The Huron Signal, 1885-6-5, Page 71 1i f Tun Anil hincv 1 THE. BUFFALO 1t10,OM. On the lawn Raver and it • • I ...►...o..es the rntr simper were Mawr _._ ?be plump Kul r now is fashion. I. ter• L!tsktlaterroll,. Kp•wtier. 1 ]e Sara Horde of Bison as the .rias to a pow art os suer t shalt ash i 1 Mina. .ether U take • suer toddy.' '1. tq *Fla It ►aril.,.. r • Yea, • . w•& wheelbarrow tome.' fie wished to join Rawl ■saneesaM aeMa.esoo .safe wiped She Moir, bat W enrolees mete out re- thesis ems as ors. .hared. A fifths *leant est,tu heal emptiest* beth wtawetceas4ldly. 1+splairsiatt this Moos Curr, lion., A it Rd. -puss hot. of hens mow stators' round et.ies pt swth►ag. • thea otos years situ Mu spot was cowered Nottoug makes the landlultd of a sem- with the s.pmas and kidg.s ld tlittislg noir hotel so lead as to nod that eaters Bell's warrwee, .ken .t war with the weather prophet has predicted a cold 1 need SIM.. In lbw day. this regia was the very heart 4 the ►.Yalu emery teniae.,. I resew.shot somwnps.ying the atilotezy Dr. Mary Walker pants f..r hietr.isk ezpcditwu of 1 m the Yellowstone tsar. Stele writing • Idol. Ther* are kit et to the meth of the Tuugoe Roar to be no bresehes art uttyoett• sad few and sie..$nttrwg on the Jodrell ..ore scene Atha hi it. buffalo, thea it would be possible intent - Ile liberal with your paint a this sea gently to doerril.e ter paper. illgures mos art the year, ye uwaero of home., carry bet little ides 4 the tate member Se., sad you will never have reissue to of u Is and where I say that use herd regret dime au. It pay* i.. as paint on tem paired through, traveling for then babblers and fences. days without bete oat 4 sight of bison during dayltitht, numbered tar up into the hundred tauuasnds, it would perhaps he falling short of the real ponbsr of buffaloes that actually c.mpied that mighty mats. Whim war bad passed through this heed at the close of t*e third day, about 9 o'clock la the afternoon, the snouts roe portal another trsme.dues herd is the chasSes, su.isg directly towards no et full .�i. Qstokly our party *ought the pe s of the baring buttes, vofr A by urging his father, for whom he was s *Jerk, to ori. lar tbe early o4niwg esovesd*ot, was alearp' rebuffed whore - open be std -'I wouldn't be lite • ret is a temp anyhow 'What do yes mesa by that r demanded hie father. 'Imes,. said hie toe, 'theta rat in a trap is sl - ways uppuced to the early sham Nome most.' IID ill.streted paper tells bow .poems tae umgbt W we want to know mosti hnw te get rid art spouse. 8.n while a few of as dims reeky ma - ones en the epee prairie, and *waited The sea-se!ps.t Imo hese seen at Han . with intoeing the approach of the rushing Francisco. Hi. bred w.. 'crowned with nt•as. Oa they am., hotter sk.lter, psi] two but. borne.' if trop will tense It, well and .hon the leader* reached the .road or hillock upon which we were Perched the greet herd divided late two meta and .wept by tis lobs the wind, MU on either side. W. goad in weed- er and ase .t the se of black. shay 11. n.Uug like billows at our tet. Far era the eye could a was as •,Dean d b.f •lose, ..rgik.g and marine like the wawa, while the aortal rembl eg mead the theists mealy do the catching. thele is always an kutiestm relation be- tween hums sad the ee.-ssrp.et 'Are you any relation to my .ester r ..bed unto Johnnie. H. Meshed .ad stammered, until the young lady, iakiept pity obs bpm, solved the natter by 'striae: 'No, trot you'd lib to bto-wwaid.'t yea, Alfred r �.f The hsmeroee market i. daU. We *baking 4 th...rth made star heeds loot, ouscho ear j.dtes ppnnmm, .t gds to awl aux Dents per milli..