HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-7-17, Page 8ORANGE RIOT.
A Han Si14d at Watarlbed.
!hea•eed ta.. ass rti • Iaiater---twee!i es
riga ■14, sear' ante as Caw•
u'.taapoan, Ireland, July I:l. A
bumbat of calamine, after osl.brattsg the
12th gut tale s drunken row with the
soldiers ut the Welsh regiment atatiuned
h.n lam nicht, dunag which the latter
bayoneted to death one of the loaner
The conmwothat esteemed crowd; of Meal
to the souse. When *be civtlase realis-
ed that one of their number had been
billed they bemuse furious, and fell upi
the suldterm with such faro* that
latter were compelled to beat a heat
retreat to their barracks Tbe m
followed theta up, but being threaten
with powder and ball if they attempted
an entrsuee auto. the barracks they o.
touted theanslves with smashing tb
wtudows with stones. The rate u( th
populace was e, great thio morning the
u was .leenied beat to transfer the Welsh
rogtwwtt t.. acme other place. This wa
done immediately, and as the addle
marched from the barracks to the rail
way station, surruunded by policemen,
snob followed, huuting and melting them
*overt! Perihelion, ;rembers of peels -
anent, have telegraphed that they will
bring the matter before the government
acid demand w immediate Inquiry into
the outrage. It u believed that the
soldiers began the row.
The name .,t the Mediae killed was
Peter Grant. During the hottest part
of the cu tfu t a edifier attacked Grant
and plumaged his bayonet through the
latter s heart. {.rant fell dead um the
spot. The tragedy infuriated the pen-
ple, and they fell with such fenoeity
epos the trampe that the latter retreated
n const. Thud, Sr. —Ansi. Tewsdey.
the 3 Millie Hamilton. Thud, Jr.—Willie'
0/ Rutledge, 2 Lute Tew.i.y and Georgina
Mr Finnic. id t It 8eho"t. C..
Wed"`edy, July Ail•. Tb icer. w
wee lima sad the Tunas folks so jam
titMeelvtta is the venues uporle, whleh
oowMted of serums, un,yuet, tug uf-w.r,
rte , lc., in splendid style. The Ik 8.
Wader their thank* to Mrs. Visage&
for the use of the grumade,
&moot Raroat. — The followingis
t f yearly report of W p. of
3 dth Ckem—sleasor Wat-
son, _o Freres& Vanstosa Fourth, Sr.
--John Yeastnse, 2 Albert lltrs iss.
Fourth, Jr. - hewn Ramiltw, 2 Jobe
Mercer, tie. Second—I& Willard and
ed Thos. Howatt, 1 {'bas Willard. Part
u. —Juin R•,bertaon, 3 David Hemil-
n- 11011. 1
e pearitOa.
A new barn urea rased on the 6th
a! inst., oe the Wave fano, recently pur-
rs chased by Ale*. McLeod. Chas.
a where ttheufben builders. o Jobu uf Macd.ma d
to and S. Vanetoue lead the aides, the race
bring won by Venetose a men. (
It was not the grandeur of the scenery r
of Muskoka that attracted W. G. Bogie, I c
but to loin the married forces, taking as ' h
hie partner for life Mau E. Rome, for- I f
meetly of Lisburn. and at one time a y
member of the Presbyterian char. Mr. j w
Bogie returned from the land of lakes + t
and beautiful oceuery on Saturday last, I u
and he and his bride received a warm,
welcome from a large cmr'oleuf frteods. re
Parassoaat. h
Vas svtase et sac saew Qhs smell
Otherwise Pinged ea aesast0.
otmuns reanseuar.
The ituwat tlabtnet have
triutsphed to their bye em. Own-
en .
y o4.ti,rsa Cost-
thie tiv0errslset ha. I i
all Sir John A. Masdosald's
The fact u that it sdausieters phut;
affairs with diligence and
of the chines whisk a e ;the
Dowtsiun Pr'etmterk heart u that be gas.
nut dtaludge lir. 1tomet.--{L'EveneesMt
Tea l O$54artdyy.
8.r John mays Dumont, Riel's right -
hen i m...
Ass been • rebel fur years and
&(tempted to toren a provisional govern
meat Why did he sot arrest h'
Why dd he Rive bun a fey lm
and appoint barn two lieutenant.. Dumas
and Schmidt, to Governing positives 1
t looks as if Canada's Premise, aoeordi
o his own sdetistuon, had been enoourr..
aging rebellion. - -(Brockville Recorder.
to the barracks. The barracks were
beseiged all night by cousins, who,
although they were unable t+f break in,
eumehetl every window in the buildioga.
