HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-7-24, Page 4eft .....,,.•.wY- tot 1w, If. THE HURON SIGNAL. RIDAY, JULY 24, 1885. =:1-0Mwrrrywsa. Vide crest. i i.e•i Tle Oiw Prhs• £Oa a wabwr me wee ser. bawd Swat, NEWS ABOUT HOME. A Mtd� M ••"'Aa' full .'U t t' TOW TIMOR. elYestd r i•~ W a4.. ~ri tie • Dist wed tbeekelik, hates to himyare wet • Mahe* salt thee het f yea awe beam .s isi s, sad weaseled to a.,egsalty heortn.t Woos. ltd 4 ss the oa.• «the whew every wiry takes that can be sate pussy Is madesee It z•v west io haw 7y eery ewes bewsbed I• • LW clam ssas.er ides the yob t. 1, R. Wed Mel The besetltuI •emmer Ilea same. sad the whew er watch Mrs. t- We. V audios el eo.gttet ecus knee karst 1t>Mt readia[_asdete- 'ti..ery M truly aaarveimee. Cesasr •.vont et and square. They oaf the Midland's' were a serial as tamp walked *tithe Turr000to'Levet* the caber Oka moietiess day. Wit if_ rou rear photo M.nd.t!> id ill attract misiobbor.. yes will ham to call upon R Sallee.. New worsted osstls.s Pa W *bodes, new INA ►treed' and naw Sesdob sad trig Iii t new i.s la treessrtaAe new as, a•bb heats fumigators. nes ser July files date. B. Ilavessarac, at A. P. Ms tease Try Ave woes of Ms new east oil. *t M,..iers',.nee, *tore. It'* pan wtuv. tree tees smoke or smell sad L tbe seas brWiuu haraise oil ever ogbrwd in town. hes des tfrTwet�� so say part of the time Wb.MMaalt. r e1at1 The abeap'st Mw osier the mea. Mrs. Dark a in Cli.tua. Pio.ics are the order of the day. Mum Lannon, of Detroit, is is town. Mier Farr is vesting friends in Dobler, Oat Mies Fanny Stitt is vrites at Strat- fod. Mrs Lane Barry bas retained from Balt. Mn. Campaign r suffering from hey INer. Mies Annie Gordon hes returned tress Mosu..L Mr Gamow and little et De aro at Port - Mad, Me. Last Friday /riming was the coldest of the season. There is every prospect of a good fruit mown. The Godench band are getting helmets with ponpon. L Bingham telt for the told country os "tlareday last. W. Williams of Chicago, is the goest cf his paieatd Willie Ferguson, of Detroit, weer in town this week. Mise Clarke, of Exeter, is the guest of Mies Meldrum. Will Doyle, of Port Arthur, was in town last week. Mrs. Young. Light House St. is in very poor health. Mies Louisa Gibson has retuned from a visit to friends. Mi.. Locy Cattle is spending her va- eatios at Hayseills. Mr. G. H. Pentons and fancily are rot tieatiug this soon. Levi Card low been waking imp .- Lents on his house_ MissBabel Sharman is speadiar her emotion at Brantford. . M. C. Cameron, M. P. returned from Ottawa on Friday last. Mus Atkin, of Toronto, is the guest of Miss Beck, Saltfurd. Mrd Bleck, West' street, returned from Toronto last week. Mies Mary Satre, of Bolalo, is the guest of Miss McGregor, Mrs. D. Wilson, of Detroit, is the guest of Mrs. T. Videan. Fred Bond was in town this week. He looted well, as usual. M,,t. and Mies Delaney, of Dublin, ares the runes of Mn Farr. Capt. A. E. Dl.Grosnr. of Port Ar- - thur, was in town this week. Miss Crockett. of Haemin•, ie vwtioe her aunt, Mn. W. Robertson. Miss Nickel, of Lindon, was the guest of Miss Rose Halts. last week. Miss Straiton visited from& thew forth and Stratford this week. The Doherty hand win age Sky et the Palace roller rink shortly. Josh Thomas, jeweller, of Elgin, all., is visiting hie friends in town. Miss Aim* Tye, of Haysville, is the guest of her aunt, Mrd Ca'tle. Messrs. Price end E. Downing have goes a trip to the British Ialed Rev. Fr. McManus, of Saniwicb, r Ila g ha vacation int towit. ' Mies Francis Williams, of Lando., -es/ spending her vacation at home. Capt- A. E. and Mrs. McGregor and babe have goes to Port Arthur. Mies Cameron, of Elora, is the goes: of her sister, Mrs. E. Campaign. The painter' harvest -almost every boast in tows is Laing repainted. Mr. Henry Martin pommies opening out in