The Huron Signal, 1885-8-7, Page 4i
Mihralottli ':ito t - 4MhhffAoohfo,l carpis
to kSkt(cf$eetrLf
: i 'iLi'C'IR tvp-e"'
ONCa e 'u''riea
tea lamer ter all pee.err
•at>rra.. aiZ
g•ts4War= the brew yi
've meshes*
e . wmiaab
b Nie•
yrnie vet rm r `Mebe at seen
wdl is Mi +i► ~ met le
iis wit M_ •• tee paper •a% s wall
to a. m Ttlssesl; aid
*ostlerlisdl fit_-- ta
eaaeiadrsetlwM piaty ires
elraaspttlp gerttm r ar
r z
emmem heels ender the arae.
We f barsseeetaad .. MDI,.1alter
Upasid are ead
t efr •11 tilde, an
erele as, tbsalma
ever W Carta geed
are mit waste.
•lee • full set of
eepeeess' iaereeats. end tararected in their
0me. wtbet w s trre maa••»We ser
bd7 Deas a issue
ernes w mane amid sae
MOM eseenislty thewho ore • ruleito
Wo le.altwhinestriaetosuitteen.. W. T.
SW warn is town this week.
Look oat for orators in September.
Mr isarow has mourned from the
is tew W melodiesbeen a few days
Me. za. Williams has returned to
Kra Mews is visiting fries& se
Mra W tstaitnd to her
home Mikan/it.
,law. • Prise aid Middies are natio'
Weeds afaeLeville.
Min linea Kidd is visiting but
sister. Mas 1' Ryas.
Vasa Aeideaess Elwood is .pediat
kis vacation dews seat.
Copt Ait. Chambers was base for •
few days the peat weak.
Mrs. room, of DOM, is the stent
of Thus. Videaa Wes et,
The Need at. xieiedid .heir aro
camping out at the falls.
C. Crate a niNeasily am mit their fere
daring the Masser time
A great many pesak tree. were killed
by the pest sevao•wister.
W. B. Disking, barrister of Sealettl,
was is town on Saturday.
Rev. T. M. Campbell will be absent
frost town on Sunday next
The bead will be at the relies tisk to-
night. Donde l t..sttend.
H. Y. Attrill lett for the gest by
the newt train last Thsr.daay.
Freak Kedsli., of t'levehrad, is spend•
•nr his vacation at his home.
Moo damth me. 160.1:1 et `
et Srentaailf Mad Oithelem
Ilwa iwar punt% Mr: orad
Leers Salts , ail week.
Mia Lushes, d D.Ydtl who spent
bet esalatlios Y Mw Monis , resented M
her home ,is Sum* tees
The weaver betas as root this
Mon m m Ita.pimi wp.etad st0
Palms Roam rinkM%hei R-
• eepioue aim 1.11 en -
het the abeam of ririsr:IV t
lag this amen is setiwsW.
Ifs ladies of It demes 'a twprs_t-
ties are actively empl yid is prspsriag
harp articles far the hornet.
Ma► admit Watson, d Detroit. and
her iatg•trr, Mia Hiro. Me the pests
d Ms. sod law
!1e Mister'. of AIL JeaaOs eremite
see mains; their Mrest mit Leads., tart
wive Mere after rime Ade .da
We learn that Jamas Doyle, sail
asset, G. T. R. , has p the re-
siden.e of the late Dense lboty.
Mies Iva Wilkins)* accompanied h or l'
brother Will Wilkin.ia aid hie wife •,n
their return trip to Minnespoli.
Joseph Barry, sen of Osumi Barry,
esteem maker, left for the Woodstock
ors tactury on Wednesday best.
Wm. Them sad her sister Mies Frani*
Hmtcbisou loft kat week os strip to the
old senatey vis tb. Dessinies line.
Mr C. L Crs.swell.r,lat. of Pickering
College, has accepted the &amino* of /Aviv HOLIDAY Exoviatea.-Thaw
headmaster is O.Mws hiss eehool win be a series of cheap steseioss to
Ttrotuatn, Stratford, Leedom. Custom
and other points oa Thereday, 134
AWL To Toronto amid hack, good to
raters oe tisturd y, will be 82.
Bis. Pr. Lbs celebrated sees at alL
Peters ..n Sunday last. and Rev. Fr
Owlis. of Woodutoek, delivered a piaas-
ias pithy sermon on the teat of the day
'Aad I Rive onto thee the keys of the
kiegdoes of heaven; feed .y lambs, ted
ay sheep„
Mr, amid e*. '
wl tie .a eb►hr, >sf t
Iieh. a end pet i ll w Bet
eatsday es *km mils' Mit le their
e mbYvem is this aeiflh►ndwL
Ladle ata! Iamb
Wain ea Masai/ Mt, ease ea shame
...R.. reelde, .mlasd y . Ye
78wse guide Me
Wiltinsaerk ~i, l•~gittWMeet
its . Ms arrived
J isrK sheen is ylesslad y
tlat wy last. Par Dallied ,
ed *mei mid
e.0 sMsd awe et timeit dhelleme Teal bis
Mea Mr L ash's W bbe, wbo have
gest ..veal ..eves at the home ef Mi.
rad Mn D. (Deaths, pewee el W►
WLgglina, let ea thearday lest ea
the vatted Lapses fes YiMnti., M. W.T.
