HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-8-28, Page 314
-4 -...111•1..
sialtrindan. AUG. II MK
'Thai is • sweet mise -very,' isii
Gents* Itheyell ; 'awl with more
mita tee theta me is apt eu Med arm,
the general ries Mimes* selestrele.'
a. was aleadieg 411. unser of AA
sense inking las en ownikess.
fieemowbere there see a bleak of
middle, mei the obmilnis wita tot is
=its ;peons" biat while he
1111apfises Mess iielsead seemly
to 11111$Wetzest WWI outdid by •
freskn'alndlidtaly fareyoga; yoke to
tbe fitful aeoeuipardpient tai a cracked
• little cooed had gathered routed the
The blind fiddler io his tattered velve-
teen oust and picture/9u° ehite beard
peened bit ban around, sod the sister,
with bee fees kale veiled by the folds of
the black shelve which wag thrown over
her heed and fell in lung nunlike folds
abut bus .tight parsed', stood teddies
the violin.
As ber large liquid eyes fell on Mayell
he advanoed, and bolding out a silver
coin, spoke borne Imighable sestenes in
the meakel modulations of t Is Italian
She took the money with a murmured
weird Id themks, but the shy, surprised
stisoce denoted thee she had not wetter -
stood him.
'So they are not Italians after all,' said
Ilaysle as he sprang into the iminibies.
'I was Sure that (dim akin, and thou
deep melting eyes could on/ have
caught their glow under the skies of
'Well. it only shows how easy ens is
to be mistaken. At all events, it was a
fair, dimple,/ little face. and I hope ber
grizzle -bearded old (rifted will reep au
ample harvest of pennies.'
And in searching for the abiding -place
of his old friend, Mr. Castleton, the
decayed artist, he completely forgot the
little incident of the viewing.
'No. 44 Sea C inn,' be said tokamak.
'Yea, this must be the place. And yet,'
viewing up at the mildewed brick type
sad isdescribible ehabbiness uL thooki
house, 'who would have expected to God
Warde Castele'on here/
'Ward. Castleton, the descendant of a
Iona line of ancestry -Wards Cutliston,
whom I can rem imber u the maser of
Castle Hall.
nianivmeent, extratteant living
mail investments -this is whal they have
bissght him to. Poor fellow '. one earl
acutely offer charity to bine : and yet
what is to be dune" .
Ad .roping his way into the hall
Irbil") nnri maw has sold a picture fur him to some
reigned. he managed to inquire hi. way a the when dealers down town
to the floor where Mr. Castleton fired. ,i,cor papa ! aid it wishes hint so
The majest*c. okl artist came forward happy . And, indeed, indeed no one
to Iriewe /Inn' tat10**4 dilliming• speaks to Miriam except with the great -
gown which had once been ruby velvet, eat courtesy sod kindness. And we
• cap /If b. Imm• matsrl"• Ju.a head' hope you will not betray our secret to
and& miulatick in his hind. poor papa, as he would never, never,
Mayell, my old friend,' he cried,
forgive us at all.
grasping the bud of the unexpected ,Pray,' cried 31ayell, genuinely touch -
guest - 'or nithei the young friend of my
ed, 'do not imagine that I could be
old days --you are welcome. 'You find,
guilty of such a dishonorable thing. Be -
me rather indifferently situated : Doti heve"tue. miss Castleton
we ail know chit genius is, at 6(001,1
Miriam, very white and cold. was look-
und" .6" Walk in—waik in 's Here Inc st hitis with eyes that flashed scorn -
tt,egFeett sloes sloth es the table,
sad set feeth 1/16••/•
bees purebred i Mese horni theekelves
of the NAM* obese resfammen.
HMI el Skikely. said dna, • little
dab 4 siesidg MOM* jelly, a ntle of
breed, soda gellefite ulna.
AAA whin ibie wasiernatising meal tees
owes, med thag lob •Illiveriag Is• Ike ire,
ilse dose opens& tend in olliel
eight issue Mks • eissiow.
