HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-7-17, Page 6-�.#"t.. ?- 1 ! Post's tome'. • I►s.are s...s Idea... (The fullowiee gusset sed ings.iatta verses are ak.0 from en Alai eats tlgw♦ paper:] An SA sew 1 same : stile sweet KT J. nimbi without a 1. �1 The belle or CTE. Mer U L set the 1 I wrote 1 T NA 1 .a.ied in the RKDA. .and seat b, LV More. 317 MT bead will .eanx cos ale 1 esim IDA bright, 1. AT ones from C. I awl 11 -•- taw chasm to wine. And, 1st. should NC NV B. girl it tet: mould ' Kfr:endship H show• Sours It shad as B ape. t friends and fors alike, DK. As t' uiaj ylaiaiy C la Nit !seer! HA Or wick• LGA:. From .01 tic never Uvf; tier jsA u•to . Iip. Alike'induse ledetnees. And 4Jtwte divine. to if 3 o caanut cut a Or caws. se. ' hope Uhl put a :1 t It U 4 as Xenon 2 xy cousin heart an I tar Heoffer, inal , Y of lead. Ile says he loves C% g XS t ('re virtuous and TT. In XL\t' t XL AH others, 1. his 11. This dA eeadl C 1 V. 1 pray C 2 WS. And du not bum la Tia Iy quaint Seo 'award MM. how fere U well dear KT Jt • ! trust that U k tree ; Whoa this U ( the t earl say A* *A 10 U. 1 *emote'mead to mei weF`lat dented ems liwail tt do tart �r rote lour, au the while a ` sof td paste • ear- ths' I slitsawe "" he ba$ qla was t'te saw e he tfkh.' •` tib he.liak- M feet legs, .h. vuuat 04 ma en fast that tie eye could her. She wueid Ariel whiskey, a terribie liking lar beer, and altogether had taste learning theft • d,Mnoe &Mout teacher.' Atter brims, off a number id /Duch vul- leys,uld Runyan .tattered of to the bare to Iuuk after his heiress, and, masking up rely mind, to get a Awe to speak to ht... I went in themes. direction. Out to the barn tee old fellow es. staggering about making • hotpot Dote, but seem* nobody sound I moored up alongside ut him, and speaking a little said : 'Look -e. Isere, old fellow doe's make a darned fool of yourself with tut. You are ton drunk, dy'e bear. I Dever seed • Yak titate utas as drunk ea you are letting on to be. This remark sort o' brought the ofd tout up with • tern, be looked at the and suggested that I had hatter I..uk • ter toy own bootee•& aud sing small. then bluffed back at the old chap slid told him he wasn't no pedlar, that he was • cussed odd fraud, anti knew it, tut an uld hand at the business like myself knew a ,genuine pedlar when we o one moss one, and that hie bran new waggon and stock of Ye:Mkee notions wuuldu t draw the w..u) over any eyes. This plain talk had the deuced effect, and he. straightway, wanted a• know fah-. to blazes I was, an how ( When I ment'oned my name Kuuyau jumped arostid, and answered ' You don't say, you the churn of that old cuss Hank White, well. I am everlastingly darned glad to meet ler. Hank's one of the b .ys. you bet ' he's clear sand right through. Now, look here, Lill drunk, don make any mistake on that point, I'm chuck right up to the m.z*le till this race b over. d•ye understand, but you can jest het your pile, your homes, wag ion and whips, your clothes, boots An whips, your clothe.. Deas and hat, at all the bosses shekels you have got i your wall.; that 1 hain't gest anythin temt.IstMsse.1 "*I4 tuay•m.^ but suckers un the hoof. 'And s, it proved, two .toys afterwan My article two weeks ago ou American the race came off, nod Runyan a flier star and hu owner Mr. Kenyan, ham •'.n as she liked. and such a shelling ou brought to the surface a goodly crop of did the Yant.ce pedlar give the boys tha recolln,taons of one of the smartest hoar it were dollars U. peanuta that the whole auerdlaa that ever railed thtow,gn this r.'authip we.s broke in the cash line, and western country. right up to date the name of Runyan is Runysn's torte was t,wayiaJ pedlar, remembered around there as tilt „f the and while his wagon wasn't perhaps. the slick Yank that played dark on the n showiest on the road, its geuora/ Rag up lite*. - -KING.