• : ir►ere.ri jukes. a hal* dozy. All that *forgoes the .o tl aMsd , crank cashier joke, weak s.anai• toot al) their light, and it will at no. to .om-mn .a hail Dents peer I act until the ten seek kind the tall Coos. plumb., juke. m *1 .nom ttrwttaina that their pamber* beeps to deltas t., two dollars per tete- 'Are you wjoying your dinner ''asked Bohby 4 ties new .aister, who was ..king a Beady dieser with the family. Bobley,' enspumded the opener pli'Mangum said this moraine the& she tblt..ght yob would, M .he didb. t .eppo.e that with your small salary and big family you got mash to sat from owe ser.k'e egad to smother. Sten. /es.rt.e L R.w.s. er. Loom, Ma.,May 2R -!lora Edith Downs, who dialog im have worked as a n ewspaper writer hs Ergland and Toron- 1., tastbda, deliberately broke tM win- dow d a jewelry store here lent wigbt . ad sbetrmstsd amoral al viable article*, m.kiag no attempt to escape. When arrested Ma teM a ,litlid story e[ Pover- e1, and deapet.tion. She web from Toronto to Ckisnee a short time afto,bat n et getting employment sans tees, and was no mere es.s.4sL Having "s- heared bee means she became desperate . td defeimi led t0 .w opt a crime to ob- tain Molter tied fund She first attempt- ed forgery by signing the ease 4 a prominent baker here to a check mad and presenting it to the bank, bet was sot arrested. Sloe thee determined to commit the act shore described. She appear* to be a woman 4 education sad culture. ]Mile or Mrs. Downs published • paper 4 porting tendemies in this city ailed "al hanee and Mart.. for two er thaw months is the early part of last year. About June she .10,1ed out to canvass the oountry.iu the interests of Mr paper and was not over sm spalnos in the mane she retested to obtain soh iptioss. At Markdale, for i-hnoo, she whipped a Mom, a.d lea es frets to *.capo trews oar te'sp'n.r7 .rises. The herd which we travelled tbrouRh for thew days wee cwt in nation, bet was e ncountered is sheat scattered bands, and lined every foot 4 the road tri ttaveilyd. Iletr•rtheleae it was on single herd, as it w continuous, thu.gk broken. Net t►• last herd, which was . ovtum at high "� speed, woe peeked ear thiek that I harts it 000taitted tally a• many somata as the first herd. They tiew by us for five hours en a dead no, and the herieon of our sight was bound- ed by nothing hot the dark black hides of the noble earner themselves. In 1877 the plass and prairie d Moistens were the buss of the Iar0elu. As long as the Indians remained hostile sod at war with the whites, just iso lows was the salvation of the buffalo. ae..rved. When the Indians were captured and orwtslled upon reservations it left the bison 10 the mere, d white pot hunters and deadly repeating rues, and the two together hate dose the butanes* for them. Ia 2815 the buffalo ranges eitended ea far east as Illinois, Minnesota, and Iowa ; in .bort, the Miaeiwsippi River marked the eastern boundary 4 their ✓ eusing groaner. On the wed the min Rocky Mountain ridge war the limit d their pasture. and between those two n amed beeadari•• the buffalo roamed art r the vast plains of the West, mierst- iag with the seasons north sod tooth item the shores 4 the Arctic to the Gulf of Maxine. They were •t the mercy of the carious I.di.. tribe*, but the In - dans were nsireilel. From this one animal the red twee drew the mate . acemmsries .4 life. The hide* furnished clothing, bmt•s, and lodge coverage. The Innis wens used se ornaments, and storekeeper awl thrnatanad to •bout him glen famished veriest kitebes utensils for not .ob.eribtng. Using arrested she The flesh war their staple fond, and wee 6oed $2 and her revolver