HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-8-7, Page 7)I.
lelag Fierier was etaadtsq es hal
gag 7..iirerreerliguree Wr1*IUd tat► man
per -Maws lesiva.
/My ~ears emend walking es skier beads
stew esapw
Ilawlag traapets wub their owes they bo-
bble the Resresee.viemt
See "hemmer' hew ad sad Useful athe Ilag
'Ssllr'tif_ t heal' • -
pawitigkis tteaediiet paten •.d she
wishes she was head.
pew a .hese mf veep—,"lens YMllre-
Words ot Osborn.
Takweer* to be as ec.noaist is peso
Were May fear of yoAt Lot b*
in adve/eity,
Reason and faith resemble the two
of the patriarch ; reason a the first
sobrut faith inherit* the *mien
rite injuries io duet and besrdts es
• Fut toothier is hit on him who
sear with es eye that feeling gave. For
him there's • story in .veep breeze sod
a picture is every wave.
Peraoos who arra slings innocently
cheerful sad good humoured are very use
fel is the world ; they maintain pew
and bsppirea and spread a thankful
temper •neeBS all who live amend thea.
We often think we are d gnat import-
ance to other people ; that they must be
thinking of us sad oar affairs ; that they
watch sur actions and shape their course
meuediegly. Ie "wend we are quite
The people of a txaotry like outs are
peculiarly like a single great indiviCtr.l
Baan, fall of psalms, prejudices often,
but ;nib • ever heart, deviate any-
tbisg like show or pretense, and always
striving forward in a genera! right di -
The trust lives are those that are rut
nee-diatimed feeble*, *, with many facets
simmering to the many planed aspects of
the world &burr troem. e ♦ ' Socie-
ty ie atwuys tepee is some w.y or other
to grisd oedema to a single fiat sarfaoa
!n taelient sad vestal maxim Is'this
hoped a jsgslatia.--n.vet deeper !the
los at man is disappointment, but his
went seem, is deepen. Resolute oogff-
danos, wheal ail dime mean fail, may
ken avert danger and overcr.trte difficul-
ty ; stere, it req eosvert the base
into s b$eaeisg.
Right -doing is Ent hard, thea easy,
then deliihttnl belch a the history of
each virtue is the race and in the inti
vilest. Its beauty nay be hidden in
the soot of self denial and effort. bet it
coma into full bloom when at length the
effort has grows into a pleasure that we
would not williotly forego.
Like flakes of Mow that fall unpsreeit -
ed ea the earth, the seemingly uwmpor-
tent events of lite egotRad new another
As the .sow gaR eget:
so are our
habit. formed. No single flake that is
added to the pile produces a tensible
change ; no single acttoa creates, how-
ever It .ikibigs s mart's character.
It is a ; 's F to think that In-
dt or ability in
tb. 'd ' M , ...,tient to i
. T
......_ _.
lu every beenehold where eegu:artty Is
gbhs.rred, the rag- beer a remntnused u.r
Needy, but it geatt.11y receives serape
of all kinds and coders Now the wen
eremite who loses pretty things about
brr home, will icat11141 • alk rot bay,
putting is every scrap id silk Mutable.
Barrow ribbons, wiled ..ekes, necktie+,
piece of gown*, tether old or Def—elf
are .wadable. And she has is vase ! A
purtiere perhaps for her library dooms, et
curtains fur stare entertained window.
Theo, whoa the hag is very full, she
mill begin to cul. 'Me strips should be
in width from a quarter to hair an inch
wide, uertatnly net nem. The neat
handed little tustdetu of the eousehold
w ill [badly meet in seeing the pima
together, great care being taken that
they are siom.thly and firmly joined
And, by the by, it [sakes no difference
whether the pieces aro bias or Weight.
they wave cwt as welt if desired, e11
of unit color may be put together, but an
effect mean like raw silk is attained when
the cion are "hit or mus," as one ase
of a rat carpet. And yet these same
curtains are not • bit rye-sarpety look-
ing — instead, they saggast Oriental
bagel. The balls may be as bis as
Goliath or se small as Tum Thumb all
the same, it takes tae pound and a
quarter of silk to make a yard of the
fabric, the width of it usually being one
yard. Thule the usual width of iooun.,
and it will be found safficiset for a double
?deny gaesticaa have been &eked is
retard to the woof—it is of been thread,
but perfectly ouaosaled by the dexterity
of the workers. If you sigh for • band
of c.lor.t the top yr bottoms, then make
une ball of some coloured is usually
chosen—gad it can be wrought in after
the faahien of a Badu.
