HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-7-17, Page 4JEWS ABOUT HOME. ti le W/a arse 't•!lk sell N+•t tt.� - Tower Tomos. 'hide Mir mad ease Ifs 1•w of meets st b r • mem of mows. eyes reel lets for young on. sad PIM all il arCaste% arrees k =tr. �'ir `oris"»' aiem'B'� .�5='wa ht5rttrotoas are mew the seder ef theay, seme d soare mire meat tem the family .samoulsa tomallsws' tee group pietas. He to lm • better mettles them ever to pie nein tannin to kis purees 1. • - palet ma peer Hebei. •sl eammes cheese beam. thew E. 000101. andtrtster.eilood wt im •rlmagood Co ere mark pmmptIy alt ski, kms um New weeded tootles pea au shades, •caw s weeds and reeenrpeess,, mow aootcb sad Lag. new patters la erou.seings, sew sod msbS prnt. ys turuisbiNee our Jell p'ata• H. MacCoas•e. at A. 1'. Me- I.maas. AM Mel you forget it. WM. pr.aervia. 1101111111011at that Hsurders sad Non M. the hg1m sleek of preeorvlog kettles and trait jklmia qua sad time esteem •radown low. Mea/ gang oal oi. stoves. r sew swat. reeleThe .01010101 Nose under the sea Amoebble of -Joy sad ►.styr(tks foe i. the New WAR... C. ms►ue- Ha• mo equal a snowier.The w!U aweaW you. As 1 as gtvia groat 18. ass to cant bu�osars, w sit ti�u is we tl� ovmder of lbw ya. ivory teuisw► land skoald hair. one. Asset ter !ret mews Phases novas. taetedetrani!ps� 1sckinaw repaired. sad eatisbetiem goer asessd. u yeas importance. Mackinaw.cane. Cat at YYtSet..aap&tt Mem Mass of mist!'s Patine mill W. T.terrsos. meager of utdiwl Mena waste. Oo truck, Oat. H. T. Attril ii at Ridgewood. Mrs. Teener is vatting friends in Chicago. Will Holmes has retuned to hie plass of busman. Mn. Jame Doyle paid a vet be B.f- tilo last week. Miss Worden, of Toronto, a the guest d Mrs. Elwood. Mra Steuart and Add. trot. Bahl - Mem, ea the gents d Mrs. Segerest'o father, M. Haesiltes, 1. assts the Isms d the esetsass in "My Msryls d." The little bilks see aemisdd of the Mali..., be be held M the palms roller sink •i SNwd y aAsweowt A ole•••at time fur swayingly. A4.ido. IOc. Kira and )lies hombr.ok have r. iltr.sd been their vett to Bwffaln, a► eoeted by Mrs. Aoc.bsook of Paris, se$L•r d Oouloater Aseebrook G. T. R T, bwith Mae, oar yostorek, every ag fls•t bew- Mend L E. Dan - ails in his view sphere d lila This marriage seta appears in another adman. J. S. M•Do•gall, division clerk, reg turned from his visit to Detroit oat Sun- day leaf, aseoesp•aied by three childree of Kir. ..d Mrs William Seymour, a that oily. Rev. Mr. Hamilton, of Woodstock, will preach in St. Gsurge's church .ww Sunday morning and sweeten. His evening disc urs. will be a special to yews[ arms. J. R. Miller. I. P. S., and family have reversed the uses! order by going to the city to speed the summer n,untha We wish them • good time during their May is Toronto. Archie MsEibboa, • High Sebool graduate, has eonse.setidy matriculated at Victoria Uaitveaity. He is now stationed o. the Hassall circuit, as assistant pastor. About 44O persons omit sp on the excursion from Clinton yt y under the auspices of the Presby Kichurch. The Clinton szcuruosiata se a rule are • good ohm of wisdoms Mrs. Wsiher Hoare, of Brantford,and Mies McConeae, her daughter, pried through Goderish, aid took the steamer for Cleveland as Seaday last. While is tows they were the guests of Mr. James Reid. Joseph Beck, of Saltiord, while *need- les the Masons Glued Lodge, at Hamil- ton, was taken sudden!y ill, and had to T. Gesh•se, of Chicago. is visiting be ` t hoes& His many fried. his patine" hen. will be *need to hear of his early re- covery. Mr. •oaf hits. George E. Mann. of De- troit, are the guests this week of Mr. esti Mem* d tisane, this week. Mrs. PMr. Mao. will return to latt MIL W. W00411140 *boat Uteri taws Detroit on Bouch. Deaf Mea Man. Uterine intends to "pad •few weeks at her tath- tie juin her henbane! at Galt. sr'. home. Mw ORtivie, of Montreal, is the guest A peculiar sesident heppened to D of her aunt, Mtn Machina. McKay one day last wen. White help - G. N. Davis took $ run to Detroit this i to remove a body from ens grove to wok on the Hoprw VaNmp. another. he slipped sad fell into one