HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-7-24, Page 5k "a' rHh 111111011 SIU1IAL FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1885. 7 11LTsLII MAL. M A.JtwJ.eswe as Ow week swat. by ,tae sirs.ie.-aIle swats er ai.uees. Rsuts•J my 23. -The Ityel trial open- ed tbs Ilioiloing bad was ddjosrned (ot use toss 'sheens. asked for an ad oar subset . s an.q{b, producing to rh that tante wY neces- sary to Ret such misuses as would wears • CMS MAL. ..ch ee Du MAMA Wig I)attas al*m alr..p► Dawes add Molio ►et{, tibia (taw, and0.5 testimony SS to Riel's eosouudosss of sited. T. prosecution ubls,tsd Ia t.ta,. than a week a sdrw ....sot, p1 J edge wauss.isily t "ib. .rowed t tet tighgtw pbu- ta.Ritslwa�,a togyp.•at tt. tit . pr. watt rust A/rtDarrn. Fust by Rid, that I Bet awl Deas, bus i. Montana, 1101+. Tether Tomes, Andre, and Fourt.aad, end L VanKuup►wt and A. M. Burow re- spectively, Deputy M►n.ters 4 the In- terior and lediau Afiirs, are ....mist witnesses fur the defeats, the latter two Ming s.swedisws utciueusnesta, presume. •.d ropreeeetatioos toads lir the Lien - breeds to the Duettist.* Government. praying for redress sf their grienaness, the reheat to groat which MD TO Tea MUTATION by the people to secure redress These papers teentu.ed smelter fifesss, sad van he procured by the witnesses eased, end deponent says they will prove that the shits.ion was oonatit utiui- al slid her diets of the people of the North-West ; thatwithoutthem he will to DlratvsD Or JC*TII'I ; that he has no Mems to secure witnesses or retain counsel unless the Cowl or the ` fa NICHA1f10, Oween sent provides the esme ; that it ( '*QTR I R R A R Y AND 1R E A D I$ a wawa Open from 1 to f p.m. sad tree 7 ter p.m. ABOUT 2000 VOL'B IN LIBRARY. Leading Daily, Weakly and IllitArwkd Ayers, Moyealtsa, lc., on File. MRMBRRBHiP TICKS'. ONLY N.M. IIACHISE WE SEND ____1211L,ES ON APPLICA- TIONd ODDS MAI OR EXPRESS, AND, IF NOT BATT 6.FACTORY, MAY E RETURNED AT OUE EXPENSE, AND MONEY REFUNDED. • AT raess>tT WE ARE U,pLIt1, O 2c_ C'hegos. =IeB oFooduzi for 1,211c LACE -TRIMMED SATIN PAR, SOLS AT HALF PRICE Seoul Luta of 2 ft 3 Button Lid (1love8, in Lilt Col's & Evening Shades, worth 11, for 35c, H.W.BRETFIOU R & CO BRAN 'FORD ■' INTevxr 1/ZLZ.C13. _S, Prints Stitcora.s. THE NEW INDIA LINL.N, a Beautiful Fabric in White. ,W Over Laces, Flouncing* and gmbroidsries, OriTtal Laos*, !Swiss and Hamburg HmbtroideriM. Ladies, Misses and `Vhildren's Hose. GA1:JZIG AND MERINO VNDMerwicAR--ALL .IZEd- H. W. BRE TH 0 U,R & Co., Brantford. $raatlerd. My 1111. teas. - Amusements. ie essential the mesh taken et the base oar..t Zest serest ail demos tis of his ser1srddr sbodM he plated is the heeds of his .posed, .s among those papers was the otntibeate of AY�1Cae (=Tuairgatr, showing teat be wee not a British sub - pet se 'begged. and test he required e dela of one Month N . y Prepare his .feet». The vis was by Air Fttapatrtuk, tasting as counsel tor Apptioatta for e.b•rsbip received by CROP PROSPECTS =k — - We will exchange all kinds of Goode usually found in a firslrelass Dry Goods store for WOOL this Season, and pay the Highest Price that the Market will afford. Our stuck is very large, and you can get everything you want in our line of business from