HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-7-10, Page 1Intrlyt ,d '4- , "40, 0.4 4 " - ,o-atoo 'es.)to in so. , ' 'so: on" tte• vm,o' oervoi C.40•44 04444 .4,1410, HE HURON SIGNAL abliebod every Mess bs mt. DDT Brum.. at their . North th GODER1011. ONTARIO Is despatched to parte of tee surround soantry by the sorties* omits sad trains. 7 Onsieral arhaledoe it hire • terser Macula - alas any other newspaper in tlkW part of eeseury. 41 is one a the rocleet, newsiest t writable yourruris la Ontario .1 11 dom. the fortsipolagemeatIolo addition to t he above. • firet-clas &mkt. paper it is therefore a deeiroble winterising stedisest. nomps.-41.S0 in ad % am4r. postage pre -paid biMbers: $1.73, If peed trefore Ws mouths mot so paid. This rule be trietly ATM OF ADWIRTU11110. MOM rents JP* eitr bin= three nem. per Woe tor ewe lea. Yearte.lialereerty quinerty emenicte at peewee noes. J1 eurireettes.... Me have Mosso awn -.lase department la connec-ttos. sad poem's - the roost owspisomeset ma brit ratio. tondos Mal were Is Onsitiek. am prepared 40 beelashr la thee Wise prima thatosolhot beaten. MA a • that omen be auLY 18116 SOFT NW ANL BARD WiiI'KY. W. sotia4 WA Meyer Heston fine the very seweible decision be did on the Blue Althea Beet ono. The attempt of the breves' to masquerade in a tem- perance garb woe. be laughable if there were nut hold scholi as wellies headaches behind the stuff likely to be pained utf as "temperance' beer. Wear* glad that the Impeders's& s test case early, but that is no reason why we should not at the same time ask him to lock up and prisoner' tu. botel-kesper who, it is esiot disposed of intostooting liquor a the rankest kind on Duniinion Day. and is aniseed to oo unmolested. W • would like to see the lianas impostor turn his attention to geeing out the dem where whisky is wild. It doesn't need an im- port to prove that whisky is intoxicating. The wkisky seller most go. THEIR SP./ALES DU-rT TALI Y. A greet hubbub is beide raised by opponents ot the Scott Act, became it k bas not managed to abolish drunkenness. int affereot comities in which it ties CA° WILLItiwyn "I the /4"11and bat. beltela law. not abolition of drunken- talon, woo Wee ekes he led the glori- osa. was never contemplated by tbe ous charge upon Batoche, and escaped supporters of the act, but the lessinitig unscathed send a storm of bullets. but of the temptations to drunkards was he did nut live 1.44 to enjoy it, for after aimed et, and the mr, has foloomf that • brief dime" he died of brain fever virile en the steamer ma his return home. He was a brave man, end his gallant conduct is the field will long be remeno entice the skotesheelly disposed, sow bored with pride by the volunteers of there 1.111ooly two liquor stores and no Can'tda licensed hotels. Bet, say the opponents out ar of the act the hotels are doing quite • s'ziL sail the Lead" meant, Ottawa, ts spending his vacstioo • GODERICH: ONT.. FRIDAY, JULY 10, 1885. sloe." ; I."*Ittjt R IN ADVAIPuliliarimi. jMeOallryr BROS. IWORK AND WIN. We commend the (idioms'. faithful 1 words to the special emorideration a our Inodere Ti. quotation* is frees Hornel- 1 ton Tot.es : - The 'Macdonald Fressehm Bill should not have become law. li is nut an em- bodiment a the honest paha* opinion uf the country. It is the work a a *chewing old ruse, supported Py • lot of purchseed sycophants -men in resale it Government favvre to which they are not entitled. min men who have been promised offices of emolument. The Liberal moority in Parlianieut made • gallant fight against the vicious measure. They perfornent an erduousi and • dis- agree duty, but their labors wet* nut errowned- with sunnee - The sweat meet be taken to the people, and the attack hasty be made tinder great ddventagges. A breach num lie made in the rank' a Ulu .olid Tory phalanx we have described. Tory politicians, reiaforoed by Tory rooming barristers, hereto oe weeptered The dependence el the Liberal party is on tne education a the people. The imams mast be made to *brisk, a public °Pinion meet be created. The Liberal leaders must sadness the people frequently, pre- senting to deem MI attractive, a compre- hensible and • radical