TM maim d the leftist child ef Mr.
amid Kis. Troy lams., of Beide, arriv-
ed at Oedwah Q T. L -)die- se
thiese ey aliments last, lied waw ie -
Mined shoe
their arrival ami the IL Q
Mrs. Walton, wife d Bev. Jobe
Walters, formerly of O.d.riah, died at
St Jobs, N. B., on July 29th. Her
death will be leech matted by the
nen friends wheat ibe made dories her
The steam plain "Ueda," Minelli.,
to Mr. Waterman, of Datmit, game tato
harbor u. Friday kat, sad lett os %sur-
dy le.reimg. N. Lewis bink pas-
sage es her snd wiU be ammo from
borne for abort s month.
Rev. IMINIaa Kennon, of Owen
Salad, will is the pulpit of Kawm.e tatek
4.isp the abeam of Rev. Dr. Ilea
Mime Clara, and Master Homer Rub -
Via" eldest & of Capt. Robert-
a& am the semis of friends to tows.
Rev. Dr. 17.s, amid !tied McDonald
will larva by the sir Rapes (D. 'T.) on
W.4-457 tremas wit for the Iketh-
Master Robe/Moe, son of O. C.
Roberless, hes returned from s visit
to kis eagle, OMa Rd. Robertson, et
Mise Maggie sad Mastr Audrey
Brook.sridg. will ie the guest. of Jas.
Minis, Ae►bniey, dense the Net week
or two.
Os Thursday of led week the Salve-
Naa Army desired their reRtaststs end
manta to the denies to mast their new
Mies Ohms )leery, of the .o 0101. of
the North etMuibodist thumb, did sot
sesompwy Kist body on their phrases"
John Hastisk, the ir.pristor d the
Sceforth creamery, was in tows lists
day. tie repotted beldame as brise
pretty fair.
Mies Or who spelt bar vacation
the Reset aI Kea Jebel McDonald, By-
field road. him returned to bet bows at
Miss Hinter, of Beumels, returned
home on Wedsedy, lest week. atter a
eek's visit at Mrs. Bebe Henderson's,
spier serest.
Mr. Freyae, of Galt, who has beset
weediest areae days in tows, the
of M. Ore sense, returned to his home
elide) Leet.
The choir ..f Koos Month W a .ail w
of the lake last Friday weseitip. N
Miss Maar, of Brnckrille, is the guest
of her mean, Mn B. Artostrws.
Mia. Judy* Sinclair, of Hamilton, is
the guest ..s Kr V n Cameron. tea
The Manb hes 'sashed its
Mr. W. D. Gardner, of Detroit, is the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ws, Freon
Maas M. Johnston and little dasggbter
were voting at Seafurth last week.
Mem R. Lang, of Stratford, who has
bra very ill, s able to be out again.
Mies Feinkie Revere, d B•Qab, s
sighing heroism., Mrs. G. W. Berry.
Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Turnbull. d fit
Marys, are at Lea. Joseph, Minkoka
Mea Todd, of St 0.1..'s, was the
amok at Ma Isaac Salkeld this week.
A neat .any are mashie,
daodelioe beer. •Tia mid to he geed -
Mies Mabel Hyde. of Ha.att.,n, is the
guest of her graadfatber. Jamas Watson.
Mn. B. J. Crawford, of Dungannon,
u the gusset of Mrs. a W. Berry, Wed
Mrs. George Cathcart. of Toronto, a
the goat of Mn. '1'. McKenzie Brook
The Mimosa Minnie and Nina Sttsebas
have colorised from their visit to Sar-
The regular meeting of the tows
ellesed will be held this , Fnd.y) eves-
Me. P. Lynn has returned fens •
two weeke' vett to friends at Bay
George Kunz, '4 Toronto, spent Sun-
day last with his family in town, Stanley
street. '
Mrs. Yat rep, ut Toronto, has halo
visiting her pa: sots Mr. and Mrs.
Miss Lillian Wilson who has been me
spending sone months at Letrali u 11..w da
in teen.
