The Huron Signal, 1885-6-5, Page 31 1 s ..�... :..:suss 41IT (111I'3 OILI OFFB1a •T J. w. swage.. The arae bra Tibbs were, without doubt, in • fever ut delight. tltmpl� en mens wan a,t�evugshoot to happen, wht] it My inure then toes in a v.mu a Id., en its Sr.. happewi.g is eeeeially Iris alit wNh .a.ttement. 0.. of the Maws Tibb, the eldest, Janie, • very pretty Meed* of tweety- two, was about to he married, mad natu- rally the taJk sd thQ.ghs aY is. to matters aiatnasolltsL The three Maser Tebbe were very busy, intensely su, alt really taaktug up the toseewee., for that ienyoctee matter had bees ewtrumed to the Wads of Madams Lollipop, the ewtinent modiste of Fifth avenue and Twenty third street, bet in eveleiag the hundred little sloth - legs that ate supposed to appertain to a weddirpr, .rad abet must, is the majority of oases, *starts from the borne mode ur near Ic At tars employment the three mime* were busy, s.sisted by Aunt Jane, who, as far see surname went, might as well have bed none, for Aunt Jane she was to everybody, even those who euied tot eves Maim a uin.ty-.inth a,ueiwebrp. Comet' really, Aunt Jsne s emu* was Hopkinson. The three girls -Jennie, the eld.st, named after her aunt; Josephine, the 1W1,, IMITAVTAIWIMVIktAi iidtbit BMW M e, .ss. ie melee' that dug shall .lea,* M I3e bad been a pn pour, Irbil* masa snook easeh, sail hevtug at use time bed r Immure, net o.1y washeet Awl, bet with t, a alba haat[ ; belt, a punitively .varytktwt aita.mmt them.' Nall, I demi shiark 1 surer made say g ent 0&I to flet my Toes,' Laid Jessie, theogbefelly, 'sod, er1{, tache. I atoms b thtak shoes st, I duos dusk he mew &eked me eight M. I bine it ren enderstaod .s psalmody before anything wee amid on the a►jest, ad w hen we did talk about it 1 took u as • matter of course.' • 1 befieve that is the wy is • etrsjwity of oras,' said Aeaet Jose, , that otythival idea of pi,ppi. ohm q.osatu• le woo ithtag that very rarely oue.la Aa Jennie says, its all e*Mestood with..t tt Now, fur myself, I've been the same as meowed three or hour tors, and yet I received but one forma oar is eve life.' 'Oh ' telt w ell about it. auntie,' maid the three Misses Tibbs, h.tohiag their chain up s little *lour to Aunt Jana Well, it's hardly aiything to tell, girls, but if you desire to hear it, I must tett it. But to *sprain what 1 wy about being engaged withoet rev tvieg seforeed oiler, I will site • sass or two within wy .own eapertenee. My Het was wheel I was seventeen. and, w I then thought. as much • woman as i ata sow. I was ✓ peudiug the sumeuer en the seashore with my Aunt Margaret, and Ault Margaret, having made • aaossafsl marriage, financially epsski. g, herself,' was intent on hareem bar nieces do the same, for she bad no chillier., and so he Ind Wee ruined by a bed w tEs. t♦u would not best with by little twbles,eile of which was his ouarivielity, and t 0 • left Aim, he became a wanderer. '(N ammo I sympatkiaed with lies ie his troubles. sad under tits and the stimulation of the oodles, as woo e• he meld eat no noire, I found him to his knees before me, poring out him admin butt- Olt, if he had but such • wife an I was, whet a diftereat man he .au M maw been. A minim:wire, perhaia---fib, vie that girl, Kari, ever niters t—bot it Irma not too lata yet His wife wen wet dead but he was not afraid of her. Would I carry hies, I don't knew how I found words, in my fright, but i sew that i mum tem- porise. abed I told him that the offer was too sudden, that [ was unable to decide at ones ; that at any element mer father or brothers might ovine down stairs, and I would rather keep it a secret fres them 11 be would go away new and rotere the poet day at the mate hour Ito devoid have my eta.er. He prowdsed he weeld, and very candidly e'nfeseed that be did net know when, he should slap that night, whereat [ took out my perm and gate him what money 1 had, abrwt .ere dollars, and he departed. and that's the only direct offer, girl*. I have ever re- ceived in tray hid.' 'Oh, Auntie !' went up in chorea tepee the three girls. 