the grocery lin* at hWtford. Clinton hest (lo'derich at cricket on Tharsi'y of bit wee, by four rune. Mrs Matheson has gone to visit her tbeybter, Mrs. Cornwall, at Detroit. , Mr. and Mre Thos. Bowden, of Bow. Mrs. Kent, 4 BL Thiene., is the west .1 her daitgbtor, Mrs Kaua, Slaw lop ht. H e regret to learn thrt Mr. D. C. SWwin, Ft issr. �i�ttMd Anis* tadll The cohorts es the Bay 6i1d road ere leaded very bad slate, and s►outd bo aL e. 4 to. Captain sad Mn Jackson, of brook - 4a, are at the Alleva, after es abases, al two years. Henry /torten and Lanes W.1.os, two of our old rodents see germs as Atlantic trip. Mrs James Fairborn, of Zanier, is the deed of her purest., Mr. and Mrs. W. Airdrome Mrs & Garter and children of Roches- ter ochetee are the resets of Mrs. W. Andrews, Cambria reds Mrs. 7'. B. Straiton and daegbter, of Whitby, ere the geode el Mr. Straiton, .tattoo miMer. A meshes tai American Lathes are spending the Melon in town, resting furnished houses Mr. goner is patting a entrees shaped roof o• the residence he puf hailed lately, known as the memo. Remember the heed will be et the roller rick tonight. Some fine lady skaters will be present. Mr Polly has a machine for lidding and unloading his hay, which siva• a east amnia of tremble A greet number of ear citizens avail- ed themselves of the ezeurson 10 Sera - feed on Wednesday last. Capt. Coi had returned from London where he west to consult his physician, on the state of his health. Mies Josie McDougall who tree Deem 1 the coed et ben sister, Mrs Kiddy, et Turwto, hes returned home. Mn F. I. Unloosen, a Saginaw, s visittog her pane%4 in town, Mr. and Mrs. T. Robertson, East St. G. N. David is making repairs to the dwelling boor a North at., leamediate- ly north a the registry cilias Mr. WI'eeis =ion and Miss Claus Lhott, of Seeing*, are the guests of their sent Mrs. Wa •Nott. Mr. Thome,of Detroit, and family, have rested the house (furnished) of 13e.. Acheson for two months. Mo Coyle. of t:oartwright, is spend - int her vacation with her aunt, Mrs John McDonald, Rayfield road. H. L Strang, of the digh School, has removed to the residence, Elgin St, lately occupied by J. E. Brown. Mrs Johnston, Neonate street, sad her sister Mrs. Kernighan, of Manchest- er, returned from a trip to Sarnia. Mrs. Gem** Bersa.on has returned from the tenors' of her sister wbu died at 81. Mary's& couple of weeks ago. Idle, T. M. Campbell sad Mrs. Gems* Acbwo, returaud this week from Da troit, afar an absence of two weeks. It is understood that Rev. Mr. John- ston, of Parkhill, has been appointed to the incumbency of St. George's church Joao McBride, of the Albion, has p pot in two headho®e bilhard tables Ara r doing a good basinss in that lies. The Rev. Mr. Hassiltos, of Hanailtoe, preacheo at St. G.orgs s o. Soaday last • very eloquent sermon to "young men.' Joseph Jessup, of Chicago, has been ill .•f inlamrn atorl rheumatism rime hie return from a visit to Godench in May last A yacht from Detroit touched at erode- rich this week, and the yachtsmen per- ambulated the town to their hearts' con- tent. J. M. Sheppard, South street, is hav- ing his cottage 'Marred to a two-story knees. It will be a good tub when coin , pleted. Miss Sera Brooks, of Saginaw. is I spending her hulidays et the home '.i her pinata, Mr. add Mn. Brooks, Vic - tori* St. The Misses Minnie and Naos Strachan have been v.siting at Sarnia, the guests of Mime R•hertsun. daughter of Capt. E. R4 h.rteo.. The bill for relief of Geor¢e Branford Cot -who :tad made ■pplicatius to par- liament for a divorce --hob received the royal assent. A large Fall or globs of tire was seen to fall on Friday night last at about 9 p. re. m the viciilete of lir. Sends resi- dence, Saltford. Miss Mary Hunter, who bus heti visiting her sister, Mrs. Keith, of Dakota, returned o% Monday by the 1. toted Empire. The