HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-7-24, Page 7.\'rHk. HURON SIGN'
Mom of thio tissues.
Whim olds egg geld est ehtl seed
The lessee seer tear Mese wig
Tee Mess et lee yes siweeegmt
Ie stems sad shapely. jest die tem :
Out when 'w.wtul. burning Mt,
/had edify wade she /arched earth tile,
se odds ftra del eat tllmam theses
Yes. talitIleabeialMtar.:
Tann ants'batten.
It r laid AM the wiltitt sue of the
Corseted grape dela reed over 10,000
eeedli_Re in the poet SJ years witbust
Saabs( kis Meal grape, end only 11 had
dssir•ble qualities.
A geoneman est Uermsaabwa, P• , who
was greatly earned y the Seekisg ul
sparrows in large numsbsss to an by
whisk covers taw side of his how, *tri
rid est these by tufting half a pound .f
red pepper down thrvagb the vire. Tke
herds at ease lob in t meat and have mit
The Rani Nur Yorirr toys stock will
do better with abundance of water sad
short feed than eats good feed and e
earn* of water. Millions of dollen
are lust to fannen+i-ery year because of
segllgesee u provndsag • sufficient supply
of water. Kure farms ars d•Scie nt in
good water facilites than are sheet of
"Horten," writing Jaen the New York
Experiment Station, rests& us of the
necessity of vigilaaes when the currant
worn appears. A t.biesp000fol of white
hellebore is New gallons of water will
prove effecter. U.mmlly ees appellation
r sulkiest, if trade epos a wets, sem•-
shiny day, waw the worms ere feeding
Tbe Prairie Former autos that en
Jose 1st 1100 toss of 'pure strswbertnee,'
i. a , the weight d the heti estimated
without asses, were received a Chicago,
ail train Southern (!Berme*. erospt one
carload from Tonnages out :'f the 50 tisw-
beds re.eived. For the week opening
May 16th red closing June let, 1,10 toes
of berries were received.
The tomato vines -Medd be raised
free' the graved .messes way ; amid per-
haps an Rend a way as any r to dries in
four stakes. •beet lb Maim above the
grouted, and tack tittle Meese of lath
actress the tope. This will beep the fruit
from the rotted and it wiiellrrsot be nearby
se lista' early ttomatnce see issued. the uvtses
should be clipped leech sed • part nt the,
fruit deo be pinched off a soon la fore,
The president 'd a. Ohio ferment'
deb, disc.mtag 'Me peasant !toed times
with fanners, said the age is drifting to
pt°divinity rattier than to eooeomry.'
Prospvr.,us tunes will not came as Wag
as people live op to and anticipate their
moose. It is setaemuch liesesessaryf
as our unnecessary siemens
t make
us old from ears and soil. Instead of
c fnd�„g to eve lee d our income loos
plan how mimesis,* it that we may Ms.
the more to speed.
Fashion's fancies.
'This stemmer;yetteer pwdsseumMes
the way of eider, batt the was awl
Amiss are ended.
Very sew and elegem dresses are of
set showered with Nae and laid phiis
neer sates oereei$saa.
Tim imam is sue wily wore of •
i mite. aid is quite diseareed for
dressy mei decant toilets
Fur laws Issuia and ort -deur emote,
stripped materials take the lead is
.crani and blue, cream aid puppy -red
White ganvse having stripes tat odor
is must effective when made lute •
skirt web pure white drapery airspeed
over at.
Feathers are bel little worn this sem-
IOW ; • few birds are to he sees, hew -
ever, einalinr here marl Mere moose
Amebae emirs of ribbu.e.
Some lovely wide geodes hats have
been wade of plated geese ,vet emu
frames, wttb lana rib►.. sad Marabout
feathers fur trissmsiut.
Small reckless el plaited silk Drape.
pink, einem, Mus, Il ur rid. with a
small pumspust W ssdeb at the side, are
must fasbu.w•We fur dewy toiteta.
No weed, hewaeer tdnscH•ee of Itfe,
east live los0 if *seep be repeatsdl ort
off below the ..nese soon as it s
above eroded• The observance of the
priiae•Pel aim& a complete rented, wmah•tie, and thawed after its luny
agatastall ashy. !o •stack large patches tor.
