HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-7-17, Page 7Fasten sae tart**. Peon, mercies and vines MI thrive i. the .bade til large, nom Who has aid observed that the soil i• always iotas sad mond tseeeath • Mime heap I The Awwreew Oultimierr tells of mom• pear trees that were wanted with saes, oaf 'hick meads three times the growth of say other, thaegh all did well. 1. melti.g awleeot+arlo make syrup, pet in only a lit water at tint After the sugar Is seised rt, amt+eK • add eu&ictset water le ve the t►lone+ Syrup so men will be found much mote satisfactory thea whoa the water is all pat is st ewe. Coro that is thoroughly tiptoed meth* stalk• in the field, well dried in the wo, traced up and placed in s roues, pe'awsses reu►arkaile vitality. Some seed corn wee disposed art at to traction eel* In Vennuot is the spriug of 1883 said to tb.rty years old, but It spruut.'d readily rod prodeeed • large snip. To fares • hone, mu a bushel '•1 firs read, one of busier, one of uses and on. of corn, end guise the misterit together. lima two pt ffewe quarts of elm mixture three sones totbaY. mia.Adw h • peek 4 cut hey sad straw. It the horse eats readily, let the gwatit• i.ni gradually loosened he will eat four or six .quarts at•orsry feeding that times a day. A wNter'dvaws samurai to the neces- sity 4 treating stock with mildness, as heviag greet influence on their health, fattening, their yield of milk and their working ,peers. The maimels treated with gentlemen aro quick, lively and docile ; -they work at their ease, employ their stressed% is a regular manner and without elect. The attachiasot "t the Arab horse for its massa, is der to the (strews are bestowed ss It sad whale it is reared ender the tent of the tube. Th. Areriran Cliltiedor says : During the best rammer dam, when cows fret us milk rave plenty of pais, they can Me sag with sees the bordeo of mile predsosd between early atoning and the riot time Inc milking .t sight-) Idilkfog t soon if a *nod plan in asci cases, as it nearly aquiline the interven- ing tense. White tie sulk sin the bog muse of is fat is hang constantly ab- sorbed 'by the sow. Hence hessian mating produces • larger product i baster, ,bat the ouw aeon all the beerier feeding i. stand seek • demand ..s bet mir.tpwducisf ("piety. • et .4 pain, or eke* tam% twee 4 the volatile vapor may e....ye. teed reedited there foe or fire mamma or Per • heats or eu aotbiul is felt,mro .arses• mase 4 ttoglwg. *bah i• • Me isit ales Hums or fuer einally— b smid.that .meso bat whtcb web ides almost immediately if the bottle be removed, and airy redness of the akin that may mews will also quickly subside. It may be reapplied, if neon .SIT, emend tosses in the day. sod it ally ease on like mo, Mvuag tcu.sda aeerrel We behove this was the basis d • roses popular nostrum. The class d beseeches to which it mor especially adapted is that whish may be grouped tender the bread term et "gluttons.' Thee neuralgic, periodic sed byetricsl headaches, and even teeny kinds of dupeheadaches, ere almost invert - ably d by it Tres, the relief of a were is quite mother thin from the removal ul the awe,et tor one who has had the dieters, sed eves agony, mused by sense mad Inxmant re- oar.iag headaches (sod who has not seat it fk but will reJ.tce to be able to afford relief In so prompt mud ample • man- ner eamner , bestdet, it s sure to secure tie .hesety grautude of the pstast if he barn suffered long. A. to the in."ins operandi we Mt • aothiur more definite than a theory to oder, and that is that the vapor beam absorbed tkn.ugh the akin pndue- ei a sedative .lest upon the s.per4uial nava of the parts to wt.ich it is applied. We know by esperimeut that is halo - mice is not dente its powersa s moonter- ittvtent. We, however, know that it deem sot, and Y we do mot clearly see iu whet way it ens, that is no roots than can he mid 4 several other remedies which are trebly established in pro- fessional (ever and a.nfideuse.