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OEd0TE ._c
THIRTY M Itl)LL' hl/IfBR1F M It ±
Is published every FrtMe>I eAa teMILLICUDDE Sam.. at Mott UO. Rena (
Aad 1. despatched to all parts of the sarieud
tag amour, be the earliest walls sad trains.
tlea7t1*..oother a admission ithas
is this part oorcuef
Woe ouuatry. d is one of the raciest, aewaies
cad mos retableournals In Uoiarw
p seated. as it does. the fore•gelgemee$dals
sad Wog la addit.on to the above. • first -else.
taslly sad fireside paper it is therefore •
maw damsel. ade.rt stay ateiwsi.
Terms. $I IS to soli -mire. postage pre -paid
byublishers si ;5. it paid beton. dos aiostbe
$L if nut so pal& This rule eta be trtcttr
eafore d.
r- R&Tee ow Aern.rt•fwn. --Might tecta
tae for drat tas•rWoa. Ores cootie line
each egotism meat taasrtbn. Y5•rt)J. hail-?
- ise saanerty easaremirat teJUese rases.
JN rai ri ..-..lye have aleoairst-ri
4 obbiag department is eosseotics, and poser
lag the most complete out -fit sag, beet facatttie
tor turning out work ia do ,are prgparee
to do business in ti.at use atpr 1up we s Wtlteasnni
be beaten, and of • saalifir that sanasa bf
artimeed.—Teras (bug
FRIDAY. J1 LI am 11886.
A \ ED l'( ATIU.4I. tbNMItitilr * Y,
--4 The woful plucking that amnia semi-
annually at thellerious school etsmina-
tu,rte 'shows that uut only meet then be
defects in the teaching. bus also in our
educational system generally. Then Is
too much cram. now -a•days. The mod-
ern public school system is too much
controlled by theory, and is out Auld -
neatly practical. We know pupils
writing for entrance tri the High schools
-yes, and some students who have
written fur te•shees' certificates -who
for practical perpitess am very uneducat-
ed. A hodge-podge of dates rt presents
their historical knowledge. 'and thee*
chiefly refer to battles fuuyht hun-
dreds of years ago., They are utterly
ignorant of c'.ntetnpor.ry history, ezceg t
what they may have learned from the
newspaper reed et home. They can
sentences in the scheel roam like
parrots, while on lbs eines or at home
they violate almost every rule they have
,viously cited. They cannot pen in
decent English an original idea. As to
their bad spelling,. we an little wonder
at that, owing to the cltwy and tm-
nstural mode of orthegr•py at present
employed. But, taken all together,
there is • lack of practical. everyday
usefulness about their education, and
when after a year of two of sheen** frena 'be 1*11 at Louden next ]ties. This es -
school we may again s.•rni•e there, they hibition will last from May until Desem-
will have nothing to obey fur their eight her. Mr. Allan is thorenehly mond on
fruit matters, and would make a first
class manager of the department re -
(tined to.
4ODERICH. ONT.. FRIDAY. JULY 11, 1885. ,1`*° 1`+MMt M "
to considering whether it might not be
alvantagtoue if, more frequetly thea at
Desalt, the schools were turned into the
street. or the practical street methods
were introduced Into the schools.
Let an Educational Commission, nom
posed as we have outlined, and empew
tired es we have setreeeted, turn its sit
centime w the direction bested at, and
there would be $ marked education!
unpro'-.-nIent within five years from the
date of publication of their report.
J. E Beane appears to be just each
of the bummer to make • good Petry
goWesnsat official for the Net1f ren*.
T. ){Ac- ores Adsertirr gets rE the
following weed Ming at the eiyyMY1e of
Macdonald cad Small -
"Raviei paid $1,100 or thw•bouts
for three letter that he could hare gut
for nothing, Sir John no doubt feels
sheen at being dune Brown."