- -(Canadian Sportsman. was excellent, and of the pair of horses t, .eked to it—thereby hangs insny a cd Halib �' rvgetable Sicilian Hair Renew- er never foils in restoring ;grey hair to its youthful color, lustre, and vitality. Dr. is t A. Hayes. State Assayer of Massachu- setts, endorses it. and alt who give it • t fur trial unite in grateful testimony to t its rnsny virtues. TIIl13TLMONY'BOM KANSA& A Penner a • se eta es fsrwba$M.s. Mr. IL Hesse*etstt, formerly duang bermes to owe, .od wail knows to our artiness has beat verities the victual dewing eke ped few day. Mr. det.tt e headquarters is at Katmai City aid being as the road mod trnneacttng business is every pities elf importance to K • uses he bas a good oypurtuntty ul observing how the pstibibitury Iugtsuc is .utorced. During big ell on us uu Monday we interrogated hint as to the success or Eadie.s of the law. He said : " W hat 1 like to ase is the way it Is kept out there. Why, • matt eau hardly pit a glass d liquors to save his neck. The law is as wall observed asany Lw thew hate." rlw s'Thry ten us here tbM„ the Oe 1.4 dead letter.' Well, they tell lira '414, get a glass u! bquur—even a bottle of beet—yew hart to gat to a d..ctor •tut get an under this mist he When to a probate judge and on making a declaration et to what the liqu .r i to be used for he signs it, and charges you lite cents f..r d e so. Thea you have to go to • certain drug store to get it, and tee drugttist keeps s record .1 yuur name the u-ituro ..f the order, what at is for and how much. "Has it hurt buuuess "\o, it hasn't. Business was slack when at Bused but it teas picked up *ver since. Huaueas is much better than in the east. I belie%e there is more bwiuuss lone in a day in one of their little `towns than is done here in a week. Mr. Soots * quite enthusiastic about the saccosa of the prohibitory law in Kansas, and as he was nut an advocate of prohihitiun here his testimony as all the our. r.luabie. W. awimrtHi Jus observations to the whiskey _wastes el Middlesex and sundry other place., who profess to see such dire results iu the wake of pruhinitaoa. --!Chatham Bon - nee. good story. Ik NHI f lseier..•.ease T The follnwtng from a Detroit cooin- g- poetry is worthy .•f careful consideration Ph"spphatitse, orNerve lima, • Pho.- No sign of Asiatic ch.aem bas yet tip- hate Element based upua Sciantt L thm may t a ss Welk Mew ati d hi141FesstyOW* tnadad. lib Mimi nenstigalt fir weeks, bet wee noiwNa's epplimeae removes all pain end wiapp,,�v. "sense* value d Kr.is.'e Thud Ughtssiafg. fib Dent. per bottle at GarMyna? bee More • Msiia ilarw.rreew The men with rheumatism can feel the npproaoh of bad weather iu hie eabfbg joints. Magyrd's Yellow 011 cores rheumatism, item.,, lain. Ned wjan.e. Bev. .1. G. Fall*, Dutton eertines : "For some years toy wife bee been troubled with Dyspepsia, and has Stied' use ibittg alter another rsoumtmeat lid w� he Hitt. er tie eine till ads •M pie 11%13r�e.� Cur. ta{� Steer takieg the first e 1 he get - seed • ieepr.o misen� an *IS den- Ydreea rseontmrnd it to be .,ne id, 4 not the beet medico.. niani fur Dypspaia, Thi• iivaluable medicine for Liver Vow - plated, Ittdesteetww, Kidney V•.nspt•ist, s purely vegetaple. Mold M Deo, Rh?. nae Drug liters. Trial 10111.s given free. 1 m. CRAFTIER 11, "Malden. )lass.. ►'.