HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-7-17, Page 5r • Pat TM3 VbialITS11111111111. ..e tae.p.g_uwe a.esg sees ss.m d..n vides Illealeissessine oche... ` j, �Omts, July 41. --Su Juku MaedNs- W gives Wile. Yat he will of Mu.day that move that the House resolve stead tato orestaittes of Ike whole to ounaider Oho f ullt.wiug r,.tJ.0 bon : *4r4,dd. 1. Th. it is 'moodiest to 191112118ias the Newts at the militia fume amtltg.d is wpprmiag the vetks�esk L NuRhwest h giving to sack mss ha stiditio. to the y�annld� squeegees to til i till K e( setup indeswakle al Mad apt a t. Zerr that the grant dives 1 • Smith N. wutH eies bribe Neessl sstlettsut of the ptbhi LACE -TRIMMED SATIN PARASOLS AT HALF PRICE. bCeases �' zestceder •o give sant to Ike Several Lots of 1 g 3 Batton lid Moores, in Light Colt= & Evening Shales, worth $1, for 35o. feregoieg rssulutios the Gnveri or-Oene- & is memento be authorised to greet to Mak member of the militia tures bearing ares is the suppression of the ostbremk sad serving west of Putt Arthur .ince Mardi lb hat, iasisdintt Wises, sea- eammisbo.ed moms sad mss a fres boraurinad of two adjoining quarter see. toes, eom.iw EM peisores u alt, of ores-.wmband motion ret usoes. Gad s.seldmed Du/Nieto.) leads is seri teb .r the lgosthwest Territories upon Int Isesstsd and pre-emption entry ssbj.ct $. the sonatina that the prune* or his doily .,natituted ewbstitute shall hate oelsated and entered the said two warier metier in the Dominion land .mss Ger the lead detail is whith they may pe attested on or before the 1st day d 3..e. 2M0 Provided that the mid grantee or kis substitute, r tke ease may be, shall haat the entry ruthless above provided by - ememr.rieg ossaally to reside upon and Atntlatlrtillt•. . ErWE SEND SAMPLES ON APPLICA- TION ; GOODS BY MAIL OR EXPRESS! AND, ` IF NOT SATISFACTORY, MAY BE RETURNED AT OUR EXPENSE, AND MONEY REFUNDED. AT PREegNT WE 0 ARE OFFERING 3c Cit .ec1ved creels 3-ocdB for 1.24c_ BRETHOUR & CO. BRANTFORD_ Z\TBW ivtZZe 1e,c��� -c , ti to e.12d THE NEW INDIA LINEN, a Beautiful Fabric in White. All Over I..aces, Tlouncings and Hmbroideriea, Oriental Laces, Swim and Hamburg Ladies, Misses and Children's Hose. Embroideries. GAUZE A103D REEDitINO UElf D>10RWEDJ11.--JLI- BIZEB_ a reatterd, May NW ISM. -sltiv.te the land with* iiia mtsNs H. W. BRETHOUR & Co., Brantford 1/OLm We will exchange all kinds of floods usually found in a first-class Dry Goals store for W001, this .se on, and pay the Highest Price that the Market will afford. Our stock is very large, and you can get everything you want in our line of business from► us, and at prices that cannot be beaten. Bring on your WOOL and we will convince you that it will be to your advantage to deal with wt. We have splendid stock of Tweets an•! Shirtinds, and other goods suitable fur these who gr sw WOOL We also deal iu Butter and Eggs. COLBORNE BROS. April 29th, 1118:5. GODERICH. C � ���, - -- The LondonTeaHouse 1rum and after the est d4 d Jos, 1MIi, �, ODiWOIt 1[)DCBANiCr I1t81T eaE� r Iron sad ,oral l theraahar oastises to testa (� R A t T A XD R IL A D/ N Q "a. the add >0 w 110071111,471>a.t 1es...d IL= rep n�nn;no Nov �or� Suer Sallld Iachiiies. Manufacturer of the Celebrated proper period. Presided farther that sales so wbstitelle to le a grantee Ops them 1 to s