The Huron Signal, 1885-6-5, Page 5t 1 ,-'.ISOISN P110IHsl11r 11441.41.ht6IMPI*, e"" Ottawa,131:011-14.1111:rou N•.Vial actor4d she dolma of thof Misentebe. sem- peed nr' by the rese.Dene, has been rt forwarded 1a the M..reor ()costal. The petition is ere sths.,tive due.me.t, comprising esSrl3 100 pane, and is signed Ly!1 . d. 3 Viotti and George Poreby es ealltt el the union. Cie the Nodosa of setting the l and claims, it sus The pretertded mama riven was taw sewag t of business aid the dtl6ceities of settles/get. The real nano was that • ring was (vr.sed amu.g the cantle us the Delasement of the Isteriie of Otta- wa, and seder ma.ipentions ed that nag two kinds a psnpia w�n1��y scaldgotpa tests fur the kwd whsslfer their lain were good or out. First, thus who wets in power theneelme or who eoeld oum- msad puede' l.I.enee o. the Sennett or members of the Coalmen or of the Government ; second, thele who were ready and vUh.g to py sash a sum for their panne, whether sleet sines were good or Md, es might 1e desraetet y the weeds of the ring i. the Dtrpaei. meat of tan Interior. Other paras. who tried to get their dWms waled on their patents Wooed were treated with silent ouote opt, so that they wen com- pelled, afar year. of waiting, to dispose •4 Ungar Maims to land sharks ur ring age.m for any price they _hose to cora 'Those ante simple and diWrmssful lasts ; let the Ooverseeet d.y them N they sea la the teeth of the private in. ve tieetio..ow gang . at Ottawa. Our washings, which with a gessmw Gann - meet ought to snore for es sciesideen. trot and Lirpiy, is 1010ee admeetege of, and Ore have so other remorse left that Whalen so maks ver grievantes k.own te the Respire std thee enure a healing. We are warted of being disloyal. We isdigeaetl, day this tmpetatio., asd pent with soeeowt.l pride to the fad that while we are trying to Noun gun Mderelies mid Pieties. oer sous mad 10.s. have left their fares to pew to weals while they are away is tis Ufnthwest Territory risking and ly- ing down their u like loyal ems of Omeeda, to &feed Mie a.prer.sey of the 0.g of ear Mr.fa ben frees the Iu.04 of hof Nash and Meagea, drivel/ to des- pair by mingovereinient and by the seta .d issotr-. t sad dishonest Govern- meet The 1s.0thy document concludes as ollow. : "We feel that Instead of any logger mgiltsling the q.estioe of Manitoba's night hem. only to lad oeredves sg in peat of by the shelling tricks of party politicises et to be betrayed by party tools who do not hesitate to sacrifice the .sentry to their plisse' profit ur ad- vantage, the peeper wens is to ask Her wee - Majesty to intsrvsea We will not b. deterred 10. that seems by any cry of d that wary be bowies' at up any pe pity or b a slavish sod wet- nrry party pea As British whim's. we take the soestkstiowal means, which + x,. is Wowed by uses mad canoes in the British Intim oetfeerai. The Court of Revision, fur the town- ship of Gtlbarws, net fo the towa.hip hall, oa To.sday, Ny 24th. The fol- lowing appeals wase disposed of, vis Appeal of H. Wells against the aesses- msnt on his brewery, showing that since the Scott Act came in force he c,uld do no bosissss in fiat hes. After consider- ation the _eseesm.t was reduced $2,- 500.00. Appeal of H. Marisa. Thos. Allen. A. McAlister, Frost MaDonegh and W.. Lambent, on their esveral hotel Proper- ties. Moved by Joseph Back, seconded by A. Allen, that the assea.moot of hots' property, owned or oscapied by above parties, be reduced on. half. Car- ried. The roll w then entwined by the mart, and .iter several minor change., was peened es sosrset. The east thea anise, and the council forme. The knee. of 8. & No. 7, was Fres- .t...dthe suencil to borrow As ma of l�M, lament them in build lag a wheel how, sad farther, to lases tow�s�p debesisres for the aside, pay- able in eve Nessa J. J. limber made application to the council, to haus lot No. 6, on the lot eon., E. D. srrs.:.d W .thou! section No. 1, iastled of No. 4. Petition of Jacob Flick and 30 others, regaestieg the council to make no chance in the boundary of 8. S. No. 4, as the .eetioa was small enmesh in area at preet, As no change could be made batontsnext year, the natter was