HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-8-7, Page 8t`4 i list A.J. Terser, of Wiag►sm, spent doe - duty is t►i. village. Prof. tlnt.r left ter HamiItm leer week. Mrs Lowness and daeghter red W.. Smith, of Leydon W..t, are venting at Geo Hawk.... Mr Smith wee with the i th twit.,. of Loudon, iii the North west. Jail Thomas sad Joe Ellis, coopers, or Godavari are working for Mr Mahsllj. Mr Mahady shipped •outlier eerie of Noun on his schuoner Kuterprw to Gude- nob teat week. Baan Beater. A barn, the property of Jas Fiat was barna to the gr e d ea Thursday eight Ian. The origin of the Aro is unknown. Insured is the Mid- dlesex Mutual. Atrtuu.rx. Mn A C Hawkins slip ped, fell, sad broke her arm ono day Iasi week. Dr Coe set the injured member which is doing as well as user be expected. John Film, a farmer re - "Muer about one mile and • half north of this trilbies, fell frwii a Lead .•f hay recently aid severely isjured his leg aft to lay hiss up for the net of the sumuter. And so they have a pair ..t weigh scales duwe at Dunkp Well, that to Letter than nothing. Dunlop evidently has a future, a great future hetero it. But until last week we weren't aware that it bad for • quarter of a century been known as a greet trade centre. But au says your c-rrespondent. Some- how, we were under the impreseimt that unto the last few years Dunlop was known as "Authony Allen's corner,' and es to is being • trade centre, it surely taunt b• a hone trading centre he has reference to, for with the exception of a lot of bland, knock kneed, ringboned, roamed, pollevilled old plugs, we have clever heard of a ny other species of mer (-handier changing hands there. lour corresnoodent's evident detigbt in lur- ing it to say that Dunlop is the proud pu.seeaur of • pair of weigh scales, re- minds us of tie reply of a litue seven year old girl to her compatuea, who had been proudly bursting of "her pa hariog built a new verandah to their house." "Well," said the little one, with as much pride, "we've dot a skunk under our hewn." Ata. ' poor Dunlop. Ot'l }haws. -The piecrust promise. of M corrupt • Government as ever ex- isted have again been broken ; the Port Albert harbor will this year receivp troth• ►ng from the Dominion treasury. We're .sad -we're mighty mad, end we have a right to ba. Led to believe during the past year that the Government would expend • 'efficient sum of money in dredging and cribwork, as to complete the harbor, we were, until the outbreak . f the Northwest rebellion in $ very hapPy and plewot frame of mind in. deed. Bet that ..fortunate affsir put an end to our hopes, for as we aro no- wise inconsiderate, we said to ourselves, said we, "The expense of putting down this opruing will be such as to prevent the Government from expending any considerable sum of money in public works this year, we therefore can expect vothiug, let us beconte t.' But with the close of the rebellion a,me. the grant of $20,000 to that phenomenal warrior, Middleton, for simply doing his duty ; and now our representatives, or rather mierepeentstives, as a certain independ- ent newspaper aptly firma thorn, appro- priates to their owu private purse the rum of $150,000 as a little extra pin money for the long and arduous duties performed by them during the session. "The last straw broke the camel's back.' That 11;,0,000 breaks us all up - it doe., for a fact -and no wonder. Right be- fore us in black and white we have it, that • considerable portion of the time sprit in those same lowg awl ardt.o•is .iettva, was occupied in singing sash song. as, "Old king Cole," For het a