—[Physt- cians attd *erratum Inrestggatur. }tousehoit }ttnta. Tb. elltrsees et:mama amehM• moms is Mr luau article mesa "Thr Arlt tools.• of T.•e.i H•.uhoa, ' It .berm Ides, P'. S. A. Ms touch resemble •.l. u.. t.. 1(it a ut.u.. the wble,.t, bulb s. to beatify ••d I healtbtuluesr It d...a appear enemas Nat iM peep!. who build homers devote or hide thought to the pi nee qualitica- li..as of • butte. Sesiuf flat they ea - meet to live is it. and that life is such • short span .t hirer. and we all desire to speed that betel epees bepptly, oris would imagine that s h, use would be • ems tor of the pruluuudest study, thought, even preps. The frit thing he insists 'pow is prem tutus for good draitragu, thou humus'. heeltkful material, and &ealiy room fur the roost lavish supply of sunshine every • here ; eumplets fenestration al sal oust. The advantages 4 ginned brck and terra colt• he enlarges opus, mut only fur their cleanliness, in that iv- my vcry rant meshes away the city's smoke and dust from the outer walls, and dentitions is not absorbed by them, but also tax their capabilities in the way id beauty. Particularly the deep, rich ye'. Iowa that terns colts is capable et. Bel- low is a divine her too much urglete.d everywhere ; tiers sire sales of it • soh, as dim mid rice that it is like s a.. roes to the ere cud if * were jtudhciowr• ly chum would be r delightful change roes the .redo, garish grease with which some people are eglyfytsg their domiciles at premed.—IN.w Orleans Times The oiposars epi.. islet oho., again that them the vim pemeMsed is such plums is making alarming head• way amorg young people, •.d °opens1- ly yo'od girls. The feequeptera of the Ormsby street .joint meat to have been, for the must ,pert, dier.lute characters, elm were ready to seek esciteme't .ted gnie stim- ulation in any way within their reash. C.riesity, Wet, uedosbeadly eon niany nl'tb.m there. and the epperteaity the please forded for rietems mode also — ° it attractty. • writer in the .f/sstry 9emMlms 1 IBm the breaking up atelier joint in NW* thee good erns eon be "sada trues Now York, Boston sed Tbildebhia has b,outht w Tight the Sgt Not they are potrmusd two male bray the involute and ehes.elea, but ales by elepeet.hle neo sad wo„nerl—drsrr ' rim teachers, lien and u.ecbanks, who bade Gert ist mesa to them met of .misusers moon trade victims 1 a peceli•rty tyres - Mad •roe. )many, ooh de'btless took tip..paus salukis' afloat/mist previous- ly -been otherwise addssod e. the opium al it - 'Far many )arts plot tis misuse of t. oil from asters .ikon 11 ,on the platred ; sees het. pee. �y tbtsegbout the to dam..b.te ed enol mor dimmed a disordpresses swish ; woe. and perbaps emee mere numerous belsi.st stand ili� tie preeemcep- .namely 1n the ao.stry thea IM mese oral until fie spot iso deep- itt.PlinUig w� � opportunity foe PWd• ceps • oiler forms of diaoptuon w crater. Indian Brand ' 'flee some wheat imsc fat trrh in factory hewn., we w told, moat & opiu/ et we sesit Lovell. for iratasos, eras often sera piM .I..m. of • jt*swt of taoiasass, errs •noted to the f_ df opiues..nd the tab prat amour or buttermilk, oneissapetm- it d taking morpbi.