us, and at prices that cannot be beaten. Brim; on your WO( IL and we will convince you that it will be W your advantage to t1ea1 with tut. We have splendid stock of Tweeds and SI:irtings, and other goods suitable for time who grow WOOL. strike aamNrert sera fine : indeed harmer+ w:D 4ve yeas of work for their Machines and 1t will pay them to • McCOLire. LARDINE gloating free use of Library sad Readily tiny testier least be bad Osco duyp'it s 41"riaa ammo.. ALRB. MORTON, s ill 11114l tum sur eoeoden equal to lard or sol. and Mas be leo t tor 'ass uio•e7. order to avoid jalap, bet on account el Pyre SUt. tteeretatl. 7d.outartuzed only b7'and w. aMCt' L Basals. t CO.. Toronto It the distance from the Oleos of the C.,.rt (idaiek, Marl lith. 1110. i18-11 andt heact t aor that the emeed had Re W. McICE1NZIE dole Agent tor Ouderirh. go root TO ascots wir!sesasr+ ttd►An and with. Jere nth. iMM thea eritiwo. was ..e..esry out whom he meld not pressed to trial, the delay was na►.,u nMe; that the facts to be proved were the emeries lases of the prises/Ws meted solicitatiess to brim Rtel hese, his sweetens advice to limit the agitation to cunstitwtiooal means and peaceful teeestus, his desire to leave the country is Febrwery lest and the (Antie- tam* of the pNpto to hie hetes .n, hie not beteg • to a sir d the emoted that Carried ou the rebellion ; that be DID 00T ralt7Marara le AST ps••otesswg or .,omit sr mentesensesay evert set of treason; that them facts can be proved by Gatriel Dumoot, Nficte, I Human, Napoleon stains, Dr. Roy, wbec , Dr. Clark, Toronto ; sad Dr. Valle, Quebec, whom presence at the Court mould be secured if sufficient time were given. The third affidavit by Lemieux a much to the same effect. Messrs. Greenshields ad Titspatnek addressed the Court tlf St'rroaT 07 THE APPLICATION 11 r the adjournment. The counsel fur the prosecution agreed to assist the de- fence in procuring witnesses in Canada. hot Could not agree to the protection of the Court bouts offered to Dumont, Danes, or other parties participating in the rebellion, if they were broubbt here frees s foreign country to testify on be- half of Riel. The prisoner is understood to protest strongly against the plea of instsity being put is Saginaw, Bay City, Te tsetse aerve.ssess. Th.-Srd prescription is an ample s ip- ply of peke, fresh, 000l, air. The nerves will always be week if the greater par Si the day and night be passed m close 91-,eatihfvl and overheated apart. ieeste. Tbs nerves, more than the rest of tbs body, to be properly nourished require a full supply of olygen. They will not endure vitiated air, whether the impurities come from sewer, gas -light. subterranean furnaces nr the individual's own person, Without making an energet- eest. A gas burner consomme four cs�bicfeet anhour prrduces more air- bonic acid in a gives, time than is avdte Dont the respiration of eight human he- r .mar Boar this in mind, yna who infer Irma nervousness, the: when yon hare shut yourselves up in your rootss and lighted an argaad burner (which con- sumes about tusks feet of gra per h. an) you are to all intents and purp•sn im- mured with twenty-three other persons all taking oxygeu from the atmosphere. la R any wieder that after se.evsl homes' exposure to this depraving, air your nerves should as far ea their week slate permit.. and that your head ehonl l ache, your hands trams:., and that your daughters playing on the punt alm•,st drives you wild Detroit and C eveland SUM 111111111112EMEITi. The Rlagam ani Cosamodioua Rtesm lf. rich Saginaw Va,U WN. ROAM, Illaster. W411 run during the Resume of Navigation. es __TeaMwe :Leaves _ cloak p.m . ter Dal Cityandw. �Uu( at Rand Desch. Pert Hope sad Tawas, usable' coanectioes with West Baal Bomb�W�hesey �B.