street inspector is seperintendieg the putting down of a sioewalk on North street, in front of the H sass on and Bruce Loan Asensiatu,n. -Mill° tickets were .id at (ieoi.,iel, elation to Stratford inaugurators on Wednesday. home day Stratford will Wave to reciprocate. The lacrosse match between the 'union of Gielerich and Clinton on Ms. F. fieseath, Semple ttY�{, wee cereal with 'oddest illness tnhiie trestun. Mg from Holea.seille a Wedae.day lass, and medial aid had to be 1tw'mo• d Her sow els the meed. Paaw>Aat,-We dAsM .bar that )rt. Weight. of the J , re mewed se tstwstasassw Meths= the imepwutesa caieemowisaes, lie psaswr inali.ph ,speratur of Mat Sewn. hint Best, mother of the Memo. Best and Idea Juke Seibold left us Thursday sum, foe a trip be the of soontre. litre will take poesy w the Parisian, as will alip Masora Dowsing and Prim ss X0 FOUL PLAT. Ai.wtn er Ma ssfiim ee he as rrw.ea ' Meld en Ste fir* WOW sage tees. basil. the MOM Mrs � w 5. lyselady of the Ise is, p trgg Wit bttWtt Ike Werth- ieRt euneeee, es the heft readea•• of , in flsderhi tewaship, on Fri dal The bodybed Mea dioia- ` WHM,.••. t , , 01 �r W�Zurr .:A d , bream(4 deceased. Aa N Indhe the greyed far essay three was, of mares, very tame of the features Whole the rain fell in toriws/s is tow% ea Tuesday morning, ae rain fell tee stiles dirtiest, sad the evKy of Intim- Mg to the rail alar was gaits as mime - meat to the people, who said it resembled ms eery Ger L MoCasn. of the (bedet ch W oils Mill, is deism • steady bosoms to cos- toga wtow work. By the ways those needing blanker minimfor minimwinter, shoul get her prised He will be glad to melee entente at any time. The supply •teener Celtic trona Nin- trsal,wbich arrived in port on Haturday, evening with • plower, party ow beard hada oo zemeat of hardware tar OW Crabb, mwehest, which be percbased is the old country market. On Thursday last a large party 01 Americas escereio%i is arrived is Clods. rich by tit. steamier Beriesw Valley feet Detroit. They were taking the round trip, sad did ant fail to take i. the fall promenade at G.dencb. D. McGillivray. M. A., pnichei Knox church o. Sunday evening, Hi/the place of his brother. His oetmoa was good one, and he Fires pnueti.e of sw.- saea as a preacher. We uaderetand then it 1. his intention to mow the ministry. beingim Meier/ Tbof Messrs. T. Den - J. Gnv.t Wets, W. Craig, A. y, cies GC. J. Disney, H. Wise, W.War, J. Wow, D. Jams • id IL Baer, fermis*. The milksop hest takes was to 'stab. NA the Nulty oil the body as test a rti Trish, the brothers Identify►mg It by the hair, .si gswerel .ppe.tenee of the r.is.ies. while Mrs Joke W tggtng- tes identified the absurd ••d ti•wwre s. thus* with which she iremed the body orf Mrs That. The j.ry im•pw•d the seller steps is the tildes, where tae aeidest pstsed, sad proceeded with the or Menai. Mas J. wuttwrwr.-Was called is emm.R.ly after the accident, .rid ut.h the budy and L7 it out f a bevies ea the wt leg as large as hand, witch leaked as if it might be by striking a ship, shirks braise on her flees, sed bruise aeries the beak of her neck. (It might be raid here that a plank 4y in seek . position .arses the a eater step., that • person falling back- wards would strike their neem oa the plank..nd it was thought that the .trik- irig of the had mined the wj.ry sed 000s•quemt death.) Was oencen that theae were no other bruises or marks op the body. Kr. Trick said the hired girl. Char• lotto Porde*, came ramming down to the mill at about 3 o'clock on the day of accident, and maid "Hurry, mink, Iles Trick's fallen doves the caller.' She mot *thief!, and I followed. Found the body tying at the foot of the steps, erouowise of the entry. Did not take her op it first. Looked .round and saw Iwwi (iis sue) metal over the bridge, ma motioned f.e him *mum as quickly as possible. Noticed