• ander Ne akin is fat 4 aelmeates sir -cooking suds, ern I of another KING'S EVIL Was the mate fcwmerfy Peen to SetmA& Meese sr a eopersdtkw them it tumid be cured by a k4. . touch- obs world le wiser sew, sad Mows that SCROFULA era cely he bi.s y a dlis gk � uta of the Neel U tri. V obs diose.. perpetrates Its tabs( *orbit ager - ars sorer !ttnatm fie .` l�iamsesaea� y1s t+�7!�t'alttea!�' ewlorffi s eeee� ��is. mid Phi - dad Oeil;�amsset 1 Mie. Y Mewed to nes• s sad Liver Dleamee„ Tubo ssbmr Oemessa 55, Qa- vorf- ens ether throw w fatal e>� eta fillasilid by Apt:s Sarsaparilla eatriwirarrfrtesly sad sheep reliable sty Isedicliss. It nee AMP tial am alterative that It eradIeun ftmat „ MlMeti pporu low? ceel sad men sod . At the setae thole it fir bselatel action the Med �i� tla Fishes sod Theism the bleed. Montalto( the emirs sygerm. i11s�IMs Regenerative Nolen Is eotaposed of the its 1osdnree Sereepertlfe, with Ytl(uw Dock, 8111- 11004626 mf. Momism obs lodfdu q/ Potassiese led t arse I�rstlfests of p. 7 C.A.NAIRN SIC E RAP kYKRYTIlle0 YOU WANT (EO.OLD, —Ix CROC1�tBs id•sa7 earZti seer .et,tof % `.e . Its ly taws GROCER, 11.. ordered some ebda:c NEW AND FRESH Barden and Field Se 1885 A well selected Kock of (fro gertee alwal a on haat. GEO. H. OLP, the Square, O,derick. Yen► lelh. 1115. Mr Tslepheae Communication. He ie showing • splendid aworttett.% of Ir ote Papers CIiiiia and 1assre. Come la and loot, it you dons buy. No Trouble to Show Goods, �.ese>erat. posasd twma•I A NAIRN RSV 8AI1 JON1S. I 10 ate=! p^'us° ATttttea Court Howe truer.. (:odarieb =if m tea Doc. ith, elrt. tl.....a.te. ellosagorw dills mem N whnAY• C• the medical preemies, and the beet droop .f the soft seriphs tree. A Maw e s me, ppissd .sem e� reef- ers mapet,eis mid to be.•esee promotive of troths. Thwletbawi.g is a fret of abbrevisaaswi ksown • s teilltS ' kris .•r utter feats peeteres : 1. keit pima ; u, marrow ; p, purl or mean ; t, Made ; 10, k.g*Ntsr ; tag, timed throws over ; a, dip ; • end b, alipmed hinted ; at, stitch. Indies meal will sonerve.poaof arses From • Report* the AtLnta constitution. I believe iglus i a good think in its II place and 1 believe is place is u. het. 11 1 was is hell I might drink It, but a help ...deed 1 never will tib this earth deist it Some tietlows say don't mix politics mod pinging. When y..0 bear a fellow talk that way you may kw. he orient got ars religion to mix. I would mix retiyitta with polities, bet mot politics with etergtoo• A hide einem will help politics. It will make it clews and d.oeut. We want truth, justice and temperance mired with politica is this Stam . if you refuse to help suppress the in- humes wrwg that a beim,: dome by whisky, you aro ruder. yor. 1. $true of you hen don't know nee. I ase words you an undersand. Now you can take the Latin word decayed and it wet fast a If sling: II you take the gond old Anglo Saxes wood rotten patois' cut hie head A. You see, l choose ay words. Of course there are always es.ae little aptling-book erttos sitting anlssi, who will go beck on a fellow's graaumer. I woeldu't mind being swallowed by a whale, bet I would bate to be nibbled to death by 'minnows. Whinney i1 sot good for use thing in this world km which then is net a.m. thing else that is better. if the time over Duma when they ay ter me : 'Yuan die 14iedont drank wkske/," I will re, ' me shroud ready." 