•a�Mackinac N Bak for Reser ow.ase. >s►f Nand and Rt- loom send m Cit w►t\ steamers for itar,ytpls. Oeoeetediad returning to tiodertsb eta Sion ;Vl� clock. Lea. esGalerich►pry r' It r C]ardand, nook fur Ibtd rt Hmbs s ►eturntnr toOoderteh en Thursday. Thin route will he o.etipued during the onsea- AT THF. s. of navigation. TICSETS nii.ee..tMEDICAL HALL! fk whole RO C_ =3_ C ---=R , We also deal in Butter and Eggs. COLBORNE BROS. April 29th, testi. (IODERICIi. The LondonTeaHouse AGENT FOR GellllhIIe New York Siuer &eill Iacliiiios. Manufaetarer of tbe Celebrated KITCHEN CABINET And ell k:nda of Furniture. Organs and Sewing Machines Repaired. Oils and Needles always on hand at resecinghle prices. .A. CALL SOLICITED - C. CfIRVIN Hamilton street. a Ihrw dean below the Colborne Hetet. �Eczgz�zs win be fined for - 1 $1.2_00, on ups ing a daye, meals and berths included. For rate* of freiebt and passage. and all other inlorrnation, apply to WM. LEE, Agent at Godertcb. The .$trine Valley may be bad by Special Arraoaenaeat for !Short Excur,lon* on the Lake any Thursday afternoun• J rue Lith. Peet 2102 - (IRANU 1'1.isASCRF EXCURSIONS U ODERICH EVERY SUNDAY EVENING at l ..'cock, o5 the Commodious Steamer 000N, LIs. MON. Matter. 1 To Detroit at.d return, matching .t Sand i brach, Port Hope. tort Aclot in. Tawas. "".rest. I t'Ulalrr (.L0e11va, aRironsiteSaRa.tht.d.and altstSlSt.e r ;.. Oroar Week no bard, Inducts rural' and ji1 berths. ices.. >Z^rCJZd' Pot eseevei. a arse oorslgntttent of the West India and Montserrat brer.'.s cf - telOCTIO?T • ]fade at `and Beach with the fort moron k 'I Vorthwestcrn Railway for Saginaw gad in- termedtare *solos*. Alen with the Cleveland Nartawtten Co.. t bests ger (Moeda. HsrriavlUe. Alpena. Rogers (.Icy. Mackinac. 1'Aebnygan •u1 rO. ignace. A .,d all IAke Superior porta. 1And at Detroit with all rsu&road* and (-leve- 1 Ltd Steam Navigation Igation Co.'s boats for Cleve - T a Fruit Takee in Betties n beve--a T�O-POINT Makes a most Gea:tbfnl and refreshing beverase for the nomrrer season. A Lot of Apollinaris and other Mineral Waters. FHM -`H t3l'1'1'LIF:r (IF • Hellebore. Paris Un, London Purple, Insect Powders, !Barb a -- - - F. JORDAN, Modica/ Hall, Goderich. ; Wire Wire 82`AVNCH, INDIBPENBIBL�. Manufactured by the Washburn Mowers Mfg g Co. MAGI -2.A. .