The Huron Signal, 1885-8-7, Page 61: $
Oise cure is warranted.
CM Post's Corner.
•••111e tleases."
aLL.11 wIlISSLAII elt.e01.
'he elassee here why. Met is idle talk.
The village beau sowers at the country beer;
The leapertaatag leeaStoanta whe walk
Our Guy lemma demon the parish poor.
The daily toiler at sone maw Week
Italie back her gerwievuo from the 11011.1.4h
maid .
Meanwhile Me latter isms epos berimmens.
Usiossectous of the bow the smarms made
Toe grocer • daughter eyes the fanner's Issa
With haeghty staucsa whale tee tawyee's
Would pay no visite from the tradiag Maas
If policy ware not ler *reed la Ain.
Tae alerchent's eon nude ooldlv at the clerk.
Tho Prose possessor of a pedieree
Ignores the youth whose father ruse by work -
The title -reeking scortui all does
Tait aristocrecy of blood looks down
Upon the Attu. eau: riches. and M disdain
Tat. lowers uf the oaten...Awn frown
(w lamb and worship at the tartar ea Brain.
No cleave. here.- the cleTRYInan has sal&
.W0111,9 one family." Yin owe ha rage
Au•I horror hen his fit. orite so u %out.' wed
Souse pure ikail pretty player oa the stage.
I' is the All: 1,91.111a: 1161111111 way
Of vaunting our weak relies, our pride. our
worth '
Not till the lonmiltiayed Millennial Dar
Ile twholii "No claims' on laud's earl II.
Fashion's Fancies.
te! - ,•• •
p ziti ffigit! .0 10 ;..tr2 Annum .4111,',.
''"''"411113- HURON Sioti AL, PitfDAY,-*Iftl-,1885
Illarereg to Me telessee WM. IDS&
*las Oww•wwsitswwwews.
The Obedient Bantam ye.@eRev. N.
11. Martin, of Chesil Chinch, has dealt*.
bib th. Galls le *Maks, asad Gude.
rick. Having bees yeses here, and be-
coming attached to his eumuundinas mid
Awe, he has decided to remain.
The (-Mania Home of Reeresestatives
on flaturday passed t y a vote of 111 to
ICI akeel *Oka law for oo.aatiss
in 417.7vill which have nut already
adopted a Prohibitions Act. The bill
sow goes to *he SerieAa.
Mr. Oladetooe's portiere, Gamed him
neck ineouvessesses web, H• hap
pened to go into • Loodon bookstore,
but was unable. to leave un aliment id a
crowd of 3,000 persona before the door.
Finally a earnests was procured and he
departed amid emit eathumasiu and
loud cheering.
An axed woman entered a Montreal
hotel Monday evening and asked for die -
ns She had en infant in her aressoind
risked for • roma to put 11 in while din-
irg, which was complied with. After
she hal thaislied dimmer she departed.
leavinx the infant and also an unpaid
mil. The infant, which S • little girl,
three or four days old, was duly attend-
ed to, and the police were ct,,ununicmtad
with, but no clue as yet has been obtain-
John Goodman, • farmer living in
°man., county, boarded the C. 1'. R.
aW. all • earnest inumeseuey age, ere
apt to be awkwazd. Outdoor merman!'
and spurts du mash tot theta ones(
sad lett:. ?MU very 111pgsmus
who are ma. titles
Ely it they read or y • good
,) And the Mad /*sward,
the shonliese round wed and a
aloachiem ungese•ful Garrison. Until
these deans are ourrected, au buy c.0 be
thermerhly sumer sad vigorous
Biting die wails is ono of the meet
esimying habits and yet rime which al-
most any boy will fall telt *Oleo his
mother "pipe it in the had. Not only
is it edgiest uoioderable fur s werwous
person to sit in the mum with one of
tbess nail•bitiug boys, but the young
=sal hands tto 'Mort nifillfaninellt
and, if the habit heyeserissii kit exams
they will beams almost deformed. In
these days of profeesional 'manicures,
mothers .t leset, to me that there are
no ramted nails and raw
their cluldnin.
A habit .1 mulling, or .1!.
thrust, or of tappi$g the
lout, or the table With
nmes on gradually. but
exceedingly dtthcult to overcoine.
"Eternal should be a
mother's watehword, for pm true secret
of curing bad habits, is in never *Row-
ing them to be formed.
The "ounce of prevention.' is worth
more than the "pound of cure.- 1
would not take away snythiag ot boyish-
ness or naturalness. A real boy is
worth half a dozen fops or dudes But
express going east Saturday meht, I do sew why boys should not be as
" "" br"IY an
Kee Your Your Feet Dry!
