HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-9-18, Page 511. DOMINION .I.LI.Ai01 Change of Premises i TO THE PEOPLE OF CARLOW ! AND SURROUNDING COUNTRY. ..:........... •-f•• ling .afar.. seams -Minsessellarnmieseesse en aeeeNaet Arisen, Kept 13. -A epaoial oe.ven- tie. W the Oatiaio we.eh of the talom- lsium /Mance missed herr s• -day. A lance eatables of delegates were peewees:. W. H. Huwlsgad pr.alded A Coconut* appointed to consider electoral action repotted as follows :-That this convei- twe aim she s.ceeuity est electing pehibitiu.rb so .11 representative bodies ; that it is desirable to fu. re a prohibitory electoral union in moth tau.iotplry, members of wh'ch shell be pledged to sepport for swialpl and Parliamentary positions sash sssdidates only as era known and professed 11bo1► itn,nfete, sto..ill work sod vote fur the, ssm.ttng, swtuniee used 'atoning or prohibitory legislation , that this Ooove ntkni retiest the Saecutiv• of the Provincial Alliauoe to take seob mews - sees as ars necessary for the orp.iaatioa of the proposed onion* an to sanest to the brsncbes of the Dominion Alliance in other Promisee the desirability of similar alien. The Oummiime also reported on the &colt Act enforcement that the law is a partial success ; that notwithstanding the fact that repst. violations of the law oke place, driakin hes lima very much reduced, and recom- mending the appul"trmeet of police magistrates in each comity when the act is in force. The question of the forum - tion of • third warty was brought up for discussion, aetioe, hssttver, befog also deferred- - of►11tft1 & Mrs. J. Young and Mar Knight have esteemed trees Beale, where they, leave been seeing the styles. A. T. McDossld, baa gone to Toronto. :team d the wise -acres say be has goose to see the fair ;ger.) Several of oar slams took in the London show We week. Glu. 1►. Yenblut and C. H.Iwig has. Rase to Dsebwood to attend the Evan- gelical Sabbath School seaventioo. James Carter, blacksteith, intends to erect a new residence. Operatiow will loos h. commenced. W. J. Sturdy aid Jan Clark started to Muskoka district on Monday. It things .re favorable tag intend to win- ter there. G. ring .carted to Towstu on Tues- day. He intends guise farther wt, and is likely to be gabs some time. Bass Bata. -A very interestin gees of beam ball came off in the via 1.a Friday lad, between the Grits an To- rtes. A. Cunha captained the Grits and (leo. Sturdy the Tories, and the game resulted as follows Gri1e---1 O 3 s 0 1 2 i 4 -18 tuna. Tolima ----0 0 b 1 0 1 1 2 4 -14 •' Grim won by 4 reps. A. acne d the players bad any practice for about a year, the result shows very good playing, and &leo that material could be found is this village to make a good shall. The prase was very pleas- ing, as no quarreling was done. A 10 -year cid eon of George Jt.ho- d one, of Upbeats township, was recently pnamosd spta by an enormous eagle and carried bermes the read sad dropped close to the knee. The bird was the largest baldheaded eagle ever seen to Bothwell lousy. A prominent attorney residing i. Syracuse while fishing • day or two e