HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-7-31, Page 56 v rah HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, JULY 31, 1865. 5 !VOCATIONAL JTOWN OF OODERICIi, 11401411055051.5 47•5"5"6111.• 111611err ea Belli e. 1' HBA 4rRBR'N RAUL OF L ANDS F(Ik r�1a�. far r� t Laoani willsow vier serr n etelhrg 11"“ 54‘ The eawallwal &f atteni nt has owe Mood ansae .f as for the establish- moot stablish- am alleebtastwiziestaitte t wt Kingston eeawdi 1 aua•,tla ea that sash itutitatee will be opined en lieltewrber 8 for the purpose .1 ..uaLfiy Ins graduates in arta amd holden ta.d first - re. nos professit uu1 certiasniee to be ••siatwi t maiden so Mali suels. HMetujwe a im4 to .4 any ueiver. city ea (Marie was eligible to bee/veins. ed •••474441 easter Iu a i.lrh school or collegiate institute. By the nre,guiatiene of the dap• rtorepenting ent lush schools ▪ Endwise, is order to be outdated se sn •s •r•tast neuter, meet now take his pr. - teMlu.al course at a tis:nlmg 1Mtltute and pass the examination ptesenbad. By order in council pastil un the :aud • t tiepteuiber. 1882,a was provide ed that peewee haldls'/ 2nd class pro- vincial certificates would mut be eligible masters appointment as .rieteut asters in high schools. This order was woven/ad from year to year, but by • new regula- tion It is now confirmed It is p:ovlded, however, tint any teacher Ishii, on the 11th day of July, 1883, was easel° as 7 Potertncg ONT n1D, ! b t Irtue of • war- Tows (J u. Tai rad r air 1 • Town of Qwe�rgurt�A snt, tho seal o61 411141 f Ae Caeparmion brsil4 dam the eighth der of July. i, 114.6. to stir dlreated, .uaadtug tryy Leon the land. is the following 1 at t.r nem" et team doe thereon .tut ear hereby area that uak•.s .oe :taM frame to- gether with W sans are sooner paid. 1 shall premed to tee the said lands by P4. Ave t}� N •o ~ft tbareof as may be solve eat t py t tY ds lure sod emu therr- oa, at the Tow• Hall. is the sand Toad to tiodcricb, or Thtinda. , Cie ?a'rd day or (kfilb:r. 11.415. et the Lour of lot. o't luck r. The leads aro patented. Not or Surrey -- illi/ Ir k ata,,, .'. smite 1N 11191w l t3 I M vs so IN VO4 04 6S k 1,0 It 1 b SS M • 13 41 111 2 5 4143 111 w i tet )e Olt 1 Tf� I1 19 yed ear .. t�a6t M 51 r 6ssell 36 61 an assistant in a high ech• of for col sows 225 Itis 1/1 M to 1 s to 0 •• 111 10 w ' 1s CI to IN. Nie 2 * 43 is 1'e 34 Ie 4 11i w M LI so70 a :051 isis 11 40 at 136 43 11 1 4 a l3U 15116 LS 6 1tl 1 701 7 75 144' ieeell ;iii ss us, soto , do It: 7061 1 e 4 N. q bpi Ill 13 61 n 6s. 7 SI Thi 1 17 0 7 iI 7 1� a MA s0e s Institute, shall be deemed a legally qua,' -- find assistant for each high school, but jii for so other until be has paused the ea- t •• w • II animation herein print tMed at straining "!4 ., Institut& IMI: Holden .of a brat dna, non-pr.•fee- I1gl .. atonal certificate will also, h•reaf..r, get j their professional st•uding at • training 3 (.far.- Rs.••r.. institute. Proeist"u will be made foe rs 1"1"'" -4r. ty It 1 aliwing attendance ata Hormel School ss ter 11 77 and evanesce as a teacher in wow te 2* fit 11 town w be token is lieu at actual weed- 1 tuella survey mil I6 n arses. Tb. &termination will hoverer E •• 13 3 e5 be obligatory. IS to y ss. Crider the Beltslations of the Edens• �, •• 1e1 146 S tion D.Qastment parts I and II and the 552 ;. 11461 6 161 2nd book of the old Ontario readers re' .. lit t let nesse to be authorised for use in the et Uii 6 N' public schools after the 104 Auttus'. p '' w 1 24 The 3rd- 4th, and bah readers spay b3 114443 9 NeDowgallti a'i'r wed astir the 1st J•ste•ry, 1881. but nu �? 17 is 1e1D _ %mein. Thr aatMwigatiom of the Royai 1 P.n CIL "C. '1 It tT s restless slid the Gap readers also es- -- --- --- - -- pees on the 1st Joinery. 