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4Kr '.t.tir'N';Lllii.,Inaln ono, ee.�... ems
i00Me T A1tIlSDVLA
M puhlishad come f iiar ve q o�rtt M
titLLtcvuur a1 lisle Oaks.'h
Lad is dispatched wadi wee of t►e�Itrrr.*.i
lag country b2. ,`ta .eN
st i111•.
By general bintie.loa it tea a lamer o4aakl-
ties thus ear other sownpaper in ria. par sr
lits oouetry, d is one of the raciest, news:est
sail tats ' w11ihk jjweur.els la °stain
mimes&n;. as it data the fore-awntresweatialw
sad being to sddltlua go Mt shove, r tie.( -.qua
faintly and thende paper it 1s therefore a
moat 4'eatra41. advertising atf41 a>w.
Tttutw-$1.3011 sAca4'e. tr»:Age prr-c•dd
by publishers : $1.78, it pawl beton SIX months
11100 if not w paid. TWs rule will he trach,'
RiTas or ADYanrl+rvo. - Eight cents pe
tar tor int inset -Lim: three cents per tine for
each suh..quont insertion.early. halt-ye.arly
sad quarterly otat+w�l..r rates.
Job ease obs insent-class
• ehh l e g deparamnst Is tlpwaeet ion, god poseur
tag the most colonistsei &ad� het: facilities
w m e'* tarrtluout sousOefeelea.$re prepared
to doGbb:kinase Cunt line at prices t bet canna
m M.Mu1.-�7rtq. Ceuta
that Cannot be
`FRIDAY. SEPT. Item, 1886.
-- of a -
B. Li.04al.,Q. C., returtiedfrom Wut-
nips!( this week. He reports that the
faelimq eg.i.M.Ri4Liu M*eitoba and ybs
territories jg imaged, in tbs most sit
those diatrieb sob♦ Frani Can d:an
Ax interesting letter on the aborigines I
or "blaoitf (loos" of Australia.. Item tits
facile pen of D. E. McConnell, will ap•
pear next week. Mr. McConnell a letters
from Australia have been among the best
we hare seen on life in that Colony.
Tse disgraceful proceedings of last
Monday night mud grate harshly upon
the peso. -losing end of Mr. Sexier.
( n
Tun Star dodoes the al question at
issue in the royalty allowance di.ce.sion
by a silly per& ,u&1 attack upon the
editors of ilio juurual. Its allusion b.
"Jlc(itllacuddy Brun as "great wen,"
may appear rn it to be the perfection of
isagy Boit u the editor ..f the St rr baa
started t.0 a new tack in the discussion,
we will take hint on lin urn ground.
and look at this royalty matter en the
light of personal experience. The .'iter
is a believer in bluu Wood ; we hold that
in this enlighteued age all Wood ham site
Now this royeity question has a
peculiar interest fur us, for onr ancestors
were in that Line. They were "great
me.," in their own wild way. They
held away in Munster with all the glory
of the feudal age ; powerful chiefs made
obeisance to them ; the clans mustered
at their call ; they exacted tribute from
many a conquered province ; and rich
and rare were the geese they wore. The
McGillicuddy* ruled Kerry sometimes
by love, s•mounter with an iron band :
they bad sturdy reesi.Iii and vassals
bold. and were gigot Maga and glorious
princes until the ''bloody Sassenacha,"
am they were then called, by Louring in
their teeming hordes of inercenanes,with
bre end sword, murder and rapine, and
the attrition of nuohere, wore out re-
sistance, aro( planted the ruse where the
shamrock only had reigned. What a
fall was there, soy countrymen ! 7Ae.,
Let that lover of law. order and the 1 the "great Mc(allieuddya," in purple
olive branch be on hated at the next and tine linen, sed green and gold, with
"earn of the educational bear garden, het.chmeu and dependents galore, loving
and assist Mr. Malcumson in preserving the Jury of • throne, sod proud of the
pesar josta tiaa Motherly lore blue that singed the crimsonflood coure-
!! -++- ing through their veins ; now, across the
AlikRaiorni nesting, far organisation broad Atlantic, far from the Old Sod,
Gilled far Saturday .Igkt, 'sea advocating democratic doctrines, living
very attesaed, doubtless wing to in republican ai.plicity, and bandying
the notion A meeting will be words with royalty worshipping Tory
held on Tttwday wrewing next, toaeedvel editor
the reptlt+dht'the delegates es she twiny Thera Y M its bine blood now.
