The Huron Signal, 1885-6-5, Page 6N 5 /."* " ^.,••1 • • . By found in a 81116-clase pay the Highest Pries ery large, and you can as from u,i, and at prices L and we will convin00 I with UM. We have a tits Poet's tor • 1 du sts Wilk that I amid t...of Illy deli, weight of weer • • 11 were sot tortilla. Theo Jewell Maliatetti aters.• oesell Usesea. bet wideperien re no eigt. isms smear went or loves*/ Aar. Tellell my emit with West Thief, aro so many tri. cares Thai se was kaows and nu owe shares. To weal for use t. -LI Thiess ea city husband INA See Nor his dear love uplift frees ma 0, hos h hours unmanned prplexty. ole 4-ffers • • at a sire1....' 10" *temp 1 4qt. TIMID:TROA SIGNAL. FRIDAY, JUNE 5, talk Hint*, OSML108 WU/LYONS. EASE AND SEC ITY meta. COT. .44..4f/gingaireeworseserr!shag is winamiochal has a mete past sad it is leo fosse dime. low I hese se Essay gamma duties ttsy et sum at the 'within, a hulled I always love to get at the plain sewing at this dreary essin, au I may have ti oat of the way before the pleasant weatber ounies whets lik• b MptIf Id • good Aare nay time the open WC. Yee I hem agy tabtsckilltis. aspirins, aid sheets. usi the niachtie, titimityb *Mai "homy ineenen my they ahoeld sieve be dome by hand, as they iron better and OBI leaver dens dim. but it as 0,11 so. If a • is operator, and fader or the mit aeli, the mechiee does the t -all in e beet memo. I know this f tong e pignence, law 1 waillead ads • good haul sewr, awl lave set Operated tIllo ivachine for °VIM 2./ year' without lentil - illy something of it. Then, the tone isseis, end the wear on the nervetta system. for of ail ammo over -hand per - has excepted, itsuamuN is the most tedious. sualtIng under clothes. I always finish with trimming of some kind, as I thiiik they look ueater and *ar tatter. We make a great deal of different styled srochet trimmings, and if made of hems thread. they wear well I lately got e mse serpentine braid (not rie-raek, and my eldest desghter crocheted some tr ttttt tong of it, for skirts and drowers. She 'enerally does all the heed sewing, as ehe iitodiell Pa running --- this mahine. • That mothers know so •rell. I , „alter goods agitabits for 11',4•'''""°"'"; ".•• , • . 14L., BROS. OODERICH. • ".4.T. The tea luso of wore household schee, l'he ending of .me pleasant dreamt. Derp laddea ia say breast The weariness of children • DOSSIt. The yearning tor that subtle min , . Thad turoeth duties into Joys, • stirred. A ad El• eat Lauer rust. I hear secret thing-. bowel rr snag, • ' ere tisew to Jame, each and all, • Anil tht• thought brine. toe pears. - I do not need lo say our word • He know. easai ihourcios no heart bath ..taiti by divine caress iny Ione . Makes all ate tkrotit.uar ease. . And then upon his loving ben. M y »eery head it laid al ret, *4,4 bie., Meal el-11l1LS) Until lt ashMeeth all in Itst LAM hathyue or mortal pain Wit0080 bella (*drive me forth meals T Yeas sack togas • •' r:* "..1;7, • •°"."' o , , I 3EIRO Morrow's awe store. OODElltICR. rte stock a ) COFFEES. do better with me patrons Mae 7 pound of Tea or Coffee. - 0 POD M R. LL BROS. rt House Square, Hoderleh. 4 Farm anblbarben. The chief ditficisIty in teaching calves to drink froti the pail arises trout too oreat hate. Let the calf humane hungry. warm the fund to the temperature of new milk, give it ehe finger to suck, but only for a imminent. and the calf as easily taught to drink. The best stock water is that of living springs the next that of running at remiss. Fully equal to these, save in the ex- ception id hardness, la the water of wells free froui surface draivage. The worst water is that of slack 'treadle, and stag- nant poodle An exchange thinks hellion intended Ir the dairy sheuld not be fed on fat- tening food. I'enty of coarse provender is better. It enlarges and strengthens the digestive orgass, and when they et me in prnfit, tee tendency will be milk and not fat. Cows well fed, and which yield a knee • 1. promirouu .A cream to their nulk, al- ways unlike hard butter, Mall is warm weather. In such cws, ..n the prOper fod, a part of the fat which usually goes lin •Uni passes into the milk veins and is converted into butter. LE STORE rr rr 44"-, TWO -P0111? ignipmBarb • 1%;17'.1.110• 4.