Tarr Fran- chute Bill wase disa(treealile
a morsel for the Senate, that five of the
Conservatives of that usually obsequious
body voted against the bin and is pro-
moter, the Premier. 11 web be the ewe
is tits Semite whist wit it be in the
TIES CMOSt Beeettag Company, of
London, elegplaine of a falling off of
buaruesa owing to the Scott Act, and a
reductor has been made u the running
expenses of the establishment. And yet
we have fellows hereabouts who say that
the breweries are doing a bigger business
than ever since the Scott Act came into
force. s
Ma'' ortit-n s a cute fellow. He
tells Mr. McCraney that he has no time
tbie session to bring in improved legis-
lation for the eeforacment of the Scott
Act, while he gives the wink to his
henchman Small to bring up for the
snood time the amendments to destroy
the Scott Act. He is cunning, but hs
is watebed closely by temperance voters.
WE understand that the trams of A.
MAD. Ansa is mentioned in connection
with the managemet.t of tits fruit de-
partment of the Colonial Exhibition, to
or tem years' s'huuling but the ability to
reed a newspaper ; perhaps they will be
able to add up the family store -bills.
The trouble hes is the fact that our
eduatinnel system is altogether in the
hands of men nye have been running in
the "school" groove all their lives. There
Tun Stratford papers are misrepre-
senting (,uderieb so tar as drunksnnete
at Dominion day is concerned. This
asmorvaleg abeso aawswe Teeesssa.y to
WW.ey Claws -Wed Ow aeerbev w
or lba.t.
The testing of the blue ribbon beer is
Oiudertch is a question which agitates
the public mind all over. Everybody
is talking about the analysis, the trial,
and the magistrate's decision. I suppose
the analysis is correct ; the trial, I ob-
serve, carne off in due course ; and the
decision seems to have given general
setufaction. Apropos of the testing of
beer, an acquaintance whom i met tis
other night told in that once upon a
time- and It was in the olden time when
• better clam of liquor was manufactured
thou now -an admirer of a clergyman,
to show his appreciation of his pester
sent him a tee -gallon keg of whisky, as
• token it good will. The psreon was
of the stnightlaoed, temperance order
of being, and at first was tempted to send
back the gift in high dudgeon ; but on
mound thought be decided to submit the
liquor to • few testa, to snit it wouldBut the 11.,i1 makes $ bis mistake when
prone of any benefit around his ptemi•ea it sappoees that the Conservative party
will stain all is old roters.
Tmzaz is no necessity fur anybody
but • sneak or a liar running to another
paper to reply to anything that has ap-
peared In Tilt .1'I..NAL We offer our
columns to anybody for legitimate criti-
cism in clean language, however forcible,
of anything that may have previously
appeared in this j oernel. If anybody
feels himself aggrieved by anything that
we may at anytime ay, let him write to
Tea SWILL, and be will get *fair show.
STsSTyoSD, which gave s big majority
against the Scott Act, does a tremendous
busin*m in whiaky. On Monday the
train returning home with passengers
from the Orange demonstratiuu waa the
scone of fighting and drunkenness. One
of the tighten was badly cut about the
face. A man from 1ndianna who was
on the train, and was coming to Canada
for a quiet time, thought then was lots
id life in the Canadian after all.
ktratford wt.isky is not only abundant,
but is loaded with fight.
work In good shape, and this li:ae, after
smacking hie lips, acid.
-Yah, yah ' i haf him, dot vas
vhysky. mid gout vhysky. Dot Iseht
.Snap vas a gowplete deaf.
Deidrtch afterwards expressed a wish
that a man with a keg of whisky would
be tilled every day. s, that he could
have • steed] job of testing the liquor.
In this respect he mush resembled some
of the blue ribbon witnesses who were
willing to be bloated out with beer so
The Body to be Bxhumed at
masemortealeg tosser Cr.se a sreILttoswo
f haste___. - -lalaerder cad W..* ed-
Taxaet, Mae 46 -I sin back to Fur-
ness just to time to be in the midet of
repine and bluedshd. Am eery thank-
ful Mrs. Mackay and the Jeannine are
en Iaewnt',dome by rhe sararss G•- not hen. Mr. Jam►esou beteg a string .
ermine at. Ie Who Phase T. -day. sr, would only bo In th.e way. During
the whole of the 'blockade North Fon
moss remained quiet. Foreign's were
treated even with respect and kindness.
