The Huron Signal, 1885-7-10, Page 4BLUE RIBBON BEER. As Important Gas Tried at (indorsed Mane liwten Memese rotas she .seettlaue e'_mmp well w Itanaowmwc wed m be MIB In • Maar Aar Osselet. Thais Sow hmeam anus tame up M Friday morale( Int blies ]layer Merton. The presenter, H. W. B•11, see - dusted kis own we, had C. R W. Riper, d lluuiat, McLennan & Biggar, appeared fur the defames. Mr. Davies, the manufacturer of the leverage, was present, and watched the ens closely danng the trial. mu information set forth that John M.Brids did on the 13th day of June. 1886, at his prwmMee known as the "Albion Hotel," town of Uodenob, county of Huron, Dell intoxicating liquor is violence of the mooed part of the ()•sada Temperance Act of 1878 and an si dmentu. TOR rat PIOS&IY7Tlot. John McBride, sworn, said -I am teeaat of the Alban hotel ; Frederick Dale, bartender, to in my employ ; I don't remember bolo, any .onvertaunu BIS you at •aJ tunesab.et lir. Davids es maltose 0.I2, chlorine 0.56 p. a ; ash, 0.103 p c. It oho yields • letter principle ieients.l with that elf the hop. The selii rattan W all the ehas•.tertraida r malt seleset. These melte show that the lequild is deer. Ws.. Sat Pens. Pubis Analyst. Mir ii ae -!- pt miff d alcohol in it ; I remember s methiag about saying that 44.. Davis Wended having an aaslysis of th. Blue Ribbon Beer ; I .as surprised it had nut been published by that data W. H. Ball, Linen Inspector, deer s4- -On Saturday the 13th of June last, accompanied by Dr. McMieking, Ipro- ended to the Albion Hotel, and called for awe glosses of the new drink, hating bee. served I put my glass in a bottle, tied called for another, which I drank imperil ; I paid the bartender 15 eta. fur the three glosses ; accompanied by Dr. McMicking I proceeded to Rbynaa's drug More, having asked the doctor on the roma if he mend analyse that ; he answered that he oouid not bet that the druggist might, on asking Mr. Rhynes, he said he could nut ; I then had the bottle sealed in the peewees of the three of es •ud seat it by express to Losdon to the public analyst Mr. Saunders, from whom I received the analysis bore headed in. Document received and filed. 1 afterwards proceeded to London and brought back the bottle aid tbe boz in which it Lad been snaked ; my r,asun for sending the liquor to London to be analysed was that it was • liquid some- what similar to strong lager beer, highly (atpngneied with lope, as I thought to destroy the taste of the alcohol. [The bottle and the box were -then put in, and also a copy of the seal.) By lir. Biggar -I trougbt the bott!e with me to the hotel from my own hot.; it bed ouataisd before that time tomato, Wimp, and I washed it out with were water myself and dried it; the bottle The bottle was • Mule oes half full e'slatsing about sox oe itemsa u0nese 1 felt warranted to returning the liquid as "bear" and sot as "tomato catsup.,' .ihs liquid was mon or hem intoxicating; it eontatned •lsobol, and alcohol it in- toaicatity, ; Loaders porter 000tains &boat t 9 p. a sad Manley A Prickles G 4 p. a ; I have analysed some Dear fin or six yams ago, and tt was between 3 and 4 p.c. ; rat was made 4 per cent. ; there was than a trial as to whetherbeer was intoxicating, sad I was sale give evidence as to the proportion of alcohol in it ; I have analysed what is called "Blue Ribbon Beer ' ; I did so yesterday for Mr. D411.... ; I have found alcohol in "Blue Ribbon Beer" ; I mere two eepante analysis , the res contained 2.182 by weight, equal to 2.731 by volume , the other ample a,ntained 2.402 by weight, equal to 3 004 by volume ; I have nut amide any other auslyeis of Canadian beer or ales. To Mr. Biggar -An ordinary quern beer bottle contain about 24 ounces ; if filled with the liquid I examined yester- day it would contain .bout 7 drachms ar j of an ounce of alcohol ; whisky contains usually about egnal pstilLA skkthol and water ; sometimes there 1s mem � it when it is retailed (latt*Isr); a bottle of aha beer would hold about equal to a wine -glass full, or about the sixth of • tumbler full, or less than two table- spoonfuls of alcohol ; I don't think that amount of it would affect me ; when strong liquor is taken the effect is mon pronounced than when it is diluted, for the reason that the stomach may not he able to hold enough diluted ; it has the same effect diluted ur concentrated if the same quantity is in the stomach .t the same time ; I