The excitem.ot in the city lasted all
night sea every wildest seen on the
streets was attacked Some straggling
soldiers were etoued, beaten and kicked
until unoonscioue, Those who ;sum
mob violence did it by fleeing to the
barracks or the police 'tattoos for refuge.
Two privates were arrested then morning
on suspicion of being guilty of Grant'
murder. A number of civilians profess
to be able to identify the soldier who
killed Giant. The excitement remains
The grsod jury held an inquest on the
b.dy of Peter Grant. They found (bat
he came to his death by a bayonet wound
inflicted by a soldier of the South Wales
8lordersrs, sdlim1 that in the interests
of peace the regiment should be -
from the etc .
Gsiaa, July 13.—While the Orange. t h
men of Rye Hruse, Hertfordshire, were I b
celebratinv the anniversary of the battle Harry
of the Boyne yesterday, they were
attacked by a mob of Catholics and a
desperate tight occurred. Fence a
Ings, table lege and chairs were freely i
used. Many heads were broken. The j t
police were powerless to suppress the ra
riot. which was ultimately ,fuelled by '
the priests. an
Ilttraer. July Ii—The Orange cele- t:
bratiun et Carrick Hill wee the occasion
of considerable rioting, during which
several pclicemen were injured. Twenty
arrests were trade
.thins Ube the .tint*.
west policyeof theto 11 r.tnrenn et 'would
have been much more effective had it
a made three months ago, when the
rebels had checked Gen. Yliddleton at
'eh Creek and a wholesale Indigo up -
tame assumed inevitable. As it is, the
hanges of incapacity and neglect which
e now bnnga against theme hive been
ully met, in popular eatimuiun at least,
b the extraordinary vyg,.r and mimes*
ith which the Mlmniatry has conducted
he tom smg0 that has just closed. He
too late --[Toronto )fait.
Oh, no. his won't do. When the
hellion began, the cry was that it was
rat the duty of the Opposition foamiest
. Government in potting it down,after
ontt,ofBa w
ytie d, were be
Mr. and !lira R Mich thequeatson of responsibility c oud
visiting friends mn this place last week, beinri.l v r , im,u. :sow, mho 400 late
Mn. N'm. M g ' +er, tM cry is tAat it is tau hat.
urdoch, of Paramount to enquire into eta
u a[
present rutting Amt safer as Dum- tnioioau wilt not nausea teat mho Tury
free, Ont., be permitted to corer
(up the wrong detests of their taster in
sufferin at present with Lumbago, and
that etvl.—(e.t___.c_ --
seems to think. it may last awhile, we
Mrs. John Cuthbensen, of Dakota. ins hay is. to keep the centre the high -
but formerly a resident of this place. la est If this is dons, water can not pens-
l'aramounfet present, visiting her trate into the stack. but will find is way
numerous friends. She looks Liaie and to the outside under the team unfavor-
hearty, and left her faintly in Dakota able circumstances. If on the ;other
hand, the centre is hollow, the water
must drain into the centre. and so ruin
the stack. An excellent way to build a
stack la to set tall sapling tirntly in the
ground, with • foundation of reds around
1•.•; then begin at the ceetre. and place
the hay about the centre, and place the
hey abe,ut the pole. gradually
spreadtug, until the edge of the
base is reached. Continue building
up the Macs, the highest in the centre
around the pole, the builder standing in
the centre so as to tread the hay firmly
there. Ait the stsck settles, the outside
/inks more than the centre, and hems to
make the stack trotter. The top of the
Mack is finished by fastening a covering
of hay to the pole,with hay bands wound
firmly around tt A stack so made will
not leak, and even clover hay may be
OsePh Arnow Itobart Picket-1nel) aim the water must make its way to the tea-
t/. McKenzie occupied the ckair the
safely *tacked in this manner, heft
ecision was giren in favor of the mega- aide by the force of gravity. and escape
me*. giosito "wk. of this place, is
The great point to be secured In stack•
The eh& sre good. sad the evenings
cool, consequent), al. Belle of Pars -
mount wishes fur pretty 'hoes, poor dear
ehe must have them by all means.
