HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-7-17, Page 2TORY TRICKERY. van. Make Shows up Mho J. Z Drown toad air Jotila• ♦Rivera& Os the aero Mz Blake • poem* a further • jset ut weaver thoegt► to read the ether My. I carat algia the Hoole, ea tsh- eers hes stdnoeale in papaw Oita the camber for Feat Toronto ,Mr. Small) Mae tows t♦ediee plan.. *Mew j. MI W . u •paoo .prong hand leader el the Gee - fres Mr. full, tt y1eg he WI trent him • a t of Zile HeseMead Act, trail tag his if he sat •n7 ;lettere W gees, he would likes tee these. says helms aur beet iofinr • trims with tae at each of the and the leader of th. Government are *axioms to have it. Os the 7th of May 1 received Go. letter :- bb Elis betbeteert, Towuso, May s. 1006 Hon. Mr. Blake. (Wawa Sia, -The undeveloped is jest slows from the hooch Branch, Prises Albert. Settlements have been furring on that oeaghborhood for five years. 1 have been in the Northwest Territory for fourteen years, end on surveys for seven year.. I would very much like sender - view ca matters coraemia( the Gosern- rawat meets in the Northwest Territory and the Half breeds. the villaisis Pias Beed os the aaadian Pacific Railway survey., sad the wilful waste of both sad cash by have been interviewed by Mertens et papers hen, but intend keepbg a1� tpp mantel until I have been at haaigtMh tors, I as a ruined, bard wnekiar far- mer, and have no funds or I would go straight to Ottawa. If you will wie A m rise . I will go and see yeay Indian ain whom I have ben as • witness. He is • Siosx that I adopted when - wll bey. Now be is a tineoung than, and a 'reel specimen for the Government to look upon and treat .eeorduuly. Then would be no trouble is the West if my intended advice is noted down. Trusting yea will kindly compty with my request, I beg to remain, sir your bumble servant. J. E. Baone. 1n reply I sent the following. I soppos ieisltel*t, ked b anima_ I )edge he hitt has moil •bah Jimmie& ' van- -Mess - d'atty a t been fsidy ity, with a ming. If I learn an gems I will let you know. I have bad time to sit down to write letters or aaythire elm. Brown chi not tura up on Mende" night. Oe.aider•se if wee a holiday I did wit think it likely he would be in a condition to rake en ego possess" bat he has not put in an ap- pears's, since. I think he sees then is lite prospect of money, and my opin nu as well as theit of those who have seam him, is that he is a dead -beat. (Loud cheers and laughter ) I will only say to the hon. .member for Bae Toronto (Mr. Small) that the abort- ed *ray is the best, sod if he wanted to w Mr. Brown's letters end had asked as for them I would haws been nappy to give theca to bra. (Renewed cheers aged laughter.) RACING FOR 'IOW& the leader of the Government in some way got tie artsi.•1 of toy latter and quoted it sorreetly. I reed it as he is reported to hem given it Orr*wa. May 7, 1885. lint -I have your letter of the lith, and should be very clad indeed to learn from you any facts ooiu wted with the manseement of affairs in the Neigh -wed Territories. I would willing!' eusply with your request for • pre to Ottawa d it were is my power, but I bate no mane of prcennag railway puma It u possible. thooeh by no seams certain, that I may be in Toronto for a few hours within a few days, and if so I would try to arrange on interview with you, or if I am ohabte to ttnnatel that J Can ar- range an interview with • eondduatial friend of mine. who would note down kr sy own ear only ail that you choose to communicate, if this would be agreeable to you. Tours faithfully, EDWALD EL E& J. t Vroom, Irl, hulae•tueet3P 1 received the follow- ing - A Reporters 3zperienneon board a Lake Michigan Tug. *similar eS The beet ImP ort 4 the wa1n the rear Jig mem ios'mwd midi it [meld have hast hero, a pails alp" thing, ems the hat. Jive covered with a uses et beret., Medan ur rather Shashi et seal, which were flying free the stack. It .served to the notice as if the tag wee teariffig herself to pieces, so Soloed, did she steaks ends the ordeal, and the steam gags &rain leaped into the reporter's miiti. In this was comfort or 4.ystr, and he retraced his steps toward the engine - nem. But the figures un the fan weld not be ssen- The prise which was at first a mare speck was fest becoming pioneer at ever jump of the tug until her hill sad mils arumed definite shape. Nearer and easel' she approached the vessel .ltd the mamba% of her crew ooeld be seem, bet last as certain was the ether teas baring down spun her. The door of the furnace banged chastantly and Morel atter shovel iell of Boal wee heap- ed into the furnace. It was a trying moment, and the Brew strained every nerve end muss to win, sad seeded' the captain .adeemed is greet ties. "We've gut ass, and kis juy w height- ened when the tog n.eteed the quarter of the vessel fully 200 feet in advance et the nearest of the other tags "It was • good rasa," the sprain ex- claimed as he aigsalled the esegirteer to go ahead after the tow -line had beet safely twisted around the bits. V assume tees tar a Tow ea Musa /M,. Tugboats geuaged—Nice 1 p seems teaseling et Sts ss*ey Varve. Blom the later Ocean. Past the rows ot high buildings and under the brides the little craft glided like • ser, until she finally reached the wide messes of waters of Lake Michigan. Only the method Tu aSer the exh•est.ad the mo•utoovue vibra- tions of the lull disturbed the silence. The gloomy atom wails of the water works Drib, which in the night resem- bles an isolated sea prison, were directly ahead, bet by a tarn of the tiller wad they were left to one aide, and soon only the solitary beacon, whit h surmounts them, woe all that could be seen by a glance over the stare. Swiftly the little tug flew past the lights of Lincoln park, and than almost directly ahead could M seen the remarkable flash -light of Grose Point, twelve mils distant 'Watch it,' the captain raid, and he banded • pair of powerful marine glass to his solitary passenger. The glasses were leveled epee the point when the light bas et soddenly disappeared, and after interval of • few seconds the watcher', patience was rewarded by aw- ing a minute speck of red light, whieb gradually gnu in Nas pntil it glared down tea the Silent waters be! r tt ,:like the eye of a huge monster which was writing for its victim's approach. It also diasppeared, and then was another interval of darkness ; which was followed by the bright flash. So this light alter - eaten, showing Stet bright then • deep red, *ad then disappearing altogether fur • brief space of ties, every night in the year. Atter a run of one hour and a half it was direct) abreast of the tag, and the captain puled his watch mechanically. 55 Elizabeth street, b a. mm Mr. Fr etaa. ,-I-1 }n reply to roues just to land, your friend can drop • line stating time • and place. I will give bum a few pointer 'Just 130,' he said. 'I always like to that will bear weight with them. 1 teas my bearings when I pas that light,' thinkI cleave to 700 m o lase that 1 be cotinued, 'because it might set in had to leave my home on the afterouth thick and storm and while we keep a 17 days in an. Prince Albert. and firer SHIM we knowy how to find our way 17 days in etowehoes echoer the Bind Bus. lakes. . and plains, arrived at Troy The a in sat at his post grimly with just .south to pay our fares to pv Toronto, which was $56.75, and all are dividing his tame between the compass now here with nn fonds, not even a in front of him and the inky darkness dollar to pay our board. Mr. C. T. around. At last the first streak of gray Mils. D. L. S.. invited me up to Dr. Idawn appeared in the east, and the cap - Johnson a on Blom -street today and tam because quite licaly. 