` n itotio ociorsIsiont. , Howe% MTN Co. t Goods and Prices. • oplete stock of tha va u• details id the Wanes*. Them is iso hard or violist tosomend with in the best Dam itself ; Um bee keeptim to -day la made up indisaude uusebee id bilk saisters, which can be learreed only kr conetout study. aloes aeptiosuoo .ad daily practice. There peritape, II.. other osispateus where the baud sed brain have to work as faithfully together to insure 018111001111/1111 poorest bialys es disappointment as in the bee Mimeos& Like say other occupant's it lea ite bnght and as dark side, as ups met d ,ene, good sealions followed by bed masons, frequently low prices, hoses t rough hard winters, sefavourable awe Mery Of by disease, • cot only lie. who hie • 'genuine love foe his veciatios, couple.d wall perseerance. naelloomee and evvoni,tuy, will be likely to sal to It until the end. PfitiLTIV moos "They say" im hens lay Silisll egg.. Pepper IJ warm fiat is !lod for we. 11Cgs for hatching should not be ever two weeks old. Dent forget to spank le the eggit mein the setting heus totasionally grelleire- warm water. It••••••sbar awal Sword laureases ewe nea Twain& ta Soon house-cleaning will have to be goo that thtft to PlEice 41 bet I in wait till,it is safe to ..r a few old feeds, in the er•ter that the pm doors quo „s, for young c ickens driok I t f I sick for the Like. ..1 In 'erecting eggs for hatchin, do nt " "" Ancl l'e 14 limy the largest, but rather those of an alums that may house cleanin,g was done fore Ord of my neighteses. even ewe, and with good :oil perfect shells. LITTLII 7,-.Comontusa. Young chicks hive little to f-ir froin listase, if properly fed and housed ria -y e•nnt Stand alattlp, and until fser or nee weeks .ild should lie kept in iill ery touters as possible. Korn them in their coops till the heavy dews are off. How to get the largest number of chicks trona the fewest hens is what is desired. A good ellen is te set several hens at one time and after • week or ten des.' II/11111d the ego, ftlillUIVIIK those 1 that will not hatch placing the geed eggs together under 80111.1 ..1 the hens mid resettti,i the other birds. keisember that early ehiAties and desks brew esmaaerstive orates, if marketed early turd in good conchoon So dont stint tbe feed or allow there ti !roam the countryover in order to pet eld those intended for Market 'Wed be op a living. W a about, too wet's& latest" another form, such a ragie omits. etc. and the deft isfhters of the no.unted ie. peaty or serviceable IM g , here , lath gtabblemen, 0 placed in coops, and fed with buckwheat All this of course. takes Ume and in- I (entry, all of whom bad stood shoulder or oatmeal made into dough for eight or imam( v, but, , not that life beet envy i t . sheuider in the souare, straigliteuing ten days, hot 1..nger. 11-', ed hick oleos play to the faculties Bud their bayonets acrt se thelrltnew or ender ti e lid t nt in ',hole d k h mot of ever • f t I Ithers there were wV. discaided It was si LI Tehrhat I was Ind Wrack with the inferior shy of the &Wish bayonet and *word bayonet. At Tolstoi, in the rush awl scurry it wee pit to a severer test thee auyedieine Mee Ott Ibis Hoodoo. In that battle the kiadoodowee, as they rushed out of their gratis cover with their .on &pears, troy pitched theuseetves epos the 5.1 ewe Bleck Natoli and texty-ti th. The