Liberal Couventioa, and to transact 11 tom lost te the earth with the Irish
°thee bwlume kings. In fact there is now as little
difference between a, called bine blood
Tag Young Liberals rallied at Toronto end red as lose is between blue and red
in grand atyk. Th. Itefuess psety ha nbbos beer. The descondanta of the
gaud. rwcw 1ssce is the ebgse.t Irish kings have lost all the blueness of
young ase, who are buckling on their woad ei their royal ancestors ; thee.
arm" fee aha °nal* p)l*t1 0 keit., is net even a purple tinge loft. They
ready to be called to stand by the voter- have it very red, loving liberty soil
11118, the fgkt that is iO to...ma!
equality. and s tel democracy.
ax►Dai Ttvset Sur, (too. Edward We believe the editor of the .Nur M be
Blake; "Aissier of Casda." Yusug the degenerate son of noble sins. We
Irbera!s, we elate you. truw they had no great liking for the
WORTHLB1i�Y Lls RARE 7�3P1e petty German princes who were called
E in to govern England when no natives of
the country could be found who were
The Huron license inspectors have able to do so. We oould imagine a fore-
&hown themselves to be worse than see. father of the editor d our ountemponry
lea, and unless a speedy change ie made stamping with profound disgust, and
by them in doing something mors than aging with disloyal emphasis the dis
drawing their eltkbeige god winking at tick
filarial violation. fie iOW law *NI sew +Wye the turn (tae we .*tn 1*
d t es
Btu a wee. woo Oermas Write. \
bo hes &Zhu 1a. trni And how she bon
of that 8iN.!*Mriot
IMAM flee put in their plasm The would turn in indignation should the
following from the Toronto Mali, the sleeper learn that a renegade descendant
iambus tovemment organ, will show was now advocating large marriage grants
that the criminal neglect and shameful to Eagh•h Prince."' to support still
apathy of these worthless officials is u .wile German (medics ;-.0 obeegoiowa
defiance of the specific isetructtons sent sous -wipe for the dainty foot of royalty,
them by the Ottawa government :- and an advocate of Blue Blood, with a
SCOTS Ace 1211.01tC1111INT. WM
At the peehibitweo eeneentiow 4164-111111.011illiss kg, une king- 1
semron ikt. week complaints were hate IElanite11, our own Peter the Great, tit.
that the 8eott Ad, where mrried, luso Canadian Psrlinmentary bear, who oom-
sot baa yignmtsly esdarad Until the rises the left ceotrw ; a king, alas,
Liquor License Act was passed and p
lissom oommiesiepue wen appointed. without a kingdom ; a leader without a
the Dominica Government had not the following.
machinery with which to unforc. the Our randore, we know, will mow this
measure , nor oosld the Oovrnment, little sassed. It is refreshing/ now and
even after the appointment of commis then to gala a journalistic tuft -hunter.
atones, undertake any expenditures in
enforcing the prohibitory provisions of And when we 6.d a man who worships
the Act, in the absence of a vote from at the shrine d royalty, we occasionally
Parlament to meet the costa Last put in our little claim to blood as old ae
session the Minister of Inland Reveotes
asked for an appropriation to meet the
difficulty and secured it. As • result the
following circular has been issued to
chairmen of Boards of License Com
taieau+sees by the Department of Inland
Osseus :
" lays --L awl Unveiled 12.1 the Hes. the Mist► Its osty sobls to M
torte warm yeti that the Latinisti's ea re Lied heart's amore coronets..d t. roar . bSt5F n Parltaea* b titan Asa simple faith tarataw Wed.'
u fM,y wfeecine of the pro
• miens diet��..� lfempenutce Act, that
prosecutions m
wastgt ad M entered u unions
lz=leieeethreetori were.hO ct is 1 .t.*
w to ds
t .lesus is &1 4Ytrtctw In w Iib
Chet Ad le m toree se cow s world ►w .11
gait* fe Mer hfr .1 tke
�► w�
•11.. Mta*L_ Centedebleme L L'
This ex Lairs the position of the Do -
the Kerry hills, but now as red as that
of the common herd.
