HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-9-18, Page 34 y 4ti". RN THE )IT.TRON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, SEPT. (8, 1885. • - THE 4:15 EXPRESS. "welt" haarg 1614"1" "sk Si •11/1.1A ILDW•110%. ' „ 4' S. 1. lie meths AMA 1 am &boot to relate r• (took plate between num anid ten yeses art. iiribestem4 had whim in the early spring ; the Peace of Perished been eon - eluded Mee Kuck ; oar museiereiel re- " Wass with the Russian Empire warm bile recently renewed; and I, morning home after my first northward iellowl sines the war. was well pleased with the promote of spending the mouth 44 De - member wider the hirepiteblo and thee- onghly Euglish roof of my eccellent friend, Joirethen Jett, Lot , uf Dumble. ton Mauer, Clayborough, East Anglia. It wee a foggy afterwoon, eamoderly wortu fur the fourth of December, sod I hot arranged to leele Lonolou by the 4:15 moms. The early darkness of Meter had already closed in ; the lamps wine lighted in the carriages; a slinging damp -rimmed the modomt, &dewed to the d handles. and pervaded all the m- nrueptiere ; while the gas -as at the netgh boring bookstand diffused • Inman- -mu hen that only served to make the Moon of the terminate more Hamm arrived more seven minutes he - bre the startifig of tbe train, and, by tht moniviutee of the guard, taken Dole peso searion ati empty compartment, I light- ed my travelling lamp, made tumid per - A. ticularly snug, and aettled down to the undisturbed enjoyment of a bouk and a .cipir. Great, therefore, wee my disap- pointment when, M the lam moment, gentleman laurrying Moine the platform, glanced into nay carrisie, opened the locked dour with • private key, and mopped an. '; A', II struck let 014e. OrgOlist_.&1 saao liedesee-41 ten, agree goo, thin tIppett-ttaht eyed, wftti mgrs.. 1ul stoup lathe shoulders, end scant grey heir, worn oomewkat long upon the col- lar. He earned a bight waterproof coat, an mitre/et, amd *large brown japanned deed -box, which et last he placed under the seat. This done, he felt carefully la his breast pocket, as if to make cer- tain .1 41. eifety of hia puree or pocket- book : Mid hie .5.10.11. au tbe netting overhead 7 agreed the waterproof 'acme F• hie knees, and embalmed hie hat for travelling cap of some -Scotch material By this time the train was moving out of Omelettes, sad into the faint grey of the wintry twllight beyond. I now reeowideed my ompenion. I reneger:ea kim trete the neoment when he removedha his t and unoovered the lofty. furrowed, and somewhat narrow brow beneath I had met him, ea a dis- tinctly -remembered, WM. three years before, at the very bus. for which, in all probability. be ma now bound, like myself. Hie name wee Dwerribowee he was a lawyer by profession ; end, if I waa nut greatly...tam, au first cousin to thmerde of ley bent. I knew Mao that alit was•leas entieently 'well to do,' both se regarded his professional and private mesas. The Jails enterteieed hint with that sort ed observant courtesy which fella to the lot 01 41. rich relation; the chrildree made meek a bus 01 and the old butler, albeit somewhat surly 'to the general,' treated his with defereace. theseht, observing him by the vague mixture of leupaight sad twilight, that Mrs. Jetts cousin looked all the worm fee the three yam' weer and tear which bit‘ Rum over his heed eine, out lest meeting. wen verppale, end had • team light in his eye that! did not eseember to have observed before, 'Flo amnion lime. Wo, admen kis mouth were deepened, and there wee cavernous, hollow look about the cheeks and te lem- p, which seemed to speak of sickness or sorrow. He had glanced at me as he came in, but without any gleam of moot- gition hie facs Now her glanced again, e s I fancied, somewhat doubtfully. When 1. did so for the third or fourth time, I teetered to address him. 