The Huron Signal, 1885-6-5, Page 8t 1
,.$Utero` '*n.tpaa '{p5y e f VI114111.
,4" if 4
Beck's tannery new hoe a sew endo
Mask. Rah for the N. P.
Miss Its ■ Metisete epe4 slew
M P•,rk Ho e. Int•week
Mr. Menses, of Uritis► Ldntsbie, h4
visiting °u tenures at Mr. McIntyre s.
W. Watt, an del settler, died here on
Thursday of last week. after se dioses of
over twenty yeses.
i t0,rl t►- ► . ergs['
Tu troll,
amt this, all the
reeve mieseeme of
teem animt tstn1 aged awl approve*
r hs"s*etmd oft their £iAtwtes
a court of revision.
w M I1t o tt6 oh• torte
Omitted that be wee aaweaed suer high on
real prepet IV. lata as•ennemet we sus -
The Scott Act has tot been fully re- tmahe• Sutras oth/ls>, 6m le
emoted here, end the tetuperatwe people Peals '° w
pi,..iss bid els 7
have beau takes* steps for a street en- wrettsa ta,r•J0e etf Classy is0estistt 65tttat•eltp
foroeeat Search warrants were meed s"""'"-"44 gRrild bs dose i4
ma Tuesday hitt, and the hoteb of Ms CYaa
O'Neill and T. Hall were simultaneously Peter Clark Salted to have luta 80, $1,
visited by aunstables. In the former aufd 23. fit. Rede. ageeeetl along'
r k of lager was found, sod in wit° hi. pro , Le,_'fiat parehaMA
Hall's hoteL ebtout 850 worth of liquors esd lrw sskd tO leas
was captured. h'U.r cberges have neon tut , St. 8411aee aliallamdall..11116111
Lid azawust Mrs. O'Neill and tau &mint tarot property' Hath regime., 8
Midi The ease will be tried on Fmiday MeedU deputy reeve, seconded by
urn usage ewenetlier itrouri
f ' off the assessor's hands, and that are
(today) resat .trate. Is. Tb ' that the roll be takes
of Bni..ale, and John
B..t o mu
forth. If these prosecutions arroe "am.atn. order be drawn on treasurer fur hC m.4.
seat i. believed that illicit liquor selling it Ibso uNt pediatry Irssi-
wilt to plac. knocked out to the first none fie- Mr. Jervis asked council to take
in the placer. nere.suary steps fig changing his proper-
ty 24, con. 12. from S. S. No. 4 to union
S.S. Na. 4, on the ground that the die
The cheese factory is now in full blast. mace was much lose to the latter than to
The Marra J. and R. Moe itegor atsd the former -Laid over.t The o.uoetl M
A. Me -Immo, .,r, left for Duluth last sppeintd David Mcllwain arbitrator for
we•l. M. wish them success schools in the municipality. Following
accounte were ordered to be paid Caine.
1►1•ra or DONALD ]L.:Du, ..T -On • Holt . cue er.w, Sim; rsp•iring
Bt Id 1cDon an old ?' • .80• TVm.
the 1 h nit. Donald bridge neer Mr. (ir b a, $7
and hi,rhly esteemed resident of this , l;lmi, shovelling snow et film's hill, pimento went so far ea to say that the
towrmhip died of Bright's dosser, after !ge,23; D. Todd, cedar plank, $28.fi8. village would certai,.ly die if the Act Car-
a short illnea, at the ripe age of 75 ! Treesursss estimates for current year reed. The Act has been in fern for a
years. The old gentleman witte bf>ta to `lead and aooaptel- The fulluwieg path- short time, and the villeins still lives
It•eas C.... 144:"M"11to 1610. 1i 1M7 he I uumten bee been appointed ter the True, b nom to dull --1 meat the liquor
carne to Canada and settled .t Kiutail I present year - lessen e but not so dull as it ought to
where he resided until the time o1 his Samuel Kerr, Jas.McPhee, Jae.