'It's us ii lir. Oestistes ;
'ety youderealleid. Ouse• PM. mid
speak to Captain Mayell.'
Miriatnasupged itheseely an thil deer -
w ay, and Mooed �r* red. thee pale,
before the advanced aad held os$ as
u nwilling hand.
Nlaydill rose tied bowed over it ; bet as
their *en stet he smiled • lied.
'Mime Castlettell,' said he, 'I aat very
hardy to meet you.'
Aad 14 lima( war behind
her mother's chair, sires to Beekin, .ad
do .bat Captain Wayell would, be mead
not snmend to drawing her into the con-
'I will make her look up,' he mid to
himself, a little cbsgrieed at the stead -
femme. with eked. the dark eyes were
bent toward the fire.
Turning to the artist he asked careless-
ly -
'Does your daughter sing r
•A little, iu a wild way, like • lark or
nightingale,' said Mr. Casthelon. 'She
hada esiser moo ; bet it is lost or
entice°, or seteething. Can't you sing
for us, daughter r
The roes was seeoessful.
Miriam looked up in a frightened way,
her eyes glittenng, hee sheiks glowing
in red spots.
'1 -I cannot sing tonight,' she said
hurriedly. 'Please, pima. don't ask
But when Captain Mayell had take%
leave for the eight, and was gropirg bit
way down the stairs, be wee Moot aud-
denly and unexpectedly confronted
14tyilm herself. wrapped in the black
shawl, with &atria at her side.
'Captain Mayen.' said Beatriz in a
low voice, 'what must you *Usk I For
our own sakes we ewe you an explain'.
to L.'
'Huh. Trix cried Miriam, excited •
'All this preamble is quite unnecessary.
I will tell him all abous it.
'Pepa doesn't know that I sing with
old Butkuso in the streets -but mamma
does and Trix,
'They know that Bayamon takes excel-
lent care of me ; and I wear his daugh-
ter's dress -and we cannot let poor papa
'Anil,' soberly added Trio, 'we give
paps the moneyernd be titbits old Bark.
ems* resesews 4111111nsm Abase aualea Pubs.
masa. -I
•.111111•110. 04.1i 4..bdrildh
ane take
milett 4 her
It wee
ler ea ___
,SeasSed safes
mites. " * ••••••
'Se 1e1111Wer 111$1111111011
mid e thIter WSW dieseeped
that the weridillg **dirties. he Lane.
se we pet ft off'
'Moues k wee he Leah W. seekis't
hami a iserriedee ls 16•m, "Is*:
'Why sol? There's net 'kw against
marryitie M any time, is dieter
'Ne; list le wonld 1. 504 leek.'
'Who 'eye so r
'Zvorybody. W117, lea as old as the
hil - s1 esperatienie. The sum*
women of seer • easter/ NM lima te
say, 'Marry in Lent, be ears to repeat':
Mostnth• yeasts gide titi•
lumee edging the same Lbw, It neon"
'km ' said this iwzdher of the prosies-
t.. heeds, he's • ouporetiaion tba& owe
due net like ea askausletiv. and jet
no one wanes toasts the nu 01
bad leek by ye...time Men Mika'
Tao erliles•• being edet (AI tba ;MA
of woenss's superstitions in. reward to
surriages, made impareies ond gathered
a serpsisiag number a slow
No girl, for inotenoo, willing to
make Fnday bee wedding dime
Atiray bask is Me claw. times the
• Moe IfewisemeMes.
Pierieg the swim.f .04 1.11 1:101114Wei
liable eir wadies Kiosks Jbe me.
pia* eyd with vie peempt reeltedy eid
.411:kell° u* Veit
MC sum ,ariagriWom
was that si7ren la the p--$M
of his wife mad elleidres is a braes,.