Wide ribbons are wed for psnela as
w. I aa sashes, mid eke amuse the Incest
ed dresses, but fur sashes inure especial-
ly, the very bong saes remaking nearly to
the bottom d the ektrt.
As • rule hate for the seaside are ec-
eeutrict and fantastical in the eztense,
and those of the present seams are even
inure gourmet/leery eduaary them we are soca•
touted to se. them at this time id the
year. The high cuuieal crown is mill
further heeghteeed by emurmow loops
of ribbnn whi.b shot up beyond the
top of the het, while es enoresoes Clos-
ter d bold dowers, wheat ears and grass-
es is posed in front.
HOTS s wear jackets plaited in the mid-
dle sof the front and book, and fastoned
much below the waist with m wide beat.
Some hare the front only very ties*
plaited, so auto fuss a plastron, with a
narrow revere blamed down at each
aide with a row of small !Adkins.
Kuicherboekers have opine into fashion
again and boys weer than with venous
kinds of lawless up to tee or twelve
yeses of age.
t'oila:ad kid gloves, in vaginae shades
et buff, are shill worn with all toilet&
Igoe thrid gloves, however, are consid-
ered in good tate with 'militias dresses.
They are wore very lone, with open-
work borders at the edge ; spate have
isms cuffs, embroidered with silk,
matched is edam t., the whammy of the
dress. Mitts ars not tuna sees this
sminmser ; they are sot tinkled is ele-
toilets, bet may is quite aegltge
AnMasaehmseomit Old
rr..trbiy tholeessotlttod t .
yp..eeee the Mame fl on th
shrouds as the aplstttwtit
bag g age system. For •11
•n44er midi. to the .jusestt•
'specialise tat English 1
s !rad to Sbuw that the
systems if eatabh.hed In Es
bu est•blrh.d for the bore
ung Amerman lone.
The Esq ;•h poop
The Englishman is
gage sod les iamb.
hie sh•tlpn its sal
his I_saitele
or toe hued. fie
trots it Ake a
will ever M.
kr eye Tim
emplane with me, that where he rose
it gues, that when M aeries* it arrives,
sod that it is there ou the top of his lab.
or in the nab wit* him, i• to bon the
sssestisl thing In el his )ourneyit,g.
et ective
Omni is
id s brief
n I Labile
age -shed
,.4 would
t travels -
nct want it.
edded to bis lug -
ii he smite at
,art.bly tora•wse
h"P to his
nutbeitre d
No Wale (think
or fdr a trunk in
nee that at is in the
'Worts of'Wistsoln.
George Kliut : Love gives inside and
insight often gives foreboding.
Lord Bacon : They re happy whore
natures sort with their vocations.at a wanner place than the United shutes
Locke : If pani.bment mattes not when any delay arose in deeding with
the mind and twkes the will supple It kis luggage at the station• owing tc the
hardest' the off oder. adoption of the check system. Tt.
Cervantes : The raster is respected Esgliah traveller. idea of luggage ch.ck-
bre ardesg 4• the discretion and g ine is 1r. have his portmanteau safely W 0 01..E
breeding of der eervaata
LF,trsnge : Wickedness may
peeper stewed under his carters seat, and his
for awhile, bet at the tem tea he that smaller article. placed in the rack over MTT.T.lCI..
sets all knives at work will pay them. his heed. 1 do not see any insuperable To the Wool Growers of the Surrounding
Jean Ingelow : My heart, like the difficulty in adopting the check sestina I Onintry:
world about me, ewe forth to treat the in this country, but none of the partial i We wish a say that we ere wuv. 'ed to take
wits•• our Wan in exchange for t3oods or work 1t
ate has no "e=poses
Amann.. Express corn
possible adjunct of railway
it England. He has his ab leu •'fuur-
wheeler," built especially to our) hie
heavy luggage on top u1 it—a rebid.
that the American Backman wusld loot,
duwu im with lordly a,s.tempt, but a
powerful engine of ac,nosy, industry,
and public convenience. His leggier.
would en through the rood of • New
York back, crush it like • paper band-
box, but on the roof of an English cab
his traps, including his hath -tub, are
railed and second, and are in his apart-
tnesR. as soon as he is there himself.