platform, &bowing the wcrtkers of the land that the logis- letion proposed us fur their good, and time the moults aimed at am worth striv- ing for. Tin common sclool, the pulpit and the unpurchased pressen, or ought to be. seer:cies on the side of tl; Liber- ate a ma thi -g, es turn the aislliailm cn°411111 bla= tel capacity to understand that the es - mon of Toryism ta slavery - a help to the [oboes' cause. Whatever increases the spirit of independence makes a an fee! that he will neither sponge his hir- ing from the Labors of others nor penult roman to prey upon him -is an agency working for the triumph of Liberalism. The Tories have to be whipped, os ground of their own choosing. eatrenclo ed behind their Frannie" Bill, Int the task se not • tespeless one whim wider - taken by emulate men, devoted to the interest of their country. part of the contract. Before the 1st of May there were nine licensed hotels end three wholesale boom. stores in wen to .4 NEWS ABOUT HOME. A Milors imam Ye. labia TOUTS AO *silk hell meat it. - TOYS TOPICS. George Newlin. ib. `rapher. is pre- pared to give every sotts kW pogrom as prawns et all kinds. Balls. haft, clubs aad incrome sticks for flarnorsod sports at lire. cooks's. Met your stattowarry at Mrs. Cooke's. Bay Tow hoop at Mrs Cone's. If yes west • enlist' out. well ret earl wei n iees. est oliese_pee sartetectoro, go to r• PrWlbastb. They Mel to give sattsfactiso to all their pairess. Tus teemesseser neer rise and fall. but sabers the photographer. ts t meow out good work at a molar gait. Call mows Mon for • good prictoria Wee Ms maniples. Musedies M. have just ~erred eareborr Mrs. E. L Johannes, wife of the well- Tsiotruove farssisictin. - Tb. Belli OCR TOWN F*TIIKRS. known Lucknow photographer, formerly Telephone Co. annsiettees the complete,* cit Godenck, died on Friday at her home of • Trunk Line,essi horn Kinaeton as br win, griin,mirms os 'be commas' morimag to Lucknow. She had any friends an as Presc-itt. connecting also Chusao. quo, LoM Many(hd.nck. Godencto and her fatuity have musk Brockvile and Maitland in Onterio, es mins. sysithethy in their lose. well as Ogdensburoh, Clinton, Hewelton, A Windham vagrant, who hed been Richton*, Potsdamaad other points in committed to Goderich gaol from the the State cf New York. The Cisiopany junction tows, was upon his release from has • hires force of sten at Prow" en• gaol elven • pees by the mayor to VOID gaged in building lines, and will be able of the ttourishiog cities at Ontario, to complete new extensions in any din w hop,. bo goys he orottneoly „tow torrent directions shortly. front In reference to the prizes offered else - The July number of 1.twr Lttile Otaes, where tor oohs from the Clydeedele horse pebluthed by the llimasoll Publishing Co., "Cl/ha:. TM VAT!) aothority for saying Baotou, is to land_ Thu number, like that the colts from Cohn are both num- its predecemors, is 'weeklies( with things °rout' and of nonPartel goad!. conse- calculated to interest the little ones. It fluently w• ••re, • grand rt'otPotltl"us ie ono of toe heet paottgagtoas of the and we think '. F. Clark. the importer bet et 17011 and esameied premertair tom mood keens. Abs • ten stock elegises bout larik „ %Akar they are asthma at lowest prima. Tee lora:skeet will leen Solterdey to cheapest loose under the sun. toko an advanced *AIM 10 the Ontario New worsted coattags in all shades, sew Art School, from which institution be Irlsk tweeds and serge& sew Scotch aad Kr" hat wens. sew patterns in 'zeugmas". sew already has • certificate We undertand and nobby goats' furnishieup. See ear July fashion plate. B. Mac Coeussc, at A. P. Mc- Lean's. A. Kirkbride Wu gone to Stretford. Mr. Meager hes neurned from a visit to Detroit. The Aiperioan visitors are beginning to pour ID. An excersion fron Mitchell is expect- ed here today ' The therrmeneter marked 86* in the shade on Monday. Miss Ellen Ralph returned from Am - body os Saturday. D. McGillivray, B.A., of Brantford, is spending vacation in town. Mrs. Aleck Saunders and babe have gone to visit friends at Galt. Mrs. George Campbell, of Alpaca, st- rived in town on Sunday last. Miss Tilley, of Galt, is the