HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-7-10, Page 2IMMO Nsssetats.
For the peat year evert• aewepayer in
the lana has had to hear witness to the
fully and mime the are the ftu*of this
infamy. 'M of hat ff that to pttt
forth b) sedy en to tinkle
atelesoeut Neadera, ed stimulate that,
wo,wt paellas*. la probably door Li S
tktla nil otbsr perumpsible sexed mm4ueuoe
to siet.MMbe tip emelt of wrath', Seah-
ets mrd *sachem It makes
crime heroic , it teaches that die ohedi-
WINO to aetherlty IS tetany and brae
it throws • sickly charm abgpo,beerylo.
eeckleeaness and vias ; it destroys that
respect for the person which civilization
has boss' seedy tae *eateries trying to
fester, alai It eceasase tiuleace by fain
ing it up with melodramatic pathema The
immediate outcome of this poisoning may
be sera m the orgauihatI oI .,t infantile
crime. A few weeksago s gaug .•f aeon
desperadoes nu' b use up in the wnnt-
erw part of this state. The culprit* were
art fatherless waifs, but the children od
well to do sod respectable parents. The
other day we had the same news front
Quincy, when a secret unionization of
children was discovered, which was try-
ing to make petty lawny henna, accord -
tog to the tlaeh ,taodarl. Later we ars
startled to hear from Philadelphia of a
lad in an infant school, who whett_PKOt..
mended by his teacher, drew a revolver
en her, and when the trustees examined
the sch.,l•n, they captured iso less than
seven pistols. Ail this affords amuse-
ment '•f•.r the unthinking, but it is very
and forreflecting man. --(Yew fork
THE HURON MAL. FRIDAY. JULY 1A. 1885. wig iii tv..m"%
M lieemeald rs
aha hints ad
ease eyed in • ledsn ahs
.suer at C►setesque us **Mos Art
•tdakiwg. In that part of the
having referees. to the /lf
sten army
•!tl.relal theades, dear to our
wetted dense tchst lestsrw.
we (iris hens been tamest to
Imp use new l)•leak ed loaves to a wet
Ieetel, Wow ad brown, and beautttafy
gleam-- kept, el eoerse, for this sole pur-
pose;than tank them savoy W
ay seders O-
M sn neem and prow tenderenseado
rDw't elft it,' amid this merciiess
is'wveLor grodly. "Did yea ever est a
loaf of bet breed ia a strung draft of
pure air sad listen to the little crackling
sounds that escape therefrom 1 Scientific
tall us that this is the airborne
IOu escaping ; bet I tbiak it is the
breed l•wgbsne ...swan it hes escaped
hum • hot uw•u unto a draft of pun
1 sae
the, fes
the win.
it be*om
lea vigor of
taped to the
se uoey a, by creme
thinking, reasoning, planning, study
obes acquires vwr, strength, po
the ref od direst ion.
Meanly, than, the stun wit.• exevmsss
his mind increased power and edie*sucy,
and greater ability to direct the eturts
of hie his physical frame his work -to
better cmulta theta he is►u who merely or
mainly uses his muscles. if a tan rends
• busk or paper, eves one he ktwws an
he erroneous, it helps haul by the 'forts
to combat the errors.
IN all men, the farther, the cultivator,
needs t., red mon, to strengthen nes
reasoning power, so that they may help
out and make more effective, more pro-
fitable. his hard test. Then can he au
doubt that the farmer who supplies him-
imself with the m.et reading -the twist of
other men's thoughts and expenonces-
will in the end, if not at once, be the
must successful.
Joao *.--Aa the teal of
is.. •,.r r'rreras.
ea* addreessiat( the
I was trtedosel
of not when I shot I hflt_Polfiesh7
some sew and with to teary ia mT
own behalf. 11 the e.seigoes to the jury
mew without thea heariag due they will
form aa entirely erroneous impression of
.f my motives and will said know shy 1
shut hosts The doctors stated that 1
had said I had • mission, when they
should hove seed 1 had en iucl►tru••u.
It was decided .0 hear Mrs. Dudley after
When the ouurt reassembled Mrs.