Rev. T. E. (, of Aylmer, will bun
sedate is At. (Inches ebarch teat et,
flenday wee
Mrs D Ay after dutposing of her re hot
sidemen and belonging will leave fof=
Chicago. at
Rov. 11r..1-,hne:-m to ell -wooed to 611 po
hie spy •intinent as curate of tit- (Imi.rge's ; d
obi. month.
xr. O. N. Davis has sunk a burse iron
tank is hie lot, iwtnediehely behind his
atom, whence he will fee the future due
moms coal oil. The oil will be beast&
dirert from Peteefis is a similar tank,
am4 transferred. This nes departure
will mare a Imep mat in barrels, Leakage
The Ietbine um Thea Sseyd'. Lotus,
Odbuese street, bas been aoopbstd.
James Berekaridge did the week. Rd.
Sherman bus the eM.tnat kr the brisk
emit and John Johanna foe the ettrpw-
teeies. When completed the cottage
sill he • very meet sed dwell-
A essosrt will be ted in Vietoria hall
on the evening of Thuwday,A.gust 9111h.
far the benefit of the Masonic lot
beemolest fend. The services of a
n umber of prutmiaest outside vocalists
baa bass errand, and the bust !Deal
talent will .ims be engaged. Fur par-
ticulars ese hells and programa
The Ocomto arrived shortly after six
ole **today oresiunt, mad landed about
forty passengers. On u.ariag the desk
by seese mistake or other she did set
stop, bet ten right drsieht spriest M.
dei.isg the maid wool work in shout
three fest The Oeomtw eeeaped with-
out damage mad reseeded os her
44 diliro mid the Cl.+ela.d Welts the Brew Haag Smoot. Elmanrs.-
3rtt, which thews that the two pieces are go .awdiikstee wrote at seek,* 32
daily edition,/ favor.
Misses Barite) and Money ase Mr.
(Elliott, of Leaden, wbo were visit -
leg in town last week ware the ,este of
Mm Black, West st
Mies Sophie Gordon stood the aorta
oft board her namesake, like a era
nymph, when an amend her were pros-
raytrate by sus sickness
Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Cameron, Mies
Kirkpatrick, sad Meads camped at the
falls Let Saturday, where they win main
for two ut three weekth
a>7 were reoommswded. At moos-
, • 62 wrote, 39 peened, 2
manded. At Clinics 64 wrote. 26 pses-
ed. 1 recosmesded. At God erioh 92
wrote -49 from the town mid 43 from
the eoemtry • d theme 14 peeved from the
tore and 18 from the ooesary.
Then will be an suction gale of hones -
held Welters at the resident* of Kea
D. Doty, Colborne. st. on 8.t rdsy
*tt.truet fkb, at 1 a aa. The axis will
be witboet reserve, se the proprietress
bas mold her hoses, and purposes laving
town. The furniture is all an first-eleas
Mss Carrie Wiliam, daughter of the coditiun, and go•,d hermitsramy he ea
Rev. 1)r. Withers', •, who hbeen the John Keo: wW Weald tb
mien of Mir Francis McLesa, returned r•
to bit heftiest Totoeto this week. L. L Hotchkiss, E. T. Williams, E.
Sarva Siavlcx.-The moot seises ie 11. Vanes, O. K. Jackson, and T. W.
the North street lYethediet dietch wee McGraw, sad fasili., of Bey Ceti,
very esooeeefol. The readings and sing- Mica. rare atthe
W.B.lag Dickson,ere ntelle: Strachan, Mn loather men in the Saginaw valley, Mr.
Donald Scott, and Miss Jessie Cermaok, Mnraring the largest mill in the
all rel B united d guises. the prodliot of which a
cunei' were pamengors o0 the fuer hundred and fifty tbouesni feet of
Saginaw Valley on bet Let trip. Iambic per day.
Dr Hamlin, of Detroit, returned A cheese lies been Rede in the method
hese on Seeday laic on the Saginaw of payment d the legislative grants and
h ally, after spending a few pleasant the municipal equivalent to schools. The
days with his parents, Napier street. Coouty Treasurer become the trememr
Miss Aims Dickson and her aunt, of the Iarp.ctor with s statement of the
Mn. Louie, left for St. Mary's this amount apportioned to each section,
week. They will ales visit friends to which is payable to the order cf the
Londesboro before returning to Exeter. school trustees. It is now c9.puhiney
Rev. Fr. Mealtimes, erba, we are sorry en trustees to pay the toach.ero' slariee
to say, has been in delicate health for quarterly no matter how the eereeemet
some trine, hes returned to Sandwich, le drawn -
ch improved after hie rest from parish
W.. Johnnie, of Louisville, asd
de, Mos Maggie Hnnt, of Yippee
re the Roasts of Mr. T. Dark kat
k preparatory to )ravine for their
Mrs. Logie, of Exeter, has been the
guest of Mrs. W. Dickson her sister,
for some time.