tn- aagelared. onbstherallawboleagle, hoiallaawvbaser.astal:tletxliwiltit "4"1.1"9"trwat•orteraike iss tha radruble.isbytwr:skenhicwthkiseh"(111WPINIatiTh"L"netT bilr"111.7111.11Maileult"Nil the sword baonet. it often beet like i Cru'OR hoop iron r km, • threw was num* it o GE RHYNAS, - Druggist, Met better then ts• sword byonet. Like toox.. tiZiE;srr , ao Et Ellt I 0 - 1 boom ineermd, and lemma oerk sigew- Totritaiii ed straggle. '.111 wieund it makes is ouht, a. t ans. twat savage or infuriated man ramber several throat& befuewebe is plawg bum de ownibst, ives/ hies • Mame ta reit amuck among tramp lo the simoad place, the triaigutar bayotert. •heei thrust weleutly, 'pies too far and there is great difficult in freeing ft. At Tama, • stalwart soldier hooked his op. poneut tn such a manlier that he had to drew the body tweet, yard*, as we were retreating, before liberating hie weapon. This was the most coespictione instance of the kand I saw, but it was by ot, theT herei !syw oonrde. barnet has weight without breadth. and. with the cutlass. flogositto ly lacks temper. I have seen blise Jacket's cutlaitaloweeti bejoeet Tainei. as well as some in the battles op the Nile bend Int.. semicircle and reinain that' shape, unfitting it for a second point - The use it was put to did not testi(' the swing way 01 the weapon. The fact that In caring for a large family, how many it did not regain its ft•nn further proved ••iittlos thore are to Icok after ' It that the otealny of the bade was .4 the es Mesa lowillawre Intor prwreet. Tt would bays gone the. is. • looltftig gut tor thse, or elotieet way had it been driven awkwardly 'lute It satire segibus raaglaselui, setz observable la the soma heyonent hed I sieve that ..he is geiug behme hand in a sack o,f lour economy. So Minh Can be saved hlt • The, can be ne teal difficulty with ma . i ....... E'", ! 2 ji i n I! t'• .,0 ? uncomfortable circunistancte all their tough usage In • campaion. What I have ••••••••• ICACO HOUSE. .14 ivrICS 777.27.-arliNTSON It•ia to announce that she has is atm k la lamer ao/ varied protease. , The I "cry Latest Itinter and Spriner Fashions arid slat would respectfully is ite the ladies to call and se the display at The Chicago House. fillii.Sblb• Oltfad. tesi. wisscsoim, oceseue. et les ti o 'cr°, "o I,10 ., , .., p p -,.... Ps 5g, ,•:.** - z sr C • --. .1 te on SI . • - - <3 = n :eur !ti li ' et & ;---.71 x . Ft. at p • , • It ..i• ..e .... it • 0 1 '' il 3 I'm x t L Ef;.... 2s 7.74 'i *t.* 74,11 8 2' 41f f;1 !i r4 Io g 4 "' n?` little wise foretheoght, that we do not mechsnics and workshops in procuring r p wonder some people remain poor, or in bayonets that will bear the brunt .4 • oysest IIa nature, God never makes any- sad of the bad (uidity a the cutlass at, 4•11.01...10, placed where it does the mut good. ! a soidiet at Abu Klett saw wah iitsmay 5: 0 0 1. ff. thing to Le wasted. Koch small atom is plies equally the *wont bayonet. Maty tit the Immo, a wise economy puts every- this bayonet rendered useless at the ino- thng to its proper 7.3. Nothing meta when there was no chance to lead am. thrown eat that cots he p to make a Can hs rite anal when hajnost stood in need fort able meld ; tie worn, esstoeif el...thie eff as servisee. There also I aaw sword 1 bayonets bend and twist with the facility ..•••......••••••• •••••••• •-• - -••••• - - - r ; yi.i is left for ntoths to devour, that could te e. i 5. g. i i a 't rev tol e -.. e 4 --,-; e • • • possibly be itiadOt foreman m.o. poison rof sole iron teethes time steel. After that rl Q 1.4iif 'lir zill , to 1. "1. • f•.„ f or if too f goal' ler dingle, made over runt ou migliellistrused beltway foet hil 1:4 I Eli • e 1 /-; fhliii-Ilto-o i E ill e --:to.tr4 fr rill/ !lily 1 I.;. .i Li, tt,11. T__Irt 0 1 i. 0. , ii ; ;.. ;41 E . .-; f, It !' 