'It is coming gave me a recommend to Mr. H. 13. 1.5 jht, sure, he cried out, and he re- Proodfou t, Dominion and Provincial le•ard his wheel • moment and stertjed Land Surveyor, Clinton. else to Geneve out upon the boat's deck a_d e • (tainted', Dmminiow and Provincial tend .aching examination of the horizon in Surveyor. of Pembroke. that are going •'K7 direction 'There's • bunch of out on surveys loon Now, yon will vessels over there,' he exclaimed, pointy e,barrve, if m name ao at oeoe in tog ever the starboard bun gleefully, and { those7 ha I hall Dot get a he gave the jingler a quick jerk. The and the cibrattoos of the hull dud like- ,at ; rotten provietons, worthless • :01116111 t�telrie li lit lee Fisiteglew Rheims, Coq, Bunts. S.sW •ed Fes tem, se it heeling sad peettpria4 dtaig OD trei ~ mase w .del to be se H.. iialphlkli-.--- 1 Path:* tsrbulie Cerate. Sell by Geo. Rhysas. 1st. Then Ma wjeeheibility cal lin Atte ate Gable telegnph fetes beim reseed to Set a word. - Setif, the philosopher el the Behest - goon ladepvaient. says : "loses of the tines openings exist fop erste, lamed - nes. Whets Ove coats is paid fur male Mg • shirt collar, there is mon meaer in • laundry tb•a ie a bask, and it halt the pepi•jys who strut amtuad se bark clerks took to lae.dry work it would be tatter for all parties, and more 'ende- eive to honesty." AS ttrd weveet$e. An old favorite, that hes been popular with the people for Dearty 30 yeses. ie Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry for all varieties of Sumatar Complaints of children and adults. It seldom or ever fails to cure Choler* Martens, Diar- rhea sod Dysentery. 2. PRING. & SUM Goderich Foundry aad M&chiae Works, Runoiman Bros., proprietors. cSSTMACTS TAM FOM MAI EMUS. mums MM. AMO OTME1 SI MIM S M IMI Flouring Idle Changed to the Gradual Reduction System. Horse Powers, Grain Crashers, Straw Cutters, Agricultural Furnaces, Stoves, etc., etc., at Low ?nose .411 Kinds of Castings Made to Order. R. W. Rvsculas A Basta* s T EMenwasT. - For $ Comb, Cold ne any Brashest! of ecioe- "Pusturi*," in say option, r just the thing. I have wed it fa my family for Cooghe aid Colts toe the pmt leer years with the most .aoseid cosec•, and too day my opinion of it is that I eostinue to think still more et that which 1 When thickine well of. Ciao. Kara, Manager Megrim Busk, Pickering. Price 26 sorts at all drop/iota m • Inteibtsie 811•108,- OTT wes+ Ot awe, July 8. -In the Hoene 01 Commons todayin the debate ou North- west attain, . Caseous (Heron), pointed out that when Mr. Ch•pleae, $scysi•r� of State, wrote to the people of Fall River, shits that the halfbreeds had never petitioned fur redress of their grievances. be wrote what was utterly untrue. The See etary of Stage we- either deplorably itooramt, or be W wilfully misrepresented lasts. He dmrg- ed that the cams of the rebellion was the criminal .is000duct of an imbecile and corrupt Government. Not only half-breeds but white settlers and Iodises had been robbed cad swindled by AIMS and agents with the connives* oI the Government After the rebellion had broken out • meeting of elute settlers was held •t Calgarry, et which it was urged that the only mora of ebtaising justice from the preset Government was to get behead Winchester rifles. Another speaker acid that the settler. of the Northwest were worts off than wild animals, because wild anneals had a dose season, while settlers were emoted at all seasons by Government agents and poli- tical jobbers. The Indians were goaded into rebellion by the cruelty and dis- honesty with which they were