'How brittle ! Did be erne Welt r k nes f mit mwn,nd, aged twenty, named atter her Discos• ery sa idmevery wer Wm inter to au the n I)did net knew vhis er mname. yww him tktwa Uccle Joseph, sod Maud, the 'bnb], and pasties. �. =mrIi, I could not hone Ain up• W►M need aisteen, •mil named lifter neb.dy' 'This partiesimr summit viae' Mary came haek mux irwnJ meu mtretahenj had often dtsouaed Aunt Jane's ,learn the mssshur., tied there l met- Harrhy spm the kitchen floor, where 1 ked babe quslsnes and how prett, mew mumu Gray, who, though seven years my awe ohn.en to drmp in a faint, and after she .*nem hare beet, ; bat st had never Decor- ior, and who had been traveling f..r three had brought me boon to lite, the wanted evil to skink of why sant Jane, mall at years in Europe. wan, rally, es inaocept A. send one. of the hired men after my the $gs of fifty, rotwned s msda, with as a child. We fell in love, as it is ou I- visitor. but I refused to allow bati , •'v ne apps, nut asptrstwis tuw&rds "en" d at first might, end were infatuated what had the mw done? Nothing ! He isse that condition. But nue, brought with each other. Of coarse, out of tits was civil and quiet, and went away at my request, and had left it to my power 4e ray nkat I had received one oger d least in eiy kh.' forth by what was soon to happen to one of the trio, veerythi.:g that hon apes the subject came prominently forward, and every ac9e.totance of the female persuasion becsne subject 4o discussion. 'Do you know,' said Josie, 'what was the reason that Tillie breath did nut mar- ry John Penn I' 'No r wan Jeoaii s rserose. always wondered, bet never blew.' 'I'll tell eau. It was bestatas waver grew the usual sweet onsintunings, tsaia- light walks, boating, (imitating. Maging, said all the inevitable things appertain- ing to lovers, everelnoe the world began. 'Aent Margaret n°.gtriwid the matter, and k suited her—too well as I OW - treed thoemht. Gray was rich, Melly connected, haml.ome and of irrep o - able character. therefore a very desirable match. I esy it all suited Auct Margaret John eyelet oil, u he did atter hu a too well, ...Ira al .zgol•in that by esya.g Aame Jan. 20. —Perhaps the mad merit, t•. Ckitsgo nth b*sses*, and, vt that whole awn are :arrays rowdy teethe interesting spot in ode world to those assns,, bad to write Tessu ss'let4aci, a t eaveeteg* d beintg left by lb. past."." deeply under the indurece a that charm oke lrst liana aha di Tillie that hoc and gordiaw of the girl *key are an whtclmaasoctaUon lends to pisco hall.,.'• rite itood _ love with alone mad uninterrupted In didonlyhe t krunwoh•. to rase the capital let• Founder tr. btu heir weniwg, rot tear, is such a tkinag the 1 f • Chrut(auuity ti to be found the nainistratiou of in a desert overdoing this. so as t.. rather turn his; ter., and w ahe broke off the engejgll- tuck strewn prum,otury on the north- jc strabatt It. He wooed tally be Mlfer meat You k.ow Tillie is very puri u• plemed with • 1,511.. prritioa- I think west shore of the Lee of Tiberias ; for lar and teaches in a public school.' Aunt Margaret .tightly orsdid it among tease piles of hewn heloses of 'Why, how aosurd !' said Jinni.. 'I gown ver, the wormer paused, mad war black basalt still remain the ruing of a don't thin,- m Tum is perfect in hie war, nappy, and i felt u much owned great synagogue, withi.i whose walls, the letters, but 1 love 'em, and Cm as *tad to Haney as thoughthe actual words foundations of which may be distinistiy to get 'am w tb••lgh thewen rlassicf►11y had been"pokes, grid I am an etre w we „anon. were oalected the multitudes Correct 1 thirk it was a fortunate ram be of anything in the life that wbu ducked W hear the tri is re of ismer for Mr. Pena' y K Chtat. While modern tourists roreort 'Se de 1,' said Maud. `I'il never put Hervey felt the sem* way. Ia fast wo is crowds w Jerusalem to visit the mythi- talke,l freely ',f what wo were — do in oo such now nnsicel airs "s"14 nub the feature, and there was sothi ng want- s whish arecue supposed,supposed, open the anybody. You know I'm ton iufantik— ing bet the settle, of the day, when vague bb which of ecclesiastical tradition, 4, so you ail say—to think of getting mu- Aunt Margaest steppes in, which I have be identified with episodes ►n the life of rad, .rad I I teem w myself, but I asst always thought Ira" u,mlortunsta, b the great Tescher,scareely one ever fords help it if I dumb t like everybody that the F t relit, for tort: a derided advocate ha way t'° this remote Iooa)it Ding jet Lkgu me. Now, yuu know, y.•u wanted „[ early marriages.Well, we were .m. out ut the beaten track along which wee to explain why it was that i wnulde't start for the city early the next morning, C"r'k loads his herds uE sgr.sightseers ; acrd armee down stairs the other evening and for what occurred the ptevbous yet it u probsele that the greeter part the. tang Charley Keeler Baled of that bud in the life of Christ the itemise i ant indebted to Aunt Ila, 1, 111 tell u. It was beoau.e when prat's own rer,ta'. [ was detained an ora+rd o which is contained ;n oke Isar b. lees .dnsday ewen.ng, 4116‘," a my room packing, but was to taut Har - the was spent "t Cali/erasure, which ale 'W. today, 1ie feane,l bre\ m is rty on the piaRrs at 9 rt, clime. He was the most careful Investigation,1*eaby the ewer gainst tiie wall, over in that corn- to go with us to the city the next day, huglseu math ithi.s in ancb ,natters, free et, sed bo left that grease *put that you moil I left him after dinner pmmesadine' i.datai6d with te. ,JInt W ata Hom, sae theee from the back of head. Now, amid wbieh I Ira. just tow !t•sding. girls. if I was tee ears odder. 1 wouldn't o'clWitock, my aunt. Wha I returned at t Hers it wee that Christ curd Peter's R !1 o'clock, he was not then, and Aunt want au aiming 4, see , me that cable er•in•la e , cu red lbs paralytic, anybody Jlargaret made his apologies by raying called Matthew, cured aha etaturioa * ttr9ard his has{ w as to kat° w'Put "11that he was indisposed and lei rented. the new wall paper.' The next day when he did not appear to servant, reused Jami dwfgiibr from, 'Weil, i don't know, Msudie, but *hat too with us 4t the city. Aunt b[argwret the dead, and oMaissd a tnbwtof you ay be right,' amid Jennie, th9ugti- I was toned to an explanation- She had money from the mouth et a kith. It was fully, 'but I don't tiinpk I would send my i asked Han*► what his intention" mere, I Knistares, *the treasure bidthe poinibka of � see- the tretreasuren the Ind he had revolted. field, the merchant seeking goodly pearls, '[ thought my heart was broken, but and the net cut sato the sea, S.c Anna Nevem awed site had dao* right. Charles u Winson, whose researches s this and that Heiman who after three months ▪ him to identify it as being the of unlimited courtship. se looked aked ▪ of the city of Caperuaum, believes upon it, who irould not explain hu hen- this ue was. 'volume doabt, the M- ess it that you never awned 1 ! tsniinou bed better be t rid of. I y°ag� *Pone was berate I had nu one built by the (Leman centurion sLuke ham never taw Harvey again until he wee offer ' mid the* •1d maid with • emi1y ,reed, three years after, when we met, ort-' b i mend, therefore, one of the most 1. 'Otic, that's impnssibii; said the three mooed spots on earth. It was in this Mimeo Tebbe is chorea as they say in ranee, with •elevated building if that be the cage, that the Wh tmpomibk, my dal" girls t �liteoe.a He married one of the great well-known discourse, sustained hen the lbw of titmice,. sad in two Kars ,he Eieerpthing is pde.tl 11. replied Mie" j wan living $ b.cheler life in Paris and Sixth chapter of John was delivered ; Hutrktnaon, gravely. I.lee was lining ir. ties Yart City- P.rbapp.� and it was not without a omega feeling, 'Yee, auntie, but I know that you had Adnt Ma ret was in the •right ; 1 do mea the same etplerstr, that ..n turning everyaiag attractive about you to draw i not know. over a lame block we found the put of the beet of offers. Mamma tttsye thatIammonia engraved un id farm, and remote - red the three busses Tibhs declared _ that f you worsen* of the most chsesning gins that she war not right. hut emphatically Your fathers did ant manna Mm she ever knew,' wrong,"rad after discussingthe matter a 'Your minima, my dear, is very kind, t, wilderness and are dead." bat you mat remember that .her *peaks w 'Bt Maud said ,This a was probably the 'But, auntie, yuu haven't told uselseut' very synagogue p y with the prejudice of • sister, and be the rase offer Mat you dud have.' scene of the healing of the demoniac and f the deltvery el of these divine edea tba k • eo..•n dues not look upon 'Very well,' amid Aunt Jane, laughing, "lecteres on uli,�kumility brotherly love, and formality in worship, an we rend at the end of one of them : "There things said He in the synagogue an He Inlet in Capematm." Porlsops it wee in the little creek where • bat wee now siding at anchor only a few feet from the shore, that Christ taegbt the people from the boat toes to avoid the crush of the multitude. It was doubles. in one of these inlets that James, the son of Zebe• deme and John, hie brother, were mend. I t them nets, when, being tiled, they WHICB.IE JESUS TAUGHT. *miss et the araagegte at t••1evM,-me where t*r41 tmreeig•t letrarere. Tom away fur that I d try and dein the stat, and if I cnsldn t I'd show it te him, and tell hint he meat be careful the nest time.' 'Aunt Jane,' said Jennie, impatiently, is if the idea had dust reached her, 'hew these things with the *vee of • mw. 'I.11 skip the offers i didn't have, then, 'Oh, but, auntie, I know for myself. and tell of the une I did have. if you my I sae o** vow van Patty you have tier, so. Yon all remeltber Underwood, of mod i can see dist you here not lost it course- Your grand(sthsr bnaght het, ket One can grow felly obi. and Jennie. when you were a h.by, and we eep all their sued oaks to these who ails nit our summer there. Thi►t'a love them, even though they be • little twenty east. ago, and [ Was then what Mudd by age.' society cal', —in fact 1 had wade Yes" Fut to Josephine, and tbedea u my mind t.�as lite of old -maidism ' one thing ordained by Providence on up day 1 had taken a fancy to go into that pnitit, which is that we dm not Mw the kitchen and make a cake. i did this those we an with every day getting old. because everyb..iy except the hired men We never notice age creeping to teem the ha unless our attention u particularly called to it.' 'I think that may be moi in tome came.' said aunt Jan*, smiling, 'but it could hardly be in your cases with ens. i have watnk*d you from the cradle and could almost count every dM__ �t may held god with those who awe the same age w yourself. Now, 1 con- fess that I have never thought of see se regards your mother, and yet I ant seven years olden than she ia.'t 'Oh, no ; mama is jest as young sad beautiful an ever' said 'The Baby.' en- thusiastically, 'and I remember her for twelve years. No. I think we notice the advances of ante epos o.rwelma mora than we do no others. I know that I 4ltiitk d terry da 1 leek in the gla.M and rewrite* that I'am getting old. They affkeghd at this, an 1 Maud had to laugh • little herself, but she turned it off with : 'Well, this isn't what we were talking about, girl*. Janie, yon jest asked auntie how k was that she never gm honied. Let's hear about that.' 'Weil, girls,' said Aunt Janet, slowly, 'that seems an nnanswerable .jeestins, bet I'll try to reply to it even if T dns't steer! ft ?wimps it was *,pen the emu prinetple that con men Meer get OA se aSIWe' bow 'took they try, it and one of c mbezmuda had gone left their !hip and fellowd Him ; and it to the city, even the cook being &wap Ira! un this cesid that Andrew and Peter for tate day, the hired mer. ni in the wan eantiui, their net* when they were fields, anJ Mary and I the only itch atmmoned to become 6ahrn mf men. It parts of the house. I had heaven my hate higher claim to be mike the belie rake *akin,; when I discovered the want place of the religion which has !ince of certain spices, and Maacryy vcldateered revolutionized the world than any rather to gni to aha sten end ebtaia��g�, She Vet J r, it : mad it is a matter of some had hardly rut away erhw I Tmtrd a ( mnrprima to me that neat her the Greek nor step. and reused my era to see • man the Romeo Catholic churches, in their h anding et the kitchen door, whish i real to discover holy place!. eaten' may ' opened esus, the path that lead to the serve se levergfur pslstieel intrieue,hava reed. yet thought o1 •erupying that one, which i My heart was in my throat in the would seem the hotitet of all. Perhaps instant, std I sem*mhsred hew wttarlr I it would lead w • eomp•ri.on between alone I wan. R e wan, not afraid �,j ! tramps in those days as now, but 1 thins their pr.etses and the teething of which • better specimen of that genas 1 raver al wail the scene, which might give cion Mew. A* was dilapidati•,n itself. and as to home i&°.nrooient reflections. iso, 1 looked at him in • dazed, frightened and of Protestant churches, t me way, b• whined : Apart from their aseo-utuWm,the ruins themselves are sot particularly striking. 'Lady, i m eery hungry. Won't you The, .over ►s arm of stenion half a toile giro ms Something to est }. in length by a quarter in breadth, and 'A* soared as I was 1 tesonnel i *o.aut chiefly oil the black biotite of would feed him and talk to Mot until basaltic stones which formed the walk of Mary Married. mad 1 would then send the hoofs*. The traces ..f the Grasper, her for the hired inert, and an 1 bade however, reweave sufaciewtly for the him cn,-ve in and 1 set before bun the bedding to M planned. Beilt of while eest.nta of the kitebsn natter. With an litesatene btaek., it must have formed ahwndane. 01 farm arses from the eon.ptuoue object amid the Meek husk Mee'. He ate rhe one who had not by which it was •unswuedod. it was t,6 assn fog foe muss • month, and ea he Iset by 57, beak n,.rth and tenth and et ate poured forth the tale of his troubles. the southern end had three entreaties. ifie Itlbmn. and sapient, lave O sleds be the went plea .td .p b got be ale". . meters aro od ekte Ourtt sblss ardor, and "me water opts, tyke which rend epee theigaim ars wed tosdns waltee . m ala ui a heavy estrous nod triers. . The .ai.ran terse probably dsewwthd with a staalm d ple.ters. Two miles snob d O.pswasm meths evens of Chemsia. Ther is ase diimeky is wieettfejeg the site, Omsk Bray be d.termtipertly by the itis upnes ver scrip tseeekses, red prftlyif the.inu- lenty of the wwdeue •aww, Rime h, 'Ph. path k' them lasts up the dupla; rocky hillside, hitt *wise to the peculiar altar - actor of tate ww.o•ry, whisk s Gately to be dsatingutehsd at 100 yards from the nook.* which surround it, the satout sat, rmpurtauw of these rums have bre overlooked wool quite remedy. They Dover an area as large se, if not larger than, those of Csperosum, and are situated partly in a shallow ralley,partly us a rocky .yet formed by • sharp bend in the Wady Creech, hen • wild gorge 80 feeg deep. ?nos this spot thee* is • Weariful view of the lake of Tiberias to its southern end , .ud here, too, are gathered the most interesting ruing —a eyniagugu. with f.'o rinthtan capitals and nicbehads out, tet an at Cappeernaum in limestone, but in herd black basslt. The dimensions of this building are sbuut the same as those of the one at Ceper- Mem, but the interior, Is a mass et alias. Two pedestals still remain in situ, and a portion of the wall. The ettarac'.erietic of this synagogue u an ex- cess of ornamentation ..1 rather a debas- ed kind. The niches almost etabe.rste, and remain as sharp as when they were cwt in the hard material used. The mouldings of the door pasts are similar to those used in other rynarngues, and there are many stomas out with deep moulding* and pieces of classwal wrnices strewn among tee ruins. litany of the dwelti-g leases aro in a tolerably retest state, the walls being in same eases six feet high ; and, ea they are probably of the same claw of houses as that in whish (imrist dwelt, a descrip- tion of them may be tet.resting. They are generally square, of different saes, the largest, however, not over 30 feet square, and have or or two columns dove the center to support the roof, which appears t.. hare been fat, as is the modern Avab houses. The walla are .bout two feet thick, balk of mw,n- ry or o1 looms blocks of basalt. There is • low doevwey in the center of one ut the wens, and each Moate has windows twelve iechee hire and six wide- Le one of tees, eases the house ens divided into four chambers, i11.1NOONVIDHNCR. earn $.eslMe •doves se a Bey newer setemiassm. silt-*wivese u a (sue titteR, my buy, .baleso don't emelt tee week of 11, easegh d tything s• eoueeh, and no m►ttdr how fiend a thee a, toe meek u ewe then yea seed, sod WI -esteem is uu earo.pthos to toe rule. Its all well *sough f.er a man to hold his Mad up, and step around with an sir d oousiderable imprtena, if he is really doiog any good in the world by hsing is 'it- But if be has sever dc.e uytkieg to be greed of, ur anything to win the esteem of others, he *hues a want of dense in bN,g too proud of himself. Of °nurse, a neem wants to pewees self eunfi ds•st. ata he weeks In Clunk tart he is feat espied- as mmybet•r, . het be don't seed se Iheek that the welfare of men kind Maras on his mouses, or that the weer rants on hu shoulder. That Is toe muck rd a iffpuWibhty for euy one .use to assume, and bade* utter people would 'taut a say in the matter. and everything might not go on peecerably. While it ie all well enough fora man to have • gout opiuiun of himself, and kat that be is able to go it alone, he ossbtseldm beim carefulmnot to go ton tar Self wlike ioo/ Pie, at right in moderate quantities, but *even or eight slices are all one should indulge in at a time. A man has 4, assume an lir of Dome lrpnrtanee in this world to get along, but the trouble u, tnu many slop "This is • big world, my boy, and pQ mat u. itep.ratively ne^ese•ry to iia Wei cess. Presidents, kings and echoed di.- betora may die, tins esti! cite odd world goes round, Governors nuy vmig., toed overseers stat move away, bet the grist mass of mankind never stop to weep Mary Walker, Iseult Dudley, Ben But- ler and other ranted men may paw away, but the old world will still swing around the circle as though nothu.g had happen- e d. %ken you mail I pass utf this stato of preen, my boy, there will to setetal peoj k, perhaps, who will not lois. us. The man wise has self-confidence, • and who starts out in life confident of his ability to perform great deeds, and alio lies the nerve to try, and keep trying, will eventually succeed. But before he achieve* success he is apt to get a great deal ..f self-conceit knocked out of him There are young. men who have an idea that the world is very much in nerd Met: serrtees, and grand pospons are standing open just ready for them to step right in, and that all they will hare to du will be to reach forth, and grasp greet Mme, honor and riches at one fell swoop. Hut in the course of lime they are pretty sure t' wake up te all cold kncwtsdge that thing. are not so. Many a young teen, my hey, her an idea that the eyes of the world ate bred admiringly on him, when in reality his aeighbore are keeping a lookout to pre- vent his getting in debt to them. Many a women immense the eyes of her sex are gaging wilt envy on her beauty, when in troth they are oily looking at the mole ea her ,nose. Jtanklod'spieer, my boy, and appearances are deceiving. When you think p.ople ars apptau w►adoea thug may Duly b* gte►ng ydiugaw yt tsffyer and laugher/ .t your igeoreno.. Don t bask tee much on your sent -am - penance. Remember that the dignified citizen is just as liable as any other to slip up on the banana peel, and that i dog with a can tied to hu 4th u just as apt to sum hetween the legs 01 the omit pompous indivtduat as any. Have faith in yousee:ft and have ountideace and self -pride, Out at the same time keep a lookout for sharpen. Remember that there are plenty a( ether men who know as much as you do, and some .1 them may know mors. It is not well to debate in your mind whether or net you will accept a sat un Congress, when you do out know that your tooted secure w nomiratton for jus- tice of the peace. If you do you are liable to be disappointed. And this re- minds us that much of our disappointment ootnes of our expecting tom much of our. sautes. The world is fell of young men wise rate themselves at about fear hundred I omits on the dollar, when they are not Iactually worth over W. cents on the dol- lar. Such men have got to come te s knowledge of their tree earth, but at takes them a long tines to do it. They have to be keockd doers a great many 1 times before thee will stay down- There fur his bsvery in not being uvermme by ars teen who feel vary tmpertaat, and his too visible terror. The num made • ` who teem to ►*lise. that the world sways brave Duldier and died in the front d a 1st their oornmand, who attract attention desperate fight —St. Louie Globe -Dem- by the aroma of their feet and the smell ocst. l'aeteetag IrlipMaI Te,vN, 1f it be certain that the terror ut death is must potent mating the strung and vigorous, thou whose life blared recede at the merest threat a d•uger, it fol- lows then that thus* who conquer nate- rid fear are the true heroes, and net those who never felt it. There is a story ourreet, applied to many different cir- cumstances, from the battles of the r - bel.ion back to Waterloo, of a temple et young ut'6cers, who had beim selected by the consumed*? to carry • messes. to • distant part of the field. The danger of the m►ssiun was &Serest that two uses were sent on the eapeiition that nae might possibly escape the dying bullets - Their charges had hardly taken a dozen strides when one, a ruddy faced, stal- wart fellow, noticed that his companion was gheatiy white, the beads of perspi- ration rolling down his forehead and his bridle hand shaking with terror. "Why, you're afraid," cried he of the ruddy oounteuance with an air of tou- tempt. "I know I am," was th. answer, ''and if you were hall as much afraid u I, you woad nut go at alit." One instance of for dimenat a man can feel at Lis own irregres•ible symptoms of fear s related by a veteran. He was at Shiloh, in command of • battery of light guns. For his Lieutenant hu had • young soldier who had recently joined. They were in • hot corner near when Albert Sidney Jobuaton fell. sod the bullets were fling thiole and fast. An impatient cry front the young Lunge next attracted his chief!. attention. "What is it 3' "Oh, d—n it' look at my feet—I can't seep them still." And, sure enough, they were rattling in his stirrups with unc.no u.reble physical terror, ',The jout�q fellow was in de- spelt,for he though himself a hopeless coward, until the veteran praised him SPIT UPON. • terra seams. Harem wale• le met te.adda edea Maidl/ater. Must people eoamder it oat& of the w oret of usdigeitess to be spit epos, sad yet, serrates to Ur. T►onteut„ spitting has • very di/vee a .,u,hc.ti,.0 with tho Masa •d t]satsal Apia hem that which is di•en to it sue.trerm tt,th the MIAMI it empresses am sweetest goodwill and the best art wishes �t takes the plies of the 0 anplfinents of the sessa•, aid nes had better ape epee a etudes then aims her. Yoe spit *ben you meet, and you do the setae era 6tanug. Yuu seal year b.r�gsiu to a smear master. As I was • lyteni (mod lain• man, of the first water, the Maw looked to I.i0 as devotees ',Quid do to springs o,t baling imides. east with the .id of occasiusal draughts d water 1 was eq•iwl to the demand. "The more impiously 1 .pat upr.n than, the creator was their deisght ; mud with pride they would relate to their bleeds hew the white we (icing man honored theta, end wouid point with the greatest utietaction to the •.cular proof of the agreeable fact. It was certainly rather drying work f..r m. when I had a large number to operate upon. and I required the aid of bullets and sones In my mouth to stimulate the i.evduction 'rf the precious duid. •'however, tear supple faith in tho efficacy of it made ine supreme my feel Ings, and give thea pleascre How erold 1, (oar instance, resat tuts upturnee' fan of • Ment anted ; and abet better Sward .mule 1 lure data Tar delighted aad grate(ul elet.es when I expectorated open the tittle snub war w eaiger y pre- a.ntd ! —(Youth a C.niqueuuu. sewn ie awe - The wife .•f fir. J. Kennedy, Dixie, P. a) , was cared .•1 a chronic a ugh by Haityatd'. Pectoral gnosia. The beet throat and lung healer known. 2 Few efforts are more unsuccessful, few labor* are more unavailing than those of the reformer who 1uan not reformed Mei- sea, of the liberal giver wl.udoe, wet pay his debts, ut use matt who, without any special direction in life, is occupied ui guidiug and directing others. fasters rrrvestaslve. In ntder to withstand Cholera and each Lee epidemics a perfect purity of bl.a,d, and the proper einem of the stom- ach are required. To anaur* that end, in the cheapest, most available and com Wine manner, use McGregor• y Cure for Dyspepsia mei Impure Iuod. There is no purer, safer or more reliable remedy to existence for L,digmsiion• Dyspepsia, Costiveness, etc. As your neigyinar or any person who has awl it. Sold by George Rhyne. Trial bottles given free. im Out oil tl Senators appointed by Sir John Macdonald since 1878, eighteen v.ted for the .mendnnent. Jude by ale Senate to the Scott Act smendmeat bill, pernutttag the sale of hear sad light wines in counties whore the: Act hasb.tea put in forte. u( their breath. My bey, remember that this is a big Them i,t. i world, and that spread yourself as you Th. beet blood cleanser known to r will -gain all tete name and fame posed medical sa a Burdock Blood&t- i ble--reae:u w far to the frost as you can. ten It puri the bussed ut all Mel `and still you kava Mueee,adei to ett+tet• humors aid gives strengthto the weak. Y t blue the attention of but fan. And when you die mullioned sew will never sated a A man poled Wale Irma beans with `tar, mad "11.11°"01 "nomas will nee"common, four foot laths, the one foot ape•\ your tram.. Your duldren will into the ground, and when e vines had i quarrel "sae your wealth, the Lowrie, climbed the three foot poles they were, wall gobble it, and the world will loon pinched heck. Result, mere and earlier f•ulgnt you. -{;h mast C. h) oaf -'. ►n Ic Pec 'a un. bans than ever before- S Oerersaea. aur.lae,-. 1 The continued use of How:eerie'.. When your horse s galled, •cratebel Piroretnrunitan Etutslov invariably or cut, or has an ugly sere, bathe twice cleanses the blood frees ail impurities daily, and apply McGregor & Parka's. and tedoeee the system to a state of Carbolic Cerate. It is undoubtedly the ( headthfwlness, that u manifested in in- finite!, haling mad eleassing application I groomed constitutional vigor. mental sett - for A. Be Serie jibe get Milregot oR vie, acrd lightning, end bonyawel .,f Parkes Sold for 25c. per hos, at Drug) epeits. Always es« for FL) BIN «.t't Store. I I rnesrttoatzttn E.rrr.etrw, and to gun you get It Wrists • Tim.e r.eq,-e.a. i N SPRING THE WANT 0? A 1 resterssive to tese up the gew,ral health. Y i eamarua eeperteeoee, waeeebny amerat ' t\.4 111 01itt.am impaired by ye or Ae- amMfiPeeio4tsadS.sfddlneea. tIhnear„ wtanM t vofnloyt 'Manila* the red gtetrotes of the \l.qd awl biter, net oke sutrttSou of 'het Issues. NJ pro anise Algitlow •qq4 aseireilatlwn o1 term and ermine Iserea•eef Darr, Imre and semester oaeety, t\e mese W be.Mr'. P►spp\atre and ' ey will bees op enaetltutbesl ,Igor to aer.nal p4ss. For rough cnnditione •.f the Win,' Shampooing the head, Pumplet Erupt. andSkim Diseases, w Prof.: how's Iph or Reap. 1 m PAY emu rein. Dverseler.---Perreety tp health a rather to be chosen fi1No stud dyspepsia& Try the ne a dnll•, halt!. of F.)t ryas,' t1� Right -dense is tint hare. then easy. then delight(nl. much a the hste•ry of each virtue in the race and in the in divideal. It. beauty may be budder in the roe.' of self-denial and e,Tert. Int it comes int, full bloom when at length the effort hes grown into s ptes.ure thst we would not willingly forego, Pietd LtdataWag- All sufferers Ir •m t hat terrible torment. N.unlgia, ran b. made hsopy in ane moment by a single appiioati'e r.f Fool i.iehtning Weekly rubbed on painful I part.. and without tieing any diagmattng medicine del after day with little or n. result Fluid i.tg litnint ale, aures as mleet.all Tnothsake, Lumlimun tea etatista. Headache. mad is nn'l f IU I rents per b ote'e at the drug were MEAL o a' g3 Vegetable Sicilian 1 was Melba p'garailos pettedly aAapMd to sen dues ee et the *•alp, as tee stet sae- esnhl restorer tut faded or gray kali le Re am.r.1 anew, growth, mad Malia.l beauty. It her lard may tamtedeith bet ague Ise as tally set all the rNNremeas wee& for the pear tmestms&t et the lair mW aealp. Mau.'. Nat. a.aswnm Ira* steadily green 5a wee, eel epee.d Its tame sad oedal.ase to every "tarter of the globe. Its newel- lobed .seem eta be attributed to bet ore casae the .tier, J'W t►taret et/ .0 pn.i.a. 11e preemptors ear. *Ma buss anyrIsed M the. meets at orders tree ramete so.a- trso, veer* they Sad arm aid. a Wert tar 1 to atzed&sash The em for • .bort tin of Hat.t•m Hary I..awas weeesef.11y t•wvev s the per - awe spec.,-... It ei.e sea the help from all taparnim, ears, all \foots. tear, sad dry...• amid tree entreats beldame. It etintrm.M• tae we.k...d soma see enable. Mas te pi toeward • mw and vfgere.” greet► The Weed of this arttet..n wet ar...M,-t, Nile theme of elaoioue preMre- ubw,bet r.m.ia • long atm., which rah* w wen a mater d •eoaomy. BUCKINGHAM'S DYE Ma Tea WHISKERS till new* the Immo to a manna brown, or hark, as dtatred. it prndst.a a petsaa..t ebbe that will Dot wash away. Cweletleget a sum* eresersuoe, ,i is wood "tomes Ue4Me. PztrAatn ray R. P. Rill,& CO., Nadia 1 bid by all DeaWs in Me1M5. a. FOR ALL TIC FORKS nr 1 'i.-retatlwna, atare.irrat. and ahead ninnret.re. tete beet ewaet. baran.w 11e bloat purabehmgt amid ilerofdi bluo.t.q.ridv, u Ayer's Sarsaparilla. bid by all Draggles, gl,.5. beta,, R t3O D E R t alt PLANING MILL R+' A NI,IMit kti IAt1. Baca%aaa1Laawsen : Ninon aa`e i;rM h'RRM M • Sash, Doors 6' Blinds I Pall vita 1. al 1. Kira IW Lltlliber, Lri1Ji, Shingles •14 A nld.r'e rve,in? of row-) Aaseript'ew.: S: • g K YUllttdAti aaint:ure slur 51 Ur lent pro n p t Itlatree led le. Uo t •:ire A':.t t. hr3. MN Is 1