Now, however, during this protracted
armistice, many natives are growing im-
patient, especially the militia. who are
being disbanded. All the furies hen
are °outpaced of them and mainland re-
gtulattG Tii Tett ug rT 1e110011
fn gtuaty gives rete threats and blows
between than. lust week, under com-
mand of Imperal Commissioner Lon,
the reguian marched into an entamr-
anent .,f militia ant killed two, the rest
tied. A few days ago when in the town
ref Smetana, I observed • curtous flee
hoisted, and found that 300 meu, heads'
by desperadoes, were un their way to
plunder. Hooses were soon n m acload.
women and and ckildren beaten and
THE arra0'ITIE, rartE:..
Since then several hare been captured.
the whole scattered. and time alone will
bring them to the Just deserts. The
mouth of the Tamsui Rover hen is ati l
blocked watt stones, boats, torpedoes,
etc., No vessel is all. wed inside.
British merchant steamers roll outside
the bar. Ten days ago • small steam
launch went out, could not return, and
was carried down the coact. As she
neared s small creek 1,001 men and wr,-
men rushed wildly towards her, d
the boatmen out. was about to kid! t em
when a teacher in my employ interfered
and saved them. The boat was cut to
pieces in the midst of •houtinys, "Are
foreign devils on board -$100 for a
heat." I had hat in hand to go out that
day on the launch. Dr. Johansen ram
out on • steamer and nearly went oft
board to come tn. When in Tek-Cbhas
the Mandarin himself told me he did not
know what to do. He sent fifty wee to
t',e wreck. Men and women turned
upon them, smanied 3 sedan chairs, best
the constables and drove them off the
field. If soldiers should go then
vmat us • ataat-LION
A wealthy convert's house was sur-
rounded by plunderers all night. Other
converts soon rallied and he'd their
ground with loaded muskets tali day-
lost nicht a men was stabbed ben to
Tamest I um One tack after seeing
hies. His entrails are hanging out.
Militiamen are going about all over with
knives concealed. This morning about
daybreak I heard steps se if some one
was moving slowly a'ong I rose Im-
mediately, quietly oelld several studentio
arid surrounded a desperado. Hs made
Peed of,but the ashen wen not agmen- desperate eff. rs, but we *reed hint,
wrenched $sharp knife 1o.m his hand,
tate to that, and the matter dropped,
and bound him. I se
the time. On the return of Mr, tit for the Chines
Trick to this neighborhood, the storiesornstabhs and now the fellow Min renis
wen again circulated, and to 6nall♦ Mark ws:l ' Thu u not persecution.
dispose of the matter, and remove !tomNo sentimeataliam wantedhen jntrt
Mr. Trick the very unpleasant uduw' now. This is simply plunder and mur-
that might groundlessly be attached to I der. Clod wail are for those who care
him, a petition was circulated asking for themselves. We will "Hold the
that an inquest bo held. This the for- ( fort,.by HIS trace and strength_ We
warded to the Attorney f3eneral,through I •ng veer]
night in the neem air.
the Ccamt] Crown Attorney, fur kis con- Th• Frenchstill at Kelung. Chinese
*asst, which ease given and an col::
I bon busy furtiiying. Jehovah reigns
quest ordered, and it u likely that the G. L M•o sir.
matter will be investigated in a
few days. It is not fur tut to comment I wardosakt midi Wet.
MI the circumstances at present, further
thee to say that no one m this neighbor-
hood, knowing Mr. Trick, attaches the
slightest weight to the stories circulated,
at least so far as he is called is question.