'Mr. John Dwerriliesge, I thiek r That is my name,' he replied. 'I had the pleasure of martins you at Deinbletogi about three, years ea' Mr. Dwerriboese bowed. 'I thought know your face,' he said. 'But your name, I regret to 5a7-' 'Langford- William Leneford. I have known Jonathan Jett since we were boys together at Merchant Tailors, and pm - orally spend a few weeks at Dumbleton in the shooting eseeno. I suppose we are bated for the same destination r th 'Just so. I am in e habit of looking forward to this *Mit u tn the brightest three weeks in as tk. year.• 'It is a pleasant home,' mid Mr. Dwereiheree. 'The plemm onteet ow.' 'Asa Jell is thoroughly howitaible.• 'The boot and kindest fellow in the twit' 'They have invited m. to spend Christ- ens week with them,' pommel Mr. Illwerrikewee, after • torment • pause. 'end are you cowrie* 'I maser UAL It meet depend upon the lime of this Weimer which 1 have in heed. Yon have heard. perhaps that we Nem emit to mostreet • breath hoe from Illsoineeter to Stook bridge.' I a:phased tluit I hod been for wine Albesthe away Om England sed bad Al plated improvement. Mr. Dwerribouee mailed oimploesog, ly. 'It tr.11 be an improvement: he 5.M; 'a great improvemet Stockhodis 15 flourishing town, anal needs but • more direct railway maremiestrou with the nsetsupolis to bemire an impatient me- tre of omemenie This Wench was say owe Wee. 1 brought the project before Ib. beard, end hare myself superintend • ed the .-xecutoon of it up to the prosiest time.' 'You ere an East Anglian director, 1 presume r 'My interest in the compeny; replied Mr. Dorsi -amuse, 'us three fold. I am • director ; 1 OM a Considriablit sharehold- er ; sod, as • head of the firm of Dwerri. how', Dwerrihome A Craik, I eon the company's principal anliettor.' Loqueciotui, aelf-buportemfull of his pet project, end appeemitly unable to talk on any other *object Mr Dwerri- home then meat ou tu teU lee of the op pcsitim be had encountered aid the ob- stacles he had overcome in the muss ot the Stockbridge branch. 1 wu enter- teioed with • multitude of local detail* end local grievances. The rapacity of one .quire: thr impracticability of an- other ; the indienation of the recta, whose glebe was threatened, the culpable tediderence of the Stookbridge towns people, who could not be broeght u, use that their most vital intereste hinged up- on a junet with the Great Neat Ang liao line; in 'pito of the kcal newspaper; and the weheard-of difficulties attending this Common question, were ..ch and all 1.4 before me with a circumstantiality thsA otramesed the deepest interest for my excellent follow -traveller, but none whatever for myself. From there, to my dellphiri he went on te- more intricate melatire ;10 dui approximate expenses (4 Menleselion per mai ; -lit Arse estimate gent to by different emitseleent; to the probable traffic neuron of the new lin.; to the provisional climates of the new Act as enumerated in Sehedele D of the cow,- peny's lam half yearly report; ead so on, and on, and on, till my head ached, and my ittention 'leased, and soy eyes kept Montag in optima every effort the& I made to keep them open. At length I WM roused by these words - 'Seventy-five thouaend pounds, cash down.' timesity-five thoneeed pounds, cash down,' I repeated in the hvelieet tone I could assume_ 'That is a heavy sies.' 'A heavy sem to carry here,' replied Mr. Dwerrihowte, pointing iugnifiesntly to his breast pocket, 'but a mere frac- tion ofha wt we shall ultimately haye t� 'Yon do not mean to mth y at you have seventy-five thousand pound, at 411.moment upon your tenon 1' I exclaim- ed. 