'Them twit • beg ilgt rule 111 deo rem
taiee el lassoed Oat world eines is
the proem. its YewsR
( R kis. It
would corrupt them Ood puy • UM
when be gets Wow a het I lied rubor
iny boy Mabellel Mill will. • bog thorn will
yok Sty runuieg with the how be mink,
net bimetal, bet be woold nue, learn to
aeree, thank God lf yes are guess to
kip on swearing you emirate Get
bet to some little Wand tbe sea where
embody ems hear it, sod spud your
NW Robinson Crum, among the goats;
and you are tit fur noddles eise in God
Almighty's world eddy to be butted by a
• risk angel would hate to be the rut
that had the nasty job on hand.
Meal he Dreedvedi.
Beware of any dragnet who will try to
Sodom you to takoonythiteg in Plana UI
Melignsior Parke's embolic Centime
It is • marvel .4 healing for Sores. Cuts,
Boum eta. No family should be with-
out it It has no equal. Get McGregor
a Parke's,. sad have no other. 0.47Wk. per Ina •4 Pshytias.. 1 m
It is said that the title of 'Lord id the
miulit °I "dim aidea ****Ilit"nali grim ,A14 is about to be conferred upon Mt
trued. The Ramses were very air Brous. of threes church.
eaten. about marrying day
mart. The 14th of February had *limes
boat considered in Iloithied peculiarly
unlucky for brides. WhY, trmii•itai
sayeth sot. In the Orksey Isles the
bride selects an evening for her wedding
when snore se a fall neon sad a nit
tide. la Scotland the last del of the
(went...old • the sanie tune an e pes.
year is unsidered leaky, the brathe chemical manipulation of the oom-
Wlessiler • Irasses resergeress.
ooraphaated medicinal preps:salon with
Ube various Ingredients so edjusted and her.
nionixed as to wears toleration and maimilit.
Lion by irritable stoma ths. sod the stiscial
action er term of energy of each separate
es to
the firat-Pridee is the month particilarly
lead and re
poundis acquired ugly bv Ione and patient
ague; ot the properties an uses ot tu
and cannot be imparted from brain to brain
any mere than a Ingot.�. eadiew an ea -
Seeker will theimencity of keeping a number
of bails ia motion In the air by showing Mrs
e yseeee oemeeteifle, neogeoge, thinks how 't done. This expiates why wheeler's
Phospbatee set Cya. as ou
of experieuce. Le
acrum Wishes the ohject
sulirtitnted by eons. druggists diesppoint the
ritirxecits in life are *apposed be• -
Sunday is • great favorite with bides
in adell. parts of ICn
New Goods arrived, and willbe arriving dur•
int the Season.
I eon suit all as to Material and Style.'
sireameeabsr the Palos -*eat meet. nest door to Beak et Mendr1114.14
Cloaerich Foundry and Machine Works,
Runoiman Bros., Proprietors.
tutus. for her nuptials. contemplated, while the trawl utent 'mita see
In Yorkshire, when the bride is about
to cross her father a threshold, r re-
tortiong fro. church, a plate cootainiter
a few small pieose.A cake is thrown fmm
an upper window by one of her male
relatives. If the plate is broken she will
be happy, lent it not there is every pros-
y*tt that she will net her ball shore of
this work'', In Sweden t.ibilligirli.M4P on ber way bask
from church hat _pious of bread in her
poskets. These she throws away on ber
aid to her home to inure her good
uok. It is di -fortune to the one who
picks up these carobs. If the beide los
tier slipper on the way frost church eh
will hips ber troubles, and the on
who picks it ep will gain riches.
In every eaentry it is an uuhapp
omen for the wedding to put off when
enee the day has been feted, and i
England it is believed great enisfortudi
will ensue if a bridegroom stand, if oul
for a asowient, at the junction of cross-
roads on his saddle.; morn. In Logan
also, it is thought -4i sign of bad luck
the bride fails to abed tears en her wa-
ding day or if she turn back to take
Set look at herself in het wedding
Among the English classes it is bad
leek for a bride to look back when once
.1. 1.. started fur church, or to marry
dressed in amen, or to lea the oeremony
go on while there is an opens grave in
10. elturclayard. When the bridesmaids
soirees the bride they must be sure to
tbruw away all the eine, to make sure a
loud for themselves as well as for her.
