The Huron Signal, 1885-8-28, Page 1N
.pgY440pVTid Titan. t
3l tlaslACY sR !ft A1M01[
I/ .very ►rtaay Iltwale by 1Me-
N s[ ands., at tbtl! Whew harts tlt
deapaseMd te sit pares id rite •orrouM
Vireiteen Weis edited tide and trains.
sg flfdmte.ier 't ba. • larger ciscolik
Other aewapapsr to this patter
d a the et tits molest. newelsM
to t
t vrs, a
Gaper-►idiw WKetms.a
e slater s Ue iisiftara.
—41 SO is adran.+s, 1. state pre-trbt
t MITA if p•ld Mrbro ass naatba
pard. Tk . rate *di he izio:l
TIM e► A°rtivrr4TY0.-Tight ria*.
Orae neer11oa : three costs per Moe fee
sodqurteri o• eira+•uat reduced rates.
JOS PRI YftS.--•toohave.glenaflnuthea
• *Wag d.wartasr"t la cennsat tew arid pe serve
.nn the moat eomplet e out -est and beet fat:Mira
u hirn!ng nut w..rk .n U.wlerte•h,areprep,nM
to do business is test IMO eat prices that ranr.a
as biasses• cert og • testae Mat want be
unwired —Teems rase
i Gees=_
VRISAT, IVO. edea, M...'
}i 1'.Y111f'd?I(I % .
Amend hasn't ben a terribly hat
month *roved G••derich. There haves t
beet, any samernkee donne the m.o:.t!t, •..a,.t be averted by any human *duet. Iowan lfept pp, bye in vaulting wkk pole n.rtheca mess, who woii the fiat and
and the mercury hada t been awn) up in Aey seas.n dot is attended with asses- e'en Lunar, the sung geared chap felt) third tufts, losing the !r.qud.'
the nineties sive growth at the hob of a certain de- i Chiotl`u, couldti t get near the red rd, The crowd dispersed to 'hurt order
vel. of the grain► will I osjr;• bd
to the beaviueses of the pole. As Wore all the ppruKramine si-s a en+iludei,
The man wh•• Came from the South. se 'puser odors
Waite jtebertadoof the Manhattan club, uaitg to the dowupi•ur,
that lee might keep too:, Lae found in 1 ret. The truth a ch.. will desrl) tt}p i aaill. "1I ,tea n}. sae trying to vault la the evening a large su.ierce 6ljgd
tioderich, duns.: AL.:ust, a piece where 1 peer if the fuection of the dilferesil}nrts with s caber." Reimers were in plenty She hall to witness the Bob Roy"
Ise could sit in the sits durintl the day be carefully considered. a •s.itj Ct.e. Quirti, A. C. Reid, Saanderv, eutotteuuneut, and many ernld not gain
e rrguau Bt.wmaa athfl others in thee admittance. eciitg that all Mud not
aim to Wessien
Tebbe kidder d The thseon fiiwaal
"'It's the k,g memo the red." "I u;
you're *tong. It' the der at night
causes it." "Too re Moth wrong,' adds
Nu. 3. "lee the cola and leo sue,•' No.
4 shoots with a roses of sasthasitt,.as if
he Had a emitted For tegut.11ag public
opini.,t3 on the subject, "It's the mois-
ture in t!ie au makes tke wltpst nest.'
Ha h. ' seunda the light-hearted fel-
low, "You're right, Tum.'
The above is a specimen brick of the
discussion 'Lich viten take. place at
threshiega and Muer MAW tnf O .J the
farming eum.esity ; and the view with
*rich vee tries ti cinvinbe hid neighbor
is more amuatet than in.t{ucttve.
New, teatlemrs. be silent aad as do
• ile se possible, and moiler over sol a
Rusticua has to say un the production of
runt 18 i•ra:u, a0d it sod w\ • ) o w wary ,
a .quabble.