taken their •news became arrow ands. The away. Inviting the landlord 4 Mr hot.1 .pstair. oho *posed Mr trunk and exhi- biting two more pistols remarked that they thought they had disarmed ter but they hadn't. She was in Guderich a year ago, sad Rat a number 4 sub.crib- eta ea makuug .bet '160,t000 in all Wary t\fase eel aeteM,pe and deer aria were moored the *rhos year on the Veneto mune tool IGLOO) uu sloe M1e.uwrt. 10 ltttil the Yollowatene maitre yielded Moot 110,000 buffalo rubes and 73,000 arklope earl deer Agee. The Missouri River disrtota seat nearly 100,000 bat - Wu rubes to market dories the steres d 1001, besides seventy odd theirand as - totem and doer skies. From January to !lowlier, 1882, abuse 80,000 bola - les wen killed sent Miles, City Thi. wholeGlised.m l0 ry ers7. Mownsmet iew whole sensory yielded tsewisn us the neighborhood of 186,000 roes The w pubnr tut antelopeselk slaughtered that year is utA accurately ksowe. bat it wee a great year fur pro- fanities! es well a unprotesienal sporta- mteri, the Meal ou.her of game annals that either bit the dint of the ptririe ve yielded up their lives muss the tauoa- tains mat `e,.0 thtsg awful to oaoo- late. Is Nobe and Muwt#.s that ser - sus there was net lees that 0,1100 bunters seettered *hag the him el the Northern Peale. Is 1889 then vas marked falling of is the supply of robe. and skirts, Never - theles, 100,000 buffalo rubes won .bip- ped from Oloadivs alone, sod s may more from other points .long the rail- road. The, howevev, were • pas of the previous mew 'e ei..trbter. In 11181 Owes was w Crop et .11 to speak uf, aad is 11186 then ea be name, as there are so living bran to the Northwest to fur- . ish an; mon robe. In a weird, the butLsiu r emitter- There may, it,rwever, be a alight exception to this, as then are • few in the northern wild* of the Yell.,w- . ;o ne National Park, a kind of mountain bualn, where the Government protects hoes oes anulhilation by striageut gate laws and a corps of gamekeepers. Then ie still soother small herd of these brute i. northwestern Montana, in the valley 4 Milk River, where J. G. Baker, the great tattle klieg 4 that motion. ha them safely ourr.11ed and carefully guarded. by hie cowboys. It is penile • specs/atito Masao os Inst gaatLms.'s Pst't. however, .s the poor brow are kept esearsfy penned, and wall be finally slaughtered gibs there is a sumer iu t'obee. To sum the setter .p, these furores of the hides and robes exported from this nestio. represent Most twe.tkirds of the *steal number cf animals killed. Fully use third of all the gnat beet decayed with these robe around thea Not atom than two-thirds of the eking were saved. A trade in their Mee* Las sprung up, w hich .i11, in a year ur two, clean up the Brest buffalo cemeteries 4 the West, lam:image stet oto resaamt 4 a greet race of mamas in the eooetry that was voce their Mese. At merle every station o0 the named lam year amid be seen piled op for .bipmeat the chaotic .ostomy of countless thousands 4 belaloms Cottle. men were paid 00 and El • warm toad fM Barn. Gwboys with little elm to do, and even Issy indiam with an eye t3 the almighty dales,. weak into the soar - sorer bonime• and o.Ueeeed buffalo bones tor lucre. For menthe car load atter oar load, to the nsq.ber of those - audit, period eastward to Miasmata. In- data and Illinois, where they are turned to account as fertilisers. Even the sku11s and bursa that surveyors had stood up s sighting points hare been picked op and carried off such is the deemed for them. Derrrsred at ter factories the frames are worth $95 • ton, the freight charges ranging; .rum S8 to $10 per