The Huron Signal, 1885-6-5, Page 4A19141lleemeses Tfss west.
isSii v !Int?' eat.
L ams Saone mal avdomer.
but Ocoee e*w.rt �.swys
Uinta give maltdact�
The war le about ever. vee ware arta
caber up sty 1W salts tee the Peer a1► Cell
cedes. the latest to tweeds • steel the
tomes sad the styes. V. • A. Prelean.
Herr aro- F•r e suit
1010hat . r • re{har the aFor sot tylle.�t1 s si
finish, law to llem
cCurac at A. 1'. McL
it ad
l have nisch pleasure i• steam that the
Haven Beek Snare wilt be sssas•s
d by 7
brother. Mr. Job. Do. 1a the t tturs, aid
wail &were gay tries& et prompt attentios to
all Inmates Mss H. Contin
The Broom brigade attracted sescb atteat•
ken gee favorable tomm•aI, and w dotlalluwi
Its tanseetto• is invited. My
elm lei topApleaseail who desuw good wort is
be picture 11*..
The Q. Q O. will be p"Magsapied •
/Malady. Tentios
Albert Booth, formerly of the huts,
still, twit an eva*1•li@l, to et tows.
Via will ret Tits S psi. fur the ter
itweder i•f 1886. Fall of home sews.
As ietellieent bee is wasted at this
atlas, to learn i. printing Mmes.
Appy at mace.
Mies Streams and her defer, Mira
8.yenoer, left oma Wedueoday, on • short
visit to a sister is L.,.dun.
LM Elwood was around again se eery
se Friday Inst, as lively as a cricket.
He had • close sato, all the same.
Os Sudsy seat at 8s. Peter's the
grsod feast of Corpse Christi will he
solemnised. There win he a ptooeesime
through the aisles by the young ladies of
the Sodality sad what children.
The nuptials of C. L McIntosh and
Mies Kate Tighe were celebrated at St.
Peter's os Tuesday st b:30 a. se., and
after partaking of their wedding break-
fast the happy couple left for Toronto.
Wended le Mesh that Mr- i<wilb
Met • telio•ammeot k bum sr*
kagemi:11,11riesiZir on the lath,
Gee peer �
Ms ►i tM of the
eared its
The rook el the Ast fi♦rinel ssemiss-
tios has bass gives, glad we ars tall to
see that Mian Indo Oaths, of (nthriah
who Is aiteedieg Alma College, alk.
Thomas, paned it "`.ssslad drawitlgil
peaetin.l ge eneery and medal drawing.
Au exchange eye :-b mall b. ew+wl
that the regtdatisss et Sheathes, reclaim
all scholars who have bass absent to
bring ease etplasMicw she dor, and
parents will at ossa realise the ossemity
of thio Maple opportunity is gives
whole" te this .splarmtiu., het
is ends they do .sot do ei, it le the pri.-
Spa1's duty to aspen/ N.. pupil maul it
a given, and the asthma of the pri.sipal
is endorsed by the trustees.
Rev. J. L. Ificleeldas, Methodist
missionary at Victoria, N. W. T. , is acting
New arrivals at lswtdel• Variety easel, as gpraii. of the company d bomegaatde
wallpaper, waU tuts. wiadee • es • c raised at that place. Oar old filmed k
picture and room moulding. baby r-
etaae• hammocks. bac, baskets. bird em. lungs to the church militant, we take it.
hat and g•tall begot bosses furnishings. George Martin, son of James Mattis,
The cheapest bogie seder the sue.
pump maker, has ,.termed to Iowa after
an ought tuuothsDumont with relatives
is Pickford, Miob., Dear Sault Ste.
Will. McNair is the guest of Abraham
A dense to prevailed on Saturday
oversew last.
W. B. Dickson, of Brussels, was in
town on Tuesday.
Miss Rosh., of Issaiset,i>i: ailiM at
Iii. Joseph's convent.
John Deacon has takes athelia elf Mrs.
Cooke's book store.
Oliver Whitely sprained hie toot pain -
tally during the week.
The fire engine was out for practice on
Monday night last
Mr. Mantra left for his he me in W h
noggin on Saturday.
Mn. Spence has returned after • pleas-
ant visit at Brussel&
Mn. W. Wat os has returned from
her visit to Kiactrdiee.
Mr. and Mn. Joseph Logan, of Strat-
ford, spent Sunday is town.
C. R. Gasper, ct Brescia, tells use of
the delegates to the oath .en.cil h
livor of the appeiotmolat d e polio
magtstnte for Hurn. Bs alma Ma
friendly call.
Judge Sinclair. of Hamilton, tam ia
town during the week. His Honor looks
as if iodisiel ares rest lightly epos king.
Wentworth's page has a provincial repu-
tation as a enter sad Remind authority
o. Lw.