188::. To. PETER ADAMSON, new Ontario eerier. from the let to the Treasurer. Tewo of Godeetek. 4th reader iscluwvs, and the tablet Treasurer's 011ier lemons .4 part T will be ready fur the tlsderM.e, jay ILL MS. Witt -t* (opening of the schools in Attires The rwrulatioes respect me public and high schools are being ouneolidsted, and will b. distribsted al.•nc with the new school acts about the middle of August. Ila kN 11-1 ID meet Ase.Ywe Marna. Teem. et� -� . • The cylinder and ebticaye teeth vf a Saginaw, Bay City, Goderich, threshing machine are a very important feature. 11 they are made of soft ir. n Detroit and Cleveland• they soon wear out, thea the grate r SEASON aw*66r1ESTS not ell taken from the straw if tote The E:egsn: std 'convoy -lions Steamer, bend, they t+reak, and cause delay and expense. Noma/ and loam ,or ion fig Saginaw,'7a11 oy have been used or this purpose. but 1 while tough and strung won whore round at the point& The Hall Wurk* have bees experimenting for years to get ctr.ntq aid hard tooth ; they tested tnaaf kinds of both American and Fairish W U. 6146(0, waster. W r -.n during the Acuson of Navigation. as follow. ',races Goderieh every Thursday, at 1 o' elect p in.. for flay City and fs�ggt�naw. ralllag at hoed Desch. Pert Hope asd'}awas. malta� bet til thn year trev vet lie nee eonneerhotr with Wes Ahoy !Mats at steal. a Hewett for Reser ('ity, Chttnn. Mackinac seeded in obtaining what was re luuitt isirld •ad ea tg,.•c. aideboyat Nay city with hes W a .err psespereee mama The Balance of Her rallinery At leech prices as will ensure a .predy saki. THE STOCK IS VERY COMPLETE i* •slim department Led intending purchasers may rel) on getting • ants-1am ankle et a very reasonable price - Millinery, Flowers and Feathers, Lace Curtains, Gloves, Laces, and Fancy Notions a Specialty. Al. thus coming grit .111 have • no,. lot to choose front. Yours respectfully. MRS. C. E. GIRVIN. Ooderieh. Jose 11th. 1265 W�sou's Prescriplioll Drop Slore, Court House Square, Goderich. CROP PROSPECTS For the Steamer aro very fine: indeed Formers will haw plenty of work for their Machines and It will pay then to me LARMoCOLL'S NE MACHINE OIL It w ill not gum nor eorode and wheats ual tone er sed. and can be bought for less money. Maoutactwed anti' hr tomato are n VtaltiElgZ�,mer ! Sole rrkh Jane 11th. 105. 1011e6 C_ A_ NT FOR 11811111110 lleY�t Sll1or Saiu►glackuies. Maatdsetaee•r of the Celebrated KITCHEN CABINET Asd as kinds of Furniture. Organs and Sewing Machines Repaired. W' achtne G.ls and Neelles always on head at reasonable prices. A• SOLICITED_ C_ H_ GilRATIN, )66tf N.mlhSS street. a few doors below the Colborne Hotel. We will exehanbl all kinds of Goods usually found in a first-class Dry Goods store for WOOL. this btaton, and pay the Highest Price that the Market will afford. Our stock is very large, and you can get everything you want in our line of bu'tine is from us, and at prices that cannot he beaten. Bring on your WO()L and we will convince you that it will be W your advantage to •leal with us. We have splendid :;tock of Twet-.ls and Shirting's, and otl.et gcoda suitably frit those Whfl grow \V(.)( IL, We Om) }Teal in Butter and Egg.. COLBORNE BROS. April Seth, IMt.i. (. tIlEItICH The LondonTeaHouse M.ttE�.Rs�3.�.Z+zf =RCS_ hat. opened a branch suave in Acheson's Rlock. adjoining Mlorrow's .Moe store. GODHRICE where they will keep on hand a large stuck of CHOICE TEAS AND COFFEES. As we raakc a.pe:ialty of TKAd AND ('OPTS:11+. we can do trcer with our patron• than any other store in tows. A handsome pfeture card given away with every Tooted of Tea or CON*. TRY, A. TEST ORDER_ MARSHALL BROS. West aide Court House Sonar.. Goderich. A pn1 301h. ISA:. 