The Huron Signal, 1885-9-18, Page 6#4111f41.101:4,1?:i'(4 J 1 1 i
Che Peet'. Corner.
••1 wafts is. ware se Meares
I Reply of a tattle Mullan ustasteel boy
when told of the glories of the ..'elestisl
lit t♦1<a, a A. alLDaa.
'•1 want no harp u. hrrvru,' he wild.
Amalie,•rtd as he evoke.
While b...wartl, .lagers•avpt the.tewaa
And 1.. roitg wt ih.• w.•IUa broke
Whale los ani rata .it. .:uitusJ .0 tIr• bre•ese
Til hie el outlets breast es+ kern.
Ar he fee"! the • rued w alb a sickly milt.
tad braved the add Ma. ch cis.
sin hart .creed the carp ter many • day.
Awl bis huh the burden koew.
And hie Wader heart U...a:wuSW jeers
Of many an IWM crew.
Ile 1L,u,;ht of the,ru,: I..lruae.
LIf the Wow. io aadt r ai. en.
Aird .0 Ma isaotx•urc hr thought
'nevoid Le lite stmi.. its L.rirn.
lie .bought of hu n.uthrr iter away
Uw that sweet Holum shore.
And wondered J tut) wu..l inert aaaia
When til. .a Wt. ag dry e sere tier.
Ile though. of tor trio w bei he land played
W ih hoe marcs tun mangy a day
As he air til bit oat the .old .+War .reps.
And wiped tin ;can away.
MAY .wt "led and p..i up there.
But I'd like to boar the palm.
And rest, real. wbra in) work M.i.e.
la the runny gt uve. of beau
I d lake to tied ea) mother there.
Aad my brothers. siders. .e tea:
A ad in load a R•.".1, the toast sr says.
1 .ball tiger nu harp L, h.•a.en
.t Model wlfc.
Junes les• weii aware that his wife
was in the habit or titling lata poe:kcta
whole he was asleep, but, like a wdtle
MAW, hu kept silence • u the subject.
tlue right, lion rvet, he •woks and
caught her in the act.
'Ha,' he exclaiolad, 'what are yon do-
ing, to .tear 1
The �y started, her triode fleshed,
the pantaloons dropped trent her grasp,
art she was about to make a full con-
fession when • bright odea entered head.
Iteo"vertog her auilposure. she said :
'I was lw.kiug to see whether your
pantaloons needed ally buttons'
They do, they do, my dear,' he ex-
claimed, .pranging trete bed ; 'Heeded
'em for •Deka, menthe, and 1 wondered
why you didn't sew .e uu ; but 1 wait-
ed, for i was sure quo would come to it
sometime. And hew Bind 01 you to int
out of bed at this time of night to attend
to 'en ' say what; y...i will, therms noth-
ing in the w.,rld like a good wife. Let
me turn op the gin a little, so's you have
all the fight y..0 wantIII sewing em on.
clot your netrile and thread end the but-
tons f No. Well. tell we where they
are, and Irl get tees for you.'
Mrs. J ens proceeded to sew on the
buttons, while her husband sat on the
edge of rhe bed aid eueu+trsged her wit\
words of praise for her wifely care and
thought for his c' infort, occasionally
remarking that, go where he w.' he
would always says t*a. womb. mg in
the world like a wife.
Then he,ewent to the war,' robe and
br.rv,jtlrebt several pairs of trussers, •
coat, two or three vests, and a num-
ber of shirts, from all of which buttons
Mete alining, sod cheerily oheerved ;
'While were at it we'll snake • night
of it.
Two hours later, when Mrs. Jeaea,
with a weary sigh. removed the thimble
from leer finger, Mr. J•.raes patted her on
the cheek and said :
'I say it areal.., my dear. say it again,
that wherever 1 g 1 will make it known,
proclaim it hum the h•.useteps, about it
in the highways and byways, that • wife
who gets up in the middle of the night
to sew buttons on her husbat.d • clothes
11 timeline treasure, a crown to that
husband, and All 011.41114.1“ to her sex.'
Them Mr. J cue", cLucian,g to hunself,
lay calmly down and slept the sleep of
the just.'-1Detroit Free Prem.