To him the circumstances are doubly
painful. but no one has any other ides
but that he will come throiygh the ordeal
ihiring the past week or so rumors
have been afloat respecting the death
that they could give expert testimony as Mrs. Thou Trick, of Uoderich tonnehip,
to how mach "hog wash" they could hold who was reggeted to have died from a
'lam giy*n time, and wbc "skis.' are fall down the seller Matra 'kWh broke
if m hete4wan eras Sed sssq iq i' the hag mot ' !M Med lir. Tri'k was
week, so ltmel ss thq Msrsedsd in filling linked with that of a young girl, and it
their &sums & 1). n•(;. was said that the death of Mn Trick
Tux Muhl is already predicting a Con was not accidental, but had been hasten-
serrative victory at the next election, for obvious reaso At any rate
each was the opinion of some, ea infvr-
because the new voters will be "cretin to
'nation was sworn to beton the minion -
whom the National Policy is the bread ties that the deceased had come to her
of daily life.' Tot, tut. The Revtsag death under suspicious circumstances,
Barrister will zet his daily bread from and an invent was demanded. We are
his marten, the administration, and so indebted to the Clinton Nor cru for
will the tribal Indians who will vote.the following statement of the case,
Sobs pouredsome out and offered it to his
horse, but the horse being free from colic
would have none of it ; then be tried the
dog, but "Dixie" didn't take kindly to
the bsverage,and ,growled disparagingly ;
when he offered it to the cow, "Brow-
nie' meditatively chewed her cud, but
declined to partake ; the at was nest
approached with the alcoholic stimulant,
but "Tabby' wouldn't allow the fume
of the staff to get near her whiaken ;
last of all that most kath.ome of domea-
ttc animals, the pig, was tempted to
taste, after 'mooting around the edge of
the vowel in which it was held, it grunt-
ed in disgust sad turned at Dass to roll
in the dirty pool rather than pollute is
"inwards' with so vile a decoction. The
eleetymen was satisfied with the analysis
of his exports, and et unCO returned Use
whisk,] to the donor, accompanied by
• note in which !ie stated : "lam not a
drinking man ; nevertheless, I would
have kept the keg if I could base towel
any use for it, but after giving it • fair
test, f find that it appears to be no good
for man or beset. I offered it to my
hone, my dog, my cet, my cow, and even
my pig, and not one of them would
have aaythtng to do with it. If it isn't
good for the lower animals it surely
cannot be good for the highest erada
It may suit anybody lower than $ beast,
but it is of no use to a man." There ars
The • lot of people is Ontario whc agree with
year there was not one fifth the amount
is too much "theory" about it. .he the cid parson.
of drunkest that was visible on the
training appears to have too much to Dominion day of bast year. ()a this oc- •Zana$* WHIRLS TINT.
view the college walls, and not the bust -
ton it was confined to onsor two hard My friend, the ren"nf•,tr, next gave
cess hulls., the cid err the wurkehop. holes ; while last year the drunken boys another ase of testing liquor of which
Few go to college, many enter upon
trifle or trades ; sad *t is for the latter
sad not for the former that our pubic
school system should be framed. We
reatcuter our protest against this
hashhy growth of the technical sad
the thorctial in our school system, aid
ask for something mon fitted to apply
the every day need of chi•times.