18, 1885'
be, of all reports are true. The Act hu l
decease. The deceased was an aduereut ! Windmill, Johnathan Willard, J. P. cloned the hotel at the south eni of the A. H MANNING. Esq.. Deast no --lo
of the Presbyter:en church. The wife I Brown, Juhn feting, Jas. Oiriin Wm. village. Some called it the "Lower t *nw.r to yours 1 would say that th.
of the departed, who is web &deemed !Il1 Durskeld, Jno. 11a.iiu tun, Joe Smith, Hotel," others "The Den." Thu aas 1 three main factors le our success fete
yea", has the sympathy of a large circle Jas. ldrooe, Jno. W Manuel the meat disorderly Mese tri 14. tillage 1 are : 1st We tura a moat etkci.nt and
of friends in lier bereavement Four Scott; John Bailie, J. D.. 9myin, Jno. preview to the peelingof the Scott Act, Peeking aecrery ; tad. We have •
sena, Murdock, Daniel. John and Date Wavle Alex. Ruse, Jetta, Plunkett, and now it is the moat orderly. The ur• I g
tearless community ;Sed M the begin -
can, all of whom reside here. and onejleeward Ploughman. Tho,.- McKenzie, der of the Tillage her greatly iunpn,ced • a n6 of our Institute yeara oomsmstt.e u
dwu rtrter, lila Wee of Lk.lead.u, (Let Woods, Jets Mothers, Buhl tris- since lb* Act came in tutee. This every app anted fur the p.rpnes of ileums re -
Mich., are the sereit ing children of the 1 fhi. Jas. Welke", Js, Karmen, Thos. truthful person will readily admit. Be. newels of subscriptions by old ssembe s,
deceased, Mr. Rise arrived homeMali Begley, Win. Wilson, Alex. Nison,Chas. fore the Act cane in force drunkeness an l else as many new names as possible:
two days before her father's death. TIM , Wty,tn, Henri Bo Bo
, Micheal dinen
, was quite common, now very few, ii a::y, I We get, in this way, beetles a large
funeral was very iarge,and bore evidence 'John Leddy, John Chamney, Alex
to. the esteem in which the deoeased was i"Pentland, Tbos. Davidson, beware
held. I, Fowler, Wm. Campbell, Geo. Agar
Thos. McRoberts, Alex. Stewart, Pette;
3sdei'SCd To-ly. t Carney, Jno. Mu by, Thos. Wallow
Hosea -David - - of
Sena Th rmpson, Tbua Woods. HenryRyna, Jun Fatspattiok, Edward Durno
Jamie" Q of the 1.1b ems. BMW
=twills Ives home ieently hunters
ailitq Mr reheat fusty yews, sad
teetag tb last ►rr hose emend,
lees, set able to geed hitewft. 11s
mate wY a jMee wt nee-- begioele1 is lase
e gee
thumbs gradealll eateeding over hie
-whole body weal he Meow+ auerjy
powerless. 0. was much respected by
.II who knew hem and ts miaowed fay
,l1Ney friends. fire at Suub e's salt well, waa detained
Itlt,•ntetree firernitua. --The ars till ysetsrdq L adient.
son' return fur T.a:l.nmith 1,r the
year 1885, show a total ammo ut 40.
600, el wlwth 33,tj1l0 aures aro cleared,
There 800 acrm dev'ded to umbar 0
audena, and 2,940 acres in 1. 1
wheat- The aerated value of the real
party 1* $2,049,960, personal provos-
ts', $174.700, and inane $4011, taking
*total asses..d value of $2,225,060 We
oubt much it any utter township of
equal sew iu lbs Primmest esu make •
better showing.and the people are evt-
deotly justified us their boast that Took
wealth is point of wealth and fertility
Y the homer lowuship of Huron. The
population 1• Kevan at 1;964. 793 "f
Gout go.ti Bay and Lake Supenur route.
wb..m are betwle.0 the ages of 5 end 1
6 , rhe arvte
367 l.etween the ager ..f 'nod 13 ; 225 sgt.ment for sewing aha vteeeel
between 16 and 41 ; 495 ►.rIMeetp 11 sed
60 i 1111 between 60 slid 74; 30 bee
70 and S0, end 10 bonnet/ the as s d
80 and 90. There 78 psthnie.ters, and
3,190 days of statute latter to be esp•ud
Essen Men.
The adobe* O.rtbeldi serried le Mr.
bur lest friday with a of welt, and
left ora Tuesday fur Owes 8osrd.
The Quebec did suet cell in on Baton •
day. hawser been detained bre day. is
the leo to 1.11k. Superior.