'My good sir, bare I not been tolling you la fur the last half hour said Mr. whesi;the riticiv-faided eteiel sp otted at at ur carnage -di.. r. 'Tickets, sir 'I am for Meyboringilt.'IVI9110411. hold- ieg out tht tiej pink earl. lite took ; elermad namely the bilk of his Little leatese ; gem it beak ; looked, as I humid, somewhat giaoP11 st tny lellsow-treveller, and disappeared. •11e did nut ask for pima; I saill,with some surpreie. 'They never do, ' replied 'KO Deena - house. 'They aU know me sod. of mem, 1 trowel free.' 'illeeltwater ! Sleekest*, 1' cried the Porter, runuiug along the pietism before us, as we glided into the station. Mir. Dayton how,* pulled nut hie Oeed box, pet hie travelling cup in his !market, ✓ eseused his het, took down his umbrella. end peepored t.. be gone. 4 'Messy dianks, Mz. Laegford, fur your society,' he said, with MA -fashioned siurteey. 'I wish you a good evening.' 'flood *costae,' I replied, putting out soy hand. But he either kid not see it, or did not choose to see it, and, elfghtly lifting high/et, stepped out upon the plathirm. Havana done this, he moved slowly dramhand, awl a eleer, jovial voice was um 'Welt:out* to Dambleton:!op/RING summER 'And novo toy deer Wiwi; mid my host, when the tine puttee was over, 'you have no time tA, spare. We dine at eight, and there are people coating to seem you ; so you must just get tke rimaing business over es qmokly or my be. By the way, yoe wdl num lavas. acquaintanom Th. Siddulphe taming, and Prendergreet (Prendergeid, of the Skirmishers) la staying in the hones Adieu! Mrs. Jelf will will be especting you in the drew*/ room" feenrreer on.) Mowry immeme sewer. Ani perhais in the distant future when a the ages Mr; givist old, end with slaw and fline steps down the o•rro dors of onto -When the adjuoan cts d applianme that now make Lao educable are fio cootie, how 'gladly will the peo- ple hail the re -discovery of Batumi, a Bamboo Corn lit tnictur, the gran arid onty sure omit cuss this age. Without a rival to etiicery or pithier ra.u.itto, certaie in every cue eind yet per- fectly harmless to every other part, surely as hue w,u1.1 lee felt se future ages es keenly as its •ialue r now appre- ciated, by all Ili thla. Try PUltistu'il P4111108" COM kittlbet.40. Ouresed safe. N. C. Kla.111 ilat . hirptoe, proprie- •way and mingled with the departing tors. 'rood , There is no ration which, fed to • cow Laming torwacit watch hut' aut ri.; mall give ea meet milk or butter u corn' e ight, I trod upon aomothing which mow ood ig0.41 wheat limn. There may proved to be a eigar-cese. It had fall's, be others which will produce these pro-. no doubt tom, the pocket et' his water- tante eloriper, but the queLty will be in - proof ciatt . and was made of dark wrauc• morosco leather, with • silver mono- gram upon the aide. I sprang out a the earrieue jar alb the ieWni 01010 up to leek me in. la Owomi Owe rs minute 10 sperer j aseed, seg.rly. 'The amtleinan who travelled d own with me from town. has drepped ctgaucette,-he is not yet est a matron; 'Jest a nainete sad a half, sir,' re- plied 41. gum. 'You must be quick.• I (lasted along the platform as fast aa my feet could carry me. It was s large station, Mg Mr. Direrrfhouse had by thia time got more than half way to tLe ferther eat I, however, low him distinctly, rnovJa ing slowly with the stream Then, ae I dm aw.r, r saw that he hod met some fdiesd,-thei they posseutty drew beck eoenewitat beak cu. avaaii, and stood aside in earnest coneereidion. I made straight fur the spot where they were seakag. Tikeu was * uyai ger jet just ahem their Weida. and the lieht tell fuU upon their fazes. 