jolly good fallow," " W • wont go home till gtoratng " etc, iaterminvled with cat sails, otTenaiye eFitheta, sad other sash ndicutous tomfoolery that one is .boat led to believe that it must be an aeoount of the midnight orgies of a lot of dockwollnpers in mom. low dire, he is perusing, instead of the perliamen- ury report of the doings of our sapient legislators. "We wont go home till morning, they yell. Certainly not, eentlemen, certaiuly nut ; use your own judgment. But why not say "till •u- tumn r' This poor, beastly, mortgag- ed, rmproveriabed, bankrupt country would be only too happy --like a grin - rung ape of • barkeeper -:o .teed the r x pease, "Toe pleasure of you company, gentlemen," and en forth, and tee forth. M r , e ., Haying is ended The drat fall wneat wee est lest week by 11!•y IHAWNr, waft s mid* who kept Iwo rata es the hoe. The vesp- ers of A. H. William. and K. Quaid made the rskeus also bend &ow n W their work. S. UIb.Ua bed the tt11 ..elf - binder sem. Mets V Rosi.* weeirleg ua Lowwide tarn during the week. illi.. Matti Joir41. of King hridiw, formerly at this buts, stetted sties elf hoc uld illikoolitastas of Ble.S last week. ZtolateeV1110. Wm Birks, of l.ondow, wbo was Mme .pending his holidays, left for the city • low days ago. Miss Maisie Carter has gone to visit friends in Minnesota. She inteods being away some months. Miss Lours Knox has just returned Iron an extenatre visiting tour through w astern (inters°. Miss Kate Miller and Miss Jenny Dueling took in the eicurawn to Port Stanley last Friday. The farmers of this vicinity aro all busy with their fall wheat, sod the most of them are taking advantage of that in- genious and labor-asving iurention --the binder. Several families from ('Iintnn have for some time been rusticating nm the banks of the Maitland, about • mile from this village. They seem to be en jnyong gypsy life immensely. The quarterly meeting aervieer in tvrm- neotn•n with the H.i(aeavtlie circent of the M.theedist church were held here last t+slibeth. They were c.nd ectad by Rave Birks and li(leer, and were of an un- true/1y interesting character. It is our sled duty to re.onr'd the death of one of the moat highly esteemed of our Tomer people., Slit Ellen Rumble, daughter of Shower Kumble. Deceas- ed was • vtetnn to that fell disease, oon- ...ptenrt, which for over a year lad been uiskeng its rsrt[ges upon her frame. After mach suffering she peacefully tank to !lest is her lest deep .'n Wednesday tensing shiest 1 o'elnek. Khe Mrs her afflict toe with eh.erfulrrwer anti ensplete eergestnoe to the will of leer Heavenly ✓ oam Her sorrow. treeda bare the er eesthy d the it their Mltlatwmf0. Asti v The Mw.. Fiore end limos nutty, of W o ham, were the guests of Miss Ltay H..kett .1 the 10th our last Mrs. (leo. Campbell, of the Ilth eon, has returned hoer uupwved in health after a tnp to (needs near Hamil- ton. A great many of the farmer* of this township have pateltased self -binders chic year. Lee Vara. pc:Rim TT &Sin & item. mem .rs fres,. of ONO& F eta 1• Imre r'en Sys Mayhew WI taws wird � es Sops 1st and Lt Tem. Hodgins, OaNtelia, len a shod - lessee of 4a dinars out lis throw a shoulder strew *trat any moan of his au. end weight in thrtartu. The pr•ugress made a the enthuse of the salt well in Wiugbam is very favor- able, a dtatenos of over 000 feet haring sew bene obtained. The quoiting tournament and ?games under the auspices of the L eknuow Cal- edonian Society will he held in that oil- bage on Tartlet' sod Wednesday, Sept. Nth rod It has been decided to hu d the fall show ut the Stanley Branch