Heallache,lnuthashe, see. Rub-
ies Nee- K
*elided. Nu ishiefiemnseesia ;WWII*
rs among
scraping the
lorelib the
e knuckles,
as deed, is
* weskit, blifhlvjAipste's °sties
4sovell ill pain e great
rale* Kram's Plead
emits ger bottle at throw
evidently under the impression that !„._he graceful and well-mannered as their
1 train slipped at llurlsetoo• When lam ailifer111 "thy Cannot sltdown *the
sr - Boot:.
Beaded bonnets are abscise!. train Ileared that rlide walked out to table without htts4 it an*ring th
timing. 25
• U_.ineremeene
The lima with rbeemiatime can feel 1,1..swimmer of lead weedier iss his seeker
peat" Hagnarde Yellow oil cures
rhinswiatisne. aches pains and injure& 2
Rev. J. 0. Fellss, Dutton certifies :
"For 50105 years my wife has bees
troubled with Dyspepsia, and has tried
ono* 9110111 after another recommended
Ilia bin litAte au effect till advised to
give hicOrexor's lippanly Curs a trial.
Siam askew the ind besets* hams Not-
iced a inipn.venient, and can with eon -
fide's" reounsenn
nid it to be uapt, 1
the beet usedioside extardjur
This Medal* Oiedicine for T4ir i.
plaint, Jr it k
is purely fiedetanle. Mid att $y
sae Drag Sloes. °Trim! b... min
free. int.
the platform and at The train dishes as well e tripe.* 1114
Mitts Uu ut;ly, except on a, • beautiful !I d on without noticing Goodman's wool. f.wily ; 41111 they t;,..plinalkerat
White china silk is nom wi:hlv
As a rule, hats for the seaside are ec-
centric and fantasiteal to tlits extreme.
Gant de suede e' in varietal
allades of buff. are still wore with all toil-
The new cambric* and batistes very
much resemble hailards, both in colours
mid patterns.
Woolen lace is in greater vogue than
ever, it is used to tries everything, seen
to a term of servitude which is now ex -
piling. I cannot perform ati act which
wild act, but It was afterwards learned
that the wheels .4 the third air ampu-
tated his left arm. His head was also
badly cut. He died yesterday. All
inquest wiil be held.
Michael Devitt, the Irish Detroit, hav-
ing been invited to e becoma candidate
for a seat in parliament, has written •
pubhc letter in which he declares ; "1
hare determined that I will never sit in
an English parliament This determin-
ation is irrevocable. Fifteen years alto I
was sentenced, in the name of the queen.
Parasols are prettier and more elegant wouki compel' me to seal foettieeuees
tam) ever. Lace is extensively used to fonreifulness of all this personal
raarnent them. wrcug and inhumanity by invoking flied'e
Ireen is a very faahinnable color ; the name as teetimony of my loyalty and de•
favcrite shades are lizard, absinthe, votice to the power which inflicted this
chartreuse, and malachite wrong.
The rage f. r beads continues : the
met 001 51 are the leadtti 94155 which
C.'n'oine elIwith bright -colored mater-
?hilted skirts are stil1 worn ; but loose
si.irts, slightly gathered. are more novel
and fashionable.
The jersey is n..w only worn uf a
morning, and S quite discarded fur dres-
sy and elegant toilettes
Feathers are but little worn this sum-
mer ; a few birds are to be 111366, how
ever. nestling in i bow of ribbon.
The round hats of ?Qumgirls are not
triiike the cap,te is shape and style, tho
riler wider. pndrudiug over the face.
Apple -red is the name .4 new shade
in net. veiling. It is. soft and pretty.
and throws a becoming shade on the
E.nbreidered silk gloves are the latest.
The white Ines are particularly pretty
anti very much worn.
Yachting dresses made of cream flan-
nel, with tucked skins and blouse waists
Meshed with red or yellow are just the
Sleeves are made lege tight and plain
than hitherto ; fur thin wash -dresses
they frequeutly ounie only as far as the
elbow, finished with * fall of lace.
Small necklets of plated silk crape,
pull:, cream, blue, or lilac. with amnia
pompon to match at the side are fashion-
able fur dressy toilettes.
For tennis some charming gowns are
made of cream woolen material with
jerseys to match, the latter being em-
broidered in gay colors.
litiew• by Mew Masa.