If • stogie pin be left in the bride's
raiment, woe unto her. And if • brides
maid should keep one of them she will
sot be married before Whitsuntide. or
easeiter. But where is Maisie ' -little .„
nere toe wretch.d coin you trit•e mind, in Entteumi ere not st,„ to pre.,
the Easter tollowiug. Therefore bri
FID louring Changed to the Gradual Reduction System,
A Rescue,. Traorimose. - For a
Cough, Culd or any Bronchical affection.
"Pectoria," in ine• opinion, is just the
thing. Hove used it in my family for
Cough. and Colds for the past four years
with the Most unvariod success, and to-
day my rpinion of it is that I continue
to think mill more of that which I behan
thinking welliof.
Gnu. Mute, Manager Ontaeio Bank,
Price 25 cents at all druggists. ni
is Mrs. Gastlaton, and Been:, my eldest
Miriam. the beauty and the runaway of
the fleck 1 Call her, Trix. Tell her to
get us some upper She will be here
direct y.
ful lightning.
Ube: said she- 'Take it back.' peeving the pins from bndai cos
'Why r he asked, confounded sind If the bridal party venture off the land
they mu.4 go up stream, sod the bride,
hurt. no make certain of Rood hick, must, 00
Horse Purees, Grain Crushers, Straw Cutters, Agricultural Femmes,
Stoves, etc. , at Low Prisms
.411 Kinds of Castings Made to Order.
R. W. gUnttillisli
-- ff. B. Rumneun.
Goderich. Nov. IL tau
SEE CI-OODS MARIE 3rD 3:3017;72\T.
W. IL 1=0:10T_,IE-Y"
len Lire for Ifenethans Wesetened by M-
euse. larbillit sae Ilemegatien.
The Great German Invigorator is the
only specific fur impotency, nervous de-
bility, universal lassitude, forgetfulness,
pain in the back or sides, no matter how
shattered the system may be from ex-
coeseeof atty kind, the Great German
Remedy will restore the lost functions
and secure health and happiness. /1.00
per box, six boxes for $5.00. Sold by
all druggists. Sent on receipt (if price,
postage paid, by F. J. Cheney, Toledo,
Ohio, sole rent for United States. Cir-
cukrs anti testimonials sent Inc. Sold
by Geo. Revue, sole agent fur Gode-
rich 3m :
'Because I hate you,' she answered. the happy day. wear ,doteethutif old and
Mill' C-vitiiit°n' a little old lady in * abruptly seizing her sister s arm. Come.
Wee car, who had lost the use of her , Tris. let us
limbs. sat knitting in a wheeled chair, But he poet* ad himself directly serous
by the sadly insufficient fire. her path, determined not thus to part.
Her poor nose was blue, and the hand 1
n i But why do you bate me r said be ;
which .h. tl.k1 mit to Ctliflimis ilble° I 'because I respect year courage and
was Gild as an ictcle. same, and honor your filial duty r
Bonne, a pale young woman of twenty
'Because you despise me,' she retort -
drew an old screen before the table, on ed.
wbieh yes a plate of cold meat and a
'Never,' he cried, taking her hand in
pitcher tA thin tea, and made haste to spite of hem._ ;
it and then and there
adjust the MIMI so as to hide the cot -bed threy because fast friends.
in the corner. --ee""eeeee--------- coming tome...or; Ite said, 'to
Mr. Castleton pointed to the suet,
order a picture of your father. Will you
with a flourish of the hand. I also bid me welcome r
'You see, Mayell,' said he, 'that I :
i And site answered shyly -'Yes.'
still cling in mY old habits. 'My bind I But she went out singing no more.