. Ret ie an **cadent of the season, and •
THIS 3TRATFORD OLUB. " Lander : 2. silver exadalt J D JLmiltue ; COUNTY CLIPPINGS
I tes.dusg Legh swap -1. D M Sado• gleet, Mas an Ares of alsvea lie
ea iso
nsread tassel spreuis .f tae beef stirs. van, J ft I r ; 2, A $e.,tt ; 3, Juhn bows Inuolrstw.
dsaeaw iteeeety. Turner.
• 3, du. , J koala .
. --- Itenuisg high jump —I P use Gad 4 J. W. Green, late of the Gorrie B ,ter
T►e, sseoha animal gathering ut the Duup• dhvwed tout and 'demi wool ; pr -w, will ah•inly stag a paper to Ar-
U .uIII an 3rd, deur
$cut ed* ..f Perth was held in the sity C•iniume eel trssr:.era tape— An-
t Atratfvld on Fndr last. Eats morn- d ' 11rr. S. H amen of Clint.en, has par-
„ y y tier bloom ; 2, J A 1R berta.ra ;.3, Jd eh" f •unl• Rrt eetat. onside the city
ine relic well unto nuou boded no good Weeny. of rite Catharines.
prospect for the games, but about noun Fat east's rare f,,eer 200 Dee e 200 Tiwtt ti ty be a bead competition at
the proverbial bit of blue in theeky, yards -1. Albert koaeus,u ; D Muir ; the nth Hornet fall show, to be held
tarps enuytth tu ",teak' a hielao'inan a
past •.' weeks, . pat in an appearance,
anti the heeds ut the beard '.1 maoatn. grew Kind. Then was a large
uuunber s.( in the athletic
g•tla a, an the uotuber of shoals in 'kihs
was • time t.lwwitie. Amongst the
Y, J I) Hamilton.
Half sole race --1, E Case ; 2, R 11
Herriauau ; 3 W 13usrua¢.
Hotel keepers rani --1. W Burg ; 2,
John lrukwortby ; :., W Grey.
Mile roes --1, TL Case . Jatt:es
Greer ; ,toes -
athletes, Hurou wag well represented, Tilting at the ring 1, .1 13 `teCarty :
and we uuticed Archie 41odt and D. M 2, yea• Clark ; 3, !dark Cure.
Sulimau, formerly t,I Reseed, big Dan The tug-of-war between North and
Smith; formerly of Ripley, sod tell- !South Perth, was a•nduetei at intervals
known in Huns, th eon Perris, of
Brussels, and Jol.n McPherson, of Kin -
tail, all .of whore Pero pprtaewlneete
The beery weight cuuppteitiuu was keen-
lyj vgsue.tsd. and some good, wurk seas
d+.wl lu the jumping the record was
in the taut .Bowies, which rendered the
strutted very slippery for the feet. The
slags were ceptau;ed by Messrs. Fergus -
un and Cole Considerable interest was
am -Ideated in the event, which was
theadedeher a close pull id hour •.f the
ja with• ut befog roast sad sleep bet ween I Thy asa,reeules at the extrewitla of plaices wit (u trine such fat ♦lyes b• scoymudated in the hall a party of
bleeroeat antltf. wUiltu L pSr!oaatill tie ( the roan uf plants demob the epotisture,
death. that is, 1•iant-fwd, fn,re eke earth, just
we & ni't lrfgi w that km. coveter, are on the same principle as a aplingls, or
mut of feshlon at •.ilker.ettamd• resorts, any other porous aub.taaces imtohasd
brve they are nut -the tiw:4 in thole- is caster, ;bs,rbet the liquid sad becomes
Tick. N+othtaq so airy, if yitt plana saturated aid' ir. . The rusts, Nin ugh
The ke eream meson was not a long' their intetlettcee, convey this seei*ture to
:e, and the mottalityin the seettnn-h.s tiie stem, to the L.riucip:e of capillary
been corAs4ieillytliltht. ! jattsactu•a, and the same j,riatrple the
Coal nil coking stoves win soon be I Miles wnreys it t i the upper elar.mity
relegod d to -Q a !task shad, an the I of the plant, that is, the head: I here
trusty woad .tore win 10 115 sp•14•• of *neat rein eat at a certain stage! of