The screener Cataract made the har-
bor last Thornily, but uu &mount of the
The tug Tredeem, with the dredge
Challenge sed two dump barg.w in tow,
arrived in p.rrt I.51 week Methods', is
sow worktem oaths mouth of tie barber
for tree peewee et obtaaidne as muses
depth oil 18 test.
The Ev.ntne Stu, from Wall•ebusg,
unved on Friday with • canto of hoops
and staves. After usluadin, she left for
the Milani' peer, loaded salt, sad left on
Saturday e•estsg ter tie neer.
When abs Csnadies l . 11 w.,r
'teener/ Athabasca arrived from Kaeland,
she wee towed tbr,.etth the Welled
Canal and then assumed her place em the
hrougb the (anal was made by the Cop -
lain. and the•ny refund newsy the
Muwbsli on the emends that the Captain
was net authorised to contract for tow-
ing. The tag onmpany brought suit is
ed on 108 miles of toads 'the Maritime Court of Outline aid
The Gerrie correspondent ••f the ries- *buns" ""er.. far S'J91, tb° fell
forthErres.iur sa>• -[]Minor thesoott esteemof their bill. The railroad 0101111.
Act campaign very various were the W"y appestat and lila cue u now being
opium*" expressed regardtntt the effect. "'mu '° thae Supremo Court•
it would have if cursed. Hume of its op
Meats ter M. 3. Managers.
The following letter was received by
the Presideut et Clinton M. I., to reply
to a query as to the secret of the 'betel
of tit. Seale/di Institute - -
]fteaical. 1 , rQ$.W
l TdeE D.II.. Oat. ee Aeoobemr,
1e. o•ae p emend by lit
btase Dacs•eaua. Wight Wilke Nor
ua'a h.i.L rep
B. WHITU, 111*, C M., PRY-
1 $ICIAN, Sunless. _qe ieut•, rte3, L
Q,P.O.. Outsets.. t•Aos-Tb. ti0 sere
east of Wilson Drug Meme, up stairs.
GMON. (7w.asr oar, OM.e sad resetease
Yee.. bfeet. weed dew west id V own*
*treat. 1751.
"'systolaas. seesaw, seseuob.w ave.
crow .t Le. /bases's neskiewee. aver tie
weal Ooder'tob. Y. C. $sariltott. J. C. H
roa 1761.
'Ord non., on Tuesday of last week, sold
a fine five year old driving more to
Samuel McLean, of l:uderich, for $160.
She was bred front old Reofurth.
The following unique a .piicatioa was
laid before the Court of Revision at
Hulmesville last week :--- Coulter, Rich Palmer, J. H. Taylor,
t..derich, May 5th. ,Inn. Webster, Jas. Martin, Thos.
3Ls. Jeeza Perron, Tp. t3lerk. Stolbars, Wes. Wilson, A. K. Camen.n,
I)s•a firs. -I lost my dog "Colli'," the Wm. Miller, Geo. Weatherbead, .lames
old, faithful companion of all my wan- Ralik. J. Webb, Will. Webb, Rupert
tiering' round this world of care. And
sorry enough I was to ase him die, I wish
he had died a week sooner, then I would
not have been assessed fur him. Would
Den'L Demean, Jas. Ford, Wm. Kum -
hen, jr., Wm.Bsskow, Michael Murphy,
Chas. Rinlon, Mewl Alton, Aron.
Harper. Hugh MoCru•tie, Peter Camp-
bell, John Rutherford, ar., Geo. Smith,
Jno. Gordon, W. Humphrey, Wm.
Psalms, Jeo. Inglis, Thos. leaver, P.
O'Qalaghan, Wm. Ellis, A. McMillan,
Than A. Fleming. W. J. McQuillan,
Alen. Cameron, Pater Fisher, John
you be so goad as to get it taken off my TUpmpson.
a.emeatent at the Revision Court and TM following met was fixed fox .te-
(blige me very much. rata labor :
Yours truly, Under $1,200 s....sment, . 2 days.
En Dr ivalt.
What could the township Solon do
but sequence en the very courteous re-
quest made by Mr. Duggan. Them is a
oft spot in the heart even cf a court of
reiision, and the touching reference to
`'Gully's' luss touched it.