•h. 1. IMO. Oe•.len•en - I sabered stab attacks ut sok headache.' _Veur•lgu, female trouble, for years in the most terrible and excruciating man- ner. No medicine or doctor could gave me relief or cure until 1 used Hop Bitters. 'The tint bottle Nearly cured me ;' The ..maid mailers.** well and strong M when a child 'And 1 have been o to this day.' M hominid was an invalid for twenty years With a serious 'Richey, liver and urinary complaint, 'Pronounced by & Atafi's best physio aces— 'Incurable Seten bottles of ' WWI". him, and I know pfi�e rea 'Limy of eigl t persons' In my neighborhood that hare been saved by your bittets. And many more are using them with great benefit. 'They almost Do miracle. '' les Mrs. E. D. Slack. �..:,. k -•-•`•" "'. ,:tet .... p Your Feet Dry! Tee a do tbte 11 p very trate" tem 1r bating leer BOOTS.& SHOES AT 11 tr *Tutt% 01' E. DOWNING, b iot�b'iv3 ��.00.kw i won J 1N tars .ter *bower i• Goderich. and swap ars vier, line ars t• • .sue re. .e the aaest hid. through all the latstn.duu grades teak I wta'•�JI at Prices that Will Suit Evexy ono. Lame butt- in Button er havoc, front 11.1) to 15.00. 11 ::: and Children's Strong Schial Boots, from 75e. up, Boys do, 11.00, up, all over Lineae Proportionately:Cheap, 1 can aid w it o mit , un• troth in tog s and pito ee E. D o"W 1s'I N G, Crabb's Riock, C. rner East street and Soluare. N.R. To the trade : Leather aid ladeors is any quantity. • lowest Priem. `t • EASE AND SECURITY ` This rut represents the double tries w 1' Uwe, the belt. Note the p�o.;tion of 11. �r.tAarn+q rr spring situated to the l'ad, by •l•.tch a iliSsTA2.T but ears INWARD EA l '/11t1) P,c•sure wp„ceA�he hernia when tie ernes Is ad, weed. ;CPEO E RHYNA.S,. - Dru gist 50_3 AC�� T T, c+ODERIC bnar>t lith, T. the h.teasseit._seas all wiser re Model eat may A.K*. rad } United S 1 e ~' Ha�tzotus'+ "Qt Rist a� us,'' taken aeoordiigg to directions i Happening a few days ager to dltbp pr..o.ucss buoyancy of spirits. vigor into the . tti a of a west knows prosi- mind and give. lasting strength to th neat bused... man of the city, olio wi,.,1e ayste.n. Sea that you Kut 'Ilan thirty -tire years back from onevi•1 a tam- if;tun'a,' the original and geauaue. ..us quarter of Hamilton _ whom the late Hank Went* a H GEORGE ELIOT. were the best known pair, I heard the fo:lowing story : The narrator told u m great shape. An e'bamNy. tate !Character- ler rets, ��• weakaees. American by birth, a Canadian by adop. Lon through fcrty years resideher in the country. he Kill possesses the dry char- some George fears concerning th a, eristics of his eastern birth-p.atx, and light novelist the Eliot are hpn.ught to th her husband. 1[r, ('ansa The li I' pre in the y t totes, lit the ace Forttwlafn', by PrOf^sR Anatin- CAC() OUSE AND fearful S}.aracter of to ravages .tut io � ][ D. 04 Bo.tQn, ideas., to Citi meld it unlikely that we will .mainlyary Cnnaumpttoon, t�iClt i�latlae e, !Ver- M ,f .scat,.. flood sanitaruns expect to see _ 4 e .t make its appearance in August at the latest, from the south by way of Cuba, if not directly by way of New York. Mere quarantine cannot keep it out. Any package of Spanish or Cuban fruit may contain it, or the healthiest passenger may carry it in his luggage, and eaceping himself, may utnoceotiy plant the germ in fruitful soil in any part of the coun- try. The best defense against it will be. e not • vain *.tempt to seclude it al- e together. but a strict moult for sanitary Y laws ; so thus when it does come, it will Y not find us in the b:thy condition of the Speais►a cities. If we cannot exclude it we can au live as to starve