Dyspepsia may be kuown by Heart
burn, Sour Eructiuns of fond, Wind
Belching, Weight at the Stomach, Varia-
ble appetite, Costive Bowels, etc. Bur-
dock Block Bitters will poestively cure
Dyspepsia, although in its worst chromic
form. '2
Mew le flees them image She Mein • Thee
'Irreserve the/leases-tails.
slowly and iiiiiselesely ; why they minted
cross a ruom without stumbling against
the furniture is close a dies without
slamming it ; or sit quietly AA, react-
ing or listaning. It shoaW1..411111d00111,
natural for a boy to lift his hat th his
'anther or sister when he chances to
tweet them on the street ;Jo rise from •
comfortable chainwhes Older ?ennuis en-
ter the room; to entertain • etsitor when
the rest of the household is occupied.
D.. you say it us toe much for a boy to
thing of all these things') If the moth•
er has trained hes frees boyhood con-
stantly and cur...folly, he will do them
without thinkiag. Good manners are a
growth. mud boyhood S the titre. and
home the pleolOn which they should $ob Inseam Cared.
.Are you troubled wun halt Rhellin,
Rough Skin, Pimples or Canker Sores;
Joi.t the Thisbe if so, go at once to (;no. Rheims' Drug
J py tst. of Newbury, Store andante: a iszistitar 4 11c4lregor
Weaving is ao common a thiair that
me might readily nappies every house-
wife familiar with the 'mysteries of it,
says. writer in the "Cook.' And so
=Iefirsquentily are so far, at least, as
them to make things look clean,
bet how few can combine this cleansing
proems with the preservation of the arti-
cles which ars •washed. Almost invaria-
bly the same system is used in washing
articles of every deseriptiom I have been
told by • gentlemen who haa had Muth
experieoce in hiring help for the laundry
in hotels that it is exceedingly difficult
to rot good laundresses even there,
where there is not s.) great a variety of
washing to be done as in private tam:.
hes. In washing plain white clothes a
few general rules will suffice.
first: Never put your clothes t. soak
the night before wash day, unless you
1 use warm water and amp them well. It
is not necessary to soak them at all. For
washing, prepare a tub of warm water
with a little soda, which is not at
• all injurious to the clothes if used in res-
. sonably small lluantities. If there are
sputa on any fitted*, wet them first in
cold water, thee taiga each article sepa-
rately and put it into warm water, soap-
ing well all parts that areiled.
When your tub is well fillrpush sothe
clothes back and add more hut water,but
be careful not to pour in on the clothes,
or you will be likely to scald the dirt
iitto them. Wash them twice before
boiling. and rinse thoroughly after.
The washer women of Belgium and
ollendom proverbially effective in their
work, use borax instead of soda ; it saves
soap, softens the hardest water, and
does not in the least injure the texture
If the linen. Colored mashes or lawns
must be wished one by eine in cold wa-
ter. If they are very dirty, the water
may be lukewarm, but no more. But,
-Malden. Masa., Feb 1. Mit Geatiesnen-
imediseed with Week& ea .tela
Neuralgia, female trouble, for Tsars in
the met terrible and excruciattng man-
No medicine or doctor mould give me
relief or cure until I used Hop Bitters.
'The first bottle
lhetiocouel....ide win well and DTs
Nearly euned me :
es eh 1,1
beenlit Li)*
N y bus
-al Mt in 'fifY
year with a serious
'Kidney, liver and urinary complaint,
by Boston's best Ore -
'Incurs e
Seven bottles of your bitters cured
him. and I knew of the
'Lives ajimit t penions'
In my 'Neighborhood that have been
saved by your bitters.
And many more are using them with
be fit
Cret.101073 13lock.. 4,
1 have sue ea bead the largest Mock ever shown is tletterich. and competes every use es-
willy found ia a One -clean 'Jaw store, (roars the deem tid., thrussik all the iebessedietegrilliee
us the hea• test cowhide. I will sell et
Prices that Will Suit Everyone.
'They sheet
Do rcireclear.
lre 11171. E. D. Slack.
Ladi Boots, in Button Gr Laced, from 11.00 to 15.00,
Kisses and Children's Strong School Boots, from 75c. ap,
Boys do., 11,00, up, all other Lines ProportionateltChill.
• ema401 "lie "Mt &hove all, be careful not .1067-011
'T hope. laY lied* Rift.' 1 said '°°' for articles of this material is th. oom-
moriong, 'that TOu will be able to con• mon yellow. A small pisos of alum
trol your little temper today. • should be boded in the water in which
'Yes, rnanima, and I hope re will be 1 the lather is made. The alum should
able to control your big temper.. , not be allowed to remain any time in
'What country is on the opposite sine the but the eructs washed should
of the globe 1' asked the teacher of a be rinsed immediately after washing and
hopeful pupil.
'Don't know, sir,' was the reply.