treated. After snaking treaties with the Iodises of the Northwest, Sir John Macdonald had deliberately announced in Parli- ament that a policy of starving the In- dians was necessary, in order to bring them too submission. A million dollars a year was voted by Parliament for the Indians, but not one-fourth of that sum ever reached them. It was sgo•adered upon Mr. Dewduey and his min,ona,whe were left free to rob, eheat, plunder. and starve the Iodises at will. Rotten pork. bought from Dewdney's partners at 25 oeuta a pound, was given to Indians to any ^ chances s u positing In any surveys for • lPuffing increased to a frightful extent, ong tune P eine. The vessels were soon overtaken, unit tar food, were d for at ouormow but were found W be Acing aloins the pries and giver• to Indiana Agents of to come, en i hope for my take you will not mention my name. They can easily investigate sad find out what I sate to be correct If you eau put in a word for me and my boy t.. any surveyor that is going nut, I shall be most thankful. Trusting we soon shall have a chime of ttorernmeet Inc the eke of the whole of Canada. 1 bee to remain obeoiently your'' Iianwlt. Cheers, i their stacks it was evident that the rose To which 1 replied - mas- ters of both were determined to tow her ATTAR -e. 'they 1:. ISM. to Cbioalgo. Then two mon tugs were DEAR SMR. -i have your letter Jird see north of the vessel steaming in her will ask a friend to make an app int- direction, but they were 'pecks on the sent with you. 1 will take care. as you horizon The experienoed eye oil the dmire, that your name 14'11)11 not be used captain, however, told him at first t. your prejudice. 1 will pot discos it glance that the were making for the u ntil goo have had ample opportunity at .olitary 'tow' also. and turning to his •ecwrinr an appointment for the surveys passenger he said, 'Steer her rtrsight for the year. of c••u are fortunate enough to that esti while I talk to the engineer.' do so. hut 1 fanly there wiil not be • He had not been gone a minute when great deal of surveying done. I should the object of his conference with the gladly assist you in ProcJrinr etwnln7- enci.eer became apparent. The clans, - an • if it were ill my Power : het 1 hard ing of the doors of the fermate, rang nut tan Sean' o1 b•rw14•-ding vonr :ntervats Hi 1 above the din and clatter of the machin- wishes,this respect. NW ith thanks for lo;ir g"t'd shy, and then the shoveling of coal was II heard. Instead of black smoke, the i am yowl feithf•,lly. lstack vomited forth glowing eteeders of $GWARD BLARE. 'Great s:r•, the puffing aid the cibntieme J E Brown, Esq incressrd anti it became furious. 'She's 1 requested $ friend of mine to Kon- going wide open,' was the only etplana- tae.ie•te with • friend in Tomato, ask- tom the captain vouchsafed when be nturued and to k the wheel again. The ars him to ask an interview with Dir. i bat was plowint thruueh the water •1 itsswn, and my friend received from hi. i • tremendous sped, and she fond it friend in Toronto this letter. I read sill ; &leomt as high as her nil.' the Paris that boar on th:s matter - 'I think that fel'nw is rain:oig it, all, Ttraowre, flet.. 2:Ird May, 1Mk etelaimed the captain after • brief My Deer --. 