u seamier as steady new as I could 1 Blind titillate° end his ri,,iirk were
wish, but it seems necessary to sell a umerempsni.d ....
w and then. Till, where Wards Castleton died the next sum -
is your sister ' Why does not Miriam
mer, entirely unaware of the deception
picture no
came in I We have 10'"1" *milt" se- which had been practised upon him, and
einaintances. Mayelf,' the old man con -
Captain Mayall asked pretty Miriam t
aimed, 'who decline te buy my pictures. he his wife.
something new, somethin‘g gold and
something blue.' If she nes a strange
cat on that day she will take it as an
..nien that she is to be very happy ; and
if on the morning of
she steps folio her
higher than the floor,
thing higher stilt see
world from the time
Tu make sere of this
Maar and a table at
mem from one tel t
from her slumners on
On leaving her him
from the church to
earefel to .tap out w
first, and is careful
husband after they •
calling him by kis fu
the wedding ring i
wearer will soon be a
•nd there were
same sort which are
women, who caret
these mummeries in
day. Though they b
maids and graduates
standing. they are a
superstitions of brid
sod who contrive systematically to ignere
`Do you know, darling,' he said, 'I
her wedding day
bed on something
and then on some -
will rise in the
of her marriage.
the maiden has a
the bedside and
he other on arising
ber wedding atom.
• and on starting
return she is very
ith her right foot
sot to address her
re wed without first
1 name. To break
• • sign that the
fifty others of the
shared hy our young
.Ity fellew many of
the weddings of to -
3 nineteenth century
of colleges c.f high
proud against the
e a from inimetnor-
Jas. 21, 11191.
The Po -pies Godierich
CELINA WA.1:112,
elT01•11-7M WARM,
86C dgC_ , dcC
Also a Large Liao of
Moustache Cups, Ladies Cupe, Fancy Mugs, Majolica Ware
Vases, &c., Which will be sold at 00t3T.
Hamilton street., Ooderich.
December Ithh. ISIS. 194
Epps's c000l:Al Greatly. Reduced Price for Cash.
THIS I4 A W. \ N,
"Ily a thorough knowledge of the netts
ral laws which govent the operations of
ihreetion and nutrition. and by • careful
application of the fine properties of v. ell -
selected Cocoa. Mr. Fops has provided our
breektast tattles with a delicately devoured
beverarm which my save us many heavy -
doctors bills. It Is by the judicious use of
sorb artieleset diet that a coostitutioa may
be nails Milt up until email enough to
Fasist every tendency to dhvease. Hundreds
o subtle maladies are floating „ound
ready to attack wherever there el a weak
point. We may emu many • fatal shin by
keeping ourselves well fortified with pare
blood and a properly nourished' traine.---flal
Serene (Madre. -Diode soapy with boiling
water or milk. Sold oaly in Packets by Ora
eels. labelled thm:--,rairre Erre a CO..
Homoeopathic hamlets. Loudon Fatc." 1401
went for cued& C. K. COLS0e. MontreaL
us. But I am told that Theism frequently loved you eser since 1"e you sliming
goes to them W.lI. well, 1 cannot won- on the pavement in that picturesque There is NI more whildiesome or deli -
der -the child is young, and the,' glane- costume
I aims fruit on sank than the Wild Straw-
contoniptuously eroded the room,
Anil among her wedding gifts was a berry, and there is on more effectual
Ooderith Nov. 13th.
Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock.
G� nia...ruusr9
Turnip ee ds, Millet, Hungarian
Grass eed, Gore and
rundeaolheforraurmmierar Com laintts intsfamnPtss
mous (secy. Trixty here is trim u, her use est the
tiny ir"“c" oil: adults, than Dr F.Prler's Extract
old perents. 1 he had given bee on that bleak N erste- wad sta,,,b„ey. 2
ing hard!), the place to attract *girl's capre
diamond rtudded gold locket, in which
'Paps,' said Bestrix, coloring, 'do not ,
ber afternoon when the twilight was
Sale theism Cured.
