The Huron Signal, 1885-7-10, Page 3•
111•••••••* b;~6-
Fannie'* Bummer Boarders.
Funis French looked through the
window with • highly injured aid .1•
together CI 411111 expression uer her pretty,
fair face. The cern drugs beet a taloa)
em the pane in a way that was really
tantalizing, and the uteri shrieked
tnumphsntly as a hurried past.
It was really to bad ! net had planned
• dehjbtful drive that afterue.on with
Jasper, and uow the rain had to sped it
Jasper, however, seemed to bear the
disappointment -- if diwppoiuttuent it
was --with angelic patience and f•'rtitude,
for he devoted himself all the after-
noon to "The Woman it. White," much
to the ann..yance of Fannie, vb. was ot
a lively dupueition, and preferred chatter
and gossip to all the novels that wan
ever written.
But t vett `The Wot►tat in White be-
came rather tedious at last, and .jasper
stretched his hauds..nte, grateful luuba.
and yawned as he .sed, --
'Why that blue look on your Leu my
'Became I feel blue T snapped Fannie.
Thu house is just like • tomb, mid 1
sometimes feel creepy all over. I d.s't
sae any use in our being rich, when ae
eau t enjoy our wealth. Now you cin
go to the ntnantaires and enjoy yroerself
whenever you like, but i must stay ogl-
ed up in this rambling, ghostly old place
all summer. Mamma's nerve will Le
this death of me,l m afraid : It there was
any society around here I could stand it
but I'm getting to be such a nuc. that if
I see • man soon I shan't dare to look at
That last was t•", touch, anal J..;; -r
threw beck his head, and tante:bd. The
idea of sharp ttneued, pen:, Fannie
being afraid of any man was uw amusing
for she was the most provoking, charm-
ing flirt alive.
'Ulf, you need laugh,' retorted
Fannie, with an injured air, 'for its the
solemn truth. Why, last week at Mn
Mel/omits reception 1 actually felt
ashamed of myself tarryir.; on a mani-
ke be L g
C dunel Rivera.
• .-
ill fes t ya $.... r r air. . r 1 • L i t
keeps them all I abet Mamma But
they'll noir yuite handy when my
bowlers arrive. 1\u«, Jasper, be •
idea r •
'Allow m• to help you both late CM
Rag cheer RIS •..a.1..a a •
encase.' mew •wawa area a wews.SM Mew* red bylaw Yon 507 ~seas, •built the sort
That two tiles' ride was altosothet abases eebsel . 4 seise ssau • Pria . Juni 1 I bays
eau able Cynical Jasper was ,:hammed sawn the aketo►w sad material of suite
good boy sail winless flat my 1 1 C7 The batiNhl samsssr weather is hers. 4 Prla$esa B.sistos's trutsssau trucks,
cad mentally kiekd ht=eel[ fur •her t wish the 7"uip whish are beaag nesse by Redfern. Oa*
goo 1 one.' The aouatry tsars. ie a very patty brown and blue shot
Japer looked thoughtful fur• few mo- having thought her . atroagnunded old cern d tram cad boohoo, and fragrant tweedy with silk to match. Tlts siert i•
meats, and then said mud And aimhe ads mettle oblest with wild flowers, ars psehsp at 1Mir of the briar, and is summ ed in wide
thought he was r . handsomest, noblest loveliest. The yoga* Indy wholesome W perrudwalar pasta The bndtoe cad
'It isn't herr a bad plea, sister mice, lig o•tara117 tonin an of the tweed, the front of iter
it -' matt she had •ter moo. learn to ride on hoessEsok
Fanner orf course acme dellghttd with
• It what t' thinks that now her opp,rtowity ►am
'If you can find any boarders.' her boarders ; and that summer the Hall
' Fannie clasp,' her hands with a tragic was gayer then it had leen for many. Her ridiug habit is reedy for her. It
many years. Even Mn. French (ergot has mese • trek. ass already she
`Just hear that absurd bay' Why her rerver sometime, and anvil to has tried it us five times. She has ►-
Jasper, boarders are t., be had hun- herself when she heard Khania and Jas. -
Areas ' per singing duets ta•g.tbsr.