of the grave, hewing ken face and arms oonatderebly. Rehm Ottawa, s Norwegian, has open- ed nets gun and /resetl repairing shop on East street Knife and season grinding carefully attesdrd toe. We haps be will he liberally patronised. Give his an early call. The Allan Line steamer Parisian will sail no the 46th inst., and not of the letb, as s typographical error made it appear last week. Harry Armstrong, ticket egeot, will gladly supply all infor- mation s to totes, etc. Tn. Zoo. -Our thanks are dos to Harry Piper, of the Termite. Zoo, fur • eesaon ticket The Zoo is now one of Toronto's attractions, and visitors from the province will always get a fair show from Mr. Piper and his assistants. A neat little book of poems, (for Dri- est* dietribotius,) by R S Chilton, Amorists* Consul at Goderick. has been received tram the author. We Lope to be able to give mane spas to a review of this pleasing oollectirn text week. There was • large turn out at the Palace Roller Rink, on Friday ecening last. The Dohertyband of Clinton was in attendance. Tband played some beautiful sin, and drove home at &boot 12 p. m. in high glee with their visit. In the list of pram won at the IL C. Bazaar the glee ease with bride and bridegroom (dolls) t8. gift of MEL J.mss Doyle, Church Street, was emitted from the list It was drawn by John An- drew, and grass bus mother's psrbr table. The July Harper's hs a pretty pic- ture of the classic Pandora, by F. S. Church. The Anat. Harpers will have pictures of, and • *tory shoat, "A Modern Pandora,'. a tale of watering - place happenings, by Chas. L. Norton. ingeniously reproducing int.. modern circumstance the old Greek legend. LAc0o.trt MAt. n. -The match played Hyesterday forenoon between the junior uron", cf Godenoh, and the Dauntless, of Clinton, resulted in far.:r of the Hurons in two straight tame. of 36 and and 15 minute length, respectively. The bend will be at the palace roller Only two games could be played, n0 ac - risk in full uniform to -night, Friday count of the cricket match. It will take •tet, Jely 17- Admission 40e. A fok le very geed stub to dowereka 4lurena Mn. N or.olrsrton kindly acted as Or - Kamm in Victoria St. Church on Sunday last, and sang a beautiful solo ,n the eve- ning h/w. IL B. Chilta n and family bare ws•aneed hei4Was)tngtoa J. W. Smith, baker. has bad a severe Miss Mary Fergueee, el Detroit, is the asset of Miss Mitek Streeka.. Mims !fella Dough, of Howell, is speeding her vaeatioO at kerne. Mee Thos. Okts.00, of Brantford, is visiting bet sister, Ms. Paries. Mostar Ogilvie, of Montreal, is the greet of Mr. and Mrs F. Jordan. Jaws Sheppard is building 0o upper stony nn ha residence, South street. The Mires Alice and Lime Spence ami resticating with friend. ah Colborne. Mw Belle Bh•nklin, of Ann Arbor, is spending her vacation st her home here. The Mimes Sophie and Maggie Smith, of Saran, are the guests of Miss Proud - feat. Four familieti cane by the Saginaw Valley on her last trip for the Point Fa ria. Miss Mary Miller left for Toronto on Monday to take a course at the art school him Black has been paying her seer - annual mit to Turontu, and will return this weak. Mr. and Mrs. Linn Crawford here returned to town after an absence of some wake. Mit May Skimmings is taking a trip to Gagetown and Zilwaukea, Michigan, to visit relatives. Mr. and Mra Will Wilkinson, of Minneapolis. are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W ilkiaacn. Gilbert Shanklin, of Chelsea, is spend- ing a few weeks with his mother, and is doter well in the est. The 0. derieh Orangemen marched io Stratford thus year on Monday. The day was rather a wet one. W. C. T. C. -The regular meeting wul be held on Thursday afternoon welt. at the usual time and place Mies Sheppard, of Clinton, has been .sting her fnenos in town, Miss Lucy Whitely, and Mn. Geo. Sheppard. Rem. Anderson, ut Mullett, who now Les .n genal, • charged with stealing • watch. will be tried on Tuesday next. Ssaioryt.list -The Rev. Mr. Taylor, lately of Haytsld, was suddenly takes ill with sores direct ailment of the heart, st Stratford, o0 Monday last One The c..anty treasurers