"but," you say to the English rntlway
massager, "you hare beau in America,
and you have toothed the system then,
and you an not but be favorably Im-
pressed with it 1
'Undoubtedly 1 was,' be replies. "I
was struck with its coutpleteu.ss and the
extent of its organization and details.
Your style of vehicle enables you to
awry out such • system with perfect
ease. It forme a kind of natural offshoot
of the railway system in America ; but
it appears to flourish oily in your coun-
try. It is not and wield nut be appreci-
aged here. You complain that at the
English terminus anyone can claim your
leggags and disappear with it
No doubt, if you are slow and they
are sharp, such may be the tare. and the
company may have to pay the penalty ;
bat the English traveller prefers the
freedom of the preset practice, and
would. 1 fancy, wish the check system
as wekno.wIs
ate not
- Ai... aw111111tt•1111. �ts�
FROM � S011:ig,"..fttr.
11, ember reap as eIwey
Tt he bas Sem • ipeat warless boos.surl+•
Ma. eat she teel•wi IaMr will MU yea dell
isrvHoes odes*
Ayers 8arsapanllal
der bail 1a bee tam I thlwk hale SIMM semi
Mee enetsleed Tato briar for e► isles sen
Imam ; bee UM set tae... am.In lee Seim
eta ineen ere as tbe eyes, eel Mimi
Sire woe rem lib.. • Sew ewes +Isb •
parelas ort Meson tit eeadesly •Peed its M
Weever its !mels body. i rinse yea Mn e
terreiy emoted, and as molest of sat, wide
be Mom ming year mss W lam Mew, Mom me
• w alms et W se lobe midis ae- hod&
OS be W. 1 mold tory same memo
wee eyed weft, le tbo thus a els eyes.
Tosca sea. W. M. P.lidta'�
FROM T1E FATHER: "pw.`w� d
• duty aur am M elate le yea I s desks& 11
have awned Lass lata .s id
Ayers Sarsaparilla.
• s meads amoralsoilosseemdkOoy
• terrible benne sal seas alses ewes no
hamar eased as leeestaet end �
ltsklrig, lad the skin smoked le se le mems
the bleed a dew 1a sissy plasty ebseesee
I e•,ed. Hy aaffertetp mem pest. end wee
Iib • berde. I r--- sd as tees of !tie
Sanesraan.. a Apra loot. and Woo mai
i regularly saes tees tf.as. My maths
bags., to teems, at germ The M hays
all healed. and 1 t..al serf elle teal b every
bc.nr .,cue able le de • sed dens
eatti.al:hnu�., m yeses ea toe. May aeras
wl.nt ars a rt weft mei. a etre b sly sheseed
1 tctl t•,., ., se I hems hers triad to mil yes.
AYu.•r n�a,ara'Ytr•a. Glover, Vt.. Ors.
(1, VOWS grat.tsay.
iirtan Tamers."
A t-tt-s ti -'tsartrt to ewes Woods
and an Scre[alerat Cemrtaisb. Errata
Wax. I;ta•mss, ataraortn. 11344.3•8.
Sore.. Eo12a, 1w yrs. slats srepd.ma e[
rte Skis. It oleos tea hoot ce All how
t.:.es, aids d ipeffom, attmatasie w mama ter
me bowels, sad its astern Went, ed
strcat'.hlas tae 'bola mina
Dr. J. C. Ayer l C.., Lowell, Mees.
sold *an eremba. Skids /..Ie for sl
He leebonies a spiadid amertmswt N
Cliiva and ll1ssre.
Come in and look. 1f you duo's buv.
No Trouble to Show Goods.
00 TO
Court House Square. Oedericb
Dee. tib. lit.