stead. We are any looklug for the faU i Stem a,, *lieu it utu:.ily hecoales alkcL.d
—not for the 1t ct eu, arsovy, for ae with rust. This process atm is whae
4 Fair hail tint. 1 the heed ooettn¢se to moor ;.pot at the
WW1 the fall will crime the fall show. ; time when its growth is nekrly complete
the dwpp..g of rue leaves, the hog* , ed ''•' uouri.hmeut is required a¢d at
pumpkin, tits temefietg Mit elall kinds. 1 than stage rust appteus. Why i Thr
the mud roads.and the diaappsiated prise !enlace already adenoma ars rosstinu-
seeker. All this wolf take pia e n edit ously at wort, perfnnuingdolt for ',hick
"MR Wptetutet;, • hen thiellikeilieg. mature designed therm. sad, stimulated
is emoting ..n the tree." , Ira Bair dation hp humility, heat, or any
October and Nevesaber wiil`emA as ether agent whish produce* e:ouosivs
es Rob' mein, Kuir soil Hamfltdt, all prumwent Caledonians sad ethers
shored opotegua4, loom_ Ain .nisi the inti roc meed an ..pen air aye: eoTiinm at
pipers went G. A. Smith, if Hamilton, the "Winds or,' whirk was
son tJ tondo, , an I Ireland, of Bud- attennled, sod hearty was the applause
fate, N, Y., the two homer being well that greeted "lt&ldie Buchanan." 'He's
a Comic o' Mute," "I wish )Iy Grannie
/Saw Ye." &c., &c
Conspicuous amongst those wen :abet. -
ed unremittingly t,• make the games a
.aces.. was Alex. Mathea•n. the ener-
getic secretary.; J. 1?. Stewart, ..f Rus -
dilate ; John Dton'gole. of Londnp,
Sheriff thesis. A. t'rquhart, Teronte ; Shaw. Brussels, ; Col. Campbell,
Listowel - Dr. Beech_ Detre'.. • Abs
knewututoany of Oar readers who attend
Luehtriuw Hautes, and the latter being a
"guid so tae blew," altltnegh a new
maµ. Tb* dancers were also ..f goodly
number, abd comprised some of the old
stand)ya, arch as Geordie M.+thaoon,
Jas Mount ti. trc'thersen. . P. Ander
son, F••rtheriogtum and idhers The folk were also well represeeled,
and ce.apicuess amopg them, were,
ib..Crwkahauke, sod Ike,blue Burns is
lineal desceudat't o1 the "••rent Rob-
bie'•„ of Londait, lisle McPherson, of htock. Bella Gordon, of Luckt,ow,
Ri-best 3Mckay, and John llattrsy, .•f
Tur.wtu. The 11 nuts in archery woe
carried •:d by Mies Recite! and Mrs. Oar at the "Windsor," ithe leading
thatiader, of 'hetet), mid in every
M A Gft dite,oforonto. acted as's them the success .4 theegamt.t. strove u
Shortly after 11 o' the vivito*,
hent in timl,teaaher, sad liberal prices
will be given.
The yuutlg mar., Denoon, has been
seuteri:ed jt, bye years it, tie peniten-
tiary ter attar:ng m,uey from the Luck-
tww pooatof3ics
• At the r.zeat auteprufsasioaal teach•
are' eismissatiutte to Turoott..Mr, J W
Mora: , -.f the St. Helena public achuul,
succeeded is pas•isg u grads C.
Duncan DreClend, M. D , formerly of
liopeen, has been appu:nted prufes..a .1
maters medics and therapeutics in the
Detroit C •IJege of Medicine.
Mr. Geo. Burd, sr., Stan'.y, one of
the ulded and most competent teachers
in Meson. yea aucoessfully passed his ex-
amination fur a brat -class, (:rade B.
Thos. f1.11, of Scott t Kell, of Wing -
ham, left recently on a three weeks' trip
to the Northwest. During his absence
he will acreage to open a wholesale
furniture store in Winnipeg.
A young lady, of Winthrop, who does
not weigh neer INN hundred and eighty
pounds. end i eoenq boy. kept up to a
reaper, half a day in a ten aore held of
heavy grain, in the farm of Mr. Hert-
mao Cook, and they were as spry as
larks at night.