1 baro had Br..wn enterval of silents Hold her again 11 1 see the etnnneer.' The *relieved ase d Rostssoa's Peoareoaaxas SaeoWow iavartahi7 cleanses the blood fres all impurities sad restores the sys..es to a state of healthfulness, that is manifested is ia- creased s,mstittlfiesal vigor, mental meti- viiy. aced lightness and bu yasee of spirits. Always auk for Rosiesoe's Pao rsctusa sttrisiorl, and be sure you get it. 2 new tae' ter rsmebe• we.Meee p1w ease. BOOM ems ftdml*nsM.. The Greet Owhew Lvigoreter is the oily voila ler impotesoy, Dantws de- bility, universal lwitude, torgetfulnssa, paint in thebsek or sides, no matter how .b*ttered'ehe system may be hon el- egem at a*y ked, the Great German Remedy will tartare the lest tutetione sad seers health and happiness. $1.00 per box, at boxes for �$6e 00. Sold by all drsggles Ilett es receipt d pries, posers paid b' F. J. Cheney, Toledo, Ohio, eel* igest fur United Sates. Cu - Ware and testimonials sent free. Sold b' Oeo. Baynes, sole agent for Gode- rtsk 2.: n e lake. this Government had grown rich by Then another vessel was sighted, and cheating Indians, and speeulatewt in their almost at the Game time two tugs were lands. de gwded {roes Gna.rvtiyy seen emerging the base, which hid the newspapers showing that Dewdney was • laud from view. They, toe, had seem speculator and the head of a gang of the vessel, and from the quantities of jobbers, and yet the Govaenrneet kept black smoke which was tornitted from this ,..n io the position of Lieutenant - Governor cf the Northwest. There was no punishment known to law sulkiest to punish men who had provoked this rebellion, and these criminals Gat upon the Treasury benches. He was willing to leave the punishment of the men who were the real seminals in the matter, to the electors of Canada. Mr. Cameron closed his powerful and elective speeds amid tremendous chess. THE PEOPLE'S STORE. BARGAINS1 1* CREAT BARC+�i2N8I OR pRODUO7h- Ph''i f3EE TWEI OrOOI8 DdARSED DOWN_ A Rswaan--Of ooe dome "Testa iv" to any ogee seeding the beet four lin- rhyme on ' istamtne, the remarkable little gem fee the Teeth and Eat:.. Ask your drugged or address Use fro{. Low's Sulphur Soap for Prickly Haat, Nettle Rash, Seeley Emp- ties, itch, and all diseased erudition. of the thin. 1. GRA'IyUL_ Cl)MFORTtNO. W. S.RIDIMSE', Jan. 21, 1t18ti, The People's Store, Goad LOW PRICE£3_- COX E AND'$EE THE BARGAINS la ti7t00=2tZRs, O ROC]z1c1RZ W.A111C, - CaIIQ� W.AR3, 8TO]oTIC WAJRNA, lac., a&C., d&O Also • Fres Lise of Moustache Cups, Ladies Cups, Fancy Mots, Mjjolica Ware Vases, &c., which will be sold at viz' - W_ 1� _ _ .T EPPS' S COCOA. BREA IC FAST. Ry • tberswgk knowledge of the sate rel taws which govern the es ersaise of tissues and nutrition. mid Eby a careful =saes wen - Gems lie pa has , seettsseottso/d ler. Incne has ties ofd sue breakfast table with a delicately flavoured beverage whole wy sore ss meq heavy doctors' LUIS. It 1. by the Jediciow ass of seek artialseul diet &set a neeetltetioa mei ke treda•ty built ap until otrose men& to rpiet every tewdo.cy to dleesee. oG of subtle make' are heating around s reedy to stark wherever there l a weak ppaniin�t. We may sew many • fatal abaft by kith mire =amide•pta6t come ea l noerteheewell wsh-the a its. -Made da iy with banters water ore Sold only in Pawkier Gro .are lane thus :-' JA1eo Sires lemo tar, Lwdos hoe. Sol C. IL (tceaen- Montreal. abeeldalle airseded se Much suffering is the resole of neglect- ed constipation. There is n.• better regulator of the bowels than Burdock Blood Bitters h its prompt action .n the Liver all tendency to irregularity ie miaowed, and one chief source ..f ill- heatb prevented. 2. tesA,er ea ,Mb.•eleua. 4r meat f SEEDS Turnip Seeds, Millet, Hungarian Grass Seed, Corn and Buckwheat. it n not known to natty of oar read- ers that forty years aero. Henry Ward Beecher was editor o f an alto,culeoral paper in lndianapolie Here is some ot his wisdom, which is as pet now u it was then. D.