From $1.200 to $2,000, 3
" 2,000 t. 2,800, 4 "
5,800 to 3,401, 5 .,
" 1,401 to 4,601, 6 "
e 4,601 to 5,601, 7 "
Council then ad1uurned to meet on
11f dnasdiF, Jaw 10th. Mel. Midler,
TP oat.
Rev. Mr. Rin is 1n our midst again COUNTY pij)PSHNCY.
looking hale and hearty after his stay in
The orchard social held et W. Morrow's
memos bees sit Peres et 16sr.o w ea the
Mews maceg roe.
en the Mt was a grand success. At an Richard Bines, ssercbant, of Corrie,
early hoer in the evening a large number :died last week.
of people assembled on the grounds and I A. S. Fisher and family, of Clinton,
after partaking of a splendid repast pre,- I bays gone to Denver, CoL
base bail, foot ball, croquet and quoits I heavily by the breaking of his dam.
were kept
coiled up till dark. Then the people
to order and trove Mr. Turn -
TM total amount of the reduction on
er was invited forward and presented
with • set of harness, an address being
read by T. H. Alien.
To Rev. Ma. Traxsa :
We the member „f ye.ur congregation
at the Nile appointment do heartily ap- W, Rothwell, of the Goshen Line,
premien) your untiring service in behalf Stanley, died on Saturdayand was bun -
of our spiritual welfare ; and when we ed un Monday at BeytielHe was one
consider the earnest manner in which of the pioneers and highly respected.
you worked, uuder your sad affliction, A GOOD Orme-Rev. Mr. Taylor, of
at our special meetings, ow gratitude i ej field, has received • usanimous call
cannot be too profuse. We sincerely 10 become rector of a large
D city confine
holm that you will awe be restored t, gatioo in one of the Sout era States, at
your wonted health and str.sctt. and • salary of $2,000 per annum sad rectory.
long ha •pared to your much lured work Ho has the matter under eusaideratins
of proclaiming to perishing humanity the She young map Diehl, tatobe one
gleed tidings of a full and free salvation. sof tb o•ptorsof the rebel Friel, used to
W. bag you to aco*ptset of harness, be very expert with the revolver when
not un account of its actual w Orth hut as living in Stanley. and tae bees known
a small token of the esteem in which you
to bring dews a wild duck ow the wing,
are held by us. with • revolver. This M a clever feat.
Signed in behalf of the congregation,
HL.H (:ta.ty. Thomas Downey, of Seafnrth, was
Mr. Torpor made • suitable replye i badly cut about the alert while visiting
Rev. Mr. LeGear was then called and his saw mill in McKillop on Saturday
presented with •purse, and an address before last The flesh was torn to the
read by Rae. J. H. Camp, orf Geode- bone for several inches, and it as a quea-
ri.h. tion if his ares will nct yet have to be
To Raw. Ma. LaGlata: amputated.
the if•isNs d ds Nils osis. iter. (: 11 Cornish will pr.bsbly ire
pee seal. leaving W inFtem next month. and it
glee bass lumme1l .. will be difficult tr 811 his plan there.
W. are sorry tc part with a friend that It may be mentioned just here that no
has been 'etch • help to us in our services, Ism than 83 member, were admitted by
You five been very beneficial in drilling him to churchfeliowshiplest Sunday; the
our choir, which perform' such an im- goes to show the prosperous condition in
portent part in the church services V. which he has placed the Methodist church
hope that wherever your he may he cast in Wingham.
that you may be able to proclaim the Ar'. -meet. -- A serinosareidert happen-
d;oatwl with the same fervor and els ' ed at • barn raising on the farm o1 Mr.
quence as you have dose Men you came Thea Stinson, Stanley, recently by
amongst es W.• ask your seeepanee of which Mr. Robert Johnston will he a
this purse as • reminder ..f the many cripple for life, if he serving his injur-
happy and profitable hours we have spent wt. By moms mens a girt fell on him,
together. le -searing hie ribs and shoulder blade,
Signe) on behalf .d the Nile congress- and so badly smashess on of his feet
Mau. War Moaanw.
Mese Harrla Tloln.
Mr. L.C„esr made a reply after which
the nanpany sd onrned to the chereh.
