HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-7-10, Page 7to.4 •it or • • ' .5 P rim HURON SIGN AL FRIDAY, HU 10, 1861 Tun an i0 Tang. To he worthy ut au dice necrosis" cam mum be entoroly unworthy vt /my. these oleo. kale old saying, bet a very pretty omit, that • 1111Mh le like • pity girt, hoe Illemmell a women Hong Met, serenity a Naiad, • pretty reillo, end odd batlis Irate moat auy ram *healthy wealthy sad wise.' 'Whyoug, me you always gassug at the mineete r kat kiscense they am the toady golds. prispet. 1..r lad before me !' A suitor, looking semen in • chapel in linaton, waa oohed by the minister if be felt sag iliaucte. 'Not a Mot r sidd Jack. You have only yourself to please,' mid a warned friend to au old bachelo. Yea.' he replied, bt. you dont hamar how dim& that isa' If the mutleonan who keeps • shoe = with • red hued will returii the wo- ol • yucieg lady with an ivory hndl* be will bear a somethinv to. her ado aesage. 'Yee cant, says Tom tie laming WI; ayy rhyme forith. treat Agate& e' was 44 regly..) • • 1 11 lind • rhyme at 'Do you like novels I' seal a Mas Lan- uish to het iip-seesstry leer. 'I eau t say, answered he, for 1 miter ate may, but 1 toll you or hat, 1 ant tremendous at youeg powwow.' Taleyessd, whew ..heby a lady footl- oose for her beauty and stugoidity hu vr she should nd herself of enema her trouble - sumo admirers, esolied :ui have to *pm row wrath, madam; 'No ogee would take you to be what Worlbs ot Biisoom. Sirtiyome loves poer. els* d they do U14 know what to do loins It. Woman. loves lways. Whee earth slips from them they lobe refuge havn. Of all things duo mon Women alone take pleasure ia being pow Without puldicity them can he Pri pet''. spirit, aud without putileesphit "any nation most decay. Trot essence .4 education is the 'dues- tvoo isi.th• body. Beauty mid health are the chief warms happauees. We consure the iiscoustancy of %olefin when •• are the •Isdanis ; w• lied it charming when we are ib. (Assts. The hiolinat nook oroteeon a woollen eon woe • man is to aolt hie friendship and the trust signal proot of her indiffo- Moro Is offoo Loos. Swedenborg says, wools aie things.' Tarry are mow, ; they are spiritual tomes -angles of blessing or curving. Versa we ootittol them ; uterine', tbei control us All honors have their laws ; the Deity has Ho laws, the material world hos its laws, superior telethon-itm have their Lows, the beasts have their laws and man has los laws Atheism soy b• cotsaistost with flee tast, under certain oonditioas usay for a mire regulate • polished moiety ; bet ethics w it la at heeler aira impossible ; and without ethics my order can be str,sig or peri.useuts Itewelgiitafflgekt__ 4 - My diatom table Owe kid he invited you are,' said an old limbo NlOd gentlernmaeur,ia"Id (.5417• I"` brim. • r was immethately asked. room. I gave • parting &ce at nay well arranged tsble, and felt proud and Seamy they mat yoor eare.' . pleased. 1 knew, too, that the dinner intmot into dning- to a derid4 wire had more hair than thew °els Au innkeeper tioinareed a postilhou sima dotes** a helped today/ Oh ! how impossible fur farads eattine•e ihs ini le tease • 44.. hod taimsecelsa libia.10 t Quirt) so) mord as it has for goo to tell goy dmiser wouid senile have Mies e .14, ant my goo stretirtre ..1 waiting. hut It esa *11 4.... me • twinklng, aud. busy - .1 Op w it • wee and midden evngth. I quickly wiped off the retool elleh.reewd a thickly lidded avow use over t ,lace, and cried. icy wriopassy to lllll er. Atranire to say, Ilse :vm 1 had beers feel - for lay oneete me. eons I twit ray and Ustoris11, and suck • econarkable spirit of happiume &ad etociality prevail ed, and et arything mimed off so ly, that I coeldnt help feetiag as if se- men hands and au einem protemee load helped use throsinh it all. itatersorw WSW • Deer A reporter of the Sun met • dude and asked. 