tun. levy Take Wow Rosy. An Anemias visitiate Vicsori., R. C., writer . -The people up ben take hie very easy, and moot emphatically are not io the habit of rising before dawn and working away hammer and tongs till midnight Much an soden would st Noce .tamp you es a crank or -an Atomise. Hexe the merchant strolls down to besieges about 9 o'oleek, std gets fairly under way by M. At thione he takes an hour or an hour orad a half for lunch gad then struggles through the afternoon tl 1ill 4 or 6 o clock, when he shuts up and uses home to lou denier, and does pot open shop again till next morning. When the "granger within hie mites rerttoon with Wat oe this method, he id remind. British courtesy, tbt the Victor -erne just lies se lone, digest their food better, and Ajay tar more pleasure than the ?onen- ess, who ie a slave to his counting -house and an anxious student art him ledger. Thee se Ressease. R N. Wheeler, Merchant, of Ever- ton, was cored of a movers attack of in- flammation ..1 tb.ongs by Hely.id m Postoral Bairn.. This greet throat and how healer cores weak lungs, coughs arson..., tr...liitia, and en pectoral eonploints. 2 lodiens used the animal, but did not abuse it. The herds in those days south of the present international boundary line, stristly in the United States, must have contained not less than 5,000,000 animals. In what is now Manitoba, AsainiboIn, Alberta and flsakatchwwan there moat have been fully 6,000,000 more, an the Haien flay trappers who acme south to trade with the Snake, *esbod.•a I aadan:Liaiaw always re- ported mat hairdo of bran ia the neigh- borhood of Great Blare and (uveas Hear Lake.. The buffaloes wore all right until about seven years ago, when the Indians were conquered, which opened up the country and let the hide hunter in. it took about 1 • toren yeast, boatloads( with ibm t . ex- •WAR wAR tortnimoven a the bdAad *long the line of the U Pacific Railroad, which in the g-od old tame cuwld have been seen blackening the Platte River bottom fur Arrival d pea Detachments of miles. These poor silly baste were era easily killed. rich front theirdabundant*, hie, SPRING 3 V 3Y �1 offered Mr rich • reward to the hide a JJL a Meter, that way idle fellow la that Pert of the weary M•oId mite good wage. ilmtekethme *0m. The 1'111,e Pacific 1lwihvtd 4,li1 1hs herds in h.lf, and lett a -moiety to the nnrth and a moiety to the south. Thome in Texas were soon used up by sportsmen and professions/ hunters ; bot the greet northern hard Bed to Wy e:eine and Montana, whom Hitting Rell and his lot - losers took charr of and protected them until tint* flaws a soldier* lieges •baa Ing Aim around the country as well as the kaon. From 1875 to 1880 fully 1,000,000 of Haase Wetss trees killed by the enldiers aid other 'Mt* neo. National Pills are aror coated. mild 1 beard of on...terprioiag pot heater on Horns ships brine On a t.on, and .re extensively used by makers of umbrellas and fans. From a portion of the heed glee is obtained, and the neck bones and . boulder blades are worked op into the popular buffalo horn buttons. A great many of our buffalo buses, horns, and hoofs are •nasally shipped to Eogland, and, after being turned over nnoe or twice by oho cutlery factories td Sheffield. *erne tack to us in the shape of fine knife bandies and other article of finished eutlerg. England alto imports gest quantities of beef shanks for the sanu - ticture of fertilizers. There way, be a few herds north of the International boundary lis• in the Cat.s- dian northwest, but eitner loot's sharp- shooter* or Middleton's militia, or both ricochet, wilt make abort work of then before many months. There 5 no nee of mailing any usving Imre for their pro- tection in our country pow, as there are none to protect. The hornet of skims has ended. The American Moon is an extinct annual. Bet if they can, let them take comfort in the reflection that, even though slaughtered aim swept from existence by the white race, they have been of some use as buttons, fans, umbrellas, and the like to the teoeration of men and women that is dying with the..