1 ocean to die sober. If • fellow gets so low that teething but liquor will am. hint., 1 am seedy to preach his funeral °erms.n. if there is is this vert aedienoe one mem or woman who never had a reiktive time or loved one kart or reseed by wins. hey, I want him or her to stead up right mar. You hare all hada trot her, or a sun, or father, or • son -ia haw ruined by Shakey. My goodness, these stuns -u. - law ! I'd rather have a Ms aaetrctur around my neck than to here a drudken •anon -law. The devil omit do any worse than that Some of yea utd hypo- crites that are dillydallyiui with the whiskey question ere. going t.. get ought jest that way. The devil is going to slip op o0ou with a drumlin's eon-ia• law, and I7`ll bet he will [stake you a prohibitionist with • vengeance. h a cow die at an mumu of a cartoon ng ter Carpet Warps made to order. from it because .i.ereseins end spreading both bore and to epewnful d salt- ifs:1..' .. nil ,dart may be kept bntht When The Chinese found the fold already Mason wrtn out, a.eft. ...Matt (4y'uu ted for them when they cane here tahee'fameel cloth sad dip a corner et `ea � up their opium joints. There was it u herusrso, a1.Lltil' di, •d1 siert& wild !shandy • vicious demand for the drug. a tt. (If coulee. • etrt little oil goes a ' tee and Deductive oncost of aaiag greet marl, sad sen taunt be taken •wt i attach they introduced_ The desire to to usedoo mech. I i novelties and to eiperienee strange . sensations also dr.eght them customers, A .w To Nada Leas Life. i who awn yielded to she faecinati"ns of oird l had 'rather annually rine 1 the stimulant and aufered the degrees• Gothe d despises Clouded or in Colors. Thousands a pe tpio I therm which made them regular patrons of ►� simply ewall,.w deny than to run awry man u It s e a in e. our Our facilities for thu work .moot be Dor but it a pevertheleae fact. It a •ern- 'f We will endeavor Is m.e.towes to do end yet now we Dee that wherever they gene. I don't mown to talk hen more than read. the day it M brought in. if required. half as boor. I1 aaay of yam (.Mews tee Custom Ppinning, and Reeling. or Spinning find you know the way home. We os the l'ap. coarse or one. hart* or soft twin, wouldn't have mimed you if you hadn't a. rrrtn.rrd. We are in • poaitlon to do all kinds of con - mem at all. 1 tom work, tuully done in a full act custom i ,sees to he treed with emotion. _ _ mill. and we w111 guarantee to do for you fully i �� Dee, some ae eiM_ equal. if nota little better than any in our 109 a Thew am. now, I am wary which '°a°t 'td without Dittos tee indicaN+ I surroundings. masted tsetse. gOfittiR ►etA arse esiuwr•1 where they are. A deetiDt advised •tsar fir have a A caul respectfully solicited. .Shah sestets the *muted redottlitedly we Aseetelledkgt Chita tonne then are apt to accumulate is nes to New York to creole a demand of tooth taken out, assuring bin that if be a ire led gam be weld feel N pain. Absolute Cure Per sfl dlossmen caused by the titration d the blood. It is concentrated to the high- est practkable degree, far beyond ay ether prrpantios fru which Woe effects are claimed. said Y therefore the cheapen, as well as the bat blood purifying see& elan r the .Suri. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Pi1RARiD IT er. J. C. Ajar & Cs.. Lowell, Meta. ( Analytical Climmbla l Sete by all Druggist.: pries Sl: MUM for SL OO TO KNIGHT'S POR A SHAVE, HAIRCUT, SHAMPOO. OR DYE. TWO DOORS EAST OF P.0 1!1104) w ClrODE3R.ICH WOOLEN 2ULILIrB- To the Wool Grower. of Ike $orcein dittq (Leratry : We wish to ay that we are prepared to lake your Wool In exchange for Goods. u: work 1t for you into any of the following articles. ria: Blanket.