1663.1.0 SPECIALTIES - - L NEW HARDWARE STORE. fora first class tooth -one that would •Mainers for H.rel.vi(le, Orris and Alpena AT TIIK thresh 144113414, horse y rseurai.4t to Gedsrisi "Sunday' shoes he (ores L^,. for i.derlrhevery Aunda7•at le,okoek. MEDICAL HAL without breaking, and at the mem time �,,. tar Iron H.,.,,a, p.aert ane clevsla•d. hs hard .arta wr y on we a wearing, ursday. TR.• n• 'r will he continued during the sea- t.ecuwl • brand eat steel char fully :beet► roe u: ant .pt ion. face. 'lige hire r•t..rnict: tuGOrlrricb the deemed, of which they have received a fu11 ear load of nearly twelye tura. for the whole ROUND TRIP tcont,nuoust pep teeth. 'Thenough eon .4..1 teeth here three : wiii es :reed fur TICKETS for 75times the tensile strength of the teat made erieciellfor them- inset, toad east be doubled c .Id without, t it in the least degree. even claekuul *beim-. 'vying 4 days, mesh and berths int luded. skit of the sisal. we have son some 1 Far ratew of fraMit sad pugs, and all e periee s• of the teeth bent cold in all I other .sturmat:on. apply to shops which, to es, seem moat remark • I •'•' • LEE. able. They are sold at the Innis price as I Arent at (iplrrteb 1 may by Arrange -rare or . Jost received. • urge conslgnneat of the West India and Montserrat brands of Sze ?�.zY's.e Z"r int T-u..ces In Bottles of all ,tries. Maker • moat healthful and refreshing bet erase for the summer .mason. A Lot of Apollinaris and other Mineral Waters. FRFItH t(t'Pi'LIRS OF Hellebore, Paris Green, London Purple, Insect Powders, etc.. etc.. et,. ,obi, "range -r new Valler .„ M had a% on the P. JORDAN, medical Eau (1.e, chs 1►k JMsPh Ball Wahine Works have A t ,Fort Eacureteet on the Lake any Thursday afternoon. stat iskekd its I).1,v*T•argn Ma 4I'.[ Jnn• rSth.:PBS. >�" __ _ 00TX CIDCCLa containing full sized --- cots of all teeth toted in their machines whish is seat free to all applicants. -- Wilhewa 1lteformer, July 24th. 3 Laren tl>M sow set la Mersa. BRAND PLEASURE Ivrea os the i `satoos EXCURSIONS Pros the apjalsiittiss made by the -rwow - Ciotersaeat it seems that they depend upas the oeaai6aiooete and Itispect..rs to matures She law the game as the similar GODERICH Aeon did soder the Crooks Act. This EVERY SUNDAY EVENING brise tba esw ri beeomse tbe.4 ofacere at 8 oeleck. on the (bmrsodit.usSteamer do e p sad IM&lli doing. Thus hr they have O �-y ONTO, done ,,,�.�,,��,•��y nothing. From the v Commissioners we du not ripest much. `. K. 110611011•4110110611011•4110.t . atter. We have • right, however, to expect _ that the Iespeotor will f•illdelly and ' / FARE_ T 04•0444131 diacbarg the duties for the Te Ileas Md return. kith rerurn.t s aPert tin. Taws. performers* of w Its ie sv will -paid, and it is the duty of the central com- mittee to gee that he does so, and if he fails, to report his failure to the Govern- ment. The Inspector for this County is. we believe, H. W. Ball, of (;tderich. It is now time he WWI at his w.,rk and earn- . Arse wit In his 'Wary. He should give up bs; ■stile. A!prw. H.girs K ry. :,eat• f.v (t.vida llgrr d puddling and hair-splitting about B O. I (•14 Slaeekiaaa (tb.kolfn •• tit• isnaoe• Ribbon Beer end devote his attention to Ji Amit Dnrn1 porta. railroads and Ckvr the more deleterious substances such ' d at P reviggt h I Co.. hods ter C1eve- wbi.key$nd strong beer. t:.i keg as n Mesa- os Ro.:rct. these are sold, and in many places *hien Goa Int..ng . openly, tdi. sale of Blue Ribbon neer is T. N. DANGEY, s very trifling consideration. If he will sent at Godtrtch 41084614t. MIL Mitt bot extend his research** to the town of 13eaforth, he will find something a good deal more injurious to the human system to eDgage his attention than Blue Ribbon beer. Thea ter, we tenet say the Art hes not been etaf.