Du ie. mothers wdl fi•i Chet helping to
gest the curtails ready wi71 ba a delight
to children who have arrived at that en -
revisions age when they du not know
what to do with themselves. It they are
careful, these is .o reason why they
should not do the .st{L.g, ptesiisinR
lbat a pasteboard mesas• i• given to
them w that the width will be .erred.
"Helping mother' ie • good watch • word
for girls, broth little and big, and when
the help is towards beautifying the home
and the home life, then is it specially to
be commended.
arae Thesis Werth e.Mtratt
That • bat of but mod relieves nautal-
That warm
That salt should be eaten with nuts to
Md digestion
That milk which Maeda teolo.gmakea
bora: water will remove
Renesseat Vineries -.e`ver ear gerI.
m __ flog M
of reser wvv
drthe quarts of rreet.ee7. .. .
aitJ1.t ale d tbrsa 3.%� Since them, ' —
a •.d to seek pint eii)),IM add iMie p.wud
of suer, bull fur 10 aacartes, sloe, closely 1
ata loupe, sit. A few spuoulels u. • 1
glass sit void pxiug water use ice ismer
N.A. • s.oet t, frshtag wmu.rr drink. ;
Beecassa•:r Aew —T" 12 prim
Irian add two quarts of boiling •aere and
live ouaes• .f tartaric avid. Let stead
48 hours mod then pear into • batt and
lot drip Tu each ptut of juice add um
ase unit -bell poendm of arrear ; heat but
Su ..d IwiL W baa the sugar is all dim -
solved. stride again, bottle and cork
tightly. Veit wane as shone.
Ramer festa. u'
An annual subveataa of 44,.00
crowns has been voted to this ceneme
eatery of music at St,uskh'da, Swedes'.
founded in 1771, during the rvwu of
tivataves ill.
There is in the historic !Mn a,Iledico
in the Lowden "invuotones," a ease c.s'-
taintug four violins valued at $5,000
each. The Mayence Prettier, in the
same collection, is insured for $50,000.
Henry Rommel, who wrote the music
to . • W oedema, Spare that Tru," "UM
on the Cogan Wave," sod other popular
songs some forty years ago, u .till living
in England.
The eldest collection of Scotch trees
extant is known as the Sk.nte maim -
swipe wad is the property of the Faculty
of Advocates of •[laud. 1t contains
forty Scottish airs.
It is said that Arthur Selliran does
his musical cnmp.ritioo between med-
als/At and sunrise, meet this time he is
sure of being undisturbed, which carries
the further eionsofatinn that Arthur mist
live in • neirhborb..od where there are
no rive
About one hundred and fifty thneaod
strangers visited London derfag the
Handel festival. The American a.ntio-
tent aummbir'ed ten thousand. and
France, (.many. Italy and inner for-
eign encomia' were lonely represented.
The Vies• opera house employs 543
peesnns all told, including 103 members
of the orchestra and about as army in
the ballot. The .olu singers are about
tweet Iodise and twenty gentlemen.
ThechTore" ineludee nearly 180 stegms—
thirty-one for mnprsnotwenty-teelux
aim, twenty-two for senor, sad twesdy-
twu for bees.
bitter bitter.
That rusty flat-iroas should be rubbed
over with beeswax and land.
That it rests you io sewing to change
your peonage frequsatly.
That a Mit, strrsg lemonade taken at
bedtime will break .p a hand cold.
