HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-8-28, Page 5L • FNh HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, AUG. 28, 18b5. OtM. Jas Salim as public ;ghoul 011, OODIMICK iy Mem a • wan the X ![w Dile Atkins i. eperdia,I the •..s at Kt. Beek' Wes &ern Besui.ville fur Master X is ala rise p .i sq at the rising city of tit. Thomas, is visiting his u1i lave et 1 Wtfud, plrrrst ante with old SChuabsMw el No. a of by. gum days. >•tla>r� »w Mr. and jlji J a1jMs,' or Qom city. M c 10111i.:,.. Kiss Lem libwkiga, of Pent Albert, spent aevead asp hese hilt week. Sector K.2f i1, let. et Gismo., t out- land, les bosoms a J.eidse< here. Joke A. Ouz, of Chivas, aid We.. limit►, d Gedetisk. gem our berg a visit heat week. Quidio a pleasant lathering of oar yotatyt bilks wee held lave week with some from our .reser bent (iArsid, to bidgood bye to lute V. Case, of B.asall, who has been the guest of Mrs. Alien for mom weeks. Th. first threshing for the assso t in this viseny wee time by the !Kersey etas.. Peat turned wt 21 Mabel* to the lode, sad for.byte M- Oss cf ear milli llsd ream sinews, who is a teethe Illesekne kis vacation here, gave a splendid exhibition of pe- destrianism remedy. Whale viei atom of his .ogstinlan.us, hie horses started off, sod tke teacher sell hie tall compasien pm chess. an superior wird cad bleb of the plarearse pre- vailed, and the remora, hoes were °aught in as style. Het, dui talk hone to the bas. we..lagsadiSUI - •w Kr. John Shields 1s h is ested in a lawsuit in elongation with the Muskoka .lection, then hong an unpaid livery bill of 1180. In the coves of the trial Shields eau tv a brother Tory neared Kahafyy "You, Mahalfy, did as much dirty work ii that election as I did. You asked for $500, sad I gala pate. 61.." It is d ears. lint fo: eateiders to interfere is this family quarrel, kat it most be laid for Mr. Agitate that he hos not yet been osmosed o! letting the whiskey frees* nd'itu,deaei..-11.opl.i Advertiser. I',tt.rpday, Ike {!rd ifeef I 1885, at the hoar of two o'clock p.m. The leads are pateated. .11115.71,l Me.i.grauva a 70rsteka Cycler, KUM Tw. CbMdse_. Braosbridge, August 2L -A cyck.n• over the north end of Kokoke net on Friday *stoma last which literally swept everything out of its peth, mowing down the trees, unroofing houses barns, etc. Its course was from west to saat. S&torsi micros escapes hem boss heard of, mad tee deaths, the victims beteg children of a Mr. Crowder, who residers an Skeleton Lake, the in the Tomah* of Stephensou. Tito were discovered under a fallen tree. Fall Brow. 1. IML Prodiaidal, Leedom. Sep* 7 N IL meth Hetet. ratter. tient. tl. te. Taa.�10. Sept. I to 19. Lttrmtleed. Sc;,(. U. IS. sasfer'tk. Oct. 1. _ Mt • •. s a6gtalI� 0o .rita.�t. 29 3C. ow. O!t. 6. Sept.2. =t 11t Di0!t. 7. W Listowel. Oct. & arenas 76 flhlfli w'i� 1tt, 5 n _ Ol is newt itaa t44 N 70 as 13 4{ 1 4 N 70 OS 43 1 W. Us KI 42 1214 let este M 03 IM IA • 6N6 Rh 7 76 VS 663 7i 1 70 • Tai 1eM ppReserve 1/6 111 Y 10 wfa�a lleoa's Survey M ` 111 110 N g i a +t j e'er Z ' NC OFF t..