Rev. Owen-Jones is in town enjoying
a few weeks' vacation. He is accompani-
ed by Mrs. Jones
Miss M. Reid will leave for Cleveland
this week, to visit her sent Mrs. GeOrge
Jolier of that city
ebwlby Hays is at Sesforth enpenn-
tading the •Rehm .1 L flew Dewey
aeries his *bossier.
F. McPhilipps, formerly of Cameron • pus
Das oder, but now of Toronto, . ernst.
fits friends in town
Evfkvsonv Mvi r Oo.-Tbe grandest
and cheapest excursion of the eesson will
run from Uoderich to Nir:are Falls and
Grimsby Camp on Civic Holiday, Thurs-
day, 134th inst, under the auspices of
the Victoria street Methndiet church.
Fare to the Falls, $1.76; fan to 0nmsby,
A very heavy business is being done 111. bt1; children half fors. As this is ea
the J'.,int Farm this summer. The pnvste venture, and is for the rood of a
polarity of the flare being the caese sufenng church. we hope it will be well
,vu, one hundred gloom being daily parr)*Deed. Tickets are gnat G. return
..tared fir. 1 on the following Monday on payment of
the United Bevies had • great nam_ ' an extra dollar.
`7 If pasmaidiWMI board on her Islet A Tnaalte att'IMO Spnon,-0m !.s-
trip to Duluth, a *Reber of whom drove
'Aar lea at Si. floor.* Pi amiialilM
thr,..dh our heeetiful town before the turn of the volunteers, and timely goal'.
steamer 1 -ft. I lag of tho insurrection, a very plain
Thursday brought a brats excursion I react of fact sermon was given by the
linen $,'ta.orth Tharts. can •ere Ret. Mr. T.emit 2nd . iv itie, of Tomntn, from the
kid with vein. rs. The escarole.% : illrrtr.t► St Paulasa true l hngezverse,
We under the auspices of the union S. mesa, d 1►. man Mr the eternal
8 of fief rtk
Shivers *bier are Mit seen ether than
A eery large tin ring party from Leu- for the temporal things which are men-
'amnon, trader the leadership of T. 0 sitz a hoe illustration of the manner
prase( all faith in his a..epaw. ,.en
raon, spent Wed/sada, bet et the
nt Farm. A meet enjoyable nem 1 never *awing, .hen tit eon. reassess
had by all who attended. and stars are hidden from eight by dense
ac}ct Calhoun, of the halation Army, 1 cuda netw•venwhen urma
hal I*,., Mate pati m fioderioh, heft boto.l, rtskint s the s*• lenmg angry tsAtnpeat,
Stratford on Thar", hart Ire". Inorth
but sure that cemas turn• to the
worked op a rood interest in pets. which eh no manl.ehas ever •.en.
army during her oar here. The hysne were stoat apptnpriate fur
Mies Moore, mule teacher, Se•forth,
was the guest thy week ,,f Mrs. 11. wh•
J.heion, Kingston at. foe
hew Miekeiyars haw. started on Chea. the
'ileke's now lease. e'.roer <d C.dbnrne.
ani Xi Patrick streets. 11
Mn. R.,hert tiin►vens. ••f Detroit, wife Law
glebe I r .praetor of the M.--h.gatn Porte- sad
Mo, will be the gest [tett week of ver West
worthy sheriff and his lomat. fella
the Thanksgiving Service sapecially the
D a. r„ T F Torts east m 319 end 390 hymens entitled Warfare
td Maher . (brand ('onduwt,'r F F. sad P►lentivar." fmm Kph. 8 ship 10th
rent* acted to Herald of the Rust, sed IJtb verses. "Seldrers 4 Christ
Itrn. H. W Ft ill as Herold of rho arae.. and D et Fier Armor en" end
at the dedrotioa of the Odd- ' "Seed op, stand gp for asps, ye
we Hall at Clinton last seek. piens of the rase'
Mita l.eaisw ?rein he•bet
se jptdi•si M the Melees d she Btwtb-
s ll.bhs about, el whisk dee has bees
a I aha tar iter rasa. Th. /Ssetbny
4 On moths el Warm Maaisp
ad Oaaiati Ib same wee awptee, w
modlidon Ibet Mks Neater have se
faster sham .s des beard Ir Wary,
mo h.t ry..a wmalagd sto tut
went mat mid
Dell Hall yskatiur p t. ?au )asset jab
neat We esspley se s.Ms.w to de
Sat .bras job weak its eies.k,s, herd.
ammo. Yank fasms, sea, and nese of
tier work leeks me Y it was tweed .eft d
• )ask shop, We him below m samples
of -'stwateue work 4... is ibis town
mai en mast say that it it Ola the bill
beam seedd anity.." We dost pro-
lines of any kind .1 typo mime the w
lur .biking. We bss in
our mart tatb% and deism hp ser
Iegit►sate balms Our hands will
plus.e beer these lets l mind whoa
cheeky solider. Io imaging to them let
job week.