Meeting opens by sewing and prayer,
after which .1 hlfallawah was called t•
the chair. Addresses were d.L.ered by
Inv.. Htce sod ('ar'w,e. readmit by Ret t ''w me y..e the nese to you to ask you
Mr Let :ear, dal•.gnes sad reeitatroas by the reaom that you sent my boy horse an
ache.•.I chi .1ren, sine matrumentai music eosin( teach hem was it Meson that b.
by Rev. Mr. Ceram. .. After th. useal stay •••.y i now toll you this that if he
vote of thanks arse given the henediet.ones sept home agate an not teach i shat
was prononnmo! The p"ople then dii I kook to s,;m one plash for he was keept
peened, all s.enr.giy well phoned. butse la. your Insley
sided by the ladies, amusements sac u I Mr. Wilson, of Fordwieh, has lost
the ammaineot of the Clinton hotel. is
Mr. Theobald, V. S., of Clinton, died
last week. He wee widely known in
Huron and Bruce.
that the dower could te sweetie skit it
for the time.
Tovow Oarweota►ey.-TM following
is • eery of a note rewired by the prin-
eipal rel the 'Clinton model when., who
had emit a boy home Inc repeated viola-
tion of r.4lhtion in refuellg to bring •
wase e.pninlne his promisees
t*.i =tor t• .•;ft, .tea ..
eases occur.
Opening et the Jab 6esatea et 1553.
The county- council was f •rmally upen-
ed for the Juue settee uu Tuesday last
at 4 p.m., the warden in the chair. Af-
ter the approval of the minutes of the
last day of the Jaunty session, the war-
den addressed the uuncii oil the business
transacted since.
The pre.sutmeet of the grand jury et
the last assizes was read, abet uo motion
of the (.hdenah reeves referred to the
Jail and Court House committee, to
report thereon at the December session.
A circular from the euunty council of
Middlesex, requested the co operation
of this council iie peuuontng the Legis-
lative Assembly to have the system so
changed that all legal proceedings can
be commenced sod 6uuhed in each
county, was referred to the Special Cora -
A circular from the Department of
Agriculture in reference to organezing
fanners' institutes, was referred to the
Finance committee.
The reatgnat6'n of A. S. Fisher as
trustee of Clanton Meth School was read
and accepted, and, un melon of the
Clinton reeves, Mr. R. D. Bayley was
appointed to the vacancy.
TM report of the Impeder of Jade
and Primes was referred to the Jul and
Court House committee.
The report of the county auditetTwee
referred to the Finesses ' emotittss.
A communication from the council of
Oxford, requesting the cooperation of
this c.unctl in petittouingthe legislative
Assembly to empower county council, to
provide employment for vagrants outride
the jail walls, was referred to Jul and
Court House committee.
The reports of the public school in-
spectors for the county were each read
and referred to School committee.
The report of Mr. Hays, road com-
miaaiotter, was read and referred to Road
and Bodge committee.
A letter from the county treasurer,
with schedule of collected. on non mei-
dent lands, anti statement of cash on
hand, was referred to Finance commit
An application from Bishop Weird. to
refund • part or whole of a pedlar•
license, as he could not use it, was re-
ferred to. Finance committee.
On motion of the Wipgham reeves,
the council sanctioned the opening of a
specified street in that town, • portion of
the street being lees than 66 feet wide.
number of townspeople, quite • number
of farmers, and a great many of these
make it a point to Ret ether These
may not curer the whole ground, but
they are certainly the principal one..
Wishing you .nooses for yew lestitste, I
am, yours truly, S. li. MoCAouaay.
Pvrsrctaws AND SoneIOINI. -The elec-
tion of a representative to the moaned of
Phloem -isms and samisens for Oetano, for
Loans anb 3 nau rants'.
evilly pee °eat. Private roach
Also al/„ab tot ".:red t F°1,64er."
Oodertch. March Sub, 1006. lie.
1oh. 11116.
ANL menet at Private Fonda_- fyr ievsstAt 7
ti lone roes on ant -clue rase,•
NV en YAMS aril Tows Property at lowest in-
terest. Hortgoges pan•based. as Commimloa
charged. .'en ageing Feb rear.saWe.