the butter and bowl, with her tum partly around it, lying at her left side ;bad to rwame the bowl before we moved the body ; we brought her body up and placed it on • bed. Had not been op to the bow from the time he lett io the worst., tilt the aesident happened. Dida't go for dinner, es wee very bevy in the mill. Mea Triiet was brought hoes. from Clin- ton by the second boa, mid only saw her that day se she was passing the mill door in the wages ; had mot soma her be- fore bines Sunday afternoon. Sent for Mr. and Mrs. Wiggington as soon as the aoedeot happened mid than sent st cave for the doctor. W hen the doctor ar- rived, and had examined the body, I went to undress it. to see if them were any marks ow it, but the doctor mid it was unnece.ssry, es her week was brok- en, sod he did sot think an iegeeet .eeesasry. Th. body was quite warm when the detour examined it ; did not pay p.rttculer attention to this fact when be int moved the body, but did after- wards By Mr. Clark -"Did you thiuk the position she was found in the least sus pic►ow r' Witness --Did not. Hadn't the least About 100 exeurwi.aise from Inger moll and Woodstock emus to town on Wednesday Oat, sad spent the day tame. The reouinder of the acersios with the band stopped of at Stratford nn the way up to est the Baby City itaugerat ed. Says an exchange "T.n year: ex - perigees i% battleig with the entertain ti.. of juurnaliatic ld* hal tseght ea that the Shah who makes it bis business to dictate hew a paper should be res may usually be foetid amebae his reading in a barber shop. The Goderieh excursion party to Stratlord o% Wednesday did not return until about 2 p e. am 'llpteday. having waited to see the fireworks. A member of the Godsrieb band played with the Doherty bead, which took woad prism at the tourn.Sheet. At a meeting of a .e•sioo of the Lon- don Presbytery last week, Rm. John Carrie reported that he had moderated in the call of the Wardsville sad New- bury congregations,, Mr. Root McNair, formerly a resident of Godsrich, being their unanimous choice. High Kerr, of Ingersoll, who was a resident of Goderick about twenty yeah ago, dropped into our sanctum Thurs- day morning. He says there is quite a change in the old town .ince he was lest hen. He spent a jolly time with • let of the old heeds dung his stay. Thos. McGillicuddy, of Tie Si.hp.t., left on Monday last on a me nth'. vaca- tion. At Allendale he will join a partyJ • *mare ware seekers from Woodstock Zcollew, end ptrooe.d to Muskoka. His in Heron hop. to see him return improved in bealm and strength after Ins respite from labor. Among the well kept gardens of the town is that of Hon. A. M. Rued W. T. Richt*, a "Lancashire lad,' is in charge of the premises, and he carries with bis a lot of information on the culture of Cowen, fruits and vegetables. His early cucumbers have been tickling the palate of the Colonel and his friends for several weeks past and fir. Bick1.'s careful culture can be seen ii everything from the eines in the green -louse to the lettuce row. Mrs. Davis, of Detroit, arrived from Detroit on Thursday last week to visit friends in Ashfield. She was accompani- ed by her son, who was in delicate health. The child became gradually worse and died before the end of the week. On Sunday last Mn. Davis and her husband left on board the Saginaw Valley, bearing with them the casket containing the reusing. A nomher of sympathising friend. from Ashfield ac- companied them to the wharf. GaRD6' PARTY. -A garden parts was held on the handsome grounds of Mr. .1. A. N*f tel, *(oath st.. under the aus- pices of the Women's Christian Temper- ance Uni ,w. An enjoyable time was spent by all who attended. Refresh- ments of Taro us kitid, Including herrtee, lemonade, dIMILV weep ternisk.mi• at reasonable rotes daring the evening. The town bend was present a porton 'f the time. and phired several kerion.. The ladies .,f the W. l`. 