Tea Owns o. ins Maur S. O.swe
-0. Bade► Lest the N.wib street
Methodist uboir took presser ea the
sent oast Mary S. Gerdes. The labia
this was to erase op Moog the mast
bike Harm .ad Georgie busy for
week or bin dye, amid .very prrpetstie•
was nab to Meer* s 'loud rim." Us
font.nmyy the weather was net pro-
pitious, sad after rets• it oat ea the
lake for dome time 1 ase
mendAirs she
.red about 9 cloabout for mnthe mewing.
TM amersesi s,over twenty is camber
were pretty badly cad tap with semieb-
nam, but as yet no senses melte have
dhappe!A The party has .o intestios
lisp erodes, bet have decid-
ed to in the Waage of the time at
the tat where they propose to camp for
the nest weak. '•A Lis ole the Oases
Wove,'. a art a favorite sir with story d
the aerobe a at the present rima
Tata Townes INeveratai, Fara -It
sonstally coneeded that the greet
Industrial Pair whisk is held eimemay rd
Toronto takeselk se the Impel wad
most imo.staat w held in Canada,
*Arias/ as it does the Lepel pries lief
ii all deportees* and diming its Melt-
on leout all classes el the eom.aeity
thrwoghoot the Dem ism as well as the
djeiaien S.M. and the bee 1..e
.4 aphsbed without Government money. adeadeame
led year was over 1de,ISO, and shy
ibm a umrmese am that this member
will lee iteseedesi 51 the terming Pair
10 be beta at Teem*. toism the 1N to
the 10th of September nark for whisb
unusual ptopsmtjs.e are
This Par, aloe the peat St. Lewis FWr
ranks mesad to merle io Ameaies, sad its
fame his spread to resit ata safest time
dehtaNm hew been appeisbd k visitHue k
1. the weird from whey of the Sege Fain
)teats, area as liar west as
the Shote at Iowa The entries mad af-
filiations for epeee already made fit es -
coed t►... d may primites year, amid the
.mergers are tieing pet to their wits' seri
to know bow to provide for thea all
The Dirsutora el•im that the wooed
mttredio= which they bare seamed for
the co.keg expedition are tar ahead of
any previous owe, said they are deter-
mined that the eupnosasy whisk th.1,
Fair Less reeshed .hall he maintained.
Cheap rates wad szcenioes will be given
of all railways, and oar readers will sot
he disappointed if they make .p their
minds to pay Toronto a visit at the time
el the Fur. All entries modem oe before
the Eld ret August, sad insndiag exhibit-
ors should scut fail to make a nota d
this fret. Prim Lists lied any other
information eta he
a petit -seri to Kr. Hill, the Sietstary,
Latest A.rivats N OM farms ►moa.
Detroit -Mn C.C. Bowes, Mas Addie
Bowen, Kiss May Newcomb, Mies Kat.
Frt.gsreld, Mrs A. Walsh. Mrs J. C.
Hart*, Miss Harte, Mies Lon Hero,
Master Fred Harm. Oningeville--34r •
.ad Mn W. T. Wali and skkild Chin-
ked, Ohio -W. T. Holden. Lambe -
F. F., Mn J. Desks, Mies Danks, f
Mies W. IB. Dsnka B% Oity-O. K.
Jackson, Mrs Jackson, V. Jameson. Mrs
li IL Bishop, T. W. McGraw, R Y.
Williams, E. J. Vance. Toronto-Roht
Gilmour, Mrs Gilmour, Mier Gilmour,
Miall Jessie Gilmour, Master Bob and
servant., Miss Feethentonehangh,
with Amite, worthy, Welitj aid
sew* the ud seed, are illustrated
by the sus made sal that Fidelity was
ispsssieed by lighters the oil to make
k the kite, the altar ; tie good seed by
water,eiMitenag the wheel ; by the Maar
the deeds ed et, my be the
hugiasas d the go.ena At the ow
eludes .herr pithy addresses were dews
M Rus. G. F. Imitm, J Toes, aid
tlw. Lewes.. Heid, lel sod Mart -
At 1T Minsk is the meanie the secs
bees 4 the einem* mt Ledges std Bas.p
iambi tad to t.he part is m street
pride, Headed by the tows head,
whisk perfeemed with great credit, the
procession earthed Mow Albert, Rat-
taabery, Dano and William Arlo.
The bilker aid sai.sovrse d the
Ocdarieb I.e..psieut wore very sem
rally admired, their Sae autturer made
them thea In 4 atttsouom. Aliboarb
the amnia( wee esemervety wane, every
brstber yogis hoopla's
L mss ST Da. WILD.
le the moors/ • leiter was riven by
the Wm Dr Wild, en the isl.reeting
eeejeet .f "Th. ileitis, of Brume stud
Mr Lamest, „f the 0. T. R , very
oo.It.oasly held over the evetiit.g train
meta 10 p s, is order to .ca.,s.nodate
the Ooderich brethren.