sale of land for physician was summoned, but he con - lazes, advertised in THE SI .!MAL fila sidered Mr. Taylor's case of so serious • Wmru, will be interesting reading to ' nature that another physician miscalled. Mea The rev. gentleman we to have address Mr. and Mrs. George Kidd, and Mw . ed the Orangemen that day, but of MD [OA Kidd. of Dublin, spent • few court, oould not do se. dsye In t.ow•: t:caw week, enjoying *6•1 We are glad to see that Carroll Chil- h•ke brerrr. I kin, sun of R. S. Chilton, U. R. Consul A. McGaw and Las tor,. s ,is returned 1 here, did well at Me midsummer exam - 1.. Winnipeg last week. Alo.l is an en- i aviation of Asumption Coilege,S.ndwich. tkesnsstic believer :n the glorious dentin, ; In the published pries list his name el Manitoba. fitness in connection with the following Stretford will celebrate its inau+nna 2nd gripe for ventral gleaner", lot Nes s • city on Wednesday next. Pre a.m'.errial els.: let prize for book- peretw.ws •re helm( Made f . • 1.iir *.,e. keep*nl, , 1st prise for rit...tie : let prise is the baby city. for Christian docttine, graduation honors Ray. R. Leitch, of Point Edward, u to 18. commercial department. spending • portion .of hu months .act- WR Fund ovR RtrT Kt-rrrrs Ansi. tine in this section. He has mar.; ' Tare. -At Dewey, Tuesday. Joly 7th, by friends in Huron the Rev. W. M. Spoor, of Sanborn, Mr. On Tuesday evening lot. at the Palace I Albert k. Clnrwleniee and Moss Orme Roller Rink. strawberries and cream 1 newer, of Neel. I) T Tha•u.picinus even served by the enterprising propria -event occurred at the residence r4 the -motherfes, J. C. Harrison. ( bride's other in law, Mr J Led*, of D. M. Bucharun, returned blame nn Orly. Mat Tuesday morning at *f a. at., Wemineed.y from •three months visit I • number of the contracting parties from to England and Scotland. He appears&Ilei Coy and Wheatland being pres- to to witness As have enjoyed he tripwitness the c remonp. The Then )idallicudd will !rove nett : bridesmaids were Moe Etta Clendening 1 and Miss Anna Alga, of Wheatland, week furs m.suths' .a e*i.n •mr•ng the anti Miss Fro,... Valhndigham, .1 Val. ]Nisi -oke lakss, with a party (nom *he ! 1.. City, and Mr Roller Ciendening, of if.pt8. College, Wordet'• ek. ; Wheatland, acting as gr o'neman. Walter Andrews. l'ro4h.r ,d Cienh.n t Many costly and handsome presents And•.+•, of this town, has herrn with ' were removed love friends anti acguaint- ►is e..sradh of the 7th Feathers, .d antes. together with hearty congratula- Ie-s.lwe When he last wrote home, :1 tions and gond wishes Aft.. the rev. - oras from Clarke s ('rossing, m,my the happy co many partook of • the mend 7th. -.awilsressi .a Hisses Ole.desime rend Aye. .misled by the groom, favored AO friends ON seam maul inners tmnsie, after whisk the bridal party were asseapa.ied is tate depot sad dsp.ted for the esgi1.1 site d the Wintery. The mem w wIdely sled Mta.biy !sews Mae member el the Aim of LWI. Olandmsllwg, el wble dos beiip W s Lege tu'ek of trie.ds with whom the Let(rerprise juiss in the el wishes for the hears welter* of the happy pair.-(Saaboen, Da, SaMapeste► As escunaoa from Wnodeto.k, Inger- tell and Beash.ilI is expected bee on Weimer/day. We hops the .iliums will be welcomed heartily. G•IDIN PAaTT.-I riest party will be held u. the gro•.of Mr John Nattel, jr., Booth street, oe Tuesday e.e.ieg, beginning a1 Gare o'clock. Tea ed codes, tame respinerriet the .rets. els, will be resod town toad will disooa•e muds, ed a good programme has bee. provided- As the affair is amides the marine d the W. C. T. U. it dseerves serene. Admieaios N emends 10 cents ; sdrestms le N .trey rmoe- aids rotes. To Coasm.rosDmeT&-Wises you pet a one mat stamp upon a hearer for peb4 Batton, don't close the e.velops. Bata of our lead eorreepe.dmes make this mistake, rod their Inters go to the dead letter osis, a.d we have to poly four mete in order to get thea If yos send items, sus that "Frisbee's Copy" i written a printed ea the envelope, and don't foal the envelope. 