= =ROS_ lace opened a braaeb store is Acheson's Block. adjoining Morrow's shoe store. GODERICH where they will keep on band a large stock of CHOICE TEAS AND COFFEES. ata we make a specialty of TRAB AND OOPTE124. we can do better with our mamas thea any ether .tore in town. A handsome picture ward glees away with every pound of Tea or C.oRke. TRY A TEST ORDER. MAWRATAT , BROS. A ptf lads. 11. greet side Court Hoose Square. Ooderieh. Irslem 1' NEW HARDWARE STORE. PATES & ACEESON AGENTS FOR G-LIDDEN PATENT TWO-PIONT hand. te-C:oo(i ltancing Music on Boars. T. N. DANCEY, Angst aft uadb eric New to Spoil .rings. To spoil steak -Fry it. To spoil a wife -Find fa+tit. To spoil tea or coffee -Boil it. To spoil custard -Bek i it them t l To spoil house -plana t mach. work mut all To spoil butter -Do not the milk. To spill ',sneak's-- Bake than on a lukewarm ariddhs. To spoil • svpet-To sweep it with a Miff, halt worn bronpt. Oe.mble the To spat a breaWast - a}l ' while yes aro tinting. Tb spoil potatoes -Let them 1w and tenek is water after haute. from To pail *rumors- Cut everythto ig • sliest of paper to a bar of east iron. To spoil children-Hste think in eeerythiag they happen . t ii�raba, K le 't" it trrea.l 1'.e pons floor and tleso end let it vies emit too light Jtly hrl. stria. T MACKINAC. the Hest SUMMER TOUR }.9esi gtss� tow lases. Pam tams pa west tlasw*we DETROIT AND MACKINAC Awa Om. WAIN Dar Itsseaw DETROIT AND CLEVELAND was. ?e spoil • lehool -Cbenes teschers • w ties soh Mie h the Aistrut tins .a plaMMa gym, SPRING& SUMMER MILLINERY. MISS GRAHAM takes pleasure ,n aanounvtng aha' she hag ( nroh•sed In perms her Spiting and Summer Stork oe Millinery. etc.. and ha* taken advan- ttaagg.eof the LOW PRICES prevailing at the wbcls*ale markets to make Lie Purchaser. Her patrons can rely Upon ;eod Stock and Lowest Possible Prices. A tail .t reeve. Holly solicited. :MISS GRAHAM, West side of Square. Uditertes. April Itth, 101. 1991 Ontario ,�tccl Wait�cxtc «ontpann IT-TMZTED_I IPaint', OM.e. Otase. Neat,. ROPE AND CORDAf3E, V=SC1r1L SIIPPLIICS, Tabi•• end Pocket Cutlery. See our WI%er rate liooda. and Artist' Material*. YATES & ACHESON Call ami Sec us, and Inspect Goods and Prices. We Kase or hand a full and complete stock of Shelf and Builders' Hardware Galerkii Apr;l It h. 1ft5. i1 •�a� 7 Neat door to it. Morse's Meat Basket. NOW_ _COMPLETE ! NOW COMPLETE I A (HOI( F. f1T(N'K of Eat axil 3- cceriee_ 90412 IllaNVTACTVRRRR OF THE 1)1PROTiKD "LOCKBARB" FE10E Reas ons why the "Lockbarb" is the Best Wire Fencing Manufactured. 3! 1 W ire. and we claim that 1n Its construction the wire* of the the shat, 1�lea. I h each ad and peas the barb laterally. I Highest Primo Paid for Butter & 1ror�rN herb In the term- It hu the adcaniage of a:war. pr.uemVt w1:1: nn twr.p anted barbed fence does.sy tk Northern Railway nheM At •to. ant tett w the 6e rebel~ " M� b reseq Co.',. I115 lbs a. maim In eiwonto, the lbs. the Wise Mom bwattag tap Wlit. awl w • warded the. we Ibs. a Tomato IMO* Ow war matron. We gra only n c tae's F.atlleh p,..0 mer ee o In,a {+r M nam is is superior to all ether berbed fence etre*. The wire* forming the roar pa wide m1.1 the around the SPECIAL LINES IN Dress Goods, Shirtings, and A Choice Lot of Seed Potatoes Cheap, Tweeds. cable. Vaasa.. arts aims — gena WWI a ,rets d tttest. Nnf. Os. tart* - o D. WSt7COs...ea Pea*..er� and A. HTRAITON, A51., tzar s11 the stadts. 10Y/ - rose esker • . To spoils pair of 0ar.tents in their trt•biet_-(est shawl out carelessly :red ag7eoit. stew. ed't11he the GE ACHESON. ed for Ataaaee with hll peritenlsrs. toW. MCKENZ1EE0R . Sole A��,t C�oderioh. tat.d«tea THE RED, WHiTE AND BLUE. O. T. R eatiM. I , ern] 1gth. tails (malice, Oat, j mu ;th. trf we,I