HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-7-24, Page 3Tu $tJ RON SIGNA 't Iptay lutldapto n� p The time has eases when I am at thee. d to wake public oar d the sersagest n , stories ever gives to the world -.a story M *Maya sad oto twmnstie that d it w net m -Bettie ty true et emeld be pn► Mem d Wilkey to the verge of impose Agility. Its most Beast* dste& have 1st boost lowest to use fag roses than leer ri sow, but for metal mamma, it lies Not oleos permitted mss* matin now to carat. ahem. - I. $t Imo April, 1840, forty -flee yeas' ago. It was sic year before the Metiesa Mar Where Kan Ftancua,, with its 350,000 inbabitauta, now suetls, woe then, and for .u,Ro years later, the little ¥.beau settlement of Verbs Buena, whither • y.wng mss who wrote Two Ferri before &o aloe wet In • Boetos „ship for bidet Denver, with its 30,000 .iakabitante, was founded ■inmu.s years • alter. We 'maim history' se fast in this coun- try that forty-five years with us count fur mune, indeed, in the world's progress 'than • cycle of Cathay.' In this slimy corner of Long Iatand, however, there has been promo*. little change for toe better, and Easthampton wase muse imr portant platy than aow in this month of April aforesaid. It was perhaps on jest each s day as this—thew as blue, the air as dear, the sails of the old windmills .•rive—that a high -bred, dignified gen• Getman, about fifty years of age, walked *p to the little inn, followed by an at- tendant. Ie • pleasant voice, and with a Scotch accost, he asked if he could have accom- modation. The lasdtord looked at luta with a certain hesitation. that man your servant be asked. to 'fie is.' was the reply. tot 'Well, be must est at the sense table • ,too elute were made to dineetlr who Joke Wallace was, Oise true, Lariat so old New lurk eases, aad *Mee dead, had She ut pose te thnaena hi... 11e told him did the 'mines* marshal' was euesieg aad that seism he told that fueetivasry jelfet who he wee, lee would be pat is or. pesos. Atter the interview the bate esael1.M De. ttuliagt.h found the Poor old oedema 4 a pitiable state, esti learned of the thenal Net made. 'bine peoeadt an .owes.,' said he. `The 'semen marshal' las bees berg Besotted your name. I told him, and be has m.N' Bet un dee night of the stilet .t D.osdber, 1870, there mime to the riot, • census marshal who could not be barred out, a etesseener wh., brought at uaoe a summoua and a release. Mr. Wallas* mimed himself tarn his peaceful pillow --there was nut even time for him, like Colonel Now - e ems, to say 'Adaua —bis head dropped aad his eighty -tort year, hie loftily lite, and the year of our Lard 1870 came to bo end tt.getker. true can almost fancy that even ia the solemn moment when kis soul left the weary body there may lure c.+m. to him, a (lash of setrsfaetioa that he had b..Med all the carious, in- trwive disturbers of hia peeve. in the expressive language of Shakespeare, 'he died and made no sign.' Often during his lite in the village he would owns from the post -office holding a letter in his hand, and nnsark, This ie front my lady fend in lidtneerzh.' When he had pained away, Mn. Huntingt'w, with rare good taste and patltetio kinduees, wrute • letter d.- acribiag his lea momenta. She address- ed it to 'Mr. Wallace s linty Freed, Edinburgh,' and sent it through the chain of banks through which the old mast's money had cotes. In due time a reply arrived ---cold, formai, unsympath- etic It was signed Mr. Wo/loot i Ludy r.