'But will mother approve asked About a month miter the 'arrival of
Jasper rather doubters'('. Elaine and Rob fiethertun, Fannie mid
'1)1 ouurss she will r mid hu tester one day to. Jasper. -
with the air of a peewit who had con6• Aren't y,.0 going to the 'mountains
deuce in her p„were and waaut to use *mei, Jasper 1 You threatened to go
when a certain wperaunuated her heow
you'll threaten to elope with came, you Lwow.
I suppose y Hanot the mountains :' said Jasper,
perotses•'r welds if she won't approve.' irreverently.
Jasper said wickedly.
Bet Fannie designed him no reply, 'I'm sure you ought to go,' said the
and he returned to 'The Woman is artful Fanuie persuaaivrly. `The Lester*
White ' and the Taylors are gene, and Ws get
A few days later on, a vcry mo !est ting du'ler than ever ; and the deceitful
ht le advertisement appeared in ore of little sinner escaped (nem the room and
the drily papers Oa* me two lady executed a delightful proalette in :he
b warders waled for the ttllltaeeef ; Issue- hall
t v pleasant •r.d healthy ; terms mo ler- E:aii.e was not idle by any means, far
ate . addrees Miss F. y., et cetera. three hours each day were devoted to
Fannie inn', e:pettel at least fifty literary labors. Her 'study' wee gene -
enure n to this advertisement, and was rally out under the spreading evergreens,
w efully diapp,inted when Japer came and Jasper and lfauttie were always un drawbacks to the family.
in one day with one solitary letter in his hand M help -or hinder. Elaine had • I N,er, when her resort assist her to
tors I. tender, posits fancy, thick sometimes tueuat, does she give expression to the
Sh' eagerly *canoed its contents. found expression in sweet and temente! awful certainty site fettle that, instead sit
Elaine Netherton welted W obtain (ward versa. Jasper read well, and Tennyson landing in the saddle, she is going to fall
[ .r the summer .see had a brother of and Owen Meredith wen often pleasant off on the other side A little gash, which
t welts, the letter said, who was a cripple c••mg,anions aches Elaine's `shady hours'I she turns into a laugh, is tete only ladle
her physician had told her that she must were user. And Fannie watched with I cation of ler terror.
take him into the country for the soca- happy eyes the play from real lila which They are aff ! Her mother rails after
trier. gin Netherton herself wrote was being enacted. Thu French family her to be very careful ; her little brother
re,tululy for the press, and would be was fax above mercenary idea that so sits on the hitching post and cheers ; her
busy with her writin¢ part of the tome, many rich people entertain : Fannie sit.00 r listen stand ►n a row on the! Truth.
.rid would make as little trouble for Miss already loved Elaine as her sister, and Y"Icurbstone, and shout •shrill chorus of I Fcesinaus tlur
F F as fb•estbin knew that eke wrouwl cele jasper a tree grid byes. Her burse is only walking, AiQust ovary Ferran has some form of and etrectualiy ram, iu then.. Lm_
but as she feels his first body heave mere I een'fulthi poison latent in his veins,
I'm going to tell her to r me, said and sweet wife. I \e h this envelops ►n scrofulous acres
Such delightful
ter a a em •cam
thr+ugh her letter looked quit another boy. Inn rya e f Id not hear it she must get suffering that ensues u terrible )'on '
N'he ilei r•.•,er. ` � 1•ut were the daces and Purim pn,jx:eed- ! •u
o o ooe es aha :' 1• a daub
A Wass e! aestvtOty.