•10.d as well as it should be. While we know that some hotel ksepe► have haeereblyi adhered to the previsions of the law, aid have sot allowed intoxi- cative iiTaur of any deseriptios lee sold abnet Oat premiss, owl eve honmtly trying 1.0 e•d.de41 their .t + 1 ontimperanee prineipies. we Iberik are others who bar. as await mod pekaitseetty violated the law, no estempt ire es yet been made to check or ism& diem. AdewaddlesR cerese fly was p• longedit the rept'enee of the bride's father is WtM111 .ori lest week. The 1rtdelrt►iw was a deaf mnte from teat ,.f Ttlevate, and the hri.le 5150�eat Tulle v the ahem ed Atom 4� evoke - lived Tht1 �rtEytaan wbii tib. .i¢n l.etnsss The yd's evopl« basis. sc•ioatated Phil. atti d- It{g ttr Itietitkt• at Iidl.iWS. os• tlieek lac. and a,t River SPRING & SUMMER MILLINERY. WEIS8 C FELAHAM Tikes pie Is a her Spring ig that sac and Summer /ptche•et1 1s. person T1s+k d )lllllfne•rr,. ire and has taken ad ran ralthe LOW PRICKS prevailing at the e markets to make Lunge Pur.hases. Her patrons can rely upon ieod Stock and Lout Possible Prices. A call is respectfully solicited. MISS (1HAHAM, West side of Square. Goderieh. April 16th. ISBN. 1491 tBI Trt.. *Lee. uQt untie, WAS. • ted ng meals sod *tans steel Vxcb tow ammo CONN3iCCTytOTtT>! with r Port Ii Made at Saud Beach iron t Moorterti hdfa�e Railway for Saginaw and in. ammo. b the Cleveland Navigation Co:. T 0 M1ICKINAC. T~ frets nttw� SUMMER TOUR !.esus Sessewre. Tow stn Stier was per Weak Sww.r DETROIT AND MACKINAO ♦.J Wan Ws.a 124 assw+e• DETROIT AND CLEVELAND ttlrAea Sir r •• P{clrreegtre Mechhtae," roarer fan p,rttestar.. nalhlinus. Det A Ctevele.d Stearn Now. Ori. 4' M. WHI COwr t aim t CN m. arr. A. f$TRAITON, Agt., 0. T. mow, 1814- Ooderieh, OIN, ILIMITED-t 6OL! MANUFACTURERS OF T11S IMPROVED YATES & ACEESON AGENTS FOR C+LIr!IEN PATENT TWO-PIONT Barb Wire CHEAP, STAUNCH, INDIBPFN10ZiZE- Manufactured by the WaMburn Mowers Si'n'g Co. Call and See res, and Inspect Goods and Prices. We have on bead • 1u11 and complete stock of Shelf and Builders' Hardware, Pains. alb, Gose. Nails. ROPE AND CO1R.DAC3•E, VEBBEL BU PPZ.I E6. Table and Pocket Cutlery. See our Silver Plate Goods, and Artists* )latarials. PATES Sr. A011E80 T. Neat door to R. MtLean'. )feat lfarket. Oodorif,b, April 9th. 1$l&. 1952-11an 1 " » FENCE \VIRE Re ason s why the "Lockbarb" is the Best Wire Fencing Manufactured. W. nae only the Met F.rglkt1 Reermer steel Wiry.. sad w r 'lain, that ia its construed'•' is is superior to all More harlied fence wires. The Wires forming Ms tour point• pa- between the warm of the SO2.. Iatrvlork each other and tans amend the .wale. whk•Ah makes the 521-0 pest barh in the world. 1t bee Thr• ad, antage of always pre...tlag Gm herb laterally. wht.•h not ion-pnt*t.d t,rh 4 feriae dry.. O�tYt. anymore test of the strew /sof the '•1.orkbrh." mote at the Northern Railway nova, TMt4, the fallowii.g was the remit (infirm Seel 11arb Fenn. (•e.'y. hale lbs., a. agates ,wi m& and 9171ha.. the Toronto W ire thus bating the Montreal Wire. ant watt awarded the enatrect. aiP and for Almsnee with roll par ic filar•. to R. W. McKENZIE Sole Agent, C#oderioh. teal 1'6, 1Ztt. NOW COMPLETE! NOW COMPLETE ! A CHOi('I: STOCK (IF IMEtIr - C}C,01319, 3- ocezies_ difiC1AL LINES IN Dress Goods, Shirtings, and Tweeds. A Choice Lot of Seed Potatoes Cheap. Highest Price Paid for Butter & Eggs. GEORGE ACHESON. THE RED, WHITE AND BLUE. Oederl A, April itlkh, AlIL.