•;en,f.' IL -with yon.' 1 shall conform to your customs and regulation's,' was the smiling answer For eve long years did this ouurtly gentleman sleep in the cramped chant- ' ben, breakfast, dine, and sup at the frugal board of this humble hostelry. -Thea he became an inmate—fortunate enough he web to find such Rood trieeds --or-the horn. of the Huntington foggily, sod in that aubetential house (it is the fourth from the old Presbyterian chorea, • "wag south, be spent about twenty -fix years atom. He was a man of narked piety and beftevotenoe,of churning man- ner•acd address, of extreme eulture, of nage axial qualities. lie had been the • tri.wd and associate of Jeffrey and the tinware giant. of his day. He had ample amens, and remittances came to him thruagh a chain of banks, .ding - in * well known New York homes, who denied any knuwi.dge of his personality or belonging. He ted a blameless, a lovely life, in I this quiet town- He was the friend of all, the comforter of the >Mieted, the helper ol the needy. Books and mag• - eines in large store caste to hem He versified the Psalms, and taeght Latin to n the boys. A blameless and lovely life indeed; but • martyrdom,a living death, one world have said. to a man of his tastes and antecedents. Think of it ' t He remained, en exile, in the tows for t nearly thirty -ane years—from early in his fiftieth to the end of his eighty -thea t year. Its all this time he never saw the p face of a relative or as old friend. He went at first on Sundays to the Episcopal church at Sag Harbor, seven miles die- le • last, but be was instrumental in the a building of the little on. in Baethamptati which we just paved ; he eee�tributed largely b its rapport, and Yentas tas made a lay reader, and for a Ions{ time con- - ducted the *areas* himself. With the ="'"'- exception of 'this church -going at t;ag Harbor, the only time in thirty -oats peas that this remarkable man reed the limits of the little villa,* ala the occasion of • single trip to Soutttstopt on, twelve miles distant. The *errant, • Booten mkt, went to the West, and married. He made his appointees at • intervals, evidenly to extort money from he old master During his entire life in Easthampton this man auocee.tully defeated all at- tempts to di/se er ata identity. When he entered the little inn in April. 1840, the name he gar. was John Wallace ; Jobe. Wallace be was to the end ; and 'K'hn was Mr. Wallace? I see the duration in your eyes. I west to Easth- amtptot in the autumn orf 187tl. end did ay bast to Gad out. I talked with Mrs. Huntington and Miss Cornelia Hunting- ton ;author of a charming little mouo- graph *soot East1amptua and its ways in days gone by, cadet 'Sea `Spray'; and I should count s pilgrimage fruitful which gave me the pleasure of their ao- goaintanos. I found them et the time o f my last visit enjoying • greets old age, loved and respected by all. They told use much of great intermit about Mr. Wallace, and among other things they spoke of tiding copies of his accounts , of charities in his mauve lead) with the headings torn off- One had been care hely torn, and on it I found a name. I seat this nate with a tures of motes to Mr late acawsplinked freed Robert Mackenzie, 1.q., of Dundee, Scotland, author of ! History of the ioeteenfh Century, tad other interesting works. n a few weeks he wrote tee that he was on the trail.' In a few weeks more he eat me what he properly called •a eery Sentalizing letter.' Said be, 'I know the PAM* bandlekion tertseitis' .t a NI impend twfbai Os rets w and ekm poi ms@ et tidily as. , •ggeog straagem is a .tastes lead, t wv read w heesetif01 .series • Iiale lloothostpini Meek ai ma Wat. lute. old L' Miler Ilse w laud ix �alseps N* iLe **haler, cite ,poen hoe . tato cet-U- wtstlem_, she btlaabis� �s n1 W --. -4A. A.1s�� he Harper's Mammas for Auga- A Trovelles's Wash • Esse•,. "Tkie is the how, is it T' asked the ltd pso•g,r sitting *1 N• oureer•tNe is the restaurant. ••Yen, ear.".eldtthe waiter, with the weary aired