-[Zschange. £ llammas:a 'esus -Mit - La. Cwrh, Cots .r soy !realised ateelim. 'Pesaw►a," to my opm.uou, .l kiss the Gong. I hare geed k its mg faa.ilp for Combo and Colis ler the put low Twat with the mart e.vsgtsrd nwaess, awe I..- day my opiates of it M that 1 wtM.s • te tbk Kill mesa at that wird 1 tryst I. m tbu.ktss well of. Ow. Karr, Maosgter Oslo - . Bost, Prkerntg. Pres 25 mesa at ah1 dolomites m lears'e /bald Lleillatellea Is the only instantaneous relied for lire- r01gia, Headache, Toothache, etc. Rob- bing a kw doops briskly is all that is n eeded. No taking t ad e.a. majesties for weeks, bat pp removes all pais and will pprove the emit Talus art Kraut's Fluid trio 25 eats per bottle at tlaurge Rhyyai lrut stun The Hectic Flesh, gale hollow check• and precarious appetite, indicate ruling. Frtsea.an's Wor.0 Powder will quickly and effectually remove them. Im • te.:a.-r THS. SIC}NAL Ms throne*, set are the Ol'osesch and Liver rat in ossa Int Bering is belhewing& Rani the test'. moniab in the pasapbla so Dr. r an l • de1Lr few .eters "In M Rtrerl'a Kidniy Cars, titan buy • bottle !et?".brgt in at nisi t The skinned rer- ead relieve(of all those distress- teerwo, as weU's en skinned, ■klpue•l, kw p�+a.itns. ■e'er un fon , warm twist to not when they fell. Is. all abowt odd by.; silnnnllosicr»ch .heat, the gampuletor .d the *raillery c , ; I teat x114 tt!dt*'onelsres soil prat tMww u 1�Mw Oben they e•mN atrial ' fret- ��p� 1 • 1.l1dd. eoocelsb`n., .re Intim ibelie Balli M bid hoot. es human to Immo of the of Worms in (`hrldrew: pal attention 1" other brute. beside hie. iiestroy the germ. woo Vr• Lye's Worm 8 M ea. In 188e member 4 Iw,f.1.o hag- Prop.yl god en the Taliowetommeg •gated shout d*'oteoei..rtrrc.,s. w.au.�;S$ '1121Eli. m'� ... 4.: �:w 'u jaaj 77-' ' .lh�i:ar the Yellowstone who actually had • Oat Lagging M help lie slaomitter argil. Ha e.eploys.l n.. lees thaw thirty .kI..etm to tear the hides from tl4 poor elm .is a. snot. as they dropped, and wash skinner --AT- JOB DEPARTMENT Ra. the Rest gbstaiiss la the Ceuit er Nus for tansies eat every darer pt�net REASONABLE RATE$ The fellow leg Is *partial Its. of thw;tdprk we are enabled a tars oat : SAUNDERS vARWITT WORK WOVE LETTER HEADS LINEN LETTER HEADS. Meted er Vended -I. WOVE NOTE HEADS. LINEN NOTE HEADS. awed or U arwled.l MEMORANDUM HEADS. STATEMENT HEADS. BILL HEADS -4 Slur BUSINESS CARDS. POSTAL CARDS INVITATION CARDS. .1t ,Kir 1' MACK, Aai: SU Mil r UR ..a.oee*a.r�r • s ski t>M DETROIT ANO MAOKINAC And Raw meet Doe news DETROIT AND CLEVELAND wish... flet righlifelql. , Nsekkis. wserrim �L m. Model Vete. IMMO i Ciseeikre'e'da• Sawn Nov. ow IL a W,rn. nolo , hew- Pew& Me. apmorT. Mtcst. A. til'jIt1it... regi., tis T. IL lkalies, 1004 Ooderieb, Oat. i Mercbots tan stet their Rill Heads. Letter tleaae. Rn.. Joe. petaled at this °moo for very Mae arses than they Beeenilly ay for the pager. and it hoses to advertiser fashion. Galt and see swootee ..a get prisms. REAT SLAUIIIITEII esti,. McOILLICUDDY MOS., Proprietors. SIP -Office -North St., next to Re+»tr Office Dederick. G 1tA TE FII L-COif Frl RTINO. EPPS'S COCOA, BREAKFAST. "Ry • the ougk knowledge et use tato rel law* whack severe the openute.a of iietetMa and nutrttlos, sant by a careful application of tn. the preeert ref wet, se.eol d Comm. 311 r. Asps has provided oar breakfast tables meth a delicately devoured beverage whichsave as near heavy doctors' bills. 