The Huron Signal, 1885-8-7, Page 31
..�"°.biA :J •• i1( bpA 17Na"�W`"'- .'
f$1 ?oITelq pot.01%. &O'_. !'! 11''
liselMftealiglillee '.
e lenthwegg
gn� » will
.014011.,iu el tltt awes.�.Loots mad 4
.1 geldte r,� i ei�.s.. ems'io .
_ try► Mise : trjUl• �rddiare b�wes
en heed link
hits wheel , sed ellevsUisg limes
tell sealskin. Thisteoesema . it is
nal he undid M well es Dr -
e amwtal, sad if these wig M be Wet
4101110 will beau satieg g oma
•I std ---- l,' aye s females writer
• the 1V ew York bled sod Express, 'Ow
its Pans * r scow sreelhay winker to da-
emon' se easemee w sed ono who is
sue. r tt a to til b tbs solitaire dia.
Aimed rum that • gid wean os her w.4-
4. r -el Wager tree she has bass es-
-peered. She temp it i dun. is Paris is
flus the mar to sear a smash pearl heart
,.AmmuIug nose ram his vase button bole
. by • delicate Vmsetmu abai..
o The densly fitting short beagne is of
bl ue surah wttb clusters of tine pleats
"down the centre, back and front, and
themoshnw hennas stile ptsoes of broad
lace, which (vont a sort of jacket, baits
raid over the bodies, covering the
shoulder sem, hollowed out •ruuud the
armhole, sad mewed into, the 'loader aro
meatus. The skirt curtaieta of • deep lace
Auuaes, dzsp.d with amorn, sashes of ova
•ar tuailatw.►.
The latest thing in drew Funds Is the
missal ul the Eugliab nohow fabric
familiarly known.. alpaca.ModiItes
are maktug up the Inslbrial for young
girls' afternoon dresses for seaside wear.
The geode mum. in both single end double
widths, sad are shown in • different
odor as well as two'or three colors com-
bated. lemon 1eseisessd ezeesitimety es
trimstWit, roivrtpt,a4119dime Lid opus
white a{paca
Cowslips for • oouatry
wear are of babtiate, Ped r foulard,
isdieane anihey have very
broad brims Sett girls and boys wear
theme haps, risky they ars differently
trimmed. Fur arts they have muslin
and etanone drapers embroidered is
colon, reline tor boys a breed hand of
ribbon Y taken flat amend the crown
and tied into, a knot, with a fancy orna-
ment over it.
The housessaid skirt has been mods >e born to rooms pursuit which tinea h
tied by the French dressmakers into in employment and happiness, whether
basketswsetbi is whish only tb• lix•0ticei it be to make baskets or broadswords, or
canals, or statues, or songs.
NMI% a TI.ea.
O r dee, std i sIyisg is tti-kr
Three Louie aegis late sweet, Agin
.aria ro
Nii`per, like 1 ,i MrMttmes weeps
The wealW *me who stir ep
ethers tc ds t�
denies is IM hs * et Wises : they
swarms IassWay ler fe.
The twIJ clic etala shseM have p1
keeper sf his see els bat Massif.
It is semen to suppress the drat Again
than to satisfy an that toiler it
lie is the happiest, be be king or
peanut, who dads peace is bee home.
When you Bary mea old ammwitysr,•
er naiad putting up a itme istone.
Cusvenati,a enrages the undeestand-
boy, but r,liA ode ie the school of mimics•
Trees is the fere* may be barren,
but unman the gardes should be fruit -
Divine confidence can swim upon
those seas which feeble reason cannot
Thome days are in which we do mo
gaud ; those wars thea lust in which we
do evil.
A wise man reline Ireton he speaks ;
• foul speaks, and reflects uu whet he
has uttelted. .
He that dein • base thing in zeal to
arse los fneud burns the golden thread
that ties their heart* together.