Dedley • lawyers tried their best to get
her to forego her determination of becuii
iug a waivess. She persisted, however,
and at • word from the prosecuting coun-
sel walked quickly to the witness' chair
and was swore. Then she said :
••Gentlemen of the jury -I may or ► isay
not be insane but if at is aesarate that
The serpent has found its way into all
the Edens of thea world, Never, until
(hi. mortal puts un immortality. does it
put off *ally the pdlpwbility of sinning.
Nowhere can a nun gt that temptation
will not tind him. Tem$tattuo vowesses
a free berth on all the boat., a free en-
trance to all school room and owineas
offices and playt;r,•unds-and Nen to the
churches. Lottie escape, for example
does the refunmmn,; drunkard find in
boarding the express train that, 'with
every ,nument, he pots another mile be-
wlad ea Use restyles.
*The prairies of the west are great
place* fur wind,' said a telegniph clam -
tor • 'I used to have • station out in Ne -
011 e 1111M
i Goods arrived, and will be a
N n
ire' tike Season.
1 ori st$it all as to .tfutt l'ial and Style.
HIT Gam I)—o-OP,
_nonmember for Mule.• Meet street ...it is. se Beak • lleetrpal
Goderich Foundry aad Machias Works*
Runoiman Bros., Proprietors_
Flouring tills Changed to the Gradual Reduction System.
Horse I'uwers, linin Crush. re. Straw ('utters, Agricultural Furnaces,
Stoves, etc., etc . at Lwow Prices.
tial Kinds of Cost. n;.q .ifade to Order.
R. W. Rran:Ittax
A pretty faced youthful•b.okiat mat-
ron belated to be told how you could be
sure that bread was baked enouth *w, as
nut to be souk', declaring that her hus-
band did deftest doughy treed. The
lecturer thou gave the woes satisfactory
and scientific rule for testing and bak-
ing "Turn the leaf from the bread tin
and rest the crest on the palm of your
head It it burns you in the least, t1
my actu,n was not for the pusimmun al even it feels uncomfortably warm, it r
the almighty dollar, then I have so not done. Bread w nut thoroughly
doubt you will readily decide that 1 u baked until the steam has rine when it
Dot insane. I wish ria to decade my burn s.othin,t. '
ease by acquitting tee either ou the
ground that my setiooe wee jsaubable me
convict me, I was in doubt as to wheth-
brsaha out ot. the open prairie, and the er Jeremiah O'Donovan, Patrick Ford or
way the wind blew then was a caution. Prof. Mermen•ff were mune neep,wsibte.
But it was • lucky wind fee use. At a I red O'Donovan's and Ford's papers
station 13 miles west my girl lived, and and read •bout'Mexzeroff, and then 1
ata 1 had no Sunday trains or business of went to see a 1)ua,vai. We had • talk day my o'pin'es of it is that I cootieas
any kind I need to go nptbere and stay about the wholeeste minder of itiDotient
tthio thi
sknkiKwell eft.
ill mute of that which 1 bp,afi
over Sunday. Bet slivery hors. from women and chuldrer.. He .aid the blow- n¢
Saturday night to Monday morning coat hag up of the buildings was perfectly (.so Kara, Manager UAta-io Bsnb,
rue too much money, so 1 rigged me up justifiable. •What,' sad he, •an the Pickering.
a sail on an .old tie car. All 1 had to do lives of a few women and children Indeed.'coo- Pnq i cents at all druKvista w
on Saturday night was to hoist my sail, pare, with the holy cause of Indeed.'
push that tie car out on the main track,
and in lees than an hour 1 was at m
journey s end. For mon than • year I
went to see my girl every Saturday night
by mean. a that Mil car. Pretty ttleek,
was.. t It i
*Yes, pretty sleek. But do you mean
to nay that the wind blew in the same
bireetton every Saturday night during
all that time r
if If course 1 don't.'
'Well, hnw did you manage it thew
nights whea it blew in the other direc-
A BAtvtta's TanT1110+r. - F.a a
Cough, Gold or any Bronchial affecion.
"Pectoral'," in myopinion, u just the
thing. I have useit in my family for
Cough. and Colds for the put four years
with the most unveried success, and to -
'Loy enough. 1 had another girl at
tween himself and his old saloon haunt*:, .l a station fifteen miles east.'