ee o, pasted oat to his companion • sign -heard, remarking, "the fellow that pot that up is a liar. ' "Why r asked hie errs paa•tt>,f, "Hese.s that sign raids, o fishing in this brook,' and Aught the beet trout in my basket II dtesoMy ender that Maid." c 0 A L. flffljffG HENRY SPENC, taaweampall ca 111* ttltlllNiAa, lensallrella ' Se the eters «Welaat. tl,.m Thor u MtIiX'ON BT., forum eb oec.gleit 11 Mie Inters! •.whew ba8 who M ahead to 1►e require- meets eqdr► meets of weal flour, feed and all Kinds of Grain. Palest roller ihaur kept es head. awn Reda *livered to all parfait( the tows. 110.11 Hr.VHY BPIwE. To W N uE GODERICIL v.- TREARt'RRR'R RALE OP LANDS Puk TAXIS. Pant 1St g: or OXT MOO, By virtue of a war- Tows arTows or Gooaaa•n, mat ender the hand To WIT : of t►• MayOr of the Tows of Ooderich .ad the seal of the said Corporation. bearing date the el(hai dayof July, ISM.t1. 1Sto directed. oomwtlsg T1s to levy epee the lands Is the followis( list gee arrows of gars dor tbe,eoa. ntw,o-r is h ereby gated that 'soles the mit talo.. to- gether otether wkh .11 mots ars .aeseer paid. 1 shall proceed to well the said leads by Public Auc- tion. sation. or ao much thereof as "stay be *atheism for the payment of the tames awl costa there- o n, at the Town Hall, la the told Tows of Ooderich. uu TAwre4r,r, Me rt..' day ref Ortober, 1NRS, at the hoer of two o'clock p.m. Tke Made nue esesetsd, Mai Street or Surrey 1 �Qssl.114 g Nem 1/1 r]w M In i11 •a bN��I1II �� s M 111 et 1 ( 1 r; l •1 Y 1s 1/1' u Ile 1 ii Y 43 W. kt ,ea 171're 144 147 0272 7411 nal fi�i► Ip 37 115 7414 fe44 111 17 1 le IS M le NI ell 7V MSe 70 au e m II le eq ID I 14 477 4 7. tor. 11 77 is• 4.•1400. 14 IM' NI u 1s er u se • A SO VI u 1e 11 111. !7 75 t is 1f) e s era 1a s 11 • lip M e lir a1 13 41 w 13 el lb 13 11 III e i f 7 St goer 7 a • 7N Sol 17 re 70 l er 70 7m 70 1 • 70 711 PETER ADAM ON', Trus arse. Tows of OeasvlrL T,.ssunr'e 0•e., Oed•ricb. Jail 1114., len. 111141411 Goads l'opIbe Dog Day& COAL OIL ITOYI HAM CKS Prices to Suit the Times! The bpgrf lar havl.g•o cmplefed arnngr- meets fear llsYalraa (a.l, 1s now prepared to ern .11 twine a fseestamooer sad ekteMr delivery with the yen hest grades of Screamed Cs.l Mewl from the alas by e11 r.it at the fa1- lewtsM priest. &livered say where fa tows: butut i Stove, - 16.50 -& Orate, - - 6.25 ectal mr low Prieto. tiladtfel Der continuum* favors. contin.ee of ret solicited. WMt LEE. Oeisefilk OWL 1rd. leer. sou -an r' Tourists' Supplies, SAUNDERS 8z SON'S. "Th. Cheapest Homers under the Sou." Next door to the Poet Mem Ooderirh, Aug. 7th, else. CANADA'S GREAT l839--ESTABLISHED.-lase sad m111 ahead dais:. i-. a To Reindeer and oi4fllr!`"� FOR CARR OMLT. B ;+,t Quality Standard I, ▪ $2.85 PER KEG OF 100 Lk. AND Agricultural Exposition 1885, Nill heheld atthe City of Ail other hardware, Paints, OIs, Ola.s, Agricultural Tools T 0 R 0 N T 0, Use Beckthere Steel Wire Feeci i l 6o. per lb. THE largest Cristo. and �'�the ,, }h�at show .r1 - -NY lsorsee, tattle, Shernrsl 4).try Prodi ga} ( rok.ral. ee,ko roto! anA .14 kis a 1 Implement. and Manub mares o TEAS all kiwis In the Ibminiow of (:again.