75.H -Borrowers eau obtainment* la inc day
11 Ude as satiatacwry. -DAVISON ft I
OTON Demisters. &c. Oodeeteb. 1751
. Lib sad Amide -et loauraece Ageat-
R reeenung$nt.claimeaapeates. Alsuswat
for the CANADA Uri PIToeE Net noires eu
Money to send on 5urtlpamt, either in Tows a
Forms Prep.rty. in any way to toil the borrow
er. Olive {as -astir.) Kar's block Ooderirb
Dn rr, Raashy,
To kw! ea terse and tows properry at low-
est int.ere+t. Mortice es punLamed. `o cos-
mtesion charged agents for theTraat sad las
Campaay er lass.ln the basses leaded
Credit, Lomasiay. toe Lupton a Compared
of ``anal*. intrust. 0.6T and per roan.
F. R. Borrowers can *Mata baby as on
day. if title esu.fateaey
1f1 S DAVISON Jh u1T\"TON.
Bsrrt+,teee. *v., Oedsriab
]Jry ood.
The subscriber wishes to inform
the Public that he has opened out
• Large and Well -Assorted Stock
of Staple and Fancy 1)ry (foals in
the premises nest to G. N. Davis',
where he will nate every legitimate
effort to give entire satisfaction to
all who enay favor him with their
Goods narked in plain figures,
and no second price. No cutting in
prices on leading lines, believing
in the acknowledged honest prin-
ciple of a reasonable per eegta e
on all golds alike.
1 refrain from advertising prices,
as it is no fair test of cheapness,
and often misleading.
As to whether the goods and
prices aro right, I leave it to • dis-
criminating public, and will abide
by their verdict
The Public's obedient servant.
fik A
,iuut TO LOAN AAT f3 PER
THE 1',,itONTo GENERAL Tuners mar
are prepared to Inn mossy atlperneat.. pay
able knit yearly, es -
oe insectass term sonority.
narrutee.. Goderich.
Agents for the Toronto General Trusts coo.
Mean. Caxrnore 001.? it canner( have
alma tarp.ammo
ts. 1grpriivate t r e to : t
Gabriela. Oct. t, 1Z . 11110
oft CI
the Matabide and Tecumseh division, KSCRA`fCE CARD.
which took place on Tusedsy, resulted in I I-
the election of Dr. Edwards, 01 London,
who held the positron for the Met five
Te Gedsriee. ea Wednesday. Jesse Sed tee
mesa air. George RN/ saw druelat.ef a son.
MA RMIa1•.
At'3.41,5o 4 as the Mb ut May, by the Rev.
Dr. U,e, Mr. Hebert CrawIn.a, utas town-
ship otTsrnberry, to Mrs. Catherine Stirling.
el the tnweehip of Oederleb.
In tiaatertb, on suede,. May 314. Mei. Pat-
rick ,tarsaeld Curtail, fourth moa or Mr. Pat-
rick Carroll. Oodericb, aced ! fest,. 1 moot!
aa4 16 days.
1. Osderica Towastip. ofl W edr..tday.J use
3rd James Torr•ai e, awed 30 years.
The funeral will take piece from his late
reudeoce. tet 21.6th Coo.. Godench Town
ship. el Friday. J use 3th. 180 at 1 o'clock p.
m Frieada lad acaeaiawus will please
accept this intimation.
ambeteb Markets
[Reported by Telephone Nora Harbor Mitts..
GoDaarce. June 4. 110
W heat. I Fal 11 *bush 5514000
Wheat. (red sinter. a bush .. 0 M w 0 16
Wbest, t$priage it bust . .... 0 m le 0 la
Wheat. Rouse) Obese 0 73 • 0 75
emu:. (fail) F oat. i M • Y 15
Fleur, tensed) scart . .... 223A 553
Foote terms( bakers) Iewt .... 2 M • t 30
Oats. 1 bush • A • e) N
Pemn. P bush .... OMS 0 M
Bodey, • bush ........ 036 •+ 0 00
Potatoes. i bus& O M • 0 35
Hy. is tea 11 M • 13 ID
Batter. i s „-• 0 16 w 6 11
WIuapacked) WENN ...... • 0 11 • 0 11
oe. 013},5 013
dbert a, Il cart 0570 0 070
Brae, • awe 00 M ' 00 00
Pork s owt .50.530
Woad s is 315
se " 6 I
Zrauettbt! butes.
Ezpprreessss H1zed. Mind.