Among theOddfellown from the eoun-
ty tows present it the dedicatee% were
help Tome, Dr Whitely, Messrs C A
plain, 1' McFarlane. F F Loomis., A
B Corset), Jae Robeis,n, W Vandals,
J Tull, J Bailer .1 W Smith, W Babb.
B Stella, W ]there)), W Yates, R
theism, J Roberts, F Prdhs., E R
Watson, H W li•11, sad T 0endry.-
Mow lime
Rated Imi tt mminsa bar .sur tsefsaps
Maud B. made the vile in 2.081 last
Theredmy against time, beating her re-
eore by three -quangos of a second and
the fasten d her rivals by orae and s- half
On Awed 11th, 12th. 13th end 14th
Ma Gonad Xsammprmaat aid Urend
Lodge of the Ontario Imdopedeo
Order of Oddfeibws will meat in Hemati-
tes, sod a series at greed dem.wstts-
Leas is their borer 'ems bees prepared
W the Lodges d the city. Os the nth
*big dumumatrmties will be held at Dea-
der' Nth.
'Ile (.Lset'a Gasetta dated Jaiy Si,
contained ore eerier in aouncd statism
that toils on the St. Lawrwnoe canals ole
wisest, !sdise sera, oats, pass. barley
sad rye shipped for MeaNssl, or w
other asmidiaa pest eft of Mo•tres1,
are reduced to two cents from the bit
day of the Booth of July to the end of
the menet mains of navigation and no
Feet Macleod, N. W T., July 21 -
For some time them had been bad blood
betimes Thompson mad Charlie Wr,rbt,
cowboys os the Walroad ranch. Last
weak the is.. met in the corral of the
mesh, whin Thompson insisted on tigbt-
tag, sad both men pulled their revolvers
at the tame moment Three shots were
Sad by sash party. The int two did
n ot take effect on either side. At the
third shut the fates went against Thomp-
son, and he fell with • ballet to his
shoulder. He was taken to the Fort
Ysoleod hoepittl, where Dr. Kennedy
extracted the Whet. Thepayee' is
reeoverieg. Isssedietely after the
shooting, Wright amounted his horse and
streak out for Montana.
The public have not yet heard the last
of the celebrated Daae af McLaren v.
Caldwell, out of which arms the founda-
tion for the equally eelebrated river and
streams bill, and indirectly the provincial
rights saltation. This second cotton
eo.menoes with a writ issued sod an
interim injunction granted on Saturday
by Mr. Justice Osler restraining Mr.
Caldwell fro. Ousting timber neer Mr.
McLaren '• improvements on the M
A eyst4l iaeideat. Haiti4..asbuii m
/mint, haps nttesntly it1{ Llseers
Row. Tks Nem d Maio woe drieisg
along with his ems whit lbw/ net Kra
Lltgtry, who webs .ss but reline),
sod, the gawps my, wait a h.mwls .
d swamp ~Ma ' L sett. s idsBe,
Hipbets resegsimd the WJr he hlh his
assn sad puled the sMwah elms he
emuiermied threw" the Pa*. Fliempd.
sal .p..srM 0. mei
ie..v .a..ssd •hest tat the d
her mat prolbmiweel Mr. ?be Pri(t.s
et Wel.., i i wtidt bums.s.wlied all the
imitations whit aft beat Itttes/ei to
Muth tit Clamp Cb0wtnd es% Loud
L..bfe be Mod resegli --- M Mari-
bo-.. Hoses, the rritem'' panes.
This ..ams ons tabes beaus of Nair
ltM•iRht astir Mea Ltfgety the other
day. The Primary II is mid, me tory
.aRry e►w be dimmed that bMh /w
therms* have Maimed su.a*dsnseisn teem
the beauty. Th. Tort glob W also
toren ale wta.batsate rhe suit shedder
noes their u.rsea1y battle. TA0 pwjest
ed • deal Oswego UM two mite Mors
w agate reeteed, as the . mans
which they erna relieve themselves of Wt.
odes. Interred by Moth as rwtrtimp to
pea. riot methods to smile their jssl-
Sew My •elastase Ms West.
(Jesus.- William Me
Vetere' LI. lest Town (iederio►.
(lois 'Noma camp Exesedes - Jeu1i
Mama .led fro an/ lavabo** 01116.
Pees - Hermes
=fe5555alta Wombed - A .
oods tor ibl
l( M. L Colharseueedere
W rise
Ne alez Mears.
, tls. odd rat..• Mau, ter!" Ili.