Should we treat the matter seriously,
we would merely quote the words of the
laureate : -
-How.'er 1' be 1t seems to we.
mishits(Ievrnment with reference to
tM fatter. it now rwsies for the
Ontario Oov.rniment to explain why,
with a1 its limns* machinery, its eom-
eissieses and import/ars, its eostr. l et
the loaf polies, the Crowe preseset res,
Ile pollee sagletr.tee and joshes@ of the
pais it fold to take say steps in the
The Moil is right regarding the ((alarm
gto.eriewa .a Mia They ought to iia
iestrueri to joie is enforcing the law,
TITS awned as berme
& v saMemd it. beet
Notre at tae Maimed toss dsseeat.
Tsar orapslent little tseompetuM,
Plenty, of the Mecham Admen, is the
latest addition te the mop of Tory alaed-
&revs of the editors of this paper . He
does it by proxy, however. as he doew't
know ...sgh tau write a six line article.
A •mrentiun of West Huron Reform-
' en will be held in Dungannon on aJlom
1day, thtcber 5th. There will be impn-
tsnt business before the Meet 1411, and
; addresses will be given by tb., sitting
members and others.
Let the good men and true of :he
West Hurons turn out on Monday, Uet.
5t b.
AND (r.I(NKR 1af1.11 YE$8.
The regular :meting of the publio
A Well Got Up Concert Closes
the Proceedings.
Leers, .tearowie to tet. A _ seise.. asd
■r. J.b.we..
The promoters of the Fancy Fair held
last some under the auspices or the ladies
of St. George '• church have et eryy reason
to be satisfied with the success .,f the
affair. The sexoud day's hominess was
muck ahead .of that of the lint, and the
board, it will be remembered, ouncetttln the stetting was a very good
(471. very nurnbrr was wall rendered.
iwas not held for teak of • quorum. The X.d Belcher s s N w 1 t
M a p Cease
cliurman of the Bard, Mr. J. C. Det *uprise to his friends All the other
tui, of Clinton, happened to be in town
Ion Mooday last, and about ten o duck
a.m. the clerk was instructed to call •
meeting. The call was not a loud one.
A quiet little meeting was needed, and
so the Siolai. was not notified, while the
Mur was duly represented by its editor.
It is only fair to soy that the secretary
says the failure to notify the S1oaaL was
not intended.
It is well, perhaps that the Slows.
reporter was not primula. The, meeting
b rid le ler bus easier mil disgrsce-
fal one The lis was passed at different
times during the mooing. Mr. Swanson
and the chairm.n had an angry tiff, (it is
• pity that the chairman's geniality is
being soured by his residence in Clin-
ton , and the scene between Ball and
Swanson is said to have been farcical,
bordering on tragedy. Mr. Embory was
there, and had to be cut off from making
one of his red hot *poem's, taking his
seat with • rather indefinite threat se
ltr. Crabb, who knows the style d
Ianguege indulged in by the principal,
very wisely called him to order. lir.
Butler also offend his good Mlles* to
prevent soother explains by his proems.
W .re assured by thous not directly
interested that the meeting was on* of
the most laughable, though discreditable,
yet rehearsed at the sshool board.
Another contemptible dodge was an
attempt to prevent the press from pub-
lishing the regular report of the Inapoe
tor. During the past nix weeks a num-
ber of person have lied seem to the
document ; its merits have been can-
vassed en the streets by interested por-
ton* ; at was read at the public meeting
of the board oo Mnsday night, thea be-
ooming public property ; and yet an at-
tempt was made to hinder the papers, es
pectallyTea Suntan from letting the rate -
payees ase what is now thein just ss
much as it is that sit any member of the
Board. Ten Shiest is not the organ of
any mac, clique or party, We are
anxious that the public should get a full
knowledge of the business transacted at
the board, and any regular report, writ-
ten in decent language, by an officer of
too Board, belongs to the public and
tM press, whether the Beard edoree.