= Lifleteitielle*Mirki nodes Ass eke kai w a very removes* wags WACO of Her r^ , - '4 M wash whim es wry .sees. • speedy eels• THE STOCK IS VERY COMPLETE la sever dieeemeat. ae1imeoliws pa(-b.essa stay 7017 ..w widow a flret-iese article al* very reass_sbia precr. Millinery. Flowers sfed daFeaty Ncno Las c Curtains, Gloves, Laces, al these seeks eft' will have a ewe tut to chrome tree. Yeses respr•ttsIIy. LRS_ 0. H. aIRVIN. Odahk. Jura utk. MIL M .• $ Reed's Reeve, 1111 14' 1 is s es 116 IA 5 66 5 56 215 IS . IS Itl f is e70 II wise alb l/tt ala )MmDewga3l XVI la t 43 w r.rtOri."c• CM 71! as it eM 70 it 14 ea' atl es, S N q43 133: 4' a IP 'al • 56 55 7 64 IS 17• 4s 7e 7 111 70 7 tl 70 7 I6 70 7 is 70 id 6 11 tl e7 656 5040 66 lay 1.36 MICR ADAMSON, • Treasurer. Tow.. of Gederbk. Treasurer's Ofece o.derlub..luly 13th. MI6. 1704171 3 Saginaw, Bay City, Goderich, Detroit and Cleveland. SCASM cru r*NTS. The Elegant aad commodious immerser. NETTNRO, Draper, Haberdasher, ud general Dry goods fiercer. 1 would take this e5pertasits of ret.reeimopashown mymem Nooks to these who bare a0 lalam*troslsed sae since oasMime. iia Saginaw Valley" The /lacks in toy hostages phenate are as heedafor'e No Cutting of Prices on Leading Lines, and No Second Price. 1 ase sow recorra. t a few .:bice (Saes of Dress Goods and Fine Woolens, Suitable for Autumn wear aad team 1 perms my goods, no pers will be im- 1 to sot wish to eulogise my goods alA km exle the pert -nee triode. but u formerly, leave it toad soereial pane. will wait patiently the result. WU. swam. lwrr. Will ran daring the beam .f Navigation. as follows : Leaves Ooderich every Thursday. at 1 o cluck a He for Ray 110ity and new. making v sect o ss w Pert Hope s at !land uoa.ee f,w with N'e•i ]lackfa.c Reacts for IHt. lessee. rilq� at � City with Island rsf tit rri steamers few Plarrierllk. Osceola sod Alpena. returning to Ooderich en Nenday. I,o clock. Leaves ti.d.rieb eves, Aandsy. noon. for Port Huron. iletroit and Cleveland. est wooer to Oodsria:h us Thursday. Thi. mate will he ogatfaoed during the sea- son of fav igstion. TICKETS ter the stoleaOee D TRIPicontinuonsl ted for $1.200 occupying 6 dam meals and bertha included. For rates d trelrbt and pas ser. and all otber information. apply to WM. LEE, /gent at (ioMrlcb. flew b Nab* 6..d Cerlaed.r.r aerappte The SIR ,rnaw \ silo may be bad by Special Pembina a freer red piece of corned trnerrwer.t for Minn Kiseur540•2 en the P'ts Lrakr any Thursday afternoon_ heli brisket free rf i, ...• h fat and r J tree 2$ h. 12aL,. SIN- latAtassel Peat' t in a et -tile tt•at has a saver, and then pour ever it sufficient water to pmer it. Put the lid on the ketae an. tat '1 on your range or stove where it may c••••k very a.••wly for four .,r bee hours • to until i•s perfectly ten- der. 'Dieu t&kii it out of the pot, and with the water in which it was boiled mit .eoash plain water to both one hseaktlist sup of Hecker a hominy grits Old twit mpg of yellow corn mal . stir all well while emaciate shoot half an hour will di.); while the is being done, eat th st up in scull, thin pieces (sot eft yheke) ah. ut helf an inch v;uare ; ois theins piece* throngh with the mush while warns, and ,,our the same inat es : see m little black pepper anda tittle mage far ,&Totting. ,�cut op is slices and fey.