1 SSW both dintimetly.-the bee of Kr. Dweeeihouse and the fee, ef his companion. Hen- ning, breathless, eager as I wee, getting in the way of porters and pmengers, sod fearful every itistant lest I Aosk! see the train ping en without um, I yet obeerried that the new mom wee con- siderably younger and shortie then the director, that hi, was sandy -haired, moustached, smell featured, and dressed In a elope eel Jut el Sootek tweed. I P55 now within a few yarde of them. ran against a stout gentlemali,-I ww Dworrthouse, toady. 'That money k nearly knocked down by a *gap truck, 10. **"1". Pawl ""wl m half -Pa" ill" -I snouted over a earned 10s,-1 gained o'clock this evening, at the office of Sir the spot just as the driver's whistle Thomas' solicitors, on completion of the waruod ale awl to realm. em Life Patatetiona eile.' To mtee s Weakened by 51. y utter stupefaction they were no ease. DeWitt aad Diamigation. But how will you get serous by night longer there. I had seen them bat too The Great Gentian Invigorator is the ftuqn Enachwatiir tw,*wch bridge' with minutes before, -and they were goo. • only specific for impotency. nervous de- ementy-five thonaano pounds in yore 4004 stin. I looked to right and lettbility, universal lassitude, forgetfulness, pocket? "To Siockbridee r echoed the iawyer. .1 &al I have made myself very taper - rattly understood. I thought I had ex- plained how this train only carries as as fez as Mellingford,-the fine stage, sob weep, of ear journey, -and how Mile rants from Black water to MallingfortV lies enitimly through Sir Thomas Lid - 44,114 property.' 'I beg yeur pardon. I stammered. .r fear my thoughta were wandering. So you only go as far as Mallangford to- night F 'Precisely. I shell pt ooneeyence from the 'Blackwater Aram' And 70. 7' A Hewes -to -Of one doom "'FRAME* MY" ta tiny est seeding the be.c foot lito rhyme um • -tusaaar, tLe rementable little rpm for the Teeth anti Pee._ Ask your druggest er address `Wasn't that a waste of powder r said an Erishman to a hentuckien, who had Lust broight a cion thc go und with is ri5e. from a large tree. 'Why "Or asked the hunter. 'Sure the fall would kilt him. -- - Seeing is believtng. Roadthe testi neonials in the pamphlet on Dr. Van Beren's Kidney Cute, then buy a bottle and relieve younielf of all thuee dimeese- log pains. Your Druggeat can tell yeti all .bout it. Sold by J Wilson Godenchl Wheel/sr a Theme Pbettesses-s. TRIC *KILL OF COMBINING A complicated medicinal prepersom with the various Ingredients SO adjusted and bar- asonieed is totems telerat los and assimila- tion by Err/tabu eionsecaa. and the wooer action or form ot energy oF eAdti sepsrate agent. and at the same nine an effect peculiar to thee chemical nianipalafien of the com- rtrddy of the tee and uses of modleine, isacquired only be long and mom tuideanaot be parted froin brain to btain DI/ Dam dies • Joiethet eau endow an es. tosser with the rapacity a keeplmr a number al balls in motion In the sir by 'Mowing hint how ft iv dace. This explains why Wheeler's Pbeeplister an t C.alieser. an outcome ot experience. pccomoliabee the olden oenteamelatert while the tranevieet itnitattoes selnalicted by some druggists deracomet tke L Boitelte's Tammeneo. - For a Cough, Cold or any Bronclocal ',lepton. "Pecturim" i me opinion, te just the thing. Ihme used it in my family for Coggin and Colds for the pest four yeses with the most unroofed success. and to- day my opinion of it ie that 1 continue to think mill more of tat which I bosom thicking well of. Gao. Eno, Manager Onteoio Back, Pickering. Price 26 omits .4 .11 drugrista. rn 15.. no