it .out after it does cora., by presenting as little as possible of the unwholesome conditions in which it thrives. While it would be foolish to take alarm in advance of danger, it might be just as well fur oar - readers to eat n.. more Spanish oranges or raisins. There is too much cholera where they are grown and packed." t„ hear him uncoil hiu)sell when he feels; light au the memoir Ju►t bldah.d b ,justest right, u better fun than listeningto I y lee it re. funnsgratns on �uaday even:iuta with which she yielded to the influence in Bond street church. of others amounted to weakness. Io her ill w r Fur convenienceorlce eaCali the stn ytouth, she was surrounded by strict teller B., and the lwing u about the member, of the Evangelioai (iisaeating pith .,f his yarn : churches, and she was as Orth. dot e.1 B. - •Hello, Kinq, I was l lir trading'they in her opinions, and apparently as that article of your in the :Jtk•olsooa1 (devout a Ger oendaet. about a chap nailed Runyan and his She was then thrown into the s•ete tr,ttiog horse American Star, and if I: ty f a clever family of deux, and in two weeks offer the perusal of s book 'lint a lost child of Israel. then I know' soasethiirq about that old cutter. Bo omen by one of theta, was nducen t.. t►1r.noun•. Christianity and all belief in first, let me know the business your chap, the immortality of the soul The sing- Runyrsn was t . be a f wheu over ulcer part of thin change is, that, judg- hersq' Some pedlar, nig from her letters, it wu made with but what line I don't know.'+careless indifference, ea lightly M she B.—`Brest Scott, I oaten right on !j might .henpher opinion at any natter Old Reyna, the polka—know heat [Ij k ou bet your dinner of transient interest. Y against a toothpick She had reached middle life when that I jest did know him. Kuew him to be one of the darndeet, cutest, slickest, isuouthest-hared Yankees that eter chewed wham,. None of ycur common wind of smart Alecks, but an all wool she .nit Mr. Lewes, and in a very short time was persuaded to break legal lows and to lice with him as his wife, he being already married. While he lived, his • tauuence over her was unbounded, but thirty-seven inches to the yard chap that two mentis after his death she Weasel m the eye. it is best to remain quiet for could coax a bull terrier from the bot- (lir cons •lstinn to another mea a little, as the tears may wash a away. tom of two hundred and sixty-four feetThe brilliancy of George Flint • The ltow of tears may be promoted from well. in- tellect has blindedyoungpeople to the time to time by atteutt,ting ;o open the Kang. —if you remember anything in- d urn p eye. Bls.wing the n ise violently assists errors el her life and opinions. geniis ;.:.stint about the old boy you might in this case has gone far with the world the operation ut,ravelsome of it. to justify in her a total disbelief in all The head of a pin, covered with the B.—'Well, I don't mind if Ido. rives that we hold moot sacred, and a full end of asp let handk, rimy cbhief and olat- heer at •y dusk back, I 1' ng drove about up to the door night, that one f a gratification of her •,ton wiit regagdlesa between tie eyeball and eyelid, and will tavern kept by Rattenbury in Exeter, of nionreatucuon ether of society or of detach the intruder if not nein—My fixed. in the lioderieh district. It was m Another plan u to get a fellow traveler y Her life, as written by her huataud, usual stopping place over night on thatto raise the eyelid with his finger and route, and after seeing tro myhogs.. in a c thattthe (knee of thew tideerroher. lay then gently