Private fends to Invest at reasonale rates
of interest.
bisene Miriam She—
rerging into desk. Are you troubled wt. Sett Rheum,
'Have I blamed her ? The old artist •••••••••1111•01.101M
Rough Skin, Pimples or Canker Wires
shrugged his shoulders. Ithe is youas Ayer a Sarsaparilla is designed foe if so, go at once to Gem Rhyrias' Drug
-elle very yeune -that is all. As I three .1 • medicine to PoniSuite and got a keno -A Relieve dt
ia,, marl! Sall a picture now their Weed, build them uponcrease their Parke's Carboltc erste PriInt cents.
it touches the exact
meets this want,
Hamilton Street, Goderich.
Ooderich. May lab. IMO. 1164-11m
Just Received
Hamilton Street, Goderich
A good assort mese of Kitchen, Bed -room, Din nig Rio'. and Parlor Furniture, Puck •S$
blow Chairs (hair. cans and wood seated. rupitoards. Bed -steads. Mattresses. Wash-sta. t4
Louages. defas, W hat -N ots. Looking Ulareets.
N R. -A rorneletessee.-siont of Cornett sad Shrouds always on hand also Hearses for hir
at reasonable rate .
Picture Framing • specialty. --A call bol,cit ed 1:51
A large assortment of the v ariouv
suitable for permanent pastures as well *1VIII.11 AND tiAltliNN
dr• ca.c1.-u.p
Beg t. announce to the Public that they hate aliened business in the above Store
in the store lately occupied by Horace Newton Havana purchased a large and
well emoted stock of Spring and Summer Goods at close figures, we are determine
to give the Public the benefit
poo -Please call said examine ear goods before purchasing elsewhere.
plellessidesiber the place, next door to J. Wilson's Drug Store.
AO -Custom work will receive our special attentien.
0111 -"Sone hot the hest of material used and first-class workmen employed.
MO -Repairing neatly dime rot the shortest notice
Oodench. March 9 IMO. DOWNING & WEDDUP
Alifb 111111 TO ATMS.
Aldo twat for the celebrated Uri
CIA TJ RN' , the very beet in the market.
s petite and rej aaaaa te their whole It was never known te fail. h Fast street Orate Depot. opposite Town Halt
and then, and so system, Ooderich.
we manage to keep No °thee reparation so we
she.. Just let me slice yon some
ilea 1 hare sketched nn canas.' spot. Its mord of forty yeses is one of
Ad while Oaptsie Mayell turned over tonataat triessph over disuse.
the 1,1.1 inan's portfolio and cogitated -----"*..-----
• 0gr A Raw ellie-Of owe dooms "Tomtit.
tO P•cci/••• • Picts" lyitbmt htIrd" rhyme en .. wee, ' the remarkshle
within himself how he might
iv" to any wee seadinf the eel
*he senettire elide of Ibis artist, the little rafoserethe Teeth and Ask
Awn Peen: pe
t ewe Goal ou th• dries
your or address
Says Dryden
"She knows her man, sed when you rant
and swear
Cu deem you to her with • single hair.
But it mtne be beautiful hair to have
h weir • an.: beatauful hair eon he
ensured by the see of One 'AVM RAM
Filetwea, Sold at 50 ets. by J Warm'
Pend sly evet,. for tostage.
and receive tree . • ostil ly bolt
enrols which Iv in help Jon
to more money right Or*,
there (myth's( els. In t,(• world All. of either
s.it, weeder. front Inn honr The broad rood
to fortune (mewl twiner the workers. silent we,
y sore. At ont:e addrese,Tat Co. Augusts.
Now 1. 15'. t one. it you wish one or two nlee reams at *0544. 10 see Putter room aper.
He has on.r
20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs
Deautka eellers.aset at priedreless than very much infer... snrolv Al and a • I hem. The
scathe host vet ue tows. aad -me
The latest Silting haat Pallems & Fashion,