That teeth meat is trade tender by
layiww a few 'siestas is vinegar and
y I That a little sada water will relieve sick
to headache caused by indigestion.
e�fy e• 'mow , Taut a cup of strong coffee will remove
intoiiii s w to mauktpd that the odor of onions from the breath.
d • • ttYpitb•• • meals will prevent nausea and dyspepoa.
eat ',t>leOl11rithhSmest urgent eff"la I That a cup of hot water draek before
Br was Warmeddsureas.
In a Swish parish church • young and
very energetic preacher was officiating
for the pariah minister. As he warmed
with kis subject in the sermon, he met"
liberties with the seed pulpit not quite
eottiMent with itaruther testy conditio.,
s+aetiass throwing bra .eight 4148 it, at
other titres hinging bis band duan with
a heavy thump An old laird, •kung
in a mean, table -seat below, had bees
a.=ioesl7 watching all this with visions
a M .amassment for nsainteeisnre of
the fabric. At last things seamed to be
approaching a emir, as the preacher,
piling his periods, had wrnolht himself
intro a state of intense fervor, whit
would inevitably have vented iteelf on
the rickety pulpit. Jost as he was
,athering himself for the boat keret, be
was siuffed out by the warning mime of
the laird : 'Wm as men, mind, fin ye
bock that, yell pay for it.'
Dees.— A swum Ids M9•
.e saw e, s ea • Artie
aharesef y, • at • P5410
kir toes seal dswM /dg
preps drew M wash fres
�x�vAr�N'SBBD S
Pct Os.MIpMlu., se O..tb•asa. M
rasnh7 le se istlr. M *15.1 MLR.
Thar Mosso algal r gaup tate., sed se.
se+n the bowls M a healthy wiedhkett.
Tot tadlgestt..i w lagspoplse Asad
mases era I.v.basels. mad . war. ear..
■seas-b.r.. Less .1 Appstem, Mid
Oeaem a Pfehts.ey. gplirdases. Ree&
M., X. -b. -s.. Ni.oes, an W [.level
sed hind WAvaahMLA. .•
i' Liver Os—lat. Bow.. Desedith
ODA iaaa4M., Ars.'. 111.0 sheala M
glees la doses hrge saes* a .sane the
liver and bew.e, sad rowers ae.M/ee es -
As a .Marisa sadisiss la the Weiss. Nae
PILL@ an aneeeelled.
W.ewis, eased by • weebH se.hlthe et
31. bowels, .1. expelled by these rote.
srwft/sa.. gel. Diseases, tad res..
the malt of lahlgeeha or C.aMtpattos, e1.
Band M w w of Arca'. roue.
Iter Cold., take ATta•e ruts to epee
OM who, reaws tag.wtsahry asretteas►
..d *nay the Weer.
Tar Dtarrbela sad D7.•.•e•y, esnsd bp
s. isi. coups. l.hlt•stiW. tome, .tit., Ara.••
Wiwi are Ow true remedy.
s5.a.atl.a. Oe.t, Neweaegta. nae
tidatice.ettea melt from efpalre denims.
saws. oe evils, sed disappear ea noes leg
She cause by tie w ei err.'. Trac.
Tni..re, Dropsy, g[ld.ey Coapl.lata,
Owl ether dtroedet...seed by dettahty ee
eketru.eea, .re eared by Area's MLA,
Oarpsesse a. sed ?stand ltteseereti.
[lis. ham . min .sa ready reasdy ta
They 1101111set false Elam.
Trap t5e Wall Street Daily News.
'Father,' he said as he let go of the
crosscut aw to straighten his aching
back, 'they ay that tisk have begun to
'The Barn& boys caught a bag .trinr
yesterday, and are going again this after-
. we•
That well ventilates b.drooa. will •Aod I thought—being as—I thought
_ — peeve:A 'livening headaches and lanai-
}iol> 101laO hints. t,aie, 'Henry,' said the old [van, es he spit
Better tbs. as iron spoon for miring That c°11."1141'. nitbt-swats m1177 ^a his hands and reached for the waw,
arrested by sp.,egtag the body sightly in 'you just let the Kurus' boys go, and you
gray for bread, and for similar limes s alt water. I stay here and help me saw. Put the
• .. ^ or • of ask shaped I That one in a faint should be laid fiat date duwo on the barn drone. and fifty
dere • round handle at one sod. on Isis back, then luusen his clothes and years hence see who is worker the most
clean cash. Pull away on your end.'