Nome adoremr■tat.
An unwashed king is less a gentleman
Am dted*vgwsw.
homebody has unearthed an old pogo for the year latlti of a de:ideally
uncomfortable isetere. It appe.r. that
1u tM antra\ of Oberetanl, Dm' the
city of Treveri, is ltersaany, there •
stein tablet sewn e.seugi s 4.1. or Walk
u cut the p�,rr•uophene verso, in prim it
slay be rntsderei: ''Whoa Mark shall
bring ua Easter, sad Antbuy shall sing
preemie at Peatipo.t, and shall awing
the w"s.: at the fit of Corps lh,uriei,
thou stall the winds earth leaouid 411
weeping • it wailiug.�r Now it so hap-
pens that oast year lierasr falls on 8t.
Mark s day, 1'etlteoust en that ••1 8t.
Authsuy of Padua, sad the Currie
Denconies on St. John the Baptists
day. June 24. Here thou are the tint
conditions ..t the prophecy fulfilled, so
that now believers is prophecies *d
aliaiuua minded persons generally have
only to sit down and think of Intr.,thing
dita,tr rabls that can poesibIy happen to
this peer old planet and the dwellers
the rw.0 between January and December,
IWlti, and really if the cycl..ies and
:earthquakes and epidemic* mid wan an1
rumors ..f wary of rho yes. 1 3 4 '
are (4. aro eclipsed the prospect is mit an
agreeable otos —(limon CeneepundMnt
Lotman lil„be.
certain Parr.
A Cres roe Mater+.—A
p• ant ve cure for this dangerous com-
plaint, and tor all acute or chronic formss
of D. wet Complaint incident to Summer
a -id Fall. is found in Dr. Fowler's I X -
tract of Niki Strawoerry ; to be 14 war -
ed drum aay druggist. Y
Hew maul lrwr+° 4 leek asses sue
sudsriug fent asst .Ital►te, ttlft ►Irkea
Jour*, aatd „o the verse u( Cuuauwpti.•s
that might be restored, m ninny have
been wheat given up to die, if they would
use uerduak Blued Biete., iahie► WIN
Morel lust .ttalitr and gives hew .loot
to the debillteted system. 2
farm anb 'Urban.
tlwlt+el. tyle uMtMINO
r She wipetataa�re� relit. ter Nee -
std.. Msadwbe�e, tie. Aa►
Wig a few drops be skly to all Was if♦
ftaod.d. No, taking nauseous lwedeciase
for weeks, but one mliute'a apple:wens
reasons all pain cad wiNa thae
value of Kraal's Fluid btu/ryl.
cents per bottle at George hyuas drag
.tore h
A certain tenant editor thinks whew a
raltt•aa In TMSrani/, attack veal lrman can't pass a moth.. his.
It is a difficult tetter to aewp manure
ukase .iwPiN*A allthe ley atieshom e,
iu the baraysrdmummerthn,urh th. it u a „c„he „got to Xet wuttrtlr
intent I
made what any helyrotded maeere u
lett over aslni.i r tea thi .r4. Last
w serious .na A treat 'intake is "...•.•.•••
w'itnter leap so cold bows ts, that touch
!of the manure in Northern barnyards
WAS mixed with snow Aud ire long after
tram. wan p4owy►g 1u int Orllde. Ile
this shape it waa nut tit to apply to land.
and if wined with stray it will need t..
he fermented to lit it. This ahuuld be
done to leer. Nat he*gi., w as to held as
muck rain water as pessibie, and the
heaps should be covered with earth ..r
side to absorb the ainnatesia that will be
ionised in the fermentation. Treated
thus there will be no serious hr., suets
of noxious weeds will be destroyed, and
one lead cf the rutted manure iu the fall
will be worth two or three ..f the coarse,
strawy stuff piled up tat the spring. The
heaps should he lance enough to cause a
high tetilprr-.ture, its the seeds .of red
net and wild mustard will wnlure aro
siderable warmth without itijunng their
vitality.- [Cultivator.