A Como -I take advantage of the
peeng w publicly thank all those al my
ih Dods, why so nobly labored to save
my propertytroop doer...ion at the
late fin at te Star Salt Work..- Cites.
Mr. Thorpe, • wealthy Detroiter. who
.pent • portion of last summer in town,
is now here mrki*g arrangements for
Ws. Webster, totems+ 4 a.ies
=mhhas gems to Galt, where he b•• 1
goad pieties 1n • emboli
there, Mr. Webster has made may
(.fads hers, sed haves with the esteem
of kis employer sal aawetatse. He wail
le at hems is (tall.
Pries= Aw•s.-It is our painful duty
this weak to record the death of one of
MK Moet promotes yuueg aims, Patliok
8ssdiHd Carroll, fourth see of P. sm-
ith., of Oud.nsk, wit* died at fle.turth
on Maeda lest, M the early age of 1s
Ca Mrnel
. Corral was bei up a
Wr tae.
as abates wee
.hack l by his fatal complaint. Hs
mediad law with Memos. Gamow &
Pemdtoot, and &boot three T"" ago
passed t very oieditable examo•atton as
.uhsitor, sad opened an vies is Bea
forth. with promising remelts Dunog
the pass year he graduallyfailed in
health, and his death was daiy expected
He was a steady young man, a diligent
stalest, .aid • tae yet of probity. H ie
hods was brought to Goderich fur iuter
roma, sad kis funeral was very largely
attended cm Tuesday. The pallbearers
were : L Campion, W. Pru.d out, Ruta.
Hays, Stanley Heys, R. Reynolds and
J. A. McDt•agh. Mr Carroll and
family have much sympathy in the lose'.
of their respected ern and brother.
Nee • Tacna. -Lac week we made
Mendes d a test, which had proved as
seimemt.l, of the °reloads Fire Extia-
geisher, manufactured by Calghin t
Walsh, Turoatu. What as them said
euesernieg this test was oorreet, but it
sow appease that the fault lay with the
mode et whisk the tat was made and
ant wick the ureses. The ire was
sspreltMed, and was exposed to the full
sweep d the triad, and as a ounesquence
the .bemaea' properties of the liquid
were blows away and the remaeasg
•abntaare had no elect on the firs
This, at any trate, is the explanation
given by Mr. Yaws, of Ooderick, the
agent kir this wooly. Oa Monday last
an agent from the heed eashliehmsst is
Toronto was •ent'op bate for the par -
pose of specially testing the grenade
furnished to Mr. Broadtoot. A sort d
wall, about six or eight fest high was
built d beards, and onetime this was
piled a liberal supply of light wood. and
the whole covered with tar and be-
sprinkled with Dual oil. It was thus
made as combustible, oo passible, when
it was ignited. Whit the fin had reach-
ed itht, two bottles of grenade,
taken from Mr. Brood/opt', let, were
broken over it,and the contents smother-
ed out the fin almost in.tastay. The
tem was witnessed by a large number of
people who seemed to think it perfectly
satisfactory. For an inspwt fin, is
the interior of a building, if properly a? -
plied it would be an almost .Ascots ex-
tinguisher, and in this way might be
very neduL-[Seaforth Expositor.
Exroat CArrts. -McLean Bros., a
Ooderiob, dipped another ear load of
cattle from Guelph ua Saturday, for the
Old Cooing. They were bought from
the farmers at an average of 44c. Per 1d ,
live weight. Oa Friday they shipped a
car load of vote% Meern from Fergus,
which coat them on an average about 54c.
per 1h. They ars also chappa( two ear
loads from °tderish. All d these lots
.41 be seat bv the seta boat from Mos -
treat. -[Oak Reformer, May 18.
Lieut D. O. Cameron. of the 32nd,
bas retsraed to the @lady of law is Gude-
rich, the estop at Southampton hawing
bees broken up last week. He nal& the
boys eek disappointed ie not getting off
for the patriot laud as every tan wanted
Lc get a shot at the rebels. D. O. looks
well, and Damp life appears to agree with
his Be has laid down the military *e-
steem boot, sad is now deep Situ the
mpieties of Omke and Blaekatosa
Flea -The caw mill acrd dervish is
s.----- ims with 8ssbis's salt Moist were
d.str,yed by lee os Thursday rimming of
hat week. The machinery of the mill
was almost esti sly raised, bee the salt
block was sewed, and the manufacture of
salt eat be oo.tial.ed. The fire spread
rapidly, bet was.55Lsed to the mill by
the apple stioa of a pailful of brine. The
eagle. had to day on the ground until
morning, to keep the fire from spreading.