guest of her sister Mrs. Reseby Mane. Mrs, Chace Hocking, of Brantford, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. POTFUL Mule Kota Juncos returned front Fink - hue, to spend her vacation at home. bliss Carrie Hale is visititug friends at Port Huron. and is yery much improved in health. Miss Hendersoo. tanker. was one of the pameogers on the Steamer Ontario last week. that he inteeds to return to Godench in the tall and reopen classes in drawing and painting. Wm. Ferguson, a former resident of Colborne, and who hes been residing in Nebraska for the peat two years, arrived in town on Thursday morning, July 911, and reports tine crops and good tones there this year. Mr. Ferguson looks as if life in the west agrees with hes. The Waco, Teem, Eruerieer says - "Mr. Lancelot Watson, of the Scotish- American Mortgage Co., leaves in • day or two for an outing tar the upper lakes, and probably to Scotland ries Oodench. A pleasant jaunt to our friend." Mr. Watson is a former resident id Uoderich The Guelph Mercury, in commenting upon Rev. J. H. Canon's &at sermon as pastor of Dublin street Methodist church, gays :-"Mr. Canon s good wince, is an easy andfluent speaker, keeps chin to his subject, and has the faculty of retainiux the attestion of his &valence to the close." Pow. -A polo club has been organ- ized here fur playing the game on rollers. The] players ow:uprise E.d. Campaigns, R. Wilkinson, Wm. Rinse, Percy Kan common, Walter Black, T. Nairn, Stanley klayie. The club meets for practice every Monday and 'Thursday, and ex- pose to be in first alms fit before lone. PALIMUL ACCIDZST. -1 esterclay fors - Milli Frank Noble has rot mired to moon a • NI imam" wm. visa her parents Mr. and P. Noble, Jardine, while working on the new South street. derrick of &obis" salt well. He fell Mrs. Alex. Kirkbride has returned a distance of 20 feet, slighting on • piece from • pleasant visit to friends at Jarvis of brickwork, and was painfully ant and &nature. about the bead, and stunned. Fortuna - The extended report of the Blue Rib- tely no bones were broken, awl no fatal bon Beer MOP has crowded out other results are apprehended. of Cohn, deserves great credit fur the sound judgruent displayed in the selec- tion, as the Clyde stud book closely shows his punty of blood and high Pedi- gree entered in the name of his present owner. The Methodists of Clinton did not get rain atter all or Tuesday, but had a mnet delightful day of it. The turn out was large, and the picnic was admirably managed. A number of.i_prizes were awaried to the boys and 'Mil • who took part in the various garnet, and young and old appeared to enjoy themselves - The excursionists were accompanied by the Doherty Organ Company's WA, which discr.ursed sweet music during the day. The bend has a natty uniform,and play well for amateurs. Win McLean, the well known cattle dealer, has 'snip of the beet gerdens to the county. The bed of pmiumna 005 a the beet arranged we have seen, and several other beds are going to be gorge- ous's/hen they WWI U bloom. His plum trees are loadedohanks to Gabe Elliott's skilful care, and the vegetable garden is very far advanced. We left the grounds with • nicioster head of lettuce, the big- gest we ever handled. It is if the Cruse variety, and is a veritable mmtudon among the lettuce family. Hem &Root.. -At the closing meet- ing of the high school literary society the treasurer's report showed a balance on hand of OHO, which was by vote of the society apportioned to be spent as tollows : $50 to be expended by Mr. Halls for physical apparatus ; $90 by Kim Oliver for gymnastic imperious for girls; $1G by the head master for woke The society prises were awarded as fol- lows : Reading, Kiss Radcliffe: reciting, Kiss Burnett ; special prize by head master. Mr: McKibben. The speaking and misay prizes were not awarded, ow- ing to the leek of @efficient competition. The woolen met en Erik, evening lest. Present- -Murney.Culbonts, McElwee, Les, Bingham, Humbee, Dunlop, Butler, Johnston. The tresteurer s statenent for the month of June was received and filed. The report of Charles Bates, bre war- den, was received showing that the bre ermine was now in