'Bet if you should dig a hole straight
through the earth, and you should go
in et this end, where would you mem
smallest particle of soda. The .os
out 1'
'Out of the hole. sir
A little four-year-old miss, hearing a
gentleman addressed at her father's
home as 'Joseph; eyed him intently for
aw1,ile and then asked .
'Was you the Mt. Joseph that was Idasillrepi• /erre.
sold by his brethren The reason why disease is so soon ex
'Yes.. replied the gentleman. 'I have Pelted fr',m thew/Item by Berd°c"41°41
been 'wild • great many times, iny Bitters is 'vocalise that excellent remedy
dear.. acts in a four.fold manner - that is to
.0h. 1 ...aa 54, s
orry ,f 7, ,0 "id the say, upon this How•ls, the Liver,
kindly little heart.
the Blood and the Kidneys, ri v
A little boy who went to church was ins ..ut all hed humor, and regulating
cautioned t.• remember the telt, which every organic function.
was: 'Why stand you all the day idle
1:t. into my vineyard and work, and
whatsoever is tight 1 will pay thee.'
Johnny came home and was asked to re -
pest the text. Ile thsight over it
• whiie and then cried out :
'What dye stand 'round here doing
n abs far (1., into my barnyard and
work, and 111 make it all tight with
hong oat to dry. Leave all articles be-
side the tab, washing each eeparately.
They must be ironed as soon as they are
dry, and not allowed to remain chimp
DOW night or be sprinkled. Do not iron
with hoot irons. Pink mid green tints
inlay withelland the washing, but will be
Likely to gabble color es soon as a hot
irilialtglitis them.
writes :-" 'a Wild alowberry ra
is just the thing for lummeefileknoss.
I sold out my stock three times last sum-
mer. There was a good demand fur
Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wile Strawber-
ry is infallable for Dysentery, Colie,Sick
Stomarch and Bowel Complaint. 2
Pried 16
never known to 1161.1 .;.e bat 1
, .....i
tee Prof. Low's Sulphur Sam for
Prickly Heat, Nettle Rash, Smiley Erup-
tion, itch, and all dimmed conditions of
the skim.
Te the Illedleal foreteasses„ and 111 whew
IN may costes.
m. new iffiedek. Phosphatine, or Nerve froort, a Phos-
phate Moment based upon Scientific
Last week, Mr. Lewis Smith, of Facts, Formulated by Professor Austin,
Brooke/Bo, who brought ills first Mall , M. D. of Boston, Maw , curet Palmon-
Threshersinto Canada from Rochester, lazy Qpnisemptakin. Sick fleadseke, Ner-
in 1$3l, paid his annual visit to the you* Attacks. Vertigo and' Neuralgia
Joseph Hall Machine Works here. A and all wasting diseases of the: human
few days after Mr. E. W. Sheldon, of system. Phosphatine is not a Medecitie.
Chantry, who imported s Mall Machina but • Nutriment. became it contains no
in 1840, was ins town on the time mis- Vegagehle or Mineral Poisons, Opiates
Sion. Both of the gentlemen nun- Narceense, and no Stanislaw/1, but *imp
tinued to deal with the Ste Mr. Hall, ly the Phosphatic and Gartric Elements
at Roehester, until he opened a branch found in our daily food. A single bottte
here, it. 18:n8, and they have ever since is sutticiont to convince. All Druggists
nted the Joseph Hall Machine' 11. it. $1.00 par bottle. LowurN A _
r;P=in their respectiv3 localities, Mr. , sole agents for • e Domintun.
I can and will suit you. both in goods sad pricer.
0 'VT N 1 N
Crabb. Block, Corner East street 511.1 Square.
$.P. -Ted' Leather aad doglegs in any q.aritry. at Lowest PM...
l'h rut represents the double tram without the Wt. No...the ration ef the 7P vhsc
preisure supporta the here, ia whet, the Ir..,.ortkorbr-d. •
GEORCr • 9 Druggist,
spring situated in the Pad. hy h CON sTA NT hut easy I 'W AU!) milt 1 I. W
.A.c*ormw-ex, ca-or)E.Fla
MISS w7..=
Mips kip announce that she hes La rktoci irk lance and awed profusion.
the'l/ery Latest li'inter and Spring Fashions
and she would neepectfraly i.vele Ibe ladies to call sad see the display at
The Chicago House.
Gud rich. Oet 54,4. 1114.