1f you send a eland envelops yon nest put a theee 41001 stamp oa it Alt exchange recommends the ties of glyeeries foe removing coffee or milk china. The s(18, woolen, or other fab- ric is painted over with glycerine, thea washed with a.lean limas rag dipped in lukewarm rain water, .Nil clean. 1t is afterwards pressed oe the wrong side with a sositerately warm inns as Ines as it seems damp. The most delicate colon are unmdmted by this treatment. The London Ave Prea say -"Dog- ma Ms Cesig, d Goderish, a few day , kris Swished the shipment et the square timber that had been got oat trader hie espervisioa daring the peat winter. It aaou.ted to over !00,040 cubic fest,mad required nearly MO ease to haul it sway. A oonsidersb a ge enty of it was @ear- ed aloeg the Gee et the L 0.46 B.. aid ales as far Borth as the Georgian Bay district. Mr. Mearaig Mates that ship timber is becoming scarcer year by year, and aaticipst s that a much mealier (area of when than seal will be engaged next winter in getting oat timber." A Goon Sstiu on -The Rat Portage Pro.re,r. of Jess 27, has the following very eosphimsntary reference to a Huron Liberal :-"The election is over. and we sincerely bops that with it mid be beried all the •miummitiee that have bre engen- dered. We have m11 fought as hard as we could, sad sow that the strife has soared let /rimed and foe pamp heads and all bygones be bygo.ma We think we ore echoing the .entiomte of Rad Portage Reformers and Conservative alike when we say that there ws ao mese pleasing u.cident eonsemted with the sawpaigo than the vi I paid w by Mr. Keating. g. Him two phes here were gentlemanly sad eosrteoas towards bs oppooents and able es tions of the queatiuss of the day. That this state- ment is carat is amply borne oat by the testimony of Mr. Meredith, eh) paid Mr, Manning an exceedingly high .o.t- Osseot in the course of hie on Wednesday evening. Kr. tarried away with him the best wishes of pQoolIsteal fried and foe alike in Rat Portage.'' O2•,.:s Psa'aatox AND Ssstmw.- Os Sunday morning last, headed by the town bend in uniform, the Orangemen of tioderich marched in procession The oeml»rr turned out an large ssmhers, and Bran F. W. Johnston, Rnbt. Thompeua and the venerable Segment Kelly were conspicuous ivy their tall hats The lodge marched to music Dr Victoria Mast Methodist church, where they occupied the centro aisles. The boildinv ws crowded, so much en that we were unable to take notes of the elo- quent and forcible sermon preached by Rev. G. F. Halton. The pulpit and platform were taa.fslly decorated with flowers, and the choir was augmented by several braes and red instransesta The singing was hearty. The aurmon was a vigorous attack epos Romeo Catholic institotioia, and the preacher sepport.d his position by citations from the Fath- er's, Bishops and Pops. He denounced the worship of the Virgin and the mints, &donation of image, and 0osfentinn. He ors M ham very .soggiest, and the brethren appeared ti deist iu every word. )(MOON AST L7 -irRR.-Mn. Me.wore gave a very interesting lecture in the North street Methodist church oa Tues- day evening. under the auspices of the Women'. Missionary Society. Mrs. Memos is wife of the well-known mis- sionary now rationed near Lockett'', India Mr. Mesmore was • Osnadan minister, who under the powerful eloquence of the late Bishop Simeon res 5' irred sip to consecrate himself to minnow work io India As the Canadian Metho- ditto at that time had no mission there, he went to the States, and pet himself ander the charge of the mission Board of that country. Owine to the ill health of her children Mrs Memore res con- strained to bare Ind.. thew yeast age, bit her husband still keeps faithfully at his poet The lecture on Tumidity was exceedingly interestint. The speaker mid that the Master had left the church the legacy : '•Go ye into all the world and preach .he rape!." She aid slut from 300,000,000 to 1.201,000,000 were ail) in the darkness of heathendom, and Ma showed the ten.l.le effect ..f that m.