Mach' u[ the ill condition of chromate
invalids is due to want of celerity in a
sluggish Iter. Berdoek Wood Batten
arouses • amnia of the Liver to
secrete pu bile, and thus matte pure
blood whet give• health. ft-
Hard filed eggs taste rood at say
time, but never so well as whew. has lb.,
tour and twenty blaeitbtrds, they are 111
• Boil • d•uen eggs hard, and,
bodice being trimmed with folds et the
when cold, shell and afbcw them all put
silk amnged dein-fashion. A pretty them in layers In a nattered pee dish,
lithe jacket , go with the gown stored s!ternstely4 with butter. breed rssttos•
of the tweed, Hoed with k colored pepper reed salt, mud e.reru14 them with
satin, and trimmed wit tlie�abot-sok this mature. Add • uupfol of cream
down the fronts, whish .n eteasgkt, ofd bake t.. •brown. ,
though the hack hu rightly to the figure. _ -
mired its snugly fitting bae,toe briers the Another nice (ruck ia of ,.•resat hiaoket ♦ mamas uaremA.e
slams ; elm Las practised gathering the cloth, the long, wide pleat* on the skit) The man with rheu.nai►siu can feel the
flowing folds of the skirt vracefully over being separated by folds of utt".an nit` approach of bed weather iu his aching
her arm ; see has adjusted end readjust
ed the dainty little cap, end has even
been guilty of sitting aide -saddle e'0 •
shear and saappine her whip, just t , sin
how it will feel.
iu the same odor. There is also • yes
of the ottoman, the bodies and scarf
drapery being of the cloth. A jacket 15
made to aoc,mpaDy this (ruck. the ma
retial being the blanket cloth, It rase•,
from the left shoulder, ar.d is trimmed
round all the outlines with tiue able.
When, therefore, itis aanoeoced that A flown of cavy blue cloth a cut out
the horse is at the door, and tn. hour in seadops, which fell aver a trimming
hsa arrived for her tint lesson, she is able I of interlaced cardinal red braid. A sinn-
W serosas the frwtt steps triumphantly, lar• but aam'wer trimming, edge the
{ tunic, which is quite short, The fn.nts
with her skirt held in the proper manner, , of the bother areae,tloped over a seat sit
her costume complete, even to the yel- 1 interlaced red braid, and the sleeves are
low ribbon by which her whiji'fs sung finished at the cuffs to match.
from her wrist, 'Hid apy •mile upon her The jacket corresponding with this u
of nae clnth, edged with one row of
fans cardinal braid. • revers, turned back
It is twelkat slime penisnces a certain at the left side of Illtu.heat, u :rued with
sensation of inward sinkieg, and that the silk ; and a similar es., turned uack
horse, as she looks at him, seems a taller at the right side of the. lirmue, shows a
similar lining. Thi■ s a eery elective
animal than she had beleyed a horse little arrsgement, and uuw guar
eosin be; but she dines nut mention theme my experieme.
A cream colored sloth isjmads over a
skirt of pale blue veiling, being quite
plain except for • narrow pleating mond
the edge. The bodice of the fastens
diagonally from the left shoulder, by
means of carved mother -o' -peat button/.
The vest and cuffs are pale blue.
Another cream colored dress of Cairo needed. N•• taking naus,-owS me'umue
cloth, with platted skirt and scarf tiie for eveks, blot one r.:it: Ws. application
tunic made of cream oelored satin- The removes all pain and will ppreve•tbe grunt
bodice of this gown u plead and worn value cif Kraut's Fluid L,srhtnttyt. ' ,.
with a belt. bottle at Usonge Rhyna■' drug
I wonder if it is intmeled tor her go-
iwg away dress. -1."Uirl'a l;..mip ' in
petits H►,ly'anl'a Yellow ' Oil cures
rheumatism, aches, pains and; njuries. lt
Rev. J. ti. Fal:u, Lutt..n settlors
„Fur semi years Lay wife has been
troubled wit(' Dyspepsia, and has triad
one thirty after another recommended
with but little or no effect rill advised too
give McGregor's $ Cure a trial.
Since tektite tie tint bottle I hate nut -
iced a uupr•,vemeut, and caa with con
tidrnce recommend at to lie ,.ie of, tf not
the best ntaliuue extant for Dy,oepua.
This invaluable medicine f•a Liver Com
planet, Iitdst;eauon, Kidney Complaint,
is purely ve,,etaple. S..1.1 at lieu. Rhy-
tase Drug azure. Trial betties given
free. 1 m.
