry: 11'e wish 10 say that we are prepared to take your Wool iu exchange for ( or work ft for you into any of the following article.. via : Blankets -White, Grey or Horse. Bhirtinge -Grey or Check. Cloths -Tweeds or Full Cloths, Light or Heavy. Plannela-White, Grey, Colored, Union, Plain or TwilL Sheeting. -Broad or Narrow. Stocking Yarn - White, Carey, Clouded or in Colors. Carpet Warps made to order. ROLL CARDING. Our facilities for this work cannot he sur - ErWe will roam, or in most cams todo day it i. Nought in. If required. Custom `'pinning and Heeling. or Spinning rm on the Cap. coarse or doe, haor soft twist. as rsgnired.rc a We ais • position to do all kinds of c - tom work• usually dope in a full set custom 5)111. and we wilt guarantee to do for you fully equal. M wr.s a Mels meter thaw awe tri ear aurresw.Wr.. A Dalt r apectrmlly *elicited. E. McCANN, W Kest End Woolen M., Oederki. May lath, 1116. almtk.naliali iriVik NE NAIR BALM Restores grey • Geed Itemes.e. lour to its ea - twat cold' Richard Proctor is telling the youne men of England bow to keep their health end increase their strength. He says -that "murk with a Haulage► or mallet, seopeciAlly .A. a tltrtiltele sprier., 1s .wseile.t for the hieeps mueeleo. mei e ters Or the muscles at the hack ..i oto upper arm." This is true, dowdties, but when \lr. Pnsttx bas lived a little longer in America he will amend his advice. There i. another and better exercise, which develops s.ery mewl. is the Army at the rime tore. Take an ordinary sawhorse and plant it Brolly in the middle of the shed. Then Mks down free its rusty peg an old fashioned and sharp saw (lo to the e woefptle. Select 4n.,tty , use lair had eters nee a t.• t. a hoifeh it had stole fn fro ml tunlRory rhAnAllalh, still th lay n.lerif M the Jaws "f the siwborw.. Put the teeth if the saw anywhere. it makes no atQer- .nee where, *net draw it toward ymx and push it fr.m von in persistent ,ltern.. toots ntnil the Ing squeaks and st last drop• asunder. Tl.0 ,. tl:e lest exereme in the world. i1 yn'mr y]etith would engage in it with onorra al drily and minter Lusa they mend niter to h•.hl nohli, offfoe Ise mot Ivy. Yrwt may attgms"rrw..r .von ellen** a is mere W •nVo.wing, hid 1 t I. r•..1 •sate else. n.verthele.e and will tell with great .d'.4 oa tkf lige aid, for that tv she'. •:side}', ehsr.cter. hut their polite n is mit en- vied. 1 *hon`d here mot t',.•y are ilia wnlows, sad row* ill. sus. 1toW oivonergilLe th. yet4R,If ENO her rhos**, .1 • l.s !t • mavep DAater,t, stops tke nal from Ttlfhti ont increases it growth, and -cel not soil the akin. As a hair dres sing, it hit n stupe: tor. Gear anted hareems. Prepares b', Harkness & to. London. Ont. /told h..1 Mery ..d 5*'.nt ice.! Deaisla . C.A.NAIRNICASHLSTORE! ■AO ZV*ATTUINo YOU WANT -IM - GROCE 1111 NZW AND FRESH You cart Huy !ire Cheapest dines 41 Crockery &Glassware AT TIAL ''ASH STutt1 . A tau a Yell Line of Canned Goods and Groceries. 1 amu elm making a .pr. -tan, u1 irr E "Fit prices rancor from h5 10 wkuper p,.uno .e lest in S pound Iola 1 am hound not 50 he undersold for CAi11. 