Ws miss our school teacher. if. Hur-
on, very much, but we wish him a
pleasant time in Lisburn. If the young
tee t on/y saw his flower garden
a Peamiount ; which is now in fall
loons, it would maks them admire
Farmer's Wreath Grieve No,. 101 held
very interesting debate last Tuesday
recline. The subject was, "Resolved
hat stock raising pays bettor than grain
Ming allowing the stock farmer to
Ise grain to feed his stock bet not sell
y, and the grain miser tu raise stock
run the farm but sell none " Messrs
. prier Stewart is enjoying • week's
visit with hie schoolmate Joe Stalker, at e odowteg manner • Wit h a
i stomas and hot water
Mrs. D. B. McKinnon, of Blyth,
visiting at Mrs. Jits. Melba's
1 the stack. —{Amencan Agriculturist for
I, OLD cane -seated chairs can be cleaned
the cosy village of Aulourn. Mims Addis Lo h
holidays from Otoderich Higb School. in open air. or in irood current of mr,
Joseph Hackett is back from Wierton, and as it dries it will tighten mad become
I looking hale and hearty. as firm as when new.
IWe are pleased to hear that Mr. Peter , Capt. George McLeod and a direr
'Campbells recovering from hot recent I were sent to ermines the wreck of the
severe illness.
Mrs. John McComb* a speeding a i
They found
rock and burned to the waters edge. in
Rev. T M. Censpbell preached here
here on Sunday morning in the Presby-
terian church.
A new blackboard bas been secured
for the infant class of the Presbyterian
Sundae school here; whmh interesting
class is under the charge of Miss Mc -
Miss Annie McPhail, of Porter's Mill, I
tot etel le how* for he' I well, using soap is necessary , then put
saturate the cane
Pritchard, of Maschester. that the Buckeye had gone te penes. the
ann. uring the week. 1 . elan, the popular teach., y parts of her remaining on the k
• Toronto to write on the First Clam Ex- so that it was unnecessary for the divers weer
is s dorm WYK
t,'If Ins you era said a lawyer
ghost, as aykey, who was
*tot fined with steelts. a ham, "we ought
be Ne to prove as alibi "
"I don"specie we km," the darkey re-
plied du*btfully.
At what time wee the he en.lem t'
t Iebbse o'clock, ahoy sae."
o'clock sad midnight. in you
diekwesm 11
"Nu, ash ; I was Midi*' de ham "
rwNea 0srlheie
(Re1wMd by Tdepeese Aon Mather stilled
Uouaelw. Jade -- 11111
what. t Fran a II ►tw
Wheat. teed ouster, r busk .. ,j M e 0 SO VI .0 ait
Wheat. tnprt tpbean OMw 0l0
Whahlak eesit ! ,inti .......... Oft* 1100
/{o*!. Ifall, •cwt.. 1 W r 1 M
near. twitted; aI owe ..•. ' •••' 1 N se 1 0
tartest) Game ,*hitt! 11itis .. 1 t; M 1 to
per. cwt.......... 1 Ma 10
Oats. 0 y ........ ........... 0 10 et d 0
Barley,ib .• 0Mel 1M
Potstote ptrhL k.... • ..• .. 1 N d e Y
H atyrtee,rr r.m...0....•••.t...... •w te te . i
Cieeae, ..... 11 N • 0114
Shorts. O 411.7.. '....• ....imeeksillifiliik .... 0004,00i t
Perk. Y owl
wl. ;....:r' ......•
00+ * iii SO
..... ..••..... t OD • s SO
Towe Doreasuce. '; nun ender the head
Town ot Candench and atm seat ot the raid
(*.room -ion. bearing date the eighth day
July, A.D. Ian to tne directed. coMmandt
ie ler! OPOO the heads ia thr to/lowing last
tor arrears of taxes duo thereon, notice
hereby given that unless the said mese so -
get ber sJi costs are sootier paid. 1 stud,
preused to will the aaid lands by Putgic Ate -
',or:. or so much thereof as mar be sellesee
for the teltantat of tbe seats/id come there-
on, at the Town HAIL im the said Town el
TA Oe Pled dee of (*toter, ism
at thethour of two **clock p.m.
The leads are parasite*
at -
63 1/41 NO X lk
me De 37 96 0 40 le
"' W. j IS 31 116 LY
1U4 Ili 70 ea le:
713 1 1/4 40 0111 56 13 0
1146 ' L'Il 33 S3 13 la elt
LS 2111* 02 22 IM
34 16 SP 1 es
4 la 70 7 id
70 7 111
74 7 SI
70 7 II
7110 11 X
127, 4 ell
JO 40 62
ei 1:3 141
XS. ill
Treasurer, Town ot Dederick
Treasurer's Office,
Godericti. July 13th. 1203. 2004-131
Loan arab 3nwrancs.