.-of thielito, M the like, in job,the misoner but Aristotle : Some lase aro so covetous
�t le i.ey light mesa a work et whir& as if they wore to live forever, and others j alar.'
prlsloss kale effeonTe17, so perfuse as i! they wore tea des tete Americans who spend a v.ation in
t txrMls' in Thv hued "noir7n1.7 , Europe not uncommonly form the opin-
hesiag ebotld follow hone cultivating Addison : The person who has al
rm' son that the compartment carriage. most
try owe week. We have had 'he sate- trust in the Supreme Being is powerful eventual', give place to can of the
eomspjeMiy dd ng beide orf iia his power wise by big wisdom, happy
ettsmpte that have hon made to that j to you into any of the toiletries snicks, via :
direotiun have proved successful or pop- Blankets—White, Grey or bores.
Skirtings—Grey or Check.
Cloths —Tweeds or Full Cloths,
Light or Heavy.
Flannels—White, Grey,Colored,
Union, Plain or Twll.
Sheetings—Broad or Narrow.
Stocking Yarn — White, Grey,
Clouded or in Colors.
t is s sof n a American pattern. A merely casual
via seeds in this ins,. by 6a happiness.
The Heebseduasa declares the way to
amt rid et white shams, which are be
oomiaf; a seteases 1111 some parts d
KiiIgan as well Min New York, is to
wish the led. saying that it is a
psRsliaafi7 d
this gdott that it will sot
over sten rich eoiL By top-dreesing the
nasdeee kiwoodlylw .aurid staooeeuss
,.Mena, et be Stfirdbing the soil and
raising pain the daisies are "run orf
sed moire profitable crops poetess the
hind. The Hsbartdman considers the
advise deers to atdesii:t extermea-
e� * el1.R when to Weapon errtie-
. Aube to result yk disappiest-
Awe-riemn Aerfietthfrld! Al few Iters
ago an ingenious farmer planted some
awed cora tient festapert each way,utd
in the sewte1t brtsaaa the wow be
Pleated °sir d• 1W-eggh at as is
trsordinary growth a err. on��esg and
frill of ora;■ that the ears wSMumlirly
bought by • eeedeman at a here pelee
in the regular marLet they would
sold to the hotels for r *i.0 per hundred.
whisk would have been •ying pries ;
Bptthe whole crop was •>I4fru seeds for
1112.50 per hundred The melons made
a full crop under liberal tae id manure
and arti*eiat ferttlissee mod good calti
eation. The two !met her pend better
than any otherrt of the farts. We
have found that It is net always the neat -
profitable to coned a Alp ton closely, le
the hope ti.[ getting the most from the
Sewn : What must be shall be, and I survey, such as the travel of the tourist Carpet Warps made to order.
that which is a a.00ssrty to him that affords, of the manners and Mbit& of
struggles is little mime than a choice to ; peen a people as narll allied to Arneri-
him that is willing. Our facilities for this work .-ansa be ter-
Cowley : There is some help for all
the assess of fortes.: it a teas tram*
attain to the length if his wishes he may
have kis remedy by the totting of them
}tousehola Mints.
A goad change from the common cue;
tard nude of eggs, sulk and sugar, is to
add do or throe tablespoons of loot'
berry tar grape preserves just before
I bud a clean newspaper laid on the
table while cutting Breed very convenient
to catch tee crumbs, which an then be
slipped easily into a pen fest pudding
Happening to get smite grace on a
sitting room carpet, a friend advised the
use of sold water with snap or ammonia,
Instead of hot ; thisrevents the gees
from spreading. and 1' equally effectual
l t remorise tt-
' Sim diad Them -
'(lot all kinds of ties here r said a
would-be wit, interim, s w,11-krown fur
aishl$R store. ahopmae
'Yee, air.
'Well, i should lite a phi stye,' re-
marked the emanated. hand down 7007An right, sir ; i year meas
hogshead. aad we will take y
ere, said MA : reedy ehoptans.
Rome vert carioca!) worded advertise -
rests creep into the newspaper' now and
nq. preew
wipoSitton h
d• �q .-. • ruled M
Trove rewrasa.
In all aces coulees on the battle -field
rias been the theme of otea.ors cud poets,
Fee the e:mm(1, oaf the •strior is not only
• commcn and variable quality, but has
often been serperwed by that deplayed
by women. Native valor. Oro, ia ens*
times inferior to thee which r acquired.
