HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-7-24, Page 8L«DDasa. Every fanner is bay oath the 4y. It . Fotherinek.es, of TecaetteiaOb, was the guest 4 Mr. James Linkable, H..pe Farm, lent week. Chas Macintosh, of Hullett. with wile and two children. toted friends here last week By special request of L O. G. T. 113, a •a noon ..n temperance will be given at the Prrsbyteriau church uu Sunday by John Mdalhvray, M. A. D 'McGillivray, M. A., WouJatuck, preached at the Preebyterun church Wt Sunday. We hope Bro. Jackson, our toast cotes at Paramount, will appoint a hood c•tmiwttee of its fair belles t.. look after tho..e brsutiful flowers ort the absent Harry. until he returw in August, and look after 111C melons. A1Zb4Ta. The tollowing stews arrived too late f r publication last week -- %Ir. 11'allace's now building is pru- greasing rapidly it is now in the hands of tine plasterer. He will occupy it short- ly. Kee. John $.,:rep, of ('lint.•n, Baptist 'leached in the Methodist church on .ui,day last under the auspices of L O. L No. JJS. A collection was taken at the .lose of the service that the Prutestent . r;.huo home. Miss Jessie, third 1an2hter of the Rev. Mr. Yount;, of Ctiffent, is visiting friends at Auburn. The garden party held at Mr. Thos. tlrown's on the 7th lust under the smar.ices of Knox church. Manchester, was • suaees The bachelors of this section were out in zo.d force. It is reported that Rowe of the village clerpy- it.en are Nicely to get • job of knot tyt.g as the result of the •tfair. Proceeds a'.so u:.24.00 Lochalsh. Mas Hattie Chambers, who has been aiitng for some time, has been taken t. Kincardine in order to be under the immediate care 4 her physician, Dr. McCnmmon. A large amount of hay has been secur- ed during the peat week, in very tine condition, owing be the favorable state of the weather. The crop generally is not s heavy one, but it is of excellent (hxwlity. Mise T.otllab.a , r alanine frieadn is the veinier. A QuaRTMR OF a 0100114111111. -Thurs. day, the letl!•irttt, ilenee& Wed the both anaiveNaQ of - wRMi d del..17 reeve Allen. 4Colbert% ria ht. itutrealytbNWr half A atiabeir d old2 timers took advantage of the uottastun to hold s p:wan) in honor of thee/rest, sad several purloining residents of Goderich and other points tiled se eppesrance. Awouest the guests were Mayor Herron, Sherg! Gibaeaa, reeriLJuhnstes, awuty clerk Adamsea, Wma Ins,Dr. Taylor, Charles Slat. D. 0. treakan, Dr. Cassidy, Dat Oaa., of Dumsa os, eoeu- oiUor Beck, of S•Itford, and • number of lady friends. After the visitors had •1l nasembled Mrs A11en itivited rho whole company to partake a an exod- lent repeat in a beautiful cool grove on the west aide 4 the fans, to whish all sppeared to do ample 1 usties. The viands were excellent, and the writer is satisfied that if such coffee could be obi -tined for bre tents a drink at our hotels "Blue Ribbon Beer- and all otber compounds would soon be at a discount. After the repast a number of •Igtrotm active young ladies paid particular attention to Major Crane, (wt.o appeared fully equal t o the uccamon,. and enjoyed themselves with foot racing and other athletic amuse- ments, keeping the nulur very actively engaged. When all were tired,the party adjourned t.. the house for the purpose of giving a sentiment t. Mr. and Mn. Allen. The mayor of Goderich beim[ called upon made s few remarks perti- nent to the occasion, congslimenting Mr. ! A. as one of those sell -made men who. knowing how to help himself, had the proverbial assistance of the Daity--who always is said to help all who help them - I selves -closing with *toast to Mr. and i Mrs. Allen, to which full justice was I done by the whole audience. Mr. Allen replied in very felicitous language en i behalf of Mrs. Allen and himself. This closed incD0 the pleaasntest reunions which we have attended for many a day. A large number of valuable i, silver presents were receive! by Mr. and Ile. Allen on the occasion, although the deputy -reeve. with his usual modesty. had only invited the guests to a "motel gathering" instead of l a "silver wedding." The hod and hostess have spent their whole wedded life in