IIT* *a L*$D1bo MONEY AT
else •420114 rr r rhwM
Qodertee. March Itk tag: ire t Lawns.
1E'MU,000 TO Y TO
all:ltON MOLT* CAMAIROr , Cede
HOMY ---
Ti) LEND.—.A L A R u
u twat of Privtw /F fir !even* int
en mane sad Teves Peeper, at lowest La-
terite( Yurteupe pstolmeed. r t'oemanales
iatU.keN v*rhedas
IVON Harvlese sUde y sp Ae t JOY
R. Life aged ewraear E'
Rvpseast5mgerstelemsl n'cmpadea. Aleeetrestt
tier the Canaria LIVE *euca tnetreance Cetus
Morey to lead ea Mertes** either la Tows et
Pars Property. la way es emir the ►anew
errOnl mitermfre Iters Meek OsMNeb
Totted ea term sod Iowa property. at leer -
tot latereet• atervatenee perobaaed. No co..
atowpeaeecharwed agents for the Trust mad Loan
CoatCredit Company.
tbs tsaada landed
May, the tondos Lona Comeau/
of ('*nada. Interest. 4 aid
N. B. borrowers one o 7 per wan.
day. if tette earl tar obtain money in one
.: Oederich.
errhe1_rIyost(rpared to lowe wOOeyatever eine.,par
on arst..;.fees tars aeourity.
Amer re
Agents for the Toronto ll (tedettoy.
Minerr. (('afranmt. HOLT a C*w. usts (a.M
on arMoo stctaeo tat(eenl of privtie. a toads to Iw t
UederaM, Oet. I. (10. lar'
W. T. /FOOT.
Atte. Life sad Market Isssrann etpesf,
OtI/,lt'/ ileiy
air Oda* oeMaite Colborne Hotel.
hLoudon lseuraacc- incorporated 1730
e"Net ional."established Mit
Haad-tn-ha te." the only (bus
1 mtat> dtto meate plate glans, In the
The above are sill elm -class and eta notate.
mt►ed ott.eeeaab.
Gooterleb. Dee. Sidi. Me
tentTn111.A.Se. CO' V. Toikurro—Zetablabed
tatablIehed 176.
HARTFORD INS. CCrY. of HairrvoRn Coast
Rieke taken in the above desi-eiair Once at
the lowest rates by HORACE HORTON.
The undersigned it/ ales Appraiser of the
Money to Lan on ftrat-ensis security. tram
Tito 0 per Cow —Charges moderate.
T'his Company was orgattised ea the fah
pet Wt. sad te sew seri re openntoa, &ad
PerPeroa eve -sive speueatiom for toasts
es_geoe Perm Sneer-rm.
Thui Company being • local maths:too. ea
eller to borrowers greeter Menthe ter get
Wog their Maas executed with diesatek thee
sae be had trout outside or torman
ea. with whom days and weeks see Mum re
aired to close up a los&
Whee Tide and Security ate satistectory
borrowers may obtain their matey from th
Company on day et applteatioa.
Dos attention dm been paid to coalfaces
litormage2aurchased it securtry and titles
mere of.
opened by the Company. Depositors Will he
id the Highest Current hates on their de -
The compeers ofices are on the corner of
tweet Square and North Pk. St the Heading
anis the Dry Deo& Store of J. t'. Meier
lottitelt President.
Rennurs tenons,.
J. M. ttoaairrs. Itheosanea.
June A. ;mime. tiotterich.
Dederick nit Mae. USX
t &actioneering.
11. s timely of flarett. atee eyndM
{{wtm y part of the cesey. .$.
Uwlarfck P. U.
flwc}!ottatait sad Ree Reeler Iasi oe ammm tmourtotee Is
IIb. ectteeeeMas 1rsda lobe to tap.NISis fe
5Metuw p1 nwod t000hhim.. Orders !left an M
Meetlwls tine.[
cm seat by emu to WY odd
yyederiai P. Q. aarddly attended to. JOHN
mtrOX Comity Aucuuseor. tint-tt
Dipen', Habeashm',
The :.tibscrii.er will.es to inform
the Public that he hai opened out
a Large and Well -Assorted Stock
of Staple and Fancy .1..try Goods in
the premise, next to G. N. Davis',
where he will Dee every legitimate
effort to give entire satisfaction to
all who may fan or him with their
G(xxls marked in plain figures.
and no second price. No cutting in
prices on leading lines, believing
in time acknowledged honest prin-
ciple of a reasonable per ceutage
on all goo& alike.