agriculture] Society this year at Mayfield o. Thum - day and Friday, the doh sod 9th of Sirs. Maw, formerly ref this place, but now of Goderich, visited friends here last week. Mrs. W. Brophy, of Goderich, was the guest of Mrs. Thos Hallows at Maple- wuud, during the weak. t)u the evening of July 28th the trim, fast -sailing craft, the Dauntless, of Gude- rich, rode proudly tato our harbor,undrr c.ommaud of commodore Clarke, with Charles Jefferson, an old Lowborn Soy, as piled. A number elf young people under charge of our heed medico took promo on the cash and much enjoyed it. Only three owes of seasickness were repotted. After the cruise a hearty rote 1.1 thanks was tendered to the comae - dor.. Bennet let. R H. Morrish is visiting at Putnam. John Stewart, of Lucknow, spent last week at home. Mr. Jas. SoaervilL, M. P. for West Jam`. mawMk(r sitifl9 iaias. •lt♦I.D T1WMR trait. !e;ps.aas. Ward. Mixed. i I. . ,7as art is1 • ps RAGER t LIWI, BARRISTERS, �o.�raw. �tt�st�a + w ids se glitres% C. ▪ gasestm Ja 1R le. Lawns. J. A. tMQ ' Qederto>. Ar. I fedi air OAS 1.es I *+•841 DI 0. R011ie o W truer sad Wert o�"e' GODBRICH CIVIC IIOIJBA1..o▪ sey to et lowest atrr CI ARROW • PROUDFOOT, BA 1R r RMT$fg, *sterner' ti.Itstsss, ere O.derluk. J. T. Darrow. W. Iireed1ea1. 174 CAMERON, H:)LT * CAMERON, lJ aerrieurre. '- oaten. to Ch....'s. teas. u��� PP� and wlaphess X tmuaw. M. u. t amss.ia til ir Q e Metticat. T B. CASE, M.D., C.M., M. C. PAS , -hear. br tx. • Oat. Modulen, Siamese'. Bruce, who has been attending Partite Nal btahl.lee -4T tat formed Dee meet t mt tor the last sit months, return- J tieteiI 4&&w ti. Night home on Friday last after spending a few l _ days visiting !needs, at Dundas and Nis• (B. WHITELY, I(. D., C.111., PHY- gara Falls. el . $ICIAN. 8 . A000tt.kenr. eta, K. We have this week to anueunce the t"t'-P.e.of OutartaNfisc.'. Dreg tsteteeT . 8ett avseaherei, 1 de.nlelft death, after several months of patient s, suffering, of Dr. Henry Liddell Vercoe. The deceraed was well and favorably known in Seeforth and vicinity, where for about seventeen years be enjoyed a leans aud lucrative prodtae. A few days ago Mr, Alex. Sparks, of URA. SHANNON t HAMILTON the 13th concussion, Stanley, delivered Pnystcaaaa. Surgeons, Aeoeucher, b at Bruce6eld, nine head of throe year "m'e at Dr. Shannon'. rraldaace, near flee Y tied Oudarto! O. C. rim i oe. J. err,. old steers, of which the buyer, Mr. Case, Toa frit. of li sforth, may weN be proud. Four of the nine averaged 1.500 Ibis eseh,aod the nine weighed 12,330, lbs. This re- cord is hard to beat. They wore out stall fed, but were frutu well bred stock. Os Friday Inst, constable Davis, ar rented an Iliyth, a young luau named Geo. Den.",n, of the vicinity of Lucknow. JOHN KNO` . GENERAL AL'C- The arrest was trade upon • telegram re- ltd Tl/q ,.00iniderabls .zpertene 1. ceived from °unstable Lyons. The the suceiosaeri triede. he is is • pewlUoe ta young man who to aged about uintesa mii•i wr eoi> tied iso ►....i.tes':11e and said to be respectably connected, is Martin'. Hotel. or Mac by saU to my agree, 0o t e of stsaltu a utrt• Oodericb P. 0.. e:ar•efutly attended IO. JON\ a.NOX Caustic Aucth,neer. Im17-tt DR. McLEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR- u6trN, Coroner Ac. Oise sad restde.c. Brow attest, second done west ut Victoria Street. 171.1. 1uctioneering. W. HALL. AUCTIONEER FOR . the Couaty of Huron. Sales attended to say part of the Comely. Address order* to (iuderick P. 0. 