gages of them in my direetion. It was as if the platform had gaped end mellowed them. •Fhere were two tpittlemen standing bum a moment ago,' I said to porter it my dhow ; !duck way ort they kers gem fr 'I saw no gentlemen. Mr. sit,replied the man. The whistle shrilled out again. The guard, far up the plotfortu, hold up his EED pun in tale beck or autos ne matter hbir shattered the system may be from ex- cesses of any kind, the Great German Remedy will roma', the last function, and secure health and happiness. $1.00 pee box, SUL boxes for $3.00. Sold by all druggists. Sent on receipt of price, postage paid, by F .J. Cheesy, Toledo, Ohio, sore rgent tor United butes. thr- eader' and testimornais gent free. Sold by Geo. Haynes. wAe agent for Gude- rich 3in : b-- _ - sous, sod shouted to ow to 'coma on 'If you're going os by this train, air,' .514 41. porter, 'you must run for it- • I did _mg . fur it. just **Wad the -• lee3b5w ou-riage be the train began to move, wu 'Oh, Jelf mode a trap to meet me at Clayberough. Can 1 he the bearer of siwred by Ow /Mord, and left, TJ nip e3 ds, Millet, Hungarian breethlees and bewildered. with Mr. Gras S eed, Corn and any message born you 1' 'Yoe may say, if yon please, Mr. Langford, that I wished I souid Imre been yoer companion all the way, end that I will come over 1 possible before Christmas- • 'Nothing more r Mr. Dwerri house smiled grimly. 'Well,' be said, 'you may tell my cousin that she need not burn the hall down in nay honor are time. and thet T shall lie obliged if she will order the blue - room chimney to be swept before 1 ant ve. 'That rounds treacle_ Had you a cosi- flegretion ou the nocesioo of your last visit ta Dumbleton r 'Something like it. There had boon so lire lighted in my bedroom since the spring. the flue wee foul. and the rooks ked built in it ; when1 went up to dress for dinner, 1 found the roam full of smoke and the chimney on fire. Are we already at Blackwater • Th. treat Itscl gradually emu to e pee. while Kr. Dwerrihonee was speak- . ivg, end, MI putting my heed out of the voodoo', I meld roe the Matson, some few howdred yards shmid. There wee I another train behave= Mocking the way, Iend the guard wee making me of the de - my to miller. the Meltwater trekets. I 't had goareely seeertabsed oar peonies, Dwerrihoese's cigar case Mill in my Buckwheat. hand. It was the strangest dmappesrance n M ON Y TO LOAN th• world. le was 1,1,• a trafidorTnaTtow Pr woo. f.:n49 to Ir.rest at reasonable rates trisk i. a pan(omine. They were there iftt.r."- 0011 moment, - -palpab!y there, talkino SAMUEL SLOANE, with the gielieht full upon their faces; Hamilton Street, Godsrich. • 11114.411 and the next inotnetat they were gone. O•derobMar 13th. There was no door neer, -no window, - so eteirme. It was a Tome barren platform, tapestried with * airertiameuts Could anything bko awes uystariou 1 it was not worth thinking aboct; end yet, for my life, I meld not help ponder- ing, wondering, tenting it over and over in my mind, and rucking my brains for a solution to the magma I thought of , irt all the way frost Blackwater t Ciej - borough. I thought of it su the way from Claybonnigh to Durnblecon, ite I rattled Mose the smooth highway in a trim dog cart drawn by • -Outdid black mare. and driven by the ea/entre and &poorest of East Anglian groom.. We did the nine miles in tioniethine Isle thee an hoer, end pulled ep before the Wee gates just se the church clock wu striking half par eaves A morph rif minutes mom, and the warm glow of the lighted hall was flooding mat ure n go gravel, a hearty pose ems on tay Nia•maa.............a.maisiamosmaympapimamileasebilempanama. Just Received t A