There is nothing mei true that the
damps of error have not warped ; noth-
ing so foie trot • sparkle of truth is nail
is it
[wend temper is (''5e philosophy of the
heart, a gent in the treasury within.
.rurays are reflected on all uiswerd
We meet in society many beautifgll
mow. effsit
• the uuder side .f the l oaf. Scores
eye o•a dNeet the ori,lia.L t is fas-
tened ur ostensibly fastened, to the
lower edge of the waist.. aid is shirred
very deeply, aid the puf pissed under
the shirring, at the back is a little short
.cif ridituiou. in to magnitude.
New French parasols are covered with
Meese *messaales•
Never wash raisins : wipe them witb $
dry doth.
Plain woad frames are the rale is the
Two estegidobeebeint. rem M
awl gio obi! 10,mia
lira off Ws spree bad
tie don.
e►M!lg ex &,dttiak, jt ' #1111-
ad the' rt
o e Mak. 1 yogi ter•Datiitirefi•
'3o M
de MAW t wee pump Wise
I we. Mt dial was a eft gill
net to de shop win' I wtteksg, 1
spent in it fig sed it
eines de d 'a halt w
ea* mawnin' I went isto de bailliag
shop end who shoed emu in but d• laser
wet hep' de hither shop.
Kffb one ten or twelve *Winds pinto
♦a1e&e steak,' he std.
tie got it sod west ort I taesio•d
-up toile butchah and looked w see sat
mane I aid let.' •
"Whet do you was i said the bssohsh.
'Ugh ins tett Dena wut of libber," mss
my remark.
'k was all l could pea fur. Now -woo
go and gm ye' drink. You'll eat libber,
but de taus tat sells yam de staff will
Mai hu pu'terbuues steak. De man
Whin' de bar eats po'terboume--d• Iran
io front eats Ilpber I ain't wucb.d de
stuff fo' thirty yeah', end I am s•tta'
pu'nacho use myself. -f Foxltoro Report
The curative power of Ayer's Nareapa•
rills is too well known to require the
.pscios aid of tiny exaggerated or ficti-
tious eertifiette Vl'ttnew. of its mar-
arveletas cares are today ltviu iu a very
city and harslet of the land. Write for
names if you wag home evidence.
two Wets (slaty sok kaodkerohesis. ansae- trun nng of smalI etch inge. r --- _-- •
times nub the owner's moeCRram em• .05A loin water u better titan dear water ►- A w ' 1aa.,yieme'rs,.
isrpider•d in Doe sorser. They have a {K wetting up dove blacking. art}_
panty, rest paced that
t as the her, ter
diets are r• pissed that the corner of If � wish to pour bowling -hot liquid What a blssiag to a Itou�(rjd int d
ash 'ktsrdist poles* between themes of into • glass jar or tumbler, 0 can be merry' eheerfat woman — date . whose
the other, mfejy accomplished by titer piecing the spirits are not affected be. wet days, or
spoon in the jar. little disappointment►, orboe. milk of
The prettiest widow in Europe, her Thome really anxious to grow plants human kindness dos not sour in the
royal higbas's the Duchess of Albany, is will y sunshine of prosperity. Such a woasan
in the darkest hour brightens up the
house like a little piece of sunshiny
weather. The magnetism of her smiles.
the electrical brightness of her Leeks
and movement, affects every one. The
children go to school with • sense of
something great 'to be achieved ; her
husband goes alto the world in a con-
queror's spirt No matter . how pate
worry and an4toy him all dal ; far off er
presence shines, and he whispers to him-
self : "At hothe 1 dull find rest" So
1.11 *Ass tt1.St.
If you are troubled with inactive
Goer, your complexion will be sallow,
frequent sick he&hache, aching should
era, dizziness, weanne e, irregular bow-
els, and many other serious complaints.