Mies Nellie Tighe, of Fawkham, spent outing $fg in orn�oswhed house, dith his � ,nsesd heavy nod for Spe1,1000,m his
& few days at her horse this week. nch again. His invalid daughter was $6.000,
Mrs. T. MMGilliouddyJ and children mach bses6tted by her stay hers last Oatyra.7,-One d oar old settlers
Mrs visiting relatives in Stretford.
8• as. L. t. slgTsRT&nfK314T,
• INS TIMI O nano • Poe - y Ire.-
The anteual emeeresinewitt gives by
the washers of the Htgk School Liter-
ary lionety was Mid is Victoria Hall on for Ball al(alllet George bath, betel
Tbunday of last wesk,sad was softness. I keeper, 1 .r .,..lei"s of the Itgeor law
The baa urs.. sew boil w as.etowded by I maw up 1..r farther hearing w Aatwdsy
.n •ppeeetative sadiss's, sod the staget*Iteratwa Naked leer• W amendpresadpa
ed a lac apacesaa 'halal the 1 The la.pector
rano as es.
aeisSs the aoleonoe try muting s the uUesw mower
The singing by the (loll Club was very say u.. daring the
pas u1 ,noth..,b�e .
good, aad rdemed anush credit epos the Young, Pollee tag
leader, Mr. 8. P. Halla Iteadiat.
gs were allowed au iaforatioo to he amended w
elven by Masora IlacK,bbon sod Allot se to make st cover a prod of three
and Mw Ratcliff., of which, bum- months
ewer. call fee ot.ainest. In the sbowoe Hie worship W as ebjeetws to kiwis;
of Mina Thumprw, Mies Oliver read the mtorniatioo amended se as W enter
„The Feister of Seville" in a very pleas any other day, hat not mare teen any
lag manner. Mina F. Williams, s youth- Ione day.
ful reciter, was well received is "!lade Mr. Ball and Mr. Oampssa ere had a
hue d. Vacherie." We Irked the lively tilt ewer the peopneed • statics of
rendering ail " 'Twee a Mame; the itifurntsttus. The information was
by Mess Clara Berry. The .,u; I not emended.
was sang with sweetmeat and elprwl..n. Dr. Caardy continued his •vidaes► -
The liquor I lad tit abet day the hgeor
1 drank was my own. kept then fur my
special use ; I knew I bad a bottle of
liquor there for say own m.* ; 1 am al-
most °*rail' the Inuor I drank was from
that bottle ; 1 dos know where it vane
from ; but I drat it is a side room of
the her ; 1 was an the side root when
the lady spoken d came is ; 11lr. Ye -
Clore brnrxht the glasses end the bottle
into the side Inca ; 1 don't remember
being in the hotel in the altersouS or
T., Mr. Campion -I gave so eoeader-
ation for the liquor I drsak Owe that
day 11 was not sold to ea.
To Mr. Hell -I gave no
papered fur that at any ret sr day.
Tose inspector then closed hie oat&
Mr Campion here objected to the
madman es amount of nothing having
been brussht forward to show that the
Act had mete is force is the aunty.
Mr Bell produced the twee a Garotte,
and said he had offered it °a the first
The mayor bold that the AO was
known to he in fore& ; be oosmdered at
to operation.
Mr. Bal) celled Mastics to the feet
that the witnnes W changed his testi-
mony from "whisky, pert whisky, good
whisky," and now it was 'milk .ad
whisky," which was sen "pore whisky."
Hr worship mid that McCl.,. .Mold
Ilea bees salted and examined. TM
ddeadest',abseils ins sot around the
house at the time, yet he was respeneibie
for anything that mirht occur these.
He would reserve he decieem lentil
Mooday afternoot..
!.s smash caw A W«Ab HT
tthsaradssa • Well Meswwed
aad st•saWe• Mama.
TM Adlutanist eased Licosa lampet-
saomer. passed away os Wednesday, May 27th,
Mies Mel.iile, d Hartford, Ont., was We understand that the c emmiwon- in the person of Robert Bisset He
the guest d Mra Tighe this week. ern have nerved notices upon the ligsor mama. w Guderieh ewer 60 years ago,
We are glad to learn that J. C. Smith r.edore of Goderieh, requesting them to from his native place, Aberdeenshire,
>• improving since his return home. fill no wore orders ripen certificates from 80011snd, toad tcuk up lan4 shortly otter -
James Mitchell, of the Star, is soder- Dr. Cesiday until further notice. We words a few malas taunt town, crew the
big from • severe form of sore throat. are pleased to ace the antbonties taking river. He was • volunteer (barite the
Mr. and Mrs. J. Robinson arrived O ie the matter of the abuse of m.d- rsbelliow, and was a sturdy Liberal in
«� polities Hs was a devoted member of
home last week from their weddiayg tour. the Presbyterian church, and hu mat
Mn. Dickson, of St. Mary's. is the Mr. Kedah., oo Tuesday evening. was daring booth,was miaow vacant on the
guest of Mr. and Mra William Dickson- thrown from "1"11°12 by him bone shy- Lord's day. He was taken soddenly ill
High School Inspector John Swath paid The i • roller that was on the noel. late summer, and has sines steadily tail -
an official hi, end
l visit to Goderich during the wagon box was thrown o*. 4slely
ed. He leases a widow, tdaughters
week. mhr ujmnes seemed fatal, tire and four sows to mourn his leas He was
yd him msdesl Metmdamb thi*k that • bent. her of our townsmen, Wm Beset,
Mrs. James McFarlane is spending a he will soot he quit wax, ain. and also sof Mrs. S. and J.