lam. ..Iot-tm.,, nf h• ?Airlifts" HISS and CLIME SEEDS aultali.e for peorimerit paienree. u well as IMMO AND OARCHIN EDS • WAD *55 Tie Tat k er4ILIFT) (TRAM OP ALL K MEM ID AA., wilt for the asielsratad T.7 bi- to bY CMKT-T ay., the very beat in th• market. R S PRICE, It Mr.., Grain Depot. opposite Town Hall, March Mth. l&1111filse AP at. sir rent* tor map. and r met r trod.. a coati, hn. -If coed" " will help yon to maca toon•y night •way Dias anything • i 1,, this world. All. of either i s,*iNsimmi from fir.' hour, TA. broad road to feet opene before the workers. atom o • add reee.Tette k Cu. Attgrasta Malt.77"iiiktien.ThrtilatiP.MO. te- New Goods arrived, and willtbo arriving dur• int the Season. I can suit all as to Material and Style. Ilia G-13 33171•TDOP, Flk_81-21-101\T.Ps-331-.M 111-AXL•Olt- MItteenember the Peko-Weet street. next door to Soak of Heetradolia Cfit.)3==e= Goderich Foundry and Machine Works, Runoiman Bros., Proprietors. COIITRAt:TS TAKEN FOR SIENA ENVIES, FLOURING MILLS. IMO OFNER MACNIRFAI WANTED Flouring 11118 Changed to the Gradual Reduction System. those Powers, Grain Crushers, Straw Cotters, Agricultural Furnaces, Stoves, etc., etc, athow Prove. .111 Kinds of Casting's .1fade to Order. J. 13. Ecoeteut, Oodencb. Nov. HOMO . R. W. RueuntAX: CROP PROSPECTS Ter the &ismer are ‘er) floe; Farmers will hare plenty of stork ter their Machines lat4 1 %ill pay them to Liar Ma CO 1_41.4'S LARDINE MACHINE It pill not lytirn en, corodc. .ad wears equal to lard 01 .5.1. and can be bowie fillf 1.. noweer.. Manufactured oely by licf•OLI. BROP fr CO.. Toronto. R. W. McICENSI June lob. ISIS. LOW P1=LIOMS. COME AND SE TEE BARGAINS GROC/CRIIES, CROCICI10ER.lr C:713IloToft. STOWE W.ALRIC, acc., a.o_, 'scot 11 Also • Large Line a Moustache Cups, Ladies Cups, Fancy Mugs, Ware Vases, &c., which will be sold at Deotenher 1v1=C=7....X..A.. Harellten street. Gledeneh. BARGAINS FOR CASH 1 AM OILLLOPO OFF HY STOCK OF LOTHIN AND GENTS' PURNIAHINGS At a Greatly Reduced Price for Clash. THIS LS A OKNUINIL ANNOUNCKbIliNT. Gods:iota. Nov 1311. 1554. ABRAHAM SMITH. LIMO - Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock, CINECO. EilLANtrt.Mrs CABINET - MAKER AND UNDERTAKER Hamilton Street. Go derich A aud usorituest of Kitchen. Bed-romn. Timing Ri.com and Parlor If ornIture. *nib en to bins, Chairs (hair. cane and wood Beateall. Cupboard*. bed -Meads. Mettreseer. Babb -atm Lounge*. oohs, What -Note. Looking °tame. N. B. -A complete ampot 'moat of CoMati ILA ain aye on hand also Bearers tor bir at rtmeonable nue . Picture PratnIna ssawanhatty.-...--A mitt ..nettsd 1751 1_ OOTS &SHOES =+077•71::arlar at We CidA..1.10 rug t. oviucs t.. the Public that they hat opened business in the 'above Stor• in the store letely occupied by Horace Newton Having purchased e Imp and well assorted stock of /Spring and riwunter GooeSet close figures, we are determine t.. give the Plibloo the benefit. MI SALES, HILL PROFITS WILL BE OUR ICTTO OHIPPlestaie call and examine our goods before purchnsing elsewhere. 111111hRemer14er the place, nest door to J. Wilson's Drug Store. )1111•Critern work will receive nur special attention. $1/14111ose but the hest of materiel used end tire -claim rroeinnen ,wroopoo flitirtRepairing neatly dor.e on the shortest notice Gog„,ob Keret Bey DOWNING• & WEDDUP ART DESIGNS IN WALL PAPER $swI. 110 ,1.. it you wish *neer two oleo roams at beam, t• are Pet ler rooms amt. He has corer 20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs Beau' i fti colore.and at orb -ester) than rery mach Inferior /goods. cal and ant them. The meth* heat volatile fowls and meet be sold Th talfsi SpngBazaar Palicriv & Fashialls AT lit IT 7E' JAE II'S