1t or alit
We peblhh the report L. spite of the
protest of • majority d the Boerd, and
we do so without editorial comment es
to its menta. We believe, however, that
the Inspector is the best jtdg.'uf what
M should my in his report.
Bin. Ass a respite. Po:weeding. is
this tarrying out of his ss.tesaes have
hon stayed until the Privy Council re-
ports on the legality et kis trial. MaO-
ds.aM is trying to throw the rwspooili-
IL C. Caxaaox, M.P., is being ea
dossed in the stand he took upon the
Piot that persons thawed with eriei-
eal offences should be permitted to be
e samined in their own behalf. It is a
reasonable stand to take. In a matter
of leo in which the handling of • large
cam of money is concerned, merely be-
muse it is • question of civil law all per
sons concerned can give testimony. A
person charged with • criminal offence,
however trifling, must keep his lips I t
sealed. He cannot say • word to *zeal-
pate himself. The Hamiltus Tues
thi.ks that the Canadian courts which
refuse to persons charged with serious
oEsnces the right to testify in their own
behalf is likely before hong to be altered.
Many of the superior court judge. and
the most prominent criminal lawyani
favor • change, allowing the accused to
be placed in the witness box. in the
two criminal eases that bare been tried
at the present Arise for (hie county,
Mr. Jostles Rem has aped attention to
this He told the jury that if the law
had not elossd fthe mouths of the avowed
it would have been melee to arrive at se
seearate jwdgment is the mesa The
suet Parliament, if not the Next waste
of the prees.t Partiamw.t, will likely
adopt the prognosis in full. Ranting,
Meek asd Bim Push Wilkinson were
sorry at sae time that Mr. Cameron's
bill watclafestionl.
singers were up t., their usual form.
Mrs. Toms, who at great trouble per-
sonally gut up the concert, deserves
much credit for placing so pleasing a
pn.gnmme before the public. The fol-
lowing comprised the programme :-
()pemintr, instrumental duet, Miss
Co4e, Prof. De Peudry; song, Mr. nen-
demon. "The Eugliahutan," ss encore,
"The ship that never returned duet,
Miss 'tines and Master Harry Rises,
"Life. Dream is c) er ; ' song, Miss
Wynn, "Fly forth °Gentle Dove," duet,
Mesar• Thomas and Luttrell, "Where
the Gulden Lilies C±ester ;" sing, Mr.
Belcher, "The Holy Friar ;" song, Mrs.
Judge Toms, "I Love My Lore ;" . uu-
"M. onlight oR the Lake,"
Bothwell, Mies Cooke, Mr. Thomas, iMr.
Belcher. Address to Rev. W. Johnson.
Strew, Part -Duet, instrumental, (lis.
(:poke, Prcf. De Poedry : sone, Miss
Wynn, "Blue Bells of Scotland ; duet,
Miss Hanes, Master Harry Renes,
"Where are the Plains of Zion r sung,
Mr. Henderson, "(►ver the Rolling Soo
duet, Messrs. Th,.nus and Luttrell.
"Down Where the Violets Bloom; ' sung,
Mrs. Tome, "Ye Banks' and Braes of
Bunuis Dion ;" quartette, "Minstrels'
Farewell," Mrs Rothwell, Mrs. To..s,
Mr. Belcher. The selections by the
bead during the evening were well
selected, and as well rendered.
Notwithstanding the great drawback
of bed weather for the opening day. the
ladies cleared over $200 by the Fair.
Taken us the whole we should say the
affair was a decided seoceea
Between the ports of the concert, Mt.
Seager, no behalf of the congregation,
called Mr. Johnson forward, and said
that if it were an ordinary occasion, and
Mr. Johnson were a stranger among
thea, it would be fit and proper to ten-
der him the goad -will and hearty con-
gratulation of all. But he was now no
stranger. He had been some time with
these, and had shown estimable quali-
ties of head and heart ; and had already
won the affection and regard of the peo-
ple of Sit. Georges church. He had
great pleasure in reading to Mr. John-
son the folluwiog address who had Mee
prepared for the comer n : -
♦DDs o• W1Lc07e11
from the pariahiol •re of 8t. George's
church, Oodericb, to Rev. W. Johnston,
assistant rector.