wipe the red mucw,us mem- being properly looked to I went back se she herself says, "a chameleon, that brans with a moistened pocket handker- wt.; the bar -room and interviewed the reflected the opinion and will of what- - chief, or remove the foreign body if he landlord. Now 1 hadn't tired six words ever persons were closest to her at the can see it. A little piece of paper at him before I knew something was up, two. twisted to a point is useful. h. was chuckful of excitement, in fact, loupg girls who are influenced by her A drop of elite or castor oil intro - was slopping over with it to •newer 1. Is.,werfal intellect should remember that doted into the eye will •Jten allay a nay question what all the racket was; what was wrongfor George Eliot most pain and intolerance of light pr4nced abe.ut he cut hooey and said that there . be wove for 1 women. If ail young by a tine irritant, as mud. was going to be the liveliest bit of fon ! girls were to renounce Christ and dm - ..n hand in • couple of days that the ' regard the laws of social life, what fain The dirovery of the snstantanem os That •• darnedthere old sucker of • pedlar IE. t l w''uld the world weer to the next goner- quickly followed in medrealworld by photographshas aural onna big spree andad oome atom/ the adday beforematch',had elro� The wntiit;s of Gerrge Eliot an M rte •chesperfect hnd instantaneous remedy or bid that he drove in ba li l vibe brilliant sed rtgap.cuve, and a those Tnotirche, Rheumatism, etc. Tina ret- ention nli 1 who knew how efg15►ty to use them, are wagon to outrun • koro owned by m sable tel:•ow in the .iliags. ere her better self Hut she .wed Y y 'According t h Rh nae, Druggist. (gra, • Keep 1..r tm.ise Keep your house guarded against sud- den attacks of Colic, Cramps, Diarrhoea, Dysentery and Cholera Infantum. They are liable to come when least expected. The eldest, best and m•vt reliable reme- dy is Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, 2. lemit in she Rye. «'hen, in travelling, a bat of dust gets cots Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia and all wasting diseases of the human system. Pleospbetin. is not a Medeeine. but a Nutriment, became* contains no Vegetable or Mineral Yuis,ts, Opiates Narcotics, and no Stimulants, but situp: ly the Phosphatic and (lartric Elements found in our daily food. A si gg1e bath* is sudioioat to °melee.. AilnDce�iat• sell it. $1.00 per bottle. Leeman o* Co., sole agents for the Dorintss, lib hunt Street Bait Toronto. The People's Livery toff l JO ; �, RIOT, Proprietor, The subscriber is prepared to furnish the pub lit with The Finest Rigs AT RKABONARLC PRICKS. McIss 771=m 2NSOrT Begs to.enounce that she biast•Mus adarpetad vaned profus.os, The Very Latest Whiter and Spring Fashions awl ebe weed respectfully i..ritetfse ladies to .sit and see the display at The Chicago House. Bed rick. OK t'.1, lee Won STlt'S?. tlfoDKRICH. CALL etel DOoeerte ti—Oppesiv the Cabers S 0-. I. 1 ! ' S. ! g ; 3 s Ooderici. Feb. Ittb. 1111. 1at>♦aris .T r 1 T f 1 i f 2 i 1 f 'i e! g ; ;;; ig r7, gs 7 cit► =i°'ir iCA `j >S 117 �airs f���,a,s.