Takao' taresethe Old reeple. Captain Isaiah Itvnder'a had an attack
• —
of paralysis ; tried New Yorks best phi
means ; 'get no relief until he obtained
Giles' Imide Ammnwis Liniment, which,
to his unspeakable joy, cured htni. etre
tain Rynders will Love any information
desired. Resides 310 Weer lard atr.M,
New York. Sold by F. Jordan, Gude-
rich, Ont.
Microscopic h..linese is the perfection
.•f ei ellenue. If a life will bear exam.
Mations in every hour of it, it is pure
indeed. Te live hy the day and watch
esen step is the true pllerirawg. seethed,
Ir. the history of medicines no preps
ration has received such universal coin
mendatiou for the alleviation it affords,
and the permanent cumin effects in kid:
hey diseases, as Dr. Van Burn's Kimey
Cure. Its action in these distressing
complaints is simply wunder(sl. field
by J, Wilson. 9111 .
At (.en. Oaant's Naomi the other day,
what do you think of all the great line of
mucking people seethed We most im-
presslve' It was not the young soldier
with bright new Uniforms, but it was the
ohl, gray -headed men, the members of
the O. A. R. I could not help thinking
law mut\ them men bad done for us
all, and how grateful the poeple ought to
be. It 14 no wonder that the country
desires 11 take care of such sten when
they grow aid aid feeble. It seems to
mes that we lank upon these men Just as
our Rural boys and girls feel towards
their parents. 1 tell you niy boys and
Yule, yon never eau puesiiiily think too
mesh of your father or your mother.
You never can du too much for them.
You cant pay them to money fur such
service as they have dune --that is what
money never can buy. You have to pay
tbe.n in kind words and attention, and
in trying to do cheerfully what they
wtatld like to have done. The poorest
boy and the poorest girl can lute an
equal chance to pity this debt you see.
N hen I see a boy who is glad-. to lir •
mother I make up nit tuiud that e is
goisyf to be a good taaw WLR, gee a
do what girl trying toat she q.o t.• help,
and not crying about her fork. I know
what kind of a worn,Srr she will make.
Just remember this now. There is
nothing that you an ever de that will
give suu so much satisfaction. as the
flhouglit that you helped your parents.
f ;
lwtaun■ tiwresjessese
Thewith theuruati•at es fll+t
approach .f bad weather ht hieace'
Junin H,,tyard's Yellow tl cure"
rheumatism. aches. pains Art' 1 urine. 2
Rev. 3. (I. Pail*, Dutton .entire
"Fur cocaa years my ads be. We*
troubled with Dyspopeia id has tried
nue thing after enuthe retwsyueneled
with het little ate we. tiff selkineti t.•
;five 51cl:rivers Sppredy Pure • trial.
Swce taking the that butt I Imre not-
iced a iinpnNYaeet, end ekn with eon
htlrnee ruaouituuud it to be one of, If not
the beet medicine client for Dyspepsia.
This invaluable medicine for Liter Com-
plaint, I:.degeath,a, Kidney Cuapl*u4,
',purely re.:etaple. Sold at (:e... Rby•
nae Drug Sion. Trial beetles given
(ret. 1 m.
1 Ni
our Feet Dry!
• Yeomen deIMMOs)mite tritest coat by Nwitagin r
Cre b%'Q 33loc
I hare noir on nand th. Ianre.l .took ever .bow. la liederte.b,.rad eemM•iasa ion), lige sib
'Wu found tit a dna-0). •hoe store. to„i. 'he trines lid. all tie *atria...Mote omits
W the bray.eet cowhide I will tell At
Prices that Will Strut Everyone.
a.vaaA VY Yew eUAll JJ i$0 WIt U1 LII UUU, 110.11 +1 UU LU wU UU
Misses and Children's Strong School Boots, from 75c. up.
Boys do,, $I.00, up, all other Lines Proportionately Cheap.
1 raw •sJ wi'I nut• > colo both In goofs and prices.
?J0 wNING-
_ — Crabb's Blick Corner East se•net and likeere.
rlatTla :t.
"Malden. ]sass.. Feb. 1. 1Mb Gent lessen -
1 suffered with attacks of sick headache.”
Neuralgia, female treble, for yew' in
the mast terrible and escrueiating mtan-
No medicine or elector could ipeei me
relief or cure until 1 used Hop Bitters.