Frederick the Oiled res lite s coward
oat of him first hdttle. "Wag on the
wings of far, be went a great dietaries
from the Reid, and coming to one of kir
own etr.ogg{hrld•, reported that his array
dila destroyed. .What was his ssrpise
.nits mortifoanoe tr. learn Wit hHis men
had Reined • great victory.
forest the lemon taught, and ever after•
ward wsa conapictwsr for steady enemies
is •otiose. Marey instances might se
given of eoldten in the lad war who, es
their ant Aght were "lily Rested," bit
who afterwards frond with dauntless
fr,pt tie igionning steel t and ore tI e
abet holt, of some who were lion heart.
ed troll timeht by lite pain 4 • wound
Me perils of • battle, and whn then
berme* t„wsi j< &every in settee,
senega nowt. admired, is so
creat as that displayed N
iglR. Thil woman alto
in the pestilential
tha.. Aiesander shsrgisM et t
. n rh trate Lust— A
ru•. tat a ,Losdun paper . .,
MOWS bi'noeh, erreeefnn: Venn. aid
Adonis whilst walking in Mandy Moons
• .' flied Amit
let e•utyAve
e eve' 4 gale
deoctiptior. Inipee'tioe r Inti
os Stam
Mi.g qD411,,,
0000.0010... t w +• tae oar`
cans ea the En.gh.h doee mit convey any
adequate idea of the degree in which the
distinctions of class govern matters of
the kind. A railway carriage is a seadr-
bodice' of the private cnrriiags. the Pet -
chaise, the at.ee smack and iia ettWeer's
warm. Those vehicles have bass mere -
1/ adapted to .tars traction and railway
schedules, and the conventions whim
characterized their use before Smpben•
son's item remain unchanged in thole
Dew oondetfou.—{Herper's Magazine for
Coed Adotee.
--tat 1..bacc o only to the months tbd
Ile a 'z' in their names, and use strum'
drink uuly in the months that bays •
'k' in their names.
Whenow stody this out you will
laugh, aseay, 'He dose not want me to
use it at .11.'
A piole.sional chemid says : 'In men
assail dimes of tobacco -smoke excite the
intellectual factualties ; repeated dos.
rodeos' palpisstions, disordered visions,
and decrease of memory.'
The railway engine is the greatest
abstaining traveller. He an keep up
for bwere at the rate of forty or suet:
matey smiles an hour—and whistles oyer
his work all the whil.-ted yet he never
takm snythin$ but water when he alibis
to wet his ehtetle.
dei. Ntw1+7• '4F0.01111-Ber
We will endeavor In most cases to do
tree day it is brought in. If required.
Custom Spinning and iteelinit. or Spinning
es the (ap, coarse or Due. bard or soft twist.
as required.
We are in a position to do all kinds of coti-
llion work. usually done in a toll set c�t.tcss
.5111. and we will guarantee to do for you infy
.e..l. If not a little better than any in our
A call respectfully solicited.
Meet Bed Woolen Mille.
Ooderteb. May lath, 1ta6.
Restores grey
hair to its na
taral color. r
moves Dandruff
stops the hai
from falling out,
increases it
growth. and
not soil the siren.
As a hair dres
sing. It elms
superior. Guar
anteed harmless.
Harkness & Ce.
IAdam. Ont.
5111 by ag
sad Pararis
Its. ordered wale choice
Garden and Field Seeds.
A well -selected stock of Greserire •Isey, of
0E0. H. OLD, the B.luare, Goderick.
Marti lath. ISIS.
Telephone Clem salcati o_
Note Papers
Gh.T YOUR --
Newspapers and Periodicals
l% 0w {
�- f.p�.att�. ti
FIZZ: a rews
AT Rita;. CQ(esi.$,
Successor to Geo. Sheppard.
Goderich. Dec. /th lees. trY-
$200,000.00 r ::Yt0 r.. ei
*,ray, rend s Sr.
sur Mage, aid Dv
uui you 5Ul
fret a package of
woods of large .sloe. Mat w11 start yeti in
work that will at earl brtag Yee is move7
Mater than anything rise in Aserk-a. All
about the giskei1n la presents with each box.