7'. 1'. deserve credit for their untiring efforts to make he affair a success. (fhuredey last week was won ey the form- i t sr by too straight goals. Fred McDonald is speeding his t racatioe at his home. We understand d he has w.en app anted to a vovernment paation an the N,rthwest. We understand Hon. A. M. Roes and ' ; S. Malcolins..n, of Gtwl,nch, and Mr. Finlay and others of Guelph are going I c to Muskoka on an excursion. h A despatch from Sault Ste. Marie says tie Canadian steamer Quebec, bound own, struck a neck at Devil s Gap, in the north passage. at 10 n check on Wed • nesday night. The steamer Ontario ightered her of seven oar loads of freight, mostly wool. The wind hanged on Thursday night and his. er off, and she sunk, stern foremost, in Ell feet .4 water Rhe is insurer!. hull ori partes, for $110,000 No lives were et. The Quebec beMuge to the North Western Traneportstioa Company, and valued at about $40,000. Word was recurved that the owners had served no- ce of abssdosaaewt on the underwriters. Hottest, Tete. A visit to (treat Brit • - in at this wane i,f the year is jest tits ttaaardle. are the guests of C.A. ti umber. The town band, under the leadership ! 1 t.1 R. Parker, is "making its presence • C. C. Roes purposes sojourning ander fe:t ' o:dinonally The members have l' the parental roof tt r the comimc nwnth. made good progress during the g aet few Mss Tome, of Barrie. and her nice. 'menthe. a Ws the *nests of Jodie and Mrs. Tome. A y"1"gt:431 friin Clinton, mho came 1 ti rite, has been up with the ew scsioniste on Thursday ; Mrs. McMullen, 4..uth K of • rheumatic attack for some time. east, -rade tinsonhandpurcba 0n town, watch she put in a hand bay, containing r a A number of C'lintoniana were at the some gold inn. and while the cars were t Pease roller rink on Thursday even. in m ,Hon on the return of the train to tag. C:int. n, ss, inadvertently put her hand gni Kos Ella Warner, of Adrian, Mtcb., 'wt of It ear window, triad the had with Li L „ye" Mr cora.••, Mrs C. A. Hum- to contents dropped on the tract;. some her. distance (torn the station. The cis due Mr. Attrill has ta:.en away the wire or would not clop the train, so haMA, him the river, and lett the flats youar las] nn Mr return to Clinton i A hies telegrspAed rip ti. • isorgo xecullough to r make in.toiries rtnoerning the loss, la Row. Mr. .1..hrtst,••t, n( Ailes Orate, I whish he did. dtlmasely bairn¢ nit 'R we peu.eh a1 St. George • on Saida, it was picked up by nowt* man who am hart hin.. The rats" were never on Low. For $30.35 yua item buy a rnnn.l trip ticket d for 6 months, from (Qedench to verpool, Cam ,ow, L• Rule Berry or ReMM. by the old reliable Allen Line Royal Mail steamer. These tickets are good t• tr' and return by any of the Ilan mail steamers, one of which sails men Quebec every Saturday. Pnr speed, nnf..rt end safety they aro unsurpassed hart sea mote Two clays are pawl covet 1hw heautrfol scenery of the Mt emote For lot of nailing.. tickets d all information. apply to H Aew- iutvo, general railway and steamship eke( agent, ties, the rot Mee, God. k. anted all noir go of et. The affair La David ilcfhUivray who has hewn re. i was then pot into the hand* oft omits- an Bions. Mr. Reynolds in the hank n1 hie Vole litho .nccevoled in getting the .v (Iemnmeree for the past ton weeks Id1M handbag from the man, "rim tsseatne ti aw Wdaadsiy bra position in Poems* 'afraid of .on.gaeaea rie the cellar saps, and cautioned tier, taws of his epleadiol ship low the est- edast.st wkutg any stavisiovt tb•t utmght Issws ktad►aas eahtbimed by all os criminate her•ei1, sailor she desired to beard. make it. She gave lour evidence without Of the thoughtfulness and attentive of say pertioeler memos us serveornerm, tb•bip s 'inward. M►. P. F. tbr,sey, as