week atWiaw
dr with her daughter ]ora The
entretaiement given in fat. Davidson, and was much aspected by
Fraser. 3eorge'a school bow os Monday avow all who kris. him.
Mies Maggie Wilkinson left for Chi- hs%, by the C. E T. 8., was poorly at- The DruggistsC'ircrlar for May con -
ago this week to stood her brother's tended, on aeooant of being badly aver. tum a rep,rt cm the pantestion .4
nuptials. timed. Mr. Steele's lecture on "A.ny drinking w&ter which is important in
J. R. Miller, P. 8. I.. has taken a ran roan Iiacriptions" was tute.stilg, bet exam d the dangesoum diseases, includ-
to lowa,to see some (needs in the Hawk- no charts were produced to aid the ands' nig cholera, which are fostered or pro-
mise is following the speaker. dared by impure water. The simplest
and cheapest method is highly recom-
mended, namely thew of alum in solu-
tion. It appear froom experience that ea
little as two grains of this substance to
the Fallon, well stirred, will seize and
precipitate albmmnioua matters and du-
es.. germs, and for drinking. the filter-
ing through motto* afterward. -two or
three inches in the lower part of a funnel
or bottle with the bottom off -will render
tbeligaid unexceptionable and alropr•cti-
cally free from alum itself, though •
mach tarter quantity is not considered
eye State.
A number of oar citizen availed them- The May number of the Springfield
selves of the excursion to Brentford un Whey/can't Gawfte keeps op the repots -
the 3rd inst.
Mina Martha Reid has gone to Brant-
ford to spend the summer with her sister,
Mrs. Knight.
Mr. and Mn. W. H. Moon. of Lock -
sow, were the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
James Reid this week.
McLean Bros., of Goderich, shipped a
fine lot of about nue hundred cattle from
Clinton static* on Saturday last. ,.aovenng,and are doing as well as could
Don. Sturdy and her daughter, Miss be expected, au the alarming symptoms
M. Sturdy, of !Langton, are the guests having abated. There will be no effort
this week of Mr . Alex. Watson. made to secure Mr. Reid'& chemical for
A *umber of the members of the Sal- omitting; to hoist the standard.
yahoo Army partwok of the Lord's SW' R Tichbo.rne got struck in the eye by
per at Knox church on Sunday last. the water from the nozzle of the fire en-
gine hose on Thuredq Dight, whit on
the roof at Soubie's fire, end nearly last
the sight of the optic. The noasle was
sly • few feet from him, and ho has
since had the injured organ bound up.
The water tomes with tremendous faroe
from the netts.
Tiro Phenetie Educator. an exponent
of Longly's system of phonography, is
one of the most interesting of the short -
tion of that monthly ea the hese of the
magazines devoted to 'cycling. It is a
marvel of typographical neatness, and is
toll of the latest and most interesting
news of the wheel world. It is a marvel
of cheapness fur five ants.
The gentlemen who were prostrated
on Queen's birthday on observing that
the caretaker of the Court House bad
neglected to hoist the flag are gradually
W. Campbell, jr., late of the G. T.
R., Chicago, is horns for the summer.
He reports times as dull .a the Phormiz
Robt. Grant, the well-known evange-
list and writer on scriptural subjects. is
in town. He is acc••mpenied by his
. Thomas Graham has purchased, or is
sheet purchasing the property of Mn,
J. L Sturdy, at present occupied by Mr. hand journals we have yet received. The
(leo Evan& May number contains the Lord's prayer
The annuals have been eget out on the i en sox different Nates, and is on the
Nears, and the bloom is attractive. The I whole a tip-top number. Send for
s4men copy tb E N. Miner, 737 Broad•
flower beds will be a fine sight in anoth• way `w York.
er mouth.