this section, and have always en• deavured to promote the interests of the ualtty. A number of the people tit this local- ity had a four days bunt last week, the ..blett of search being a middle-aged, unmarried woman named Kitty Finlay- son inlayson who had become insane. She was residing temporarily with Mrs. Lilly Mc- Kenzie, and nn Wtduesday evening, taking advantage of a moment when trot good wot non's eye was n..t upon her, slipped away, and nothwithstanding the m:at vigilant search of • large number of the neighbors, was not found till Sunday evening, having been with- out food for four days. • We understand that it u the intention of her friends to have her sent to an asylum. IbyyyaVItoa. I)snrAtT.--Tbe anbleet of this brief nrec..,ir, Sarah Dougherty, was born in Aelitreld in the year 1861. She was an earrest and devoted member of the church of Etiglsnd, for many years. She was an efficient worker in the Sabbath school. In her long sickness she bore her sufferings with Christian resignation. She calmly fell asleep in the arms of her b;eesed Redeeaier. July 14th, 1885. Her remains were interred in the Goderieb cemetery fulLwed by a large concourse of mourning friends and sympathising neighbor& She is the third person in the family who has gone to the spirit land in a few years. The family have the heartfeltympath of the entire com- munity, in char sad bereavement But what has been their lose oil! be her gain. She was a greet favorite with both old and young and will be greatly missed in her circle of aequ•intanoes The Rev. Carrie, Episcopal minister, preached s very impressive sermon last Sabbath in connection with her death. "Asleep in Jesus far from thee Thy kindred and thy friends may he; But thine is still a blessed sleep. From which none ever wake to weep.- - Zo13aesvtUs. The farmers in this vicinity are now busy saving their hay. Let Sabbath the Orangeman of this place marched to the Methodist church in full regalia, when the Ree. Mr. Narks preached them au able and profit- able sermon from the words "Buy the troth and sell it not" On Monday�hey went t.. join their brethren at Sttattaed, in celebrating the "Battle of the Boys*" They did themselves the credit of osM- ing home all straight notwithetandiug the absence of the Scott Act restraint in the "Itaby City." Mrs. Mammon, wife of Rev. Mr. Meesmorr, • missionary now laboring in India, lectured in the Methodist church Ise Wednesday evening evening under the auap:oes of the Woman's Missionary Society. The lecture was interwtima sed profitable. Much information was teirin regarding woman's work in the minion field. Those abominable pests -lightning-rot peddlers have again been .naking their appearance in oar neighborhood, and as usual have been rew rting to their favor- ite way of making money vit.: by swind- ling and fraud. A few days ago a farm- er living not far from this •illage was visited by one 0 those economists of the troth, who represented hiuself as being an honest da•ler in the invaluable house - protector. Ho stated that his anode of doing business was not to employ agents, bat to put his rods on rune movement house in the neighborhood, free of charge. as an advertisement, and to leave • quantity of rod for sale at the usage plane. He asked the farmer to allow him the privilege of putting the !reds as his house in this way, which ra- qunt seemed an remsnaable that he gave this o.see.t Then the farmer was en- eeepsetingly ind.eed to sign hie name to *hat proved to be an order Inc *2110 wee* of sod, while mase alesg u don thea I.et others take warning. Mrs. Parn41, mother of the agitator, M is deer Ante arou•mtanees, and starts - Ade being made to raise a fund for her. 14 'ort Aloe!':. Arthur Bennett, er., la, we regret to iesrn, seriously ill. 1'. R. Hawkins left on Tuesday on a business trip to Dublin. W. T. Pellow is on a visit to his father at Stratford. Wm. Williams and mother, of Gede- riek, were visiting relatives here en Wednesday. Mr. Williams has just re- turned from a four years' sojourn in the U. Si Henry Otwaf barn recently applied a fresh cost of paint to his balcony, there- by giving it a very neat and testy- swear- ance