follows :-- isad haobligwg •ssi•tants, mer and all, my gs "I west over to Ow. hoaftert we wish i•. make sepeo al Mtion. With tamale hie buadred pasagn.ws to &tread tot without eases help "ruining almost carat nuou.ly night sad day, they sold testy amply provided tar the waste ul all, bet did se is must eheedu) amd kindly fashion. W. .tel i•ng remem- ber as awe of the few plummet land sits of the North West mespeigabeitableitott trots Port Cather to caste, as tt has been by the kindness and .sa- sidesstine of our good friends of the Uaitsd Esapom We semen boner ea - peens ..or leeliees thus in the Whim d pod uritis► nonage, by Riving them rousing cheers fur the a, and her "riltbt rod raw..' On lethal ct non eamtai eirded eiders sod noes. Mrs. Trish mien 10.h frees Conlon. es Moaiaq, with Ler sea. fade bash sheeny, sten psis es 1 r.peaped the kitsiwi door saw Mrs. Trick (.0 h.akwarie ie wt wile,, sad hoard irer sy "Ob Y' /y tot p to Wk et her, bet w to the oil sed held ]tr. Trek to mime quiet, se bis► Usk W fallen dew. the otdl.r. /lensed km halting the better duh 1. her ernes as she fell. Was ot. good terms with Moo, Trion. Had hear living at this pleas for fifteen scathe Mad hese hired to some mid work by Levi Trick. Mrs. Tri.k had made the first ms�.g.- meat (Ile. Trick here stated t►at h. bed nothing to do with her eneagsm.ot whatever, as be imply occupied the pastime .d • bee d.r tut abort two pars j Never dissented with yrs Trick het once, which was over a year ass Witness sold lire. '!risk, 1.c..10 mime home frog Korea, phot she mead wise Isms, but had no patticSIat row,., other than being in peer health, she wonted to go home for a whit.. This concluded the 'widens*, tied after about half an hoer'. eu.4.esiioe the jury return • verdict that dr -..sed mote t, her death by secedentally falling dews the *eller steps, and that so far as they were able to 6.d out no btsme or w pisiow was attached to any pianos what- Mtter. As matters here turned not, it wotild here been a great deal bettor, and mots satisfactory tri all partes, had an lagged been held when the accident happiest, *sed much •seless.atnew would ham beets avoided. There certainty was not the slightest fact brought out to et -idioms to strengthen the suspicions of Mrs. iri.k'. trismd., sad N was injedieioss fat them to go to all the trouble they did, rodeos they the ught the inquest sad U1 t esti • prof su st esu 'rook' develop sometF.ing more than swishyaia i i t.d5.` I . sousaut re. sh ' arjomiidommm new e: 'W ~•uncoil its t they were in pveswi•.n of ehmaaesgives se and stessehey„ to At the t'NM race., a mow, The l,.11owleg guests are staying et the' Maas, arm hay sed. spotP. *' WA1.t.Agx Poitou Fars.: - Detroit -Mrs. -Detroit-Mrs. Rufus W. Clark. Mies LION= AND DAT SCHOOL FOR Ellen Clark, Miss Bessie Clark, Master Rehm Clerk and nurse, Mrs. tsars, Hee- mak, Mies Hancock, Mrs. Thos. Law- rence, Mies Lawmen, Mies Loraine Lawrence. Master iHoratio Lawrence, ksad nurse, D. P. Work, Mrs , 2 children, M», F. A. Work, Mrs C. it. Field. Bey City. -Kra L. L. Hotchkiss, 2 childrrs sad amps., Mrs L Y. Williams. East Sagia.w,-Mrd Mal Hparenrieh litTURSE GIRL WANTED. -To arum and said. Hiss Pepe Hesreanch, Master lr taw wroth. I. Pert Arthur. flats M Max H«ve.rich. Me. and Mrs. Jos. Pert Arlen aad more will be fait AWAY .t ase. to MRt . A. A. McORixOR, as cur. Dewitt e. Last .area. 11 1 Dentistry. ' ROOLr1RTON, I. D. S. t)�e► <lsd Ji renew s Hall, was:: 8a. fias.mds► Ckagw med•rate esu work .r. -MINS (he People's tauten. QTRAYED AWAY TUESDAY Mow tow. a red and white ewe. egad abaft a Ceara Abysm rotundas the* w tea. N. tlA V tog win be rewarded. ROM SATCHEL LOST-BETWZ&l4 &..i- ron and tee tenet ItusMp's link a stmt black s ssohd with ase 10,44. ersatnhwa a orarrisies my�ln• tber �hAmy pwvhe eat e *Moe w'1 be euk1W ,.