101 hrseth m.. fa modem 1asimetes..e.
esnpan7 owl "admire
1aaranza air
Dr LC.Ayer&Co.,Letinll,Mon.
Omit yen Drssdel•-
and the other end flatemed like a thick
lends blade, t ialsi-papered smooth.
Sesly leg 1s tensed by a minute import
l(.isat 7 led wt�Y' tri 01d brnar
two oe thew411' Aire it. The
shanks ney be immersed in oil for a
athlete. lite foal should be kept on •
bed d shave or qty until the oil has
irked ofl. Srtwo recommend an applica-
tion of lard and flour of sulphur.
All loose parts of a dove, such as the
legs, poker, etc., should be wrapped in
coarse paper and put insidd the dove be-
fore it is put awe]. Then yes Il
where to find them next WI. nark
the joints with chalk so youll know how
to put then tomther stain.
When a kn.,h comes off a doer handle
you en fasten it on again by filling the
cavity in the knob with sulphur. then
best the iron end of the female which
cos in the knob just )
of em.ugh 10 melt
the sillier, put in, d lee it
soul. t will be finale tiled in place.
The leaves of geranium .re an excel-
lent application for outs, where the akin
i. rubbed .18, and other wounds of that
kin&L tint Or two leaves must be bruis-
ruwed and applied to the part, and the
,.faded seal be eieatrised in • short time.
Ths ' near carets are shaken tie
under to were The dirt that rollects
grinds amt the threads. - -Du
not etre, •rp.ta oftener than is meta -
mare A breten Teets thea very/ mach
Whin • osrp.l is Wu, .Miura, tilt .ted
wets will often restore the brightness of
the color.
as he
larval w • TM
'it is
spy girl, '
els M The
let bias alone.
That • fever patient can be made cool
alert comfortable by frequent sp sting off
with toils sates.
That cold tea should be saved for your
vinegar barrel. It wars easily and flees
color and fame.
That to. beat the whites of eggs quick-
ly, add a punch of .alt. Salt orals, and
cold eggs teeth rapidly. from Wine
That the hair may las kept
cot after illness by a frequent application
to the scalp of ate ter
That you can take out spots iron wash
goods by robbing tem^ with the fol& of
eggs before washing. —fgt.
t'reaeelha lee Mar7•s Beast.
_ WA �Ii,"bkll-
df limbo groom r• 7 reasa •
Vow, ee have an n5esie : tot YAW who
has no calling rind lives epees 4'id hieio h
the armee Bak.: few a ,respel;PTT per&
Reap spwov-�s' and to nn�tartadent �
na.r&.e eta" wlw
"What des your beau do for a living,
Mary y' naked a food father, addressing
his daughter.
•Hee so . entry clerk,.' i • replied
with • bright blush.
"Gots about seven dollars a week, I
suppose r•
"Florets eight. '
"Indeed. Well, I think Teen get him
something better than that. '
••ugh, pa'" she exclaimed with a glad
Markle in her eyes, for she fancied her
father was about to admit her beau to an
equal partnership in hu business.
Yee, enntinued the father, "as he is
able t', sit up all night when be ,roma to
me. I think he would make an ex-
cellent night watchman in s large store.
1 am willing te recommend hies for mach
a position, beirt sib to testify to beg
Hs might Ret L@ mach se
risen do len a week.