A couple of years ago, Mr. Thomas
Beagoueh. in a little pertodroal called
TM .tfAtn."ra, advocated the appoint -
could be counted by dozens, and drunk- he was personally cognizant. Some
en men were ell over tows. only the yew ago down in the county of Water -
hardest nes sow eetdroak i. Goderiab. too, a bons and wagon rack was found
sad these are persona who would steal standing on the roadside near a country
or eerjan themselves for liquor. village one morning The driver had
dropped through the/rack head -first, and
Tits result of the entrance exasination the hone Coming to a stand still, the
cramped fest of the man had hold kiss
suspended bed -downwards. Whoa dis-
covered hs was dead. In the rack wee
found • keg of liquor. and evident*
pointed t the fact that the driver
had been partaking too freely of
16 ardent before he unfortunately
fell backwards A corner's jury was
summoned, but before • mtisfactory
verdict could be retuned, it wee Deese -
4 very disappointing to those of the
public who take an intelligent interest
in school s6bira. While a public ex-
amination is nct always a tsar test of the
quality of the teaching done, yet candi-
4Mit 04 an Educational somlaisrion, dates who are aPss044 prepared ter
rslogotis W fibs AgrtoultDrat c441111414.I them assseiaati°tlflwM ed to Alibi
as, to learn the precise facts ° rear' a go od showing in the second or third
ruatioual ttp..La end tis Nislta Hs attempt. Ws regret to say that the state
fat it this way :- of affairs is (3odesich model cahoot is
The dommimi's rihenid net bo tion- ouch that if the hearts of the many ea
ntprfe'm"naleduatton'aa'th°ugh the more advanced scholars are no; given u to the character of the liquor in
at chs. ahos>!d be repcwatod. ♦
ge►ool inspection, a clMtyaan, a busiLw a broken it will be benne sostinual failure the keg. Chemical analyiswere not
scan, a mechanic, and quick-witted and is making them anion 36 plucked and as plentiful in those days as they sow
iatoll1po t woman -thews should form only 14 passed is • record that, under are, and the coroner nam oonetrained to
115* Commiwon -with the business the circumstances, u a pitiable showing. obtain the services of Deidrioit Von
roan as chairman. Int them interview
imitool ors, head masters, subor-
dinate , high and common school Ti. meat tw*Imtioom made by the section to give the necessary testimony ',wieners antes.
Mholtrs of all grades, ►red find whether Pall Mall (la:.tte of the traffic in young concerning the contents of the keg. Oovoeranr Dewdne] and Mrs
vers are too man] studies on the list, NM is something satnunding. No good Deidrich went to the keg, poured out a go
k i&to a ad ball at Resins
Wed smartest' which could be covet omit- would he served by repeatinc generous draught, and then gulped it int wee . e The prreporter who tote-
ms'. Int them call kindergarten teach -
ci s and scholars and learn their mottled*, the stories in thio journal, but we are of I down. ♦ smile went over hia countess- Brace. ache fact
d over th.adssays l-
ted anal their progress with pe I opinion that the ria:':f, u doing • noble I saes, as if he had cons serous an old as- lliaat'h event seerheY is R*gina, aad ems
gsaintanoe, but couldn't j uet all him by attwdd " Dewdnsyy and 51.
name. dudes, to whose mal -administration the
' •Well," said the sarong" 'What bit rihiot
is % was largely due, o doubt feel
Dcidrich y, )ubsl ant ,,ver the suppression of the out-
' It ii ticker, misthee gtsrnnet: I break, but they might have waited till
the corpses of the victims of their leis -
loch ware to dot, pet i don't yust got all government had grown cold, and the
de same dot name of it." I smoke from the burning homesteads of
"Take another drink, then, and let eel the wronged settlors had evened to etifls
know what it u," eomtaanded the' the atauspher., before the] indulged in
fiddling and daneinm in hearties delight,
The Twists have been making a great
fes over certain letters paining between
Mr. Blake and one J. E. Bruen, an ad -
enterer, who attempted to make terms
with bit. Blake to expose some of the
Crovernmemt traimetioie in the North-
west Mr. Blake would not bite, but
Sir John. through Mr. Small, bought
the two letters from Brown for $1,200,
hupisg to, make a point against Mr.
Hileks To their inhnite dataset Mr.
Blake read the whole correspondence,
and assured Sir John that he mtght
have saved hie money and had all the
correspondence far the asllug.-(Chst-
ham Banner.
Yes, and the Tory papers only quote
half the correspondence, sad put a con-
struction on it that will not stand the
test of full examination. The entire
correspondence is given in another
. et lierbersea of $sr Joke T
The Toronto Mail and the person who
drew sp the indictment of Louie Istel do
not agree upon the aures of that mis-
guided man's action. The Mail declares
in • column editorial yesterday, that
Louts Kiel wee goaded Into 'ebonies by
"the callous and cruel neglect." "the
injustice, ' and '•delay" of the Interior
Department in desks with the half
that expert testimony should be breed grievances. Chief of Police Stew -
gory pe ] ort, who lodged the information against
Louie Ktel, is equally positive that the
half breed leader was"moved and seduced
by the instigation of the devil" to be •
false tracer. We always entertained
doubts about the entity of „e/bone-
on Premier, but now our doubts are es-
Swackenatein, the thirstiest soul in the pbauzed. —Pita" Free Prw.
which is the version of the affair general-
ly accepted, and we hope it will prove to
be tree at: the inquest, and that Mr.