A crotchety std doctor in New__ York__
her wuu the hatred of •eery fatkimla�s
belle in the country. He says thud die
use 4'1 those aptly grateful sadliag
Wes, s elite enables A lady to ealtibit
a plump are, and tapering lingers to per
fecuon, a hurtful. The strung sand
cause headaches, sire throats,
wets •.1 all, red sones.—lel. is Hail,
kum'. staid l,tithtels$
Is the only watantaue•d,e renal for Neu -
valeta. Headnehe, T,••4! ache. eta lout,-
Wiry a f..w deeps briskly- is all that in
The am
Flesh, t ale boll or cher
tete, ludictte weenie.
1' Cider will quickly
an l prcc.uious
manner as it acme 1 a h her, and realizes her lofty position stn ,.r cru k 1 f I
Fenny decidslly, far she had Weft La sic a ulcera.
lore with Maas Heth•st.m,af fashion, Rob soon became r sty and healthy, and {
and L 1pl' ly ped seems t rheunsatwn sir otwartic nieces the
i blW beyond
w w its
animated sed crechety, ate
priory, or takes the . YID
wasreallya wonder that Elaine had
rchief flirtatwn with that wtac In
'That's because 1 cess looking at Sou' out in thegarden one beautiful said the astute Jasper, 'You know, sister , girl in her teens, and drawly t•• perfect- were Can she cenfesa that she is tree fright-
a seers Wever keening.
Dune, that I detest. no thing more than .un. • Her style, I supp•ue, .1 sentimental twilight. Jasper, became :ender all of a erred to ge on f impoastble ' How she—
darting ----especially with such men as slid heart -rendering poetry,or worse yet• sudden, and said abruptly -- • would be laughed at : V. learn from • western prissy that
tragical and altogether imfousstbis love 'Elaine ' { 't )h, nothing,' she says, tremulously, at the recent session of the. London
Face"Ie flared up at once. { stories, wh•oss characters err either Blaine w.0 just picking a rose : she resigning herself to her fare, 'I thought both and macho urt of aapp�d agatagat the
'Now you needn't begin '" choir bleed dyed vfllians o•r sad faced saltire started suddenly, and •great thorn ( then was something wrong Lith the amassment of the Carling Brewing Co„
everybody behind their backs. Jas. ere f Or perhaps she writes stainer the wren. scratched her finger cruel'y : the llrx,d harness but I Sumas there iso t. fief up which was fired at ill 25,000 for cyst no-
she end to hide ' tate, cad 040, 000 ptrsotta! It sea
1 don't admire Cot P.iven any more than steered
yew do ; but there is so little eoetety in Jasper. But be as. the ! f3h
1 blood firmly took the relonctsat � pvnPstt7 h
this sleepy village, and I must flirt ! If I
can't find desirable m hl then I
u i she coo
ff descnptton Hence the gratitude of
' A and she jerks the reins. The
any time for writing at .
those who discover. as thnnsanda yearly whole ererytxtd7 !Mess 5* use saeoesasat
that Ayer s Sanapanits will tor•
orghly eradieate this eve nem the s s-
g she's super- It hs. do, it h manager of she i �'
o,cU our:: screw all. �ftorme sopa h 1 t to y
like, a They-miawing Elaine and Jasper-
'What's the matter'' els her escort.
eerie and green glasses.
of her sex. If there'a'anythin,t f hate, began 1. ooze out, andsv k that alue of the Company's
t:'s s aid maidAndherhandfrom a. The hots obeys. Ae tn,ta a had been so depnciated by the
:caper plainly allowed the scorn he felt , drops, r`bolds her breath and clings to the p m- pa•m■ing sit the Soott Act that t e real
en w Du be a tittle mora "tensible, 'Jasper. fund, and kissed the wound. mel of the saddle for a moment of anguish estate was not worth more than tri per
must take undesirable ones that s ai1. 1 m sure she must be good and sweet, Elaine bushed and blushed. and tris end then hu pace subsides again to • Dent. on the dollar of its ori¢ival value.
in to have her for ray to mach her hand away. But Jasper's I and that the personal property was
But, Fannie-' end I'm going walk, The next time it is increased he worthless.