a tae who was tared of haw- ser to tell theiset a he a thousand t nites a sty, "politer -beam .teak sir ; sante r you ordered, .fir. " between hunts we ouseyear steak from the year r .eked the end passenger, with the iutonationgef • men who wenied le knew. tlir r' said the "k sneaed to be a 11e tenderer last Year," the sed psassager'teat oo, with the air of a tired Ran tads/mew in pl.... aat reeni.i.es.o.n et the memo. • 'but ( remember pew ; it wan eat a trfk keno dowa thee. Lot year you ebb io,reli -house steaks from the earl et jou* and the sirinian trod the d►y. Am IMr1Me gM► The poisonous 'S nee tossing is OM ors _k sosho mil i water wwrpiak. !►s spirt obrole hr � s_sdsitf Iou.lsed *M! ti Ilia ower dwood In= n t e onion !!i ear lust least ps 01 stLttag, seer Cres .4 • The •tier day *s. Dehio., baa n - that tits Ittiollias wwooalldd tans ust as Bolding nthe sod to beL gad Wen. Now this little story is "woo to the world ; liwteaace-t10 eresor .y wan Trinidad tat the Qu'Appe�I1. Valley ?Lrtatng Conaway, formed i. purchase and work the taatoue Ben feres He still holds 'his stock is that company. The teams Wowing to that 4wmpeny were all employed in the Government sorties during the rebel/en $10 per day sash. It is steed that en -,s atter the opening of aaysgetion, when the Modem Bey y sere willing W 1ureesh teams at 60 pee day, the Qt'Appelle farm teams were kept on et $10 • day. It Is further .rated that in one ogee the manager ol the farm received 1100 fur work which he •skier at 11(70. 11 a see no meta in til this for al tering our belief that Mr. Dewelney is utterly uofit to hold the position of Governor of the Northwest Territories. --{Ez McGregor & Parke's C•rbolc Cerate i. Nut I think dna comas front ►•treses the invaluable fur Wound., Sons, Salt born 1 used to lire ire a boarding- \kk.um, Cats, Burns, Melds and Fes - hetwhere they cut the porter -house tib, as a heeling and purifying dres prig het ween the horns, and this one reminds 1 �' u''t be imposed un us with other Ina of thus. Animal dead this steak I lana lr<vlar•tion., recommended to be u earls from 1 o•b. tee only McGregor a Parktis 'Deed r echoed the a*Mniahed wait. %meta Sold by Geo. Mynas. er ; 'course, •sr. He wee butchered, la. sir.' 'Butchered to make a Roman holi- day,' seethed the p•aeenuer. 'He would be retire !leery to make a Reiman swear. Well, it was time he was killed. He bada's many more years to live on this earth. Ah ' here ie the brass tip frum one of hu horns. Dropped iuto the steak, ne doubt, while yes were slicing it off. What do you do with thee, steaks when the guests ars through with then '' The waiter looked puzzled. 'Why. sit,' he said, 'they ain't nothing left of 'em when customs.* get through with am, sir.' 'Possible 1' said the sad passenger ; 'what becumea of them r The waiter looked nervosa. 'What he said ; ,the cwsomea eat 'ed op' The tied pesseager looked up with an air of interest, 'lo:redattle r he exclaimed ; 'can not see your state- ment without proof. They may hide them under their chairs, or secrete them in their napkins, a they may carry them away m their nephew or they may carry them away in their pockets to throw at burghata, but I sea not believe they eat them. Hem, lot me see one of them eat Hits, and I will believe you. Trust me, Rood waiter, I— But the waiter pointed to a placard isseriha1: 'Positively no trust,' and wet to the cashier's desk to toll the bar to look oat for that man lathe cor- ner table, es he didn't seer to be setis- fied with his steak and had stoked for trust.