Jonathan Yorke. of St. Thomas, who
also bought • Hall Thresher in 15140, is
expected here soon. While these gen-
tlemen have been constant and active
advocates for the Hall Machine, and
have need more threshing machines
themselves than any three men living in
Canada, theyll unite in declaring that ,
the New Model is very greatly in ad- 1
Vance of, 111 fact. as • PZILlit:I11/LAIN
pletely distances all other grain thresh
ing machines. After nearly half a cen-
tury of practical experience they should
he ably to form a correct opinion. -[0n-
term Reformer, July 24th. 3
taming C.I.
An exchange say, : -This- is the time
of year. from Juiy tc October inclusive,
when if ever, young and old folks too
wily go to the mountains for an &Meg
for health or for flowers, fish and fun.
even for country boys -and the the girls
may not be excluded -to do this sort of
thing, for they have new experience of
life, and a kind of romance, which the
kegs and village, and certainly the town
does not furnish. The gain in healthful
recreation, in knowledgt of natural
history and in a sort of independetsce is
ilAISSOCIDO. All of white we value highly
for our own boysand whelk we enjoy
assn now most highly fee ourselves.
The place for camping should be dry and
hadthful, above all flats. and at some
distance from swamps, not in den
soods, bat in some pleasant opium)
Inear to good water -a spring if in
ble --away from near neighbors, poseibrt
in wild tame *sentry, or sear a moun-
tain, lake, or stream or by the ma.
The most deadly foe to all malarial
diseases is Ayer • Arne Cure, • eombi-
nation .4 vegetable ingredients only, of
which the nest valnable is need in ten
absolute snit certain specific, end see -
motels when all other tnedietnee hid. A
zeeir r0117 wars to week early and
lane, and get little nr no exerctee, take
Haningtona Quinine Wine and Iron to
give 700 strength- See that you get
Harington s,' the original and geoids.,
lied Wage, 41.'et0n5 fewniger.
• A :
Either nor 'ming Men ars krowing
older or our ( Id men are growing young.
re Before the war 40 or 45 were not
clawed se yell vans in this meaty. Stoves,
fib Front Street fast Toronto.
0 00.1::1;;Oauger irl lirl:i 5git •
. free a package of
'Condi, Of 11710 value. that will start you in
work that will !toner bring Foe Uli moue7.
faster than anything tier in America All
about theiremole in preesitt• with eash boz.
Agents wanted pc ery where, of either I. of
ell ages. for all the time. or spare thee only. to
work for us at their own homes. Fortunes for
tr.igertuffTk'r° a.rbeeou.legw=crte.diain7.1 ill;71:-Y. .-
The highest mob peke paid for hides, calf
sis ebbe lat the SALTS -ORD Tannery
A, Si J. bibi4K.
flentsed Den.4.1811kedlie
Arrival of Firm Detachments of
They were spo ei. ores middle aced
Seeing is believing. Read the testi 1
[bit now nothing is more cum
o •
mnists in the pamphlet on Dni
r. Van on than to near a seen of 4:), splices 01
Buren Kidney Cure, then buy • bottle as "a pn-nniaine young law Ter" nr
and rolietra yourself of all those distress- 1"young statesman " There is rod
all a ort it. Sold by J aeon tiodeinch human life se lengthening, and as the
inq pains. Your Devi can toll you reason for this change. The average et
2 , ineressing roluirements of our evillest -
t ion 'row Stre complex a man of middle
Ago will be considered young. if 11,11
~wee hie hy his knowledge andwin
all perienes. Th. ....1 rms. nisei 04kilk.'
• country *reglad Ile leave iis tneirranks a
et nf 111.17 rill tors who claim to be
all enjoying the freshness and Moot *4
youth. Let us evilest* Victor Her
l and try to make our youth do duty as
SS overieset estil we are gray-headiwl,
Vb. Peeper Meek INS
Dov t yeti think, deaf*
!she paused 4 MIt.'"inollt ia
that we ought to take With
um to Sarate,rg 1 ..-
ran dr' SS Too liieslmly, hot the only boolttatkare:
my pocketbook,
PI 7,1;153
"4 ;
re ei.E n >
! I I. ! 1 ! ! !
ti ;7' C
Merchants : Get your Printing
this Office. Quality of Work and
reasonable Prices Guaranteed to
please au who may give us a trial.
ThePeople's Lion*
i nware,
Wall Paper,
Fancy Goods
"The Cheapest Hass seder the Sea."
Nest emir us the Peet OgIess
Gesdif66. AWOL Mk, MA 1S1 -
JOU U0X, Proprietor.
The intheerlber piggawriettili to furnish the rah
The Finest Rigs
Al' etntooyeAwr.z time!.
(-ixI) REY tia AMMO) ft. Cellars
Feb. Ilth.11111.
()tilt!: n