Old evil associstiuns he indeed leaves tear
It ',I. sues Jean eye Is..ef.s•
behind, but hot the u:d e.il thirst, the __
cid fierce temptation. Tiiut shares his iter. cam Jones. the evangelist, always
neat in the train, his state room on the treats the hackneyed topics of dancing
burnt, and hats un:y when he halt,. and card -playing to a new way, when he
1'e s soon finds the hermit in his ascetic •ppr.achus t em in the H :
Pt A l;er:nun se notlung butpulpit. hug inee setsays to
retirement as readily as thcu,;h he music. Laughter.„ A ¢tri who was
Mingled with the crowd. Temptation betged o•.t lo dance the Herren said a'l
di obs the high and bare and guarded the bugging she gut was in the l,eimnan,
and she did out mean to gyre it up. That's
willo.f + ,e n.nremt I, well ast t Lois tti t.oerman u. Now, if you don't
as l erlx,r of the pleasure seaiesr. Temi • like that ',Al Ian 1aptn it. Laughter.;
pati m }.ye u•) head t. wernine of 'no Sow whiskey and reap5runkatds 5 .
a u itauce, be such waroin;s titor&1.
lege! or eeclesiastieal. ien]ptatwn's
very power for evil is in this conttant
presence, which leaves not an unguarded
e.ovement of ri ovemet,ts of the soul un-
noticed. That what Then we must
le vigilant If temptation insists. we
must react, and must persist In resist
rug. If :he evil is watchful in attack,
we must beIwatchful in defense. And
above all, :f temptation tomos us with
that sublest of teniptati•,i-iltev,urage-
tueut in the siru,Klr--let us lean hard
fro the divine promise that o,ur teinpta-
tint,s will never be beyond what we are
able to bear. God s Lely would have
trade Canaan the Laid , f hest to the
Israelites if they had faith, even while
they found it a Iasi 1,4fussy conflicts.
Cod's love will as tat amidst our inevit-
able struggles --if we will rest upon that
love, -I S. Times.
rinks of hke a'bewietfiam Trade.
According to the Portland Frees, this
is a great gum year in Maine, mpeeially
ou the Penobscot, and sow that the tun
iee climbing up tutu the north and the
tuinberm•n a -e coming out, the. air is
fa,ry redolent with the petfutng of
apr.ice. The !nits. knees and bark are
not the ,:sly valuable parts t f the great
titpilel trt10.-.f;ti Ihl.YYsls worth con-
s:drrib'.r even in its roux state, just se
at is !taei:e.1 froin the crotches of old
trees. There are t wo or three tree is
Maine which buy targe •iueatates ..f at
Irvin lumbermen and gum bunters for
Mir am -pees of retia ng it, oath.' eq.
Bit se a cameral thi:,g thing the reining
temente in adntteretio.n with nein. They
throw it into a'big kettle, hark an all.
sand '..d it Lit. ar.••ut the consistency of
OK.; oi•dasses. ski:amine the it:npor:ties
sib es they etre t.• the surface. Then if
the parte** be. 1. a ,uherate. stns lard
et gra-tie and e ! •t d r..•in se .L. urd. and
in smite mem a 1 the tiger. The mix
Sere then t•ec• wt w phi; keep cud atter
more stirring. is p.orea teat es. • slab,
Mere, while it iv yet hoti is r.d'ed out
is a sheet about a quart!' o an Ina
thick. and theft chopped tlruth • meet die
isle piece !Alf an inch wide atiii three -
quartets of an inch inose. These testes
are crapped in tiesile paper and perked
in w ..den iv, tee. There are 200 pieces
en a tier Some emit is tresesl in fila
way without adultera•ton. The host
anon Comes f n rn n- ;arta: alar 1 treaty,
but always fr•r. the h„_est trees.
cards and reap ¢a.nblers ! Sow
and reap spider lords : i l.asghter.) I made The jury Were only in consultation ItY- t, any one sending the best four lar
it ere warm for the ftibspider eft In Maste' about Ave nilnutes when they rendered rhy-tu. on ' reAstr.ey,” the remarkable
vide that before 1 left then they began a verdict of "Nut guilty.' I little gem for the Teeth and Pat.. Ask
to uuload ones aroundheroes. You with
tiesAs a g y'
little negrnee around town with tight Dudley tmi the lunaticuu hum, which her your dru¢xeet ur address
bte.chesandt...wth-piekshueson. liauth i L'ae Prof. Lows Sulphur Soon for
ter. i Suver (1 the spider leg. in Nash -
client bepopposed, the latter eked that Prickly Heat. Nettle Rash, Peaky Erup-
theyvilla talked about slapping my face. When
their be permiit.d to ha roc urned lien itch, and all to Ila. of conditions of
told me about it, I said with all his to her native country and he placed in an ! the skin. lm
faults the spider leg has very sound, institution. -
judgment un one potot. He knows bet
ter than anybody in the world wheelie R. e as Minor molar Illeabeie. 1 aI1ATEFCI>-C()MFr1RTiN1:.
jaws to slap. La*••hter.