'The first bottle
Nearly cured one
The second made ire as well and strong
as when a child.
'And I have been .o to this day.'
My husbmid -tas an invalid for twenty
years with a serious
'Kidney, liver and urinary complaint,
'Pr nounoed by Boston's best physi-
Beton bottles of your bitters cured
hiss, anal knew of the
Lives of eiglt person
Ia my neighborhood that have been
saved by y..ur bitten.
And many more are .sing them with
great benefit.
the mmd
itaes almost '
' ' . at. 4 , i
Says Dryden : -
m Mrs. E. D. Slack.
"She knuwe leer man. end when you rant
'•'tan draw you to her with a single hair.
Bat it must be beautiful hair to have
such power ; ant: beauttfel hair eon be
ensured by the use of CINOALJI*S HAra
RE'cseees. fiyld at 50 cis. ler J. Wilma
• Ntid swear
Fluid Lightning does Piot take a day
or an pour to remove Neuralga, Leith -
stile, Lumbars* or Rheumatism, bat will
do it instants)', cad without carrying
your head to a poultice fur a day or
laing greasy liniments. Try a 35 Best
bottle Erna Rhyne', druggist. lm
genie eosins Ne1Naa.
A baby's arms encircle the world.
A milli. o dollars won t buy a ray of
The man who eats the biggest piece of
pie has the biggest pain.
elood clothes are to respectability,
what the fr.inie is to a picture.
You often End a live cent heart in s
million dollar body.
The most heautifel woman t. she whom
the blind can see.
A newspaper may be a sewer or a
strtam of pure water, according to its
When we' were chemise house last
sprite( we found • pair of tine black
broadcloth passu, which were waled but
out much wore., which the 'gond man'
foal thrown aside, net 'whim; to wear
any mors We npped them carefully
apart and cleaned the cloth nicely , and
found it was not faded, but would make
capital material to embroider on. This
was what we used for the lambrequin'
mentioned in 'Household Economies'
We have a Small stampiugoutlit, and my
daughter cut one of the pieces in points,
and did her stamping them embroidered
theta, putting a bttnck.uf until row on
the front Feints, daisies, ..n the Linea on
either ,ide,and (tetchier" on the end ones
.mother ptete She embroidered in gold
colored mak, using a pattern suitable for
the color.
We aloe ripped an old velveteen dress
Skirt. and (cunei nate parts that were
nut Moiled, which were utilized for small
shelf lambrequin for the garb' room
The pattern used on this was wild rocas,
poppies and wheat. one of the pat-
terns were stamped, others were drawn
from magazines on tissue paper and
worked ever the palter. In this way we
have • number of handwnie ornaments,
with no money outlay except the em-
broidery silk, which is .only a penny a
skein. We get the teen to make shelves
if they have time ; if not. the girls use
the saw and hlncor . an.l .r4ke them,
perhaps not in a work.manlike manner
but when they are c 'tread they answer
every purpre.
s had All ..lo fa.S,n.nevs tunnel riek
Rneeo u.• wlii,1. 11 e.•.M as AI— —saw,
oho mid could 1* converted into mimic
stand. She took it t.. the 1,1x1 and had
a top wired en, as there was n„ way it,
pal it tn. For A sl.rrsd leo buulhl two
colors .f felt, isleg the darker for the
body. and the lighter f..r the I „flier, cut-
ting them 11. deep 'mits and pinking
there School Teacher.
The virtie of Carbolic Acid f, r heel -
1a f, cleansing and purifying. is we
known ; but from the many int...ea . f
'applying It, the public is uncertain hew
beat to use 1t. T. meet that wan•, \l -
flrvror A Parke's t:wrb,lic Cent, i. pr. -
parwtl. and may bee used with c•onti,Ienc.•
1)o not he mielod. Take only Mct:reg'r
• Parks • l arb,lic Cerate. Ebld at
Bk1'as• dreg store. la
than a tidy peasant.
Fashionable women are the mistakes
jot creation.
An innocent young girl 11 a a poem i■
iwhich every line rhymes.