- iDetriit Free Preps. Not a particle of calomel or any other deleterious substance enters into the ooeopusttiva of A tor'. Cathartic Pr11a. Oa the contrary, tttey prove of epeeist sort boa to those who v. aged calomel aad other mineral poisons as medicinal, end feel their injurious effects. In sack trees Ayers Pills are invaluable. mystery to the very bottom, but—I may An Assam ilike �.t, .1'.11yew" How is it, Uncle Rastas," *aid • aced Ibis iufordatfoa w a circle of gentleman to an old daily, "that you Not a little disappointed, I communi- equally disappointed friends. One of hem, a distinguished divine, told me hat 'it made his flesh Creep like one of Wilkie Culiini s stories.' Then 1 went o So>tlasd r No—to Colorado, of all lames in the world, and st the foot of Pike's Peak, in the summer of 1879, 1 round out all about the poor exile. As ring persons are concerned in the man- or of my discovery. I may not rightly publish the details thereof : but they are among tha strangest happenings of any life. Suffice, it to say that on my return 1 bold all the clews, proofs, and facts in my hands, and that only now am I per- mitted to tell the truth about John Wal. low. 11. Perhaps oo�ts"r ?'you 7[e. lhbif dfe- tingui.hed and important s judicial oM- eer ie the High Sheriff of • great Scotch county. Such distinguished and impor- tant officer was, in 1840, Sheriff W---, resideat in Edible/rib. He was $ bachelor of fifty years of age. He wan teed for his benevolence ar' his good orka. 13e was the friend of the poor, he widow, sad the orphan- His servi- ces to the state bad earned him a public testimonial. He had 'honor, love, obe- dience, troop of friends,' He was a founder and ardent supporter of Sunday schools. People docked from cultured Edinburgh homes to hear his weekly addresses 1s tea ehiidosn. One day, at the height of kis tams. there was sada ware bin the subtle cisr . of a grate and mysterious •ries, t six clack in the evening the Lord nth Advocate west tea mutual friend. `fie to Sheriff W at (ense' aoid he, sad and measured tones, 'and tell his that when I go to my office at ten o'clock tadc.rrow moroiag • w•rramt will lesta for hie *nest.' That night Sheriff W--- died raw f of Sootlsnd. He had just time to say to • freesia that he was not guilty of mow then .a indiscretion. that he could set face eve tha shwa* of the. tele dhappuivai toe is dnerned in Via. burgh after all these long years, sod been e. to the eyes oi iM Meads ir'ase it tel isist The Ms who N . John Wallace u the name which you will find, under • cross and anchor, os the plain white marble slab in that southern . oemetery over which the old windmill watches. To the ercelleat family with whom he lived, sad whom. kindness to bon while ow earth and tender regard for his memory are altogether lovely, h., walking or shaping, stalwart or kiting, t a • in the elle* inti.aasy of three decades, # r y* gar* no word. The inlmMt.nts of the ammpro ,tiles, his neighbors and b..e8cisrir, fetriati:..'.; u� his kindness and ona.truoted about him With the peever- --boo el poor human nature. they con- d1lMd them to hie detriment. lie mac el %Map of the English Chunb--'anoth- er gond etas gone wrong. 'e wee • e murderer. Ha was - Heaved!wows what ant I A. years peed by, and the plans was more sari .revue freq..nted in g�nr M 'city folks,' sonority sr toed Pg atm The •Mgt -ouse egso fa w 1 A R is never married 1 Ares't you an admirer of the softer se: r "I fo't a duel wunce 'bout er g•l,ttahr replied Uncle Rantu.. "A duel?"' "Tis, ash, yeahs an yeah. ago. Sam Jackson an myea'f we bouf lobbed de same gal ; we were buf boun'ter git dar, an' de business cttnaxted i t er duel. We bof wah • trifle nahvo a, an' std ob me hittie' Sam or Sam hittix' me, we brought down • vallyble mule dat wah standin' mean de fence," "And did you fire again ?" asked the gentleman, very teach interested. "No, ssh; dat was a very valyble A Batuts•t'e Tennison. — For • Coach, Coit or any noseeowal a1le,ion. "Pectoris,.. in nee *mitts, el last the thing. I have used of in my family for Coughs and Culotta for the pest four years with the moat unvried .urns.., and to- day my opinion of it is that 1 continue to think still more of that which 1 bsi,sn tbiaafiug wet' of. Gnu. Lkap,, Manager Oabario Bette, Pickenng. Price 25 menta at all druggists. m Yew UV,)A, I.