The W. C. T. l . will meet in the lee -
Toe Bin, Bio Dace. -The Salvation
ten room of North street Methodtt Army dram was pc.andad near the
church at fuer u clock p. in. on Thursday Methodist church while the evening
afternoon. service was in progress last Sunday,mocb
to the annoyance of the preacher and
Rev. J. T. L•( will preach in hearers. We hope the officers, who ap-
North Street Methodist church next pear to be very reasonable and friendly
Sabbath rooming. and in Victoria Street towards the churches, .111 keep the
church in the evening. soldiers from repeating the offence.
The stallion "Goderich Chief.' n..w Beating the big drum io the barracks at
tweed by Mr. Odell, of St. Thomas. will odd hours is also a nuisance that should
trot at St. Marys today, and at Atlas ( be abated.
Crain on D,•r-,,ici on Pty. Cent. Pence or. ter °station. --The
A. M Polley s Elsie Groff, w.•n the report of the ()roam bureau of industries
Open trot at the Hamilton MOPS kill Wee, tr.r May states that the reports received
imed./•. and his horse J. L. Sullivan had shows that wheat was almost in as sued
second ,dace an the 2.50 trot. I ennditi.n on April 1st as on Nov. oat.
A four legged goose, ali t e and kirk 1 The reports on clover are generally honi-
ng, was the seneatiou d St. Andrew•flable, ba the crop N still in • very back-
ward during the week Thus freak of ward state. The semina mason this
is ths
property of Mn. McPhail, year is fully two weeks later than octal.
Dr. Rnashargh, the 'mimosa c.culisar TThhe (reit trees are generally in • healthy
will he in town ria tatorrday, Jon* 2011i,
and wall remain until Monday morning.. Ma. naxu•e' It•mt-Ts.-At a meeting
Be ean be found at the residence of I, al the Meehaaies' Institute last Friday
R. Miller. stein,, Mr. Crabb in the chair, the
R....1. H. Canon will preach a spa. 1taluwiwg officers were elected for the
cal sermon to the children, in the altar. awning year Pre . J• H. Colborne ;
!Mon, in V icforia Street church. and 1st vice pries , H 1. Strang ; 2nd voce
will ..ecupy the North St. church pulpit Presto H. Mmrney; tract, A J. Moore;
to tat. evening. Coy.. A Marton. Direeton=any. Messrs. was for =any year. an • we .J the
,!•mon McFarlane has handed ea the jail. A. Reiss, E nn
R. Wat., W. Mmith, Bethany Presbyterian chnnh. He .1.
bigAemt hen egq f the season. ]t C. A. Humber, Ed. Sharman and Ar- ways took a keen interest in agricultural
Dna i 3~ inches are and ons. asp and Venni, The rtirim
ng president, G Rise, affairs, and frequently Meted as judge or
ever g incltws flaw other. We txkleate was elected an honorary director. A derastor at the various shows. He wen
that will he hard to best. vote of thanks to the Godrmr w
ech Aateu, an nthwaiestic liberal, and dad good
Ica earned unanimously for their kind work for his party in the township. H.
Ratio C ei fa' -Th. town hared .ill aesitn.,
aes n the 26th of May. A roc. loved carting, and often eases into town
lertsatdswed • 1Mneft atnrsrt on Tnedq, judos to make the reading room free to during the season to joie in a games
the It;tot ;test.. in Victoria hail Tha all on enealtiom that the Inert cooed Kind hearted and g nwtrws. he mad*
hail has teen rensiderably improved der. +mak. th. eswal ann
ual grant woo, we many friends, and •nerteteire
tug the past week. and the boy. dwell Isotton, carried. Thanks to the rain”1”111111”1”111111fir• wibnie and two eh.hlr.,•,”1”111111his
&he. • J fMstine to a afore
The ninth number of The Canadian
Pictorial and Illuunfrut# i Wer News is
before us. It contains the following
illustrations :-In the skirmish Line at
Batoche (Irom a sketch by Mr. E. W.
Morrison) ; The th Battalion (Moue&
Royal Rifles) at Port Arthur 'from a Cooke) oke) ; Lieut CoL Gra
P. P., commanding Toronto Field iwh1Ols.-Carried.
Battery (frsw. • photogra by Hunter A
Cu) ; A Zarebs in the orthwet (from
diagram and description by the (Lobe's
correspondent) ; Artillery Shelling the
Rebel. at Fish Creek (from a sketch by
Mr. E. W. Morrison). There is also a
very fine graphic two-page Supplement,
entitled "The Bayoset Charge at Ra-
toeh& " The paper sells at 15 cents percopy, obtainable from kcal bool..Hors
and from the office of pblieatioa.