Trick will be fully cleared front the sus
picion which now rents upon his hitherto
unblemished name : -
It will be • painful surprise to our
readers to learn that the body of the late
Mra. Trick is to be *shamed, and an in-
quest held thereon, and although the
matter is an exceedingly delicate coe to
refer to in detail, so many rumours are
in circulation that we deem it to the in-
terest of parties! oososrmod, to make it
poblic. To maks the matter perfectly
plain, we will hive the circumstances
connected with her death, u far as
known. When it was found that Mrs.
Trick had broken her neck by the fall
down the cellar steps, Mr. Trick immed-
iately called in Dr. Worthington, who
mad° a careful examination of the body
and found nothing whatever to iodiate
that the cause of death had been an
other than her accidental fall. Mr. Trio
immediately notified the relations e
Mrs. Trick, by telegrepb, and they oame
to attend the (uneral inspecting the
remains. Up to thia time they had not
hinted in any way that they were dimwit -
lifted with the alleged of her death, but
shortly after the body esu interred, and
while in oompany with lir. Trick, M
Woudatuct, they hinted at foul play of
some kind, and plainly tate him to un-
derstand that they did not believe she
died in the manner indicated. Mr. Trick
was desirous of having the bred] taken
up there and then, and the matter du-
tsnght the ordinary meth ida week, and dolma it well, in showing up
gpmercial eolleges be muted with • the shameful traffic in female children
view of Gimbal ost who mum" tbers.d ,n I
hew it is that young moa fresh from now dons in London. As the Toronto
sabot/ haveao 'tomb off " is thus M. j Wwid. says :-'•The most denuding fee -
Whitlow la the simple Teglish studies wite of all rosining through the disolo-
*Isiah the a.soole Pregame to teach - wove now being made in the poor tow's
ting, b clerks
en and eniee i children are the victims of rich men's
` young clerks sod meo:lunica Md
sgfeswomen and sewing girls who have lista This is always the ase ; there is
M leoltl left eehnol bs ez•minmo•
od, t. ao ion verso, no apparently onpoating
wrier that it may be keened how mesh eiressrsie.o*s. aa in the numbers 01
gf what choly] know eras taught them st VOW and in both edea teepee -
OmniOmni cad eheashft. has] luebars; tafar t tattle The poor
►wol bow to tesail themselves ; •iso lived] gree
ier or not dal oonsidar thM, , bar- man ne -sr destroys the rich man'•
ard through the 'shed ~Atta-
titer, sod that the the Asst of all
n they , Md~Sonde mere k stead reemi ss : he mnnod, beams bs hoe not
oys ad girl+ be teid, aad • nom- the m'aey to pay etpeu•as The atter
s meds between thou and the °uaidedamaa of this boswne n te some -
oboists ts the chatter til vp ectiesl tbiy to 'turtle or when we fairly realise
. itiw, nigh the view e/ levee ieg it , Ind the Isdigrmtioo of ecoid Wi-
it i. the *ehooM teach rn little ani
sing* eo agtk, and also with • view
Orr•wt, July 12.-Msjoe Chaplets.
sheriff of the Northwest territories, who
was summoned to Ottawa immediately
after ltael'e capture, has again left for the
Northwest to be present at the trial m
his official money The sheriff, whose
duty it will be to hang Kiel if the latter
without the slightest stain or reflection is sentenced to death:, believes teat he
on his hitherto unblemished character ; will escape the gallows. Many otb fire
that he has the sympathy of the entire
sasmunity is attested in *very way.
Since this was in type we learn that
the inquest will be held at Mr. Trick's,
to -day, (Friday) at 14.30 p. m.