Be. uck Blood Kitten regulate the
Liver and all the aeoretions to a healthy
action. fs
always find out ways and Means to
to emerge fruai her retirement on n- tify their tastes, even ander apparent
insurmountable re-
turning ham Gemmel. The tirss •' insurmountable ditticultis. A prop -
is to be at • charitable. [misty Kay arranred window -box, judiciously
bast .glob see has to 'paw at euawg- 'dented and cared for, may sometimes
ton. give more plesnte to its owner than a
The literary queened Roumania began here garden.
to rhyme when she was a child. Her You ma clear your room of enoequit-
first inputs in the page direction wee oes by taking a piece of gum camphor
gives by Arndt. who seed to bold the about Doe -third thgsize ot • hen's egg,
Little Point's" an w• ken while he rued and evaporating it by placing it in a tin
his petriutis poems W her mother. meal, holding it over a IMO? or oendle.
The nevem& jacket shown is o.( white
cloth, trimmed in a crack artillery regi-
otest-1 braiding sad buttons, with gull
iestdsM seed teemed el four greeds d { felt hate ha. bean and a ProeWr•'miO-roes. to etre cases
roll, tine gold sad two d a dark blue-
4'fT shade.
taking care that it dos tint ignite. The daybydayshe literally renews hp
smoke will soon fill the room and expel strength anenergy : and if you know a
the insects. 1 man with a Name' face. & kind heart
A sew me oldore t
covered. Boil them up in strong soap-
anda until clear of all grease and dirt.
When dry, cut in strips u the right
McGregor & Park. s Carb.k Cerate is
invaluable fur Wetted.. Sores, Salt
Rheum, Cuts, Burns, Healds and Fes-
ters. u a healing and purifying dressing
Do not he unposed on us with other use -
les preparatiome. reoonimeoded to be s
good. Use only McGregor a Parks's
Carbolic Cerate. Sold by lieu. Rhynes.
1 s.
out of ten you will bud he hu a wife of
this kind.
'•.SIsa7 1#
d�r �w,ill be arriving d ur-
• • .. 4 , , , tt Staso •.
.e f e init all" as r Jfate ;! nd ,Style.
21=G -iv D "' P
t:itegamler til Iajlil f'rr.&mMwM. se:tiWriy��i
aoderu � e . , pitry � Worim
A Beaver's Ta.TIMotrv. — For a
Cough, Cold or any Brenchisl adecion.
'•Pectort.t," in m))• opinion, is just the
thing. Ihave 'lacd it in my family fox
Cough* and Colds for the past four years
With the moot unversed encores, and to-
day my opines of it is that I continue
se thorn stili more of that which 1 bsi,an
thieking well of.
Geo. Kara, Maturer Unta--io Bask,
Price 25 cents at all druggists. In
Ru7 oiinflln $,Det, Praprieto] 1. .
Flouring Ells Changed to the Ul�t1 Reduction SyEtlei.-
New Life hr rwartlees weakened ayM-
rase. Dobai* nod as•dlsases.
The Great German Invigorator is the
only specific for imp..tency, nervous de-
b ,ihnivevsatlaswtude, forget fttlness,
psis is the back or sides, solemner how
ttaMned the system may be from ex-
cels of a.y kind, the Great German
Remedy will restore the tool function,
and secure health and happaess. .$1.00
per box,. six boxes for 00. Sold by
all druggists. Sent on receipt of pries,
post:lee paid, by F. J. Cheney, Toledo,
Ohio, sole- root for Unite,itStatom Cir-
culars and testimonials sent free. Sold
by Geo. Baynes, sole agent for Gods -
rich :iii
Home Powers, Lepsis Crushers, Straw Cutters, Agricultural Purnseea,
Stoves, es., ate., et Low Primes.
ll` rinds of Castings ifade to Order.