splendid running order, after WIMP repairs to the pumping apmese report of the ceretsker of the sweeter, wag received and filed. The *tree, inspector s report. diming chief, with the cosi 11111111,000. wee tiled. The report goes on to say •'Lately tbo pound -keeper hes been looking after them better, erd some of the parties who, went in fur stock raising has'. old out 14fICO the by -taw has beep strictly en- forced." A communimtion was receired from the county clerk showing that Godericb's share of the county rate had been placed at $17:Ak 60. The following accounts were received and referred to the finance committee : D. K.. Strachan, watering cart and re- pairs, $64; J. Immo envelope', 50c. The following accounts were ordered to b. paid -0. & T. Mwertz, $3; Wooer SIONAL, 10.70; N. Hutchison, $1.13; Rue -sell & Hutchison, $6.25; Waimea & Murray, $146.1115; Alex. Kirkbride, $7 Ohio $13. 20; IL Belcher, $4. 72; Reese Price. $22 66 In consitleratton 4,1 the grant given the toed, the instruments were heeded over to the slimmed by the members, and then handed heck to the bond, the iostruments to hereafter be the property of the town. The mayor drew the attention of tbe comma to the necessity of having some- thing done to improve the acoeustio pro- perties of the wuncil chamber. Moved by Colborne, seconded by Johnston. that a mufti:not quantity of saw dust to cower the door of the council room bs procured. Carried. Mr, Butler asked what was done by the county waned in the matter of tho Pone House. The reeve stated diet the matter bad bees before the oounty council. a*d a committee had been appointed to inves- tigate and report u the Deoember meet - in Minot by Butler, wooded by Dunlop, that • summates be apposoted for the purpose of obtaining probable wet and lk suitable site for • poor house for the imunicipaloy, the committms te consist of Menem Heather. McEwen, Butler and the mayor. -Carried. rhs council then adjourned. interestiog matter. Take a slip of paper and place. thereon for many years a customs house Antal. DR AT II WV M R. DOTY. -Danes Doty, Mn. R Simmons is spending • few in figures your age in years. dropping and a well know figure in Outreach, died tipl on Wednesday about noon, in Iris 73rd year. He entered the Public service' about 33 years ago, and acted as customs house officer at Fort Erie, Ingersoll, business on the sly ; they are doing • •result obtaired the number of your years sod Leaden, one in Itioo; eicheniteo Adiert.rr, "went up to Algoma to per- at the old honsesteed, in town. betook" trod,. Ti. °promote a the 1 P•ort" •Y tot d 0 • Ammo the vision from Seeforth at on earth and a" if you wit not obtain places with Mr. Mit Cessoron, and oproo act mint be mistakes, or the, are Irina ' against the Gs- vernecent without whose the It. C. concert were Wesley Fear, iiigui" T'iii will not be bk•ft le forget - to Godwin. He wee very active in 'Ex. vend and body op to the time of his ill- Atade the 's that th sh 1 v t deliberately about their f da the . efforts the people of that section would dentist, and Dr. H. 0. bfackid. R. W. of Ails& Craw' Johnston, INF, °puha editor of the Clinton New Ero, his sopersooetton many rare togged of Tbe friendly forge of R. Holmes, the nese and looked as if he would survive days at Manchester, the guest of her months, weeks and day& Mul y brother, Mr. Brown. sum by two sad thee add to the result D. Bruce, of the post office Agree- ' obtained the figures 3,764 add two and • divide bytwo. Subtract from due •0 &Glee in effect Mr. Meredith church on Sem- invaded our sanctum on Tuesday. Mayor only one. His esteemed and venom • hare no voice t • manes • tavera-keepsrs. for when the letter end preached in St. George's their barkeepers are put upon oath they ' ' day last, morning and evening. Horton having just given Ms decision partner in life has much sympathy ut bar gether with a large sum of money. Am - goer Italloriee. The surrender a our national free of compeneation for six months to the in- vasion of American tisherinen is is many ways exasperatino. Canada "Hewed Am- erican fishermen the right to sell fish, free of duty, in American markets, to - gram niaking this extraordinary