-rsl darkness upon womanhood Her deecnnti•wm of the child widows of India was touching. and her *pumas to the Christian women ,4 Canada for help was • powerful one. The fact that Chris- tianity was the only relig owl that honor- ed womanhood was well brntght out The lecturer recited the "Lord's prayer" in Hlndostanee at the sloe& of the ad- dress. The M..rm..ns generally rer,arded Joly 4th as • day of moorntng for "dead indemsndeuce, se they call it. fft fkill/st 11itUe.. e.rn.rs. *Si Wirth. eaadNaMb fine weft a4le d.sir end Easter have 8.. pee- vtsiemel dmen ltted by the lemania- greatest "plweki.g"e wee ba Wary, the ser i. ,basal was d .est mem! ! eha.seMr ..d N. diswll. Al il.deri.L 94 meded.Ms Weise IF bis the tows�Zad 44 East the reentry. At E xeter Y w'sM, 4 hem. the village, and 4 feat the alwtry. CL.ditisw were impaired N the ons -third is seek sob - joie, and sM►Wf, or MC am the total JOen, Hewed (laderieh M. B. 413 Abele Lowson John '• Maier, Webler Mariner, AMR ,r M8E..uis, Everett •' Melatoeh William Sharma. Chas SheepatuPsyrey Hillier, • Johnston, Bella Wilson, ().vee Whitely, Jennie Wt•os, Adds `r N� JJames t Atliblimld NDate., Bridget ht. " Stiles, Awns . Chamois, John 4 " li Fidsyee., Ales 41 N 41 Y (derden, William 11 " Emma 11 " I, William W. Waanaotq► Teresa 7 Sp▪ eeder, Joseph 4 God.rieh t'p D..sey, Abs 1 Hs L.T0uce1. Ando 2 Colborne R�eddddole,sl, o. Z.Join " - . ., Akan, Edward 4 •' Duren, Ast ow G. IL S. Down, Mazy G. Exeter Porkies, Josephine Crekey, Willl.s 44 HMor�,Robert 5 Al6ad 1 Ueiorme shame, Jeb. E 3811= 470 417 4M1 m 491 407 3117 444 393 MM 448 428 417 433 496 461 430 440 461 401 SRI 406 444 484 448 491 394 692 440 38! 387 347 404 440 444 484 Several e..didh4sa who obtained one - hell el the total, but failed by s few marks to obtain the siaimum rehired i bilary or lined ns, ilea been re•ssimi ler rbuskpbw•t attMwea This body test i. Koos ehureh last Tuesday at 11 o'clock a. at, Rev. Mr. Pribbard, in the o'- t el the mono - nor, oc.apyiag the their. Rev. 11. Y. Tbospen was sleeted moderator fee the ett.ig itis asenthea After rwuli.s hist, (not of peblis itpoetsese) the fonlewi eg sMdins enm- smitten for the year wereted : Hats Memnon -Prit.haiMcLean, Raineey, DoenIeidla., 01 ell &MIS OP eaisave, Ath- ens., Bur, Sprat, Fe1iwiaghat• Ftlewacs.-McDonald, M.Coy, D. D Whoa, Bnsdfoot. S•seetta &-sooaa-Miller. Calder, lIsiemoo, Stewart, De. Ura, 11fglti.. Toorea.iece.-Fltcher, Carrier, R.Y. T7wwp.o., Mo.teith, Whitdwd, Mur- ray. SAMBA= Osenavums. - Stewart, Ds.by, McDonald, Shaw, Simons, Barr. Sarttilromen:ecs or fivrnsirr*.- Mcl.ea., R Y. Thompson, and their re- presentative elder& •rlgsxoo• 50.10*. A report of the .smmbly wee reed to the effect that the Presbytwy would be allowed te wain the name of Rev. Mr. Thompson, lite of Rrsesdcld. and now of British Columbia, oe its all, Ere. Dr. Um, Mr. Barr. and Mr J. R. Misr. were appointed a committee to prepare ra.olutiens on the death of the Rev. Chas. Pletcher. An apiieatico from the ceagregstion of Rodgorvil a for lase to shame their church kn Haa..11, was entertained, and the neigbbo.i.g semiois riled in accord- ance therewith. Rev. Mr. McCoy was appointed to moderate in a cell from the congregation of Brecellekl. A Ball from the congregations of Bay- field and Bethany, in favor of Rev. D. Forest was entertained, and ge.ti sen from the respective congregations being beard in support thereof, it was sustain- ed, sod ordered to be transmitted to Rev. Mr. Forest in the usual way. Arnuarnents were made for hu amine tin. -.n cos of his .00aptanc.-on the sseo.d Teeed.y in August, Re.. Dr. Um to preen., Ramsay lo Mr- MiranpreachMr- Miranto address tminister, and Mr. Pritchard the people. A special meets°, of the Presbytery in connection with 'Mb the above Dails will be held on the 11th of August. The Remelt ease fame up before the Presbytery, and lusted from 6veo'clotck ontil after .one o'ckck in the morning. The pvcatiesi urs Me not at all of pwblte interest, and how the session of Knox church amok( in the first case touch the case is a wonder to us. The perwns who have misled and urged 01..114 Mr. Rasw.11 in his course from the first de- aeree censure. OOI[I4VNJOATIONB. CLAUDIO 111W U4O Oa -r r-- Nu.�o M _ tsswtM•ssse • d lir mat bald esna.w m iisaslbb tiro tete lo'ges".