J. B. Rrtrcntasi.
Oudertch. Nov. It UM
R. W. Rt-xctw►x
A Raws a -Of one dozeu "Twee
BY" to any tine sending, the best fuer lin-
rhyme on ' r&Aasasl, the remarkable
little gain for the Teeth and Eat:.- Ask
your drugge•t or address
t h b
"By a thorough tnowiedgr of the este
fort width and use in your lamps for wicks, sues TbevtiMiat saE1itas *.sen rel lav .horn govern the epetstlotr of
of theeasse, sad these are sold is eels in sad you sill be surprised at the better tel laws and utovern and by a oanfu►
application of thr as• oto rrrreM df well -
the shop•, tied Doane et crape with Fe- light our lamps give. They are also The cylinder and concave teeth of a xlrctrd roma. lir. Bpps n.. prorlAed oar
draughty threshing machiwaire a tory important ereakt•.t ttaabbles,with • ddLic•(dr tlavov-ed
don vests muse in all colors. ((rad or tackingaround the dra ht bever$$e rhirh ma save os many teary
A recently imported dinner drew, from door. feature11 they are trade of soft iron desfels elft. [t is ib. judtotew. o.e et
one of the great French artists, iodicates Det thea the arain is
much art talesof diet Ada a oesstitutien etas
that the fashion d plstmns down the
beg', se well s the frost, of bodices is
to be revived.
There is iso sad to the pretty devices
he seek. Collar are .oro with fila
Dunt 1t'r•.w away the paper hags in they anon wearhe asRy built cep until strong cnntteh b
which goods cootie from the store. Re not all taken from the straw ; if too geesetannery tenrlt wet ro l stron. Huaerets
member the use to which they can be hard. they break, end came delay sad of eabtb arledtes are Ao•ttng aruettd es
applied. They make handy ooven fir *sponse. Norway and Lows our iron ready too attack ewsa manever re is $
the Lep chimney, keeping of its and I have been use,i for this perpoee, het keepir our may
well ane •ed auk err
bah by
dust ; they are just :he sty thing needed , while tough ar.d structs soon wore round Mood newt a p,ap,w1y •otari•ttee trams.--tp'ir(t
b lay on top of the breed or Ake in the 1 at the putts. The Hall Work/ have (K�mIIk SooNaeonsl Gimpy
pteu bso0ir'o-
oven when hackies too fast ; they are 1 limn experiaestiag for years to get a cars. tabrutd thus:-•• arum Rrre It too.,
useful to cover glass jaw of casual fruit I „tr,,,y/ and bard took ; they tested many I llonn>op•thiciN�t I*t �on ling." re Rol
kinds of both Amerman and English Mile"
steel. but cntil this year never have suc
molded rem cats bag .kat mss retie***
SEEDS fur • first tiara toothhat a that would
thre.k stones, hors -shoes and hay forts ,
without breaking, and at the same time
have a hard wearing surface. They have
secured a brand of steel that fully meets I
the demand, ot which they hare received
a full car load of nearly twelve tuns,
made specially for thorns- enough for 76, Turnip Seeds, Millet, Hungarian
COO teeth. 'These steel teeth have three Brass Seed, Cern and
times the tensile strength of the :Not Buckwheat.
inn, and can M doubled cold without,
skin of the steel. We have seen some I
ueppee�craana of the teeth bent cid to all
shapes, which. to as. seem rethark-
able. They are sold at the same price as ,
W. II. RI13 IA=2
Jan. 21, 1886., The People's Store, Goderich
mot ..-.
dAOdt»T WdRTc,
men m.-+ Aw bee BTONR
G.111 • nit 10 • bay Ac0-, deC .
Also a batgr blab M
MoustacAle Cups, Ladies Cups, Fancy Mugs, Majolica Ware
,,,, ,-e ev , alp., which will be sold at COST.
. cute►.3i .•
Sone Dew chair basks are milled the
Sister Ann. They are of linen, with
ima1e figures in medieval costume care-
.> fully worked in silk.
_ A new color is esiled Gabler;Tt tem
aceta the moor of a sailor's jacket, sent
at the masthead against the sky.