A silk hat oftentimes coven a bald
A man dew not become old until the
years strike his heart.
1f • woman's brains were where her
heart is, she aught some day have the
Woman love always; Biwa Use when
they are not busy.
Time is woven into eternity by the
network of death. --{Merchant-Tra\-eller.
Aerie ay Amara of Fever, Measles,
Diphtheria. or any wasting disease,
Hnnington's Quinine Wine and iron is
the beat medicine to take. It give" 'me-
lee' strength. See the you get "Bon-
i Wit en's, the original and minable.
ariatne (fir sewn sees Aages•a/Na..
I til •4 lavender will drive away dies.
Copperas nixed with the whitewash
1, put upon the cellar walls will keep ver-
min away.
i Ceilings that have been am.•ked hy •
kerosene lamp should be washed oY with
soda water.
(►rein pipes and all places that are
sour or impure MAY be cleatis,d with
line water ur carbolic acid.
' `ttr,ng brine may housed to advantage
in washing bedsteads. Hot alum water
is also good for this purpose.
Cayenne pepper hl-wn into the cracks
where ants con✓regatw 0111 dive there
' away. The .me remedy teals° good for
if gilt frames. when new, are covered
with • vitt of .lite, all specks
can then be washed cif with water with-
out harm.
If • bedstead creaks at earl nlnveaset t
of (he sleeper, remove the slats and
wrap the cud of each in rid newspaper.
'Thin will proves complete sil.seer.
If the wall about the 'Vet has bee*
an,oked hy the stove, cover the black
pitches with gemahellss, and they will
no.t strike through oilier paint or ealet-
Te 11. Medical Prwea.isa. nate all wbea
to may ~woe.
Ph•,sphatine, ur Nerve time, a Phos -
Element based upon Scientific
Facts, Formulated by Profesor Austen,
11. D. of Boston, Mass., cures Pulmon-
ary Cossumptfon, Sick Headache, Nee -
voile Attacks, V ertig" and Neuralgia
and all •waatistg diaesaee of the: homiest
system. Phosphatine is not • Medeciae,
but a Nutriment, beanie it contains no
Vegetable or lfinesal Poisons, Opiates
Narcotics, and no Stimulants, but limp
ly the Phosphatic and Gartric Elements
found in our daily food. A single bottle
u sulhciont to convince. All Druggists
sell it. 81.00 per bottle. Luwusr &
Co., aule agents for the Dominion,
55 Front Street East Toronto.
$2111 1 1 .o opal you will get
free • package of
goods Of (ares talue, that will start you la
work net will at once being On In mosey
t i fe ski
me else_ , ca.
A t. wan Nef7PwwhIrr�, el r gra, of
for altrose than, er epere r osi so
Hyrtl at Bleu ow. Woes. en /lar
all workers absolutely asared. Don't decay.
K. 11 iu.arruu• r e Co. Porting, Maine MI-
W -
The highest cask price paid for hides. calf
and sheep skies at the SA, TFORD Tannery
!t•Irford Dec. t, lee. let
" What is the worideoming to? The
poor Mania arae on an equality with
• the richest so far as booke are eon-
carMd. "—Gelato Baptist. Sat. Louis.
0 The following are a few of the books, large type, beantifrl,
now Wood in aha wonderful ELZEVIR LIBRARY :
Ho Lr or tar tact aa.WuMr
t. - eni and user.
canasta 1(1 Clow. or W�(1I{da 0(1., hie
al asimbLady et
w Lou us rtaleA or to D.s1....... tat.
t inscrixaintotrs.
p?As. Se 1 Emelt A.reHdOOaw�MaSfr 00252. 1
7 Meal:sive' ammi lie e e . to vitzi 74* erras : f:
Sig Cows. Y. aaceaasens r s cotter*
Saturday F Teti
GSM Metates the Marta. n- O'aW*.r ase. DIMII . ate
amq�.•sras.� Caaaa-necasaa re 111 Row IM. Looed tars at•ii
bwwef Lat•ense.w were seeee�a�ineca Maw 1,a��w
M earoaa gears. Uvy4p . erh/mrr'e aeon of fav qe
7 tl �� ............„•".• L
Tabs. raa. seI. Ora.i.ff, the l`ra.ada Etre
7N Atrtd•lna liii • ••tr. The Wert of &nee. Amor. S.