Gas et,. l serge. taederatw W woett
the People's Column.
e au• ts sots tbe 7.1i . imam bemsa
Apply to U. WKUON, West sweet. Mot
t V rarity ss. ss d walirt dvfap wsltn to
e.7 w.M, JMn M tae ts itt Desi 1
. W tot 1. temee Bible ter 4ibts.ait jt
M wit** ler willies seder. 1
Mctllama *has*. Mira
y0T& S LIST, 1016.
Msaiepul.ty of Ne Tee,. .f Ooderiok, in
the Meaty of Varus,
Notice r beret' glue* that i bee bele.
w itted or *bested the press*
ta the )s4 aid SW weir-* it the Vias*' -
Ao4 t!• esisr 4.11+ M u1 the st is amass
*sal le the AIL a am Apipmeria
abs hist revised sesiss~enwrap ar aha
municipality. te he entitled to vee ta the sada
Msalei is -'s-Nis Ow the Me di ra.f
the Levs Aatwrily and at M*, rtsit
aeetieer, aid that the rave lir *•.e ti*t
M ender. 1. the Te et celery►
ter l r p s4
.aaa,iee *email Lie .ave eq tie
ether weal an dww4, atsb. WM-
*echeee l havens* serne.oevoe eelerd-
fag te kw. CAMIPte.
M tM ei tbie any al Met
iaippi and its tnbetsies at the preeen
time upon the river at low water. w at
any time other than the aortae and fall
reshot.. the pontos* suit having de-
termined tete right to *ore the improve -
Rivets at high water. The injunction
will aritinoe to force tall Tuesday week,
the Ilth of August, when as argument
will take_ place upon the motion to 0 .n-
tinus. Ifr. Kristen cl•tma to have
stored up • Int of water to rtes tenni;
the season of low water, and that he ob-
ject. to thin being used by the delesdant.
In Dundee lives a family of brothers
and +tet. named Edward., who recent-
ly Dune to this country torn England
Up to Friday night there were four girls
and two boys. Their parents are deed.
One of the girls, Jennie, worked in
Lennard's knittir1 factory. On Friday
*venom she received her week's wa=re
and took ft home. It toms that her
satire wished her to put the whole of
the money into the common household
fund• but Jennie wanted to retain some
of it for her own private ems. A o sorrel
ensiled, and words were need which so
wounded Jennie's feelings that she
threatened to drown herself. Little at -
twin was ped to the threat at the
.e ; bat w e% the girl did not retain
ono no Friday nicht, and nothing .0
seen of her •,n Saturant'. the fancily crew
alarmed, and on Sunday then boom,
searching for her. The hat which the
poor girl had worn when last sees alive
was hoard floating in the canal. This
diseo..ry esteemed the fears of the
faintly that Jennie had carried nut her
rest. and the search was continued. '
esterday m,.rnine the dead bed of the
rl was taken out of the canal by Mr.
rton. kb. was ..n17 17 years old,
)oust ladies sed ceithsa. De•*tttel
Teti arosnda titans* isaarari.m
1t rselsierra Terre tier blewdwawa* : hoot lep4 toles Mine4 anOM
=* if liedsrleh ra • &Cfmm4ts M'
kJ txtxt.asi,ee grenade. 11.oms. well tursiiihot W a ewlfe_
is Twin r his AYrew
tw-4t •
tee assts. to Part Arthur. P
Pert "inherited rave wW
at resew to MRs. A. s IfeOMSSWR at Carr.
Demers. lest dram
thPMONtUIW'ifT, 7beRimp•psar7tiatt
io Aa l.sore Leery helm r arrest
Zorn ahm.iisnd.t,•1 aid f4t Mssld
Ti. public is beret, settled that the Sita or
Mo J. 1). Luttrell .t Cu , tO•o rr Xaauhotslleles,
bos t dor
bora ddiesereerytne ieei i,, at
.f Rue. Thi b.ri-
Mei will be
Dated at 0e4erteb this Dinh y J•.of.r j 1*,
flt4u J. D. I.
D. C, elttaaai ,
The tartnenblpminete s,,eziett basses
the asderafge.A es farmer*. ,e,.. hie lees this
day dowsed y mute& consent.
JOne )fates, w1:io., f D. HOOiR
bar W.waosh. July fall teat. fres.!,.
1. I. BROW "ehreeffolly anmosnees to tie
Ipsbtl3 that he et peppered to Tose and Ragan'
Please. Orders telt et Maw Cooke's er )!r
lmrleb )took *ore sum M
to All work warranted arsoessea. MIN*
aged plasterer. cloaks the public far their t
coerinard patenswea,. He is win re•4y to de
all work in his line in a onion -tor msaaer.
Priem t0 sea the tints IN Mamas erre ter
bofldings whoa required_ !17.11
I. 0 0, F.
miedi.eMses assesses lee le r •%weeder
With the Now Weil at «Imsee.