BOW is the leveed* Dolor for eternise
in contidsnfal Europe. It is combined
with chartreuse, absinthe and capucine
of nuturtime color.
For evening toilets, dippers must
mob► the dregs.
• . Measense nada
Five yards wide 968 long materna an
Ten yards wide by 484 long manila
an tacre.
Twenty yards wide by 242 long con -
terns macre.
Forty yards wide by 121 long conttain
an sere.
&treaty yards wide by 69i long me -
tains an acre.
Eighty yards wide by 60i long con-
tains an acre.
Sixty feet wide by 720 long contains
Sixty -ax feet by 660 contains an acre,
etandieft on the *set obelus sad keep
the fruit from turning dark. les fact,
theingsnioushousewilean find use for all
of the piper bags that come to the house,
and dill wish she tad more of them.
Fes ver everybody t
Fun u just what every Pers find reek-
ing for, willing to pay fur, and
ed to scare. We want a new process
mill so that feu sea be grimed out by
the ton and told at dos cutting prices
everywhere. How would this be done t
The first step u to relieve all who suffer
from pain, and Putnam -s Painless Coro
Extractor stands in the very front rank
in this respect. Sure, safe, and Pais -
lees. airing no sore spots, nor produc-
ing the slightest discomfort while in use.
Try Petn&m'I Paialw Corn Extractor
and beware of substitutes and poisonous mit mud an Iut•nte♦reu MA,'6tee
in the least degree. even (inckise the
The Joseph Hall Machine Works have
• >r�Z?.� Oodecich.
Deosesber tt11.1frt. 1., O. a •• :d ON
�,, ... - • rylal, r - • -
♦er ..,.. a. wd
. •
.e w• • • -i 1 in, • cootier,: 1..�4
fes;'' , • - • ! �•i
e ,t. ! II t�MIG OFF 11[1 STOOK Or
AND at NTS' ru lfj4ftlt`(i8 . e+.waj ��►� M
At a. Greatly Rein Prise for Oe .
b. »eta v • i
awvM1 ... •, TIM 18 A (jasF{jtiirip teilisCamio. .
Goderieb. Nos. nth. tilt. l MO -
private fund• 10 butes* at reasonable rates
of iatervsl.
Hamilton Street, doderioh.
Ooderich, May Mb. INC
ImltatlOOa Tore Cm, e'La& eenta.lning full sized - - - -----_.__
Flee fairs Farah rnoss�•tvs• cola ••f all troth mei in their machines
I which it sent fres to all applicants. -
'You have only & few minutes more to
re it/shows Reformer. July 24th. 3
been doomed to the willows. is there
le sever Fa11s
live,' said a sheriff to a negro who
an thing I can de for you t is there
ring ynu would like to have 1'
Owe hundred aid ton feet wowy I -ori be&h d& s u atehenelons Inde rria kat
Wag contains an aere-
nue hundred and thirty feet wide by I bona Am dot so, fo' mesh r M you IIIc
10 long °ordains as acre. 'Yes; 1 believe ism
b have ore r
Tose bemired and twenty fest wide by
1911 king sunnier an sere.
Two hntdred and forty feet wide by
i manias long se Hera
Pour hundred and forty feet wide by
119 long eensaiss as sere.
rFYeasr • theses raeepsso•
waa� g7�� g>ff � t £SP CS I-
« Rs V •, ♦ exp Cmae if
r 4 n cows abs i• met
tel�t� Ilea ter A victim
Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Stew-
herrn will never tail ynu when taken 1••
cure Dyne tern Colic. Sick Stomach o r
e any forst of glummer Complaint. Relief
' is almost instantaneous : a few dose. cure
o' sltuotio'. when other remedies fail.
•Golly, boss, y
May M tAedved.
Beware of any druggist who dill try to
induce you to take anytkinngg in place of
McGregor & Park. s Caebrllic emote.
it is a marvel of hashing for Sores, Cees,
Berns, oto N. family should be with-
out it It bas no Mgual. Get McGregor
j Parke's, sad hare no other. ()sly
Me. per bus at Rhynai . 1 is
Just Received!