1 titi I i k-- i There is no doubt that corn fodder. sheen."' as • elf:Anis: peonultrynca, than in any trhZrta an Ina " t n Y oit either green) as grain or in drills, makes of the cereals, weight for weight. Great I their distorteci weapons and picked up omie dead sentrade s from the held. the cheapest sa will as best feed for 1 sirs. however, sh.•uld be exercised in ILITUISRIS Is;..a.. London Teleraph. cows. .4 heaping bushel basket of cut feeding it, especially to the Asiatics "I saw Cynthia Wood washing dishes stalks three times a day will keep the Too much of this very hearty food ir ight the othir day. Marmsie. ash Me put cows in meet condo . If they are prove detrimental. Milt one third whist milk in the water' The part was half •'' Maas somas, mows& II f hot water and in that .ho put giving milk a meson et meal stwuld be added. The variety of beets must commonly grown ler stock feeding are th• lono red matigel, the yeltow globe inanirel, aod the sugar beet Tee hing rod grows the largest and produses the bravest. crepe, and is mostly preferred by dairymen for cows and hogs. A rich sandy soil is the Lest 1. r beets. There are a few conditions whick must be 4,biserved by all who wish to seisseed itt poultry keepieg. and they are cleanli- ne, proper veutilatiim, good food and plenty of room, both inside the ceop and out in the yards, and if these conditions ars not respeoted Should Hot hope to reset with success. Artichokes on good laud, with the same culture as con, will prudes :100 to 500 bushels per sere, says a grow- er, and A. C. Williams a 'document Illinois hog breeder, says 40 hogs may be kept on an acre of artichokes wit out any other fool, end that they pro uce more hog food than any other crop. The small streams which often flow tbniugh farms are almost invaluable sources of fertility, if the mud which! aocumalates thern is every year clean- eci out and spread upon the land. All Id from cultivated fields, find a lodgment in die Mika of these streams. 1753 H•V /AMINE. • I insist upon that any farmers is fool- ish to sell hay at $6 or $8 per ton, no matter how abundant it may be, or how. ever be may feel that he has plenty to to suffice for his own ne. It is worth more m mey than that of feed, and if he haa not stock, enough at farm auctions, thoeseht is not at theemplacee that the best bargains may be looked for. Better borr,w a little cash mid buy up anise additiontl stock than sell hay at suck prices as hundreds of tons wen" sold for at the beemning ef the petit winter. Better indeed keep the hey for a highest market, which is pretty sure to come before very long. It would have been quite a bonanza te many formers if they hail held on 1I the hay they sold taut fall, for if they only done so, they would have doubled their motley. STARTINii IN THE PER lirsINE••• At the start it will depend altogether on the mama to which yon intend to go. If you want only one of & cohmi., for honey to be (lied at home, for study er as ornanient to your place, any of the' standard werke beeculters will give yoil *enamel theoretical knowledge to begin with. In connection with this. you shuld, if pivssible, visit Posse rime. tend hee keeper, watch hins through the tanous manipulations in the apiary, ask the "why and wherefore' of snythine you do n1 understand The same cause may he pursuml If y intend eventually to go into ben keepine on a lassie Peale, haee at present ilotriP other business on which VOU dpend, or to which y..o ars t000nfiinane,el. 1,1:ruitzhmichoretneounith'eailialonneutelitoureine of bee& Yon ehould also sellmerite• fort ef the princoval bee parrs. T there has w thin the last decade. been 011a ot- , au • radial change in the oranagemenst ot bees that so siensiWe men would now think k them as his grandfath er did. Bet there is at the ••MP sock • c.matant. progress in details and IMprovements that ly by studying Cs.. bee papers cos you keep op with the 3' Hardware, YORI:hdetaltl, Nr -3212081E Cutlery. See our Fillver Materials. CPIMSOITI 11 door to R. McLean's Meat arket. with two-thirds of some °thee grain, for otdinary purposes in the laving season, and hew will do well, and be kept in better average caudal.a titan by greater allowance. • Poserea•sat Beinstt Mr. Bloomer, of Hamilton, Oa., suf- fered for many years with a paintul running wire upon one of his legs, which baffled all attempts to heal until he weed Burdock Blood Miters, which speedily worked a perfect care. eet Dry!--rw- eat hy buying roar steenweWellerli SHOES (W MING 33.0elree. .;; ittetterieh. and eateries, Itne15 tkt. through •Il the intirrmodiase grades it EV017011.0 ed, from 11.00 to 15,00. --- hool Boots, from 75c. up. es ProportionatelrCheap. sends, and prt.-e• N- 1\IT G-1 street and &inert. 1811,11 at fewest roues. Tura Me Reseals fiat. A/ the backbone of the rebellion le evidently broken, and nothing remains but to punish Big Bear and • few other 'Zane who behaved more savagely than lie refit. the thoughts of the country begin to tern to two other phases of the subject. A hearty welcome end suitable rewards should be is pteparation for the brave volunteers who have ready emery U 0 half a cup of old iiut sweet milk. She mid it softened the hard water and pre- vented the hands from chapping. arid Mr. Wood said girls often wondered why their hands got so rough and on- shehtly : but if they were careful to dry theta before going out in the wind, and /So/ this remipe ttN their dishes, it would not happen. It was the crude peo- ple used ond their own carelessness that caused such rouge red hands. anti them gide thought they were martyrs to dull washing. It was one of Hillside girties Oho said this,after salling on a net ghbor, and T thought the idea might be useful. For my own part, I prefer borax to soften water, and it is so easily managed; nor have I eve* known it to hurt the hands. I know that for tie -ware milk - and. water is better than soap. !or the tin dos" not have the mote rusty, streaked appearafice We Lad • long talk about • pi., tem ed credtt for their excellent conduct in in the kitcher., the head of the household circumstances of extreme hordship and being very fond of apple pee, though he danger. An equally hearty condemns- adnuts that it is not the most healthful tom should be In readiness for the rnen diet. Lately ths Amateur Cook has that culminated in rebellion. These totnadwearnawwePilliktede.elitratasin wsumtelliiiirtal7euruesich primarily responsible for the treubles men can be found teatime in high places mixture that is so much condemned as at Wawa, and if the c luntry the cause or indigattuto and inony do- t" tnestic clouds in consequenne Take a quarter of a pound of butter and the same of lard ; place in very cold water for 20 minutes, then make your piste with this and a pound rd flonto two eggs, a little tine salt and whatever water is required. Knead throghly, dredge the board 'rah flour, roll thin and fold ponah tketn for their outregeous conduct it might as well partkio Rue aad forgive Big Bear. Pie mistake the temper of the people if the ride pita and ceulees 01 the Disfranchising Bill or even the In- dian vote will afford a safer retreat front Barr Jaunt', N. W May with Boultena seem, reedit a reconnoiasance up between the two wawa this IHOTI1414 to Moos TIP Satree, twelve utiles distant. The place was deserted. Moosinnin came in today and 1rrpm-tad that he had net pareatipat- ed plegrisin. He neat north smil was sent 116r by Beg Bear- blioosemin to..4 the govetnruent cattle. and in three; weeks returned, crossing tbe Battle river Dear Cut Knife, mid went south to! filoendine Lake. Learnisig of Mine 1.