CLitic•L Wsr suits os • Tore---
There are tri the United States about
three hundred ciercisl wheelmen, includ-
ing twelve actors of divinity, tee thee
logical some twelve authors.
several editors and many pastors of pro-
minent churches. About forty or fifty
of these gentleman are to unite an a
tour of three weeks in Canada, wheeling
over 621 miles of the best roads on the
ooetment. The arrangements hare been
ender the supervision ot Re.. Sylvanoo
Stall, d Lancaster, Pa. The start is U-
be made at Niagara Falls, August the
6th, and the route by daily stages, leads
hruugh Hamilton, Galt, Woodstock,
London. G•, Stratford, Guelph,
Toronto, Newcastle. Brighton, Nap.nee,
Kingston, by steamer among the Thou
land Islands, and return to Niagara
Falls, August 2.8t h. The entire expense
d the tor, including hotel bill. and
tseportation, while in Canada, is not
to exceed 830.
Dore ov Javier Tutsancr. -A well
known firm,. mooed aeed away in the
person of James Torrance, of Goderichtownship. He came t.. this aunty over
thirty years ago from Lanarkshire, Sort -
land, and settled. in Goderich township
near Portermire
s Hill. He td in the
township reelect for three�eare, and
The quartette " Sometime " was also will
gives by Mamie Hwisder.ou and Ellard,
tad Mama Used mad Arm@lroatg. Mos.
Pries and Mies Dickson w the iretru-
westal d.ett "Salt a Path showed
themselves to hese eaoeUsot command
of the piano. Their execution was very
good lucked.
The paut.•aune "A Sone in 1900" was
env d the utost laughable things ever
pfaesd on a U .4.nch stage. When the
carotin ruse half • dozen wary mon were
to be observed diltgeutly scrubbing,
alumnus, rolling do ugh, wasbsug clothes,
sweeping aad rocliutg • cradle ' Toe
affair was well ouosesved, aud capitally
earned out.
The tableau was • scene from " Love • i
Labor Lam," and looked quite magnifi-
cent. Like the presiding scene. it had
to be shown twice to the pleased weer
A capitol idea was the hale tatrars•
ga era, "Gamy, Gamey, Gander," in
whisk the following characters were re-
tied :-Yorker Guww, Mw Mabel
Qawee.n ; Mother Huboard, (with
her dot) Mies K•ahleen►11Belt Mies
Menet, Mme Surplus
Peep, Mies Flu Hortot ; Kiser Gale,
W. F. Foot ; Jack °uoss, Dud-
ley Holmes ; Tummy Tucker,
Percy Mwkoma,m ; Bobby Shah.,
Keith Mclean ; Pages, Masters Nick-
olas,. ad Elwood. All the characters
were well repreeealed is attire, a•ei the
beadier sesery rhymes were woven into
the dwourse is an ingestion Labia.
An the did well.
The his of the evening wag med. by
the Queen's Oita Guards, a company d
a handsome you.% blies commanded
by Mies Oliver. The following were in
the tasks :- -Misses Kate Aikenbead,
Minnie Strachau. Kathleen Bail, Mary
Sharman, Mae, Mi11er, Jennie Dickson,
Marton Allen, Agg is Tbewpeon, .tartan
Grant, Mary &woad, Georgie Martie,
Say Campbell, blo Horton, Edith Wig -
fine, Martha Hoover, Kees Phillipe.
They were handwesely attired in linen
&prose trimmed with red, and ape to
match, sad each wore a bright duet -
pen at bet aide, hearing the letters
Q. O. 0. in red Is the first part
the °seeds west thrash their
taangs in fine style, and the satsuma
motions were gracefully don.. Is part
two thecompeay were found "Tenting
os the old swap ground," and, after the
smog, roes to their feet, gad armed with
brooms, west through the various
evolution* in a master that would put
our militia to the blush. The "ignore"
was formed in splesdd style, and look-
ed as pretty as a picture. Capt Oliver
and her Guards rank Al in dna. They
were estbosaatioally **cored.
Mr. Stria* dorm( the evening thank•
ed Mose& Goode, Hutchison and Mc
Mtcking, and Mewra. J lt. Miller,F.••t.
Duncan ad Parker, fur valuable amt.
ace rendered.
Mr. Crabb, in a few words, stated that
further improvements were to h• mad.
at ones in the hall Th. enterprising
pr.opnetor of Victoria hail has now mo-
oarfol to be prod of it.
C..wbee M alta Vere.
To the Editor of the lados Thee Press.
Sit, -I am an old London citrate now
living in this town. I se• b, your papers
that some people then dost think moth
of the Volunteer Camp. Well, I may It
it come to Goderich, then. We hare got
a good ground hen overteekin( the lake,
cool and pleasant all summer. This is a
fine place for oampitgg. and if the Gov-
ernment were to seod the men up here,
they would be well looked atter.
Yours, Oto Lotrnorese..
Public neh•N ri...w neem age
The regular meeting of the public
school board was held on Monday, June
1st, 1885.