��zKi►i ►3■ ,p w^ Ql �-waxs is Z n'R '•. <7 + ' r i i ; .; 2. t i fijv1 i HIDES! =Eat a -= f � •f � n � � Fol. Itif 0.9 r •. to POPIIIIA ► 4 3 of L L1 s: • ant r:t BECKS' TANNERY, Saltford. H u ga = f L. 41 Th. highest cash rice paid for hides, calf , _• - r }) aid sheep shun at the t1ALT1ORI► T d ' 1 s1 !rt a Sanford ilea. 1. iMt. IptT kkeilLW g = i WARtWAR Arrital of First Detaebme•nts of SPRING GOODS —AT -- 1 —A T— helpful to intelligence They are, as remedy ie called fled Lnithtennq, it w h and is sold at 2u cents atrottb h (iso. o the tavern -keeper the , to her prt•fe..ion a beater personal ,1 - bays had just get hold o1 the softest +ample maid this the young der shooid thing of the year. the local horse was ►remember. Genius may he • false light, mePepeMNralsMlly. t'1B1L?T /'!bits. faster our. a bullet, he roui,i outrun a if it letl one fano t!t.' se.f. ways ..t • .Husker hall. and stay lorrget than a ien(v to moral law and essential "R'hat u thus poet aii.vu rat the world, every itis.. at a free lunch tabic It g papa," asked •i year-old Edith, who was I G�E�T SI�QG. wee too be a great picnic f..r the boys.' l if a bright beacon light lead us int.. making up stens for herself on anew hunyan.. hu ea* pn,vidiag; all this , a .otaazmire, let us not gaze upward to slate (Jr.. lost then came into the ber•ronm, the light, but in justice to ourselves oma Yon must not interrupt me now, he was chock full, he had been knoeking 1 L. dee sed 1 I ahs up la_ Edith," sad her hiker, who was wnbmq sauN�E�.s the pins d.,en in number . a;bt and Il ,nth's ('oelpenton. stat[a' tatting 'tint up in r umber nine all day, 1 was having a high .old time, and between Tbr .bete... 'tanks managed t.• gurgle out that het P..wibly the Choler& may not reach scald b b beat any mea • hetes, had momlater legality tilde season. Neverthelw. Eases, more rat nay. smarter data, bet- , etlitehmdd take every preeautinn against ter game cock.. a eleverer wife who wore it, De. Fowler's Karam of tt'ild Straw. beater silk dresses. end had more of helm M • .wry ease for Choke Morhrs, them than ell the critter, *round Exeter Com, Cramp, Durrho'a and Dyads - yet together With his het balanced on toy 2. Jsl•a7k hair. his collar ha;f ..tt. lilt nock ti. t;eklina has richt air. and the khat ?( fleeing da behoving. Read the toed of his eyes like that ..f en Dai rooted off mnmsla 50 the pamphlet en Dr. tram his pereh in daylight Runyan looked to Ruieti's Kidney Cure, then awry a hotile Prry Twit molt Drotertu• Poverty the bumpkins to he drunk near thronrh. and reftwve y ourself of all th.,., diet.... with perfect health is rather to bech.aen Bet heHe struck ilidn tsir ke int e alto can tackle er1 int mi that yna tour Drumm, can tell yon than riches and dyspepsia' Try the wayy ail ab.,01 it. Id b f Wilson (loderid$ ^�. et of • dollar bottle of Foy ruin le it - - as ones too full to be really 2m JO/ HEALTH at the same table. "Go •o Slim Smith," refemng to the governess Her father wv not so busy, however, but that hr heard and was an -used by beg savieg in a low tone anon after : "1 know haw I can tied out for my- self. f'tl look in the back of the geog- raphy for the t "nitsd Sates and for EumQe • and then 1 can add Aunt Mary s laky and Aunt Jessie's hall, and that site it to me 'meetly.' —[ Bet - per's Hazer --oF— Stoves, Tinware, Wall Paper, Fancy Goods A 7tD House Furnishings AT "The Cheapest Holme ander the son." Nest deer to the Pel 0111r., oderte.. Mareb. taw. 111111. llf7• 4 s Merchants : Get your Printing at this Office. Quality of Work and reasonable Prices Guaranteed to please all who may give us a trial. s SBEDS For this # ety f sptaki set taro. per. brae edea y stir ear ssE nidus-ewter to �e adsN.wllte�bbs(W ass tsiaei a rsssg- bei 1wmsas.t I s tee rimmed am ed . ire.• �a.iZII Q� ]r. the history of nisdieines nn preps ration ration has rer.ived such nniversal esr nendatsou for the alleetatt..n it atosolei and the permanent cure it effects in hid nay diseases, as Dr. Vast Rarwn'a Kinsey Car.. its action in these distree.ine eon tits is simply wonderful. Sold be I, Wiliest. 1. i