1100. Misr Rutherford, of Belfast, has been wanted t tytarg s reg vwtiag at Jessie Kuyder's. ed letter cuntainntg VA out of the post Mr, and i►[rs. [lett. Fisher, and Peter office at Lucknow. The emu of $11.10 Biaaitt, returned last week to their home in Dakota near the Turtle )Mountain. Ben Miller and sister, and Mee Edward Gledhill, of Detroit, are visiting friends around here. . I.asc Fiaber's it.. shop is completed, and he is Dow prepared to s.xummodate the public in his line of business. The Kincardine foundry Co has got the contract for building a iron bridge across the Mehlsrw ray. at Balla One day last week Jame. Hoggarth did some fast work by keeping up behind a roper fog one read around • seven end one WE mere Said, lis moderately hoary fall wheat, Media[ .very sheat and ready for the lest one before it wee at the table. WI. kr the MALI haitaat. The baying is all over in this vicinity, and harvest is well on. Funk McInnis. of the suburbs of Paremount,isereetiog a new frame dwell- ing, which is going to add greatly to the appearance of our peaceful little town. Misses Eliza McKenzie and Bella Mc- Dwrmitt while picking berries in John was found eon his person. He was sub- sequently headed •ever to .unstable Lyons and taken back to Luckuow. -One night last week some human fiend entered a Bold near Wingham, is which Mr. Jas. Howey had ha h oars on pas- ture, and cruelly mutilated two of the eaimala with • knife or wine other sharp instrument. ()De ut the animals had an Orly gash cut clear around one of ita hind lees, while the Other received a deep wound jut behind the left should- er and in clone proximity to the heart. The human brute in, doubt tried to de- stroy the annuals. and had he accom- plished his demote the loss would have been a serious one for Mr. Howey.-[Ad- eaoce. A vary inttreaang and pleasant family gathering Wag held by the family of Mr. Jubo N. Knechtel, of "'mewls, in the grove of Mr. Donald Stewart, of that place, on Wednesday Then were sev- enteen children and twelve grandchild- ren present, of whom Mrs. Noble Clufi ttf Seafurth was este. Mr. Knechtel is 62 year* of rete and Mrs. Knechtel is 56 years, and tory are both hale and active, and to all appearance may live to cele- brate their golden wedding. They were Reid'. patch, cooldt't bad their way married in Emended!. 39 years age., home, and came to the conclusion that and have lived in Bruseela 38 years It is seldom that parent" can enjoy the society of so many of their children at one time and we hope that Mr. and Mrs. Knechtel may be spared, and their fam- ily circle remain unbroken. to have many mere such pleasant family reunions Tb. weather wee delightful, and the par- ty spout • moot enjoyable day. they were lost, but they were rescued by a tinpeditor who chanced to be in the patch at the time. When found they were sitting on a log eating the last of their berries. In reply to yews L.eburn eorrsspond- ant I might say I hive meowed the ow - rime of the Paramount belle. to take ears of the missing Harry's garden. They find no trouble if it were not for some obsoIioos Maywood@ that are growing amongst the towers; bet 1'11 tell you what the did. They battered them down with an old hoe and put salt on them. They say all Maywood. should be used like that and it would save • lot of trouble. COMMUNICATIONS. We do not hold ownrl.es responsible for the opinions of our ('urrespo.de.te. ('o.trtbu- were more or less injured and roughly sere tc thte depsuimeaa must email* them- handled. Constables Lusby and Lee selves to public questions. arid be brief. Says the Seatorth Erpenitnr : A very disgraceful disturbance occurred in the $ideation Army barracks ice the town on Saturday evening last. It seems