- iThe C,terer ae: GRAND YI.6AIURR Ooderich. Aug. nth. 1516.. MUNRO_ maw EXCURSIONS U ODERIGH EVERY SUNDAY EVENING at 6 o'clock. on the Commodious Mesmer OC ONTO w'. 1111.4.111166011, 7la0ee. WONDERFUL VALUE IN T. A DIES' Fancy Wool Squares, ASSORTED COLORS, At $1.00 and $t.25 ---Regular Prices, $I.75 and $2.00. 3.0. DETLOR & Co's F♦RE- To iletrnit aad return. touching at Fend Reach. Port Hope. Port Austin. Tawas. Forest- ville. 1.r11ngton. Ne(tltar, and all Niter lett. Coed RIa1. Clair ports. her the aegwed Trip. ROOS. Or()tire Week on board. including meals and berth.. suss• `Theta w m Wet demi of true religion CONI'PIDVrIOl�� in nature," solemn': remarked a young Made at Mand Beach with the Port loron X clergyman while calling 0n a lady of his t rthdw� u�1�4way fur Maginaw and in- aonRregatt..n the other evening. Aha, wire the (*cystoid Kaviaafion Co's • nitro is, indeed. ' was the quiet haat. for .•.r•••la. Harri.ville• Alma. Herm CityMakinar. Cheboygan an. to. ',mace. L cad all LMurrinr ports• TYe should never forret that there u I Aad .114rait wIlh awl nllmada and (1.r•r- aserm/wt in •very blade .•f grave.- Iantthento \1vlgatlos Coes boat* feeCOevr- •'(v'aite .7 tie. We ,h.,•ild a'.s re-' land. (eT(,tnid i • roving ?Inde on Board. 6.416.16. n 5 NOTICE. We are now preparing for the Fall Trade, when, we will be able to show some lines of goods lower than ever before. COLBORNE BROS. C.. IE. Ci-IRVIN, \ AOENT FOP Gose keirIort Suer Som YaCIIllO& Manufacturer of the C.lebra•ed KITCHEN CABINET, As! all kind. of Fu-oiturc. Organs and Sewing Machines Repaired. IfMachine OIL and 7eeiles always on hand at reasonable prier.. ♦ C♦LL BOLICZT>RD_ C_ H_ CiIRVIN, Litt Hamilton street. a few door.. below the Colborne Rotel. CROP PROSPECTS For the Summer are reel Ase . i : d nd ,t '.mervrill e es c 111 base hem o use of work fur their Machin MoCOLL'S LARDINE SPE C=�..LTIE S AT THK MEDICAL HALL !' Jae reeeived_ a .tyre consignment of the West India and M°atserrat ballads of fere Zime F'ru.it Xuice8 In Mottles of ell sixes. Make, a most healthful and refreshing beverage for the summer season. A Lot of Apollinaris and other Mineral Waters. MUSH SUPPLIKF OF Hellebore, Paris green, London Purple, Insect Powders, etc.. eta. etc. member wit e we are ah reit i', that Kraus i T. N. DANfCEY is cut v,ry short at this season •.1 the 1 M*a% Leung RISC/I.-1n the .prang, when 1em�•t.sare cheap. a large falsity would always find It to their ad. I Meter to buy s whale los. Some doses squeezed and the jello• ensue into gawp, ambles on t.. hese lemensds at idement<'s unties Gx Ilwatb, sad give seeded retrisboent is the nick weary. Tolwo pounds of leaf or Plied sorer pot two p ^1 water r ,red the jaw of ei he v� with the Xi for shout twenty minutes with the of three. After the ere' t t reed are bailed and skimmed ill 0, ma then ofd the joie., .nes i t.. he UN the crop it en sitnat sir oilman, tifjop and bottle it. '1Mtgsao• two • ort Settler felt.' [King i, ek.lii., to heat twenty M thirty . ebb....