—White, Grey or Horse. shirtings—Grey or Check. Cloths —Tweeds or Full Cloths, Light or Heavy. Flannels—White, Grey, Colored, Union, Plain or Twill. Sheetings—Broad or Narrow. Stocking Yarn — White, Grey, or working prto54s. Plead 10 call for portage, and we will marl yet rice. • royal. valuable amplet S of goods that will put you in tri way of making more neoney In a few days thee yeae.rr thought possible at any I.w.as.. w capital required. You can lire at hone sad work in want time only. s( all the time. All of boll meas., et all ages, grandly .nceeadul. lee. to $5 Wilily earned every evening. That all who want work nay toot the business. we make this unparalleled offer: To all who are not eel l eat i we will send lh to pay for t he I trouble of writing us. roll partkulara. demo lion.. etc -tent free. Inensenae p• stool tdely sure for all who start a owe. Iytom't delay. Address mimeos k (lo. Pestu.ad, Ile. 1114 *Albums Books Cards Dolls Toys E t•°r —CCT Yi•t 1t --- Newspapers and Periodicals e�'' AT MI' ('(te)Ki:Y. MRS. H. COOKE Mwc'e.s..r to Geo. Sheppard. Ooderich. Dee. 4th 1104. ;20010 00.p�nr' tiro/ue.vmera•.d ie. oroad l/rue a package of a.reis of iargr .aloe. ti at will start yon in work that will at 011. i• tiring you in money faster than anything rl.r In Amerloa. All about the $feoiern in pr sent• with each box. Agents wanted e'er) where, of either sex, of al arse. for all the time. or span time only. le week for to at their own homes. rot -tunas tier all worker. •bsolntely arured. Desi delay. H. HiLLc r ! t.'o. )brtla.d, Mala. ltt4- busy eenettt too. 1 t 1 a lie role p seem ins str too mash fur aala. It may see m r 3 only few years since the first was afraid God intrust' all the noble bntcgs thing for mdioal t ay sun. io. nt was opened N York, mmaa on this earth to men who an moos thing no fiy *nth every ladtde' ale estahluhed, and un wirtever seclud- oflt nes, . unless ss mein .hest. 54rThe u I sf sad to eheome pkc..ii eh speedily of old lie cols. alar its. ; a aerie., de • .refire* btsineah 'Urea who sho sharps -t dlDooiasword • {sit 1a ant tjism fide titan trot, aftinuth poo- SOsI telt the • 10 besetwo-ridged sword u is a see ted pt• tea,xaUy are it;'t..ra.t a W their sit - ROLL CARDING. H Avg/AR v 11.-.d__ YELOW flhLfl CURES RHEUMATISM; FERRY'S - AO ill be mattedQ E testi applicants r E •ad 10 Basemen of Mat year samosa sedersmg it. 1s commis tfustratlosu pram dmo' ertpls sad directions fee *. mimes es 61111=4.1 L New Grocery Store The .-.lweriberbeau toannounce that he has erased out a new 0nx:ery Stare ZN 1:30DERIC I , and isprepared to do busbies with theseeple et the town and surrounding secttou. •Tfh�e_ Uoods are all New and Fresh, and tare been purchased for (*ak, sad a the prices are low in the city markets. He Intends to Make His Price FREEMAN'S Touch Rock Bottom. Farmers produce taken in exchange fur Coote and nightie prier's will be elven. 'Den't forget the spot. the New Cash Store next door to Ithynas' lirng store. Ooderlch C. L. McINTOSH. Oodrr; ch. Dec. 31. lett. WS - WORM POWDERS. Are pawns to take. Cantata their own Parg•nve. :a • safe. store, and ewes,. *esesweer ar woos >n Chiles. fir Ldig 1 �� •%' /SII\\� ea\4F -1::1E..