p.m., sae tree 1 is OVA .lull bo a pars .h hi we Igo ue- ABOUT 2000 VOL'$ IN LIBRARY. i der the powwow of rive Dominion load sat to obtain eery fur a homestead. Provided further tbttt in tees a sbsti- t ate M'Barad i4y s g�essoes r bereinbo lots ptotiiid tbo koro shall bo entered a the sums of the subatitete and epos somplianos will the =adieus is that be- 'alf provided by the homestead prover boss of the Dominos land act the patent for two quarter audios shall be Mosel is the same of the aid substitute. A That any parse entitled under the fsregoiag to seta sod enter either by 3 himself or by his substitute 390 sales laud se a btmsdeNd se the manner and ca saltiest to the terms and troedttwoes here. testators prescribed nes is 1»u thaw( if he so shamus mosey, snip for 010, whish shall be asesplad is payment of say Do.ainion buds ones fur sal*, or in payment of preemptions or of nuts of Dominion herds /eased for g'Woe ur haycetting uorposes But any permit chooses, to take scrip shall n•.uly the Minister of the Interior of kis choice tot or beton the tint day of Jona, 1896. 4. That all greets of land ur script shell be made by the Miele* of the Interior spots a warrant is favor d the parsons stifled thereto, hissed by tee Mnistsr of Militia and dda..., sad which .hall be reseeded in the depot. wont of the interior. And further, that all script which easy be Sussed shell be subject in all respects to the provisions of said dans 21 sad of clause 22 of the Dominion leads act 6. Tbst the entries to be rads sad pata01a to be isodd hereunder shall not be @objected to the dos and charges enacted is the ems of ordinary household entries. ULTCITIi• ULD rk`ta10y1s. Loading Daily, weekly end Iflasfrakd Papers, N.pe:.w.s, &c., os File. MlWERSHIP TtOEET. ONLY saves. SIMENI: Oma as of U4srr sad Readies Appleattes ter memboriip reod.ed by Llbrarli . r resat. GEO. RICE. ALEX. MORTON. Presides*. Secretary. oedrtob. Marsh Iib. 1IN 11117 An Order-in-Coo.cil has been pared Saginaw, Say C( Goderich, Detroit and C eveland. K AMM 41181111111111111811TS. Tae Elkp.t sad Oemmedbes ets.ecr. "Saginaw Valley" uta. UAma. Yash. W!a rise during sive season of Navigation', as M ows Iaaves Ooderbob every Tba.-aday, at 1 s' atoms favi as.. Perk asd'ltaw•a inseam e�saaateebetlsso tAtb w� et mud t.l.nd and Et..ei10.scs., sed a1 Chw woe steamers err Narita, Osceola sad Abeam.. Mendes to Outseleb s Sewday. Loaves Glederieltlismilay. sl 1I. dosk da nafor Pert Hares.Dalt�lt •ad W..ollad, tmteraba tieestieb es Ihts ow - the ler sea of Y.tomisa- TIOHETS Ier the whole ROM1i , Us (oo..uot will ed hot $412-40 KITCHEN CABINET, And all kiads of Purn.ture. Organs and Sewing Machines Repaired. arMachias Oils and Needles always on head at reasonable prices. .A. CALL SOLICITED - C_ H_ QIRVIN, te'a't Ham Mae street. a few doors Mew the Oolbcrse Hotel. sPzc=gLT= s MEDICAL HALL Jost received. • lege consignment of the Went India sad Montserrat breeds of 7-4ii a F'SuitTuice e 1n Hustles of all sines. Maks • meat healthful and refreshing beverage for the summer season. A Lot of Apollinaris and other Mineral Waters. FRESH `tt'PPI.1F-R OF �RSZf CROS_ have opened • breach store is Adeline's Block. adjoining Morrow's shoe store. GODERKMi where they will keep on hand a large stock of CHOICE TEAS AND COFFEES. Aa we make • specialty of