OndsricbLv. 1 710a.m I Its p.m 3A6 p.m
siretferd l Ar. •-seam 310 p.mI 716 p.m
Mee feedW . OM a.m
ueo.rtsb 1 Ar. I le l ass344 p.m 1 Mt 0.111
Mead. Etcprees.
The council then adjourned until tete Legal. , s
o'clock p.m. Wednesday.
,tune 3rd, 18136.
The council met pursuant to *djotsrn-
ment. All present. The miautee of
yesterday were read and approved of.
The report '.f Mr. Elliott, road com-
motion', was teed and referred to fres
fwd and bndye committee.
The report of Mr. Strachan was reel
and referred to the road and bndge com-
Mewed by D. I). Witsim, seconded by
Mr. Cook, that the council dorms it ex-
Cdient that a salaried police toagistrate
apppoo.itnted for the cousty of Huron.
and that the warden and clerk memoris-
ing the Lieutenant-lioeernm. on behalf
of this council to make such an appoint-
ment at an early date, in accer.Lnce
with the stat rte.
Moved by Mr. JlcMnroNP, secrd.d
by Mr. Gets, teat this resnlatten hi re-
ferred to the finance cr.mmiMaa to balm
port.d on tomorrow. (larri.d.
The reports of Messrs. tlirvin and
Hardy, road omentatonen, were reed
and referred to the read and bridge ow;
A anchor (of •erotica were referred to
the linens committee.
A communication of Mr. i.nne, in
reference to • teleph n in the court
house was read and referred te the gaol
and mutt hese* committee
Moved by Mr. Roe, tsonedsd by )ire
McCyssowt, that the 'toad .ose.eleaknier
he authorized to have tie general read
south of W'ingham on the Maitland flats
1 d
►J Oedericb.
IC . Aa•etA. Ja. J. A. Morree.
R N. Lewis. left
RC. RA YEN, SOUR:mow as.,
4# ,l oera.r of glee shears ea{, West
Mrrt, t1+•'•h. over Butler's beeamore.
money to I«-1 *' la we.' rates of Intelsat
T eleCMR+. Attoras1s. +$obieittors, err
Oeieric&. J. T. (Darrow. W. Pro•,.bot. r.3
w._r FOOT.
Piny. Lire and .;efar !asuman dprnt.
Asti 1)01 :e, opposite t'alborss Hotel.
The ' Loaders .4asuraiapp.. s1•aerperated 1790
The '• `l&atonal." eetabsab.d IML
licemeed to W tplate gins. in tthe
The above are sit nrstaiaas mad ed .Mab
!abed c*mpetalea
Jetaks Cabinet lowest notes.
Goderkb, Dec. Mer. tees. SRL
BRITISH Atli. C0'Y, Toaosee-I atablu&•d
PHOENIX INS. Calf. of LONDON Englead)-
Establhed 1711.
HARTFORD 175*. COOT. e1 Racoon Coes
-L.tabllahed IMO.
Risks takes a the above Omt•eless Moe at
the lowest rates by HORACE HORTON.
The undereigmed is also Appraiser of the
Money to Loan on srstclas security. tram
7:to 1 pe: Cert --Charges moderate.
Godere :1. Set. 10 1061
V B•rnruw's, fol,' tore in Chancery. ac.
` )M•nuh arm Wmeham. M C. Cameron.
I eC P. HOP, 10._0 Cameron. Gedersk W.
Ilaosrf. v. iocbam 17111.
'1sT utIC E ro CREDITORS. R .
teen* M hobby glen ie p sl lbw
1 then thirtyfour, et(ha '•'r one t.. ndread
seven. et aha Revised entice" or Ontario.
t that at: creditors and other praise hawing
cl$.Di aptest the e$te of Thomas Wal.b.
torsed aha
Mwaship of WawaMM la the
County of Huron. Yeoman. w►edid
e• er about the Ind day of April A.1) tatt
ere hereby revered to mead by pest. prepaid.
or otherwiee deliver to the nnderentn«t AA
m"lstratn1 of the eatare •rtal rRbcu of tn. 1
. aid dabbed at ihtasauena P. O,. /Mario. er
. Maitre. erreer a T'r.ndfont.Mr Sol ir,tnrs
Iprierirh oft or before the le, Aay .f Jul
IND, their 1 r etiaa flambee end sw
sernaee. ad
errors *nil deserip$ee. the fell partieulan
of their claim.. • trapment of that' announce,
and the nature of the wesurities Of any) held
by them .'and in default thereof. the said Ad
misestimates. rill snot, the said lel of
Stay. t1 . tlrwr"bate the rosea of the M-
nn fl the parent entitled thereto
•!ng rams rd only to elation. of whfrh notch
O IS: hire been tires as above revered. and
the red Adminlstretrii will rot he Iia*. fey
Ils.ajd seams. oe any pan thereof. to ear
._ of whew. ctalm ewers .hall set have
meetvd by her. or tier said a oltrlteeaat
pet in • pniner state of repair. Referred the lIM of week din lt"'".n litred.