He said, in reference to the recent ea- -- --- -
plosion, that 'we did it,' and he also said Tim aatiawed taw of Illpai"eon . 8EE THF. GOODS MARKED DOWN.
that 'I intend to blow up the house of Psaosruoaizcu Ealutntort invariably
parliament when it next convenes.' I clause's the blood from all impurities
J. B. Rencides.
Ooderich, Nov. M. ilea
1 Maly
r .r•:
beltere now however, fast he was de-
liberately lying. He said also tile* he
inteuded to blow up English vessels, and
in that way strike terror to English
hearts. He was a murderer. He had
shown himself to be eon'
"You have no proof except hu owu
word 1"
"No ; but 1 believed him. i now con-
sider him • lar If 1 sum homtcdel it as
queer that I never shot any one before.
I gave O'Donovan as fair • trial as a
prisoner has hat in your court. 1 abet
him and I am willing to take the con-
sequeuces. I certainly shall not appeal.
Even in this land of liberty I don't think ceases of an kind, the Great German
• min like hie should be allowed to go Remedy will restore the lost functions
about •dviaine indiscriminate bate murder. and secure health and happiness. $1.o0!Moustache Cups, Ladies Cups, Fancy Mugs, Majolica Ware
I did not come hon fe shaft him. r b,z, .ix boxes for $5.00. Sold by Vases, &c., which will be sold at COST.
While in prison I was perfectly bewilder- al drnggiete. Sent on receipt .d price,
ed by open from managers who wanted postage id, hy F J. Cheney, Toledo,
me to lecture. I answered them all by
saying that 1 would consent only on coa.-
ditiun that O'Donovan should come with
me and 1 would give a pt. -reties' illustra-
tion, aided by O'Donovan, of the effect
of dynamite on the human frame. If _ ---
this met their view. I eamid go..' A Rcwanro-of one dozeu "TrAlttn
and restores the system to a state of
healthfulness, that is manifested in in-
creased constitutional vigor. omental acti-
vity. and lightness and buoyenc) of
spirits. Always sok for Rusticaoh's
Paalrao,tziu EMI' t-ro s, and be sure
you get it.
Sew tier fee ►aertlees Westward aytrt-
eeee. NebItN *tee etaIp.11ew.
Th. Gnat German luvigorator is the
only specific for impotency, nervous de-
bility, universsl lassitude, forgetfulness,
pain in the back or sides, n., matter how
*bettered the system may Ie from ex-
can. 21, 188;,. The Pecple'• Store, tiodettii
131"024E WARE,
EcC_, deC-, dcC
Alio • large line ot
Ohio, iole rent for United Staten. Cir-
culars and teetimonia►s sent free. Sold
by Geo. Itnynas, sole agent for Gude-
uderich 3m :
It is tante.
'tamer' sttlek. 1[ wyuw ie _en .ns' ••., •, .. _..:
who tinct it lucid to umintait. the places
if tl S.o,Lt! Act keeps on cavorting iia society.
abs ut the ceu"i.try at its present rate. the It would lessen the temptation to dress
bartender will soon be as scarce In OM' beyond the inc .me.
ario as truth in a Winnipeg war dispatch. If everyone dressed plainly het neatly
He "ugh.:: , be useful in some other, for for church service. persona in moderate
he generally us a great Judge o1 human circumstances and the poor woad be
nature. One of them recently made wore likely to attend.
these remarks : Moderation in dress would improve t every rendencl to m,•ea••r Hunt redo
The other day aFrench-lookieg fellow venting
manners a the fez of
by pre -lag Car CillA V
asked rue fat SU absinthe frappe. which renting the wandering of the eyes and point. to
may escape maniwherever hv fetal ere us haft b
a simply . frozen absinthe tipped with thoughts. -\\ 1 keeping oarselvee well fortified with pare -
brandy, IME Which he evidently thought It would leesen. nu tbd part of this blood vi and a prosfrier t e sithpl feature-'-o:inl r li h EIt . .\r ' JCIAl1 L' Ih
The _ - temptation of vanity. Ytrriee OawHt. -:fade stn,`.1► with Trn.itifp A it
was some ..-.. compound. - rich,--- water or milk. !told nil :n 1'sekeen b t:ru-
I►ecember lttb. case.