TEA AND corrxets. we osn do better with our patron. than u7 other store in town. A handsome picture card given away with every potted of Tee or Centre TRYA TEST ORDER. M A RISTT A T !j, BROEI. West side Court Hoare Square. Godsre& Hellebore, Paris Breen, LondonPurple, Insect Powders, eta. etc.. etc. P. JORDAN, Medical Hall, Goderich. BIG SALE FOR ONE MONTH �. C_ ]DETLOR $z CO'S , wallowing ngal•tioas bsia4 the grstutirs occepster a days, mese sad berths trawled. aad pinews. to be grouted to officers and Potrates Ir*l s otfrapp passe. and all lath of theother Naive militia who have been WM. LEES or ay be killed or wounded on setae Agra! at erten. awake d Ni,er s herMareafter last, ur who T e reg na.r %-alley may be lea4 by tipeeial ]aye died, or may bsn.ff.r lis, Mace Arttngeruent fur BYort EacnnIces on the that dMk, floes Weems ur injuries con- lake any TT,treday aftotvoou. eased in actual service. The rates of June loth. ism. tee•- esessearllss we as follows : An ofcet Wag as eye t limb, er use of • Iamb, or bodily i.jsry egsi.dest to the loss of • limb, to receive, first, a gratuity in mosey el one year's full pay of the bald by him at the 1>1 bra w.asd. From the e: in- -tis. of sae year from date of wound or injury sash wounded officer shall be greeted e)L according t. thefol- lowing gs.:—i.Nntewaot colonel, $1,- 100 ; major, 1000 ; captain, $400 ; h.ote.ent, 4111110. Soldier pensi..ns rank osier the four following degrees : (1) Yes Io0iag two limbs, or both els, from woe els, or beim sn annoy wtweded as to be isesp.ble of earning a livelihood and to require the assistance and care of some other perms ; (21 men rendered iasap'ble of earning a livefl- hood, bM not requiring the care of anntb.r person ; (3) men able to con- tribute in • !mall degree towards • hvelihord ; (4) men able to eustribute materially towards* lirelih..od, though unfit for ordinary duties of the ssrviee. tiergesnts of drat degree are 10 receive daily pensions ranging front i 3c to 21.10; co rale from G0c to 90c, and privates Ul'EURO THR s ]LAMNOTR SILL SEVERAL LPREMIERS I1LL HOLD NES OHEY F AprU fib. IIs. NEW HARDVARE STOKE. Goods to be Cleaned Regardless of Coat. Big Drive in Laos Curtains. e Wonderful Bargains in Tweeds. • Drees Good. at Panic Prices. THIS 1e A ORNUTNE SALM DON'T FORGET TO VISiT THE CARPET ROOM. J. C. DE IJJR & CO. Oederich. May W. IMO. TAMES & I .OHESON AOENTB FOR G-LZDDEN PATENT TW0-PIONT Barb Wire GRAND PLEASURE EXCURSIONS GODERICH EVERY SUNDAY EVENING at L o'clock. oe the Commodious Steamer OCONTOw Si. W. Ue4.H1iM. Maher. FJRE To Detroit and eeteew touching at eyed (tub. Port !tope. roe Auwin. Tawas, Forest- ville. Lexington. 3a1i1.. and all rarer At. (.lair ports, for 1M.awad Trip. *Las. Or One M eek oa board. including meals and bertha. Stage. aO N tDTIa tel Made at Saint Beach with the tart Huron E Northwestern Railway for sestina* and in - tanned tAtf n- ta mediate stations. Also with the Cleveland Navigation Co.'s best. for °sends. Harrisrllk. Alpena. Rogers Cit Mackinac. ('hebnygen earl St. Ignore, o.d all lake Superior porta Aad at Di -troll with ►11 railroads and neve- from Igo to 60c lot the second degree rand cream Navigation l'ov'e boats for ('leve we a, 900, 43c to 60c, and 30c w 5:x land ad (rood Dancing Musk on Boast. T. N. DANCEY, Awent at Oodertch Jell led. tats. WW-tf