that a number of young men were present, who were snaking a noise and disturbing the meeting. The officers repeatedly told them to desist, but the nine was c.w- tinued, when art attempt was made to eject some of the offenders. This mut resisted. and a general squabble emitted. One young man struck the Captain a severe blow un the mouth, and others ultimately put in an appearance and A c.rvwetw. quelled the disturbance, and escorted Ides Captain of the Army to his residence • too Editor of The Hume Signal ( to protect him from his readmits. Not Dasa lit., --The .\nrs-Rsrord say• satisfied with what dry had done in the "Mr. 13611 mentioned that there were hall, a number of the parties Implleatsd murmurs retarding the recent high school assembled on the corner at Forbes' livery e:aminatsgM, but the board being seine bed with the work of the school refused to bear any discussion on the subject." Soeh is not a feet The members of the board made no such statement. What some of the neembers did say was, that in the .b-enes of any cossplamt from the parties interested, and the Inspect- or's report, that for the present it would be as well to avoid discussion of the matter. 0wt W no KlFntrs. The Standard, (Tory), uses the follow- ing language in its attack on Lard Ran- dolph Churchill :-"To speak plainly Lord Randolph Churchill has been pol- ed in the press with admirable •ssuidui- ty, by • well -organized clique, which is always ready to cry 'predicitrue,' when- ever he opens his m•,uth. The Livor - pool incident, shows the extent of the alarm, which Churchill's plundering and blustering have inspired within the beasts of ht. party. It were •thousand times better that the Conservatives he again in opposition, then they should be .spewed to the humiliation of such things as the Ct.urehall attacks on 1posesers government .e1 Ireland. i -,.lees the gov- ernment ooernment diwvows these attacks it will feel the hid effects in future more seri- ouslythen it has et oontem The truth is, ord Rendolph Cherelilti hes bees much overrated. 11 his praoke be o ndwred longer he will smash the gov- ernment and the Cmisier .tire part/. We will follow the Mefquis of Salim - berg, bet we will est Wow sib over grnwn .dw.ulhoy wittiest kemwWge .aMeieet to fathom his men ignewaaq of rate.nr•nshipp it is a esmasos doylies that ChirehiU at epu.tky a rdieal (I) with Mr. Jnesph Chamhs,biln, and dr popular eetittlate a sot far wrens. stable for the purpose of waylaying and assaulting two young mew who belong to the Army whoa on their way borne. Hen again another distressful mw mi- ssed, which aniseed the whole neighbor- hood. Blows were again .ickataged,sad the most cbeoene and disgusting len- Mr I'onsp'.y w %..ming Stony tin Furor goats was ieduled in. These diaturhe- Ste-.•t•ity nil Lotn.t Rites of Interest. au.ess are beating so frequent, and rowdyism is growing .o rampant in our -" 1ows,1lsat °Dleea authorities at "me take M' )RTGA(iES PURCHASED. decided step to check it, bloodshed will oertainl be the result. The only way -- in whisk Ale eon be done as to severely punish 11i-obo create the disturbance. Loans sob Jn$urancs. WIC ARE LEADTTtO MONEY AT t3 Istat per cent. Private funds. Also agents for "Credit Foeeler.` SKAGEN & LEwi&. Oodertcb. ilhreb tkk. *111. twttit ,000 Tt) LOAN. APPLY TO C4MYROK HOLT ACAMEli1W*,Asde •ddb. 17511. MONEY TO LEND. -A LA RO E amount a Private roads far tarestmwt u lowest rates on Urst-elaw Ifortpgse. Apply ie0AKROW A PKOI.'DFOOT. THURSDAY, AUG. 13th. filidffigito GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. t9ii♦P EXCURSIONS FOR KYKkTiIOUY. Excavate.. will les ars trews (:ederb►. ea Thursday. August Ittb. lest, ts the following places, as follows. - Toronto, and Return, 12.00 Tomato Tkkats mood to Rotors on dal ardaY. or rctbala over sad! Mooday. on payment of til.. to the usenet mist uTomato. London, and Return, . 