Caine to the efforts of Messrs. Gar
row and Preedfuot, Thomas Keamish,
who is in prison as being a party :, the
death of Rin. Haynes, wiil be released
in about one month. Henry. whose san•
tens was 20 years, will it is thought,
getout in about three years.
asabned W sir Peswesaw
As f.r Mn Langtry she was subsided
thew drys later to the erratest &dabs
that c'.ti d be intimated spot. a woman ►s
her poem •n. a deliberate •'cut freer the
Priocese , f Wets., mete. u not the plastic
doll in the Pewees heed. that Mets
People ttnaatw. This episode .round
et the Coombe house. where Lady
Archibald Camprell and Ler pastoral
players sere givior their last perform -
*nee •,f The Fa:thtule Shepherdess. The
Prince 01 Vales entered into converge -
ton with Me.. Lailetry. who dropped
the tonal quaint courtesy with whirrs
royalty u received : the Princess of
Wales had termed h 'r basic and wsa
talking to some ice ese. A hundred
eyes watchers the gr op. It has only
••esu .eros, and n.,t cniustly. that the
Prince of Woi•a .. res:ariahle fur this
tact, but even tLe ni ,st drstWipieehed
social warriom sssi.ettmes luso their
heads where a pretty wutuar: s iafArests
arc concerned, and at this mowed, 11
any. Mrs. Langtry nredsii the ormaola•
tine of royal fay.:r. The Prinos pluck -
the Princess by the •Mere, after saying
•o Mrs.- Langtry is quite a bud roe •,
''0h. the princess wotad like t. tell pest;
The princess turned seined• sur-
veyed Mrs. Langtry quite as though arse
did not • see her. grave so dight a bow
that the inclination of the tread was al-
most imperceptible, and then deltbes-
ately cursed her back sad resumed her
oonvursatwn mak her freesia*. It was
the hottest day uf•the •rer,n, but tb.
thermometer seemed to drop a hundred
degrees, the pnuoe Imaged eaquisiteiy
foohah, Mrs. Landry's ceirfuaiou was
pait.ful to behold sod the sial axe had
fallen Rut chs new aeat.jsl may help
the Lily's theatrical interests, which hays
of late begun to languish. {London
Correspondence of the Bootee Herald.
rim eurrered 1s lbs ear *at-
.ede teaeewi>erertr*.
,C.,M'Tae.:1$uPL6. Aug. 24. — Ituaaia,
The Wiugham T:, •, says —Wm.Xelfeanr.i; Ser Hrury Druu,:n :nil Wulff w
McNair VSiratfor,l ; Jame, cors marl. tW"" usteii from Montreal leu under to otter the S.tltau
M. P., ♦ '..,dstccw, and ofEcers rt the .eel: with a cargo of tattle for the old [indeed's as.iatauc• it, in getting
c.axt.try. %Voll. the vessel was descend- possesaweuf Kers and Mao the control
Society. iwg the tit, Lawrence b.tsee t 4inntreal of Bulgara in return forma An '.o•Tul4sih
Thus Ballantyne, MPF . with nos and Huber it ran upon • sans bar and alliance, has instructed 2ietedvff, the
usual rht'f p•hty, t visitors
a lathe K,a seek. Ti result ..0 the cattle Kia alliance,
n ,has inst r t.: Torten,to keep
number of prominent viait..n during the had tu ha landed with rafts, and Mein a caul watch o:. the British to:ruy'a
d•a• had to bait ten days unto': the vessel negentiatiotsa
era est Sued' Soon, Ind . Aug. 24 - -Fred Berkey,
Last Sunday morning Mr John Mc- s. of a lewdisv closer) of this place,
headed eby d the pipers and a brass bane. l thaisar•>:nLumie7' was e had made rPrrwed t" him a Pre""
while ineetioated yesterday, tired Wino
proceed to the station, and ,boat sheets. atom; at whoever Leppaseet to err
autduiytht the different traits were board- of a little girl about two months old, within range Laura b;•ruet race:ved
ed. As they [Hared t,4 to the strains of that had been left at his deer during two bullets. err:• vi rte wrist &ni sae un
the night She was well dressed, but the shoulder.