The following members were present
M.mns. Crabb, Mala,mson, Mortes, Ball,
It was moved and seconded that Mr.
Maloomeon take the chair, -Carried.
The minutes of bat meeting were read
and aplirored.
The report from principal Embury was
reed and filed.
Mr. Millbury informed the board that
examination papers were required, and
that &ft r the pnnttng a done the papers
be returned to ham alone. -Adopted.
Mooed by Crabb, .eooaded by Swan-
son, that the Inspector shall be present
denim the midsummer examinations in
the various department., and report to
ibis board as to the standing of the
a homgrr house. Keep ytair eye M *. Dicers and the *baseman brought flee 1.« iT ....l . ,. •, ....,. ree...fut.
Statewet of payments for May was
received, and are as follows M. Wilson,
teaching, illi 60 ; Godfrey Hamlin, do..
88.72 ; James Mitchell, pnntiss and
postal cards, 81.75 ; teachers eidetic, in-
cluding °facers, $3415.55. -Filed.
The following secants were received
and ordered to be paid : D. K. Strachan,
818.50 ; Mra Mitchell, 28e.
In pursuance of • notice o.f motion that
elections for school trustees he by ballot.
Butler moved, seconded by Morton, that
the m;.tion be adopted, and that the
clerk of the council be nutihed---Car-
Moved by Ball, seconded by Swanson,
that the entrance examinations take
place according to the Act. -Carried.
A statement was received. showing
estimates fnr 1885 to boas follows : Re-
ceipts, 86176 ; expenditure, 85176 ; az-
penditure to date, 82312.29.
Moved by Ball, seconded by Swanson,
thht 84100, and also arrears from town
council, will be required for school poi
pones. --Carried.
On motion the board adjourned.
tae.ese nep•el /hr eta. Mosta •/
itlsl. Ise i.
it rained on 13 days, amount of fall
43 7 cubit itches sinal to 44 inches, on
the level. Greatest rainfall doting 24
boon on the 7th. 26 cubic inches
It snowed on 2 days, amount of fell 1
inch. ,.�°
Greatest reCeity of wind during 24
hours, on the 1st, wind N., cloudy, 4311
miles nr 18 miles per hoer.
Least velocity of wind during 24 hoer*
ow the Zed ; ligAt air from the S E
clear, 5 miles.
Hwmeni.g birds seen nn Ow 1:lth,trees
in leaf nn the 19th
Aurora Borealis the nicht of the 11th.
fs..lar halo on the 27th at noon.
Thunder and lightning on 4 Asan
('omni lunar on the night of the
Freest on 2 night.. (Trudy •ughts 17:
otter nights 12: foggy a hit 2.
Heavy fog os the 24th 31st in the
t •reernte.
Prevailiw. etwt 4 D set it W,
r d. 1:,.4 w.
:; r.r.- .tear .- - is
• a
Court .t tev/$Na.
The Court of Revision fur the Town of
Goderich was held on May 29:11, the
Mayor, Johnston, Campion and Butler
being present.
The appeals were heard ad
disposed of
The appeal of A. M. McGregor wsint
asaaame:,t of income was adjourned ;
Wm. Mitchell, over assessed un personal
property, reduced 8100 , Jas, Baxter,
do., edj"urned ; Thoa. M. Campbell to
be assessed as occupant of lot No. 853,
not entertuued ..7. T. Naftel, over -aa -
mated on real estate and income, relat-
ed on real estate, 81,60', ori income,
8300 ; Wm. Cos, over asoree meet, re-
duced 82,500 ; Jas. Bailey, over -assess -
men, real estate and personal property.
reieeed $500 nn reel estate, and$200 on
personal property ; Jams. Mullen, over -
amassment on real and personal rruperty,
adjourned ; A. M. Roes, inonme not as-
sessable. being assessed in Tor.,nto, lad -
punted ; Thos. Sofiya, over -assessed.
reduced 8300 , John McBride, over-se-
aasaed, reduced $2,000: Francis Kedele,
over aaaaased, aoatained ; John Reid, to
have 8. J. Reid assessed as owner of Ola
120, 121, 122. 143, 144. 145, 149, W . S. ,
put on John A. Doyle, over-aeeemae I.
reduced 81,000: Stephen Ball, over-
ameese4, so.taieed ; Thomas C. Naf-
tel, er-assessed, redoeed 8200 ;
Jae. Strachan, over-a.eee ed on lot 592,
reduced 8100 ; Thos Whitley, over -es -
sewed on real estate and income, reduc-
eduo.ed 8100 on real estate, and 8400 .on in.
come . Mn McCarty. overmemeed, re
dared 8100 ; Mn. Ann Dole, over-ass-
ver-asscoed on lot 1013, sustained . Angie Mc -
Ivor, over -amassed, sustained. G. H.
Pawns, for self and lata Jae. Torrance.
os: ' EDWARD $BARMAN, sato gtr7stt
6,:aes, reclined 8duM1 ; Piss. Torrance, '
ever aaeessd on into I62 ural 2fA, •or 1 and plasterer. thank. rev psblk1estMtr
VI rosy os.d pat H. le tall r.edy to M
tined ; Craig t, Deer-ssessrd, 511 work 1o e : 1■ a snpater ma ser.
reduced 81,000: Gua Swataonand MaryFires to nna t1. t;mr Fituuates�1vee ter
bu4d'np when erpairvd. li(t.b,
H. Swsn•on, ever-ar -4 on income,
adjobroed , Charles Young, to be aaaess-
ed as tenant of lot. 70, 80, Al, M. t' aur- Ff)r Sale or to %et,
vey.:o••t all.•wed . Elijah Martin. over - ---
aesease•el •m ;ot !t't7, reduced $1,b0(' ; FARM POR SALL -THE WASH -
Jew. (: Martin. o ver aesewment •.n k.ts NTh*.nrad es et
Teo. 1a, tree rasa . T*wmhle ..t Waits
7tk1, i(14, t1N7. IIkB, and alit nn eernme, asi.h. rmitsialeg is acne.-
eers. M home
adjourned : J. . Hocken, to b. eescsced dwslllag hoes�..w. l'p. and ,&,mel
AD tenant e f pt. lot 561, pet es ;Reser t 'e ontbal tags an an erelerd• T .
man 11,.. , ors. farm r eNl attatwd war raM1ag work Terme
aa..a•ea, resell .any. per rrirslerk ya�� re vote
81,(100 ; 11.11*... A Idawortb, eeer♦sos s. srleter. JoH "w AAHtNO M I A.Meer. Plast
lad, s..danterl :Jahn O1K-ams CM' .141
reduced �(rehtr osestestF A RH m LIT -FOR • TERM OV
assn, flue. 1w ogee sae-
44MirM . ,
Tlas Dscmeow,
On Monday the ma or .awe lit deci-
sion in the following
From the midis**, I .,old may that
the defendant was oonduMi.g his hoer*
in an irregular manner, and is such •
way that if the law which now obtained
in this comity was to be respected could
o ut amino.. My impression is, ane are
only saved by the delicacy of the Impos-
tor. Had he prodmued Mie. aesidy as
• mitoses, we might have W another
color given to the erdenoe ; or had he
obtained • ,earth warrant and searched
your premises, which he had a perfect
right to do, before laying this informs -
eon, that might hare shown a different
state of things. However, as it leas nut
been proven that you have by yourself,
your clerk, servant air agent, *old foe
purpose of gain, soheiestly clear to war-
rant a conviction, 1 discoing the came.
5.dert.5 terra.
'Meets/ to Tile Herald
We arm informed that the man seppo•-
ed to have been drowned by the fishing
party from Stratford, has recovered.
They will doubtless feel team Dow. -
1st ntford Herald.
Who 7 When 7 When 7 What t
Why T Which 7
. Demist. One and resident*. Wet
g�ttrvw three doors below Hoak of Montreal,
O•der,ca 1711
She People's Column.
TELLiIENT ltd of IS or It years of
tido taoffice u t: printing business. Apply at
ak) W end d Me,,. a hex ass,, sheet arse
years old. one white bb toot, and weighs
gap or 5.Iba A reward will be paid ter say
informatics Medlar s its res•vers. *poly to
JOHN KNOX. Ooderfch. 1Ma-ot.
xfi 14th of May. brtween !rattles Hill and
Ole.e. Hill. • boadrad pound keg fall et
wound oil take. A• ia(srmatloa coseere
tag it will 4h.ek ppoideedatthis .for,
or at HAM ., f[AVW1111 e•M stere. Oode-
artoswtt AT LAW. err-.
p:.okree 1 11� obtained without con alt-
u1aa� a holy who has more lege than brains.
reflections carelessly made. but rarefaill
paid over. All auitiow answerwl.
le Oak* at the Bridge, Pt. Huron. fetch.
F,hy colcnle• nt beea for r'e. in frit -elm
somal;! aad cobble hoarded hives. st for
w aeagle e los1 oardedban end or doable. Partnew TIMMS e
the r h;v o:f g their hives to m7
apiary gen i 1 at IS smears.
114(.4{ D,.ttsaaaoa P. O.
pia o TERING
E. 1. BROWN rrspeelt- sU7 ammoas*a• t• ale
him Haat be s prepared tortilla sad Repair
Orden tet at tem. ('eek.. Bed
Stare atiwd to 41 week
ems+, 860 ; a lidos,
•- •••-••••4 net a. m, 411111181114
:'w art adjwr.r+h.