- too's arrival, he came in. All his braves! are loyal, and are accompanied by a p o tion of Thunder Chtld • band. The braves will be prebably eutployed to fol- low BM Bear. Thisafternoon Inspector Perry with twenty pollee arrived from 1 1 ,,.. ta Ifi ;' i i ) T it ei 111- ol P ] o a . a. i X 31110 rii iti I il t'' • '''' t- i F : .I. i 10.• t. " 1 s• iFir 3. I 111 iiliAr 4 Merchants: Get your Printing at this Office:; Quality of Work and reasonable Prices Guaranteed to please al1 who may give us a trial. - Strengei column, which is at Pitt. Big DANIEL GORDON Bears wbereaboute is unknown, but it is thought he went south. It is reported that bush Crete took north Pitt, Wetted within the past week. Flour was knee deep in t he square cm the amval 01 Strange. He found the body id Cowan a short distance freni the fort, the body was mutilated mid the heart extracted. At Frog Lake,in the ruins of the church, he found four bodies, including the priests, Fefard, and Marchand, buried almost beyond recognition. All the houses had been destroyed, and he di* reovered the remains of W. C. Gilchrist, Dlaney, Williscroft. and a woman un. recognizable. the ballots of patriotic citizens, than the referral .111. deftness of Bauch* did to the less meaty rebels loader Rist and Dumont. There over half a -dozen times. Let it stand at &IV Getting' and bstteries of public leeet half an hour before using. Our opinion which will search out the hiding apple poi lover prenounced it very pee'. but then he is so easily pleased. t hat I p Italia of the guilt, and nuke them feel the weight of popular indignativao Om utimui public opinion is long &effector and slow, but it mast wake up es, if it claim existence at *IL -[Flaterloo Cheinicle. kwe *bksus to try it for thinttelvea •Vislielteepers tart of their "bread- winner" being hard to plesee in the experience in trouble ef that sort, yet think it is every hoessiteepers duty eee to that her family are cat for Metter lima Gold. aa in'elligently and with as much resrard A good name, good health, a good to hygienic rules poesibie with her companion arid • bottle of Ilagvarda often limited twins end resbncted store Yellow Oil are among the first medal closet, aad it is also a duty to teach the for human happtneea. Yellow th corm younger members of one s fern' y to Rheumatism, Sprains, Lameness. Brut- understand thee* things, to know the se., Burns, Frost Bites. Crotlp gore laws that govern health end distaton, Throat and all Pain and Inilamation. '2 which to use and what to avoid under certain condtrins, which is likely to be • Wag tagawwww. of more advantage to them through life culinary art; but I Lave never had as A pleasant stry. is t.Id of Kin? !lne-• o. memorizing the po•ndatin of Hindo..- than the brain work that is often 'viten -etee, tart, of Italy, who is a skillful and en- ,,Rn or the square mites of New Lealand. alone gun in hand, III search of All these thours aro ',toed and useful thissesstic sportientan, •nd ..lien mos ..tit gam. knowledge, but t • . often the study of with two setters In attniance. During aiseiond embraces everyteirg else but di h ose cf these el tary excersione e was o,„ met by a person who was amazed and delighted at the skill with which the king winged a cowry ..f partridge'. lie com- plimented the strortseass on his shooting, and told him if he would eome to his bent the next mottling at daiyhreag, and kill a fox that had been steslingt. "bickers*, be would nit mind metes him a couple id hones. Rine Elnmleni kept tersigLentment. killed the fox, see with the family. and reolletid has two francs. fielighteti the humid. family with his good nature and affability Two days afterward the permit amazed by the vied .4 an ,alliaer in uorgeous carriage, brineing presents to the family from the king, and was crest- ly eonfosed on learnme that be had em- ployed the Keng of Italy to rad hut hen it of a thief. 