tndosd. A number of young ladies from Dun- gannon were on a pleasure taunt to this village on Tuesday. They spent a very happy time boating, croquet playing, etc. John Hyslop, 0 Goderich, paid a visit to the Port on Sunday. Mrs. Baird. of Stanley township, has been on a suit to her parents Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dunbar, for some time Mrs. McGill. who has been spending • few weeks with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Mahaffy, returned to her home at Corrie on ILOIS4ay. The funeral sermon of the late Miss Salah Dougherty, warn preached on Sun- day, by the Rev. Mr. Carrie. There was a very large congreeation present. Miss Luis Graham, eldest daughter of Robert Graham, of this village, was united in the holy bonds of matrimony nn Wednesday of last week, to Henry ocean, of Kincardine. The marriage remony took place in the neighbor- hood of Niagara Falba We wish the newly married ooupletneeybappiesm. We are aoary to not. the' Mr. Makaiy met with considerable logs on Monday by the breaking of the water wheel of his saw mill. We understand that he intends replacing it with s wheel of much more substantial and superior character, and have the mill in running order again an a week or se. Caor Paosracra.-Should the sprung cropeaoape the rust, the following estimate of the dlffbeent areas at the coming harvest, coming from such ezoel- lent authority as ourselves, may be ac- cepted as reliable for this township :- Fall wheat, per acre, 32 bushel ; spring wheat, 19e; barley, 23j ; peas, 901, oats, 34 With reference to the root crop we do not are to give • decided opinion for a couple of weeks yet, but would justsa that if the potato beg - who u wring with that tuber with his old time vigor and persistency -is not liberally ted on Paris green during the nett fortnight, this crop will not equal that of previous years. As to the mangold, carrot, ate., mon aa/m. We have had a dispute, 111k. ether, enncerning the numerical strength of the different religious denominations in Erg. land and Wales, and if you mold give the figures in your next issue, at leaat those of the M*th.det. and Episcopal English bodies, you would much oblia ua. Answer this week if at all possible, as if it he delayed much {anger we are not sure bet that we may get a "thump- aR" over the head of it. Ws notice that your Dunlop corres- pondent is much agitated about having sem* sort of telephonic communication between that instgni6esnt hamlet and (Lod1reah and urges as his chief ergs- merlr, that it would be of great adven- ture to the farmers of that seetios inas- much that they could easeetain the proems of grain and Meek. without a pers..wal visit to the Moe. New it's !teen Maywood, p cow .1.. M.y.Md that's hese getting the.4 ; wall hat it was,at least It's the old Illayweodise style of Boone thongs. Nave the espies, et a paraoral vies I WeU thee is iteth. Why f the :wiriest appointees of agape ie that nesehtorhnoul, he may ertterwvn a see* of men with whseiben'nws would enmony the whole produce to market in owe iaresoes. As le the stook, bet hie tR1;80N SIGNAI,, F8 Mor yeti re Broiler amen. Iu kis oath kiudeess of heart quer aorto ,u- jmt aleu desires that the Pettit area thi and Port Albert ahotJ 1 also mbar"s gnat national blessing, and informs us that since some nnaLtnai w„rdy war between the scribes of Leonora sod tate village vessels of commerce have entered the harbor ..1 the latter, eat. Why, you great uare toatedd gosling, vessels of a.raserwe se entered this harbor latae before your mummy took o1 your petti- ousts. And we have daily papers, and telegraphic communication with the world, and the tint natural harbor oe this shore of Lake flume. and the promise frees the guvent.tei.t of • sta b- eteat sum of money to complete it, and the almost absolute certainty that this port shall become the ter wutus of the C. P. It road now at Teeewas.r, and - but you make w very weary, Jae, very weary, indeed. Gaslight. Grant is reported to be dying. ON Wednesday last Stratford was in- augurated a Lity We don't know that that fact will add to its population ..r lessen its taxes, but it sounds bill, and a big sound goon • long way sometimes. 