'Dont you feel rather lost in those panitaloona. Ah- no-yoe know. Much meter to 10 1.1 011. Its the style, you Limo 'Then why is your cost 00 ught t 'Wealty-1 dont know - that s the thing t-ohows my fiure. roe kaosr.' Doesnt It stele you tared to carry that big este Yea, somortierem ; het 1 dont walk mach, ye* know.' Doesnt that eyeglass bother you e Oh, too, not at all. It did at first, though, bit it's all right *ow.' Is your ha: too moan r 'Why, no ; does it look so i' wutbebe miff lettered th• reason. faction almne-ed ary wed MOTO Why, what would bit the use of the t cosapenested sae for the extra labia caber f said the pestlhoe; 'if ogle side of „d had le prepiurige it Boated the home gems, the ether olitit Standiny link, Kiri. Am yasi, old. fresh wwd still.' I sweet. in her clean starched drew in ber SIMMS ewe Womier. Marsh for &ant- ' high chair, mod was &bout sa tare to go um It.. i 'WI,' said he, 'that is into the parlor to call them to dinner, 44041 difference between a nuin aud a jack- when a sudden cry (non leer made me aes-othe Maker alit choose. his mond, look hack. She had by none terribly and • MOO 01111-44.111 a human privilege.' I milady seciikut, overturroed a tureen ut A man, sonteseeil to be hung, erns 1 gravy. and the greasy liquid wow rapidly elaigod by his wb., saw -My spreading omen over the table. My dear, wooM Too like the children too .re tviliPer floe 1., • t• 4,1141 su angrY you moaned f 'Se,' he replied. 'Thats I escinimilti.si rows 1r =17 kV& 1 wan overwrought with work and excstenient, tor a duiner early was net a wasimon occurrence in our quiet Imeeeltoid, and Olaf guests were thi.se of whom, to tell net Yen ; peer sever wanted the chndren to hammy ajoyinent. 'Wire Item a-eold is my bend; eaid a "Mime. -"- the trete I moose somewhat nt awe. A ably elull and elemid. 'Yost are. to . he ma law asrwas. a thaw ITII was as .pi. Pia" alga' alir"..?"4"a "nibs?' "r I ' does, and Dow,v7Zt rowid 1 iln ' It don't remsolleer aver to have seen Yoe I See used a drop ton .soh for oty tired withust • cold is Tour head. nerves -many deeps km meth foe my Sir Walter Seat tette a !Amy of a gen- tame oh". 1 yea about 10 jerk my demae, who imiteted at sm. la -'41- I child down angrily toms die Sober when 404 off kis temot, 4644111 : sigitlilir Yu" '',r la hammed Saoon*. held me. I caught 1 most Virg °is how": . 'T`'''' 1'4 the oxymoron tin her tam. Kurth • mid John. 'where will your honor sorry, frmhteried, aFpealing look I never be gaoriog toll '''' i saw, and suddenly • picture of the peat Tim muscles of the human por produce . coe. and stood eat •ividly before my a power equal so boor h_und tad__ and thirty- I mids eye My childs face remand • f111` eisseigs. Thia oily what selmic• Iseimiss which koLo espeoteoeso ioeuty tells osisiot We knew that the jaw some years before. 0Wr lawyers is wield to • ire4d Men, 1 saw myself • httle nervous g oo AYER'S cherry Pectoral. 