• ssmmm�etwe. napartassin nem einem M our t;,wrs.pandenM Cet.tr.bs- thew -�.. ~ le o tiontta.a salt to brio. A tweeting of the Beard d Liman tlt6m..BreOtopu Al.1 flaw. M w MaF•asd tf•radgs• ..f the Cullegenwtnig •emeds of the oath . s $ agtmaat. Mr. lobo Beattie te.dered his r'enem- tion as Ptestdeet, sad Mr 0.u. Wobeth as liminess Mam.ger. Both resignations were est vd- Kir. D. Mscbt war appointed Press - deal sad Messaging Pinotur. Mr. T. H. Outing wsm appontted general s•perinteodeut. It has best deemed .sessmary to makewti hires redoas in the manses expenses of the establishment in view of the flofall- lag utl in nosiness tncide.t to the ott Act.-(L,nd.•' rice Press. Ts the Batter et The Hares Masi I am informed tat Johanna (Phillips' pap driver) was not the only ansa inked IMF NII el the L•gIeld Bridge, white it mm .ad_Helag repairs by ret out- miNM.er Meet, reeve id G.derteh w„nehip Neither was "pup" the only kW of dri.k that wee used et the bridge by •'G•brili." workmen. Several pee- wee were put to great nom oealinos, who seemed to euw(urm w the wish.s of throe loll tullsotiuwa We do u..t pro teed to ken* what the powers .4 their road eommiaioeer are, bet would Ake to haw it the repairing et this beds was 1st by imam 1f It es, who was the con Meter and what was Use ...st I Ost Imo esu NOT PAT Tuu. aeon Art Floes. Friends from Knott Act counties have wntten s enquiring whether or not a recent decision of the Supreme Court affects the statutory provision for the disponi of tonr.y collected s fine for infraction of the Scott Act. in reply we wish to rete that the ease referred to ons in which the fine had been unpos- ed previous to the enactment of the premien law providing for the apprnpria tun of such fnea The lair, as it now stands, is plain and unleeetlerle.l. in case the prosecutor for mastics of the law is a License inspector, two-thirds of this One is paid to the Chief Inspector, 1 and the remaining third to the treasurer of the nionieipaitty wherein the offence was onmmitted . in ease the pnwrution IA brought by • private party ono -half the fine is paid t.. the pns,•cetnr good the other half to the musielpahtl tresurer. -(Cana.la Coigne. it weft r Mather card. The framer of lb. iadietment aga.o't Loma Roil has Ret himself into a had fit in eharying that rem was "moved and reduced by the io.tigati.ii o f the devil," kr Red.. awnel may incidentally ask him to prove the etiatenee of that inter- esting perennality fikon d he he •lite te do this he would l it an end to a very sorest and ...sed .s ntrnvray. - f Cbi- a.gn News I0 _ The nest M tram Pvast. hem the ltrstkret Age. Os the moment of July let the nods loading to this place were thronged with pleasure seekers gong to .peed the day at Like Hurwo aid see the numbing .•f the large two -manor, 'Pinafore' which W bre mentioned fur that date. Arrivislg at the Port, Me visitors pro- moted to enjoy themselves in orthodox fashion, by ening the excellent sod serviceable rowborq kept for the coi- v miemee d the poli., Wine, y+e-niek- i.g, eta, ..til S o'oivak, when • crowd to the number of mix or novo. hundred. stung whom we notked s'eps'ao.btives from Busaagoet, Plimpton, Warwick, R1.pko., Ewe mod West Willman, Adelaide, McGillivray mad other towu- ships, sad from Atha Csutg, Parkhill, Arno m, Tkedford, ftiwysr, Slnathroy ad other places of importation, had asthma' to sec the luesr-baked for nigh/. The vessel to be Munched was there epos the sleeks, and leant very well made cad scat Hedged ; Ming about 96 ft. long over all. &.d 14 ft. wide, with • depth of abut 12ft. the is belt d timer grown end prepared to this immediate vlc.nity. At the appointed tins the word was gives, the blanks and wedges being al- ready r•soved, the way bsiag well greased, and the craft laden with • lerp ■ amber of adventurous young sp.rits,•nd when the ropes at bow and stern were .nerd, the veru glided qualy and without sseidant into the placid f obis, amidst the .hems of the admiring apses& Me, few d whew W over hof ore seen the heath of so deep • weasel. We fear, Mr. Editor, that many of your leaden have only m den ss.esou.neas of the importanse of this plane, whish should