Harmine. street, /iedtsleb.
At a: Greatly Reduced for Cash.
..Ili • thorsagh kaewl•tee of the eau
rel laws wh•ch govern the operations of
ihreetien sad nt,trtiioe, and b7 a careful
application of tits Sae properties of well-
xl.-oted Cocoa. )1r. Epps has prur,ded our
hreakfast tables with a delicately tlaeoartc:
beverage whish may save us many heavy
doctors' bills. It is bl the judiclone us.• of
title%artk•teeof diet that a ooestltutbn may
he gradually built up until stenos enema* to
resin eve l
of subtle maladies are floating livened as
(kGet.rte Nov. i:tt. al/.
Extensive Prernises\and Sp'er did New Stock.
dinar; drink cost twenty-five cents, but It would lessen, on the part of the Less labelled ►hs.:- %Arad kern o n.,
1 charred him s half•dollar jot to keep poor, the teunntations of envy, enchant- Homoeopathic bemiets, London Esc.- s.ol )archins Street, Goderich
,i for Casein• C. E. l.'oUmec.
Montreal.hint from being disappointed. All kinds ableness and dieeontent. I seem
of names are find at me, but I never It would save time t.,r rest on the Sal- ,
look or met surprised. 1 simply mix up bath day.
something from two or three potties if It would relieve oar means of a serving I,
l'in is duabt, charge a stiff price. and ten pressure and leave more opportunities (
chances 1,5 one the man who calls for of doing good.
the drink doesn't know any more about At the same time we do not believe it
ahm lbsiaalgAn:tng than I do. is required of us too wear sack•cluth and
long faces on the Sabbath day. Mature
tellef fee Tired Peet. herse:f seems to wear brighter garments
— n the blessed iia' of the week. and it Ir Turnip Seeds, Millet, Hungarian
'Don't you often art tired walking or meet that we should glees. well and Grass Seed, Corn and
standing for sox hours at a time I' waa asked of a policeman whi. leaned wearily taatefolly, even cheerfully. and enl ey the golden day of the week with grate- Buckwheat.
t eaeons'...
A go«! atwer•m.n' t rpt R:•ohe' . Bid-rontr. L•n:ae k• nen acd 1•ar{tr Yuraltuie. rum h ae to
b)te,('ha.rslfiair, ca.e and Mex. seat•Ji. l.••pta.aua, lie.. e:.si.. alannNer, R'uh stead
E E D S LO +nese-est ae, le teed•itOta.1-ea.t a rsrc•.
Y. B.-. cov.pletesssm'mest of (;edtr. cut: ',Stroud,. r:'ws7e on hand also Hearses ft kit
st tenpin al :e rate .
•.a Jr.welrl ^ir•
againsi a Cwlbiri. fat hearts ani c.,:eety attire -Presby
It does get tiresome at tunes, eepect- urian.
alll during the early morning hour.
Private t .n•is co ieree. • r
when there are few people oc the ripesttoe: t a -,n, jnee to the Puhac that they bare opened business in the above $tor•
aeptra Trimming-
rlmmlw4 of . tereet. in the s;c,re lively . ccul.ied by Herat* Newton Haring purchased •large and
and soothing doing.' — • SAMUEL SLOANE, well Lem.: stock of til.rinse and F•.mm.r (*rods at clone fixures, we are detetrtmine
Yougel rather hardened t.. it dt.n't ,
A handsome dross of black satin rte,- gamilton HtrtSEt, (} derlch. :err the 1' hhc the herein;,
ye we do. At first it 'lame Mum lately admired. The trim- , rmeo•!rrG a May oth. t tr ►lark
'Yrs. 1 enplane* ace mint walla woven fabric of mi"eled ;et-- QUICK SALES, SMALL PROFITS WILL BE OUR MCT(110
made my feet ache terribly, but 1 found and steel. The steel was not of the old } }
Khat Rae dee to weanu_ the same pair es fashioned, glittering l ,het 1:nd. but Joest Recel V e `` , •pleaec call and exair,;ne 2 ar i ••us T.,fore purchasing elsewhere,
guile •11 day. By changing my ah, ea 1"
two or three times a day i find that my rather of the dull shale known as steel )rRemember the ;.lace next d• • r to .l. Wilson 5 Drug Ston, _ il_
Teat are greatly relieved. Yearly every
blue. It was woven into • loose meshed ,lr! l'tasle.m work will receive our .pwaal attstst .