% 11' HIIt1 1�h ' I1 I` s TmisTTB OF ALL KINDS FOR SALE uallon, for,of coarse, they moat be kept 1 the spawn with the mast disastrous re- set. 7bez should therefore mot be drunk all libil.0* 'mato quantity, or without xlididf./ a to quantity: hest should breaker with great regularity One day in seven shocld be set spirt fir the complete rest of both body .od mind. Indypendent rd this, all •be an afford it should take an annual holiday,. Travelling s cheap, and two weeks'.'r a month's r.laertinn fr..m care and busi- ness lue is brv.ten up, awnrtber s yulckly estab pure (-moot fone oaks • beg hole in the rhed, and probs¢lj these are many of pores of one who. wash wail, •U the rmetie% the earthen have no awpicion. of the Dear and knows towno .halomiw Th�npio,n ..seekers sew. t.. hate n•. recce. Innocent pltraurt and whol. Ainrare proudioes mama the Chinament rec work no play to latto an All , with who.. your g Idris Mill associate mod work and play tends Jack to an early testae wishuat the lees A1Ce. A grave. jtyerertlon 'Ito the mind andI common rice brings thmnli all on the themselves for some of theme ;ointrn “Whet is the effect of the gas 1'' raked Rot whets the pram break them up they And -few Chilmaen arson" the smokers, the moan. "it makes you insensible," who are almost wholly of leropean stuck. awl& the de.tist, "and you dont know tin that take* plume." The man Cites like Boston rod few, 5 e took out his money. "Oh. never mind where the Chinamen are few, are •ley the fan until afterward,'" r.marhed the thyih ori with opal, I d, to effete dentist. "I wasn't thinking of that,'. t� .f the demo , teat, despite the aid the ;anon ; "I un:� wanted to Dee efforts u( the malice, they continue to ex- ism aid increase in number . W heir one how much money T had. nervous system what somehow a toot same !curl, at.d common degree.tions roman suicide T aloud As a physician. 1 must be silo ► makes thee'natural companions. The oil ..1104 me • liar, at ranger." ed to say :vet line word shoot the quiet• ' sense of decency is utterly lost, and no 1 �— 04 ins, calming Cemwtlttag N1.1*e. "How is Jim Bullard getting on 1' asked • stranger at the railroad station art a Dakota town. 1 not soil the "Jim kermitted suicide 'bunt or I As hair fires. .month ago," replies! • native. I ting. it has nr "Committed suicide I How did lie'supcior. Guar =teed hor Harkness by ness1 Co_ London. Oct- ant ctant by en sed I"Mee Diallses. E. McCANN East lend Woolen Mills, Otderich, ]flay letlt 1115. HARKNESS HAIR BALM Restores grey hair to its =- trial color. re moves Desdrut stops the hid from falling out, increases it growth. and w'U • n effelyt e rwligt la upon inc I vestige of elf respect reran.. lie. Ear n or amsalet'e. .aunt The trulyreligioust..akw 1,y far al,aci.hlt seed tr°p di staple men and wo and .lw•y the Lest psuente.tIo 1t chances •Me teem and ,americana content u( rec(••tiy lam terlrrfs � �,}t .hmlao'ttey aldtutaw'-- le nodes+A• imfia. creamer, sed so their change ♦f long life. L• neer-ebe rough d the Art* .imply r.wms(t Etc tie p1Mt *r1 held o vibe the 1' ism defsIy shf,wd• mat,mitti thAMivMl°1'h }ins stifling ilt* fir, ` fine arenot and iepololly, W w ver may dneen froom it by any tense of delicacy betow( firm. or rep.igr•anee Ili the .' d in inline., We desire to all the atisati.4' tee de ion the Iasi - sum'lle, and at the ante time wonder- i its ex's .1 a quarter ,i r ry f toll) efficient. treatment he headache. a now 1 is it not that itgotet We lay n • claim to o-teinshty, nor do to lie noir of the greatest of our social ems known • M. the orientideetam het mils t tae I to ggar'd 1orainal go terrible • permits - a g.iwatwe femesy lav ._d rb.. m smoking ha. •us preed en widely n, what will be haring mot it !or spar or spores rkah res y where be on wile. roma alta. 4 flit the police worst everywhere n e- � to tut en many .mess at note ere an feel disposed Coign « mi a goeerall the alert t . at begins as demoralizing � but u,edenawtl sunshine, which contain tis juiot that begins import/int elements call wasea- and demise to maks it moor /ea i 1 l luminous Rot are there thew imps equally known. The remedy it nit.. 0 .dip and n ditty open . s n in New l •ark n• i a firm I Del to Roth vegetation and animal life -- n.0 Ism than • amlmuom ••f the M• all• ` birth: t in dny bloc l , ass- anEl � Mt.IdblUpehta .tt.pieh erre a en ne(.'�itdaia, liter, end more. It N the trot tet -ma potion u i kwn�s to IN Albs 1 (boost • in the blood wb,eh show it arts sparkling sorra lle. d. -trete. always mars rhe.toren•, red "tots and atrenifth It le the limn u t • I'ttrona* t,. piano *hers he Own hereeti• in ji�m !.owes which gives them the dere i rte arm `� ,�•+ �'ljO oire the offsets .4 opium amnbins on the britt' nese sats to bodily viler, whole h.f�d» rho Is mouth rashes Allen to plied 1., ratwola and morels d its not'mu ! -1 N•* 1 O� magma tmtpeetsmt to ell the tea temple '.t as mai a, po'a!l e, to the . York Sun, +ate Rlelo an acorn, weighing • few grains, a ego moll .tomer for 1110 years or wry, no$ only throwing off meny pounds of Wails every vemr, but owl, weighing loll rhoumetisoierewee •n annualt rotted many teats If an metre* twit a pot in , t their rIet7w.a.11was s lar[e h+.i of earth, and that earth a widowed, happiness when the twig becomes a tree and health, restored feral boa^^r luseiow fait. there will weighed w be by the seroftbr OR FOR HIRE. YONGE STREET, TORONTO. -r"Send for Catalogue. w� Qf�AI AN /NV GORAT newly the Mme nus matt amoont of earth.rrnm ergot wh c pesitmvety and Permanent y cum w tai byd'fferw t carotid experiments u e m "I" Ina.rN by •resat. of "71 kind.l scientific seen it is an aseertaiwed fact _i w,ahkaa, *mel all d1.we. hat fol - that • very lathe part of the growth el • 1 Mw as • sege°are of Self- Abase, a loss of es- lose of sivemery. nalvtrwal lassitude, tree is derived from the sun, frees the in the teak. dimmer of vision. memo. an, mud inter the water, and • vary fettle or,,,.t.I age. end many other diseases that from the earth - and notably all vegeta• leaf 1.imamnity orronaemsaIon and • prem.• t ser grave. arm becomes meekly antes it is Seely ex lye1,, tot etrcnlan wish ttNlw.e.W• fro shine Nae and era are mail. The rill MANIATelt is sold at til ice box, or six loxes for 11.1 by alt drnigi.te, w111 he atm foe .nf ,tall. rrnrely weird. r • renetpt et tarter, . by add . elillEX f►ntggln. 111 Mmmit PI., Tolwde. 0b Our. Reveas .nlegAreo for OeAerteh more sa.Mey than at saythieg .ler K taking an ageatl for the test ..entry Monk eat seem«Mn s.erawd fend 17. New fall. Terme free. Hort rvt Co . ('ortiasd. )(aloe. 1171 hide rte( earn on saonttared or fine sole h W her. . nes- 1 JR ' - e `14f, '31m w7 < R1h# $ 'iit ,;ASA,,R..` lade aMw % ... r. STACK CO`NTERS I ALL SIZES. Or for Price Lista, &c. MACNAIR' S, 189 Yonge-st., Toronto. loll had. ISIS. B,11h MIN BLOOD bITT' Ogres Di:aseas, Loss(' .ippftttc, hwLyutlort, B.l.nasnrss, I)ytpepsia, Jawadiee, Affect foss of the Lireretsd kidneys, R•tplru, li ach% BML, Humors, Rat Rhona, Scrofula, Misfit, las. and all diseases arising frown Impure Blood, Dwaltged lies acA, or irregular artist of tAe Borrel.