be the seaport or rather lake port) of Strstbruy. Therefore we hops to be meowed wins' we explain that this ire eshoner was bads by Captain Rel born for Meseta. Measly and Williams to marry their fine salt (produced at their Urge works bees) to. Godwin*, whereby it is enaveyed to • railway st • eat of 9e. per bbl.. while te team it to Third - feed world oat nearly lbc. per bbl. Tb. harbor here is unit of the best is Wester. Ontario, ant if some enterpria- isg pities mould once .omsaoi up courage ettuegh to run • railway are there ie rev doubt that the government would take active steps towards the proper develop - meat of so safe • harbor of refuge. It is said by competent judges that sufficient grain has been lost near thus place, to • single night, to pay double the aim.uot needed for the making of the required improvements. Hoping you trill excuse this long paragraph, and that more of your townd..lk may come to she the rest 7 was held y.oterstay, ohs aerials aeals e8apa Lunch, I close by subscribing myself Your. truly, Pis.; ams. Port Frank, July tad, 1083. oar. aa.s.1. ewsust. We say that the statement that the Onto caused the r belliwt is aY.ard.- I Regina Leader. Of course it is absurd. Th. rebdboa wee because of the .hortuumisg$ et the Goverment. The rebels' groottd& of oumplaint were neither eased nor per. petosted by the .iota Every persue with momson sass knew that Bet it is not every hardshell Top like Nichol- as Flood Davis who admits it. --- M•MMfEm At Christ altarek, .oral. P. It. ea Wolass- del evening. J iy '- Ink by Lanai laEdens Asderson, rentor l4ee.ae n. kav Ssrriaterat-Law. of .sdsetk, (1•t., to lana teatime_ dearth Mogan' of the Ire tall. Peroses, sae-. er Msatrsel goosessunsimmottonsonse Sew wdveralmoim.s This West. Notice- Ira Lewis 8hertlead -boas Mom Iltssetetles Kale► -J. U. benteu- OH� wasted aidd eako l AA Sep 13111.1. •.miner Itessd P. O. ass ITh. Oederteb. hese of Leads Per Twee --Tows et YMrie . Meed Tlboogtm Generally tte.est. OTTaw t, July 12 --Before the House e djnurued last night • disputa arose be- tween Meilen. Rowell sod Cameron ;of ' Heron) in regard to sumo words used by the former. After some cross-6nng Mr. Bowed accused Mr. Cameron of calling him • liar, and picking up a tumbler of w5gt, drew hack to throw it at Mr. Cameron. In doing so, he spilled the water contained to the tumbler over Paint, who sat behind him, and Paint's outcry seemed to bring the Minister •,f Customs to his .cocas, for he put the tumbler down without throwtng it. Opposition members +be wens sitting beside Mr. Cameron ducked their heads, expecting the RIMS lir be thrown. 11 has been urged as an excuse for Howell that it was almost the 12th of July. -(Globe. TYfap/ be was • Cowboy. PRILAbtLhsls, P• , July 13. -Charles Krause. • Prstael baker, tinted the Wild West show last week. To day, after numerous libations, he imagined himself upon the plains. Armed with a six -barreled revolver, he took his stand at 32nd street and Alleghenyavenue. As people came out of the pache took , • shot at them. Men and women and children posed along the avenue, and Krause blazed awe at them ut.t:i thesx berry's in his revolver were exhausted. Teeing a policeman, he ran into his house. He reloaded and determined to sell his life se dearly impossible. Before going upstairs he took • pop at his wife, end fortunately mired her. Know then int renehed himself in amennd•story beck room, and dared aoyose to a.me in. The officer welkin" upstairs and ex- changed shots with him, atter which a horrible struggle ensued. The polios. man's clothes were torn, and be res io such a forlorn condition before suhwtaiag the nun that be we onapslled to hand hem over to s brother officer, who finally lodged him in theaatioa-hoose. ese met.ees et Dort Plat. BArri&rmmtb. N W. T., Joly 13. - Comp fever ie raging among nes the troops at Pitt Cni. Oshnrne timith is pretty het A doctor went from here to day. The ramp is said to bo without a tonic s Miserable Min r s.pplytne • greet deal of important festim.wy, implicating the nromntere of the rehelb n. The Wood Cres, with Wander.,,q Spirit in bow. are coming slowly towards Pia. An Indian arrested here for floral °Renee proves to be the murderer to Chas. (kuin at V Lake. Dentistry. L WOOLVERTON, L D. ILTT . 