.t wanted ,•verTwherr, of either ser. mf
all Agee."' for .11 Ib. time, or .pare tin.. Daly, to
work for us at their own homes. YortI mnes for
all workers absolute; a..ured. Don't delay.
H. Hatt.grr*Co. Portland. Maine Het
oe working peopee. Sena 10 aeei
tor yeatagr, and we will mall 751
mkt, a royal. valuable sample t al
et woods tint wilt put you is ram
Way of making mor.- [Honey In a few days Ora
you ever thought possible at ear business. tee
ream* equlyd. %oo, eaa lire at bane rid
work in ',ewe time only. on all the time. All
of troth vexes. .exaof all rhe., graadb auccesfoL
Seo. to It easily eared every evening. That
all who want week may las tel. business. we
make this unparalleled offer To all who ars
sot wellaatlased we will send $1 topptanyter the
trouble of wetting es. Pull particulgn. dtrec
tins.. etc.. Beet fres. Immense pa) absolute./
sure for all who .tart at once. Don't delay
Address arroeor k t o. Palmettos .M,. 1514
Are pleasant to t.ke. Contain their own
Parg•rlvm 1. a mah, Isere, sad emu..
deters er at worm. ip Chation a Ade -
TO 41.44
1:1 W malted C G
Wan applicants rG
wad to euwomen or mit year `a
It It centaur Ulwtratt,ms. 01.5re�e,
Vegetable ea& news 151 cs Dend direerloas s tom' A, wdm
O. 1.Fns i CO. comms r ay
New Grocery Store
1bm.sbcriber belts to announce that M W
opened oat • weer Grocery store
and is prepared to do business with the people
of the town red surrounding socttou. The
goods are all New and Fresh,
awl bare been purchased for (ash. and se the
prices are low to the city markets.
He Intends to Make His Price
Touch Rock Bottom.
Farmers produce taken la methane, for Goode
and neatest prices will be civan.
Irlloe't forget the spot the New Caah ikon
next door to eh) nag' Drug mire. Ooderich
Ooderleb. flee. 21. 1.5. IT: •L
All -Sand fbr Catalogue.
Now the llama Wives. EF501.?T50
A sew days age c law a wag latter are usually eiet robbed
written F,7 the Queers, two nor three p jptne.ll�
M w
mouth. back. 1 should like to have and halt. restored
nails a spy nt it, for the homely, Is •h- rate oft►e
arty words 'meld have g^n..traight t• Q�.�A/A� INV G MAT
the heart of ail who read it. The tbs. w psrnttve y ase pernossen y cane
was Her Majesty's last rat soroow,end app seed It e:gessee d say k1.41
R i i*ssssa/ Wassissm ams eU 1Mosea that 1.1-
51 brought the 'unaccustomed brine to Ilea as it segeenee of Self -Aber. as less of es -
ley pyre ta i glanced at the a.mpontien eeom��1Y 1.1' sn
leo. I.:tuery. entvess
rl lasattade.
Th. Qs ass d. es not soar write ia.that I I lb*
ma" e. mobackd maaberiiimayes etviea.ass tis
lino rem new hand, which characterises kid to Isaialty or esesaapttos aid a preg.s•
sn many 14 the royal as t .graphs, bet
has adopted a meek rnnndar style. This
latae". was evident* written is a great
he r7 ; st 11, sheave est no blot or
.ream W bat •641.t struck me was the
=tent to which the Q•ieen onbeeda what
ak t ie elitist to • sohje•ot ahem one es
dear to her as her lost sow. Her Majesty
writes almost M affect innately to the
ibiMisi of these whom she hes knows
iatinisteiy este Ill a webers of her own
tore gyre.
Seed fee clerolsr, with testimonials (t s51
mail. The isM MINIM *TIM le soli at w
by or eta bezee for $11, by all drti�, r
emit e tsoesnt tree ay assn. aeewrwlp elraM0,
vaesipe of prim M .ddrwWag.
r. J. ckfcX v
1�wTft Hal Sem .wh 1st rikide. ret
e.N{* . for O.lmuied
mere maty/ than M anytblas a be
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