Wm. McClanahan was
no clue can he found to the heartless shot through the hand. W. Ferries
parents. It is high hate inch a tronasired a flesh wound in the thigh. and
was put a stop to. Jordan Payne Was *hot through the
Throwatq heart' hsmmw r — 1. Dm hands ii tit• jollygood fellows who are Mr. John Pim, who resides near Ellen- body, just Pio.* the heart. and will die.
Sasitb, 102 feet
„own, : ?, J D 31r- rep• natble fur the successful working of 011ie and who has for s .me wens been Payne was sheet whole un a bate,.
3, Gideon P6ijis. the Perth Caledonian S•eciety. in a inelanchely state of mind over Berkey dragged him from the bugxy•
Oa secular attain, attempted to c•,mpit empeeloir the other than to drive un,
manager ..f the day, and thr..ugh bis
eweoty.aA push three series of •peens
were kept suing in the ring all the after-
noon $ren this action failed to ee-
hurbnigece ()twists % whack attdit;sins- reeetati••n, a too large or superabundant boast the lengthy programme, at
quantity of ' se ' collects in t}.e stem 5.4•.11 ""`'ck in the seating it was de- ,"Auld. Lase Syne," each wisher felt that
teary circumitanees,wiU be os tisi.sbowt `i y P etdrd that some of the events would be it, the time to come it would give them
tee month of December, and will Neely to be used by the h...1 and dohs
last until the middle or end of Mara, monk is that by leterat pressure
after Utah— the straw is ruptured. This eon -
bot. k*ad reader, we dogma. i We mos •e'11f • is met nater .1 ; because
looking toc far ahead, and as we are trot while the lower—tooth are meat active
otnitted. The following is • , pleasure tc visit Stratford, t t view the
oar or Tits •.atter► : games and shake right heartily the
in the weather prophecy boaisesso sad in culiectine and eeriveynie sap tote. Th1_ fr wtnq light hammer r1, D Smith,
have no intention of editing an a;tseaa3, f stem, seed the head at this period of its p t 3i inches ; Y, J ll McColl ; 3 t:
you will kindly excuse us it we draw oat *teeth refuses to relieve tie latter, the Putting heavy atone -1, J D McC+•1!.
cogitations on the weather and the no of accumubtt.i moisture root dad vent 35 feet 7 inches ; 2, John McPherson :
..emewhere, and indeed' of torang a 1' 1. Perr:a
Putin light stone -1 oa D Me(J.,11 A meeting of the chairman of the
amps to a close
PARNELL'S PROGRAM LE. suicide, on Tnesday morning, by cutting and attempted to escape. Finding tots
hes throat with a razor. He jest gree- impossible Berkey placed the pistol to
led his jugular vein. A doctor wall hi own head and fired, dying so 1!i mis-
s rm• called w, who sowed up the wounds ant
ate• The ca,aae . 1 the bloody work u
ii Tim are eh:damned of his recevere. unknown, except that Berkey was critiod
by liquor.
taylwt Pews tar Werk Series site
661 t:leruews.
?WWII through the head or rweraisg I utLfeatilRnch ; '2. G Portia ; 3, John Mo D''ntas, Aug. 3:.. The Parnei;it• electoral districts of the Kiat Riding of A gentleman entered Sarony"s
Cowrtrtm ace Rade us that hnu,or .,r checking the action -.f the lower or- , Pherson, managersheld a secret n.oeting here to- Huron will he held at Brussels on Tue.' other day for the purpose of obtaining a
• select candidates fur the cooing
boner picture of hitaself. The ansae
is being sold illegally by vendors in this ff gang, it makes a breach to the. weakest Tnestn; caber 1 Dan fi sorb 41 feet day to eel g day, Seetterober 1st to c.,nsider the ad a p
town. We hare two liquor stores in 1 part, the straw. he result, which
campaign n and to dtscuse the future of ha d Reform de
town, and they ought to conduct the I should tot be coefoundd with the
business in a legal way. It is reported ( cause, u well known. To prevent toe
that persons are in the habit of getting great au intensiuo upon your colants,
tiquor without certificates, and thee la l the description is (*premed in a few sea -
other asses, old certificates are teed. 11: teems, perhaps too few, yet I think the
tltltielmegmle" are tine, osvali se1len • theory will be admitted as comet.