Rev" ;eh(' and Ibar sir, --W*, the
parishioners of 8t. George's church,
Godench, beg to extend to you a most
hearty and affectionste welcome upon
your arrival amongst us to assume the
pastorate of this parish.
We have also very great pleasure in
including in our welcome Mrs. Johnson,
to whom we desire to offer oar warmed
good wishes.
May every blessing and happiness at-
tend you both in your new home and
sphere of labour.
We earnestly ,ora that you may be
endowed with the Holy Spirit, and that
your labours amongst us may yield
abundant results to the jiory of Clod
and the spiritual welfare of the people
committed to your charge.
Signed on Mho!, of the mogregetiw
C. Raanis,
J. M. SasrraRD,
Chereh Warde.s.
W. T. Foo., Secretary.
Mr. Johnson in accepting the address,
spoke as follows :
Sir. Seater sod dour Christian fri•wla,-
I thank you very heartily for the ad-
dress of welcome you have been kind
enough to give me, for if there is one
hing i crave mons than another it is a
welcome into the hearts and homes of
the pre le amongst whom in the ptoei-
detoce of Ood 1 have been called to lobor.
You have addressed mo as assistant
vector, bet I am reminded that I have
fleets to amame the pastorate of the
perish. 1.mt res take this first c s -
tssity of saying that of all the titles of
the ministerial o11ies that of "pastor" is
ety Ian -rite. All that neemeanly per-
tains to the rector co rotor Ism well
satisfied to leave to my venerable friend
who is kind ~ugh to regard me as •
brother, (mid whose shimmies tonight
through age i regret), and I afm11 stens
move all things to he a tree pastor --to
teed yogi in the right way,io feed you with
girilual food convenient for you, to pro-
test yes hum emir, and to love you isto
;;;;;.;;;;04 theQueen, awl tons way is
MR. Buis s pop lsclty is *Reverie(
for the sss.pe of tie web. daily with all claw& His dry is at
1s 0
atI'lops to give as moth attention as
possible to my pastoral visiting, that is
if you will allow me to sake my ealls
pastoraI salla, if are to degenerate
iwto metal calla only, 1 have mach morn
important week to perform.
Will you cantinas to pray, dear frie.ds,
in the family 'trete, sad in the hoose of
God, that a Immo joirtion of tA. spirit
Obey rest .pat es. for the work of the
mieistry. 11 your hops is to be realised
of abundant results to the glory of God,
t1 d the spiritual gond of the people row
muted to soy meso it cab wily 1w by the
) general and united work of taster Sud
people. 1 shall be glad to be your lead -
ler in every department of Christen)
work, but I reasonably ask for and ez-
pe,:t the hearty co.•operitioti of every
suentber of my co awroustN I. 1 rah*
+ this opportunity also .4 expressing my
appreciation s4 the earnestness an.t seal
1,4 the band of w. times by who. m 1 have
been surrounded since I euteren uta.
umy Bork amongst you. We need, 1
bunt:, to learn that the highest de;grew
of success a only to IA attatusd by every
one ---these who can do much, and those
who an ds but little -doing what they
an. To be single handed is to be weak,
while to be united is to conquer. I m.y
say for Mrs. John..m that she will
try to be a shepherdess, to help me in
my work, and to help you 111 your dilti•
He thanked them also for the ateence
,of fulsome praise which so utter: c .sr-
acterize addresses to clergymen. He
was glad of their welcome. and the mani-
festation of adection, and he trusted tam
connection which had been formed might
continue unmixed with anything that
would have Divine dissopruval during
the coming years He cone/tided by
expressing the hope that the present
gathering would be the first of many
which would bind together the people of
this town, as well as the people of the
congregation, to closer encu( relation-
Tbe PNsee liaa$Mrate.
From the Seetortb Expositor.