01111.e -OM Veneers Ran Perth 111.. (iodeeuk. Chanes mederste. AL worwar- rantee!. the People's Eckman. HOME AND DAY SCHOOL FOR seati�lar�. gi+•aiIndies o. tl se bawl waft aad *501rnsa�tNvlfmu�al ian lyii ee. Teruo toe awl Whoa M� par BE� A. M. tleaenek, oat. 1N .41 ar. Pall smaias mows Hoot Pee ~ SUMMER BOARD WITH LARGE toms, wen luraid.d. h Moos More 'deb extensive gr.504.. Hoot table e a sod sssd- sa.Terms ren. • .ma. Address P. 0. boa. ttg Msdeetet Out. MIA vl'RB.r EGIRL WANTED. -Tom e 1.1 two niestls is Part *raiser. Fere to Pert ArAar and revers real MmilIL App's es at owto HIM. A. A Mc0I1HOOR at Carr. Dt.vcav'a. Haat attest Ira Jt HORTHAND. -ISAAC PITMANS ►J PHOC U0RAPHT. The most pease.(~ tem masbt. l.strsst10 brake ter sale at TIM Maul, area 1.07 bel and sten Amid leen sbortbeat rhe OTICE--THE STATUTES OF 0/4- 11 TARE). t1 ole, 1111. are wow reedy far d.strib.tioe u Menke ef the Clerk.1 tae Pewee. Odsrich. to imams of the P01.., sad mem mined to se's. 1R* LARD!, nark of the Pena Viet Clerk .t the Puss, QMd.rtedl met-st D1t.(t10Li' I'ION OF PARTNERSHIP Tbe ebbe le thereby metaled that the ars M J. D. Luttrell 4 Cu , coviaevr Mama6etentm. carryiep ea besmear atOederirh. hes 181. ddaayy bees deles:.el by deme:/...1 time. Tie Masi - nem wall M earned os by J D. Gammen. Dated as g.deriek ilia 158 der .f Jame MM. J. D. LL'TT IML 1104-11D C. tTrRA •N. Ci t 'OD GENERAL SERVANT GIRL T W AXTHD iMMEDIATHLY. required. ppll s. MRs. M- p. CAMS , DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP The tart nen hip berimeere *Meths between the undersigned s ferment etc.. hen Mos 18te day dissolved by mutual commit. ANDRZW AL'LD. ADAM D. HOOVER Jo.. Hose.. wi:arm. Fast Wnwanosb. July lie, 111M. 151 -4t BUGGIES FOR BALs. • R N OX . apposite the Colborne Hotel. bar.e5 more vehicles than he seeds. uoferieg for tale a twsotsted carriage and a siaxl• sicced head. Raab Wall Walsall ata• JOHN OMericb. July 918. i01. NM* G(X)D GENERAL SERVANT weer - s0. Good w AI►pa.]1W� to Maw. teas, Isternetloualamlt erla,i;{oder!ch. 150.11 STRAYED OR STOLEN- ABOUT the end of May, • hey posy. abets woe ream old, one white 8tad rem, end weighs i« or fel lea. A reward will be paid ter shy l.ferssies 104tmr te its roamer,. Aegis se JOHN KNUX. Oederleb. 111.41. B P lltl Menne of bot ire sulo e. Is st-.lass .! and double hoarded pp d 9 or doubbt*. Parties who have lost bees end wok new rearms for their blue.. by Deluging their hue's to sir apers can net 'kens tilled at es * .warn. OKOItt:F:.i :l:ltIw, hat' -It il..n.entum P. 0. pi ANC) TUNING E. I. RRt) tt'N respectfully announces to t8e Geblf that he is prepared to Tune and Hiloir anes. Orders left to Mrs. Cooke's or Mr. Imr;de Rook ?tiem will be promp'ay .11.5401 to. A:I work wamtnted first -slaw 11164m PDWARD SHARMAN, seICRLATSR 114 and p10.terer. Masks the public for *bele rout inure patronage. He 1.x111 ready to do all week ea his line h a ewpyrier saunter. Prices to suit the geese. tatiaates eve. ter hnlldtnps when requited. it For Sate or to Let. HOUSE TO RENT -Out AND A half .Miry, frame. as Pilo. et., sear !WI erhon* In *rat-el•ws repair. to p JOHN MOD. or J. A. 117111, o' R=1D I elr►.Y i o. “181•11 1# H4i10E FA 1:14 FOR KALI. - "JanefeM,- rontafniag 1111!♦ 5 t ('nn Township M Ood„rtcb. If &wired s as.rrmage w 11 he lapin n. car *8. property for • portion at the porrh ase money, at • Rooter ate Tae of intro...and for a esS.MN er,. S1m eel% ot to ide•rteR 0n*. na Agility b JOHN 1 X. ave11106 it - r FOR SALE. -THE WASH - 4' INOTON n lot trs.n. 2%. card ' Ts S�tp of shoal edW.wa. nosh. enntalatng 1.a serve, neve is gram A wellltyg boom. new, 8.. sad meaty. Is- 'ensive outbuildings, and as orchard, The 'artn Is ...in .o -noted tar ralNoa stoat. Teems 'y. For p.ri'gl•n ayO1 to rhe pry pprrfetor. JOH V W AAHII 7o't, A nhnra Piet ' 84,,.. 1111-44 L`�IRM Tu LET FOR A TERM Of Teen. Lot til a... 1. tlr Mah1,a4 eee- er.w.k.a, 5118. Towmabltpp et lindanes, mp.l� by utter to J. R. LIZARh Misdeed Mar a 1