should change their tactics Th have Rt'ancra
„a the Wang of the liquor in their own i
Lands and they should keep the law. A question that agitates our e*eltaelra
es, Grit and Tory, is what conetibtes
"A Youog Liberal l Any Liberal still
in the thirties, or under, should ill the
kill.. Jl tariu swarms with theca.-.. scowk reel fatt.tyti d Qtrls-1
5 inches ; 2. .1 0 McColl ; 3, E W Johe• g oiunility viog a reran e
aeon polar of the home party. Parnell pre- monstration sometime in September,
Throwing 56 Ib weight -1, J D Ms and it was rewired to advise all and, if decided to have one, to make
Coll ; 2, G Petrie home rule cunuitueucies to select o. amrgement' to carry it out successfully.
Vaulting with pole -1. It Douse ; 9,
candidates with out ti*t c orsuatrg with Tie 3taLles belonging ire to the
Farrell and t.. vote for none *h.• wound g d Queen's
NWrestling-1, on re; AR Anston ; 2, AC nut give pledges to act with the party as' L•ote', .caned by Mrs. McLaren, were
Raid . 3, W Robinson -a unit in Parliament. It was repotted I deetroyed by fire on Weaoeday evening
Ladies archery contest-1,Mi ss Rask- that the candidates sbevld each sign a met wait:. The fire was first nntioed
e1 Alexander ; 2, Mrs Alexander • 3, ° to v"tea and and act with the Per- a0out ten o'clock. and originated in the
Mrs. Williamson. aellitee, and resign if a majority of their Ikea left Fortunately the building sae
eutlsegues w ordered. Addressing • i se\4ety at the ths hu Idtti nmtr, which e, and here was was uninsured. sloss
Highland ling, girls und2.r Kate years— public meeting Parnell said that the
lYeJal--1, Vella (Y,rdon : 4, Mc- Pu q The tirea:en dtti cold work in sawing the
triumph of the Irish duce was assured I '
whether the Whigs or Tories won the r hotel and adj•:ming huuldnnga. The
Hail u a pointer for our temperance
friends : — Supporters of the Roots Aix in
Daffodil county will tltf>II0.,.
the Government to appoint a polos
magistrate without a salary, they having
subscribed sufficient money to pay him
for one year, in order to have the pro-
visions of the Act properly observed.
Tern. Bsxoot-us, of Toronto, has
been sleeted President of the lnteras-
tional Shorthand Association, which will
h ld t seeting at Mont
Pherson ; 3, M. Cruickshank.
Highland ding, b.ys under 14 yean—
Medal-1, Robert Mackay ; 2, Robbie
Burns ; 3. John Ratira
, Knew'
McPherson ; 2, Robert McKay ; B•iila
Bad. dreamed Highlander —1 Aso. /de-
gas ; 2, G. A. ; 3. M. J. Pat-
Pibroch}1, R•obt. Ireland. New York ;
2. Jaa Mouth, London ; 3, 0. A. Smith,
t.tnthsp.ya and reels -1. Jas. Moon ;
way. _ 12, Peter Steeds : 3, Robt. Ireland.
Highland fling is costume- 1, 0. A.