1t is the loi/eteas use of mark aetielesosf diet a cmastltafo■ pay be gradually belt up until strong enouytf to resist every teadeney to Abase. Ha s of subtle .al.d1es are amen, around tis ready to stunt wb.rm'er there 1* a weak paint. We map crape many • fatal shaft by keeping oureeltee writ fntt16.d with p}a.itrre, Wood and a properly aoar1bed trams.' --Ciel( lerske Oamete. -load• simply with boiling water or milk. Said GeV le Parket. by Ore - este. labelled am '-a=s.. Erre et co_ lism.opthic bmi.te. Leedom Eno." Ede swat for Ceara*. C. it. Colmar. Montreal. Stoves, Ti nware, Wall Paper, h ' Fancy Goods awp AND Eons• Purnishingv AT "The Cheapest Hoose seeder the Bee Next deer to the Peet floc.. Oderteb, Mare& alb. 1111 101- :% ;Y O EEDS Turnip Seeds, Millet, Hungarian Grass Seed, Corn and Buckwheat. MONEY TO LOAN Private teed. to Israel at rwansDle ream. el Lowes. SAMUEL sio&NE. Hamilton Street, Godar'ich. Oedrrich. May 11th. MILS. iw-tm Just Received ! A loner assort.neet et the varlets. A !furious EORY GRASS and CLOVER SEEDS s.ltab'.e 1 permewent ANDu�Rrlliurek? well dila S TWO iZlta . FROM 11E : i..a°ie•`u tit'ns. " gamesome : 2I f tacker rsetao rk Owe; Vt. lie ter fes. • wok warm tree Sere& id. sad the Isslosed tsetse will tell /savant • ..rvebes oder* S csEDS Ayers Sarsapa 1 _ Las ora to 11s ern. 1 Wan 11a Masi .� have .mend the hamar per at least M years ; beta also ams shire, maga be tib hem of •..rtsrdem new es do work mond mina ave yeses sae. (skim a few apes ebb It syr peered at Ma risen, ft gredss0y semi es et Se ewer bo el rs body. 1 meson yes be ase soe*Uy abets, lied ea eideet est pass, tams M seaman woe Peen nolltds. )Raw, Cairo w /w wee elf W age sips Glop es pea bed& as be las. 1 snag sear mem d.M poe m abs weds song es ao then le Weise. Teetsek. W. 11. 's FROM TiE FATHER• ..... - • *sty for me 1e eases le pee all. bets& I here derived Oen obs ora d Ayer 9Sarsaparilla. ex meths ego 1 we mmplailyeeveWa *1St a s.relbte beow and set.M...& ares. The homer e*ers .n bu.rna* ..d es0Nnmbte iMew .ea Oa dila ec..he4 Mas Se alio tbr bleed be dew le nano pass. Mesmer 1 nova. 01 s.t.es s were pmt ea mop Ills • banks i -- -r.ea bre a's ar r• aaasar@an to • Aorta net„ era him mil r'.sahebPeet theo4 doss. 1114 mwdaabb bee.. to 1.p*evo at eaves. 11e ewes haw all Leatod. sad i real pert..Ny well t way some - being wow .al. le 10 a pd due►. York. alt 10r5* 7* ys..d teary(opus wl..t low ;r:.ee'f* eek •ewe is were. eel I Mu cls .i, e. 1 awe bees Will WWI PK ♦ r$o's fuesarIEItt.s. glover. rt.. Oct 1: i3 Tote gr'.NtuDy. Rheas la7Jiaa" ATM's toutmratMlta eagle at.Alt .-.d n11 sweeten= O.mplatnes. error ilea. Segeiaopw 1abstes n. sertit. M Nleyrs, .N 1•rmpetw. gt •- ahn ebsear vital Ait al r; acs, etas dymtd's. milmeaWs lhssmile et mad tlrru wens MOW and a_engoMs the wWe mem emeraale ter Dr L .Ayer Lowell, Mao.. Sod Ps 401 Drea11114 SLOOP WOW ler R GEO. OLD, GFROCQBR Iter ordered teak chigoe Garden and Field Seeds. A weR.elseted Moe or wearies always oe bent. 010. H. OLD, the Square, Oodgei.l. Match UM. test Ir Timbers Cowan •mite tow. Note Papers Albume Books Cards Dolls 'Toys Etc. -ma YOUR -- Newspapers and Periodicals AT MRS. c0OL.8l. MRS. H. COOKE, -- Dmoceeww to Deo. Sb.pp.rd. fiea.rieb. Dee. tib 1114. IR! - s200,000 00.1. prv.rar. pare. •r war. tend urn fe. for y..t. m. exit It/ • null you will stem fret • perked.