List Thursday was a p1a day amongst
the Oddfellome of this town. Invite.
Mons had been issued to the neighboring
Lodges to take part in the celebration of
the day. and retial illy did they
respond to the r.queet. Ledge. at Hero
,all, Bromfield, Oixteneh, Winghem and
Seeforth, were rspreeented, beeiides
quite a number of the different Eicamp-
menta The visiting brethren were met
by the Reosption Committee of the Clin-
ton Lodge, and every effort was put
forth to give them • hearty wela,ate,
The members of t e 0oderich tti
Encampment, in full uniform, arrived h;
oe the morning tram, and were met by
the Clint..% Lodge, .cuotnpanied by the
Town Band. A procession was formed
and marched to the hall. Here ',sty
arrangement for enjoyment amd so.fort
bid been made. Luncheon was word
in one ..1 the sole ro•naa. and the new
hall, with its ante moms, thrown open 1 th
ito the visitors. They all esprained stir- y
prise at the cnm.odinwnees and be.oty el
.p1 the new premises. The room is hand- No
aomiy carpeted and tasteful) decorated
with appropriate mottoes eiabieat.
At 4 o chick the members 0t the Order
ar.nhled to dediemte the hall. leder
Toms, of A,derw•h, was the acting
(imnd Master, and was maireed in the
venous office. M Brothers F. F. L.
raves, (Indvrieb ; J. A. Manus, Wine -
hens : H. W Ball, °adarieh ; 0. Baird,
)r., Hruutield ; Manning, White, We-
sel' and Hmita, (Minton. The mwsiea)
port of the osrei.ony wee ender the
charms of Hi -others Jones and (:nlo, with
Mr. L S,ntth as ow,anist. The .ernmo
ny is a eery beautiful and apprrrpri*to
one in the antre .4 tart room, al the
earners of a table, were seated
[oar Heralds. on the trade were foot j
vowel filled with Sn at
t.wewhom, water)
..,d ...1
•Th. parts d the ensmtony
Joly has been a fatal month for presi-
dents and et presidents. John Admits
and Themes Jetfer.em died .Inly 4.1826 ;
Monroe. July 4, 1831: Taylor Jul) 9,
1880, while in .oA1c.. and arson, sly
13, ISM, while Oar*.Id received his
death wooed on the Zed of the seam!
tsnnth, 1851. J
At Cheltenham Beach. Chicago,es
A.tord.y, W 1. Smith and A. L Talbot
asosmd.d in two hsllwnree for a nose is
mid air. When s height of &boot 1200'
feet had been reached the machine. art.
(*peed. T.1Mt came down with his
wreck comparatively nnininred. hot
tlmith fell the .hole daatance, stradea
erase telegraph witty before r.aehiap
ib earth. H. stilt lives, bet will dib
For Sale or to Let.
11 I►t of ti -Member That flue *irk home
011 the comer of Klein era Weak
contains eleven room& pea cellar.stab
, and drivirj house. aro, farther , parrtieaelae
d Amoy to a. (ak:Oftoe t'AT r IC, •ea eel
CI\E FARM OF 300 ACR,E8-_2r0
V acres Ispprroore4. well fenced, has f (farms
sed owl orehaM.. not a font of erne 014
en it. Priv' native, This is the %bravest bargain
we ever shred. Weber. Jolt pot
and thele the fret other to a► II. O,w
►Nacres macrosimprove law Mune ted
earn. noel. 0r, -hent. mot ant waste lamd,pvi
oMhsI1rwtIilb cuankoMeda7 nftdeOrr
anItr.00eero5iOats ad th.roICeraIM4ndf,
ebd a40edAorristhat are scattered tomes
nor luau• before toehold , xof
tS AO1kR. Huron ('minty Dank. ltd _
Hnros minify. Welk IOW4f
(tHl►i(,'E FARM FOR RALB.--
v "Jaaei.111- mesterei
ast.h nom. Tnwaship or nk. 1 dr
.e.r,gare Wal be takes eve, tM -
Parnell nt the ..e_e__
at. •ai - of Interest. aofeu' $. Y..propertji♦r.
mot t 30,. O%i. re 7vrr11e STA ,ase
!r Il
MOTION HOW WIT* AIit. Ntt»ted es )r
`tee ft. ]rel eon .,'Nonwhite of West atra-
m elf. mmelehie aft n N
4 •g knees no w aluswe eft nolmftee Z-
the lee-
harmv. oo 'is. tap, r re .n ' TN
bete N :::1111:1:A111/11.174010711.
.w WYta. Nit r* yp•.I.1.1 Mer Terme
e e1e*• H\ tlAmeteyI jQT Aat tl pt
rf A It h 'TT(► 4t
l '- ► A RIM
imethei_ or the Tetra** of es4erlele
by Miner to J pt 1.11. ARO, ileratked. 't11111i(