speech : Mum S. A. McCauley, of Brenta, has no the "Blue Ribbon Beer (tenon' n, amid . woman fishermen, who, if strictly kept off ',Cansdien waters would find thew mon- 1 dont Wier, you have say right to arrived at the Point Farm, to take charge we were unable to give it a test without Now si rem Trice -Cheap tripe to prime' gone and should, therefore, have weep in Oeterio, but since Igemst hes of the telegraph office for the season getting a prescription, end as we didn't Greet Britain, lower than ever before by twin thankful at having the right pur- ge& you that privilege, elan iQ1e Ler Masters George and Willie Berry, of . know any respectable doctor who would the Allan Royal Keil Line. Six first for thorn, loudly proclaimed their me sod not for Mowat.' " Ingersoll, and Willie Clow, 4.f Lucknow, give us a bogus prescription, the test was are the guests of Johnnie Berry, West PostPoord- street Tits "Ctsvitasio" Wurro -We on- unressendly swear that they do sot sal intmiceting drinks, &rid byre no t dons 110 sines the Lst of May. Now, who are we to believe -odes opponents of the act who are not in the nide or these who an? We will take dee oath in presence In the House of Commons, last week. 66 the mere smertitien kr we know that Mester Voymiter, who has noon derstand that the compuser, Miss Skim - if one a thew fellows who know so on the item of $8,000 to provide for the sanding whoa her, for WPM* months wings, of aoderich, has dispoesd of the much about the violation of the Act establishment and maintenance of life past, has returned to the home of his fine instalment ordered from the pub- er were owed m to„onme box, he would saving starions, Hon. ldr. McLelan said Piro"' 8trotford• lishers. and has sent • second ordtor declare himself to be as inn nt of be intended establishing six additional Mr. and Mrs. Josiah McIlroy who cwPalls. The "Itzb•• bwliw meek ad' mired in musical circles, the air being stations in Ontario, each to be provided with one or more lifeerving boots and appliances of improved pattern. These stein's* would be distributed over Tnr- outo, Coboorg, Collingwoml, Point Pelee. Ooderich, and Port etenley. A have been the guests of Mr. and Mn. J 0. Harrison for wee asostbs, ban re- turned to time home st Orangeville. The trangemen will march to Victoria street church on Sunday, accompanied by the town band, whet) a special sermon will he preached to them by Rev. O. P. illegal practices as a sucking turkey. considered very pretty, end the serenest - These are the kind of chaps that don't ment gond. The piece one that will likely sell on its ments. know the &femme" between whisky and 0. T. R , Boor the post alias, boated, mid that in the treaty was (ably hos conferred the degree of Doctor of •ffttot. class saosesers, one of which leaves Quebec every Saturday. Speed, safety and comfort. The magnificent steamer "Parisian" soils July the 28th, secure reeler berths Goderich to Liverpool or only $20.36. Return tickets at greatly reduced rates. Kea bathing thirsts to Portland and down the St. Lawrence very cheap, good until Nov let. Return tickets to points in the Western sad North-Western states, at great reduction, good for 40 days. For dissatisfaction with the arrangement. Why, it may be asked Simply become they did not want the Canadian fisher- men to be allowed to sell in Ameri- can markets, but wanted the market al to themselves. When it was pointed out to them that if they insisted upon leav- ing the United States market to these- . waves, at the expertise a terminating the fishery clause of trasty, they would also Ion the right to take fish in Canada.. ts waters, they truculent'y declared thee The Notion 1, from the Buffo', Un, tickets and all information apply to H. they could not be kept sea 4,f the fishey- e:Wk. and brandy and petroleum. )„,,p, and To,,,, , • ' mashattsa cone" Ariestrime. agent Allan Line, city ticket ies by all the British Weleell that ever the tines', that sasthar Dominion Web 1.A1111 Oa ROW. Jams Coffee, a Leedom, Oetterisk. Ont. Father Coffey is editor of the 1,011111114100 ToLL Alt -114771111ID themeelvet The Fishery clauses - terminated, whereupon our Minister- et Wm are led to belinve, by