(Iljl Start A*titth•e Ver gime Caffery • fliel.mXs e,f th Rersniaut ars �n f1`. elltbent arab:tattoo or esh, Oa h10t1. Ahs .•v Ian hers nut be savalalT. woes. Sole Agent, tGot�erioll. weed brewed an I .poked to the peri owl the A. (+TRA1TON, AyL, O. T. R. Swiss, ( Sitt1 T h, 7 ed will he heeled is s skint time. 19111• 'v Oat, AO is rsbSrA of, and other somas • of Agent A t MI•47eaerlch July :red. Met. WWI! MACHINF. O=L 1t will not gem Doe odadr,end wars equal to lard or stay. and can be bought for lees enmity. MonufMlmid only by McCOLL 1411014, t CO., Toronto. R. W. 1Ec$ENZIE June 11th. 1065.11111.30 •tole Agent for Goderich. NEW HARO'ARE STORE YATES & ACIIESON AGENT0 GLIDDEN TWO-PIONT F. JORDAN, Medical Hall, Goderich. SPRING & SUMMER MILLINERY. MI88 t RAHAM takes purchased in person her Spriure in ng and Sumthat else mer Stoat of Millinery. etc., and has token adven-• tape of the LOM PRiCKS prevailing at lbw wholesale markets to make large Purchases. Her patrons can rely upon Cood Stock sod Lowest Possible Price.. A call is respectfully soleeited. MISS GRAHAM!, Kest side of Square. Ooderle/t. April Nth. 1(W\. IMI Ontario $trtl 13acb Vena foatpann MACKINAC. mail s for 551egbMTOU R d I SUMMER Sew ki seoino. DETROIT AND MACKINAC a.d emery Week nay tsewss DETROIT AND CLEVELAND wm. ter me " Pictsresgwe Meeklsse," emotes 1a1 7u.tM.de. McGee 470* Detroit & Olmstead Stem Nee. Oe. C. e. WMlT00■a. stew Pe.w. Me. (LIa(ITED_) SOLE: M.t.CFACTUR$Rte OF THF. IMPROVED Barb Wire LOCKBARB" FENCE WIRE For. PATENT e TWO-POINT Barb Wire CI3EdP, BT.ALTNCS, INDZSF'ENBIBLE_ Manufactured by the Washburn Howes M'rg Co. Call and See us, and Inspect Goods and Prices. • \\'t herr en hand a full and complete stock of Shelf and Builders' Hardware, Pa:n-s 0:... Glass. Ns I. ROPE ♦ND CORD♦4:3E, VESSEL BUPPLZEB. Table and Pocket Cutlery. See our Silver fleet Goode. and Artist.' Materials. MATES .3 ACHESON Next doer to R. Melton's Moa! 4arket. (loderiob. April eh. 016. 1162-6m NOW COMPLETE ! NOW COMPLETE I Re aeons why the "Lockbarb" is the Best Wire Fencing Manufactured. We rase nobly the best Kngliqh 4e...eaer meet Wier. awed we claim that :n Its mwterttetieo het le superior *0 all other barked fear. wits. The wires tanning the fontpnlnts betweenthe wires of the calllr. tu1.e•t logist' other and pass around the cablee. the ImreLaterally. the strongest herb 1n the world. It has the advantage of always presenting wMS* no twwp,ated herbed ante don.. _ Ater a lo. Me tem �erftthe wee tie remit Ontario Steel 11obr1. Feller o• y. Ste Stae at the Noethern y . as ammo iw lSa sal SU renown*: � ice. awdM71M.. the Tomato Wire thus tootle( the lleobrin+l Wire. sad was awarded the contract. WAWA for Abeas•r tenth tell particulars. to R. .MCKENZIE A CHO1('F. STOCK OF IDEthir G�OD ES and Grocezice_ I.\1, 1J':i•.- I\ Dress Goods, Shirtings, and Tweeds, A Choice Lot of Seed Potatoes Cheap. Highest Price Paid for Butter & Egg's. GEORGE ACHESON: THE RED, WHITE AND BLUE (leder! 5. Apr 1 'Ftl,, aeV.