'Now, old mentor, don't beton to b ardor Ill write and tell her to creme , masterful black eyes were looking
int'► centers,and this she finds more endurable. wick the e!ecG,n, the liyuur men ar-
becture and scold again. that's 5 dear os. Monday. You'll have to q•+ to the t::e deep blue ones. and then -but o• i Gradually, indeed, as they get out into ane that under the Scott Act there u
and playfully put Ler hated over ',lateen, and oke her and her tante recces you know whet happened, so I , the country, her fear abates ■o far that h lead that th liquor
brother to the Hall in the c..rrtazn.' I won't try yew patience with unueces-
tair mouth. she is able tc fire coherent answers W
Ui comae Jester didn't lecture ori \ot 1 ' ['.! be hanged lint cried' ary da ails. ber companion's remarks upon the scen-
he lurable Fannie .Tse rr, with more toyer than e.ettuce Since it is tr ay that Jasper marries ety, and when, an hour later, they reach
moll then, f1,r when t p
assumed that pendant look, and sp. ks { j,,,t her walk or hire an omnibus ' one ..f Faaute s boarders three m •nibs ( home again, the relief of getting down is
in mach a eheeleeome manlier, no eel • , •No• she shan't, s liter, end as it couldn't have been Rob, '
must have been -the other
j t and
you mut go i t see great that she a even prompted to
(Mr. French ' So there why then u
could ever resist heren Fanme's envier boarders other
, to thank him effusively for the pleasure
Jasper hushed Roo 1 nater y, are •But what i ■ o
to winter herders al«., moth to the dt d F f [ should decide to g,, ' one the has enjoyed.
I asked
In -
playfully pinched the dimpled, miry the mountains before
Monday 1 cut + To the family, when they ask her how
cheek as he said- .1 utter, wt.) knew the. Fannies wi!1 was; s•tisf•ction of everyone concerned.
'You are an awfully sly chicken, Fan law, but liked to tease her wl.en he got
_ she likes riding, she says at is perfectly
I Rough 1landlIng et t hussy. lovely -that is. it will be as soon As she
Silence resigned for event minutes the chance. I -- gets a little used to it.
after that Jasper sprawled gracefully -N,, you won't ” retorted Fannie. The causes of jaunt diseases in child 1 --
on the sofa, and had fallen into *day she sea► secretly very proud of her (hood are frequently obscure, but this i The th.tera
e from the rant express- h h handling P,.saibly 11.e Cholera may not reach
dream , to kale
ion e0 hjL_ u>s, and Fannie cess h 11w lsherto51 which chddn net
wet and bed- ed{ il[a ,rant parents watching a Fria et way
rsgge,l sparrows, ea they perched itt 5
forlorn manner on the fence
At last Fannie amid,
'1've got an idea, Jasper '
'Well 1' -Jasper languidly opined h a
black eyes, but did not seem to be very
much interested, as he made nes ether
Bien to show that he had heard and well -
tall. haudwao young brother, and wuh-touch is certain, that l e roug
•I to present em to n receive at the hands .f
o ere _ racemes nurses Lae
who, she doubted olio acus a re5n much to d,. with flee *bleier. Stand on
young lady. pn .r per•bs's'• any street corner and statics how children
So the hsudsome ['ranging IMP drew 1.r. handled. Hero comes • lady with a
the ;galavant French family carriage to three fyea year should, is and theng child isce
Coe station on Monday morning.
'How sggravatin¢ and lazy pew M'e r
grid his sister, pettishly. 'leen
enough to try the patience of a saint.'
.Jasper looked penitent and resigned
lee he maid,- eery Pretty and timid young girl, with body as to lands[, after a course of four has been attained, the trop and strong
[f you'll tell me what to dew Fannie, ! large blue -not a bit like green glasses ; or Bre fax around as the joints will par I'growths .bould be mut back while 'Ley
-and sunny ringlets floating over her mit, it feet through the sir, on the other 1 are soil watery. The side shoots need
I'll do it with piessnre• I Bide• not be tt uchd till midsummer. All
But Fannie n,vuuhly pulled one of 1 graceful sbouldere 1^e 1 "•ped r'me• Here is a id twelve ear" old with a' ante people now employ the convect
hit dark curls, and said, -- whs.. frtgntened tL ,u`h why it we old I baby of a year in her curios The baa 1 shapeInc hedge. gra cutting beck the
'Nine Jasper, 7s. may lis there. look- b e hard to tell for there was c•rta inly I 'site on the girl's arm without support to {top sr owth at the eases, the conical
7' not much noise or confusion in teat
its back. would 1,e a hard enough foror ma sull he preserved.