(\\/ lTyar Lit sad I ntry Form ma be n r/ 1t'Ma l ormarles of all 1 Mlles and Me tame. Indiuttea or he sent enywMwe nn appfbwt W by past. (�r� priers card to the 5.4a15 . at TnrntM. are d intro 1 prat lonImil or, soil t{ ,. law In 'peo- ple L itries Close August 221id (Sugi (�pA I,AIt';hVI1XHeR O► rs ataso1 l tiCt ECIAL i?TB10TIO8s and Moo -hint. (iiaa in proportion. September 9th to 191h. RICHAI.TZS Who hoe bought Idcllo.agb oar. sad 1. sow farTyret on • gelato boalu.•ea lot 1 moor is 11.1 seam Mead. Ialea&e is.no et ter Omen prKM lee he 4. in a posits,. 1. buy al is. O1,O3 E8T L ARK£T FIGrUREB, sad wnl give the highs' price far r.nner. produce. In^ intends to g0'53 per mat. discount Is. oasb sala arseaUet le P.M and upward*. oneoeslse sonars. AIN. proal Mw•t1n. a truss low 11 per cont. on Marmot hoer ut gouda of the pewees' stork holt 'zing the !wires Pte and cooadaam VI tltr peep c sad fricuda tam yu.trs truly. J. H. RICHARDS. Carlow. Aog. 1t, PSK 1114 Wilson's Pre:111111u Dm Shire)Court Howe Span, Chassid. ALEX_ TZTNRO, Draper, Haberdasher, and General Dry Goods lercerr 1 would take this opportunity of renaming my MOW sincere thanks to those who have en largely patronised me since oomme.ciag benl.ue. The plank. In my busmen' p:atform are as heretofore' No Cutting of Prices on Leading Lutes, and No Second Price. i sen now receiving a few choirs Uses of Dress Goods and Fine Woolens, Suitable for Autumn wear, and while 1 will be 4appr to show ray goodie. no person will be im- portuned to purchase*. 1 do not wish to eulogize my gnod* or my long expert'tnee is the trade, but as formerly :rave it to a discerning public. and will wait patiently the result. Ooderich, Aug. nth. 1I, ALE' MUNRO_ I.Itas WONDERFUL VALUE 2IQ I ADIE s, Fancy Wool Squares ABBORTED COLCRB, At $1.00 and $I.25 ---Regular Prices $I.75 and $2.00. J.C.DETLOR & Co's1 SSW PALL 800D8. Our Stock is now complete in all the departments, and com- prises a large assortment in every line. We wish to call special at- tention to our Dress Goods and Mantle Cloths, which for style and value cannot be beaten. Sealettes, Silk Mattalasse, and Astrachan Goods cheaper than ever before ; also a large stock of Tweeds and Coatings. We have a full stock of Hats, Caps and Groceries. We buy Butter, Eggs, Wool, &c., and give the highest price that the market affords. COLBORNE BROS. (Oxlerlct. Sept. l7th. 1117. LADI ES. Delmar P7'R1 HAsING 101 WINCEYS 1 PI ows.b tis wel Use et the LOW PRICES. SeT6relklsteller* Thum Dia'? Bey if not Rlehf TEr. Eti3DIJ:0 -417% OW 2. UK Tb• Pik -0i. Store, Godoriek. C. A C+IR422N7, AGENT FOrt Gouwiie No York SilIer Soul liachkes Manefact carer of the Celebrated KITCHEN CABINET, And all kinds of Furniture. Organs and Sewing Machines Repaired. (Dedarlek, J•4 , i aTMacbine Osla aad Needles alway es band at rctt aonable Woos - A t7JL.L 80LI ZT D_ i SP ►CIMN DTIC+; S lHtrtf C- ' - IRVIN, Hamilton street. a few doors hetes the colborae Hotel. AT TMD TTALL� MEDICAL Jest r.eslyd, a srg•tssddgnaeat of orbs West lava sed Ilentesrrat iasis or 1NEW Whure Tu.ices YATES & tBCHESON 1a Deities