4 Time staseeseer. 'Kind wools can never at., and •hare at@ nen* hut kind worda spoken regard ing lisgyerd s Ynilow OiL4that old relia- ble rsnedr for 'eternal and internal ▪ It cnres rhommatiern. Avidness. =seers throat. and all .renem and of the flesh 2 - .6. _ z ----4' JAM ebbs" teree. lAre you fr..ildriel wire LI! It heeki. Skp, insides yr Canker bore.. if l, go se Wow lu (hei. RhymeDreg Store anor gel a pecks(' 4 lifenregor Piarle, Cartmlic Cerate. Price 25 cents. It was neft known to fill • CABINETIIANER • Otaeten. Mass.. Feb. I. Gentlemen -- 1 suffered with attacks of sick hesiAache." Neuralgia, female trouble, for years in the most terrible and excruciating wan- t No medicine ox doctor could give Mw relief or cure until I used Hop Bitters. 'The drat bottle -- Undertaker, Ras on band now the LAIIIEXT ATKIN, of First - Class Furniture' in the County, ant! as I now purchaee for cask. will not be undersold by say one 1 uopfeewrartia.Tarestvjhay uncarpeeta.twoLoodu.nigernms, firs. up1.5.M, Bow Back Chairs. from Ate. up and every thing else le the same proportion. AT THE OLI) STANDi lietweee the Poet Moe k Rank of Montreal Oct. 14th.C6C)1081.11:33113tICL- GODIRICII BOILIR WORKS! vo. into received agerge stork of WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS. DiaTZME.M, DY PE PSI 4. OROPSY, DIGEST FLUTTENNO J 4 UNDICE. Of THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY Of SALT *MEM, rHE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, NESS HEADACHE, Of THE stae, And every spates et ~am arlenaiZz Masesared 1140011EVIII, ST BOWI.U1 OR IluOIX1 !MS & IRON STEAM FITTINGS T. MiLBuRN Nearly cured me The second made inc as well and stroll* se when a child. 'A I ha been ie. to this dm My husband was an invalid for twenty Yea`kraidynteahy.aliaaverrwannda urinary complaint. 1' need b P. atm best h nia'nfaii-cerabie • Smell bottles of your bitter. cured hini‘L'ilinvesdolf kenii;lwt pe"frsothenie In my neterhliorhecel that have hope saved by your bitters. And many more are using them with great benefit 'They elneet miracles ' Mrs. K. D. Sleek. V. itt. sdireI lerietimeareem. .aail all Was say54 = Phowhatine. ;sr Nerve tome, a Phos- phate Klement based upon Scientific Pacts. Formulated hy Profeeeor Austin, M. D. of Bowen. Mastwires Pulmon ary Consumption. Sick fleedischW,.. Nttr v, me Attacks. Vert ig.. anti 5 PURI,/ la and all wasting diseases of the human *poem Pleaphatine is nt a, Xcdecjine, blot • Ilktnoweit, irerause it Pentn& no Vegetable nr Ilibend Putous. (*lams Samaras. meid no atinualntdbag ramp! ly the Phosphatic and (aerie rlements found in OW daily frond. A single bout* la eidletent to ci•oviare. All Druggists sell it. $1 00 per bottle Loewe' & Co, sole 'writs for tlw Dreniniond 36 Front Street Last Tomto. BOILERS & ENGINES New Salt Pans and Boilers Milt. on Shortest Not lee. Mail orient for new worts and rep&r. wdl receive prompt etteation. CHRYSTAL & BLACK, Works near 43., T. K. Station. oderich.,7011441 p'."4=10/Teii • The People's Livery t.rarf crA • JOHN KNOX, Propritor, Itie subscriber is prepared to tarnish '1,. pub Ile wins The F`inest Rigs AT RF.ASONABLE ICS& C.ALt, AND FIRE l'91 Opposite the Coltoorn Hotel. liettertk. listertak. Feb Mai. WM 11104. HIDEO! 111DICE3 I In the history of medicines ao preps ration haa received such universal wonolatiou for the alleeiation it affnrds, and the permaneet Cure it effects in kid gems, 3t, way diseasse, as Dr Van Boren s Kinney! Ours Its Retail in three diaresaikhz Tito highest ireeh price raid tar Midas.. alll 1 is fallapty wonderful see sheep skies at a* t/ I . T i'()It A. it J. iltikil." oselaf VillersiaelL NI thinterit. Dec. t. Ilk, URI 4.; TANNERY, &afford. ^ • t . • ohoo- , ; ,et