laid over for W peesimit. Petition n Rkh.rd Rowel. and 11 others, praying the council to have a win foam erected on the east side of lot No 10, 3rd eon., 1. D. The clerk was helmeted to notify Wei, flood, ..n., and Renanoel Mitchell, to comply with the wire fence by-law. A000ent of Kneel. office 1Jr printing, $22.46, to be paid. Account of Jain Morris, for shovelling snow. to be paid. A setter from the Card. Comp.ey, re• gtrsstisg payment for two acres of land in frost of foes $ sad 7, 3rd eon, s. O., M enemas eceepied as a public road. The clerk was iadr.eted to ripply. A by-law was ordered M _ dusted regaining the driving AT issue over township heidees The nonoil agreed to enforce the by- law regardtag the cleaning Oat art 4harp's strain. The eooneil taco adioarned. rah HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, J1'NE 5, 1885. ar. WE SEND SAMPLES ON APPLICA- TION ; GOODS BY MAIL OR EXPRESS IF NOT SATISFACTORY, MAY BE RETURNED AT OUR EXPENSE AND MONY REFUNDED. _��......-.fit Me. Lh.ecirecl Stress Goods for 1.21110 LACE -TRIMMED SATIN PARASOLS AT HALF PRICE. Several Lota of 2 13 Button gid Blois, in Light Col'8 L ETening Shad ;,, worth 11, for 35c. H. W. BRETHOUR & 00. BRANTFOR_L)_ ,. 1\ ew .it�llf�fet t.. 71 �'t"'1 ���„ir'��� PrIza t}e wad. Mateo - AT PR1USXT WC AR/ OVVWWO THE NEW INDIA LiNEN, a Beautiful Fabric in White. All Over Lace., Flouncinge and Embroideries, Oriental Laces, Swiss and Hamburg Embroideries. Ladies, Misses and Children's Hose_ .d" GA1JZIC SND >►EIERZNO V14DRRWBrR--ALL BIZas6_ C----- H. W. BRETHOUR & Co., Brfuttjord Hraetled. Mar Mb. t06. — Mamas .uctioneering. HW. BALL, AUCTIONEER FOR . tee cetma of Berea. tales assonant is ashy part atlas Gast,. AddsM, orders to Dederick P. 0. MSC OH II KNOX GENERAL AUO- 1ONlilRR sed Load Valuator. Osderkh. Oat. Maxim W eseaderesie exparlewee la illoolasole with th. a ettesuarls t 10 kilo a position to slow mtisfOrV 1 o/� etesiess estrested M !ter (kurgers loft as lards.. B/Nel. es stat by mail to my Md Dederick P. 0.. carefully .treaded to JOHN 1[11OX O.eaty A.ottNser. tss,-tf TM sadwninaod eau stW a fall Use of selobrabsd Seeg�iller ChiHed Plows in Nos 10, 26, 28 and 40, At Reduced Prices. A Irl LI. LiNK OF IMPAIRS ON HAND. Special i4du a* ti to loots. Have aro for Nate the Canadian ••]Lassoo. mad -, meri..rt Scaalllters. C. A. HUMBER, Dederick. Oat. May 81tb. 1816. 111117-2ar lees_ CLODERICII WOOLEN To to Wood Growers of the Surrounding Country : Ws wit* so shy that we ate pspsrad to Mks osr Wool is .zekaye ter Goods. or work vial 1w rot Into nay of the following articles. vis : Blankets—White, Grey or Horse. �OpTr efy� or Cheek. Cloths—Tweeds or Pull Cloths, Light or Heavy. Flannels—White, Grey, Colored, Union, Plain or Twill. Shootings—Broad or Narrow. Stocking Tern — White, Grey, Clouded or in Colors Carpet Warps made to order. ROLL CARDING. Our facilities for this work cannot be MI, We will endeavor is most rams to do t the day It is brought is. R required. Custom Optimise and Firearm. or Aminates ea the Ca& coarse or dna bard or son twit, .s req.tree We are is • position to do all kinds of cos tam work. usually dose in a tall set custom mill. and we will guarantee to do for you fully equal. If not a little batter than any .n oar surroundings. A call re.psatfaly solicited. A IOM Prows tie. Three of Mr. Ma.•kensie's ministsn even went so far aa to demand that Rie1 should sit in Parliament as member for Provaneher. Ret every C.n.ervative and many Grits voted to impel hies. — 1 .rsdoa Press. And Biro of Air John llfaednnald s prusenf collagen (Messrs tarns and (t.wfigs») and friar ofhis late c Ileagoes (ikons Baby. Eaten. 111,easissu and Rnlwaill.) "even went so far M to de, mond that Rid should sit in P.rliaeent as ar..wb.r for Prw.eueher ' ft i• like the Free Pros to say that mere Conser- vative vnfsd to expel Rail, but the d.ri- sen lid iw anoNar solemn tells a differ- ent story. --( Homilies Tlmss. E. McCANN Ralf End woolen Mills. OMerieb. May Nth. 1816. BIG SALE FOR ONE MONTH AT tT-C_DLTLORB&CO'S DURING THE ALTERATION IN PREMISES THEY WILL HOLD A MAMMOTH SALE SEVERAL LINES Or Goods to be Cleared Regardless of Cost. Big Drive in Laos Wonderftil Bargains in Tweeds. Dress Goods at Panic Prices. THIS 18 A 0i,4t'rsis SALE DON'T FORGET TO VISiT THE CARPET ROOM. J. C. DWFLOR 4 CO. G.derleh, May kb. use. sPEczgzrzEs .r m MEDICAL HALL 1 Just esoetved. a IMW1106111811,11111ellt of the West India sad Mositnerrat broads of Zdime Fruit Tu.tces In Gott/es dall aims. Makes a most healthful mad refreshing beverage for tee wtsmer.sases. A Lot of Apollinaris and other Mineral Waters. FRESH SUPPLIES or Hellebore, Paris Breen, London Purple, Insect Powders, etc., els.. ear. P. JORDAN, Medicafl Haat, Goderich. OWING TO Pressure of Business, l hors so time to write out an advertisement this Seek. A few Appl'dllllces Janted to Leap Bressmak!u. 00 TO KNIGHT'S IIORA • SHAVE, HAIRCUT, SHAMPOO, OR DYE. TWO far LFR 01 PO FURNITUIE 1 ty+ ■• !korona eveaus, ,_*es tiaras Wa�.s. W tr. lti m Breakfast T sloe. /0 re etew ROW Racked Claire, 1' ed lee W ahsnits, Lounges awl Parlor nett at Cost. Ftartaborw AApprel�wg Wiwdew Melina Green W,.dow Mind I1sesr t Io per ends o1► Wall Paper oa pureb ea of $1 1- refer ICI t Lti a s i. f 10 1 10 7 30 TS G. C. ROBERTSON. 111Lu W.it/T MTR1Qa . STRAW WORK DONE OVER. MRS. C. H. GIRVIN. SPRING & SUMMER MILLINERY. MISS CII-RAIHAM takes pteaaure :n announcing that .he has vvttrehesl+d In person ber Spring and Summer liloclt of Millinery. etc , and has taken advsn Mtaggee of the LOW PRICES prevailing at the wholesale markets to make lance Purchases. Her patrons can rely upon god Stock sod Lowest Postale Prices. A call is respectfully polkited. MISK GRAHAM, West side of t3gtsre. Dederick. Aprillab. 11116. 1181 We will exchange all kinds of Goods usually found in a first -clans Dry Goods store for W001. this season, anti pay the Highest Price that the Market will afford. Our stock is very large, and you can get everything you want in our line of business from us, and at prices that cannot be beaten. Bring on your WOOL and we will convince you that it will be to your advantage to deal with us. We have a splendid stock of Tweedy and S1.irtitlrrts, and other goods suitable for those who grow WOOL .sr�.r...._.r NOW COMPLETE ! NOW COMPLETE 1 A CHJICE STOCK Or We also deal in Butter and Eggs. COLBORNE BROS. April t9th, 18$5. • OODERICH. TheLondon TeaHo use seLAIA =MOS_ hove spaced a Woad Dare in Acbe. '. Block, adjoining Morrow's shoe store. OODERICS. where they will keep on hand • large stock of CHOICE TEAS AND COFFEES. Ai we make • specialty of TEAS AND COPIrKitt. we can do better with our patties Mee asy other store la awn. A handsaws picture card given away with every pound of Tea or Coffee. TRY A TEST ORDER. MARSHALL BROS. West side Court house Square, tioderich. Apra totb. 1111. NEW HARDWARE STORE. TATER & ACHESON 4d10 AGENTS FOR G-LIDDEN PATENT TWO-PIOHT Barb -art ipatimmatua Wir tents—t, T'W0-POJIT Barb Wire CS ALI", STLV1' 013, t I9PBNBZBLE_ Oaeutactttred by the Washbtwt► Moues MTg (:o Call and See us, and Inspect Goods and Prices. We have ea hoed a full and complete stock of Shelf and Builders' Hardware, Paints. Oils, owes, Nati/. ROPM1 Al E) OORDAt3113, 171188EL Bre ICS, Table and Pocket Cutlery. Mee our Attver Pate Goods. and Artist' Materials. YATES 8z ACHESON Nest door to H. McLean's Mast larket. OMerleh. April Vb. 1M.S. it81-em Keep Your Feet Dry! Too can do this at a very trotter cost M baying ynwr aFesr - GOODBIBOOTS & SHOES eafl GxxeY.ae_ Dress Goods, ttiPICIAL L11I8 11 Sh i rt i ngs, — m -- and Tweeds. A Choice Lot of Seed Potatoes Cheat. Highest Price Paid for Batter & Eggs. GEORGE ACHESON THE RED, WHITE AND BLUE 0841t AMMO. NIL AT THE STORE OF I E. DOWNING 1 hare sow ser head the largest stock ever seoww la 0stierieh. and en pr m ever, Mee no malty found in a flrstdasa *Mae sloes. from the Most lid. IL,..ugb .11 the into naiads notes to the heaviest rawhide. I will WO at Prices that Will Suit Everyone. Ladies' Boota, in Button or Laced, from 11.00 to 15.00. limo, and Children's Strong School Boot:, from 75c, up. Boys do.,11.00, up, all other Linea ProportionatelyCheap, 1 eels and will .nit res. both la goods and price.. • E. 13 0 -RT N I N O- Cnbb'e Block, Corner Eel street and &ware. 'Carte the Oma : l.sst►.r mad GRAWIlls say rest»y. st taros Prima 1