Immo the lab d y of f Ae combedThcombedthou adjoeratd. IMO IL At'dsiaistrettit.
to e••ltt.e.
ROOM. oor. of Kart *tab sad Square tup
Open from 1 to 6 p.m.. and from 7 to 10p m.
Leading Deily, Weekly and fluslvefed
Pepe r., Meyrtainea, dr., orn Pd..
graattng tree be of Library and Readies
Application for membership received by
The.te.eo6 neer has canard great excite-
mene : es tae
1......n. 1 3 73.
B O.
Were rt'ire + S..
tceet. Tablets„
0 73
+ •w
RywQ ysaww ed CChhairrss. j 2 X
Picture frames below rota.
i wens be 'Redeemed by asy dealer ea the
tarp el the earth.
West street, next door to D. Canteloa's bak
ery. opposite bat o5 Moatrsel.
ledeAeb. Moro° bk. NIL 100 s,
Thu Company was organised on the 10th of
April last. and Is now tel active operation. sad
le prepared to receive application for loans
Plums Aterwr sup.
M Company being a local lastttntios. can
eflbr to borrower. erecter fa*lities tar gel
tag their lobs easuuted with dbtrlch. than
car be had from abide es (bribe ('oetpan
lea with whom +Lys and weeks are often re-
quired to clam up a taco.
Wkea TIUe said Security are setldarlary.
harrowers may obtain their mosey from Wt.
Compeay es dal of alltseinattoa.
Dee attention W bees pad to oseaatai
Sedlcltoes cbargve to the lowest rates.
Mortgages purchased If security aad titles
an approved of.
A Mev**. Bask Bruch will he shortly
opened by t1e company Depositors will be
1 paid the Highest Current hetes as their de
The Company's offices arm es the corner er
Market Square and 1Ser/k EL. is the Ruddiest
▪ io slam the Dry Geode Beare .1 J. C. Inter
Jo.Rrrt Wlt.ttaem, Probes&
W. J. R. Hot.sgx `io.-Pae5lael
:Stn R J. CARTw.*MT.
footer (liabb.
We. M. Gine, neclart&.
J. M. itoomerre0,41.1 ata -
Jona Acuson, Ooiarfe►
F. Jobe*.
I J. H. ormaosuce
idbrerias. a rooms. 1 140 C RS:
GEO. RICE. ALEX. MORTON.CAtEWow, Hots a C eta3tow.
President Secretary. I HORAC* HORTON,
Ged.riob. March Itch. *105. "Mt" Gederb►. 7th My, IM6. 1M1-
MAie WtW.
Ontario ,t$tcel barb Part (pampa»g
*T...tMIT D_►
r- +get•:....-•.•„ ...y
1 ►
Reaso n s why the "Lockbarb" is the Best Wire Fencing
We nee nal, the bed Eeelth Remrnter Steel Wire, and we Mahn that in I1. ronstrvetion
le auperier a all otter bae*ed teem wares. The wires torming the hour pefnto pass between
me wire* of the table. Warlock retch other and peer around the cable, which make the
a•herb la the world. it has the advent/we of always prmen tng the barb laterally.
err eo tweepoWted barbed Move.. does.
At a cereal 1e0 of the strength of the "leckbarb made at the Northern Railway Pltnpe.
in Tomato. the following was the result Ontario Meal Hart, Fenn* f'o.'y. lank Iba. as easiest
101018.. *sant the., the Toronto Wire thus beating the Montreal W ire, and wee *wanted tn..
,sesame ler Arteries with Pell parttcslars. re
Sole Agent, C3.oderioh.
afar 11.1. 110
W sou's Prescripdoo D S1ure
Court douse Square, Goderiche