k f 1 heals. t' .n the net (:n: r- n•.nr:m• nr ret tbn caries• fgrNs.ne hut the best of material iced and tiret•claas we,ekmen ewtployed,
1SSand C PrRepairing neatly o!• nr ,, . •i-• -•• •• -
.mire.. n. w. 1i ea fiiderieh. March 9 1S 2.
P.ct are Framing a erecia.tj. -A calf sect'trd
I; c sr 3.r+g cSt We c:.dup
-coy y.ilicem-ia keeps several min in net wor a erg.
r.rmtart use. tt hen worn in that way
'rota were lar¢e dragon, of ,nlhant let
heads. The trimming was aboout two
they *iv last loncrr Yn two pain are and • hall inches wide. It firmed cuffs
plttsetly a. r, and they that 1. the f• •.t and tntnn►ir4 down the front of the
a *s'rrt perste, anal that is where they
se, belplrl.'-- ( New 1 "rk Sun. Dar die, was laid down the whole edge cf '
_ the lonit overskirt at the rade, and made
s$eesd ae •beefed se dashes of brightness here and there upon
the dr.l.ery. Every time :he lady rn, v
?in;h seffertng is thero•.ult of ntylrrt el then superb lamming twinkled light
ed constiiiafi on. Then ns' re. Artier uw'.uh¢ht upon the water. R.•:i, of
to NI hat hlse. regulator of the bowels than Burdock • the doll hint nth. r than the polishtd
An old favorite, t1Mt imo byes prpw4r flt...d Rilten by it* prompt acture •n I knife and fork steel, it was nit
wish tM puec,ple for nearly 30 yes», is the Ln er ail tendency to trregulsnty is t,o the eyes. tent was simply hrlltant
i r Fewia'e ivtr al wild fttrswhrrry removed. anal one chief source .1 ill wuli rut l pin h1 nJrel.
tar all viyfetive e•f fewmatet t'nm plaints h;alth pre,ented. _
od children anti adults. It seldom o r' TYe ara eee•
ever fails to fent i hen e.re IN.•thin, D•ar• __ Rays Dryden -
ureas and Dysentery. ^ The it:.an rpt^t should be oval, and '•Khe knows her man. end when parent
-•1- -
the dressing o1 the hair and the arrange and swear
ilea I11eC.i1 • wh, the actor. is con• ment of the h.'nnet trimming •hnnl.l be Can draw yon to her with • single hair.
Geed an a petiole 1 apartment in the done with regard to producing this effect. But tt mus, he beautiful hair to have
IFiaerincdsle N. 1'. Asylum. it is itefore huytng a new bonnet iter par rich power ; an.: ►..aatifml hair can tie
lees ell the •xcitem.nt will kill him. chaser m set decide whether her heir i. to ensured by the ler ,cingalese HAIR
Teerrems have beef sept to his wife and he worn hich o•r t•, he hrotatht down in a Rr.rwre 1 old at fi . by J Wilson
tinter is Pentsylvalia. C'Atogan braid.
.tti'.h,. to. pr r,nn n• Ps.
FIP.LI, Aon o.AltUt..
Passim /es'
tin It TO • 1111 sr_
'$iiI I) (itrA1N /1F AI.I. KINDS-irS
CI3CT"RN,the vebry hestnth arkiteKt.
Fir street Pira:n Tenc.*. erpo.ice Town Hall.
‘larrh ?rah. lvat. 11111i -fm
Pend els e'en. inc Restage.
A, .1 re, -parr free.aesati7 hos
..f g•we!s which wtll bete rya
to now• money rteht away
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