14vduee taken in esrha.ge. TnauLing the public for their patronage, 1 re- uuaua, youroliedteul seri ant. G. H. OLD, Telephone ('en.,,,[Ink-alien. The l3roce•. Heb show's' a apl eadId assortment of ' Goiters, h. Aug. 7th, :865. Clea and Glassware. °WHALE PrtIf Come In and look• if yo . dont buy, No Trouble to Show Goods. C. A. NAIRN,erkb A. B. CORNELL UNDERTAKER Court Howe Dec.111, i111. (►pposi'e Martin's Hotel. llainihuo street. All Funerals attended per•.onally. A f=irs t -C lass .Stack ! TO ("110041 FT0M1. Godelich. Jaly 201:. t.G. 7105 VSO'Note Fls aper , r44.."°'1 � Alberni • ~� Books Cards Dolls Toys Eto. T L►tor working people- Send 10 caw' Lour yuatalte, and we wall toail y0 rurt, a rue al, vat uabie aim ale t'i J of goods Ila will put you !n tar way of making more money in a few days lam you pe r e th..1t p.satbae at any business. hoe required. hop was live at bottle and work in spare time oily. or all the time. Alt of both hexes. of all a'es, gran.lt .ucceoufsl. Ser. to '5 easily earned every evening. That all who want week may test the busituee•, we make this unralleledoffer: To all who are net well sat toned we will send $1 to Mr forth* trouble of writing us. Pull particulars, dime lions. etc.. sent free. Immense n.] ah.olutmy sure for ail who start at on... Itoa't delay Auer.,* ett*eow It Go. Po plead. Me- 1074 HCYARcs, 1 \111L1 -T_ ¥EIIOW OIl.. 'CURESR 'EUMATISM WORN POWDERS. Ere plrwet to 1.ko. Contain their owe Pargatlre. Is a este, sure, and et*.,. desitrewe et wormer is Children or A4i • -GET 1'(ot'lt - Newspapers and Periodicals AT MHO. COOK E'S. MRS. H. COOKE, Successor to Geo. :'hepl ant. Goderlc!,. Drc it la lead. 11111 - NOW Grocery Store Th. •ub•rriber bran* to announce that ha has opened out • new Grocery Store IN GFODICRICB, sad is prepared to do bosine.. with the people of the sown and surrounding sctiot. The .- Goods are all New and Fresh, mad bare been por•h•sed for Cash, end aa the prices are low 10 the city markets, He Intends to Make His Price Touch Rock Bottom. Farmer. prod nee taken in exrllange for Goode and nighest pro. -es will be given. ti'Don't forget the spot. 11.. ' ew rash Store next done to Pity nae' I true Store. tlederfeh C. L. McINTOSH. Goderick. iiec. 't, 1861. 11 6 TENTS OF ALL MEINDS FOR SALE OR FOR HIRE. 169 YONGE STREET, TORONTO. ire -Send for Catalogue. % .931 OEB1Thon.andsot'ravee M.n*Ily rnr.fed Ir t helm•. li t r. ttappines. anrt A lib restnre•d b, th••u•eaftherreat GEIRMIAN /N1) eey RA,TOureaR_ p...l1every rearmed he etcetera of any kind,1 ••:teal *yak •11.1 alt diener. that fol- ♦.. n....geen.v of w' -t( A hese. M i.e. of en - eras. 1'..a et ►..mor'. ',stemma larlimle, pain in the hook, *sone* of tielon, proem - lure old age. and mean, otiose dtr•.w that lewd to'woolly or eowa.,mpe ion and a prose etre firer.. Nand 1..r •tirrn:an *If A +en lmnnla 1. 'r )e b �it TDs 6mt6tiMR 1155 I. soh a ;1 rye �..r, nr.fslouvre for F:. hr .11 4mew**. • *al%keret free my mail merely .ealeat, r' tectal of "Hee. le wddr._It m r J. t'HRYR.Y Druggist 1sT Iewoon,t *4.. T.ledr, Qb yp. /11.M•se e0N Ag►w M Addertelt ST ACK COVE RS I ALL SIZES_ .P0- Send for Price Lists, arc. J•ly tad. IOl7. MACNAIR'S, y189 YoaTe-st., Toronto. F-.), ( BIT R R'S OWN DO :,41102.01, Lett of ,4ppet;te, .D tspriela, Jared re. Affect .o*s of the Liver and A..'ne'ys. " Pimples, Blotches, Roc's, Heelers. &all Melee, &-r( fele. J'irytipelag sad all diseases art4.nq from Iwpwrt tiled, Deranged Stenn r -l., or frer•twtnr ,'. 'in* if fete Poiret!.