HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-7-10, Page 5• diensa eW--s, e. Weaning, JulyPi. —A Sedated die - patch conswys the rad isteliereare id the death of Col. Williams, of the Midlaad Ealdalwo, el basin fewer. A talleillic pasIbliza,Nil lisyrratdotd front WIli Ise ids which Nies ttO ro overland eta Swift Correa& The aims boa cast • gloom over the meow form. Docesated was 110 hero of the ctilebesregi !a =rip, thet decided the battle fI (blows. July 5.—(Opec4al)--There isl w eiwinal regret here ever the death a •Cid„, William's, M P. while to his rogrimeat in the North west. No teas in the Hoene was more generally respect- ed than the &masa gentleman. ft will be remembered that It was he whe made an offer to the Home authorities to preened a pinked regiment from the ) Canadian volunteer militia to go to the ' Soudan. Later, whoa the North-Weet trouble broke out, he went to the frost us command of six companies taken from the battaboo oS which he was Limiten- sat-Colosel, the I61h, Last Durban', and with these he led one wing ul the charge at Beiciehe Me was a lamer, sad was educated at Upper Clam& mid at the Edinburgh University. He was chairman of the Port Hope Har- bour Consmisioners President of the Midland Loan and Baeissie Cu., and a Director of tb• Midhuid Railway. He commanded the Wimbledon teem of ✓ iflemen in 1880. He was Unit returned fur East Durham in the Ontario Legis- lators in 1367, and re-elected by acclam- ation in 1871. He was bra eloseted to MN Commons in 1878 aad again ia He was 46 yaws of age. Sew...Frees SsNoellawirse. The mosquitoes ma sandflies prot ea • tarter to both maw sad horses amongst tbose troops stationed ftuse Frog Lake. Th. Midlaaders base partially die - carded hard task ead awned meat and taken te float sad S.bas a substitute more aseeptable to all, writes • corres- pondent at Port Pitt. • large quantity of floor was captured from the Indians by them, and fish of various kinds are abandon, in Frog Creek. The teen use pitchforks sad a beyoset oa a stick to spear them At Bear Creek ad Frog Lake the troops have daylight istil near 11 p. as. and amain rims abate 2 a n. Rev. M. Quiattey, chaplain of the Midland regiment, and late miessimory at Frug lake, eh.) was held as • primm- er for two racoons by Big Bear, will re - tern to Ragland to live. His hair turned completely gray during his eon- harienent. Near Frog Lake crossing is the large ebite cross which was sleeted to the an- t:his ef the miresime at hog Lake. The woes is reedfty seen essay 'Mktg away, INNIS sefSe Minty feet us height. It wee erected by the 1164A bettaboo The Midlarders aim crested a splendid woes, suitably esignmed, and pet it up in the cometery at Frei Lakin, to the ameawiry of Cliblinst sod Willieeraft, violins of the Indian inmeacre. BE M. HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, JULY 10, 1885. WE SEND SAMPLES ON APPLICA- TION; GOODS BY MAIL OR EXPRESS AND, IF NOT SATISFACTORY, MAY RETUNED AT OUR EXPENSE AND MONEY REFUNDED. AT /10111116DIT WE ARE OFFKRINO 25c.. Checired. =mass Cfoodis for =lc_ LACE -TRIMMED SATIN PARASOLS AT HALF PRICE. Wend Lots of 2 13 &atm' lid MOTO, in Light 001.81 Evening Shades, worth 111 for 350. H. W. BRETHOUR • 3 lEITLA_T\TITHOTRI). New 1•1L-u.slixa.s, 13-xliwts Seteen.s.. All Over THE NEW INDIA LINEN, a Beautiful Fabric in White. Lams, Flouncing,' and Embroideries, Oriental Laces, Swiss ad Hamburg Embroideries. Ladies, Misses and Children's I—lose. t3-.41.1:7ZTE .A.INT 3LRI I 0 T7 INT 7:31e Ft"VIT I. SI ZID8- 11. W BR HOUR C.T Co. Brantford. Brantford, May k, ESL d••••116... Atraseasab. _ C. IX_ 0-=EZ7711NT, Ci_ODEZION 1111101EA1IICET kJ INBTI- TUI* LIBRARY AND READING littioe. our. Of liaat street aad Square me stairs. 