ef an size.. Xakesa treat healthful aai refreshing beverage for the outaaer mason. AGENTS FOR A Lot of Apollinaris and other Mineral Waters. FRESH SUPPLIES OF GL I D D E N Hellebore, Paris Breen, London Purple, Insect Powders, TWO-PIOHT etc.. etc., etc. F. JORDAN, Medical Haul, Goderich. Barb Wire SPRING At SUMMER MILLINERY. $� 4188 C3 RAHAM takes plaseare Is snaoescing that she baa purchased leper -am her Spring and Sommer Stook Of 311111bwwy, eta:. and has takes dvaa- ttaattww of the 1.O41 PRICES prevailing at the whoteas* markets to sake Lowe Parrha.es. Her patrons uu rely upon good Stock 'Rd Lowest Posaille Prins. A oall la respectfully sotkit.d. MISS GRAHAM, West side of *mare. (Dederick. April 1114., 1111. 1161 &dxav feelbarb put trimpa► SOLE 31 &N : FACTVRKR8 Or THE IMPROVED 'ass "LOCKBARB" Apel:,:.1. I -h .f0- pertat om'.; �ttt: ir'. p Rate's and 1i11cetAioas on all Railwayft. MTime In 'Flan ter City of Taryssa. 1THH I Oa, ft J le8> P Pre.ldeet. Mus.r sad y. T."walo. , Tailorto A lig. an. tett. more e.nnrr t bseto nor1� rolling /a areor for lb*dl hnn4. out. 141.410,1.1' seers t1towns felt Tomas fVer. k4 $ lead. lila»e. I971 DRY (1000)* DEPARTYE' T ea lets a. aerial ASSORTMENT OF SILKS 4-.• r n rn.vl 'aloe Red and meows N-eavinn (}pars Tara. 11 M per h•tneh. Kr , sen dseoen•, marls a • Ile Ina pent... PATE ITT TWO-POIBT Barb e C$EAP, BTA.O CH, INDI8PEN8IBZ.E- Manufactur(d by the Washburn Mooren x Fig ('m. Call aqui See us, and Inspect Goods and Prices. We have on hand a full and complete stook of Shelf and Builders' Hardware Pants P .. Oar. Vatic. ROPE AND CORDAt3E, VE88EL 111 PPLIEB, Table and Pocket Cutlery. nee our Silver Plate Geode. and Artletr' Materials. YATES 8i ACHESON Next door to R. lncl.ean'e Inst �st. Goder.cb. April 01h. 1'161. 11161<in NOW COMPLETE ! w.'.t't k"ti 4 NOW COMPLETE 1 , A CHOICE SIOCk Or DV - CiC00 ES o, Groceries.; SPECIAL. LiNES IN FENCE WIRE Dress Goods, Shirtings, Reasons why the "Lockbarb" is the Best Wire Fencing Manufactured. We ow only the tweet Rn`(11.h ilea,enfer Steel Wire. sad we claim that In its constr.,' ion Is le .,tp.rtnr to ell other bartr4 fence wires. The wirsferming the four ipa, , sae het "fern i _ the wires of the esbl.. interltrk earh Miter avid peer around the (abk. which makes 'hr -`- - - _- - -- -- . straiten t gnarl, In the world- It hat the owls swan" of alwsy peesustnsg the bark lairral:r. • • wMAt an crit, tea o tatted Ivaco dem 'Highest Price Paid for Butter 85 Eggs At a merit, gene n1 the dten th of the 'Lockhart'," sale a1 the Northern Ra:1n.1- �hnp• . la Tomato. the Mslowi wast revolt - (4tarin Meet Herb Ferree 1* '7. lala Ib... saturates? Pers lbs. sod 041 lb... the Toronto Wire Shoo beating the Montreal Wire, .ad ors .wanted the - - most rase. arPrnd for Almanac with 4031 pertkulu., to and Tweeds. A Choice Lot of Seed Potatoes Cheap. Mat►�••rltn�:rr•. 10 „r�,...rrent. ;t�CHESONorainw. McKENZIEUEORGE end. to plain lactogen a. the loweal C. CRABB, THE RED, WHITE AND BLUE. mat aloe k ukM �,aar.. Bole .A gent, C1 oderioh. . 1 ( . ��. July 104.,6111 wit Mu 711. 1113, -,TFn i.; Y•]ericb. Aprn 10th, 11116 ,'-'2 •