•ettsas wewarea.e amt. earns. Mebane and letssipatean. The Great Gorman Invigorator Is the only specific for impotency, nervous de bility, unirer.sl lassitude, forgetfulness pain in the back or sides, no matter how shattered the system may be from ex ceases of any kind, the Great German Remedy will restore the lost functions and secure health and happiness. 11.00 per box, six boxes for 13.00. Sold by all druggists. Sent on receipt of prion, e paid, by F J. Cheney, Toledo, aloe sole rgent for United States. Cir- culars and testimoniak sent free. Sold by Geo. Rayne, sole agent for Cod. - rich 3gg : A kmwaas—Ot one dozeu "TaAsae me" to any woe the beat four lin- I Dereatba 1804 leer. rhyme on ' ru$ssar, the remarkable little gem for the Teeth and Bet:_ Ask your druggist or address PRING 8c 80 .—+,...... aa.. .*Yew Goods arrived, and will be arriving dur- int the Season. can Suit all as to .4faterial and Styli,. H'L�7 Ci -ME DTJ ]: OP, FA81--IIO1NTAISIAM TAILOF,,, 4ae.muesbee.tbe eau►- Vliet street, seat Mer se Moak eR eleab.at.la C+O1:)=.1ZT02111L u. fr�is Goderich Irouruity anti Machine 'Works, Runoiman roe., Proprietors_ COMTUACTS TMD i$a STEM EISNUS, Il Mettle INNS, Age OTI11r11 ti*ClinITIR *ANTED Flooring Ville Changed to the Gradual Redaction System Home Powers, Grain Cruahere, Straw Cotters, Agneuttur•l Furnaces, Stoves, etc., etc., at Low Pripet .111 Kinds of Castings .4fade to Order. J. B. Ruttcntix, R. W. Rawcneen Goderich. Nov. se. Mitt THE PEOPLE'S STORE. BARGAINS! 33 A Ma-.46.3:1•Ts FOR CAiIELHE OR PtdoDTToz_ SEE THE GOODS MARKED Do -w -N_ w. M3_ papiimy- Jan. 21, 1886. The Peeple's Store, Godel• rieh MIO -NAT PRIG: S. COME AND SEE TEE BARGAINS Ci}ROCERIEg, res C ROC IKERT yp-.d.RR, CHLW- & WIRE, 13TONE WdRE, tit C dcC_, a&O : Alio • Lem* Lia. of Moustache Cupe, Ladies Cup. Fancy Mugs,MaVlica Ware W_ C1��im1S_gl_ vases, •, which will be (told at OS . Rays Urydert : "She knows ler man, sod when ymz4rant and swear Cap draw you to her with a single hair." Bat it must be beautiful heir to have such power ; and beautiful hair eon be ensured by the use of CrtoLLRye RATS Riegel/a. Sold at Wets. by J. Wilseo 2s GRATEFUL— COMFORTING. EPPS'S COCOA. BREAKFAST. "By • thorough teemed.* of the .ata rat taws whtck govern the operations of � temente sad nutrition, and by • careful •eMiestioa of the ane pruper't of art - selected cocoa. Mr. Supe has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage :blob maysave ua many heavy Motor& mut. It is y the Judicious use of meth articles of diet that a constitution may be credulity built rap until strong enough to reieW very alaLneynaapaoudsusmlualm mrs aredation a Hundreds ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. W may escape manes ht•1 shah by bloody .ereeIves welt fortified with pure properly nourished tratoe." sial .Oer,fee Gazette. -Made simply with boiling water er 5.111. Sold only in I'sokuts by reOre- co. labelled the. t—"Juste He'r's t o., Hoswomatbie bennte, Loudon matt" Hot mule, boas, an we bof got kinior steam .meat ter Csasda, C. S. t;otaox. Neatreal. like. So we entered tato en americabhe prearrangement." `�How did you elate it a SEEDS mui tui galall 'greed to paye d� mule, an' [ hair t *•bier lobbed Tim nes les. Them is tea preparation before the people to -day that oomosade their con- fidence more, or meets with a better sale than does 1)r. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry --the infallible remedy for all forms of Summer Complaints. 2 The e.es./taila ti a t.ry. George (atter the ibsetre)—Do you know what this teem/am ismede of 7 Clam (astapiag bee diab; — Nu, George. Genrgs—It's made of skint milk, oleo. margarine, corn starch, gela.ine, rad t owe.. we.. C1•n (enthemastiealey1 — Whets detiglefel mature it Smit, .1."4111.1 w meso•. Are your worn Salt Sheers, Rough Skin. Pimples or Canker Sores : if so. go at once to Geo. Rhyne Drug Store •and Ret • pa•ksg. of McGregor & Parkes t)•ris,lia Osrte Trios 1tl5 ants. It wee never known to fail. b f Otn cane •seise skein Gan be c'Maed • lin the foltowi.g slimmer With • I .pone. aad hot water saturate the ease' well, ening scrap is neewsesry ; then Fut in open air. or m frond enreent of air, g od u it drier it sin tighter en41 beanie* an Aon an when sew. tet Hematite,' Street, Ooderich, BAGAINS FOR CAS I AM BELLING Oh; 11c ' terocg or CLOTHI AND OHNre. FURRNitmlyc. ,44 a • allot as. fit '/, 1st :s 7'}-. .t a Greatly Reduced Price for Cash. THIS I8 A G81`UINI ANNOUNCBttION' . Goderich. Nov. 131h. hilt. ABRAHAM SMITH. Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. °EC,. ndrtisr. CABINET - MAKER AND UNDERTAKER Hamilton Street, Goderich A good assortment of Kitchen. fled -room. Maim" /Item and Parlor Furniture. a c. h as 1* Metii, Chains (hair, cane and wood s•atrd). cupboard., Bed -weeds, keit reser,. tt orb -etas 4 Lounges. tiaras. wbat-Nots. Looking (ranee N. A. -A caviplatewormer'mewt of Collinsat and Sitro ues at ways on band reasonable rate . Mature Ir as•tsg • apedalty.—A call sottclted. 1T51 Turnip Seeds, Millet, Hungariafl Grass Seed, Corn and Buckwheat. MONEY TO LOAN Private funds to Iorate at t.avenalote rates e( Iatereet. SAMUEL SLOANE, Hamilton Street, (i.xderioh. Nelle icb. Y•y Mk. tee- flet -tea --Just Received ? A larks.auRen.et of the various BRASS and CLOVER SEEDS eettish,* ft rppeermanent pasturees., as well as FiICLD AND tiARDial EDS MOM ASO Tma a T• e1TtnE. st+EF.I) (MAiN OP ALl. KINDS is Ain .rat for the celebrated UN- ION CH V RN, the very hest In the market. R S PRICE, pre Mewet OKI• Depot, orpasite Town yolk ttfoderlch. Starck ISM. IS Bene. geeing is believing. Read tete testi mentsla m the pamphlet en Dr. Tsai D iftill�*d e.x eras terRur4e,'• Kidney Gere, tires+ Aef a hntfl.IattNtr.n.t.arr..a.• and relieve e•+n+t..Atrk wt b ip fee retrial{ of all those diatre,a i ( c n more totter swat tier Yythi stir !n teal. world Air;.ttt�r sten paean VIM Drove e•n 14,11 yt.0 ; sett essoeed frau ere h.ar. The tread ,est ftp- ct Sala b J risen Oodariohd to tretm.e o>prns heron. the wortters aAeot,tt. Viz At eaesiliSdnma.TwaRt:w Aagww•; BOOTS St�c,� cSz `Wedct.'ta p Beg t. anemone* to the Public that the have np.nbusiness in the above Moro in the store lately remote' by Horace Nr Newton Having purchased • large and well assorted *teak of Sprint and Summer Goods at close figures, we are determine to give GIS Public the benefit. QUICK RILES, SELL PROFITS "TILL BE OUR ICTTO peoPleese call and et•mioe our goods before purahtuir-g elsewhere. ma -Remember the plea, nett door to J. Wilson's Drug Store, M-t'astoxe work will receive our special attention. .t•w-None bet the best of material used and tiro class wnrksset; .e,plriyyd. ,a0 -Repairing neatly don. nn the shot -teat notice Goder• h. March le MST DOWNING & W E D D U P .ART DESIGNS IN WALL PAPER New le the rime. it yew .rine •seer tea• nice remote at borne• to ase Butler **Pear p.ge., Pr. baa over 20,000 Rolls of the Latest tlN%Wu' cohere, and at pianism, lbw. very mark Inferior Designs are the boat %lane la town. and must goods (aa aad all them. ibe TIS La11 Spring Bazaar Pa1ter'n & Fashims, AT 13UTTI4,I4Ri