think it would be more rapid if administered nearly pore than of diluted, but I do nut know frets any experience ; I didn't know the effect of a umbining ginger ale or other efferves- cent drinks with strong liquors ; alcohol is the only principle in the beer that would intoxicate ; the other substances are .hat would he termed nutritive ; [The wither hen described the menu - are of beer.] Where • bottle re imperfectly corked, there would be a danger of second fer- mentation, and that would increase the quantity of alcohol M the •sponse of the saccharase matter ; for the result of the fermentation is the fortmattoo of alcohol of carbolic acid ; a bottle half full and well corked would not readily sour, al- though the alcoholic fermentation would be likely to go on ; fermentation 11 &cosl- eratd by heat, and would take place mon rapid) in warm wetherthan oold; I don't think this would account for the entire aifference between the samples which I analysed oe June 22nd and July 2nd ; it might account for & decimal. but not fur one per cent.; I estimated the alcohol on the 19th or 20th of June, in Mr. Ball's sample ; I think I first opened it on the day I examined it for alcohol ; I think the effect of an apprectable quan- tity of sour tomato catsup would be to sour the beer and hasten the formation of alcohol ; if kept in . warm place the sourness of the beer would be hastened, and the amount of alcohol increased ; it would be the same if the bottle had been carried uncorked ; the specimens of "Blue Ribbon Beer ' I ez•mind yester- Wag about half full when I sent it away ; 1 got the bottle back from Mr. Saunders himself on Saturday, the 27th of June ; I brought the bottle to Rhymes unoork- d, sod got a onrk then ; I don't know whether it was a new oork or an old one. I took the bottle home, and kept it in my private room under lock and key, until two days afterwards, when I expressed it to London; I got It about noun on Saturday and ant Monday ful- lowtoogg, the 16th Joe* ; the box was not sea:ad, but amply tied, but the bottle day had rather lees alcohol than lager ; was sealed ; I told nobody whet w••111 perhaps one-fourth or one-fifth lees ; it is the box. It was too late on Saturday a very liubt beer. [Mr. Biggar hen to send the bottle away to the analyst, took up • book, and held forth as follows : - "Porter as drunk in the metropolis," Mr. Blyth says, "a • weak malt liquor Mr. Blyth also says . "that the amount taken by temperate people in the 24 hours, vanes generally from one to two ounces. More than this in the t'r'eat majority of people oauema ahgbt alcoholic symptoms ; if the excess of this quantity ie small the symptoms ter here tent lateen elsburate t er aleaM. dl which wptoem thaw varies these nos d thr the ellen of alouhol upon the opuriuma is as sr . stomeak and other minae• Th. edwt easuedieg to eireemelanses ; bet the of pouring a glues of Blue Ribbon Beer avenge tows ssaemary . prodses that Imo a tamest o man, bottle sad etnryiai sled wend he shoat two senses ; ie A about etsweked mead be ILd, itmost gas ekes gt..Mity could sot prm would toss a on of the etennuisI nese deem Um gam mss of iatsxisatifn ; sad ; it woaitl bosoms mem • liable to double that quautity `sight be takes fennettatioa,and this wield i.mis . the under certain circum n tuas welkin say m •usnt of 04'.4+1: of pat in • warm seek aymm plu•. s.phoard it wend ;tsetse the brmrlse Tu Mr. Ball- -1a assts of dwwk from tion sod increase the alcohol ; • jeans, esteem* emetics' tie injury to the system by rail 'meld has* a similar etlaet; I do might reaeiv. 4 noose without soy act thunk liquid pet tato • bunk is the symptoms el iMoznanine, bet I world miaow described by the pruaao+tor as not ••.y in 011 cares ; as ems* •n mask the 1318 of June would is my mare ossify Amsted than othele ; eke ortolan be p.,eisdy the same as tit on opeawa I ban gine is derived from the 20th of Juane ; there would be likely expensese ; I have lumen peewits to mon alcohol, mora ash, and more arid ; exhibit wymploiss of intoxication from as is distilliot; when tootles for alcohol small • gmantity as se moos of ordinary them would not whop separate wise ataiatag as little as 16 or 18 per To Mr. tIlOU-I theta en tak • half-filled asst, of ala bol ; so that me -stall of an bottle would ferment if shipped byrail ; ordinary wine glans of till peoduce the but I could not gar whether . 4.11 bottle third of an woes, shipped by rail from Toronto would same elfin ; I would an swear that two ferment ; that point is under inve.ti- ounces of alcohol 'meld not into:into gatit.n ; I could not form say opinion as that gesdeeuan (Mr. S. P. Halls), nor to the amount of the increase of eleuhol would 1 swear that • half -..ace world is the journey of the butth, produced cwt inwticw that lad, fourteen years of from Oudencb W Cuadra, and its sub- title, (H. W. Ball); alcohol in sufficient esquent examination by Mr. Saaaden ; quantity is • prison ; opium a a pinion, alcohol would increase .ith age in a sad 11 grains would ptodoce death with bottle unless fermrmt•ti oe has been the averse, man, but if divided into may arrested ; 1 ooulds't say that tM beer I twelve doses and one taken every hoer. examined was the same as that analysed it would not De so likely to produce death; by Mr. S.ondere ; 1 mum say if the it is quite possible. however, for a person peeving* bisw was of the same strength to take se high as 48 grains in one day ; as *see I marsiaed ; I bead since my then eves might be • pesuo'eptibb analysis that souther baliyee had bees sees* to be inWaio•ted by a bottle of made by Prot 1:11 10, ; !e make' bee I•ese ,*i$iU SESi me seat of absolute amount of alcohol L 8, air lees than one 4( : •loobol is half of oedinary lager ; Dr. anis occupies a sprit, and 1s htoentatia[ is suf eient • similar position to that of Mr. Sound- quantities. cru, for Toronto diatrio; practically this To Mr. Biggar -I do not know of one beer is not intoxicating ; medical adult man .ho would be intoxicated by tinctures are intoxicating ; bay rum sod drinking a 24 oases bottle ..f liquor con. eau de cologne are also intoxicating , raining 34 per sent_ of alcohol ; 1 would there is sousegme a .light fermentation call each a ligsor an itatuaio•ting drink ; in what are entomb as "root" beer, and if the percentage did sot exceed 231 the result of that fomentation w the per seat. 1 would bays doubts whether I gen.rattoe of alcohol ; some me intoxi- would tall it intoxicating caats•nd some are practically sot so ; I George W. Wright, M. D.. swore - tkiak Ibis "Blau Ribbon Beer" lsluem• Am • practicing pby cion in Toronto of to the latter ; there is a pascals known 18 experience, and profaner of meteri. as "Pasteurisation," which is designed mediae and therapeutics in Toronto Do prevent any further fermentation after school of medicine ; I .m familiar with being bottled ; after the bottles are filled the therapeutic effects of alcohol ; the Docked and wired, they are placed in "ffeon of alcohol vary with constitution; water and heated to 60' centipede, or teetotally they .re smiting .t est to the 140' fenuheit ; the result is supposed to eireektioe and the nervous oentree ; •n destroy the germs whish produce formes- iams.asd does geseeally produce sleep ; tattoo ; if that psoas is wets dal tee the symptoms of tot•e:notion I have beer .i11 sot ferment ; we are now in- seen is may pranks, are often drowanees vestigating that ; I cannot say that bay or doggishness, and sometimes mmsi•oal rune and •oto de cologne are used as excitement rse'mblimg acute mania, beverages ; I Lound alcohol in the bottle seeowpsoed in ..at Cass by giddiness I examined ; alcohol is • spirt and is and wusesu ; the avenge does of proof leaf •xiosaiag spirt neoswry to produce these symp- E. G. Ogdee, .worn -I am a brewer ; tomo on • man in ordinary health varies I lave been connected with brewing 21 soon dieg W the matron of dilution ; if 7e•n ; I know h.o. "Blue Ribbon Beer" the •kohol represented three per cent of is brewed ; we take mak •md grind it, the mixture, I think tt would take a then sash it in ale mash tub and water gallon of higuor to produce thew aymp- it, then it rens from the emus tab into toms, and 1 dusk it would be required kettle when it i. boiled ; after it is boil- to be drunk at once ; the preemies o.1 d to a certain gravity to what we term extracted matter such ae .. found in beer "bloat mash," or clear, • "ehsdow" if would have • tendency to delay the hops are put into it, and boiling con- absorption of the alcohol by the coats of tinned until it reaches • certain specific the stomach and thus diminish the gravity, it is then allowed to cool down intoxicating effects of the drink ; 1 and run into a fermenting tub, where should not 0.11 • liquor an, intoxicating the yeast ie added ; then it goes into • driuk the average maniple of which con - fermentation until it i. finished ; we ass tined only 2.3'2 of alcohol with 4.47 of tall by a .acclarometer when we bay. extracted matter. •the correct specific gravity ; we teat it To Mr. 8x11 -Tee average human often during un ten stages ; from the stomach cannot hold • gallon or over of mash tub until it u finished ; we ces liquid ; a man who would drink a gallon tell to a quarter par cent by it ; we of any liquid at rine draught would be always determine the percentage of an extraordinary cies ; the storage •pint this way ; there to no other way stomach would not bear • gallon oom- outmde of the chemioat analysis ; after fnrtably even if drank in 45 =routes ; it is finished we pump it into hogsheads if a person would say he drank live until it is clarified ; we then bottle it and bottles of beer o,ntaintng 4 5.8ths fluid ''Pasteurize" it ; we bottle, cork and ounces of pure alcohol, *goal to 16 or 16 wire by machinery ; the process of di.. ounces of the whisky of commerce, I tilling liquor is entirely different from should say he was • man M of ed brewing ; one gives spirituous and the yell low s.se"ptlbIlities bi the sflecta of other in fermented liquor ; this is not alcohol ; I would not swear that an ounce spirituous liquor ; Davies' Blue Ribbon of pun alcohol or the same weight Beer is not a spirituous liquor ; than is diluted would not intoxicate that gentle - nothing in our trans known as mixed man ,Mr. Hayes) ; rt is very unlikely liquors, but then is in the .pint trade ; that • bottle .4 liquor containing of an this beer is not a mixed liquor ; our ounce of alcohol would intoxicate an beer called BM* Ribben Beer cannot average tan ; if • Penton welt very make much variation in strength ; we highly .uoceptible to the effects of alcohol hate made it right along so as to not have more than 2 per cent of alcohol in it, and always test it with that in view ; and hate succeeded in kespiag tt down to 2 per cent ; the sample tried by Mr. Saunders yesterday most not have been properly Pasteurized : Om three bottles analyzed by Messrs. Saunders, Hay. and Ellis were of three different brewing* ; there would be about 90 barrel. In a brewing, about 12 dozen in a barrel :- some 12,960 8.411es ; I have been drink. ing it myself ever since I began to make it ; I began one night• at half -past six, and between that and twelve o clock I drank 48 .lamas, and it had no effect whatever or me : 110 feelint of ezkilira- tion ; I see this nearly every day in the can rf a man who works for me ; M due4•1411.8.Si"lig"el.1fi Hill" IR. r.Tai' B 011110M *&.UAI If. samba Qssses,a does the M a 114.& air Ms ever Wasp . flubs Car ease. Aa tee memo to .r et in. Pewee L C. N,rhee- sher:h es Mindoro iw'rtllm1.411a00e11 Unto the sending it away on Monday. Dr. McMicking,sworn-I accompanied Mr. Ball to the Albion hotel, but don't remember the date, was present when le tailed for three gleams of "bin rib - ten bees," and paid for et; I drank one glom, and caw 13.11 bottle another ; went to Rhyne drug .tore and saw the bottle sealed ; I thought the fluid resembled beer ; don't keow whether then was will be is no way evident to others. The aleobel in it ; did not think I was drink- couple of pinta of her., four or five Ing ginger beer, rat more resembled 1•jer . glasses of wine or two canoes of brandy Derr. that men or vomiter engaged in the ordi. To Mr. Biggar -Didn't know the de nary business of life take daily home not riv.tton of r, 1814 beer was slight been proved to exercise the slightest in - beer -very light ; ordinary beer, I en* f jury -in most people, indeed, digestion dentand onntain. from 4 to 8 per not. , is aided and more work done by thew of alcohol ; Brande is an authority on moderate d„,, ,,1 per centageo in alcohol, in different Mr. Saunders -I object to that going grades of beer in as my evidence ; I hold • different Mr. Btgg*r then rtad the following spin, ,n, So far a. Mr. Blyth is con - table of the amount of alcohol in urdin• mimed I think he 1s the beat authority ary elm, etc we have on food and ma adulterations ; Pe•oeat.' he is one of the best authonties. As Burton ale from 8 to 1 Edisburahli to I compared with Scotch ale this beer Brown Stout 6 leo ' would contain about one fourth as much Landon small beer 1 to 2 aticohul. To Mr. Rnll--i do not agree with Blyth that ale nr porter containing 5 or 6 per Dent. of alcohol is • "weak malt The bazaar, under the seepioee of 81- s yro , . rat redoes" mks deet au w >. w Ilti,mtsioti Day, wee ta,otiswd until i111.55 )roll akaowted1. sou Saturd.y sveautr. Co•ederieg the dull 1 •_at 1'v. aaneer•edty ape•.d sms the reoat Aad whatever 1 5.e. wallies bite•, result was �pnod, t 11 1 tar gu.daem mks.toralt/ 1 pea. amouuting W 0tl01. (1• Do hem Deg Dey 1 •umw 300 pwrsuns were dined, and t various ..lel and fancy articles offered 1� tt.waaaa sake ties mar lbw by the ladies foiled ready buyers. The ladies (.f the s ugregation deserve muck credit for their effort. to make vis- itors satisfied. They worked hard to make the bomber a esteem, and in their efforts were well supported by Mr. Thus. Trial, and several other gentlemen. '1 silver ice pitcher for the most popular lawyer. led to a cores eo•test, and the sum of 0142 was realized on it. et. 4'. (*Seem• esu1. Wog M. ti. C.merou led bin npp,m"at, F. W. U'the ire.tnxmt ut settlem la bks N Wert Ou kM,w Johnston, at the close of the pull. Wlu.k member r right 1 really de.' kaww, s The gold watch offered to the young But ler guudaesa sake dwt esy I teed tea. a ledy who sold the must tiokete nu the Bums co„„mti n sad mends west es, Nem !, los ptcber was won by Mies Mary A. Oar. 't emelt emu. p�i But ter g�ruau tae. sake don't s,► 1 told you, Mullan, wit• is one of the most popular To our frtcut, 8aa.ttd 4'1.tt',, to 4sb ia kis et town. m, Father Waiters desires us to return But fur {eadser wake d..t oar 1 *N1 hew hie sowers thanks to all those who took its bur thus sed ."14�~d ` a such an iutetest in the bazaar, the ladies so t *ecotre one. the wuacUloee'ata Warmed deserving especial credit. wtK, The following a • lion of the winner. Mut torgu.daesssniedoat say 1 eesld tea in the ds of Bisimp Walsh, won h lira ljWD0, of Fur the tonal. plug the here when tber net 0D ..prre� TW 166_j -_- ..t for Ifro em sake dent esy 1 1.ed "114 album, won ltuuK crault. ea.K q fesat"rti se �t.Mw star. by Lithia d Gei.ekrh. Mut ale tough. witted sat give the poor creaks erne 1 their ow• way. 3rd -652- reess.ry 01 Moog, ley it Yule had neva there %would be tilt - Mr. N&thsn, of C•ourtngbt. ferret. they say. 41h-4606-hrwmiug case, won by Sol. But ter woodmen sale Beat ear 11014 lee - Wright, of London. rkeast Ike Os Heath er 6th -3909 -Silver sugar butyl, won by . t..0 +t•.tval Jus , Neb. R. J. l[urpiiy, of Dublin. 6th -,6¢7 -Silver crest, woe by L. Peter's R C Charge, hick ontaoeensed Of a gueetptag aid .aims•h tier Ise : t. muse womb le yap 1'alu•ai gulag �4N !et a▪ ir atwsde el sake d/a't � 1 M p» Aad whatever 1 say. err wow re� • lie There's twaddle aid runt* bilis 1414'6 Ho Dist sew, t 1 told met t Therobott Act a.cd.a1 hie ire• Hut ter rosomos Test derange reassess 4'. sure rww'8 yes. At last oa t teat a maw osis" M the But the oat teat wee weasel" the Meter But � seesaws take der trey I tali yea. rt'Yarrow. Moe. ',. ; yOu err N�daw. aks 411 sal 1 smarm fl Oa McKenzie • .bide de es seem tows., But kw 'waist./ sake dent say i bill tea, Porter (London) 4 to 4 throng ale (average) 6 to 7 Whiskey r, -t to 54 wing poses : The Army and toughs, papery/4deal wee, jai prow- MD --The donated by Mut Aro, and sate dent ear i add tea Curry, of Brantford. 1t rein on 11 days ; anent of fall, 7th-3721-8il air butter cooler, won 93,9 cut* tache, equal W 2j inches 00 by Rev. D. Coshing, Samiwtch. I the level. 8th -580 -Silver dessert set, won by I Greatest velocity of wind during 24 s. May McNulty, Port Lambton. hours.., the 13i h. Wind, 8. W. ; cloudy. 9tb-1171-Silver toiscuitine. .on by 557 mile., ..r 23 miles per be'r. Julia McLaughlin. Loom, Ont. Liamreluerty ..f wind daring 24 boars 10th -577-A vaIo.ble book. won by on the 3rd. Wind, a.•rth , clout. 18 John McNulty, Port Lambton. milts• 1486 -Prize presented by D. Bary, Thunder on the 21st, Nal and 27th_ won by M. Duran, of Windsor. Thunder and hychtntag on the 7th, 9642 -Vatican library, won 8, May 12th and 26th. Morrison. of (hills. Nu. of cloudy nights. 17. 661 -Handsome cushion, won by Bet- No• u( clser nights. 13. Nathan, Comnnght. Prevailing winds, S.W. to N. E., light 329b -Waxwork, won by C L Mc- 10 character. Intosh, Goderich. Fogs on the mornings of the 14th and 3759 -Silver cruet, won by Mn D.I28t11• 0.N. Ms000xaiD, observer. 3413 -Lady's (-lady's Dederick, el 7th1866. allLady's toilrt est, won by Joseph Jell . Moch•n, Clinton. Ti P.11 Mall ('swan bas atnsarthd • on 4383 -Three pictures, won by D. wholesale =attic girl• u the sty of L Goodwin, G'urtrucht. Loudon- 291- -Silver cruet, won by Joe. Link, of Conan. 3116 --Ten dollar gold piece. won by Rev. F. Ford, Sandwich College. 4169 -Silver cruet, won by Rev. I. J. Hodtinsee, Fletcher. 2100 -Fibre dollar told piece. wen by Mrs. Kielty, of Toronto. _ _ 3063 -Five dollar gold piece. won by mew Ad.mr.WleeNa alters Week. Rev. H. B. Lot: Servant 054 Wasted -11.. 111. G. Caesarea. 1423-oSeegmiller plow, won by S. T. Inmslottee Notice -Amts. ANL Goodwin, aourtright. a y mrdaleerHare, - lesser' 1463 -Lady shawl, won by Mrs. Ronan, of Coronas. 240 -Silver Elgin watch, won by Miss Anne Hapn, of Coronna, Out 2801 -Bedroom clock and vane, woe by Utes Minnie Acheron, (Sidemen 225 -Rich Maoist, won by Fred Kor- man, Wingham. 1568 -Picture of Biah,p Carbery. won by Mies KM. McNeil, (Millie. 1175-A valuable picture, won by Jno McLaughlin, Lunn. Lord Wolseley .i1) transfer the room - "nand of the troops in the Sodan to General Stephenson. The French forces in Her hays been 11. attacked by the Anuamites, and .•deer attack is feared. 1 al Dentistry. L WOLVERTON, L D. 8. ur O • . mace odd Fellows Hall. North HL. ardente. Charges moderate. All work war- ranted. fila the People's Column. OOD GENERAL SERVANT GIRL Quebec. Fat cheep. won by Jl-O Rielly, Refereeese required. e u �tApupty ttolMhlolt& M. (.CAM . Ineon 205-Kaleidear'pe.won by Mao Lizzie Stanly, of Carom's. TRE r'Ota. CkI. The downpour of rain Dat a damper ma the o •nc.rt, and eyes many of those who bought tickets were unable to attend I Iou h that bottles f gar nn account of the drenchinu shower eh. . say t.0 n iq However the audience was an appreeis containing 174 ounces of alcohol it might five ohs- m Cains presided DiSSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP The tartner.hip heretofore existing between the aodrrsa ,gned . fanners. rtc.. has bees th0s day dissolved by mutual oas•eat. ANDRJW AU'LD. ADAM D. HOOVER. Jon' . wi:nees. Fist Wawateoh. July but 1165. 1I .4t. , and BUGGIES FOR SALE. intoxicate them ; alcohol is intoxicating P int:vdoo"d the performers The over. in .ufbcent quantities. After an sddreas from Mr. Ball for the proaecutioo, in which some very good rointa were made ; and an ingenious plea by Mr. Biggar on behalf "f the defend- ant. H. Worship the mayor impended judgment until Toe.day, when he deliv- ered the fallowing :- TRE MAGISTRATE.* Dxtt+lnN. Ater carefully considering the evidence in this case, it appears to me that the only conclusion I can reach is that the an amusing commie. His get up as article sold se "Blue Ribbon Beer" is • swell was immense, and hie spud intoxicating Iigw,r, and Its sale then- treneformations wen • surprise to the Pols contrary to the provisirms of the audience. Hie local song, "Fcr Good - ton a piano duets by Mimes Wright of 1 J01fl 1C,. OXXiel. t the applause with which it was greeted. Mrt1,.ren, a sath. nt young vocalist of Ooderich. July n 1 to the Colborne Hetet. ban he needs. Is offering carriage aid • niggle twoem•tat in JOHN OX. OX, NS ,aeon tate London, and Downey, of Se•fortb, was torrasg lae a two -mated a *Ostend piece of playing, and deserved s.co•dt. handh U .e�L t h Seafortb, rime "I 11 take You Home Again, Kathleen" in a rich voice, and wan warmly encored. We hope to hear him again. Mies Cooke sang 'Watercre.ees' in a very pleasing manner. E. B. Hollis filled the bill as Blue Ribbon Beer when it left my Ganda Canada Temperate* Act As the ate ems Sake Dom t Say I Told Yoe appears in motion it n .t disputet. and that act in this week's issue, and the cen6dmttial contained 31J per cent of alcohol. was dawn to be in force here st the old gossip was hit'if to perfection in the To blr. Ball -There uacertain 'amount time of the sale by the pndoction .f the attire of the vocalist. Mr. Hollis has Do not know whether the •I iantity of 1:'iuor the sample i examined con- of alcohol in all we brew ; alcohol i. • ren wen of mimic and sola tanned lees them one half as etronc as spint ; alcohol is into locatinga bottle oak f:n rtte, I must adjudge the de- per comic eq alcohol in • quart bottle of this liquid ; fondant guilty, and impose the tine of many of the travelling comic singers who Edinburgh ale •; it is 3 5 as against 8.5; or two in a tub that woe not trot the it 7 ,es asfist-clot.•. llfr. Cornelius to a (2303) would affect • real.: i cannot my,Q and lN,•te. 1 ma es that i have w R, and as compared with Landoll porter u f Il benefit , ( the jssteunz awn and cornet solo accompanied Miss Cooke ant reached the con .ion that the P•n buy wit arn•ount of alcohol would intoxicate u .bout half the .length a strung when taken not of the tub the might di on the piano. Miss Dcwney't ado drew u . m... , t to it un In definite answer to that gnwuon , who. 1 I water. 1 should ea it would intoxi- ta.g didn't not intoxicate me nor was > are shout 32 dean in a toh: 1 picked out Mr. Ball intuticn•ed by what he drank : `cats as ric,ckly a. of token undiluted ; the bottles for analysis yeaetday jest as 1 • 11: I t f • tl I t co .1t1 to Kice any liquor if mord with an stool bulk of ferment and form own wleohoi ; beets liquor in question is an intexiaant, wt - toHh an encore, and her sinenQq wee very sweet indeed. Mies Idz W ilkiason took the place •.f an absent v.mal,st, and her solo was very well received. Theonncert closed with the laughable faro. "Turn Him taut," by a number of amateur. from $..l th. All the boys did well, sad the fermate impereonatiewa • hof W Scott .'d C. L P•pet were , ngen- in P• t th had t rt t h a d y l I pl I h h ten years' coaxing before he could don the muslin skirt, ami tread the boards as • "lovely fair one." Jas. Watson. as the astonished Anaheim', and Mr Bar- ton as the 'civilise swell, ware very natural. E. B. Mollie ea "Nucfdeenes • Nobb.," was irresistible. He showed himself pnesemed of rare powers aa a comedian, and kept the.u•ireme in • roar. He filled the part t.. perfectron,and established himself as • man of fon. On the whole the faros was • good piece of actin% and the fbeaforth gointette appear to be well combed at rehennelm The concert maltase $31, and hat for the heavy ruin would have been a sunset in attendance se in lewd it was its per- fo•mance The foll•.wing een•leman kindly • met- ed at the Hamar rev. Dean Murphy, re Committee threaten of Dublin . Fathers Wert, '4 fit. A- K 6c,(h00 a ne dolts not gestin• : Rasry of ilrywlale ; C+rhi d t0 o.mdeet their peat of W..nd0nek ; fees, n Btaforth ; arid Booubat of Ashfle. out much d.•ubt. It appear. to me that if it had been proved that the liquor never cuntaioe•l more than the Lowest am vu , c •not yu or w . ,. n . they e•me. r ceutage of alcohol given in the i auld not say ;t eras an intox.ating pe appointee' by tM DJmllilrn l;overn- (;at, B. Cnx, ewMa.-I have drunk liquor. stent. Davies' Blue Ribbon Beer; i took eleven' different analys8. c&lIss, vas :teat leo( Dr. Ellie, To Mr. Ball -Different uuantities of it might be called noniotuxicating ; but liquor will intoxiwty d.tlerrnt isles ; one I tae TEE Parrott c. or twelve glaaaaa of it last night in three- ' as I must accept the results arrived at man ran drink a gal.o.. "f strong beer Th„mss Heys. wsa Balled snot assts 'lsemere of an hour ; it had none of the the other scientific gentlemen es era's, and be fairly solar, and another might 1 awl a:: analytical chemist i am • effects of •ie.ohol "n me .banter ; the the only other c,hclusion open to me i• desk • quart and show •yrnptnms of pro•fetww of chemistry in the Toronto 'luantity i drank wt•uld�Mahout three et I that the liywor is one of somewhat Tana dnakentteu. ; ♦ peri deal depends of"'n •1,...1 •.f medicine : i hate analysed time the ordinary quirt I Me alcoholsc strength, and as • matter the c,nstaution of the person ; some: Uwe Risers Ileer . 1 did w in the latter times a very small quantity will kik.iii part of last .eek and the early part .4 mite : i can, t say whether there was "r I thug week ; I received the bootee fmm wee not alc-.hol to the beer i partook 1 Mr. Dacieo-two specimens ; the bottle* that day. 1 VIM corked, wired and covered with a Wm. Saunders, sworn -I reside in 1 capsule of tinfoil ; 1 found in !hie beer laodon ; I received • letter and tea ' 1. i 3 per cent. by weight of alcohol, from H. W Ball on Treday morning, equal to 2.18 per cent by volume : the the Rah June : the bottle contained a male Into farce. amount of ops. ,,1 matters 2 to of j eaturda , Jul 41h, "ren 1,11 Inge quantities hoer of the ligesd with the way unbroken 1 •solos 'malt and hoopla, .gar oralt...e, album ) y .la•ho.t:. strength of th.t in gnestom. ed the contents of the 8.•111. ; i sent thy ' „Keds ; hoop hitter and muster ash ; the Tho'"• F. McLuhan, M. b. air"rn, ;-1.. But it could not, I think in the evt- Isapnctor the f"]loetns: certificate of ash sae 0 11 fuer emit.: this e•.ntain. hate Mf'n • practising physician f• r dance, be take•. by "then more easily imaiya15 . - 'about re-hfth w ,such alcohol as he.teh twenty two year., 1 knew the thtrap.ut.c effected without m„,docmng intoxioatuin, Ist4tiow, Galey , ,lune 22, 11tel i ale ; and rather mon than one fourth n' es.eta .4 sleob.I ; the Ent resell* rd the mor" or lase merited. ` W 1, Eel- much as London porter, whi(h Blyth administration of alcohol are nervous sad i We anderataal there will ha in appeal, lase Rtt',-I have completed the I deacn►.es as a "creak melt liquor ;" in a arterial excitement ; and the result of to be deckled by the Comity Judge at aaeltuie of the Mond s' -u sent roe :n a'reset b ode of the liquid eiamlnel the merles/ging the clow bey.wtd that Mare the (:'neral tK"b ions "1 the Peace to sin led bottle on. the Toth .lone, t•:e sial a'c• h••l would ane•unt to swnothing lee. would hare • depressing effect ; the spry t.€.'. wor next. tel which .as unbn.o en ellen re: eo. ed than le • tahtesp•"nfuls ; 1 d.. ant thick Proms "f mtoxicauon ate vannas : has •_I of Ib" _ Frederick U•1., sworn,- 1 have arena .d fact the h•ln.or actually sold, was upon paras hm.h as 20 those in an hour ; 1 ex• 1 the evidence iut.oxicaling. The object that none of the effect..1 alcohol ; of the act is, i take it, to excluole the that wse equal to Eve b •tales. I, S.ulluc sale as beverage., not un:y Of T.. Mr. Hell -I have not seen any Der. I.quon maei(e.tly tntoxteat ing, but d sins intoxicated by it ; some have come I all liquors which may intoxicate. (N in intoxicated and drank it ; lthate not course, many, perhaps mash men. could sold any intoncatinv liquor since the act with impunity fn•m intoxication, drink by m•, enol hag to. ihmit the followine Bi)th'. estimate ia nut of the way so for ! "f mseemlar 1w,wer, g ...J- 1 fond it to contain -- ss a healthy perv.n ukinu too nine.. �'n"«'es, ""nt•,e,nn of the trental ideas, Th. B.rmsngha A1luhnl by wmtht --1 51 p c nr by of alcohol in 24 hours, without pro due- ' etnp"r, sreompen.ed by g4ddin"ra, and t•. woo (i.,nnn.i f• nelie 4 ;poop a it yields solid extract ' ingany akoboiicgrstnnn; that is if taken "ban by nanaean and vnrnitirie the 4.'e return to Eeq,lao t f whisker tai lag 60 per cent f told_ •.f which 2.73 .c. s • ,add in so:all peons ata time. [The wit- , Pt .or . a e7 moo a - es pflP ea per , e7 ley. n pa wi _ .� - hint little e club momtac a of G(DOD GENERAL SERVANT wART- ieteri t 4.8Werha. Good t. M `tate. STRAYED OR STOLEN- ABOUT �s�r�me sad d May. • bar Poi,. •beet shoe Weer OR 15s reward will be sr et& *se white bind feet. aad 'ba paid ter air information leader" to Re recovery. Mato JOHN KNOX.(oderich. B' Piety colonies of bees for vs e. fa grit-et'm single and double boardrd lyres. at pl• for single boarded and 41e for double. Parties who lave Isar bees.nd wish trw swarm. ter their MM.-ra, by bringing their l,re• to my apiary mn ret !horn ADM at air •.warm. OIWItOE /HUM. lie -4, It..mansion P. 0. DIANO TUNING A. 1. BROWN respectfully +nnennces to eke ppub;l: that he is prepared teTune and Repatr Pianos. Orders eft at Mr . (hike-. or Mr. Imrie's hook 3lore w:.l ,,, prornp'ly attended to A11 work warranted nret-class. nitlt1m 'L'DWARD SHARMAN, atrrxionot J and plasterer. thanks the public for their eoetiased p lrnea&e He is a1411 reedy •" de all week la Ms Mae is a superior ..&soar. Prices tomtit the Horse. lfattasate. giver Mr 501141e. when required. I rt7-ly For Sale or to Let. HorsE TO RENT- ONE AND A half story. frame, os Platen si.. sear H{g� Reheat. 1n firer -class repairAgateto JOHN REID. air J. A. RCM N RVID PINKY!). eiwef Ho1('Lr FARM FOR KALE.- "Janetekl," enetalniaa MI5 .Tree, x a! Oh (o. Tnwaalip rat (inderi.'l. 1f desired a mortgage w111 Ise taken over the property ter a paetles of the pnrrImar-mcaep, at • needee- ate •uta• td interest. and for • eteaaidereele d"ssar.1.1.15 .Qedr`HastlCK Ont. Apply to JOHN KNOX. see- , VARM OR SALL-THE WASH. INOTON HOM1Z1TSAD. *tested w 1st flu wt. 1rd eau., Tewashie N Wets Maws - smelt rnatalnlsg >M acres. sere :a rrame d welling bra,m newlarge met resat. es- r•notte footwtlldrefts. and an orchard. The farm Is well situnated tot mains Meek Terme mosiars. vet/ to tee ere view.. JOHN W ertlIMMenUii. A bur. nig i►sce. 11.1* L1ARM TO LET --MMR A TERM Ole I yeaairrs. Tsit 1ve, I. theoNarlrh Multi 4 re ra+w. 1af!l} b letter ;e J. l L Rtratterl. 1�1M • tar' sear•• • +- . oft.