011111• from I to 6 p.m., aad trees 7 to 10 p.m. ABOUT 2000 VOLE IN LIBRARY. Lending Daily, Weekly ami Illustrated KITCHEN CABINET Papers, Map:sines, etc., on Far. MEMBERSHIP TICKET. ONLY 111.55. grasuag tree me of Library sad Readies Room Applieatiosi for inesibersh* received by Libeartaa. in mesas. 0110. Itauseis, ALEC. MORTON. Secretary. Oviderica, Marie lab. MIL 1111•-ly We will exchange all kinds of Goods usually found in a first-class Dry Goods store for WoOL this season, and pay the Highest Price that the NallAg Will afford. Our stork is very large, and you can get everything you want in our line of business from us, and at prices that cannot be beaten. Bring on your Wot )L and we will convince you that it will be to your advantage to deal with us. We have a splendid *tuck of Tweeds and Shirtings, and other pods suitable for those who grow WOOL AGENT FOR Iac1i• Genuine New YlioAS.Ree leyeidnit Saginaw, Bay City, Goderich, Detroit and Cleveland. • Illseposeseiall Neediseme. Wdsoe, N. C., July t Sams, a am -year-old sun of a farmer being near here, yesterday moldered his Want brcither, of wboan he had been given charge Some time ago lie was taken it a child's teneral sod manifested great interest in ita burial, which h• did not mem to understand. He has frequent- ly prattled *boot it sad asked neatly titiesuune as W how the child «55 101 in- to the onflin and erase it would come out. To -day he tgok his little brother to the eswastery, whir& was nest his father's home. and after scoop*/ out • pave in She mod 1r1_a mall brook, 1.• trthe little child in a bug, which he piroviosely carried than, sailed down the toothed lneried it, goiag through the INN Ot delivering a prayer and "minus a hymn. After he hod filled the tiny grays, be stansped os it and slowly went bscb house mid told les mother of his deed, of which be meows very proud. He said it "was Oat like Mrs. Arthur's little baby's feneraL The terrified mother hastened to the spot. the grave was reopesed azd Ow Infant found . dead, with it. right arm broken and skull "rushed. MASON 111118A1111112171. Tbe Elegant ..ad Commodious Steamer. "Saginaw Valley" Wta. ROACIIL Will run during the Season of Havigatioa. as follow.: Leaves Godorich every Thursday. at I o' elect p.m.. for Bay City sad liajtINIW. Sand Beach. Port Howe died Tawas, mak_ lag cestaections with Nest Shore Boats at Hoed Basch for Flame City. ailationme. Mackinac WW1 and $t. lostace. lead at may citi= steamer. for Harristrille. Owed& sad • rot rinsing to Galeria' ott Suallay. Let, es flush -rick 55517 Soaday . alt, o'clock. moon. for Pun Harms. Des,o.t &ad Etevelaad. reurnow to ootterich as Thursday. This route will be orettaistad dudes tbe sea- "" 01 nay ration. TICMCM"113 for the whole ROUND TRIP montinuousi be brood for $1.2a00 lecuPPlele days, iamb sad bortka included. A54aU kulas of F..ro,t Orgqins and Sewing Machines Repaired. Aratachisse Oda and Needles always on hand at reasonable arias'. 1-1.. Gli•rECNTIW-. 111116tt Hamilton street. • tow deem below tbe trIborne Hotel. SPEOIADTI AT THE MEDICAL HALL! Just received. • ergo cianaignrcent of the West India srd Montrerrat brands of Plame Lame Vrtz-ttATutcs s In Hooks of all awes. Makes • ascot healthful and refreshing bey crag* for the smnimer lemon. A Lot of Apollinaris and other Mineral Waters. FRESH SUPPLIES OF Hellebore, Paris Breen, London Purple, Insect Powders, P. JORDAN, Moaical 1141, Goaerich. BIG SALE FOR ONE MONTH T.0 1::=11.,'ToP, & cas DI:RW(1 THE ALTERATION IN PREMISES THEY WILL HOLD A MAMMOTH SALE. SEVERAL LINES OF We also deal in Butter and Eggs. COLBORNE BROS. Aril 296, 1885. GODERICH. The Londonre-aHouse Goods to be Cleared, Regardless of Cod. For rates of freight and passage aad all Big Drive in Lacy curtains. other is foresaw's. aver: to Wonderful Bargains in Tweeds. WM. LEE, Agent m Godecich. THIS IS A GENUINE SALE. DONT FORGET TO VISIT THE CARPET ROOM. J. C. DETLOR & CO. Dress Goods at Panic Priced,, The Saginaw Vafley may be had by llpsrlal Armagement for Short Ercureicns on tbo Lake any Thunslay afbousoon. Jan.- 25Th. INS. NW- Goderich. May ea. lig& 1.al 1151: 4111LW-MI 11.1", - _ avr.A.P.,S=..A.S..J.T.-1 have opened a branch store in Acheson's Block. adjoining Morrow's shoe store. GODKRICH wbern they will keep on hand • large stock at CHOICE TEAS AND COFFEES. AA we make a specielty of TEAS AND corr.:E... we can do better with our patrons them any other store ta town. A handsome picture card given away with every pound of Tea Or Coffee. rl'FtY" A.. TESU` ODER. mARaFr AT IT, BROS. April Kith. 11116. 11111M -Ma West side Court Home Square, Godericb. NEW HARDWARE STORE. YATES 8; ACHESON AGENTS FOR Girl-, I ID DEN' PATENT TO-PIONT iBab Wire Veep Numb Is wog ease Mr. Mowat has been th• vaster. In evre7 nee he has stood up to weed the provisos against the attack@ al the Dominioo. There were thus who hdiwred 81 John was right berenno of the @boar tilltaaa est ap on his behalf as a miestitintions/ authority, and who, though residents of Ontario, had no de- sire to see the province secure any ad- vantage to wait& we are not entitled. Bat these Dow realize that Sir John's baowiedge of constitutional lair it a lim- ited quaelity, that is every case he waft wrong. that beim wrong he has set him- self against the interest of his prorince, and that Mr. Mowat's succesafol defence of our interests has bean our safeguard against the perpetrator of repeated wrongs —18trathroy Age. rosette* larei•low se Fartsierslita. Master Dalton gave 'oddment Satur- day in the caw of Taylor v. Conk, allow- ing pkontiff to .in jade -went under 1. 332, against all the airmabers of • part- nership upon admissions by one partner Mr. Dalton said 1 cannot doubt that, frogs authority, the statement of one partner on his esaminetion in • suit agamet the firm as to transactions whieh seaanad daring the partnership would hied all the parttime, if they did not gest by se ewanisaii°^ 4 *fly" 01 them-MACKINAC salves to sentradist or qualify the state - Mama et di. panesr whose evidence they objected W. Mho sem Illseemsd GRAND PLEASURE EXCURSIONS aonUCU EVERY SUNDAY EVENING tittered'. ea the Commiallens Meammi ogi To Detroit and return. touching at dad Beach, Port Hope. Port Austin. Taws.. Forest - 5111c. Lexiagton. Sanilac. tied all River St. Clair porta, tar Oka_ aimed Trip, �.I. Or One 14 eek on Imam including meals andf berths. 111111.10., 0024' JECTTICiTg Made m listed Reach with the Port Huron k Northwestern Railway for Saginaw and in- terned/ate elatiealt. Abio with the Cievelaed Navligation Co.'s boats tor tacntla. Harrimille. Alpens. Roger. Mackinac:. Carboy -gen Ignace, and all Lake 13tel05 ports. And at Detrob with an railroads and neve- land "CO Nay Mal Ion Co.. boats for Cleve- land SR Good Demise Mirtle on Board. T. N. DANCEY, Agent at flotterleh Jai, tad. 111&ene,tf SPRING & SUMMER MILLINERY. takes pleasure in announcing that she has =iudiin person her Spriir and Summer t Miners. etc., and tra taken advan- NW* _the LOW PRICES prevailing at the wholesale markets to make Lure Purchases. Her patrons earn rely upon good Stack sod Lowest Possible Priest A call is respectfully solicited. MISS GRAHAM. West side of Square. Goderich. Amill Mts, Iten. *111 TWO-POINT Barb Wire ciamsp, s.r.8.t71•TCMEE, rnamnazreama,M. Ilanutactured by tbe weathers Mowen BITE Co. Call and See_ss, and Inspect Goods and Pricers- . We have on Med a hdl gad esm.111110 Meek 01 Shelf and Builders' Hardware, Paints. Oils. Glam. Neils. 11012.11C C7C3Ft.D.,&13-1C, NITE883111.. 11311TPFLITES, Table and Packet Cutlery. $ee our Silver Plate Goods. and ArtistsMaterials. "VA. 1ES (Sr. .A.01-1Ms0 /NT Next door to R. MeLosa's Meat 111111ast. Goderkb, April ath. 1115. 111112-0ni (Antal° efteti flub tow gompan! Cf...224LIT3111D-1 NOW COMPLETE! NOW COMPLETE! 01 A CHOICE STOCK OP' 4. DIFtir CVC,CIEMS arid. Ci-roceries_ An Iodises ea Wean asked what he ) wee doing now, simmered : 'Well, I I at ems., lish woes, and preen& sorsa: • Ilbione do you viewer 'Up os the (week AMU's, "IHIcer math do they glee poi I "Bust $20 • year.' 'That's mighty poor pay, isn't it 7' 'wei, bet it's mighty poor preach. dad elph is Record. Mises are now several Americas en - ewers sett eirolortoes in Mete:an rp.o.11 ls acr 411'.11 14 unerooluble acebleate. It believed thew. treoneet will m- eek es internat one) e, • SUMMER TOUR Fes+ ere. sew Meat Ireie edam nor Woo Sawa= DETROIT AND MACKINAC am awn Ira* Mar someas DETROIT AND CLEVELAND 4 yrs. e. «. "Pbaleresque Mookless," • anorim. sae smos...... nand Pam. & Oermiswd Sum. Nov. Co. 0. O. ENOTOOSIII, Oro Part Ley. ONTS011, al lest., A. IfTRAITON, Ask, 0. T eta/3w 1904- Orilarigli, Oat, 6011 1111/111ThiCIPOMILBet OF THE thIllboTED IBERIA-iv, Fact RICCI A L LINES IN ehirtings, and Tweeds. Re aso na why the "Lockbarb" is the Best Wire Fencing Manufactured. We ate °all the beet Emelt& Ileseemer oteet Wire. awe we elshn that la Se reiterrwetlan is is supe -tor to a/1 other barbed team wires. The wires fonitiag Os. roar polars pro bet worn the wires of nu cable lateettiek each other and paps around the CAW. which makes its. strongest barh In tbe worM. It has the advantage of Owen personifies' thsi barb lateralls Highest Torii which no 1 an -pointer! barbed few does. At • recent tria tieof this • lockbak- emade at the Northers Railway Shops la Teronta. tbe fiEstirtafLwast _result Ontario Mee PSC. *110 *4 Ma, the Tanga) VP' Ire thus beetles the Montreal Wipe, aid woe awarded the • reatrart. arses4 ter 4ii11111191 Part kniare. to A Choice Lot of Seed Potatoes Cheals. R. W McKENZIE 44 Agent, G-oderioh. Mel Was, I. ea raid for Butter 8; Eggs. GEOROE ACHESON. THE RED, WHITE AND BLUE. aseigas. AprU IOW. W