11.50 Geed for two dela Clinton, 40c; Seaforth, 50cMit- chell, 65c.; Stratford, 73c., O.od to tet urn Saturday. Also .(awngt1e. Fan to all other iota on t Ire i�tb last.. sod ►aro sad 0a. Third on Iltb tied lttb. geed to flours up to the lith. W. EDGAR. JOS. HICKiSON. Gess. Pam. lies. Maa.ger. Avg. 0th. 111111 .10 -It 120.000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND W ea Farm and Town Property at Lama ut- terer. Mortgage. purohsaed..o Coomtwsiw charged. Conveysactiiatgg arre Feee reable. I N. D.--.rrowen can obtain mower la seeds/ it titin is uatt.hct rel. -UA TI9Oh & JOHN OTOS Demisters. Ac.. Ooderich. 1711 R. RADCLIFFE, GENERAL INSCURANCE, HEAL ESTATE a.» MONEY LOANING AGENT. Oily Plrsrttaas Coispaales Represrated Ng Mosey t. Lead cm straight lasna, at the lowest rue of uttered gots,g, is say war a. salt the borrower. Ii0FFiCR - Second door tram Square. West Street. Oodertcb. 2004 $20u,000 PRIVATE FUNDS To lead on farm and town property, at low- est t.im' eat. Mewtgaaes purchased. No cvm- mumon charged agent, for the Trost &ad loan Company of Canada. the Cased. Landed Credit (bmpany. the London Loan Compeer of t'anada. Imtere.t. e, al sad 7 per cent. N. B. -Borrowers can obtain money u one day, if title setl.tactory. DATLIION A JOHNSTON.N 1570- Barrmten. *e.. Oeder-ich. $50,004 TO LOAN AT 6 PER TH6 TuVttONV TO Ot ER AL TRCPITS (-air arc prepared to Mae money at 0 per cent., pay able hilt-ee ty, oil TERMS TO SUIT BORROWERS, on 0retolase farm security. Apply to CAMERON. HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers. ooderick. Areata toe the Tomato 0011140111 Trusts Co'y. Messrs. Car.iaow, HOLT & CaaaaON bare also a large amount of private (tads to los on dret-chass (ears security. oodericb. Oct t, M. 1111-I1 INSURANCE CARD. W. T. TOOT. P1.., Lift sad Mariee 1sssrewee Agent. (H1URR1CH. Mr 4 IA The de H�" Loudon Assurance"Colborne ln�,ted 1710 The " Natloeal." established ter! The " Hand-in-hand." 18. ray Crown, Doomed to insure plate glass, l the Dominion. The above are ail festdais and old estab- lishedoompaatee. Rusts takes at trrren+st mfrs. b. Ottertcb. Dec. lith. Slit. 11fa1. HURON AND BRUCE LOAN AND ANVEATMENT COMPANY Of the !till boys in the Ret. rsatory a1 Pend&Sgwishen. shout 100 are said to be lads brought from England bythe m carious elgrotlnn .geseiea If tis a trite, the system of transporting toast erieeiss s trove England to Caned& ought to be Mopped at ewe, sled.rseb raraess Ragweed bI TeM/kp.e treat Harbor 11111118.1 Sows..,.. Amt. •, left. Wiest. l/yq btW ............ Mbset, tree wooers F hemi • St w • Wheat. ba 0 OS • w 1 10 r/ •*wt. ...... ole• rM issizedi•.flit. . �s•l tpue.g helleeeAi s O • : m8s8mr/ glib 1 to 1 ..w....w••= M OW • iM t� • 1 11 Nw e sae. • •eat rot 1.1 �.., ........ ..I..• M ' f ~ •v««• .,sees we ••- est Od.rie8.March nth. IMI- - 111ltel SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. . .. t, 4 ,End ',see (`*ret. Irk►*seat Atlet.ed ow I)epeusit., a.'iorditer to 'mould and time left. orrrt'g - t"or. of Market &mare and North Street, Oedvwh►. NOR ACE RORTON. MavAGM. Dederick. A.g. et8. ism. 111111 - Amusements. GODERi 11 I11WHAl�.f1�Od' Ht8TI- lJr �1JTi L I O R A R Y ASCII R L A D i K O M. Ser. et 1.M street and wenn tap stairs - Open treat 1 tot pews.. sad trot 7 to 10 P.M. ABOUT 2000 VOL'S IN LIBRARY. Liselisy Deily, frroidy sena Numerated Papers, N.p.wwe., ale. , now Pik. MRNR►.RSUIP TiCKET. ONLY •s.