I refrain from advertising pric..4,
as it is no fair test of cheapness.
and often misleading.
As to whether the goods and
prices are right, I leave it to a dii,-
criminating an4 will al He
by their verdict.
The PtiLlic's obedient servant_
O. awanoah, left on Tueeday for being a small piece of her hull and broiler. I stnittard Ar. 1 33°P•in 7:3°04°
' Mr. and Mrs. George Snell, of Londer- The utter inefficiency of the torpedo
The :strawberry Festival held on the boro, were the guests of Robert Brad- ' boats now in use in the British nee
common of Goderich township. under the , Miss Kate McCroette was Mania" last
auspices of the ladies of St. Stephen's; week at Mr. Salkelffs, Goderich town -
church, realized between 114 and 115— , ship.
additional window in the chancel. Thts
the prozeeds to gn towards putting an About dusk on Tuesday evening our
in addition to Ilit3 raised st a recent gar. „f e twee Mom. deer which au being
citizens were treated to the unusual siteht
church, speaks volumes for the energy of
den party at Mrs. M. C. Brown's for
raising the foundation of St. Stephen's ted toward* Dungannon.
The death of Mrs. Woods, wife of Mr.
Thos. Woods, on Wednesday last, has
evoked many expressions of regret front
a large circle of relatives and from a Mill
lamer circle of friends. Her maiden
name was Jane Cox, and her respected
father wes the late James Cox. The
family settled in the township about fifty
years ago. Mrs. Woods was a good wo-
man with all the term implies, sad her
all fnenda and ace wentancea
bereaved husband has the sym thy of
was ne years ef age and was buried in
Goderich on Friday
TELEPHOnE NEwS. -Some tins. ago
your correspendent showed the advent
hire of a telephone line to this section,
and a revert! chat with mine host of the
Point Farm showed that he had the
Op111110tI. 0,1111Cilli,r Beck, of Salt
ford, is elan talking of getting ono, and
he would not need to climb Gooderich
fell oftener than lodge night, or an °oft -
stoned vent to his hest girl in that county
n. r. Attrill would &gear. me the
little wire, and should extend it along
and grain r ne he seine day is not recorded.
his rancho, and the Gatti
again demonstrated at the recent naval
sham fight at Bantry Bay, where they
preyed complete failures Another in-
stance et their uselessness wee furnished
yeererday, whew two of them grounded
the ficottish coast m fair weather, and
on ass& like a mall pond, because they
were unmanageable through defects in
se ng gear.
The Oraturemen of this vicinity turned • In "A Trip on the Ottawa." Haaraa'e
out en masa on lasiturday evening last, 1 far August will give an intereatieg m-
end *meted a large areh across the street.' I comet of • sums* pleasure -trip thrvergie
which on Monday wee decorated with 1 the heart of Canada, writteti by Mrs.
flags, ribbons, etc. Ste lodges of ; Henry Sandharn and illustrated by Afr.
Onsngemon pained through here on Mon- 1 Henry Sandham. who hes found his
day on their way to Lueknow. Iht artistic field deafly in the British prowin-
Amongst the lame crowd cif poopia ; down the river to its mouth and past the
Sunday afternoon Rev. SG. Mose preach- ess. The journey was from Ottawa, the
ed an Orange sermon in (Meares grove. 1 parhamentary capital of the Dominion,
home 'rem Lucknow after the Orange most cunous sights of the journey was a
celebration, your correspondent netteed visit to the Trappist monastery, where a
only one man who wee intoxicated, and colon; of the monk* euled from Frahm'
what was specially noticed by many, was, but a few years since has tonna refuge,
that these person* who usually "wound This is said to be the strictest of all the
up a /Ho day" by getting =zesty dreek ntlittious orders. and the brethren are
that passed through here ou their return
Lechtne rapids to Montreal. One of the
, came
, taarly sad sober, with their families.
I The Scott Act is now tn force. Further
conestent is unnecessary.