o its rex Inesad m
real. Mr. Bengoweh is a tirat-elass
phc.ottrspher, edits a live &sitkted I
journal, and is booming sket1
the spelling 11110611. He is ldB ..s*,
of the honor eeeferred upon his at the
recent Ioternational CosventiA at Buff-
Ron* of our Mimi oat In the town•
ships are math( edemas compacts pend-'
aside Mane of Reef. ease. A good
Grit, ap north, says he will vote Tory
fe, r` ,kneafter if "Joke A. has the moral
ammo to hues R$ ; sad i. Tory neigh-
bor aweatd hell Mier twain poll a Tory
rote if Roel be not hanged. Far our-
selves, we world like to gee the instigator
of the rebellion get kis deserts. end oar
Tory mends eon count upon es in the
elections h•neeforth if Edgar Dewdn.y
the eatrmoe penalty of the law
aria ►Its, Aaeging RMI
the mass at ail—it's Dewd-
small -pee !1 -pe* spidtrsio appear* to he
moving wettwdrd. It behooves oar
Local board of health to see that san-
itary arrangements are perfected so that
no difficulty will be experienced ie fight-
ing off the disease should it come this
Dower in last Durham the Dutch hare
takes Holland. Mr. Ward, with the aid
of his father as returning officer, has
carried the riding by 390 of a majority.
At the last .'lection the majority for the
late member was :bel. There u only
on. of • difference between the majori-
ties, and it looiu as if the available vete
was polled.
Matheson ; 2, James Moon ; 3. H. Roo
placed him in position and screwed up
his machine to the proper focus. `"Now,
look pleasant and cheerful, please," be
said, 'and keep your ye fastened on
that picture.' Indeed of looking cheer-
ful. however, the gentleman leaned
forward and assumed $ touk of infinite
weariness. "Pardon me, • exclaimed
the photographer. ' that will scarcely
do : your impression is far t sombre to
make an agreeable picture You must
try te. coax up a slight etude "If my
present position and expression cost
an thing extra,' was the answer. "i am
welling to pa it My wife ,s at the
election. The T inn :.,old give as good i origin of the fire u unknown. Isequ„t, by t • sounds, and the picture
tensa to her. I kn.,w .bat 1 am about ;
lair tkr saovgr and begin euuttittt."
Prtraoue. one. Anes. 25. — E. H.
C ,ry.11, while wt exercising a young
scheme of selfgorernment as the %t't.ige. A younst man named V ad, employed
"Let Irish farmers." httpsid .'aupport with Mr. A... Hlll
Halstead, uf tbt. aitliad
the league arecently stud prove that they will sot sow.. rently met with an accident
allow the landlords to trample upon ekish subsequently resulted in his
them durti e the ensuing winter " death. He went out into a held t" colt yesterday evening, noir his death
Farnell said that it had easier the catch • Lnrse, and had just taken hnid of i under the following eircumstanceu
leaguu. a p.licy to support witted tea- it try the mane, when it lifted its head A dog frightened the horse, and Mr.
ants to the utmost where it was shown with • sudden jerk, throwing him Trio- A d sell either sustained injuries from
that they were determined t, wrier for lent;, against a fence. and injuring hie the horse kicking him, or otherwise be -
principle, and th h encourage the spine Medical. kaatatanee was called cane excited and the effect on his heart
a clad to say , but Le only Tred three or four days
tenantreogene*Ily. was fatal. There are few or no marks
that the policy h e,f. Many cher the accident. visible. (}n the other hand Mr Ceryell
evic•ed families Seen relented h, On M.,nday ;art • serious mishap, oc• was an accomplished horseman and no
their Loldnegs, t arrests cancelled tutted eat a sow be which is beingowl excited. Hv w•s father of IA.
sod • reduction of 15 to 20 per 141 built across the Sault: at liweoertein'a Morrell, who served in Siteel. s scouts in
' demon.
Sword dance -1, (l. A. Matheson : 2, rents obtained. The indirect results farm. The men hal succeeded in pro• the recent rebellion. He hares a wid-
ow Nieces : 3, J. R. Andersen.