*, g reeting tree w elf IAb er7 sed Resales s AMiesatl.far Rsaeibership received h•' Libraries. is resins. 0E0. Ri('R, _ 41.1.11X. MORTON. t. gseraary WHOLYatAL5 ♦IED RETAIL CASH STORE! You cera Buy 1Le Cheapest Liars of Goods for the Dug Da')s COAL OIL 3TOYIS. Crockery & G1llssre AT THE CASH STONE Also a Full Line of Canned Goods and Groceries. I amu also esaktng • specialty of TICAL IIMMOCKS prtom raeratembross Inc. to rec. per pound - la 5 pound lou. 1 em bead set to be undersold for ('ARI Produce taken fa exchange. Tbankteg the public foe their patronage. 1 re- main, two obedient servant. G. H. OLD Telephone C..mrnlsatioa. Oodericat. Avg. 718. Il1K. The Oruaer. CANADA'S GREAT Wig Fair l aaD Agricultural Exposition 1885, Will be held at the City of OROITFPO, September 9th to 191h. kil 3. FIS G ThCKIJFI. AND Tourists Supplies, Vit; THtt largest Prises. WWI the boot show of 1 Horses, Cattle, SSMep. Pig.. P.w:t17. cultural. Horticalterat .ad Dairy Products. Machinery. fnepleirneata and Maaufaccturee of all kinds is the Ilsntiatw of Caaada Prise list. and Karry 'renew tap be obtain- ed from the Secretaries of all Agri' ulturel Societies ead Meobe.le.' lamellate& or they will be emit .ay whom se application by post- card to the Secretary, at Toronto. Entries Close August 22nd A LANGE NUIIBF:N err SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS Are being prepared for thot time. for full par Oculars of which moo Special Programmes. Cheap Rates and Excursion on all Railways. The Beet Time to Visit 11M City of Tomato. J. J. WITHROW, A. J HILL, President. Maaafer and Secretary, Toronto. Tommie, Aug. Stk. tent. 11W- 1 --AT--- SAUN9ERS 81; SON'S. "The Cheapest flour under the Sus." Next door to the Poet Odor. uederte8. Aug. 7th. lust. 1839--ESTABLISHED--1839 and .1111 ehe.d of *or. To BoeLlers anti moors: FUN CASH ONLY. Best Quality Standard Nails, $2.65 PER KEI Of 140 LD1. \It nth. r Hardware, Prate Ot Was.. A.griculturs1 Tools rn,t MachilM Oto in prepert,nri. Usc Bedlam Sle1 Ike Felon 6e. per lb. IdT TEAS TEAS aro of tetra pend •& UP. and prime low in pto- portitw t. walk*- Sllgars al tsdal DI1Y GOODS DEPARTMENT as tow r .ental. ASSORTMENT OF SILKS, t:ttn good value. Red and Brown Weaving Canoe Yam. SI to per bench. We cannot afford to (lye 1. Mee 11 per neat. discount. as we do not make that profit. 1 mart all goods is plata Agars., at the lowest Uriag pntft. C. CRABB E.e lttde hatter Mgamr, Ooderirb. Jill) 311th. ria. WNW 11163011AILE PISCES! 3f*ISU SftE Pi11lNt. / A. B. CORNELL, UNDERTAKER Opposite Martinis Hotel. HasUton Street. etwrAU Funerals attended personalty. A First -Class Stock ! To CHOOSE FROM. . Ooderich. July lath. Inn. tlrs A -LE X- ILE PsO, Draper, Haberdasher, and General Dry Goods fiercer, i would take chi. opportunity et returning my most sincere cheeks to those wbo have s• largely patroalsed sae .(roe oemmescfag badness. The ptaslu is my ouatnrm putrorwi are as heretofore No Cutting of Prices on Leading Lines, and No Second Price. 7 am uow recel: Eng • few choice base of Dress Goods and Fine Woolens, gettable tor Autunite wear, and while 1 will be happy to thew my goods, no perms will be im- portuned to purchase. 1611aft Welt lelmike.' m oda or my long experion in the trade. but as formerly. leers erg publk. and will wait pattsatly the emelt b Oodericlt. Aug. •tb. 1655. ALE. DdLTNRO_ Ism.:. WONDERFUL VALUE ZN T. A DIES' Fancy Wool Squares • } ASSORTB D COLORS, At $1.00 and $I.25 ---Regular Prices, $1.76 and $2.00. J1T J.C.DETLOR & Co's