The Goderich Sweat urges the Local
Croverument to appoint • Police of Mag-
istrate for this county whether the mem-
orial from the council be forwarded b
the Warden or net. We do not think
the Goverment would be justified in
doing this. If we mistake not the Goy-
ensment can only make the appointment
at the request of the county council, and
until the memorial as directed by the
council is forwarded, the Government
oars have no official notice of the desire
of the council in the matter, and hence
we think the Government would not be
justified in taking this responsibility
upon themselves, our do we think they
will du se. If the county s repreeenta-
tires in the council fail to do their duty
the people must suffer the consequences,
as the Government havens habttointee-
fen between the people and their repre-
epresentative . The people have to look to
warden Kelly and those members of the
County Council who support him in this
illegal set. They have the remedy in
their own own hands, or at least they
will have it next January and if they do
n ot sem fit to apply that remedy the fault
will rest with themselves and not with
the Government. We do. however,
heartily endorse and approve of the
following sensible suggestion made by
Tax Stoxat on this subject when it
says :-The Police Magistrate "should
be appointed provisionally, and hold his
office on oonallioo that the Scott Act or
similar prohibitory Legislation continues
to prevail its the county. Should the
Act be repealed, the office should be
abolished. This is the only way such an
appointment should he made under the
present condition of affairs. It would
satisfy the most ardent temperance men,
and would alio give a certain degree of
satisfaction to moderate uppoaents of the
Scott Act, who believe in seeing the law,
n ow that we have it, as well administer-
e d me it son be."
Tim Ybeed saselor.
It is true that Mr. Blake has the
unqualified confidence of the Reform
arty ; it is true that no man ever set
is the Canadian Parliament, net even
excepting the Hon. Roby. Baldwin, who
has • larger share of public confidence as
to his integrity, singletons of purpose or
towering sbdity ; it is true that • 1���a
number of the Conservative party would
gladly acknowledge Mr. Blake as leder
if it were passible for them to crack the
idol which binds them to kw belt If
Mr. Blake has • fault it most be found
is the direction of his too earnest desire
to serve the country sad his to. firm
resolve never to oomproseisebimseli with
those who triode on politics and make
money out of the poetic interests. The
question is, inn fault be found in this
direction 1 Mr. Blake is the veru an-
- tipodes of Bir John Maodon•!d to all
that *nobles • man sod makes kis
rideable to hie country. He may he
impatient of criticism : Ant only when
his critic lacks the cunning to COMM!
Om cloven foot ..f some ulterior purpose.
T. • i such h• is as brass, and it would
be strange if (het could either admin or
appreesate him. - (8t. Catharines Neva
As Seen by an Editor from 0* -
• rtct.n Werth lebile teeerst.s ices -
Tbe eta 3111 *.►prise. nus.
T. C. Bartholomew. of the Norwich
• .ef•e. who led the receut excursion to
t;..der►ch trulu his town, wreathe follow-
ing in his last weeks'. paper as his
1Wµ remlul.a of tate trip :-
The eaeurswn to liode,ich on Thurs-
day last, under the auspices if Trinity
Chi.rch, pr..ved• aucceastul event, both
ice purist of interest mud attendarms,
although there were ample opportunities
fur a bigger crowd. Taw enterprise win,
however, we are glial to say, repay the
pn,Wuters and leave a 11 1011 little sum in
the treasury of the church. The *roar -
scat train. leaving Stratford with its
accumulated Mad of somewhat over 200.
gathered from the various stations south,
steamed away fur Oodertch at a lively
gait, stopping briefly at Canton,
t1aforth, and other poets, and giving
the incur -stoners • Chance, at the first
named point, of shaking hands with our
former fellow-cltizeus, Mr. Rutz, Mr.
and Mrs. P. Craib, bits Reid, and Mies
Lottie Comicial!, who are all residents of
Clinton. cud who came to the station to
greet their old friends. Arming at
(:odenah the party grumbled itself e.'
feeding quarters under • smart op
Leg of run. Soon, however, the clouds
disappeared, stud hosts of little groups
started out in search of amusement and
scenery. Some gut one or the other,
boa some gut both. Nature has nude
Goderach an attractive place for summer
resorts s, and the people of the pie,
rscognwng n•tdre's loudly intuitions,
have left her alone in her operation.
Although they are accustomed to seeing
excursion crowds land in their midst
every other day or mu, not the slightest
*fronts made to meet their requiremeute
or to induce them to all again. A few
tolerably good stores are t t W seen, but
the superealurus actions of the storekeep-
ers in general lead one to infer either
that they have all made their little pile
or have giving up the idea of doing .o
and are tieing on their relations. There
is s salver lining to every cloud, however,
and to this instance Mr. Mditllicuddy,
of the Slux&L, relieved the uppresaise
bees of the common by his Iropitable
and genial manner, and in retorts it is
only fair to express the hope (bat he nod
his brother, {p. McCe. i sigh whom many
of our townspeople are aoquaiated, will
continue to be successful as they enter
upon the sixth year of their manange-
ment of the Stara:., which is doing
yeoman s work for iia party there. Our
party, however, enjoyed themselves.
There were many things to challenge
their adtnir•tiou-the lake, which was
tolerably rough ; the wharves. on which
the &teenier Saginaw Valley thruu„hout
the afternoon deposited her cargo, and
embarked a large and tempting-looksng
batch of plums and other produce ; the
plemant pic-nic grounds, so-called ; the
numerous salt wells, notably those of
the 'footrest Chemical Co., which bores
1,127 feet and puts up 180 barrels of fine
salt per day ; the handsome residences
and bee.utifully-deoorated grounds with
which Yankee blood, ter the most part,
announces its presence in their midst,
and lastly, the roller mills coned by
Messrs. tl4ileie & Hutchison, whose
establishme.t is away &head of anything
that most of our people had seen, and is
acid to top the tree i. the Dominion.
The motive power for this busy hire is
furnished by a mammoth Corliss engine,
wbich puts in its powerful and solemn
strides in a large department devoted to
its own stately purposes alone, the
polished machinery glistening like steel
plating. the tor neatly carpeted, and
the engineer courteous and conscious of
the Mtlteetiou of his *harm. If fitness
will give any idea to the magni8osat
power of this online, we may este th•t
tt Ase a 28 in. bore, • 6 ft. stroke, a Sri
ton and 17 -hundred -weight drive wheel
of 22 feet diameter, over which glides a
huge belt, 3 feet in width, costing alone
tf15, and which is about to be replaced
by a belt which, coiled up in a quiet
warerwm, represents the ezpenditare of
of a little $1,000. Near by are vast
mitering. e. ntalutng the five horizontal
and two upright boilers which teed the
cylinder of the brag engine. Our guide
opens one of the (attune doors for an
instant, and we realize at once what is
meant by • fiery (unmet, seven times
heats.( i'pstairs, -tier upon tier, until
• glades out of the window reveals the
greet height and tempts to admire the
_ beauty of Lake Huron and to en307 ice
NM glibbest erre breeze* ; upstairs, stair upon stair. land
John Cruickshank., of I.nndne,
apwesred on Monday before • magistrate,
an tire separate charier of selling red
ribbon beer at the Caledonia lames,
which was an infraction of the License
Lew. Mr. F. Love, who appeared for
Mr. Cruiekahaaka, pleaded that the
beer had been bought frees the Carling
Brewing & Malting Co., under the
Impressions that it was isou.i.tolicatiag
sod was being spade specially for .ale in
comities where the Scott Act was in
fora. Mr. Saunders, public analyst,
met/1W that Ito had analysed the red
beer and ironed that it eoetaitaed alcohol,
and was in feet as atzwsg or even smugg-
er than legit beer. Th. Magistrate re-
served bis deifies.
Li..t. Reek, of the minas' 33rd,
itg upon landing, line upon line, precept
upon prewpt, until the @tont man of our
party beams with dour and prespiratioe.
and the rest of the procession spills over
with rheumatism and nndoln remarks
upon the evils of climbing'; a irs and
still upttatn, and everywhere the begs
building is packed with rumbling meso
i..ary of the most approved patterns, its
united noise. and elec.',crushing forte
cresting an output of 1.000 barrels of
)eon rolled door per day. We leave the
t.atitution impressed with the oonvietinn
that it is doing .ts Bevel beet to keep em
with the procession. Promptly at R. �0
p. in , ilio homeward journey was sass
mowed, &n4 from the remarks of the
ex0wreioniata we should ledge *h.1 all
had • gond time owl enjoyed themselves
ru>Drw.aatd Hutoa at the NSW,` The Geneses was Mateo by the Puri
review last week.
/ /1~ on Wed tads, for the 110711070•11 bre
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