Lawyers ate Libel Nita.
One of the evil results of so many
machine -made lawyers bun turned out
tont him in this opien,n, not truly thee
he willsacsps the bsni.tnan. but that be
will slip through the hands of hie
guardisse, and make good his snaps
from the oountry before many weeks
have passed over. He is an elephant an
the hands of the government. who, on
one side, are confronted by the Orange
`` element clamcrisg for his head, elute oa
year after year is assn in t!1• reediting the other side, the French-Canadiaes
with which all ants of actions at law are threaten trouble if hs is not leniently
grasped at. There was s time, not tardealt with. The only way Sir John
gone, when • lawyer would frankly tall a, Msodon aid an get .rut of the dilemma
client that he did not think he had ea to allow his prisoner to snaps and
gond can, and that it would be throwing ! throw the responsibility on the shoddere
money away to go into court with it.I of the nth_er in whose care he u eland
Except by 6s
rs of good sanding, such j for safe keeping. Then s on but oim-
%deice as this u rarely ever given nose- I preetion here regarding the disposition
days. No matter how poor a ease s ..1 Biel. and that is that sooner or later
client may have, hs can always get some he win to spirited away scrods the border
hard -up lawyer to take it op for him and to the IJnited Mates, and this belief hie
maks the most of it In any event the I been strengthened rather than weakest -
lawyer is sore of his fees, and if the' el by certain disclosures which have
client doss not get his costs it is his own I cans to light wtthis the past few days.
fault -he should have known better than f William Mcdougall says that after a
to go to law. is these days, for sssm• I careful investigation of al statutes bear_
pie, any characterless fellow can get • mg upon the subject he iseoavinoed tbet
lawyer 10 enter an action for libel, cannot be tried by the Court before
neer-against • newspaper, and the calm neer- 1 which the Government propose to arraign
encs with which a briedess barrister wil! him, and that any Conviction that nosy
Mt down and write• letter asking for ten' Se obtained will he quashed on appeal
or twenty thousand dollars as damages ' on the ground that tee Court wee net
for injury done to his client's character , legally constituted 11 Riel s•apes foto
is really encashing ---ill the mon refresh• ! John Maedonald will pr ohahly claim the.
ing when its known that the lawyer I Credit from hie Quebec followers for pet -
himself is nose poor fellow who is act . tine op • job by which, while peened -
quite sere where he is g.tn: to board at 1 ing to try the rebel leader, he allowed
the following week The ant of this him to go fres
grasping at Aeneas to make a fee le to
bring the legal profession ince dierepmte.
{Toronto Tslegnm
seeoaetwithin eight of the mournful monuments
Deidrtch, nothing loth, repeated the I of their rituality. (Chatham Banner.
operation, sad this time boomed ewes -
more brnodl] than before. "Yah, i A liar P.
dick I hsf him Ho dsetes like Afar. as
.duly ll An insect known
M rho joint worm Ma made to appear
tit I don't just soh Imre to hint sadil a„d in the meadows ;it .oveval para of
sbdb'r sehnape i hat ' the anonory. and is haviat an in jarion*
The meow impatiently ordered him egert o.s the hay crop. Fish blade ol
to take smother drink, and to give kle game• trsemas whit. irnwsdiately •flet•
btiitss stacked bl tie im'od. Ia ensu -
dniuion 1°1° the ekaraeter of the brleori queues farmers ars cooties, their hay
boas will be tea** is rebtliMtth" pointsh ease more get thew. le his orbit ou U. grew gide
t ' . Ij■oe
Srtrn,awn, Oat .July 13. - While RRaw
est, eon of Paul Hoffman, of Nottth6eld
sestw, was driving two miles north of
The strawberry crop hereabo.te woe a Ai place with a load of cheese boneo
peg wog 1151. row. The raspberries are Iightnise stela the heed, instantly kin -
11011 111111 1113 Is, Wars a heavy erel. 1 tag him sod rim K iii loam
4¢mmt, v.itltta6'.vo.