'You wear 0. on the beak of your hest ' srido you feel, any way r limes to show my hang, you knuw. Nosy jelly, you Abseil TM *her lt. Cy to the date the record of pr. tea - in Caused% r 1, that it he. not pro- vided steady employment for t141 Canad- ian peeper, ; (2) that it lam not made woo kingmen's wages higher that' th.y wuld be without it; '3) that it has not stopped the exodus a the Canachons t. the kilt- ed States ; (4) that it has nut caused the PitifialD DT investment of millions of foreign capital D1'. JC.AyerliCo.,Lowell,Mass. lie Otbor c010 plat see are es instalsor as Oda onssasemese sionhig the guest See Mop sem ea ended web W the 101110009' 4141001. 411111. The *enmity seash err eel& rewaillsg gerbaps two • who. Of 1111001010101111 ware. often bat the Meanies ad • heig schwas sas PacirosAL has Well prema ahoy to a forty yore' with throat rad luso diseases, wed .seM 11 litho _o all caws without delay. • Terrible Ceork Caret, "la UV 1 took • wore sold whisk arewil ley loop I had • terrible tough, mil= Nest .Ji t.ght elthout slop The Igoe woe qp. I trust AIMSS C0111111T PSC- oirA L, which relieved my logs, lathiest steep, aad agarded we the rest treoweary fer the recovery of ray etreagth. the dootiuuel use of the Pt Crat!. a woe - meat sore was rtgeeteil. 1 aux ow CI yore le. MN sad Mart, oad yeir OWEIRAT P14.1•011•L reed we. freact rantroreaw" llusemagban, 'Vt., July LS, Leh Creep - A metneci TrItists. "Wittle fa the roasetry lot wittier my little bar. 911.1011 years aid, sae token ill with eroup; It oohed as If he would .1• lo..o wrongs - falba. Ose of the family suggested tlis am • el ATMS Csiastay Pet -TIM* a bottle of which vaa .bray. kept the The was triad in small and 'request doors, wad te oar dtiCylit :n lees than holf an hoer the little piston,* ear breathing roily The dee ler 011.1 Omit 114 eel 014 II 4 TO* 4- had g avel pow darbag's ill, Can yea weeder at our grUtaile" leseerely_yours, NYC E3111• Ortnintir." III West 1.1101 lit.. New York, hay MI, IX& 1 love sod Ar•li CW11011T PILCTOS•L la 114 fieolly for moral win, and do .14 Itailtato to presomees it the roost affortasl ✓ ewelly for roughs aad oath we have veer A. .1. raes." LOC:yea, Mine., Mardi 13, tea. Imogene for eight years from Prom -hit* tryiag none remedies with no sae treakTiras cored by the use of arawni estro- us racrosiii- Joors Mtets." 199halkk ILsa., April 5.104. " miaow say ...ugh praiaa od A rues • Wv PICTOWAL, behoves as 1 do that Mt for tta eve Isimald lose since have Med hew hog troubles. W. 11111A1111024." P•1101100, Teams, April V., lair2. SO 4090 of as ageetina of the throat or DM. Mete whelk cannot be greatly relieved try liss ot Armes PE(TORAL, awe eta] always rare lobes the dews ie aiss ainady beyond the wastrel cs in Caned* ; (b) thet it has ot. secured bead by aU Drawees. fuer mittens upon Canadian capital in- vested in manufactures : 6) that it has not provided so large and steady • house market for Canadian form and cordon+ pooluce •• to make Canadian farmers independent of foreign market*. Tu them will soon he added thrt the protec- tive tariff has failed to protide a revenue equal to the public expenditure of rie year. It takes tune to prove what frauds the tories are, but time doss ite work with wonderful completeness. - 1 Hamiltoa Times. write leer Sore One not in the habit of writing as NUM'S CAP hardly realize the an- noyance they give by writing the name in such a metier that it bar to be teemed at, or so that in answering the namo hail to be copied as nese as possible and the rest left to the postniaster. rhame. We will ito further, and ur.is upon those who write for the press to • write plainly the names riot only of per - 4.4 sons bet of plot!