• of good. of large rafts.. that will start yea le work *bat will at owe bring year In s.tw g tuner than ..yt►tag else i■ Aater1eo. Alt ahem tM tvKM0 is pre..ale with earl box. spotswanted every 'there. et paths set, er all saes, for all the tike. or npare tike omit. to went for us .t th�teir own lemma Yuri toes for IILL Itsst"rrr a`t7 p. Poi**0osety wi wale' Ms. .y 'WO IWO 11••11 this• 0AZ5R< a/niR1U 011AI01 Oi ALL EDSDDtt.111 Able Moot ger He siebrated Nw beeF'eA.1t aSV wrzcges R, very (• et REES PRiCE, test strwst theta Depot. mppemne Tera Dan. Mora >M. 1 entre I,..d.tg e}ar fttr OM1..+ erip=1v. tree c•ry, y ppp _ tlsmdm wbbt. w/11jM - -- _ �.Y _. -- -- ---- -- _ waw metier vials ptay twen.maeyOwe et..1,b tie g.ter IN SShea a.y.kl r isi6Mt��l to w.: frAtl rLeo�fdeftt'^►•►'(� bureter ess eak me �yss'ims/iwn ~reed grsnw- tYetrs oil. bw f ea w.7< tnMir* e 1 Terwi. dad b errs.wg dear twee IL It es0.1-W ,A LFl r C.A.NAIRN 11401l'W YT181d0 YOU Wr GIOCERIES, New Grocery Store NEW AND FRESH TOR - 1885 He M ma.wlne • .plendfd assortment of The 'subscriber blue to 5000/1000 that hs los. opened cwt • aew grocery More IN GODRRICH, sod b pupantl to do business with the reds el the town aid surrounding .ectIon. 118 CMIIa and Glassware. (tome In asd kook, if yon drat bay. goods are all New and Fred, mad hare bees purchased for ('as►and as the priree are low In the city markets, He Intends to Make His Price Touch Rock Bottom. perms prod nos t.kan 1n exchange tis Geese .td u.Mst priors will be given. moo's forget the spot. the Now Yash Stowe next door to Rhlnas' Drug Store. (todetit0. O. L. McINTOSH. Ooderlet. Dec. 3*. ta15. 1111 Ile trouble to Show geek. C.A. IsTAIRN court lisp*. Square. tiedeAck Dna 11h, 11111. ervasore • b Maw fat Mee Witter, 11= Mtl _ldmaam.Tnuetat. Att rc �u r•* lawtlnwd awe.• tint RARKNESS NAIR BALM Restore,* g Mr to its ma torah Color. re- moves Dandruff stops the Lai from fatting out, increases it growth. sad aril mot soil the skits As a hair dues sista, it has ac superier Goa anteed harmless_ Prepared by Harkness i Co. Landon. Out Odd NM PPWwt Dsaaaa lifi or wrrilag p.*el.. good a eat ler poroand e will mal 1 .,nota, ses rwr,yil. rat.mierde ;Di re 5** . of goods that wilt pot yew 1s ors way of making more mosey is • few dayen:ow you ever thought poodles. at any manses Ple areal required. Yee out eve a hem* ass Werk le seaerss, Mew Will. or all l m eta. *4i smile to pis .tasty all we, g flty •Ing. fel. *OM" ee..1./. �sr all who want work tnay ter the bin testa. we make tan nap.rallel .#* r: To all who .g not well wt IsIted we will mend 51 topa y for the tombs of writing es. Rall pastl..aar• dirge tion.. Mor , swot free. Itnenwwee slmalw0e/ suns ,or W who start at ease. t *Nay-: Address 8rrxeox n ('it. Per mast H AGYA R YELLOW OIL CLIpF RHEUMATISM rILWILIVS 'WOR It POWDERS. 111111e111eset to bike C.,rteln their owe lot S... to a s/.. seta. and .fn e e eleor or trent. 1. ebedrs. ors T1etsM•..ftrave. ate.,haeriar ea:aweea.blibvee..4 prunng*A- )$,pima• 5.,.141 rwetmoe4 b Ih..-worihr •t OER MAN /NV IOORA T SR! Ny awl porno..,... y rmM =/wM�e � ser 181 Mot MeV of lift) k f d.1 s.1 illt ea%.eea, sad .11 it 'seams 11 • :el- bow as • sesiwaee or IM1* %bu•.r. a Ims..f Or - aotwerlearr. universal lassivele. in the b, atone.. of ',Nina. pt era erre nld age. and ken• other dlr.,, . ti le lewd to Immo ity or some min Ion sad a map.• tern ve. for street's... +115 tw,l.noetele tlipil a war The IST1.i00ITIM I..eM at R.e len, w Mb r brae. i $6. Ay .11 drnswnt. : wlllbe meat fres my mail. securely sesta, r v reedPl et pro... try adArrrlwe t. J rsiswIIf. torwgtla, ter Os,.slt ter.. Totals, Obeid- ems. Rims As teblineet boy fJd.r1g1 !=