LSI seined of to w The Pisr.a, Ere. agnea A. Nei 1 -
la lloato.Maa pouf sat O jsailta T ersrsae .tie. tRka • Poen rot
IN 6w�'w teary? 1AI. J. M. 188
nava D'Aearae �s
t� g...� es MIY.... MACAat�•ti... is
1H u. Warry W th Fal >1M6. Ho
is The v raw the w•aflr•
10 !tea es ' M le
111 I4rtare es sobers. . 4*
141 L**ar. ea areata
nsroRT. avarnaars.
2 The ha chis et lass CN easement awvwt.t. - it
IN Aawrf.•ea tM1ao.,s,..�rMyuyr n�w,t�aLLa,. t•
C ltesU•1Yaatiaaeaf �as5 Maw -
le Thitarale. ihtlialle.. • cW,is Teas !-
�y[1wl�y,.Jr• l., 1. adverse* 01 Avila weirs e•
!'he eetttof A len tiro emit' 11..�• • bunt..... Da..d b
EEFLftatt. RI= LIna ye t°" Ct1R TrA1f C. Mos.M1
IItramlines so
JIITLXTLO CLASSICAL : The Romani et tem. case.
111 Nalit•Laallitmlber Pam& 36
1 - $.s ii tti. , tr a ..esai:.""-�3rest.ikram. V.
LS�from Afana,
d h�o.d� y I. Milisillare: : *YeaenFarmss. 1r.Ln�C tam s
ai Ade="4 er eLa ellailaF I : i corer w el da 5'
is Seamus n itiiike.'iiMiilLe f n The WAW ae••tir. /
1 The Sea *rpm* of sena-.
Anise. w•uan•
n world.4ne.b es. Ea
*the nehleeeo.•wof
• le
34* egierz ei1t►, Itivar ieesa as
OMNI!- >•
•d .
r ytelpos eaneerdeed and ImsyL. sante e•Reniglial.e.rrn.!
of Bonita prone. d rrwu r n -pier• C.t.i.i in reweave application. JOHX
2s. ALDEN. Publisher. 111* Paid Memos. $.w Tette. P. O. stela 2t1!'r. .;•` J
Creat Book -Sale. 1 d.
or tar ramps obw..lrM Mid uneew[ldly I•v erIcea puoseem d jam a, rrMi
eases. Os•Mgfta tuHlahad. Ceti wad anew •
Bookseller and Stationer, North Bide of Square,
fMRh\. Asst. Toth. wet, Malt
Y.B. -Te the trade (,either and Nudists is any .2etr•a.:y, 41 Lowest Pricso
This r rest:ease:a the docbte trim wettest the bele Not. tM Ne a�,i
M' em
spring situated in the Pad. by which • CI INSTANT trot east sad l PWAnti
presume supporta the hernia when the trine entwine.
GE OR us
GE RHYNAS, - Druggist,
February 5t5. 1M6, lay
Begs to aanosace that .lar bat in stork in large an tared y:ofusion.
The Very Latest Winter and Sp; sing Fashions
sand e\1 'meg resPeuttelty trine the lades to gee saaeee the trptay at
The Chicago House.
g¢ tvg3T IITBLST, OOb a cot.
rich. OR 1�d. t'�1.
;iliav vv
�� >• e1 =
f r ^
•iii v x
ag d; =r =
21 e' ^ �•
Gi Q
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41'9 or
' ! 1 • 1 ! >t
t 4tit TT flt
0 1, ffU$H
1111'114 f t''3
s;R lei '1 s' j1 ■
Merchants : Get your Printing at
this Office. Quality of Work and
reasonable Prices Guaranteed to
please all who may give us a trial.
The People's Livery
JOHN KNOT, Proprieti,
The entwerfteer It prepared to furnish the pub
lie with
The Finest Rigs
AT R12AI1ONARLE i`Rmess.
CA1 . AND BUR Ce -nevem*. the team
Mae Oed.rteb.
Oedsrteh. rah, nth. Iter t 111111411a