were even greeter. Landlords feared to, pearly placing the iron work upon the „w and six children. Mr Giryell eases
Regi u Tn. 3. J. 1, James Moos ; 9. evict unju*tly, Ods and thna.andslabutaanta, but neglected t' secure rt 1H.i resident of thus place. waa an ex-
G. ka Matheson ; 3. H Henderson. of families t escaped eviction. h sed t!ee result esu the iron vetoers tell) councillor and was • prnmtmut member
Halt mile roes -1, E Cam ; 2, R B l was the Baty ' tenarta a. subscribe to the wrtk into the river. hen wen i of the maex.ic fraternity He was Ott
Harriman ; 3, W Bowman. ' freely for the support .•t those evicted. • aualoer ..f men nn the frame when tt I yea* of ate
Hurdle race 1 A C Reid 4 11 LI Lt we use judgment and mederativo,' tri, but futtunatel none o/ them were Tita Wtrr.ttt tM SALT Wali. — Ever
Whiskey Detective Fieh, •.f Otterville,
was in town nn Wdneeday He met
with several misfortunes. At on. hotel
when, he visited he parted with his
a.thorit giving his warrant to the
landlord who forgot to retwrs it. He
Hesrrieman 3 T J Masa he continued, we shall see the two Enft• hart, say $d ward oat, who roostved once the comme...sent of operations at
Alternate jock.y race, in pain. 2001 lab parties competing to settle the Irish some slight injures. The accident will i wail o'ntrwtor, Mr. Kell.
yards 1, Saunders and Herrieman : 2• and dar*lenq in the thought that we be- what an
Keened, and Luughnens ; 3, Marra and long to a generation abet to witness tSe I agreeable one. In the that place before
Bowman. Mr. John Holmes, rho resides on the rock was reached 75 feet of gravel had te,
Boys' race- 900 yard.., under 14 Years tlniah of a struggle lasting 701) years, He -nn r cad about a mile from Taylors be sone through. which made prioress
—1, Heigh Madam ; 2, HarryHicks ; opposed by each tremendous obstacles
ae• ruse, Goderteh township esu s seven exeeedingl slow. Then after onno
an elle CheeN Only the Irak i4 feet of reek •strata
lo.e.. by the wind storm on Thursday! throcght about le
100 yard race —1, James Quirk : 2,
+'t^ defeat themselves. The! English night ,_the
week. He was hawing his of clay was street. and drilling opera -
100 Parliament cannot defeat us. t been
Th.,. Green ; 3, William Saunderslard tied w and repaired, intending to tions had to ase until casing was gunk
visited the barn and was d withWe have met and beaten the worst that
pelted Rennin* hop. stop Med jump --1. i<nsland can des. !have • f tion built i,eoeath it, and down some 28t1 to keep nut the day.
filth ; he returned to the hones and some ems,*. Watson, out' 4, A Dnepr . for the' purples It was raised up on • The lair misfortune came three weeks
unknown Milldam' deluged him with T Aitken — — p est•. it was soot in such a position to! ago yesterday, when. at the depth of
Muer, until pone Fish less in 1 pitiful Standing long jemp--1. D Y gasket Gen. Middleton and Minister Caren
etch the f.0 force of the wind, which i;00 feet. tb. bit broke n? t!,e drill and
plight - (Woodstock Times yaw, 10 ft. 9. in.; 1, JIM 'lTtlget:; 3t A. have been remitted Knights Commander arrack it with tremendous power, liter- I stuck in the bott.,m, and they have been
The Wondetoek roughs have nothing boort. int tie t)rdev ..t fit Mieilael and int. • idly tweak*/ it to pieces --at( ev opting' **thee; her it seer eines wohoet seamen
Ito be proved et. 111 Mr. Fish wee an in. Running keg jump -1, T Watson, - (hello
one end. Thera was a lot of grain, be.. Rut for these delay, Mr 11'11 email
beg regimen ogteial, and scads • whole 21 ft 2 in ; 2, flows' Aitken ; 3. AI The French Caboose has tenders.! an inside. which was mon or lees dammed haps been through with Ins e.•atrsot by
D eve.
epoh,Ry ta. the Brit.h Eni baasy for the ' he the heavy rain. The logs to Mr. thio tim0, and we would have known
tittle seizure of whisky, he woeld have G.edweter's ruse, 110 Yaw&• (over 200 ina*tt °feria to lam: Lepers by Rosh*. i Ho'.rnea wilt 1e a •n.iierabte.--{Ifew whether we are 1, I. are eat or not
been a hero in the eyes of tate Time& i lbs. 5 yards ehrt; —1, bold medal, John i be. Ere (Tomes,
yoestinn- There is enmethirq solemn delay th. ooinpletion of the bridge some has
round the job anything but