** oleo. In most ores • W00LEN theireed pouter year tri hem. 0116i Joon, 'od. ill the hiipPT !sass 01 common word however badly written, libillablesfff et llmaree•- Wools ru ender. It waa when coal nil lotion t,. the oher words in the sero bur- C.A.NAIRNS HAa iTinTTS1111 • YOU WANT GE0. 0L -DI GIOCII1ES.1 NEW AND FRESH - Ile is showing a splendid assort nient of Cliina and Glassware. GO TO KNIGHT'S FOR A. SHAVE, HAIRCUT, SHAMPOO OR DYE. TWO DOORS LAST OF P0 11110-17 1.6945,. 0-03DERICIT 4 .0414.. In am'. look, if you don't buy. No Trouble to Show Goods. oy ebilab°^411- it was • Itsvirmlt •ftsr• can he deciphered by onsiderine its re- kfirlatisi Morrison of 'Mt. Anne, N.'S., sme, were beet incruisood. and (*.her- lanc. Ent this rale cr nnut be applied Ir.. _,_,_11416,,,11417 t__111C144_, Wit" ,,allis- 1 bad bought a very hatteleome oae. The put the ease of mows of place. or persns, .use '1"1 'Del' tII" un4mY Was 'ea- ' 1011..W Iled drifted meanest LIM kitchen and the compositor and proof-reader oan elopieg and Lis ,life wae despaired of. i windows, ., although it was 0.1 vet only make the name what n (Appear,. to Two tattles et liurdook Mood Bitters night, the lamp was lighted. Mhe other , without being certain whether it is esnd II" di.t Phricislis bad fl'ilmdi 2 : es. sick in b1 upstotm. and we chit- rieht o.r wrrg. If it should be spelled . reeyesseat.... drat were gathered in the kitchen, to incorrectly, whose fault is it wimp Ito ardor to ilthatand Cholera and Imp the noise *ad confusion away front writer's aliiirtuigs--Grity or Check. Cloths-'rweeds or Pull Cloths, sunk 111te illpicbgeke • pease purity of her. I wail feeling very important, help- Light or Heavy. Mee& mid thitaupee actioo of the otton• hey to get sapper ; at any rate. I unag n • la cored esteems red T insure that end led I was helping, and iu say olliciotivnesa For an rola woes of a fare* y medicine. P'lan_nels--White, Grety,..Colored, union, Plain or 11. toad of the To the Wed thoirors if tke Surruotialisay lbu try : We wish le say that we are pre erl to take your Wool in eveheoge for or work at for you .nto any of the following a rt tele*. out : Blankets -White, Grey or Horse. in the cheapest, Incest available and corn- l I seized that lamp and went to the cellar Amazed s le w Oil is the req . piste maneer, me MoGreeor s Speedy for some butter. I tried to get tt on the hat. It is used wi1i' nprece. ted sec - Coo for Dyspepsia and Impure iikood. hanging shelf, bet alas I &diet give it • eves. both interaallv a ly. It TIMM ss*. purer, safer or more tegialtie r. oil, enoush, and down a ball on the cures Sore throat, Burnt. s, Prost randy igt Asiatance for Indigestiiito. octeetite.(1 MAW. Bites; renevee and otten cures Aatheno.2 tiostivenese, etc. As your , I shall never forcet the shock that it . _ _ ___ _ rib' bor or any person who has used it. ' give me. I woe id almost parayze. 1 a table'. • birsOororge Rhynes Trial bottles ihn't dare to go upstairs and I was a- - 1m raid to stay down there, and to make it 'Watchr duid, John' sail one boy worse I beard my fathers 'Mee m the to another in yotteg fisherman dialect. w fromis kitchen. He had cautiored we all, eosin 'Fishin' maor Ulf*. -- , snit atlas, to be osr1461 oi that lamp, I 'finesse a hook ; mines broke. My, srueshed t man, and theta, Often . Wtahl wonderful pieces • Hat his *nice seemed to give How little it Igkeeneastimee to killer end m.*.there it o 'Haint got no hook.' 'Then lentme eons. Init.' tenacity to life some teen haws.said the use the impetus I needed to go up, end 'liana got no bait.' red-headed arm who was reading the meet the seoiding or ',hipping, or both. 'Kutch any tish l' _. which I felt sure awaited noe Nadi which I - really felt' I deetimed. So I crept up `Oeittbias r Plicaedgieliit others. Jest file red-heded th man: bver e deco iteirleay, and as 1 entered 'New. l littee • Heras • Wakeman oil the Nickel Plate the kitchen I met father with such a 'Then towhee doinr road. Thep jrar says. •lle fell in front stern look on hie face that I was frght- "Foshin .• :lettotrell eat 41 tate4 tilaoolgr/ Servo etied. I crow that there was no need to 'Fishin'; we presume. wee the only tidy; and hveil- tell litri what% had hoppened. He had branch ,d Johnny a eduaton. Thor* Borah I knew a painter who fell .'if heard the crash, mid if he hadnt, are many boys 'eshin-. church steeple and tot well again' said QUOIN my face monk! have told the stoir. - - the crues-eyed man. The children stood silently around, Pressipt areen•erea I knoisei • now shot a bullet through . waiting to gee .bat father would do, and Prompt 11101106 should be trire 1 to .11411 heart and lived ten years,' mid the . Flow by their farms OW they tsars bor. break up .-olden colds. and core orineti HIM who looked like • farmerr..r sttuck, fir that lamp had been the in their earlif rages. nagyard". Peet i t - There was • man ie Falem, when 1 subject of too mach talk and wonder to 1 id Belem does Hits most speedy4 and Mee from, that had Cuir ton of rock tail ' be sinashool without creating a sensation. ! effectuelly. on him tool Jte's Wee pet,' said the oe. I, As foor use. 1 felt "to frightened, leo cotb 1 Sheeting-Brossd or Narrow. Stocking Yarn - White, Grey, Clouded or in Colors. Capet Warps made to order. ROLL CARDING. Our fa. ;Ales for this work cannot be Gar wood. We will eudesvor a., cave* to do *1 11.. day It ts Smartt in. it required. Custom Spinning and Howling. or moinning as the Cp. manse or doe. !lard or soft twist. as rag • t:red. We arc :n • position *0 .10 kind. of 1.119- 1 tom we.k. -molly done in a eel eller I milk end we will guarani.... to du for you fully equal. if not a little better' than any in our d Pigs. A oail respectfully solicited. C. A. NAIRN, Court House Ilquane. Goderich Dee. 111., am, ci-mt,ocPait, 1100 ordered some chot. 4 4 A Garden and Field Seds. A well -45 steel of Groceries alesees as baud. 11. oLD, th• Square, Ooderiek. h 11141i, Le Telephoue olio u n ice( 10n. - - Note F'apers Albums Books Cards Dolls Toys Mto. C.KT 1-01.11 Newspapers and Periodicals Al 1111S. f'0011i MRS. H. COOKE, Suocesenr to Geo. Sheppard. Illederiei. Dc. 411. for enwking people. Seed 19 !Oh for poetrare. and we will well re: GOA. e royal, valuable ortaisde t SI of $444.40141 that will put )ou in the way of looking wore money in a few days t has 5015 '% er thought possible at any borderer'. eapital required. You eau live at home and wort, .p.re time wily. or all the tiuw. All of Isiah oozes, of ell ago. 'coedit suncerwhil. Mc. to $5 roily palmed every evening. Tbot all e Iivnu ant work may test the bunion.... we mokalithb. unpanelleled offer: To all who are sot ...Ai usr i.fied e will wad $11., psy tor the trouble of writing as. Full particular... itiree Dom. eft..seat free. Isonesser pay absolutely sore for all who start at once. Dont delay Address, lert Stow & ro. Poi timid, Me. 11174 000.007:""iir;;PreaVe0*1 i!se.7, frre • package of geed, of In rim I alue. thist will start you wort that vi ill at coo e thing you 41 money tosiv,r than nnythiag ia America. Ail .bout the lanolin In presents with etich boa - Argenta wanted evert where. of either gee. of all awes. for ail t he time. or spare time only. to uork for us at their oo n 1 c.o. Fortunes for all workere ahoolniele asonred. Dont delay. 71. H Amery & co. Portland. Maim 1971 - sena num. taloa n4 si.rr that I couldnt speak. t Deo Omar Porde.. A civil word is the cheepest thing in the wrld. and yet it is a thinz which the young and happy rarely rive ti their In- feriors. See the effect of civility uynn a rough little street tiny. The othtr even iig a y.mng lady abruptly turned the corner and ran limiest a troy echo was Ismaili and ragged and freckled. Stopping as soon as she could she tanned to. hill told said 'I beg Trour pardon ; ; in a in at father I saw seM the r.4 -heeded wiser But upon g oc g ga 'Lonna ssa Where was I 1 '4)1. -fed the angry look d,,out .of his eyes and one in front a the ear. which paused diaeon• tenderest pity hark Replace. I doubt all, across his body. sad lived but • Lan not *Mt itionowthe same look 4.n my face momenta,' then 'hat I saw in in)' childs face today. In a itAttee h. ha1 lifted me in his anas The gated of Tvlotelell 11 %•"1"1.• 1 and was hooting me close to his tereast. Then he whispe-ed. oh, asi ktirdly. I can "Now •• said she with a brighs Amide, boor e,„ "how do' you like noy bathing sort r Nevar mind, little danehter. w all W. said bok es elle 10141 it 140 k new twee on *Ont. but 1 ihrytm 1L ityvie him. °I rt might be imprellied will take the s lamp when ,u go Cortadft, my dear ;a am willing to oh jrvist • :limier, of feelieg I et fi i ' AM. you', Ibui perilous it 'would mike* pteien . It Vas Ark a striPriselle !no an ttoe pettier. What do you thins I that I was soddenly overwhelmed with should trim at with red or white !feeling, of love and gratitude, and burr braid 1 ' se •-1 ;vitt, okg iwy face in his whiskers. I oohbed sa "1 think," said. hedisllt " irmy Mot were breaking. N. panish. owwt its wont yroport 6'i nitre we'll' have affeeteci one half w be a good thing to iron it with an over- much and nothing esti efface the mom skirt. I"rYHw 1 I reft my hither today, as the had any one to elk my r mg, and it Os howl spok en to him sines. lain very sorry. he small, smisil lei freckled hoy lookeil up in blank ms* ! meat for an instant; thief, taking off hie asp, he mowed very low. smiled anti Its face hommtt loot in the role, and answered. •YII{) ran hey my parded land welcome. mite, and yer may ren tagaiii me and knock me clean down. an' I won t say • ord.' After the yoeng • hipassed on he turned to a comrade t frown my mind. '.;i;<. half apologetics!) • .1 borer egogrzge=ff e. eat sight ciorny own little girl'swfsee broritt ' kind o took me id1 sriy vik au ow hly before me ! ill she owe I A A 00 altilcOANN lime Sad Weeks Mills. s'artok May Mk. lat. HARKNESS NA12 SAW Het:ores trey ba to its na LM! ;or, :- moves uacru. stops the hai frons falling out. ieereases it growth. and wit riot sod tbe skin. As a hair dres sing it has ne iropenw. Guar eat eed ha.ndesa reaed be Horkr.ess & Co L cedar, Ont. five sr sr Pr- ase Peters liedleles Dia ors AGYARUS f I .f-co_ad _ YELLOW OIL C R R -Ca 1.1 MA Trt:gi FILF-InsJL ICS WORM POWDERS. Are pumaisit to take. Contain their owe Pargetlee. Is • fish. sure. and en% daworeswe awr wwww. in Chaldean or Alio FERay.,'S *- 'MAW 11)&11 Waimea obw., Ul be saallad C ce .410 CUI0011104 ,I irk • Ordb:crieriALI 1 contains Ilhetratioss. pews, mod stissesiss. kir pasotos a Verelsble air Irtemee giggrltheglsials=106 O. 111. FERRY & CO. sonia. ' New Grocery Store The ouhaeriher hews to announce (hat he hae opened out a new Grocery Store 0•CJI)ICRICMC, and La prepared tr. do hreuneus with tee people of the 1016n and surrounding sectitm. The Goods are all New and Fresh, and hare been parehased for Cash. and &.(1.o prices. are low in the city markets. He Intends to Make His Price Touch Rock Bott.Orla. Farmers prod uric taken in exchange for GloOde Ana nighewl prices nil' he wi i en. SITIOnt forget the sot. the New Cash store next dour to fana.' lung mere Ooderich C. L. McINTOSII. Goderich. Dec. 11. IOC 1976 1, • . /A1‘ I 1"‘" AV '11'. TTS OP ATaT-I 7,11 ii'ri MEIMNTEPS FOR SALE OR FOR HIRE. 169 YONGE STEET, TORONTO. (or _r41 -Send for Catalogue. . or% . el soll' ell op. •••;.. -off 'of .1••• • • - vl,a'l ,. :.: i'. , . i._ . .. lo 1..,,6?k ' *1 .-- 4444 ti • ,.,,• • ,,, O, ,. 14. • '$,- ; '61... .'-", ,... ' 4.1..,..i.,,' - k•'. '' - '... imanaU.,i-ak .0 ' • • . - 9'1......w .A ...ywe. sr Nmr- - ,. ......., . .. -62411:osen r; rileltirl11:: I NBB" wf?NAN I N Vbf Auk 'Orli t, positively sot veneer eel y cores Ns gotesnry loomed by eseeeeirs of *ay ItInd,1 10,014111111 Weetwees.•nel mil diseases that 101 low as • aequeoce SelfAbuse saline of en• tvigir ink he a in"oieoneal:fe•telion. plernwirn"ii: tare oat age. sad rooky 01) 4? Alecatwe that lead to Insanity or col:sully I •Ild • prasas• tore grave. Bend for circulars with tett melthils free 11 mall The III 14111111141111 le told at SI if here in- six Moro for s& hy all ofregglows. 11 euerrer from ttostterrilele torment, me toe early, I wonder. twenty years or r000tme by the find- An utinsralleled sensation is, haillid "'" be se a Nearalgia. coon re med.. happy t� one -_t by 11(624.-WPFSissiViege44$104.eyiosia_ briskly ralibmi on pelletal heron without u any diripostirog • MOM little 44 so eerie Sten pet brittle a Sin 0 ,t‘lsO;• ..,1•Oo • In% slope se that stirred uty fathers ' rreatp.1 all neer Ontario hy the wonder - n *hat I oor eit" time. I we' ally '0 fel an i unequalled manner in which hole ftiehtened thing to my eienralois, Tothache, Rheomaisn, • ow 1 keen she Iteeksehe. Headache. is removed by oft$ efookt etoy ant that apalication Fluid Lightninz. N.. 1,1 sow, oseetel an offensii • derguating tiro be sri. ittli ON he helmet toy it, teem for. days. it is fl114.1111/te. ewe. s siothirt. as T hare been ,Try a 21/c. botle. • 1 is 00 • - • nt free my mall. en. sitolt41, recti'* of prim. oddment g r. eil FN Y. DraggIst. Itumeilt Trak. 311 Deo. AUTISM floiellAgen tnr Ontlerrh more reesey thee el allllhlflllh� tfik log on eniey the MW ot I Me& not. ar re seereed was,.-. ty. 7. -,ns 'Tee. 141.1 T Boos co. Portland. *site. OCYV- PAS ALL 13/ZES. Sand for Price Lusts, &c. July Yost. ISM. MACNAIR'S, 169 Yonge-st., Toronto. uISU 130.1 MID BLOOD BITTERS (WWI DiLMPIWI, b010 I f Appetite', failrestspi, Bakwagias, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, A/eches of MS Vow awe Pimples, Blotches Boils, /hours, &it Ass" Serikcia. rystprias, sisd all <hamar, aril* PIM 01744Wir I) era n ird Mm* sr irrsyster est* sf the lima. 4rtio,a,;r9b,