Mary fob tip stain and threw herself Ipuear. sill rottatn ere a oak b.adaehe.
a>6 a a,{ti rinse sad. sed paat ler 1 Lomeli loos and ah main.
will remote din-
h•mirt.NAiile bit in father departed few his 1 tryironirt ro.t. 11 the heads erre *Mem)
office with a .'sa15 0n his lace. •I&rtaa there is nothing that will revs., the
Courier. stain an well u lemon. Cut a I.mon in
half, and apply the ort surface se if it
An tenersffeled tentative is brine 5ers tamp. iA,wrwi lois. is .Ian • n.ma-
dy for rheumatism and for the en -called
htlhn.nnea et spring. Ia the latter ems
tike t.b. joie* of a lemon before break -
fat ; Ore polo rosy also hs .sten. avdd.
ing every particle of skin. LOOM jaws,
with ser, tat rod 1517 thick. and labm
at intervals. relieves enegla f mug
he very aid as wed me Meal
M' M Deetde.
Your Wittier will be responsible ex-
plained a Kentuckian to a gentleman
who applied for a situation, and will
require great quickness of thoorbt, there
will be no time for deliberation. Do
you think you are capable of thio
i think so. sir.
Very well. I will think the matter
over. Will yod go out and take—
Don't care if I do.
The promptness ot this decision re.
phrased Me employer that he hired the
man at Once.
Take a horse hair and double it, leav-
ing a loop. If the mote can he seen Lay
the loop over i1, close the eye and the
mete will come out .s the hair' is with-
drawn. if the irritating object an not
be seen raise the lid of the eyes sa high
as possible, and plans the Loop as far as
you owe, close the eye end roll the hall
around a few times, draw out the hair
the substance which caused iso much
pain will be gore to own. with it. This
tnethod is practiced by azemakers and
other workers in steel.
Gout eider vinegar is recommended
for diarrhoea, two ounces for .n adult
sad one teaspoonful, ao.derste diluted,
for • child art 1 year An .&oe0t.t
remedy for hie -neigh for yoeng and old
is granulated anger moistened with pure
vinegar. For an infant give from • few
gnine to a unapnoolt 1. Bear in mind
that less,m ase the test uref.1 fruit is
domestic roonnrsy. The joie, of half •
teacup of Nan[, Meek mates'. withoet
00 TO
! 1,14.17
— -
CIOCE 1111
He isshowing a splendid assortment of
C3•ROCMit w
.4 *shooed ..m. chutta
' 'Garden and Field Seeds.
Cliiva and 1ass'#aro.
Cone 5. sad look. if you don't buy.
No Trouble to Show Goods.
Court House Pqu•rc. Ooder:eb
Dee. tib. tet.
A wen -selected stock of Groceries always o5
OEO, H. OLD, the Square, Oodericb.
]lac& I I' ltag.
M Telephone ('oannunlcale..
Note Papers
Newspapers and Periodicals
AT Nara. t(x)Khr.
Ruec•sa.or to Geo. Sheppard_
Gederkh. Dec. tilt lira(. IY 1-
w.yklag people. Sand 10 cset
pudta/t' and wr will mail „7e7
rata, a try al. • al able new he `R
of woods that . U1 pat 7•u in tae
way of making more eesN•7 la . few dart W
Toa icer tbought poesibie at &.y madaree. W
capital required. log yam list at home mad
work 1. spare thus .vitasor mR the time. AU
of bn•h swan. of all &.ea grandly i.u,rr .lnl.
*Sc. to as .many •r.11 cvsa..L. That
all who wast wortma trod the 150, 5 sae. we
▪ this a u msatl oiler: To an who are
set we wee o►ad it oil*1 dime
U.s5. ! 0. wetting its. sett petit=
ttiiees& ets. gest Wee.
mrtiahlia.gas fey si'waselan7
Met: Srti reed. ! go.lwe inset. ]{w MF
.... ,ya war m..:aiu.
To the Wont Growers of the Surrouudiog
We web to say that we are prepared to take
your Wont 1a exchange for Goode, or work It
or you into sal of the following art fetes. cis :
Blankets—White, Orel or Horse.
Shirting.—Grey or Check.
Cloths Tweeds or Full Clothe,
Light or Heavy.
F7annebe—White, Orel, Colored,
Union, Plain or Twill.