They tell a very pretty little *tory Of
the little four year old son of James
Parton, the htstorian. tome day hist
sumeter he wee found kissang the roam
buds to maks them open 7%
he amputated the cat's tail and oonvert•
ed his mother's tolip bed into a circus
deaiers could ger. the prem. of stock and 1 Pion's' ImmMimm aPisk• la this work -
grain to the farmers at Dunlop, without ing age. as if homes and land and feed
the eep4see of a persona/ visit attending I and newest Were alone useful ; sa if
either aide Thence to the Point Feral ' sieht, thought and admiration were all
the hoe would go, and along to the quiet profitless : 10 that Now isertleratty eall
rearitinse village known se Port Albert, themselves utilitarians, who wadi( tura
where ensue time ire the quills eif the . theraselvte anal their ram into egigetin
maw wsibe, u-er. arTayad /*wog the 1 Mom : mon litho think, as far as emelt ass
goodhatseed sage of Lisburn es to the 1 be said to think, that the meat is more
merits el the port Sine.) then, we are , than lip, sad the raiment thaw the
glad to hear. romala of enatmerne have , body , heves ,,1 wood and drawers nt
metered the harbor, disturbing the ducks water, •10) think the it is to Ow. ow,
,,,,i was 4,,,,ely tuba" os its pawed I wood to how and *Mee to dear. that 411.
Imam* Mayor Otway and et -mayor , Ane forests corer the mountain. like the
Mahal*, should call a sinottog at the "I shadow of Ood, and the great rivers
Part, Nal bees the telsollnes. (sore like Big eternity.- ittasetha. 1
imams la adopted and the too onttfibe•
!title with one another There ie no cor-
responding order among the ladies.
Detroit tue owner* lirellitAnei disheart-
ened by the falling off in the river towing
dialed wren the tndulgence eourerea-
s liberal reduction in the tariff. If this
thetr legitimist. province of town%
that stesinbarees will be dneren out Of
ate towing busmen. to a Imes extent
Speaking of the proposed reduction the
rest says : - When grain
and coal freights dmpped down to a star-
vation heats the owners of steam
eommeneed to even up expeneelleT
Slone the pleases of harber tears. The
owners of the latter hare long despaired
et driving out the intruders by adhering
to the seals adopted at the opening o?
neeigetton. but now that busmen is flat.
lied very few of the smaller craft mow -
lag, some .4 them think that • diem of
per cent on rale rates will make the
trecarrying trade. The °weer. of
men go bask where limey belong --
siren tugs in tide eity are heartily is
lawny of the prespreeed tedustion, sad it
is probable that it will be made some
clime next snit •
MI zed Mi . Express.
Stratford Ly. fad saa 1:15 p.m 11136
rite. Oflos--4T forawirte_eocupled he Dr
H utch Moen i Dungan noa. Night °Moe —Mar-
tin's hotel.
Sam et Yellows Drug Stem. up main. nest
GEOM. Cormier he 00ce end residence
Bruce Street. second door wwst of
1.0 Peysiciaas. Surgeons east:etchers, At:
mace at Dr. /Manson's residence. near Use
gaol Goderich O. C. iitteotwort. J. C. Hamil-
Otnoe corner of me square sad West
mow Witted at lowest rates of leered.
Dederick. J. T. Darren. • Prehliteot. 1711
teoderich. May Ph. LIU 1105-30
The wiJersigeetian a full Pee et
1 At Reduced Prices.
I HA. e also for sale the cametian "Masses -
and Am..riese ?ruiners
tar se it. has peak aad w111 sew ease
The undersigned takes Measure ia stating that she bas had e rerr toroseerma **aeon an
The Balance of Ea Irillinery.
A t such priees as will aware* speedr Sale.
in every department. arid tateadiag eurehasers mar retr on getting • first -Gam article. at a
very reasonable prit e.
Millinery, Flowers and Feathers, Lace Cur -tains, Gloves, Laces, ,.
and Fancy Notions a Specialty.
All those coating ant nal hare • fine lot to cisme from.
Yours remeettellr
Dederick Juts. ith.
Yoe the Snellallal Inle7 Rae; tomcat roman will ha% r plenty of work ree mph. mix.h,nei
aad It will pay them to use
o ;ALM
It wilt set gem Doe rem* sad wawa semi is lard or oral. awl ow be bem1111120111111
Masullastured wail by Me0OLL Emote. te co.. Tswana
June 111h. Ilit.
H110-0111 $104. //Wel for oid,s,was
et the
'1117e41°!124.11 =Brij
eareme taa three hem twos feeds
Pracivivil linti Sion
"NW took ate, new Colin •
111020 .00,