respectfully. Third degree, 4:ic 60c. 30.; to 48. sad 23c to 1900, and fourth degree, 110ct to 4111c, 23c to 30c, and Ilk mmed Alcor or soldier erlio hes been killed in action or who has died of ihritial to half the flieer's or stud iet 's daily pay dining twelve months sod is el ailing fee Met year a gratuity squall. twelve assetthe pay. Each Add soch ellerr or soldier shall mere sa snore allowenes serneating to one Meth al hie say. nod so *Adidas fur Ike year • gee tiny equal to fn., winetbn The wither of a &emend el,* or *Mawr OPP. who, •iiod bent illness leaceable to fati- gue, priestios or expiate. ineidest to. Pairs sonsweis. taw amts. active operating§ ir the 6elel a. rope- 1 far ?Spa we West limemese AtaitattAT prestiled for. Ohl/dyes two- DETROIT AND MACKINAC 4mioao shaft not be greatiol to. atettintiod AM awn Walk Dee sessrem %wows over 11$ aSSitht•TO r'I'sr 21 DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Mothers of oilissrs makiitere killed it. IliP MACKINAC. suM11.11ER TOUR SPRING & SUMMER MILLINERY. MISS fRAHAM takes pleasure In announcing that eke has purokaaal in person her Spring and Bummer stook of Millinery, etc . and he. taken ad van =Wow ruI.kWet a wnCaK=great atehse. Her patrons can rely upon food stock and Lowest Possible Prices. A rill: is respectfully solicited. NIBS GRAHAM, won side of Square. Dedericl. April 19th, MM. 1191 CSTbP, BTaUNC , INDIBPBNt3ZBLE_ Manufactured by the Washburn Now.. MYg Co. Call and Sec us, and Inspect Good's and Prices. We have on hand • full and complete .took el Shelf and Builders' Hardware, Plats. Oils. G1as, Nada. 11OP3s-` .AND (ORI).AC E, V SBEL SU PPI..IES, Table .ad locket Cutlery. See our S.It er Plate Ooods, and Artists Materials. YATEB &. AC} -I TSON Moat deer to Ill. tel.'s'' Year Tes iY.s +. a: -April tib. Ills. 01114; G)ntana $ted Patb Part tampon lZ. shim'.) NOW COMPLETE 1 - w NOW COMPLETE 1 A CHOICE 8TOCK OR w 000 ME31 WM* SW OSP setion, or Olig from impel within a Involve erne end vibe ere in doer/este., Pleteesser• Illeeklese" Illestral•L eireneuitaness Oil moiety thorned** too — ..wit•y, wittiest* senri.ma Iwn.illipr. in 1 e. 0. WWII:101BL Iles Pasts haws like situate., ger he grant* I satinet iiorireeter. mien. pesainti. ISM. Gederish, Onto, 001.1 MARPTACTPRIER8 OT THE IMPROVED LOCKBA1111" FENCE WIRE Re aso r.s why the "Lotkbarb" is the Best Wire Fencing We else wail the best Piwlieh flleseemee Steel Wire. and we claim that in construct ion is is superior to ell other heeled fence wines.. The wires forming the four points pate het wean the wires of the cattle interlock each other and pass &rowed the eater, which makes the t barb la the world. It has the eliontage of •loays proorstiew thr barb laterally. thirer :n two.pointo4 barbed fence does Af • recent lee of Ow serongth of the • lorkharb." made at the Northern Railway Whop. In Tomato. tbe followla&me the meet . Osterte *eel _Herb rof/m Co.4. NM lbs.. to eadeist 11010 Ile &ad MN lbs.. tbe veresto wi ire thus hastlag I il• Montreal Wire. and was awarded the Iiireeswt for Alatonse with toll particulars. to R. W._ McKENZIE Bole'. Agent, C3-oderioh. Mkt Ilk MN. • SPECIAL LINES IN Dress Goods, Shirtings, and Tweeds. A Choice Lot of Seed Potatoes Cheap. Highest Pric,e raid for Butter & Axis IGEORGE ACHESON! AWE MIA MK THE RED, WHITE AND BLUE •