Sheeting.— Broad or Narrow.
Stocking Yarn — White. Grey.
Clouded or in Colors.
Carpet Warps made to order.
0.r facilities for this work cannot be sin,
N'e will cedes% or in moat canes to do
!lards day It is brought in. If required
Custom ypinniag and Reeling. or Spinning
on the Cap. ceras or tee, hard or sort twit.
as required.
We are in • position to do all kinds of cus-
tom work, usually dose In a full set cautn1.,
mill. and we wilt guarantee to do for roe fully
mast. If sot • little better the. say V oer
A call respectfully asllelt.d.
Restores grty
hair to its ria
t.ral color, re-
moves Dandruff
stops the had
from falling out
increases it
growth. and eel
n ot sail the skin.
As a lair Ares
W SW. It has n
steparor. Guar
steed harmless.
Prepared H Co.
London Ont
toby an
il Tidal
Deals s
create:. .:l over Vnlart o by the wonder-
ful met eneloailed manner in whish
•Qrnrsl� a. T,..et1aehc, Rheumatism,
parksehr. Headache. is removed by one
•eel cation of Fluid Ligbrmntg
ofilemiee. iegoeti Rdrew,
en ler dapys- is
ry a Ito. beide.
Aso pleam.t to tab. Costain their own
Pu.gative. Is a cafe. sen, and .Aka..
glowers' e w wwraa la Cklldeas ss Ad►
The undersigned can still .opply a full line of
lite celebrated
Seegoeller Chilled Plows
in oe. 10, 29, 28 and 40,
At Reduced Prices.
Special lodgf .meats to Aguts.
Hare aro for rale the ('e.aadboa "•arise•
and American Profilers.
Mas Orb. Mt. IMO,
New Grocery Store
The subscriber bete 100.nraouace that he bas
ops.eh oat a new Orooery Store
and is prcparee to do business with SheTrbnee pie
of the town and surrounding section.
Goods are all New and Fresh,
and have been purchetrd for ('aah. and as the
priers are low in the city markets,
He Intends to Make His Price
Touch Rock Bottom.
Karmen produce takes In exchange for Geode
and nighest eerie will be give..
afrfoa1 forget the spot. the New Cash Store
next door to Rhyne.* Drug More. Oodericb
Oodericb. the. 31. l lBl. 1974.
0. EMS, ,1` `111+; �1' �I�I�►
Pe -Send for Catalogue.
rev ar�awmllr robbed
of their v Ictlma. Wrist
tbenee ofthe resit
OeRMAN pennons/it 6�?m
�ioaw d b •resew. of say 551.4 1
sus w...3•.. and all diseases that fel-
low as •,.g.s.es.1 Melt -Abse as ism of es-
. Me of artery. 1.>r.es
leal lassitude.
to the hook. Alateess of whims. rower
GM airs. .54 many ether dta.n•. Mat
to tnwalty or oe.pap ISS sed • proms -
tam gram.
Read fee .useless with te.lwra.ials tree 4
mall. The IWYSWB*TeB ie alas. M M nit
home er air Moses for t1.. by ag 1,.. 1...$.
e Ao
O se•f t fres tar Meal. ~artily ,..h.4.'
after by .dra
T. J.c' MK'RY. torniwi*l.
,s R.awlt IM.. Toledo. 011
tits ft ors**
hofew 0.1.r1.1
every thou at awlbeek
an for the�. ~�'
17 Mew. f&11. .suss
sem cum Ilitetlash. MIsq.
Par Bend for Price Lists, mam
Ni GN IR'8,
169 Yonge-st., Toronto.
OhreDisslseas, LOW af Appel, fie In•' ;..term, R.i.'',inex*,
Dyspepsia, .lawsdtn, Affections of the Liver and Kidneys,
Pirnpfea, Blotches, Boils, Humors, Sall Rheum, .Scrofula,
Erysipelas, anal all tiaras.a arming from Impure Bind,
Deranged Stomach, or irretpaer .maiden o' fAe Rore►s.