the siege at - terminated, they would take in is among the probabilities. Ahead our Catholic papers on thio seintinent, Phillips' pop waggon, complains that on leelioisc iteeord, of one tie very best id Reines. - Mr. Johnstcra, who drives Fisheries declared that the Canadian our anticipations turn out to be well- and Manhattan konon herself in thus the 20th ult. he was refused passage over fisherise would be strictly guarded against invasiono foeaded no time should be hot by the honoring se gifted and distinguished a , Bayfield bridge unless he would pay the w that the time N has come, the American fish* en have Reform electors of Burn in prey:arias priest. We heartily congratulate our I reeve of leiderich township and_ the proved right, and our Minister of Fish - for the fray. The Dominion Gowen"- workmen • chosen bottles of pop by way 'ries itas preyed w tTh ong. e A merican meet is saddled with the extravagance markets are closed against Canadian 6sti, of the C. P. K. and the guilt of the North- caught by Canadian fishermen, while American fishermen, are to he allowed to Welt rebellion -01 which it was the ellPtaw would b. appointed at esub, The Doherty bend will be at the with a voluntary crew of six, who would Palace roller rink tomorrow night. go out for practice mice • fortnight and I Choice music specially prepared for the be paid by the Government; for tone so eeea•wel John Steep, formerly with Philo Noble, tailor, employed.week t the in teen. He is M. Tepomen the late Premier of he looks as 1 life in Middlesex agreed Wrn. Cionpbell, our enterprising town la tat. h• th• now tug et Dorchester Station. and •ww mew p.,p belonged to his ent- clerk, fatale. considerable melt durine *iron, Mr. Johnston very properly ro- wer When I beim to lay on the 8. Perry, of St. Thomas. was in town the season. and lose t month sent 14 „a. fumed to steal it tenni them 0.i the owas so • *net num, throegh the miernansew Mat of the department of the Interior. -bet it hopes by corruption, venality and false pro.nises to be again carried in of on the tide popular favor. In Heroin notwithstandieg the &ammo gerrymee- * 'ler of IW, the Reforms cease can. with proper work, mercies its rightful sem- , any. Reformers be up and doing ; let yaw 'eta please be "Ready, ate twody.'• - - Tau is the way the Toronto World looks at it : "A eases num who men - snits • fraud is frequently held up to were • bet what is to be mid of the priterentent of Camila pathon s( ezhi- beam in the Oesisuilea renement s pint - Crewe, said to • friend, on asinine isto with him. 6,000 hernia of thsaline product. The "'riday iollowing,. Mr.•ibn n sto ned for an hoer became he wouldn't taxes I &hall "be turned out. And he last week, and en Thursday evening ID - q' people of Caned& will mete I stoned rho dicer, of Huron Lodge No. out similar punishment to Sir John Mac- 6'2. 1.0 OF. , of which body be is the shipmenta, however, were rout more ttian one well. while the 6,911 barrels pay Mr. Elliott and his ;rang in pop for soot off by J. & J. Kidd were from their th• Privilege of poetise over. The popularity of Pbilli po is at high catch fish to Canadian waters, for sale, of course, in the United States. The donald, thouoh he does try to asc-ape by )1) I). 0. M. Amerinn fishermen are etre,' all they _ at St. Peter's on Setulay evening last. turers to bud • market th beid uee'i snms }land lishermen. whose representatives _ want ; they have now the use of the nSi. choir. • own well. However, the salt trade nil nriona of Getryrusiuter and Franchise ! z matommta, f Mary's ester mark at Baytield Bridge Mr. Canadian titheries and the A MOTU:1M 8/1111. Hamilton. sang Holdens "0 Kalutaris Mr. still ft/forma. even if prices see low, anO market to themtel vas. The Newfound- oompbati oropt„ the m„of„. Johnston says that • fellow named sif the meat profane and filthy Ian sorminsezethire were Rpeeterl. brought about. this precious smnowneet LON00,4. July 6 -Parliament re- assembled today. In the commons Mr. Bre/Baugh, eseerted by Keene La- bouchere and Burt, advanced with the of taking the oath. Sir Miami rx-Beseh interposed so objection. He thee moved that Mr. Bredlaugh be refused perssiesion