Extensive Premieee7s.l4 Splendid New Stock.
• s• ;
Hamilton Street, Goderich
A good arortment of Kitchen. Red ,mm. Den'ng Room and Parlor Purniture. ruts me to
fibss. ('hair* Omit, ease .sad weed seetrell. cupboards. Ilei -steads, Mattresses. Waal -area d
beauty's, tlefes, Whet -Neta Looking Grows*.
N. B. -A complete moot 'mast of Conine and Sbroods always on hand also Drene% ler hir
et rea•ssabls rate .
Picture Framing a specialty.—A call solicited.
A Itrtr. a..nrtmon' of the varinn•
• ,e 711. tr. tin, 1111Ig 11116111R1S11,1,1it• Se
The discovery of the istaff ws in
pr'c'o••s of tatting photographs
gsickly foll.•wed in the medical world by
a perfect and instantaneous remedy for
all meet* ashes and pains, u Nenrslgia,
sable remedy is est it Fluid leg to vat -
Md is sold at 25 cents &bottle 1ym Geo,
Rhyme, Druggist.
Pap Dryden
"She kerma her man, good when yol sat
razor■ tow TREF Tea MATINS.
Also ret for t, he vs r
Q1eZ�TllllQ,best la
=O def We cl.C�LZp -
Beg t. annnuotee to the Public that they have opened business in the above Stets
in the store Ia•ely occupied by Horace Newton Haring purchased a large aid
weU emsoxtd stock of Spring and Summer anode at clow figures, we are determine
to hive the rnhlic the benefit.
Fiat street Grain Depot. opposite Tow& Ilan.
Mare% I•rh. 11th. laai-sea
teed alt seer fee smase•.
ion • ♦ of sirsal` a ms
gam sad eattewL a wkstll.Y,.., PRIti
este whom IgM M d yeeetv�el such nne •sedmeelvetr+e.aeea•ly hOs
• yews. 1a Ottawa where • orifice ice Can draw M to her w{th a single heir." goods which w ill Mlp rami
JSmtiWiese e hyo,, w ni•• lou for the alleviation it affordst T v n more money rterht ewer
sea en�1rlM+ssrots[ w permanent cure it effects in kidj I But it mus: he beautiful hair to toes �s en ,tae „1cr in thla wartA. A II. nr •ItMr
h wee - mine: beautiful hair sag be sax •a,rw»t tmm Ent hour Thr ,.rneA resat
-.tis history odn
m vertiaf come I and swear
edict es nn
jai -Plasm call and ozonise our gods before purchasing elsewhere.
Jlt-Remember the place, nest door to J. Wilson's Drug Store.
gle Custom weak will receive our special attention.
}!None but the best of material used and Stet -class workmen employed.
NO -Repairing neatly dome on the shortest notice
Oedah, ,larch 9 1882. DOWNING & W ED D U P
Icesonar maser, sad
1044 ft far P1•a
eMmrwwd rww�
ii. w 'm r
iet25 w•7 dkieasss, et Dr. van Buren s 1rinney sur p•►
Ogle. its &d Mee in theme distressing' enured by the ewe ret CrenaLane Hart Ito senses em me before the workers •I+r+ln
suedes -ILL Fold Rtw&wtL Sold &t60 t by .1 Wasca'116... ssiege'sddrtw,Teta&co. Atare
stagy gates eat {,�I.t rt* is simply
mew .- - - S Mymoons
New Is the time. of you with se •f two Mee refine al bows. to Dee P.tlsr',reeth pepm.
tie bs over
20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs
esaatifotoaten. arse as prtreele'Is than very atter Interior „newt •. Cal and kis ttvs. The
aretha boat velaein town. aid moat beeped
The I4esl Spring Razaar Pa11es & Fashias,
AT 33ITTT•1ER'11