ins like •Ley Newfoundland dots. if ,u ,h position to ins;stain were the girl sand- I _
The train steamed in in a very impor-
tant manner into the tillage, but left
oily four passengers ; tor, as Fannie had
said, it was a rather sleepy piece, and
trevolters were the a:caption rather than
the. rule
our locality the season. Nevertheless,
we should take every precaution agar
it. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw.
blowy is a wry cure for Cholera Morbus,
Cilie, Cramp, Diarrhea and Dimon
Wry 3.
more liquor dru:_k than under license ;
in the were', they p t o e i 1uu
manufacturing business as ruined -
(Canada Citizen.
over exerting itself to keep pace : ever7 i The Gardeners' Noofbf y says : "In
time the child lar. the mother gives it a transplanting evergreens of all kinds
welders and unexpected lurch which is from the woods, the best way to save
enough to throw its shoulder este t.. say 1 their laves to to cut them half back with
nodule/ o'f brrimng the delicate stree-
t" I the hedge sham, and when airy seems
tures of the joints : a gutter i. reached ; 1 trim the nurseries with bad roots which
instead of giving the little toddier time, hevstseetl-'iallp 1»aeme dry, a se•,ire
to get ever in its own way. or Pr 'Paris' • cutting back will often sane the"i. The
1 leading shoot must be cut away or the
Jasper looked in ram fora "auperan- ; littttitrnan�it, clby one hand. it wthole weight dee ride branches will act come out will.
nested ala main green glasses and feet:ding from one upper extremity, and Evergreen heoives regwre attention e
cork screw curie ' He saw instead, a with a swing which twists the child ■ I they snow. Where the height desired
keep Year meuye Ikeardrd.
Keep your hems guarded test wd-
den attacks of Colic, Cramps, Diarnctra,
Dysentery and Cholera Inlaltum. They
are liable to come when least expected
The safest, best and most reliable reme•
dy is Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild
Straw berry.
A Women's Mlrlde.
G*memoir;a, t)nt., June 23. -The nil-
Isge was startled this morning by an
alarm on the fire hell, and it was Monte
made known Mist Mrs. Dr, Farleigh attd
her haby were missing from the house.
Yesterday the doctor was away at Nap•
anee, and arrived home about daylight
this morning. On entering the house he
could not find has wife nor child. Be-
coming alarmed, he roused the neigh- LLL 5D U ertemire keowieelgs
bora, and a general "arch eau made. hood dome by this unequalled ee•die•teret
About 6 o'clock Mn. Farleigh'■ body { laleod polseae entbi M „in to giro .agdsme
like, and I'll unfold my grand scheme eft By her aide, bedding
Promise 0est to go to sleep, re • w
'I promise, a Iplemniy
'Well. then, I'm going too &deer, tee fee
summer b.arders.'
if • bomb shell had ex;olnded under
' Y u are Miss Hethertoe r 1 trunk, which have to be br•eught up !,y a
his feet more wildly.
"ling sill, but she is walking rapidly, and
Mod Whhy ewe a' pale'fa,:•d, slender i, the little one has to gather the entire
n tis'- ' l sin( at Iii WW strength of eta muscular 'ritual to adapt
lint, *. itself to its changing bases of support,
Ml Ola- - to say nothing of adjusting its little betty
Jasper recovered frrrvi bis tAl is to widen leaps and darts .m the part of
last, and anproeched them. M. raised ` its wayward nurse. t+ametimes during a
his hat pn:rts!y, M he said,-
. I sudden ad' once you will eve a part of the
old not hsys leaped to i babe a f.c.t in advance ..f its Leat and
the sofa, Jasper co
slimly, nk of i sweat vice. Jasper thmight-but 1•x.ked I Probably not one child in a hundred u
you it emnewhst surprised at the gnesti in. ', properly handled. --{Cincinnati Lancet
Jasper hastened to sttplain. ! sad Critic.
'My caster, Miss French, rent this oar-
ria�e for y'.0 slid your brother,' he said.