to swearoind that the from"litthe preeiars bi:ctedi a the tit:ousWieluds vs - loss he missed mot to disturb the pro - cowlings. Carried 1,463 te SDK during the ben, sdiction, in • very pleas- 1 . towards hrin he ever listenel to. The Salvation Army banquet and jute- probably gain by it. he duty egainsi ng It is amusing," say* an vechenge will not lose much b a ; indeed they Rey. G. F. Salton, the new pastor for ' ..irheri aelie4tirkg to hear & man say st Ise,held here nn Wednesday ease SUC00.8* i bah imported from the 1 ' :i iced 'Oaten, Viotoria erne eimerch, eetered upon Iris I, d`wwwt pay ti" advertise. Why dos. this ' The tables st the Temperance Hall wore f which will be imposed by Canada, will reitunr duties on Sunday lest. no gives man put out a sign - That se advertising. well served and largely pstrooised. and sestere the Western Canada market, Why dues he obstruct the paytineet_a.in Prmum• of • "awl allaaee' sad We , bent a his store with merlin of welcome hien to Ooderisk. %'"1* the sweetie* in Victeria Man la mid to hitherto supplied from Boston, to the . he molls l lid° is adv•etwWwit "w• 'hY have MOM en interestim one. Major Northern Canadian and Nowfoundloted W• WO" Illbld tn in. oar °Id frt•Thu does he dainthe head of • insokerel bet- 1 coombo „draw made a very gond im• dealers, soinsielset, of course. to the es - Saturday. He is now on the mend alter "Ali olfr gOoDs cheAp, ' and stiek it op oothere was far ahead of that of the the iteoemen of the Maritime Prorince eid•„"w I ra OT dry goods binge with the word, . Robt. McLean set for • by I pressings. The general enntluet a the partite of the Ontario coneumer. Bet a long and painful confieernimt to his 1 in e owl Lords Army members last 101011110f at will amply he stamosd out -; WAWA& room, owing to breaking one of his leen 1 in hie more r• of beans or a bale of calsco their jubtles. The procession was! , go itioodt„ i Boys for Canada -Dr Barnardo, of Mr. Gisidenee. who wet en C 01 the P4... '11'1 Rev. A. MeGillivray, Gestic minister, witnessed by s large erowd. urine • 1 atiatorty, mid he heid the wont rink, will give • strawberry festival to , hm returned hoot eecrameot service. in 1 0.0•1181 the Solon a th ; lierinft &at the knees had acted unmet- berries and cream and me of skates. only i IPIr )y j novel of gold sod labelling it 'An- 1 'titans -malty and illegally. liberal 10e. A merry afternoon for the Pito* end the writes were wet delightfoi: Conintte, amid greet enthnsessin. Amine ing wee done in the bush day after day, i Cahoun am or- of - Parts imitation of se A sotralian 1 . ' MANI gold, vales .ts,000 r h was not I cheers. , It was the duty of the home l folk& ' ft sum of the servo:se were rather longer the officers preeentadivers sMajmor4Coctotly cart,. a hem a.....,iiiim. bm mooed an to legislate!, re the direetinn of ninny- 1 IlErt Iffesseirm, the wife a • omission- i than is woof with English speakieg ' 0 minander for \'ri wwirrelietu apt. wovasaiam-r- to a M' to break iagumpnant trmistsiginktairriet varicesimusi; :ameba-. 1 erirryortt: India wilecurde seashIletiress in i Presbyterian braise, one preacher 'erie* Clinger ; Capt. O'Legry, Sem& : Capt. was Arline ego mil 11** dais Bopp% was the first du/ of the hoses to smarms mission work in India. Adatimitte bottle at There were large su lienees it i COMMIS, Mitchell, and several Houten- be motion of 'neiple arildnn on Saturday afteritorse. Strain noro„ and osheett township& preeeto crepe gleodericto wen presseited Como_ , London, R•igland, is *ending out about &dot • o Ingland , C"looilisanks:, Senstar: be eedelieslitaMPORIPMdoW tb• eb°1" ali od the atiliterst. of NorthrunPton- nit Tenant nenieut nest, ail" 6 n'eletekrell., 011"n i WarilligrepAKM.d Infogekiladthi. "rte:d1 Ike. IN h111•1811 til 1 . °rill:IL I geoweed, bet n (C son ) StIotet trollestimw slat .4 .54.1* the venom sermon. the las' -eek in July, a party of one hundred toys 1. o• farm and ether simpler meet Th- doeirons en -raging boys should apply vserluto Mr &leant Dee. soperintendent, Hare! Brae, Peterbow. ough. Ont. The present British Cabinet is sail in have adopted the plan fo the olottomont of Egytt dralt;:. Lord Northbrook 5