11 'e understand the American Govern- ment has placed in the hatids of the Lieut. -Governor of Ontario, a cheque for 820 and a golu medal each for Capt. John McKay, of Lyal Island formerly of Gndertch), and James Macdonald, at Bayfield, Inc rescuing the crew d the American barge, Iowa, off Greenough Point its November, 188,'t. Rev. G. B. Taylor. late ett Bayfield, took tickets at Clinton bit week by steamer Adriatic. 4 the White Star Line, for Licerpaol. fled left with his wife, on Friday, speeding a couple of days among his tonna par:si t..sara. at Listowel. t)n Monday he went to Stratford to address the 4 tranYemen.ad while there was taken quite iii, the ser- vi;es of a couple of dnctots being ndcO- sary. We understand that he recovered sufficiently to go back to Listowel. Henry Cook, formerly of this neigh• borbood, but who has for wtnet.me been a resident of Pickford. Mich., hu re- turned.therefrow and will again take up kis residence hereabout*, He has roue to the conclusion gist there is no place like the county of Huron, and believes that the nt.»t of those Canadians who have settled in that portion of Michigan. would have been better of had they re- mained in Ontario He says the roil there dose not begin to compare with that here, while then are many advan- tages here not enpoyed there. -`New Era. t)n Monday afternoon lest week, Jas, Hearn narrowly escaped being killed by lightning. He was .rat on the 14th can. of Godench township when a storm suddenly came up, and with a ample of others he took refuge beneath a barn on the farm of Jas. Rowden.A flash ..f lightning struck the end 4 ibi barn, aud ran. right in their midst, Mr. Hearn seemed to be encircled by the dame. All were dared for a moment, but sustained no injury, further than that Mt. Hearn suffered from deafness f• r a couple of hours after the affair. The barn was splintered somewhat. THE WORLD C: KR. As Viennese Is the a dumas et eargot- stile l'esteup.ranes. The Iowa Supreme Court has decided that a hotel -keeper who receives guept., knowing that there is • contagious dis- ease in his hoose, is liable for damage t., any guest who may contract the disease. The Right Hon. William Edward Forster, liberal member . f parliament Inc Brantford, formerly chest secretary Inc Ireland, it is said will soon make • visit to Canada. The Resplo .. 1a) •pt,•• . of Cairo. pub- lishes letters from an engineer named Berti, who has just escaped from Berber. declaring Olivier Pun. the French ad- viser "f El Mandi, is alive and well at Berner. The mercury stood at 96 Inc several hours Tuesday afternoon. During the twenty-four hours ending at noon 180 deaths were reported : 69 were from diarrh.ra : r3 were of children under five years, and four died of sunstroke. A despatch says the King cf Dahomey, with a large army. has massacred the in- habitants of the French unprotected vil- lages. The king has also captured 1,000 French people, and he and his followers propose to sat them. Mr. Mulook, M. P. Inc North York, has given $600 to be divided among the four companies from Suwon, Newmar- ket, Aurora. and Sutton. who took part in quelling the rebellion. A counterfeiter from Lueknnw, Ont., is flooding London with circulars netting forth the vales of kat bogus notes, which he will sell at fifty per cent. discount on their face value. The circulars are most - 1y seat to store clerks and bar tenders. •4111111. in i.eeborn. on the 17th of July. IBM. the wife of K. Shaw. of'sd•ughter. ■451511, At Niagath Falls. on Wednesday. Joie 'fib 11g3, by the Rev. 1. Roosewoed. 3fetTln.gtse aldaler Mr. Henry Toone.. of Kincardine. to MM I.Imk Orabam. of Pon Albert. N1m- Al Ooderich Towsahip, oa Tuesday Men - tag, July 21st 1853. Allan Davidson. age1 1• years. 7 month* sad 11 days. The femoral will take place horn kis late residence. loot ta, 1st OA,. West vrawasek. on Friday. July lath, at Ile Sneak p. m /►Mods and a -quaintest*, will please meet* 1111 i stlmat hie. . MAeeleet■ewes' (lrper*M by Telepheme bees Harker Mittel HOOM ict. July a la* wheat•teeth 9bash ..,. fee • A s'0 M wheat psi whiten p barb • M n 501 Whist.. apt-MC apt- .I 0 . ...... • 01 ;