IM wriest he soma r istaks,
Men Netherton said ya-un such al p� armful the trunk andscreen ek ret the anus -
largest Rohl
of America, Mr that write a pem■sger flan
New York on board a step peg around Cass
corn, in els *July days a( emtgrstioe to tat -
11 nnla, he leaved that ass of the dicers oe
the resist bad cured himself, durum the soy -
agr, of as obstinate disease b7 Ute use el '
Ayers Sarsaparilla:4.
Kass lima lir. Daum) has reeeer'aaoadea
Aires's 5aaaafaalI.� is , maser similar
mess, sal M bas Meer re. Meat's or rte tae -
ars to effect a radical ewe.
home years ago ose of Mr L[Letro's farm
laborer, Mutsed 4u leg. Owing to the Ail
Mato of his blood, an ugh scrofulous swelling
or lamp appeared on thy injured hash. Dor-
tibia itching ret the akin. with buru.nm sal
Matting paim through the Cusp made life'
alawet intolerable. TL. leg became 'fear-
so ely.nlarged. sod running ulcers formed,
diaehargieg great enasnttet et eatressely
e ffersin mater. ICU /rsataet sea■ of tett
mall mita the ism, b7 Kr. ber APD'e Ares -
eke, was supplied with av**'a gaasara-
arxu, which allayed the pain and irritation,
h ealed the sores, removed the swelling, sal
eompletelr restored the limb to as.. , -
rir. Larsen b5* personally use A
'Ayers Sarsaparilla
for EM•arastisna. with satire ■sera=;
after careful observation, Metates that. b
bra belief. there b •o is obs world
sisal to It ter the curs of Liver Disorders.
Gest, the effects of high Livia*. JrM
)�ewss, hers. $r npOoes and all the
warless tones et blood diseases.
W. ha.e Kr l.u.atr D' a pors.auon to trolls
s11 who may desire further evidence la reaped
es the satraordt•ary curative powers of
ArLa's Seaseraa1Lta to see Luna part~'
ally stth?r at hu •maoth Occas Hotel.
Loag Drench, or at that p polar Lolled note1,
Broadway, rib and met, Streak New Vert.
was found in • atooptn• position partly 1 mach ra:uab:e :ntortat,os
lying in the water at Squaw point. She raaraatD tr "'
was quite dad, and had evidently
walked from the house to where she wee De.J.C.Ayer ALCo.,Lowell,Mass.
found. The baby hail not yet beet { �t _tests, tt, ria bath,. fo R
found, but search is still being made '
and it is certain that the body a seme-
where in the water. The dooct..r's grief 1 �}p D 1� R :CIA
is heartrending. The child has been I r �1 IL L
sick ere canoe it was born last October, jar -4 �\ I-'t11y(>
•ud needing urine■ care. The long L
and anxious watching seems to have ! y -ai A ltt.tyfl t•. (0 14'.'.
affected Mn. Far!ei¢h's mind
BuC��i a►Il, 1117181/7211131)a•son
Moves incessant) the most buoyant u.-
111,1: /A. re • :'Rw•l}I'
d down by adversity I r �' Blinds
day may be h Sa f � , D(1 y jcJ l�%
t.unorrow. On. peculianty ••f that
famous alleviator of human suffering-•
By the use of Haning'on's Quinine I
Wen* and Iroti, and Tunic Dinner Palls,
the hta.d is purified, and a healthy skin
uth• rerult. Rewire •'f imitations See
that you get "Haltingt'n'a." the original
and genuine. For sale by all druggists
and general dealers in Canada.
—�— — !
For r •ngh c.ndittons '•f the skin,
Shampooing the head. Pimples, Erupt-
ion and Skin Dise-eses. use Prof. few s
�11ulp! `tar. 1m
Wheelies, s Theme i bospares 1
RMn11R. M tton .w feel J Ae1M11\.• the
'Tea, b etviers, said Fannie, c
while Jasper retreated with a 14
horror on his face. 'Take care, or
knock d„inn that Psyche beltin y -
Jaaper settled Signiori( on the sofa, and
said, looking much perplexed.- -
'Bet why the dickens do you want
boarders, Fannie r
'Don't he wryly '' she aid, to okink
very sevens 'Well, where yon go. mamma
and i will he alone in this great bons..