*.rde& frit A. CARD OF TISANES. 1 begskr. es behalf etmyself sed W so pprrowms .�w tett us, to ger Mmes 1. >rassIleMtrs•d •itchy, who ds*te while de.trepwd car rW.niaaid es.1 tmtwte ss estswtll a eau the times. 1 1 yeses ladies and eh1Yssa. Msatttsl eontiem. baps Aavwmda tkstee•i lnstreetle• a .1l bramahsa; beat Sheets sad an .dean tams'. Timer Ike beset as* tads& RIM par Wsear. F.II sews. epees Sot. t0. sad referrers* Min.• 030303 =. RATER A. 11, Oederlek, Oat. 1111.41 SUMMER BOARD WITH LARGE MOMS. well hammed. In mem beam with este•dvs Arwo.4 Geed table and st* arca Terme reeeeswila Address P. O. bees t71t Oederici. Out. fesl41 Stewart. Master Duncan Stewart, Mies Jennie Stewart. Mies Gracie Stewart, Mies Mary Stewart, Mies Esther Stewart, Mn B. B. Rasa Lowden -Mrs H. Becher and maid, Master Campbell Becher, Master Lorne Berber, Master Archie Becher. Mrs. HL J(YF1CZ -THE STATL'TL8 OF ON. allmeth, 2 children end nares. L TARIO. IS Yin lees• are row ready her SABOKTHAND.-ISAAC PITMANS PNONUO RPH Y. The aeon pet,star GI/s- tem ght l.otrsetios books for salsas Tea Warsshorthand. Krere hof teed tlW •cid Providence, R I. -The Mew Cat- distribution az ',tweak,. at tie root a= tartach, Puce, (IMenteb. m Ja.:ew mess w Naas. Fremont, Ohio. -Mem Heiner. others entitled to acme. IRA L.&WI1, Clerk of the Powe. The fieaesm.b fiseiaa,. 1 OMrl Oaf* .r Clerk et tbe Piro', Usch Jay We publish today a list of the win- Isis, trot 1111441 sins numbers draws at the Godeneh rhISSOLUrton OF PARTNERSHIP Boar, whin# opened to the Ist instant- Although nstan1.Although sot yielding the return expect The ttb:le !s leerchy aottae•d that the arm of ed, still/ tf.ere is sufficient to jwtify the J. L. �uttren tan, Cte.r )t.t.wtlactarera. easery,nA on bt.'*es.. u rick, has tea day .tatetment that the bazaar has been a teem d4*olv.f M .suit.a of thee. The boo s000ess fima.ci.11y ; and for this the good apes w!U as carried oa by J. D L•tteell. t).ted t Ooderich chi loth mho d J tab, pastor, for the beae6t of whose church b j, D. LEYWKEELL_ it was held, is deeply ersteful. Father wnt-.t toe. iTRACHAN. suspicion, and never rued any ezpressron i"$utera requiems us to convey his war N)D that would laid mime to think he hard...,__est thanks to tine friends who sr, gen. $ Mr. Clark -"How was it her fnobly Misted hie enterprise. rine to teeth were found in the garden c ' that he will n member their great kind Witness knew nothing about them, °M' and endeavor to requite it as far supposed she had washed on her return it the possible for him to du sat. We true home liven Clinton. and left them in the that the effort to relies•s the ere, itis wash bowl, when they got thrown out. mutt h e will not stop short here, b It was a common thingfor her 0, that those who here already done moist. [•• thing towards that laudal,le object w' e•. Jon% Norn"r. wi:spas. Zest %immeh. July bad. teat. 11Bs,st. 74111 r ( ( GENERAL SERVANT GIRL Vtw.t\TKflllla(Rt►1ATRLY. Returnees" ••7 required. Apply to 1555 M. O. CAMIIRON, . Ka..t eruct. 1Asatf sst i DISSOLUTION OF PART`NZRSHIP The 4srtnerih:p beretotbreet5bting het wern ut the 'inlets:gn'vl as tar,neva etc., bra been this 4e) disco: vee: by to us tial :morel. tli ANURIW ADAM D. NooVET about without them. (Mr. Clark said he renew their efforts and aco.mphah mom never knew her to be without them whoa thing more. Th..te who Lave not she was visiting him. J one any'thine should make a beginntng There having been a good deal of in this direction. it it serer to., fate W gossip over the circumstance* that on do a rood act -never too late to assist a the the Sunday, previous to the death of good cause -and the mite contributed. Mn. Trick, her husband had left her in whether for Faith or Fatherland, .11,Clinton that evening. and drone home though humto t humble, a blessing he giver with Miss Perdue. Mr. Trick detailed as we: