HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-8-28, Page 66
TSM'SUMOlr .j , YPIDl[f'. AUG.
the Poet's Corner.
The OM Mem.usad.
gksse's wow • plosesed, smug soot.
tlsatter.d Moog Wal mai ;
£al many s somas et abtithe.e'e years
Whirs ssstry Ievem w Oulu.
threat ample el Use mulls pad
Weer anima me sew,
Sad whisper el . m.thef. kiss.
Pressed a sal ye.tkld ler. v.
alibi ribose( tie homestead std.
)Rash like • Melee,' by
Ila ~dui vale. and toffy Mils.
Aad Nae Irene dart and bash ;
Tbs gimes road. where .n rd 1s soh
My "alt of war" .1. apart.
.Aad build Moog W magi beach
Full anon, a mimic fah
Bright yaushave palled; 1've wand .ed far
Yruie thee, () heaves bidet *rut '
Haat though I've tented pleasure s cup.
1 cess have thee forgot,
Vista after way. of time • dark _-a
May break osioeuriory ..bore .
But winds said wares cannot cnue
The lamp) dyed' yore.
Tier.'s beauty la this world of our,
Rich treasures heaped around
K4.41 eyes. se4 loving gdaLle barter
If sought. are ever found
But though :bey dead for se.►de.
Aad obeer wise we rusnt.
71.eir.ptendoro never eau efface
'the them/hie .tf ehildhaod's home.
Tann anb harden.
Posses Albite fresh
Te• roma ere late basement
Gas tar will drive .11107 esu►
Tie .p the plats as ahoy seed.
ivies winter well in a UI .alar.
degas tease • piton at the *sponse
elthe dhow s
Dust turnips with plaster or lure to
keep of the dee.
The please es of gardening are amw.ag
Use sweetest delights of law
The weepiest' else or mak meetly forme •
deligbttst lave arbor us IM lawn.
Ills iiMesfa file
As emmei.g abbey is tetd .1 as Massie
can •illb.aire gybe reee.dt bemired
Landers wick. emit. Ali ha mai Milli
dowe eon d 1111• kgtiml °WM°. ears
meratas, ►is eye was attrsded by an
vegan -grinder who /darn(
.as solem.ly and
Illistrove. el the cepa the comer of •
top was oor.P
ed with • se.oeik gesso ektk, sad it was
this rose cloth that as once appealed to
the intellect el the traaeatla.uo Chases.
Fur hies the green doth session/Id only
one thought, and that Hammitt was gam-
bling. H. fasaied him•alf tr the pees
voce of some perip.tie resist *yet, and
he could not resist the temptrtioa of
taking • tura. So he .topped eppusste
the musical Tulsa Mod tensed a gold
coin cb.erdy-on the green surto. of tits
The astusrhed fulewoer stopped play-
ing,rtspd the coin, pocketed it. re-
moved hie bat, greeted out some voluble
Tuwu thanks, and resumed hie inpsia
"Lost that nose," rho mtlliusatre Mar-
Allow no more meiest(/ to set thou
there is a reasonable certainty el basing
Our hundred or stere panels of a
light profitable fence often prove valu-
able ,.. say farm.
By summer fallowing, the soil al a.rbs
se important queenly set at.teoeka flea
tbe atm. sphere.
the p het iY ieMMgp 11M
etre us the nae jest sow, bung ttgfli IA
IP sur eneressies gaytPtes to .•
Dr 7vwls'a Ukase gI
the io(•U•ble remedy for
bee, Diarrhoea and Mahar sesame, wee
Professor1.2Mil... the :I:esienalit
.be .011tl Hated sited rho irarib Id•ade,
between Japan mad Sabena, with the
ubjeot of atudyiagg the vd.aanss :bare
reports the ealneoe alumna label/me 7
..u.dant there. Hs sailed Med the
Weed of Iturup, which is shoat 713
miles long by 80 bread, sad wbi.k is
inhabited, here sad there slung the
onset, b Atw.e, gyro are engaged is
fishnet t the season. Here w kis
decriptioa c the .bendanoe of doh :
'.The fish which are esoght are salines
and sslmun trout. These 'list is sash
numbers during the avower and se
tome season that their tins, sticking out
of the way, near die entreat/este the
rivers, look like tangled masses of kelp
while up the rivers it' is but little ex•
*gprattun to say that some a the pooh
are mixtures of fish and water. With
ode bullet you may pierce four or five
at a siu.le shut." We lift our hat to
the Professor.
1f water will remain in • two foot deep
hole in the earth fur twenty-four hours
After • stn, it will pity to drain.
1d.er:astings for winter bouquets
should he packed before they are quite
• pegs, seed up in bunches and hung in the
shade to dry.
In drIv.ng work hems, kap the 1 it
well up to them, but out drawn tight,
thus conveying the ides of restraint sod
Fashions Ts*ck*. pre. egsung careiesst,ees of gait.
-- The florists re.erse suture's plans with
11 edgwood dnigue in tads trata art many of their flowering plants by rating
them Io the summer instead of the vow
again is. high favor.
ter, and cropping them in the winter tu-
Finger howls are now need a: the most stead at the summer.
111. .dost tables.
1)aiety gold salt cellars are in the
shape of the four-leaved clover.
Pitchers 1.( cut gram in classic •uapen
ere used for water and wine.
Remise cut glass gutters and sparkle
:u all manner of dishes and vases.
Butterfly bows of narrow ribbon sp-
pear nn the different parte of dresses.
'Most dressy toilets are of light silks,
combined with embroidery on tulle.
Lunch cloths and napkins cannot be
too fai.citul W suit the pre%eiliuq styles.
Small shawls, hams, mantillas, *carts
end hoods are, as usual, in great de-
KeepYour FeetDryl
E s
toured to himwMid d pd
r..uced wnother
coin. He tossed it attain upon this board.
from which it was again II.. lees prom y
rem;hued by the delighted musician. The
milli,uaire shook his head. "Ah, luck's
against uie,•• he remarked, as he sent •
third gold c is. W slam for • moment
upon the green surface before it rapidly
disappeared in the Italian's pocket.
Another and anther Goin went the
same way, without wearing out the pan
cute of the American. But at 1ast.when 1
Bonn, six wvereiens had transferred'
ttu.elres from his keeping to that of
the ••rngau•grinder, the Atom -scan bent
forward, and in a tone of the iutenseat
curiosity whispered in the ear of the
amazed Italian :
"s.y, stranger, whet .In you call this
game. anyhow r•-1 Whitehall Review.
Wintering V erbeua. -The best way
'o keep there over w to propagate 101801.
plants fur the purpose, and let the old
ones go. To accomplish this the plant:
should be cut back and manurd in Au
gust, and by October 1st, there will be
plenty of geoid cuttings for striking
1' .ivalrriut the Product. -iliow that
alt kinds of flowers e plentiful, remove
•11 the buds from any geranium that may
be waited for flowering In the winter.
By keepiug this up uutil lifting time,
More will be adore ltuwers during null
inter, erten every one will he a trees
%Floes a Plant Needs Water. -Lf in
knocking on the side .•1 the pot near the
Jerseys are trimmed in very easywide with the auger knuckle, it gimes
showy ways. and when of ilk Ate vary Id'forth • hollow rise, water is heeded ; 1
cwtly. there is a dull sound, it inde;ates that
Claret jugs are tall narrow and oval, the soil is stall sufficiently loaded with
with leaf decoration about the neck andmoisture.
lase. I Look to the Lees. -Weak swarms may
The figures ,in table linen are mostly he made stroog for winter by giving them
4eo,uetrical, following the lad of wall a few combs tilled with sealed brood.
gepera. Weak colonies are liable to suffer from
the moth worm. A good way to lessen
What aetiology Iwo lirseght north.
From 1864 to 1884 is only a century,
1 ut it embraces almost all all the in-
veetwn$ which we tied so useful in daily
life. Even many invent twee deem- ata t°°&111' 11 lea 7.lbwsah worm,
ed indispensable, but now being rapidly one-half to three-quarten of an inch
superseded by others, were born within I long,which eaters the stalk and eats
this century. It was only in 1734 the ,raidly toward the top, which it soon
host mail tech was seen. and vet 'the + seven. Whole holds have been ruined
Wild Irishman' and 'the Flying -Dutch-
man' ! w a Jay The lues in two G,unues u
Oxime Intoe travelling w mile a i estimated at 820,000.
minute, have become• household words The"Mewralarr Idb-
tl;e world over. The first tire balloon I To„ Many Wilks. -An even, velvety
was sent up in 1;84, and today irons- j Lawn affords the meet comfortable kind
tr•,us developments of the idea are being of a walk when taking iD the delights of
used in warfare. A century ago the oil a garden. The only tune when • gravel
tamps. so familiar, were unknown : walk is bettter, it after a rain or whet,
candles would Ont burn without 'nutting there is a heavy dew. Bat good walks
toe wax candle even was unknown, sed ,are rxpinuive to c.,n.truct, a.,.l da' i"'t hut because it forced her appear In a
gas for illuwtg►tion was uninvented. in the h,ghest .epee add to the beauty of bushe dei t forced
like. r to I pear In a
Ainoe then Is beinv al,attdoned for , the garde*, hence In moat cases theyh
Etas what fouls these people are. If she doesn't
taununatwn, but applies! (,r heatuog sad •build leu aspected with.
like it, why 4011 .be wear it ? It u s
, iu ,krng {purposes as fuel saving invent- The farmers who keep sheep an al- heathenish pr•c%*, a to wear moersing at
I plat. The dint and tinder were the ways grow the beet wheat. There *wenpetwin•ll7 distasteful,
means set obtaining light moil as Ian as nothing so good as a flock of sheep to th11, e b but hctice is it is rely idiotic. Why
when the matches we value so turn on a field that has been plowed for ( the
rtict grief rather tthan jc? It u
lightly were iuvestd. Really good wheat, They will eat don every green advedsier to lough your why through the
Locks and the manifold adaptions of the thing, and their trampling compacts the , world than toi swiss it. There is Do
use of • spring were all diseuvered soil as nothing eine can, while their wort sense in groin t. your clothes
during this century. The locks of the droppings, being more evenly scattered morthat a friend i is dad than there would be
Last being clumsy and easily disarranged than thoes of other animals are quickly i to fes in is d samewaythat you are
contrivance. Labor saving machinery available. mauled ,ora parent, 0r for that matter
in almost every branch. belongs to this Thera is a general belief that late I carrying your dinner bill -of -fare around
century ; sod in agricultural machinery cultivaU..n u loJuriuns W the old potato, un your back. In short, i( atm element
the inventions have received their great causing it to set a large number of small (0f your social conga rt u to be made
incentive through the abundance of land tubers with few maketable specimens. manifest by your garb, why go the
and scarcity of lather upon this continent. The effect is the result of deep plowing I whole hog and wear your hearnoopen
Photography, too, has placed within the het ween the rows after the potatoes have your sleeve for ds 10 peck at i But d
ne of the masses, a priceless bion
- set. Shallow culture does Do injury ■t ;here is one o c eswn above all others
the facility of preserving correct tau' amu tune,r and pulling out ;mass t weeds when the element of humbug is out of
premium of their relatives, features- is a beneficial even after the potables are' place, it is at the grove,'
Mere About Threshing.
To meet the requirements of a classic
figure a lady should be 5 feet 4f Moine
tall, 32 inches bust measure, 24 inches
waist 9 Inches from armpit to waist. lone
anus and 'beck. A queenly woman,
however, should be 5 feet 5 inches tall,
31 about the bust, 264 about the waist,
35 over the hips, 11; aruDd the ball of
the arm,d 61 taches around the wrist.
Her hand
lCrabo .
sleet swee shows in oseenee. priep evM las
berried hi • fleet-etassbead the lesameWiest sleet trim dame std. tansiess
all the istssssediaie grades
bathe heaviest cowhide. I will sell •t
N•.w that our wheat crop is generally 1
in the b•ru or stack, it is to be hoped
that 11 w.11 be allowed to finish seating
before being threshed. Already, is
spite of repeated warnings and in the
tight of past experience, "Meat is lysine
offered in this market that was threshed
while "in the sweat,' and lima, he sold
for ten cents to fifteen cents per bushel
Isea than if at were dry. 11 heat com-
mences to sweat m from three to inght
days from day of housing, and takes
from two t.. three weeks to cure there-
after, IL absolutely cannot be nude if
threshed while wet. If kale -dried itl
will eaten up in a week after taken out.
It is the hight of folly tc throw away
fifteei, to twenty per wit, of its already
low price, principally from • childish de•
sire to find out how much there will be
of it. S -,me farmers try to persuade
themselves that the raison they thresh
soon u because they hs ve nu room
thew is by setting shallow dishes with
sweetened water among the hives to at- • fur their oats, hut all farms have stack 1
tenet •sed drown the moths. room enough for the crops raised un
Iows farmers have discovered • new theme. Lt order to find out if the grail,
enemy which to doing considerable dam -
aka mow ar stash tht sht
, push
rt\k+•boodle 11810 itis andto lthreucre for half
an hour. If the grain is tit the rake,
when taken out, will be cool and dry
if the wheat is in the swest,the rake will
he warn, and damp. -{E. C. Roberts, in
Lapeer Democrat.
Pricesthat Will Suit Ev oue.
Ladies' Boats, in Batton or Laced, Troon 11,00 to 15.00.
Ewes and Children'a Strong School Boots, from 75c, sp.
Boys do., 11.00, up, all other Linea Proportionately: Cheap.
I caa ad w111 suit you. both in iteods and prices.
E_ ] 0 -W- N r N G- ,
Crabb's Block, Corner Let street and Square.
N.B.-T. t4. trade: LaMar? •ad datums in any euantity. et Lowest Prices.
:Dana feet should not 4 EASE AND SECURITY
• census..
An unparalled sensation is being crat-
ed ell .over Oetari•o !nth" wonderful and
unequalled in which Neuralgia, Tooth-
ache. Rheumatua, Backaehe,Hesdache,
is removed by but one ag:plication of
Fluid Lightau,g. No offensive, disgust-
ing drugs need be taken for days It is
an instant cure. Try • 25c. bottle from
G. lthyttaa, druggist. 1 m
titaewt'r now udr.tog
Is the only instantaneote relief Ice Neu-
ralgia, Headache, Toothache, etc. Rub-
oing a few drops briskly is all that is
needed. No taking nauseous medicines
for weeks, bet one minute's •ppliatioo
removes all pain and will prove the great
value of Kraal's Fluid lrgbtains.
cents per bottle at George Rhyme' drug
"I overheard a lady well known is
fashionable circles, so-called. in this city
the other day lamenting the necsslty
for her appearing In mourning. Mind
you, she was not lamenting the death,
• ■.ma• ■aressoeser
The mon with rheumatism can feel the
approach of bad weather m his aching
pouts. Hsgysed's Yellow Oil cures
rhe.matinm, sates, pains and injuries. 2
Rev. J. G. Faille, Dutton certifies :
"For some years my wife has been
troubled with Dyspepsia, and has tried
one thirty after smother recommended
each but little of no effect till advised to
give McGregor's Sppeedy Cure • trial.
'Since taking the first bottle I have net -
iced a iwtprorement, and am with coo-
tidence reeo0saend it to be one of, if not
the beat medicine extant for Dyspepsia
This invaluable medicine for Liver Com-
plaiut, Ltdegeetion, Kidney Complaint,
is purely regeaple. Sold at Geo Rhy-
nes' Drug Store. Trial bottles given
free. 1 s
and strengthened the hands of justice half.grown.,
in tracing criminals. This wondrous Caterpillara on Winter plants. -Some '
times late in the summer, Chrysanthe•
mums aid other plants are troubled
thus. If the caterpillars are not dessroy• I can give you a simple rule by which
ed, they soon d.. great damage by de- the moat ignorant may know whether
spoiling the foliage. Hand picking is any given piece of music should or should
the moat simple and • sure remedy. not be admired. 1f you kuow at once
Sprinkling the plants with pans green, what it is all about : if It mesas to be
either dry when the planta are wet. or in saying 1, '2, 3, hop, hop. hop, or 1, 2. 3,
toletlon Intl dummy them- - ' - --
Farmers who at this sauna are troub-
invention bel.tngs to this century also.
So on we might proceed with an aston-
ishing list embracing every branch of
',Armee, and affecting every- walk in life.
The Judge and the Innkeeper
Am•.ng the anecdotes of Judge
his Walton
u tri Tottowtag : 18arly *fast
appointment he went to Alfred to hold
r„not. and called on Landlord Berry, who
offered hien his beet room with a pro-
vision that atter ex -Judge Howard's ar-
rival he would have to put him in an. many as a friend. He destroys en ions
other room. "11 e11, what room r ash
an were being pr»intently stirred liplike
Judge Walton. Hs was shown •little tof o the white grubs that are t injurious and4were
corn, wed the itsarwe of the bitter • kind of harmonious gruel, lye may
7 by 9 den, whereupon he told Berry Osten w atarib.ted any to the fact know its • fugue, and safely assume an
that he would take the best toes, as that skunks have been generally hunted expt.m►on of profound interest. If the
J Howard would not wont K, down and destroyed notes appear b have bees aro; ped by
•' Why not t • asked lterrv. "Aecan11. - accident, and are being fished up at ir-
mid ,fudge Walton, ' •i shall edit:not the yr/mmlma M en.adl.e asr..es, regular intervals to a sort of placid or
court to -morrow to sato,- "Who is drowned conditI.•n. it in likely to be • 55 Front Street East Toronto
going to take your place here ?' asked
Flounces of lace are the only flounces nocturne ; and nocturnes, you know, are -
Mr. 'terry, who was not quick to take in i ,n elab.ratw renadine dreams and when •site tin utterly lovely for anything. // // ,s prrrwts „two
the atttntt t..n. "1Chy, noha dye” said ,' gg If the notes seem to come in carloads,
o•,SFen Headv s..
N alton. "A ;udue cant stay in • these a» tt.ed tl.ey lie in such nitro»» uch load of a diRerent kind [Iota the,'Ap`jjtf►mgr. •wg Ju.lge that they are mora like • c••mhinatton ani you wi11 pet
town wed hold e.nrr ai .i sletp m;he fabric than a trimming. Wide Iice lilt, bed if the train seems to set un -
street , he must bear a nem flounces are arranged in lengthwise cur• , reasonably Ming time in passing a given tlwed• d rslne. that wil,losten inn In
avid Merry. "i will ser." Ile saw- i'
cps, ,sly slightly gathered act ss how point. it will turn out treat likely to be work rt t "i11 .1 o*)1 r i Araerllsm mosey
and was cogytnered. He told Judge 'the hfis on the richt down to the fa•ot ..n •nymph. ny and ayesph..nies are jil t the shoat tth" l i 1 In preeeete with Back box.
h' itn he coup have his bract Innis h i At 1r still , the» form lengthwise grandest thine, that ere, were- If the A nts wsared everywhere. of either sea, of
n news. all fur all the time. or spare time al,. to
Mew Te Detect Classical ■ante.
bang, bomb bey. you may moclude at
once that you ars listening to snsnetbiag
of a very low order, whish it is your
duty to despise. But when you hear
something that sounds as i an a
cut represents the double truss without the belt. Note the `osition of the et=
cut prime situated On the Pad. try which a CO\HTA'IT hut - ' t• •ort. and 1 I'WA
Ort. the raRb.aHYNAS
E (i
JVihi — .
February ink. 1100.
CHapr*B 1t.
"Malden. Yaws., Feb. 1, IMO. Gentlemea-
suffered with attacks of sick headache."
Neuralgia, female trouble, for yea» in
the most terrible and excruciating man-
No medicine or doctor could give me
relief or cure until I used Hop Bitters.
'The first bottle
Nearly cured me
The second made meas well and strong
as when a child
'And I have been so to this day.'
My hustead -gas an invalid for twenty
years with a serious
'Kidney, hoer and urinary complaint,
'Prnnouneed by Boston's best physi-
' Incurable
Seven bottles of your bitten cared
him. and I know of the
'Lives of eight persons'
In my neighborhood that have been
saved by your bitters,
And many more are using them with
great benefit.
'They •Im.et
Do miracles 1'
lm Mrs. E. D. Sleek.
Beg, to snaoance that she has in stork in large an varied profusion.
The Very Latest Winter and Spring Fashions
and .he would respectfully I..vire the ladies to call sad See the display at
The Chicago House.
T. the M.dleal F'retrwe., wad all whom
It may morels.
Ph••s hatine, or Nerve Irina, a Phos-
phate Element based upon Scientific
Facts, Formulated by Professor Austin,
Ilf[. D. of Boet..a, Masa., cures Pulmon-
ary Consumption. Sick Headache, !Ver-
rone Attacks, Vertigo ani Neuralgia
by the attacks n( skth.w v their I R h h and all wasting diseases of the: human
poultry may cineole themeslros by ha d f •surfed system. Phusphatine is not s Medecine.
reflecting that the skunk u re¢atded by lot of notes had been put into a barrel but a Nutriment, because it contains no
Vegetable or Mineral Poisons, Opiates
N.reotics, and no Stimulants, but strop
ly the Phosphatic and Gartric Elements
found in Sur daily food. A le b,tttfe
is sufflciont to convince. All Druggists
sell it. $I 00 per bottle. I.owugr &
Co.. site agents for the Dominion,
Goat rick, Oet lad. 1St.
Irn t'e7tlfv='Pict f vte P
ri 4 Ta 7 iEP t.
ti 1 i:
1 :
E -j ;ii.i-
1Jr ,,zp ri,., ;8 ni
a' . ii i
CA(i I axe
T l T t l i s! i
a (_1 11, i UiEhEi?ti
= is = IVa } `1 Of tr EIf
. s
i.0 ' 3 a r a 3 9 zir
n _
s t.
At the end of the term Julio, Walton i pwnela, and the old fashion remains set notes appear t0 he dumped on 1
Bare the lentil../..1 this Brice 'C.'airt i gathering them in straight rows across '.a, and shoveled rifor0.s17 into heaps,
Rork is mom beset. If yon Rant • the front end aide breadths Ire'.". the I then blown wildly int., the air by ex•
long form and r.• make f•u of money i ,irapery. Very simple grenadine., ,( DIo sons of dynamite, that's rhapsody make the ledge '+tat *s cobreakar.k as smell arreure patterns, or of sewing -silk I and rhapsodise er.attaong thelatest things
you an. He las ,• •Rem to break ut, the ;rename, have the skirt in fine length- 1 in some.
court jest when he pleases : but if he wise pleats attar larint been locked i
is ma%a comfortable he. will itay Inst aur ter .as, and this pleating may be edged 1 'That bpm of Ton» ie ant adapted fax
tug/gee he finds anything lnd0,' LeRlw' with lace. French lace imitating Chan- the undertaking limitless.- explained an
taut (1)11e,1 Journal. I,;',y amens is seat used on black gren- • un.iertaker to the Citi) s father. whoin-
elettea The foundation of all grenadine- quired why he hod been diiseha►sed.
A widow who had ;seat hnne i her
drugs' le no. 511)0se , alma thesew wrod 1 site is the tninble with him ' • "He
third husband wY oveth*ulna¢ her silks for this perprve to be had fax laity haan•t a realising sense of whets de.
mourning 0,rdrnbe. "1 -0,4°.'n t have , r peventy Are cents a yard ; this make i she aflliesed. Day ref ore esteri•y Mrs
to buy rely notch," r.,e i,i.'"i ' friers.!, a skirt that will weer es lows as the gree} IR hurled bey fontth httabsed. 1 sent
h"e"e"'"'d ":"* r oa• learn at what hour she
who du an mime. white bilk sere* kir the bast.. i the bo Dp to
•fieserely anything.' wsa the reply• limn/ costs (rasa eighty cents to !l a i' wish she Meemwn to take pure. send' --- -
"lius.e terwti• ns will halm to hie made re14. _ I he asked her .hat how reviler hew o(, Tae highest ,+e1. sr4c. Id ter bites. mill
is ape e'tyloa. ••f course. bet Jou tan are - e _ for ry g sea sheey.klna at the t+.\ M D Tannery
'• lase
tat the dtrmmmgg •t . cry *1 n epitaph for • batman Lite i\ I t d y o lose her trade entirely nal I rt Saltforl tree. 1. lame. MT \ t n►' ti
work for us at flash own horses. r.tt.rsea fee
ill workers eb.olntely assured. Dont deny.
p. $att.rrr et Co. Portland. Mala. ISM
}.qia i
1t 7 ,,k 'Z
Merchants : Got your Printing at
this Office. Quality of Work and
reasonable Prices Guaranteed to
please all who may give us a trial.
The People's Lives
JOHN KNOT, Proprietor.
The subscriber is prepared to furnish the pole
no with
The Finest Rigs
CALL AND aIK t'a-Opposite the (*Mere
Hate Oodertel.
boderteh. Feb. 11th. UN.
iflAWB R