and i do feel so lonely sometimes, J..p-
er • path tisaly. If 1 have a lady boar-
der or two, it will be twiseh mere elieer-
f al far tee. Besides, the servants as
getting to be fearful lary ; why mamma
rt there
said Elaine in • perplexed tone
'Nott at all,' said Jasper. dendedly :
'my sister advertised for boarders, be-
came her bite en this sleepy place was
Resting nn►nlersble. 1 don't think she'll
• disappointed,' and Fr monied admir-
ingly at her sweet face
Blaine hushed and looked down, sad
taper M'ttir.eed, -
wawa Deport
Putuam'm Painless Corn Extractor, is
the fact that in ■Fite of hundreds
imitations and substitutes it has retained
its place ►n the very trent rank as a l'a-
medy forma. This must ever he the eOn
as every person who has used it testifies
that it is prompt, painless and certain --
three vend essentials which, when mem-
hind, as is the caw with Putnsm's
Painless Corn Extractor, insures a sites
pop corn cure. gold everywhere.
The dosenvery ni the instantanenei
e*ALUIM to atL 111/.0 Or
Lumber-, Lek; ?titles
sad batlier's m sternal Of every dr•.r.,piles
l *UL ruuur'a_ rs'rclxrt.
sr Al ONlrra pro nptlytatteoled eo.
p.iarach Aug. =. 1R'•.
len Iv
111y' 1.14! rr. sore•, .yl..r.te
prr•ewss of taking photographs has ban
-.. he proper nutriment for 1 atekly followed in the medics war y
There is scarcely a'ymptmn be:on¢ing the mne,ls- fan;.t.rom) a.•tiritt Is. imgire't. ! • perfect and instant5neo+ns rernrdyl for
and raurnlar it.Mldy ors areae of wearimer. ail *cute aches and pains, a Nenralgta.
•n chronic c.empl•int” but the: it common ,.,,muae*ty tilt. Teo', expo apparent is ti,. 1
• ,at h tAfal bard working insole T,xot.:aehe, I(heumat ism, rte. TMs vel-
a, the Maly an we ve'.art atarvateou. Qr
ty r seers errs
ntn un salt
Aram poorer. want o reeolntion an de,
A illem�e 6)ssesw. btooA frll. to furnish t
t the pear dyspeptic and he often feels ►'wart•'• a w•• t ' M•
a sf he had every ells saw in the cats- • west bract. wbirh is oft.. mlatatea fat tear. Rudnck Blo d Rotten cures the flat d ge ti pr nlber argent•• slyer
w.,rst f,,rm of ('hisser i)yspeps►a The feebly pules tendencl t ffs R.
Seeingi. believing. Read thaw testi .poedency?iare purely funci lonaldt0urbanere
fn.l•in•"tyeli out hteo1 .anplr.1 , R'1,v1I
I '01.15 m the pamphlet 4151 Dr. �'an rasbts Ar the use sf %'
Berwn'. Kshnet I'm*, then buy a bottles PNwrr rad an'r1 t1A11.1ISA l' A. in reel nee neer`.
d yourself of all three Aintree's
all about it. (hid by .1 • owon °Mertalt
qa Over PI'.1 t : omen
in3 ruins Your Druttgem iso tell yon National Pills are same e•.ated, mild
CC hat thernath, and are the Mtantvh an
ruble remedy is nsllwd Flwld i.ightening.
and is scald at 2t' rents alrottle by ole•',
IRhyne., Druggist lin.
M1tet1wm toned.
Are yon tenohld iota Melt therm,
Rough Skin, Pimples or Canker Mere ;
ifa' gt' at olien.nes. to en. Rhynes' Drug
Store and got •• package if McGregor R
I GParksi s (lartxalie ,•rate. Price 2.11 tents
lm (it wee tweet known to fail.
-w -_
si irk of
ley Silt Pans and ;Bailees
Ihil;ttnn i-nrtpa• Vere'.
1 Malt enter tar new I. erk cad repairs writ
receive prompt a tan tier.
Werke near O. T. IL welled'.
b I tiederieh, Fens )s. 141.