• any (Armen'wives in our part .d the world make their customers set butter out of old andergarnients t cwt 'The comparative degrees of butter are haptubed ep, and hare San him o, cI to- When he returned the d n of the tea- horrible, bad, tolerahle. We seldom ams e have who t,o the a,neluatoa shivery was perfectly • neering. The any butter in the market which merits • arse lt m tr 14,. whit M an rake cwt bat fairly .honk from stem to stern as higher term. Vas quantities exposed r either cad.. had t• rot. • theJibe un d forward. and a deep hiring for wk and twilight epon enmpul.i.Nl, and MON art it He has own to awn tilt P gc `\'hat. he eaten through etre necessity, would, in aurae succeeded the pulling. New York ter Philadelphia, never be cqoseted av hotter, hot nasty as green tlrwr, bitter seam. from dirty reaps - els. yields batter depraved frets use eery then., bet lard being added ams buttermilk awl subtracted, it travels to marks in het wesebs, sad its ebsrme are espotld is very swelling mood. (*, MONEY TO LOAN Hawtiltma street, oedericb. December lash. ISM. Int 4 BAGAINS FOR CASH G I AM SELLING OFT M\' STOCI OT CLOTHIN AND GKNTP FURNISHINGS .At a Greatly Reduced Price for Cash. Private toads to invest at reaeonaSle rate' et interest. Aim, seed defme that h. has agreed to e bine a Government detective ret a year, to drive around NW Earth- Went Territories, be provided nigh a hew.e sad e.wlveyanee, and in air. Be sees he in now waiting Inc • leis gas fries teeawa, that he is t' here was relieved of the wheel the rel"o'u'r gw��tl y walked t,owsrd the mists* Moat, where he was greeted by the sp.,t-enver- id enemies with a bread aria. Be d cautiously inside. glanced rsrefull7 at the steam gore, ted remarked indiffer- ently that 'be boat was mainly feet time. • Mme• Jr )atter whisk hin fired The registered 100 poen esesup M his es peers to ore 0.1 k . SAMUEL SLOANE, Hamilton Street, Goderich. Gedericb. May fhb. lent&.. 11044st Just Receive& I THIS IS A G&NUINK ANNOCNCEMkNT. ABRAHAM SMITH. Goderiaa. Nov. fhb. 1566. M A large assortment of the virion. GRASS and CLOVER SEEDS .drat$' fbr ltrtimutet psseres. M well as mu) AND itARDeN Extensive Premises and Splendid Now Stack. CielECO• l.Y CABINET - MAUI AND UNDERTAKER Hamilton Street, Goderich Ftt•m ANS tura TM t*TTRL arestED GRAM OF ALL LINOS -MS MVPf ib. 10011b loaf R S PRICE, A good assortment of Iltebea. Bed -neem. Thule( R.•or" and Parlor hreitsrr nark se t• hies. Chairs their. cane_ pad wood seated,. cupboards. bed -.teed.. Mattresses. Wash -mud Lounges, Sofa. la kat -lots, Leaking Gleams. S. S. A complete asseentest of Collins and !breeds always os heed also Hearses for bit p ps.aonable rste . jiiimis Framing a weelel!7.—A call solicited. ale r street Oral* Depot. seems Tela Hall. God Marsh ceeh. 153. 101F -he AP Ii.. telae ale ecce fav ot.•tOI aatMNwRe;wib Ip yea au ,..ra right away flee Wthteg else le this Alt. of either est. seeemad roes bet tr&wR reeeee even• helore the t re= AteaseMns lleni br i•N BOOTS & SHOES =lowmarlge Wecl.cfi.tZp Beg t. anatomies to the Public that they bare opened business in the above Sior• in the store lately [erupted by Horace Newton Having purchased a large clad well ase•rted stock of Spring and Kummer Goods inclose Leers, we are determine to give the Pnhlie the hen.Gt. letegos. QUICK SALES, SPILL PROFITS SILL BE OUR ICTTO /Mr -Please all atoll examine nor goods heforepurchasieg elvwhere. rer-P.emiemher the place, next door to J. Wilson's Drug Store. rlrCootnNn work will remove our apeoi•1 attention. re -None bat the beet of material used and first -etas workmen employed. XS -Repairing neatly dome on the shortest notice Goderich, March 9 1BB2. DOWNING & W E D D U P ART bESIGNS IN WALL PAPIR hoer is the time. it you wlab sae or two eine resew at home. to sae i e ietellreem peps. Ha has ever 20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs Setae iful colors. avid at priers lege than very mesh Interim roods. Cal and see them. The an the best v• leo 1i town_ and reset behold Thi taint Sriag kalf Paticro� Fashioos, ACT 13U'rI i ftel3 lee, •